* mm TRANSPORT!!!©*. WWr liiiter-Koales and BathNfl-fke Ch«»p Tnupertetlon FroUMWlMMUicd. We print below that fraction of the late adcfrftft" of the Hon. James E. Doolittle before the Winnebago County (HI.) AgrieottonUL Society relating to &ie ' " question: a aodgentlMium, I brin' myoo«toto nvwcanwe T 'mm. u5t ««« to tiiyu iyiwiSyi u>ta»lm*^otWnBtib*o«mW. lmtgbt oome bets to learn it Btat there am two or three topics upon which I have twtowed much and anxious thought, topice of gnat interest to every fanner and to erety friend of republican institutions. They are embraced in two questions. First. How shall we secure upon the great highway of commerce a cheap and free trans portation of heavy products ? Second. How shall we save our republic from the dangers and frauds of elections, as con ducted, especially in large eiliw? ? The first loaches oar material interests; the second involves our liberties* The one concern the bodies, the other the souls of men. In my opinion, the great value of water routes has been underrated since rail wave have crane. Americans are said to go to extremes. With them it never raiue; it always pours. From one extreme the pendulum swinge to the other, I WOTIM not underrate the power and value of jraiiTavi. They can hardly be over stated. Tiieyr/ftve become a great iorce in modern civilization. In common wiils all our people, I have boer carried away captive by a power in them which we feel, and which cfajM tQB as. X can n«var look upon a locomo tive, moving upon ifes toack of iron or steel, with fc train; at thirty miles an hour, without & feeling of awe and admiration, I see in it an emblem of Infinite Power. I see in it an out growth of the thought and invention of all peat ages. But t he truth ia, in railway building, as in other business, our intense Americanism feaa itself shown. Our zeal, energy, and faith in the future of everything American, have run away with our discretion, we have buiit too many railroads for the time. They may be good enough for the next generation ; but the thing has been overdone for the nreaent. Indeed, it is in this that we find the imme diate cause of the panic of 1873, the end of which we have not reached. If *~c railways are built where one can do the business, and, by doing all, make a fair profit, or interest upon the capital invested, at rates which, when the business is divided be tween two, will bankrupt both, two conse quences follow: First-, There has been as much loss or de struction of capital to the country, for the presents, laid out in useless rails, in useless bridges, and in " digging useless holes in the ground," as if all tEst one of them cost, in gold, had been thrown into the sea. This premature building os thousands of miles of railway, which do not piy rtMatag ex penses and repairs, has produced the present effect as if all the money they cost w'eie wholly lost. It is not so much the want of money--the want of gold and silver, or of currency--that men feel so keen ly now, as the want of something to bay money with ; the want of collaterals to borrow it on. It is that which distresses our people. The waste of capital, labor and popu lation by the late civil war, from which we have bv no means recovered aa yet; the enor mous debt and constant drain of taxation which follows it; the extravagance of our people in their houses and in their living, mado the bur den all that we could bear. Add to that the ^normous cost of building thorn ands of miles cf railways that do not pay, and we realize has eaten out our substance, and made i liss&vy DUVQOIa U13u6l' 'ViUCli w'C giGa-li. JL i*6- (1 c21T'ction olf cspitsl, rs- in making useless railways, pushed for ward by speculators in town lots, railway con- stfcc" J * Jaf C action rings and Credit Mobiliers, of which i a leadini pakic of 1873. Jay Cooke was i ag Bpirit, brought on the oper that Sut let us return to the case supposed, of hntiding two railways to do the business of on*. Not only can one do the business cheaper than two, and the whole cost of one is lost, but a ttcond consequence is likely to follow. One or both become insolvent, the weaker comes nnder the control of the stronger, or both un der control of some other mammoth corpora- ' m, BO that what was begun to make competi- m, and thereby cheapen tales, fails of its e, and ends in monopoly. do not deny that some great through lines nay, and do, fairly compete, and thus cheapen ntes. The railways from independent eea- mrts, like Portland, Boston, New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore, when operated in the iiterests of the great cities where they termi nate, do that. They cheapen freights to the seaboard. But even these combine, sometimes, to put freights up. ' A half dozen railway managers, in an hour, may confer by telegraph, ana raise passenger rates at will. They may fix the price of freighte in winter time, and in summer up to ft certain point. Be yond that they cannot go. But what is the power that restrains ; that regulates them in the summer time ? The cheap water routes of the lakes and of the Erie canal. Without underrating railways; without rush- iig headlong to the other extreme, of foolish- It and prematurely wawting capital in useless Mid chimerical water routes ; wisely confining (jorselves to what is practicable, feasible and fxmomical, let us turn our attention once fiore to the opening and improvement of the water routes, as the great regulators %% .bice* In due time let us, therefore, hope to see e Erie canal made deeper and wiaer; with banks walled, if necessary, to prevent wash- when navigated by steam ; so aa greatly to ease its capacity. Let us hope to see the /water routes "through the Dominion ned, and the St. Lawrence improved, so at vessels of large burthen from Liverpool / can come into Lake Michigan. Let us hope, 1 too, that with a lighter tariff of duties, a di- I minished public debt, and a freer commercial I intercourse, before the close of this century we shall see the Dominion itself seeking to enter the Union of States, and to become a I part of this great Republic of the world. Long before that let us hope to see, also, the canal from Chicago to the Illinois river en larged to cne hundred and sixty feet in width, jana eight or ten feet in depth ; the Illinois river improved, until every steamboat on the ^Mississippi which comes above St. Louis will jcome into the harbor of Chicago, there to meet (the vessels of the lakes and ocean. Then Chi cago would become the head of river naviga tion, as it is now of lake navigation. By such ft canal a river of pure water from Lake Michi gan. flowing from one to two miles an hour, will pour through a city of a million inhabi tants, giving it health and commerce, and creating, as it falls at Joliet and at other places on its way to the Illinois, water powers which •Vkill add to the working force of this great State more than a million men. Before that time, let us hope the Hennepin canal, and Rock river canal feeder leading into it, will be completed ; and, thereby, the com merce of this valley made forever cheap, open to all, and free from monopoly. Railways, of necessity, tend to centralize power over com merce. Water routes always tend to freedom, and to guard the equal rights of all. f' Let us hope, also, tli|frlong before that time v the Fox and Wisconsin river improvement, from Green Bay to Prairie du Chien, of first importance to the States of Wisconsin, Iowa ancl Minnesota, will be fully completed. Again, let us turn our eyes toward the South to contemplate what the future may do when enterprise, free labor, and free emigration shall Come' into full play in that great country, so long scourged by negro slavery. Let «s hope to see fully realized the great idea of Jeffer son, when ue purchased Louisiana to give to the United States control of the natura ohtlet of the valley of the Mississippi. Let us hope to see the mouths of that river deepened no as to admit the largest ships of the ocean, and ocean vessels of more than a thousand tons burthen, to ascend that river to Cairo and St Louis. Let us hope to see, at last, the idea cherished by Washington BO long ago fully realized by a union of the waters of the Ohio and of the Chesapeake, by the Ktoawha and the James. Let us hope to see the union of the navigable waters of the Tennessee and the Alabama: and many other great natural water routes from time to time opened and improved in all the States of the South, where winter is so mild as hardly jto interrupt water navigation at all. Whtaall these things oome, as they sorely w£Qoom& if we preserve the Union of the States the republican institutions of oar pmm, whata afgatarit#* gnrnapg sent at the it dose the best paction of t§» nMtlura i*or- perate aoue of tins new warid s periled aa Hie by the ma* sostgetlc and mteeppring town all the dviHzed nsttons and thsir children, not even the golden khgdom of AMfxift. which rated the world for fourteen honored jeers, AC iw r «DU^UOIU OI tuo JUVU6o mm * CI" skns. nor the brazen kingdom of the Greeks, nor the iron kingdom of the Romans, ever equaled it. The " HeraldV* Lightning Trala. To memorize the last run of the light ning express train of the year 1875, the managers of the Herald invited repre sentatives from the papers in New York city and vicinity to snjov the trip on Sunday last to ^Buffalo. The Commer cial gives an account of the trip, from which we quote: " At Syracuse the train was ten min utes late, bjut here was attached to it the famous locomotive No. 110. with the celebrated engineer " Jem" Wood, and after breakfast the train was whistling along again. It was from Rochester to Buffalo tfefit the ** ligfeterag" fcaters was really exhibited. Palmyra, 58 miles, was run in 55 minutes, a gain of 8 mia utes. Between Batavis and BufMo 3 miles were run at the extraordinary rate of 75 miles an hour , while the whole run, 35 miles, was made in 30 minutes, tuid the train arrived in Buffalo 10 minutes ahead of time. The stretch to Niagara Falls over a level road was done at the ordinary rate of speed, reaching there on time. To persons sitting in the car during the fa&t traveling a most unac countable feeling was experienced. To walk through the car was impossible. Telegraph posts were passed at an aver se ux uue iu Lwu seouuds, while trees and hedges in many instances appeared to be an interminable mass of bramble and brush. Mnnv persons in the cars were alarmed, although the high rate of speed seemed to be generally admired. All along the route at every house were people gazigfg at the swiftly passing train, with wonder and amazement de picted on their countenances, and in one instance people rushed from a little country church, which bordered on the roadside, stood for an instant, and as the train whirled around a curve the aston ished worshipers were seen re-entering the church. *A.Storj About King David* !Die foll(T*»i,yjr extract is from an inter esting article Oi* tb.0 Talmud in the Cornhill Magazine " There is a touching >^age in the book of Psalms--all the moro^itacting from its mysterious wording--a which few sincere Christians can read without tears, in which David, who has evidently been lately suffering some se rious distress, prays to be saved frcia the lion's mouth, ' for,' says he, 'Thou Hgnf jissrd Hie from the boms of the uni corns.' Now here the difficulty, cf course, lies in the unexpected introduc tion of the unicorns. Adam Clarke sat isfies himself with saying that the Psalmist alludes to the" Gentiles. Not so Bab Hunah, in the Midrash Tehilh'm, who thus explains the passage literally without recourse to allegorical exegesis. When David was feeding sheep he found one day a unicorn sleeping in the desert. He took him for a high hill, and ascend ing pastured his flock. The beast, after awhile, awoke, rose, and David rising with him, touched the heavens with his hand. Then said the son of Jesse in, th 8 unexpected emergency, 'If the Lord will help me down from this uni corn, I will build him a house of a hun dred cubits, the size of this animal's horn.' Some say he measured its width, others its length. Plenary agreement on any subject in this world seems impossi ble. What occurred ? a lion came. The unicorn crouched in fear, and David de scended. Then he became anxious about the lion, and it was on this occa sion, or soon after it, that the affecting ines above were composed." Wix-HOFT's ANTI-PERIODIC OR FEVER AND AGUE TONIC. --This invaluable and stan dard family medicine is now a household word, and maintains its reputation unimpaired. It is indorsed by the medical profession, and prescribed daily in the Charity Hospital and other Hospitals in New Orleans. Wilhoft's Tonic is tnus highly recommended by tlie lead ing medical men of the country, and is worthy U1 OLIIOU auviv* vviaivuv* VR TSSSMC^FIAUTACO., Proprietors, New Orleans; FOB SALE BY AXL PHUOQism WE call attention to the card of Messrs. Buck waiter Co., bankers and brokers, 10 Wall street, N. Y., whom we are informed are a most reliable firm, and that any business in trusted to them Vvill be promptly executed. They are large dealers in railroad stocks, bonds, gold aod stock privileges, and can give the best of references: and they solicit corres pondence with any who may wish investments made in Wall street. .Seud for their circular. BASE BALL is undoubtedly good ex ercise and capital amusement, bat it often oc casions bunged eyes, broken shins and blis tered hands. We can tell you that in all such cases, if Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is re sorted to, it will reduce the swelling and stop the pain. WE would not recommend the fre quent or constant use of any medicine. It is important to take even a good article judi ciously. Pardons' Purgative PiUs are safe, prompt and reliable as a laxative or cathartic. VEGETINE.--The great success of the Vegetine as a cleanser and purifier of the blood is shown beyond a doubt by the great numbers who have taken it, and received immediate re lief, with such remarkable cures. . FIRST GRAND EXPOSITION of the Tradesmen's Industrial Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct. 7, closes Nov. 6. Address A. J. Nellis, President. How TO GET A HOME. See adTOitisement. BClIEWK'S 'PUIjSfOlVIC SYltl"P. FOR THE CURE OF C ONSI MPTIO&, COUGHS AXD COLDS. The great virtue of Oils medicine is that it ripen* the •utter and throw* it out of the lystem, purifies the blood, and thus effect* a cure. ScsKENCK'a SEA WEED TOHIC, FOE TH* COBB or DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, ETC. The Tonic produce* > he*)thy action of the stomach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, andcuriae the most obstinate cases of indigestion. Bemuses'! MANDRAKE PXIXS, FOB THE CUBS OF LIVER COMPLAINT, ETC. These Pills an alterative and produce a faeslthy action of the liver without the least danger, as they are free from calomel and yet mora ^efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies a, certain cure for Consumption, as the Pulmonic tytjp ripens the matter and puri&ss the blood. The Madrake Pills act upon the liver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause ,.f Consumption. The Sea Weed Tonic gives t.-ne and strength to tlie stomach, maker, a good digestion, and enables the organs to form pood blood ; ',lus creates a healthy circulation of healthy blood. 1 be combined action ot these medicines, as thus ex plained, will cure every cose of Consumption, if taken in time, ana the use of the medicines persevered in. Ur. pjolienck is professionally at h: virincipul office, corner bixtu and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, every Hrhmrfcj tnmlifN utiut be w itW by til Dfoggistt. BAXHBOJOC'S new Forest Aoorn Base Heater eavas half the fuel of an ordinary stove, firs all winter. Ho^snqrw* can be PiHidMt, ED Aa tbe several coatings to • protection frr.ro *01 is Alaotrr wiSs^iulted Solsa. UnlqrnnQllMMa $5 to $20 tmtJ 'stingwk a «!««.> »i. r VlC free, jlddi i. Agents wanted. Outfits TRUE A CO., Aacwta, Main* r,?; SAtftJRY ealir. Agents wasitw*. Mat* mm* U remote. Address,'O. B. CnrisiiaB. Kirior., OKI-. ®4 Cparday Send for ChromoCstalagna. IU *" MS £t*3J. H. fiurroaD'SSOKS, Boatoa, Mast WASTED >«<f Outfit Am ttM«r thmn Veld, A, OOULTBK ft OO.. OMwiga. ftQO Per AVtcli Salary. Male or Female. Ciroa- hr free. Address Cryetal Co., Indiananot!#. Ind. STAR OP TMIC WEST, the best Strawberry. Millions of trees and plants at Pomona Nursery, Send !*« Cirewiar., W5i. fAHUx, «,-im»*Tr.insoi>, H. j, G&taioga* Free. R«> rtoipf* &c«..i0i8 sr. 6th st- Louis. MO, WiSBJMKfi aud Big; Put t<u tfaie d ftmile everywhere. CO., K»w*rH. W. J. T7IR8T GRAND EXPOSfTtON of the TBAPWiMiors f lMOVBTRi«.i,lHBnnnv,9WMmn!b.Pau«imns Oot. fl ckmt Nov. «K AudrssS A. J. NKL1US, Phw. T. L L SWEET POTATOES. HOW to ke*p ,hem Information of aocta. _ through the winter. i va'ue in this pamphlet. By mail, P7 tINDKRWOOD, liwreno®, Kansas. AMIW ***" Murpltiiie habit absoiuteiy and IIUI l||H Mmedly cured. Painless; no mibictty. Ha 11| m Send stamp for particulars. l)r. Carl- *** ton. 187 wkshtagton St., Uhieaan, IlL _ _ Short method. I*riee Sl.MO poet-paid. Send for circular. W. S. (LARK Si CO., 16% Plum Btreet, Cincinnati, Ohio. T HE WHAT 18 IT.--Something new. Sell* at sight. Big Inducement* to Ajrents. Samptos, $3 cents and stamp. Agents wanted. Send for Catalogue. U. S. SPECIALTY CO.. 11 Central-st., Boston. TSeWonders of Mo ̂ srn Olisniistry. Samparflliaii ^Its Associates. as Iwa aad Felt as Tkey Daily ^||mn>«fl»er Uitag a Fiw Su«a«of $ DB. EADWAY SI. W A* . Resolvent, THE 6RE1T BLOOD PtJSIFIEB. splrita, disappearance of weakness, languor, meteneholy; Increase and hardness of flesh and m- St. Stiwngta increases, appetito Improves, relleh for foodLao more sour eructations or waterbrash,gooddl- gMUua, calm and undisturbed sleep, awaken fresh nMtW. jJ^DfcfPP^Rranee^of spots, blotches, pimples; the bid and oltmdy api*»arance"to"a "ciearshW'ryoVamber eotor; water passes freely from the bladilei through the urethra without pain or scalding, little or no sediment; no pain or weakness * i. Marked diminution of quantity and frequency of "^voluntary weakemng d»scharftes (if afflicted that way). *»w««r»*,nty of j*»nnanent cure. Increased strength exhibited in the !-«•< glandg, aR<jj fBnctioi»ai har mony restored to the several organs. k Yellow tinge on the white of tbe eyes, and the swar- tnyvsaffrnn appearance of the skin changed to a clear. ot Etrenxth »w<-at* and e lega. sVifl^AP m A MONTH and KXPKNSES to all ArtlctMl new, staple aa floor. Samples free. C. I<1N J IN1.TON. WKW YORKor OHIO AGO. 1 $260 A MONTH--Agents wanted everywhere. Business honorable and first class. Particulars sent fna Addrsse WOKTU A OO.. St. I^ouis. Mo. THIS Paper Is printed with Ink made by G. B. Kane & Ca., 191 Dearborn Street, Chicago, and for sals '«• latum Ci or small quantities. H1GAOO NiCWSPAPRR UNION, 114 Monroe Street, Cbioago, DL MATRIMONIAL I1VFKLICITY. 8peedy re- 1TX lief to all in Probate Courts of Utah. Residence there not required; all publicity avoided. Inoompatl- Divorces valid. Address required, . billty sufficient cause. _ W. CUSHINO. Attorney, Cortnne, Utah. I GEO. P. ROWELL ft Col for tbe fastest' selling BOOK everpablished. Sir»*j» r "StrB*" extra terms to Ageula. If A• TION^L PUB. «o„ Chicago. UL. or StTLculs, Mo. 01 *8 Columna of Heading."' Address' I'hc " S^l'Alt"CO., CUelansti.'ohtSh .AGENTS* WANTED %^t*wkch'" ^ NIGHT SCENES IV THE Mutl.lC, ' aad a magnificent NEW BOOK just from Press. Address, J. C. McOURDY & CO., Chicago, IlL F.J.NASH JKWKLKY of every dt»« 7 81 BROADWAY. New York. 9 innnttfacturerot SOLID (JOLD every description. The stock Isl-iw, very pffered ut retail at ' " ' - " ' workmen goin»t. liills uin5i«r choice, and is offered ut r-'lail at trade prices to keep our workmen goin»t. Bills under §13, FX), order in advance. OvorSI5, C.O.I), privilege to eiaurtne. Catalogues free. AGENTS WANTED Aiimen out mt Mtptnyment can mskelarg* v/nees felling HathflCa Map*, Chart*, Pieturcs and Frames. Tlie Litest and best selling Mam and Chart* in the country. Address th* proprietors, O. C. Haskell & Co., 61 Lake-st.; Chicapo. _ PENNSYLVANIA MiHtBry Aradrmy, ( licnti r, Pa. Openn Sept ?.«•?£ Citil Kufrineerine, tii« Classics, Knitlinh and aiiutkry Art thoroughly tautrht, For circulars apply to COL. THKO. HYATT. President TOCSGIES Wantiw) Jsarn Tc!ssrspi» ing and take offices on nea linos which we are furnish ing with operators. Sa!ari ». MlMper month. Particulars mailed free. Aa* dress N.W TVkLfttiRAPH PSSTITUTE,Janesville.Wla tiffh [Theelegan1. ,Iy mounted, nickle-plal Ilcvolvc 42.50 r tinge on the white of tbe < ly.sanmn appearance Uwlyand healthy color. 0 Thoee suffering f?o>n w*j»tr w tobercies will re?" I ire great benefit in ex|«ectoratlng w "K!8 phlegm or nracons from the tangs, air ce..f. oro'.'.ch. or w?j!.dpii?c, thr.;at or bead. dinuulaiijng aif the freg throogboi F«ics and „„ ..... si^nikters, etc, - cessation of cold amd ciiills. iwn'se oi •3 ™ i>re"tbin^; pnroxysms cf eongb o« lying dowti or aH»inw ii the snoraing. All these diftran. Inrj sysnptoms gradualiy anU surely disappear. ?. As ;ky after <l.,y tbe SARSAPATRl^iaABf is taken, new signs of retnrning health wUi appear; as the bloud improve* in strength and purity, dtees^e will di- mtnish, and al. foreign and impure aeposits, nodes, tumors, cancers, hardlsimps, etc., be resolved away arid the nnsounq made sound and healthy; nJcere, fever sores, syphilitic, sure*, chronic skin diseases gradually disappear. 8, in eases where the system has been salirated, and Mercury Quicksilver, Corrosive Sublimate, (the princi pal^ constituent-»f* the sdvsrtlssd Knlnoimriiian, anildii' •d in some esses with Hyd. of PotassR) nave accumulate ed and becmne deposited in the bones, joints, etc.. ' caries of tbe bones, ricketa, spinal curvatures, •H'.IS.? ®?«llinfT;\ varicose veins, etc., the A PARI tll.1 AIV wilj nxK,v tWo I>OBICS ana exterminate the vims ot the disease from tbe system. 9. If those who are taking these medicines for the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous or Syphilitic diseases, however alow Miay be the cure "feel better," and tind their gen eral health Improving, their flesh and weight increasing or even keeping its own. It is a sure sign that the cure is progressing. In these diseases the patient eit her gets bettor or worse--the virus of the disease Is not inectlve. if not arrested and driven from the blood, it wiil spread aad ooatinue to undermine the constitution. As soon at the SARjVA PARE 1*1*1 AN makes the patient "feel better,'**very hour you will grow better and in- wreaae in health, strength and flesh The great power of this remeriv ix in diseases that threaten death--as WaattnglDagenemtion, andUlcernS.!:® of the Kidneys,' - Stoppage of Witter (Instantaneous relief at- _sre catheters have to be used, thus doing away palatal operation of using these instruments), fetone in the bladder, and in all cases of in- *i of the Bladder «nd Kidneys, in Chronic jases of Lmumrrhea Cterino dieeasos. In tumors, nodes, lisrd lumps and syphiloid ulcers; In dropsy end venereal sore throat, ulcere, and in tubercle* of the lungs; in gout, dyrpapsia, rheumatism, rickets: In mercurial deposits--it is iti these terrible forms or disease, where the human t»ody has become a complete wreck, and where every hour of existence is torture, wherein this great remedy challenge* the astonishment and admiration of the sick. It is in stieh oases, where all the pleasures of existence .-appear cut off fnmi the unfortunate, and by its wonderful, almost supernatural agency, it restores the hopeless to ft new life and new existence where this ."treat remedy stands atone in its might and power. In the onfinan? skin diseases that every one is more or less troubled wrth, a few doses will In most^ isee, and a few bottles tn tne more aggravated forma rork a per- iur iicut our6< Those afflicted with chronic diseased (thoold piirchM* JPnc< FASHIONS and GOLD COW Prescntsi Smith in Consumption of the Lungs and ithi&is, Sciafala, Syphilid Diseases, a package corttainim? one dogen bottles. Price SIO Ber doren. or $5 per half dozen bottles, or $1 per Dot-e. Ssold by druggists. RASWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EA8B. RfFL A MM AT ION OF THK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDKR. ^ INFLAMMATION.OF.THE BOWFTA iS, CONGESTION OF THK MTNGS SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. With 100 Cartridges, $S.uo ;20,000sold; everyone warran- Iilv*tratr>l Cntalo'fux /We. WtSTERNGlK WbRKS, Chlntso. III., GO Dearborn-St., (McCormick lCocL). ffTllTm Explanatory tiiculav VU IU"I pow„*k'r invested' in StOfk Pi-|vilt'ge», has ptiid and will uny 1.11 i'X<- Pidlits. Itniliond Stocks. ISonrls and Gold bonght on i>l:traiita. IntrvrM Mix Per t'*nt. allowed on depo- 5i»u ;«..>* (n drafts. t _ Il'CKWALTER A CO,, Baakero and Broken, No. lO VI «11 Street, New lork. jGreaf Central HOTEL, CHICAGO. ' Market, l.etween Wash. __ingtoii & Mndipon-ste. i*.5(l PER. JDA¥. PASSENGER ELEVATOR. J. A. WILSON, 1'ropr. The application of the READY RGLIKF to tbe part, or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tundiTer of water will, tn a few moments, cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOM- At 15. HEARTBURN, SICK HEAPAOHE. DIAR RHEA, DYSENTKRV, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of RAD* WAY'S ItEIilEF with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. IT IS BETTER THAN FRENCH BRANDT OB BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Prlcc 50 Cents. Sold by Druggists* DR. RADWAY'8 MULCTING FILLS Perfecti.. 'nstriese, elegantly coated with sweet rv.m, purge, ret • re, jmril.v, cleanse and strengthen. II VO- WX i 's> . ' IjLS, for the cure of ull iils-orlers of tbe Stonwch, Rowels, ?4'H I.l.-r, Nervooc THE ODDEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA I SATURDAY EVENING POST. EVERY WEKK CONTAINS Continued Stories by the Kest Writers, Short Sketches, Historical Items. Centennial News, Bright Pictuies, Fashion Plate and I,ettor, Science, News. Humor, Liter ature, Boys and Girls Department, Brimful of good things. Splendid Chrome, l!ix2u, to every .Subscriber. Three dollars a year, postpaid. On trial four mouths, #1. Agents wanted even-where. Address HERD, WICKKRSHAM A CO.. 726 8ansom-st., Philadelphia. This new Truss Is worn with perfect comfort night and atiy. Adiiptu itself to jeveir motion «,f the body, retaining rupture under tlie harde^lexerciRe or severest strairf lUntil permanently Sold cheap i.v tbe rai: J «,tJTVu. wwiu vuc-ip i»v uiO Elastic Trass Co., NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. 6®d? iv mail. CtU or tend for CirouUr indbtovrtd. E VERY BOOK AOBNT in tbe TsaS AonK a| OBcescDdforelrculari, and take feold of iurnewwoc^ aIrabistan CR.THE LAND OF THE ARABIAN NtGHTS, JQO, EleiraoU/ >ETIME8. IT EZIIFI R * OUTFIT FRKS ^ ai triitt'd rircQlArs, and large trrmn, to near^Ht ottkee. DUSTIK QlLMAN 6z CO. Hartjord, €(., Chieago9 JU^ or Cincinnati, Ok boiiud._Fnc«Joirtojiicet the tallies. that will" Tinted pape i'Torf.#! _L8 ALL. rite for Ilia* Jf£| i|^ L C0UM IlOStXS COOK BOOK. S.OOO HOLD II ilTKT ONE YEAH. fith thousand out, re vised. enlarged and im proved. 10(H) Practical Hecipet, all tried and tested. Con tributed by ladies of in fluence and good judg ment in Chicago and other cities.,uml towns. Nametoeacli. Work of revision done bv com mittee of thorou a:h coins housekeepers. 3/«K<raw# an the most valuable and elegant cook book ertant. Black and Gold and Oil cloth bindings, $1.50, postpaid. Book-stores sell it. J. FREO WAOOOXEB, P LHLISIIKR. Chicago. Bur IT! TBTR! CIEIT1 Sauts I'-.iiillous.ie^, ImioLib t, Iiuinmma- Hon of »h'i liiwt.r I ties and all Derangenients of the Intonw.1 yiscera. . ' •. rnnted to effect a posit ive cure. Purely Vegetable, c u«aining no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drufjs. _»'•'"Observe the foil nv^ng symptoms resulting from Disorders ot the Digestive )rgans : Umstinat'on. Inward Pil." Fullness of the Blood In the He-id, Acidity of the gt-muich. Nansea, Heartburn, pis(fitft ot rood, I'nllne*»o. TVeight in the Stomach, Sour hrucTatmns, Sinking or Fi.itterinp at 1h<- Pit of the Stomach, Swimming ot the Hurried and Dif- ficiilt Ryeatiling. Muttering ai ,he JJeart, Choking or aunocatinp Sensations when inn i "ing Posture, Dim ness of Vision, Dots or Wehs bet..,, the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency >f Verspirntion, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyes, Poin in the Side, Chests. I.imbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burr.ituc in the Flesh. A few doses of RADWAY'S PII.I.S will free the aystem from all the above named disorders. Price J4-"i Cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Read " FALSE AND TUCK." Bend one letter-stamp to RADW AY di CO., Vn, M'arrtn fitrvet, New York. Informstioo worth thousands will he sent you. You want to make Iittrft* PHOKIT Selling the best artiole ever offered to A gents. One Agent made 913 Addnes#, DONT b> three hours. Try It, Addne?--, HOOD A JOSKPI1. Indianapolis. Ind. HOW TO GET A HQM& IOW* LIANDS, MHMlOO AfIl*5S. KIch Koil,g:iod Climate, eicHlent Water, growing Settle- niMiits, (T'X'd S[:li')ol«. W* offer lh« Land* of the (UMU City ami St Paul K. It. end the McGregor and Missouri Ilker It. K. at S4 to S1"* P««r acre, on saajr psnutta Two ysar* rw»t wlf! »>«y * farm. Avpls to niVmsos & CALKINS, R. R. Lucd OSw. Sthler. Osceola Oo.. Iow%. HOW To Obtain It! " Keek iintl you flud." Circulars containing all neccseary iuforniation will be sent free. Address, G. CROSBV & CO., Cox 2-129, ST. LOUIS, MO. No Agents wautcd. Best iathe fori. Beady for the Brosfe. I d Send for Sample Card. ¥ *JHl CO** Branch Ofliecs and Facto ries-- S06 West street. New York; 210South Tliird-st, St. Loula, Mo.; R1 West Van Burcn-6t,Chlcago,Ill. 5". & V. II lee & Co., Groeeri, Boston,fay:--"Your Sea Foam five* perfect satisfaction." It isexceLlent. Cornelia Si Nnmfonl, Gro cers, Vrmidtnee, K. say:--"Yonr Sea Foam is wonderful. Our sales are immense. Everybody praisesit." "It makes Breed Richer, Lighter, Whiter, Porer. Sweeter, and More Wholesome than any ether way." The greatest tiling to sell you eve* saw. Send at once tor Circular to taMOwlMM' ) TMsCCTsfcesrsSia 53^UwIJb.^ 7lhpHri'v» H Ml.iypna>w> ikirtiM (tie fitL (•Mottur. frtM, |A MKll MCh, No. 81S. This Costume trliw tbe,»SmSraiion of all. It ISOM of those style* that M tare to plauie, cfpecially as It is appropriate far .any material,.hnd require* le»s g<xxl; t»> make wan any other rait >ifeqaal beanty. mdlit coatcMM of our city, nt ttoml will find it poaseescs just the wrretttinn Wl laaprovc? her llgnre, while the Ot ycrttet foiin mav feel thev were never so auvantaiMmanr ...,i fni r.. > .. MS*** • .». / »» j . »•> •• • •• mi ihccv.Tr;1.drt Isdiaijeu iwforsiii wis! the sash, which may IMJ of the same, or Ribbon. Required 16 yards of 87- iocli goods for entire wtit. No. of waiat, ntt; pattern, with cloth model, S5«ts. No. of overskirt, 3T24 SUIT wl m , pattern, with cloth model, 85 cts. No. of tiiKU rsklrt, S795; pattern, with cloth model, GO cts. Mailed on receipt of price. Pattern* |al Cloth _M«4slL*f tbe KNTIRK %km'v ) A. BVRDETTE SMITH'S M* "fiffl it FjsH," FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature. Single Copies 35 Cents. Sabucrlption Price. 8$ a year, jK*t-p*ld, iaeladiag a premium of T w» Dollars' worth of patterns free to each snhscviher. We send our CERTIFICATES for this amount sil'mi receipt of fuUsci-inti.ni. (TWO of our DRESS SuSfATOwo ...:r :.v iti r*!.ACE ->? IDullar's worth of Patt.-nis, !f desired). n« " MONTHLY WOKI.B OF" FA8HION,» th«ver]r flnett, mo*t b«avtinilv ;na(a»lne to to© fouud In this country, and every person who begins [with tak* SHI? tt, will SBVEtt tflaeontlnae It while It Is pufellsbed* - ' ' Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazw Sample Copy, S5 Cents. Subscription Price, f 1.10 a year, post-paid. ^ One Dollar's worth of Pattern* given to scriber flee as pretnium. c . $4,500.00 in Gold Coin to 6ive Away! We will give #3,000.00In COLD W« will arlre $9,500.00in UOLB C#IN to €JS iicr«on« who send us the largest COIN to 133 persons who fend us the hirseat f sulwi'rihfirfl iA AIIR VAI>IJ A!" We will r#iw to immhor Fashion," at $3 each, before March 6,1870. As follows t To the Qetter-up of the Largest Clab $300.00 Is field Coin. 2a Largest Club.... £00.00 Is Gold Coin. M Largest Clab.... 160.00.ia Gold Coin. 4th Largest Clab ISO.00 Is Gold Coin. fith UiftilClib.... ItO.OO iu field Coin, •th Largest Clab.... 110.00 is Odd Coin. 7th Largest Clab.... 100.00 la field Coin. 8th Largest Clab ... 96.00 In Gold Coin, •th Largest Clab.... 60.00 In Geld Coin 10th Largest Clab .. S«h L-rsest Clab 16.00 In Gold Coin. 85.00 ia Gold Cola. and 8© on to the 65th Largest Club. « will arlre $9,500.00in UOLB N to 133 persons who send tiu the hir?ert niimW nf anWrihAff fo Qiif 4< •! a* $1.10 each, before March 1, 1S«0. ' As follows t To tlie Getter>np of ike largest Clab $300.00 l» Gold Cols. 2d Urgest Clsb ... 200.00 Is Gold tola. Largest Sd Largest. Pint; 4th Largest tinh.... 6th Largest Club.... •th Largest Club-- ?th Largest. €iiii> ... 8th largest Clnh.... Oth Largest Clnlt.... 10th Largest Club.... 11th Largest flnh and so on to the 133d largest Club. 160.00 Is Gold Cola. 136.00 la Gold Cola. 100.«0 In Gold Cola. 76.00 In Gold Cola. 60.00 In Gold Cols. 26.00 Is Gold Cols. 26.00 la Gold Cols. 26.00 Is Gold Cols. 25.00 in Gold Cols. YOU Ret a premium for every subscriber yon aend us. AND every subscriber gets n premium. BOTH of these Gold Coin Prriarnts offers will he found at full length in the Septeflk* I»er Number, besides the nume® ntid P. O. addresses of 109 persons to whom we hava Just paid $!),130,00 In Qold, itccordini: to our previous offers. You on write to one or all of them, ami tiiey will tell you that wc tl«> exactly as wc promise® YOUR BEST way is to semi your own subscription to either of our Magazines, when you wiil gt i the first number ar.d yonr Certificates of PrftniuBas, which you can chow, and at once begin getting subscribers, or send 25 ceuts for one copy. Send Stamp for Fashion Catalogue. BURDETTE SMITH, ... * P. O. Box 8051. 914 Broad way i VCow-York C!p» ^2eN^eD idMMm, A£CE!V£0 TH£ GRAND PRIZE MimL Wf/Y//A, /873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARSI It requires ao Zaitxnctions to rm It. It oaa not sret out of orA^iw Zt will do olass aad Mad of vorlu I mil sew from Tissue P&per to Eamess Lo&tbav. Zt is as far la advance of other Sewing K&chiaes ia the magnitude H its superior ̂ proTe&ints, as a Steam Oar excells ia achieveaxeats tbo §ld fasMoaed Stage Coach. , Prices made to suit the Times, ' Fiiher for Ca:1 - or Credit. I AGENTS WANTED. Address ̂ W4LSON,"SEWiWa MACHINE OO. CJISVSLAND, OSIO, CmCAOO, ILL,, wm * V^ T * ST.iOT2a.m A "Wf.P.K msaTanteed to M&!e ahd Femide Agents, in their iucalitj'. to tw it. Particulnni Fri CO., Augutla, Me. $77 WANTED! Goatt NOTHING P. O. V1CKKRY AGENTS KOU THK heFt-selling Priie Pack- np.» in tlie world. It con- i - •* . „ . , -- tnin* 15 Sheets Pap«r, l;» Envelope*, Golden Pen, Pen Holder, Pencil, Patent iard Measiuf, nn<l H Piece o!' Jewelry. Single Paekaoe, cent*. Circular free. liKIDK i CO.. J rtff Broadwiiy. Near York. ^.CTBIC/^ MAHOFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23&23RANDOLPH St..CHICAGO. BFJiil'ISB RKSBERVB I SFLEMJ \ ol.TA * Kl.KCTIi > l iEI.TSHIld Ititii itf * Kre iuiitused by the, luoKt eminent pli)*icmii« IA tlie world fortliecureofrhea- inatiam, neiiralgl».livercom- plniut, dyspepsia. kiilm»y di»- (iw,uiira. |>ni n«.r.»-rviH» di»- orders.fitrt.fenmle complainti nervous and jjeiieml debility, •nd other chronic iliwasei of therhnst,head,liver, stomach kidney* and blood. Book with full particulars free l>y VOLTA KKI.T CO. Cinr'unati, Ohio. 'OB SALE. Chicago Sabarlban T.o& a» $tD0 eactia _ _ J$l"> down a»d $5monthly for balanoe, i'.hin a short distance of City l.imits, wifti hr-Uilr rrains nnd cheap fare. Simd for circular*. !1'>A BKOWN J42 LaSalle-«t., Chicago. 1U. double^"Your teade Draggists, Grooera and Dealers--Pure CMna and Japan Teat. 'm sealed package*. *cre.tcJop can*, boxet, or Mil cbeata--Orovtri' prie». Send for circular. Tax WKU4 Tba Ootaun, SOI Falton^t., M. V., P. O. Bos tfM. tM OPIUM Speedilv cured l>v I)K. liKt'K'S only known ^ind flire fi.'inciiy. N«» <'aiA«4JE lor ta-HUueut Until cured. Call oil i»r address Dr.;J. C. BECK, 112 John St., Cincinaatir O. Smith Organ Co. Sold BOSTON, MA88. These Standard Instrument* ^ by Music Dealers Sverywh«re. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. MA thron*b<rat th* United BUtea m i». INSTALLMENT PLAN* That to, m * Svataa of Monthly hjawli hNbMini aboold Mk fcr th* Sum Araue&aOMUL .-fmiinw >wl Nil iwillMlm mm^i ... g-q ^ fi. sr sr 3 42 » r? r (A F#I 1 "Volcanic Mrdlrlnti which ConvnlM tte 8y*tem by their violent Catharitic action, moat net b* taken for OoiMtlpatlon. The mild. aootbinc »•«< Data operation of Tarrant's EfTwvescent Aperient is exactly what is reqnlrad, and will *se«dllr «*ak tuiiii ciiiuiiic cssee. lOU) BY AM, DRUGGISTS. Vli... „. re - ^ o rg-g * 3 C.K o'Sf fS.bi^.8 LII&8 "Hri; g*hr O 2 m C A o ,9* »*: fy » £ © « c Oq CL o i*> £ FT 5^«S re " b o MS O sZ L*l| I SSg!?8S:l2.ili5S.« "i Sr*g 3 c S 3 a •--K A 5^ s° S'E? u • 3 5 3 5«? 2.' G. r-* o 3 - n e a u. u. No. 311 H7HEN WRITING TO ADVERTWKlfc TT alean »ay iw MW dw adveifiUMM- - , • ' , r i 'A