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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1875, p. 1

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#st; r.'c "•••"• *• #.. , A ^ - '"'•>•••'"• •vwt rrf*S •!%&**?- I g #•, ,v»> n > ^ j-»- * * .-#^f&\ ,Tv-# SetfcHwrl? > {Sifc. <»' '•• i4'-r -ass^c -fin ,!^»i.fU itiih hi fye ** iJI&t &*^SXK 1IPK iMls Hi but to m IAW DAIBY ffW F«bH*A«<l JErety Wednesday % Van *myl*o Editor and Publisher. • in Riverside Block, Oreir Smith &$«« & Co.'a Stort. ^ _ 6U»SCRIP*HWri.'y, •• '"iMM ^Mi, (In Advance,). /;.„-; If.not Paid within Throe,Month#,,..,...8 <W flWjtecriptlons received for three et filxfe»Alha '• ""|r*fe# aam<s proportion. ' ' <K» HI I--II. II -- MM -- l«.H»K>llnWi<l•»•!---- -«••"•*'•'•' H. T. BROWX II. ft. [••* KYS1CIAN alnd Surgeon. OIBce i» Brick Block over F. G. Mjf •- ater Stwset, McHenry Hi. JHELIfi, ttratmxnviitr,. . ttryk Miter, platefirare, Silver &pcou* kl&Q AtJEKT FOtt THIS ." Weber and Bradbury Pianos Ctothlag. Store B. A. BEERS, M. IX TSiciAK and Sofffewk 0|^e *t rwM«ii«, iwo uourai west of Post v/SSos, j»ci*vury O. J. HOW ARD M. IX i _. tTCTAN and Snrgenn. Office ft* the etore !«f Howard & Son, Mr.lfenry, IlL /•*•, . > ./F.G. MAYES. . :vi- ' d|x«CRm Tailor, and dealer lnRef»"T Midjs m CUothifisr, Cloth^ Caseifhcres, V««Up<* &«v, OnftQwf north of CWlbv'a DrugStore McHenry ra • •• . •-• t !, W^kij.^Wf '1 • H. a IHWltft AT tAW, E* ; i f 4UGHA&D RISHOP, ^ TTTOlitSBY AND OOUN^KT OJT AT T A<J|» I Office in ro «.r of Murplv J TMsiVip'aTUl^t (rife Sid# I'siWlr Sqtmre, Wo<MV«>tnc"k. m «AN«ArTS % Gevtn.1 Rinkinc «»d , _ elwnjre Husjfteav . I»j!jV>sUs ltecoivwd.-- t^tar^a£s?tep,au:a<M. ci|>al cities in Kurope -»V r{- OB0. A. BUClvLIX, , T^rOTARY ptf'BtIC, O»nvoyan«*fr nnd "bv J^l anrtfnce Ajrfent. Oflh-e nt A Hteven'8 Stoi-e, near the Depfrt, M<*wn*v,.lll. v B. E. RICHARDS. HAS a ««mp1«te Abstract of Tl! In M»*TIenrt* Ontntr, Illinolfl. Oaunty Clerki WooiletocK, IlL * J«»1 ritb D. A. POTTER, ; TJICIIMOSP, It.I,., Notary Publir and Con> M vov«nri»r, it. g. Claim, In^nranee a 0»ller(inK A«a#)f. MTTSU, d Carrlasro tjwtr. G. A. CAXKIE1-D, «#nll kinds w>n«tnntly on hand. j All *rd«#'8 ^p^iriptiv ntten<i«d to, M«M«nry IIL FR. HECHTLE. HOITSE, Si!^ Hiid fMrrlatfe PiJnter, •rf ff1. Will (to all wo*k p/omptly MKl at vpiaofiable latci. OBO. SCHREINfclS. ...id Restaurvnf. KCT the Parker M«*Hf!nry ill. ^AitOOX and Restaninnt. We^rty oftpaalt* .]=. J. BONSLET, £M^tXK>lf awd Re^ta <i rant, Hflarl" onrwolte O Owen's Mill. McHenry. 111. Fresh O^lfr* ..ijfii-vefl ii |i tn apyr i i a w v ' ; ' • • • • ~ ' : • '•->•• - AS^GOOD STABT.ING FOR HORSE'*..^ Which we believe topm *b« best Orgaa ik tb» market. We think we know that by axperL anNie, sunt w« believe 1% for it Is Mnked «f> by tip • Bast Musieians ia tha World. Il^ao sell othi-rOvijai«at lesa prices ibaa UwBatey, »w! can't s^Stnmmeni Ibera to be -.J.'.r* .. .MMK Mf i \ . , ». % i •' •'•' ' iiii.il to * ti,' '•/« iil fftirih •-•fa',i.i»' I'., i 'i MHJRPHY & BiSMOP, ' «f Pwlifte T*i woolwiJooKj^ »sGi :*'%w-#' |LLfl»dia. S r* Hi «a ; ' 1 Iiiiiiiriiiff lia W«Nxl>»U»r>i, tIL "jc?, • OWENS MILLS; McHenrv - <* w. - Illinois. ; : co$iT&fhi o^^jiAjri^ - CCWTOM , • JJ-.i-.ij j;t' V, 5U'l SZilSf&Si :LSli Tltawkful tor past favor* a eo-rtttnnaaeii W p;vpro»af^» isjrpsj^ctf»jj)/ »e)iciteii. ;, McHe'itr A , 0*cn Kros. 'H-1875. • • -' f:i t Waukegan Cigar#anufact<H[y, E. M. DEI#fll3, Proprietor. - JOS. WIEDEMANN. . £»AT.OOW aod Restaurant, Xear ttw fN»lMt 15 McHenrv III. bv tU» day ft nt reasonable rates. Warp# ant cold MWals at all hottrs. > J i^oalJtablirir^ ". -'".*• --'-'i- - •i!>' '- ; "-r ' j / •! MoHUNRT LIVERY 8TABLS. i!i !r t'••, i'i k •..•••'iiHw'v.j I • . 55. WKiflTM^N, Pwtpvletor. Fiv«t olas* rifr«, with or without tlriVers, fimiished _ Tea8ona1ilft ratas. Teaming of irti kinds oaeon shwt iKrti»w. W. W. «LL8WORTH, , REEt>ERo the Celebrated _ Also I.iffb t And Hark Brahma Po#K •hipped t« all points by exprasa, P. fit dress, Woodstock; UL, I OS. t?H Ad.- i IT. D. HOLMES. SILfcTARDRooma, ill Howe's Block. McHAn, rv 115. Kcw Eillhird and Pool Tables «f 'fh« latest stvlc Just pat In, and rooms newlv 'Mflfeted. -dn-ftaTii.eep,! ft. P. Rblmea Fwpl* #tor, * *.ETEtt T EIOKEM. •«EPAIRS Watches, Clocks ami Jawelrv o< It! isll kinds. Also Repairs Violins !n t'isbe#t -possible manner, on short notice and at ren.- iotiabW rates, Also. Violins for 8ai«, •Sl'iop .glWwr North of Bivoglide Block, McHenry ^ 1 lfr;V. V f y ' ENGBLK.J;:.: GUN Axt> LOCKSMITH, "Scale'Bwairfna done proniptly «t short notice. Keen on tiand a Rood stock* of Gnns, Revolvers, Pons der, Shot, Gun Material, ^i»hing Tackle, ||«erchaum and Wooden Pipes, , v McItfiNRY, . - . , - ILLINOIS. RICHMOND HOUSE. TJICHMOND ILLINOIS. Frank Poster Pro, XV prle tor, (iood accommodations for all parties, Sample Stable attached, t* •• j w parties, Sara pie t<o«tinn for Salesmen. Livftvy Stable att 3Bow8 Ac 'public Bali for Lectures, if RIVERSIDE HOUSE. I!!., II. Wheeler PmpriStor. ii«hedand refitted. Splendid »hin» on Pietaqita a«d Fox distance above. Boats and 3d at reasonable rates, Liv- witli the Ilon*e, Free bus cars, Large and airy apart.- _ lies ilurinj? the summer. The ,wheel Steamer will makts trips the Lakes d-nring the Summer months, No pains spared to promote the cent, &rt of guests. Terms, #2.00 per day. iiiii 56'and from MY FRED. RENICH, CIGAR HANUFACTURER, -AND- . h-ib&s'- T0BACC0HI8T. WOODS TOO®, HiLIKOWIjjf k. ---- i! Am A. »ie», & sow, s • J, 0, *»«. 1 . ' t, C. BICE llO ' ip W T I S X s , NtrifDi, ILL, ' w 5ta«agaatten Quaranteed on • '.sfss^^^Bleaned, Fiilod and Extract vr; * ind skillful manner. all wortu ted Teeth In n careful -..v. Artificial Teeth inserted iB full or partial plates, on all the basesknown feo the profession! Call and have your teeth OFFICE (rfL, a Rice, West Madison Cfhicaso. Office of A A. Rice, second d«Wf Sorth of the M. B, Ohorcb, Nunda, 111. r Rbpbbkm 1 us.--Wm. Archdeacon, > unaa< fiJSeis, Frank Burr, Green St., Chicago, IIL "il^Will visit McHenry every Saturday.-- f :PWipLtf W "ft. • "V* ,v J"* ̂ n<JMU»rtr t»^Mrko|ii*aVii |H«|er'i»,, ŷuirTOBittra, , . i C, qiyt tr- T"4ND=~ h; ' •J-.".. ^;6ffOJ2XE#E« GTWPtof, Z u WAUItlilGAN, ILU 5 ;f" t W. H. 8ANFORD, Meri'liaul Tailor. i - In the store ofC, 'H. Dick4ns«n^ jSast side off J»wWk Square, 43 4 food Stock of Fine (Sixths for Suilin«s al- «ray« on band. Suits mad* to order and a At warrauted, (iir« in« a ealL ^ w. it sA*T<aiD, WnodstoeJc 111.,Sapt. 27th. 1^3. ^ rjkfifV JUST Ar%Ti3VSD. . MRS; E» H.MOREY, Wishes tr> inform the public tli^t she ha* just waived a »plendid a^syrtnuent of Fallal Winter Millmepj, Consisting of the La(#-it Styjes of.Hats, Bon- nets, Flowers, Silkc, Velvety Kiblytn.^ I,aces, Embroideries, Ties, Ike.., in fact every, thing in thp Jlillinery lino. fail to call and examine Prices, Stvles and Quality of Goods, which l>fcF If «JMPETITION, Bri(i|| fltook, 2d D&w of <Jo|by*« Drug Store* i MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, THE McHpSJiY --AKD-. . RESTAURANT. A I^BESr.^PrfiPftotor. lluvint; opeiu>d a New Bakery and RcstaUx rant in the Tillage of McHenry, the subscriber would inform the public, that he is now pre* pared to furnish them with Froah Oread, Cake*, Pl«s» 44 , *.• ' ' i": •••' Of the best quality at tHa lowest 9#t9% Wi ajao keep a fine Stoek of ^ (Doiifeptjtoneiyi*, Fancy Groceries, CappedjGroods, Ac., (0 which te ttoe ive invite the attention of the public *as$%£s~" *®,,?trea McHenry, Oct. 5th, }I7V, M'HENRY BREWERY, Kinf? & Herbes, Proprietors. THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country and warranted -tf' hs.i h'&vJif as represented. 1»S UNITKto STATES Al5ttWlfc The views of ttiR jprf*i4«&t «pw!t to th« wmrin Cabfi fttMl of our govermnent in have been made tlie baata kj§ iiAtin tions to Minister Cuslsing at Madrid! A Washington dlsfisteh safi tlift th« President regards the tfflhfit flisfeettsiotis In Cuba and especially the sanguinary hostilities there as producing effects im. the United States second In gravity t>n!y to thos®' which they prwlwee 1st Spain. Be thinks that the ultimate !sB«e ofevents |R'C«l>t wUt be 1^. |n«te- peYidfence, howeves that prodded, tvhefcher by me tUtion, or as the result ttillljl*^ «pei'a- tions« Wof one of those Mn«xp8Cted infidentS which , so- frequently mine the fat© of nations. The aance of the insurrection gw day more insurpportable to s Stated, Suu Wiliiv tiiv SttS*m»S government is fixed oo la the interest of ^ttnanity th| horrors of civil war prevailing tl»ere,?ft cannot forb«ir to reflect ftsiffrfhe existence of slave^abor In €riba, twl its4»infnet' t«r the feelings nof-;|^HIistilar Spaniards, lie at the the calamities which HOW intliet the Mand ;biit filavfery <»»not long continue in Cuba, environed as that, island is by «ominui|ftSi»r of «;iaancl^l^«l slaves In the other West India I&landsami la the United States. The T*rcs>« dent lias not been without hope that all tle^e ijuestlons might be settled i»y tlie spoiitaueons asrf pS Spain iifiweW, site being nsore. deeply iiiteres- f«d la the settleijfien^QtWM) all the «?st •f the worid. The questions ate to what decision the t^jLte'd Botes' ehal! 'make it « serious |p.^tl tjltllcult^on»j not to bo determined without a careful cousldera tipu of its complex elements as to our domestic and foreign policy, but a de­ termination to which imy at any mo- nsftiw forced «p^« ns 1)^ oeetirpen^s ^eltlisr iu S||MKiti m Cui^a. IVifchai, the ff*resideirt f^not bh^ r«gar« Irttlippen- tfc'nce aacl ^maneipJition* +i «wi», as- the oniy ewrtain aad liecessary solution of the quQPtion Cuba, ami in his mind all incidental questions $r« qu^te subordinate to those larger object's of thp Ujtited States. In tliis respect the Pttesidetit; dies not ,|0|?S desire^ the aunesatvo^of Cuba to the tin J ted pendent republic of freemen in harmo­ ny wit|i oiir own and the other repul> lics of Amerien.: Th« p»licy ©f tiie Uuited^iates in reference to Cuba at the present'tiine 1$ declared to be one of expectancy, but With positive and flxed Convictions as to the duty of the Uuitatl States vvheu the time of emer- gejifly action siiail arive. in dealer r--What tl ilnd mask hive is *tar fiurwiwy matter. The "Wceived last winter* has mnny of the great industries cowntry, and turned thousands ptbyment, to suflefof 101 o^u- jg§jp, ^oine day# »^o a speculative^ PennsylVanian wrote t*> Assist an*, Post- m#ster <5<eneralBarber, at Washington^ offering to give, him 025 a quarter, pro­ vided lie would seud his pari,tier, a country Postmaster, $400 in postage stamps every three months, t6 be sold- outride of the office, so that the Post­ master iiould, by ait increased sale of stamps, increase t»io salary of bis office. Mr, Berber coiwidered the fceaipting proposition, but concluded to remain true te» his oath, and bo guided by his convfetjons of duty, so he positively re­ fused to accept the fabulous bribe, and sent the tempter t'hQ following : "The Department oan make no arrange- ments, for or without a bonus, to sup­ ply you with stamps for sale either by yourself or your partner in business, the>p0stmaster, and if the latter »s dis­ covered selling stamps in the manner you suggest, his official tenure will be of very short duration. The innate dishonesty of your proposition suggests the propriety of keeping watch on his actions, I inclose copy of the regula­ tions regarding the sale of stamps.*' BSrHeddliug witM others sometimes brings us into scrapes, aiul thereby one of the elders.of a oertain church made **b«d worse.** A young fellow entered the ehtirch and took his seat, keeping his hat on. The elderr noticing It, re­ quested him to take it Qfi. Ills request eot being complied with, he spoke to the young man a seoond time, and see­ ing lie still hesitated, the elder gently lifted his hat oft", when .(o his chagrin out rolled a quart of hickory nuts, making more noise than was consistent with decorum. "Man," quietly said the youth, "see what yo» haye done P* J®pA Lewiaton (Me.) man boasts that traded horses nine times in ftpe day, and at night he had Hie same horse he started with in the morning, In money, a watoh wopfh $80, a double-barreled shotgun/ and four bushels of potatoes, ^ ^ f^°liWhy don't you carry your walk letVHere I car^y mine y and then yon wonldu't have it stolen!" said a man an.tbo race-ground tq a disconsolate who had been relieved of his money, '• Where dp you carry yoilrs, then?" Slipping his hand on a deep sidf-poek- et.he exclaimed, ̂ PereI "but by thun- - r ; "'"rr .? idea of foiving specie returnp- the )>eople in IStflv without lere-wlth to accomplish it, is much mischief, and will end pJete a failure as the attempt Untie sllWr, this fall, for our o'.rrrency. The latter Is a te fizzle, a*d exhibits a lack of knowledge and discernment la matters. w systerii wwald appear to be lie matter of currency regulate far as quantity is concerned, !g the legal teiiders purC'hw>i;a- h goverBinent bonda, and con-e back into them. There Is no thod of reaching specie pay- it through a thorough revival ldustries, causing general proe- hroughout the country. course would vastly Increase rts, and Soon turn the bala nee in our ifavor, causing gold to u*on our shores. But the in- **nnot be greatly enlarged sufficiency of money oan be h rate; of Interest as will Ithln the limits of the nett nd such profits do not average nntry but 3) per cent. The fifteen per cent, which thepeo- West, and South are paying mrnal use of money, ts re tar d- siuess and ^rosperltjr of both t sections of 1»he Union, up, The plan, now advoca- host of the best financiers of (try who have the well being of at heart, is to retire all na- f»uk notes, and w»ere»y stop a twenty miitions of doUws which the, people are now i gold on the bonds deposited security, to substitute in lieu treasury notes or greenbacks, our entire circulation of them ; the legal tender notes pur- wlth any Interest bearing government, and to have ack made interchangable, at thalew inte-i>-« bo^arWfnf*fttJI per cent interest. This plan would present* at all times, any piethorip or inflsitio^ of the currency, fthd would re­ sult In the oMef goad of the nation, to-wltt a low state of interest on money throughout the land, under which every branch of industry «nd the great tushes of our people would prosper be­ yond precedent. „Lw' i,w duBOFTUBP^ryfc „ j *1 i'i i", * * i ' ,ii,. est OcL^BA. ' EDITOR PLAOtOKALER :-^The splendid weather whlcii we had for the last three or f««rjweeks was interrupted by a terrific thunder storm which swept over this section Friday last, doing considerable demage in this and Ad­ joining counties. In, Christian1 county, about 20 miles from here, two women were killed by lightning. They were setting tip a stove, and while putting up the stove pipe, the lightning struck the house and descended through the chimney, killing them instantly. In this cityjthe loss of life is not to be fo­ mented, bat a girl, while* going home from the watch factory, Was sf> par­ alyzed by lightning that she has not recovered yet, being unable to speak. Quite an exciting trial i^ going on here since last Saturday. A man by the name of Stevenson is charged with having attempted to kill Mr. F. R, Taylor of Barclay, by cutting his throat Avith a razor. As the would-be mur­ derer Is well known In this city, having formerly resided hert, crowds of peo­ ple throng the court room daily, anx­ iously watching the course of the trial. Those that know Mr. Stevenson, be­ lieve him to be Innooent, but there Is, strong'evidenee agalzfet hit*. Last week a gang of counterfeiter* who were caught by a U. $. detective at Central in were brought here and lodgedJn Jail, to await their trial. They are five in number: Mr. ifc^Mrs. Driggs, Mr. & Mrs. St&dtfeld and Mr. Schafer. The three last named are German#. $150,000 counterfeit money was found In their possession. ; Work at the new State House It f pro­ gressing slowly. It has at last been finished so far. that the State Library and the different State offices were re­ moved from the old State House some time the next ts, both Legis­ lative J£(aUs will also be ready for use* The old State House has been sold to Sangamon County, and Is now occupied b| the county officials. The Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows in a meeting at Chicago appropriated $•25,000 for the erection of a building which is to be located In some central point in the Stftte* Springfield 1* the plaqe for It, «..• ^ .* Amotur^the amusements an imnnw <1 "Musette," and a Concert by Camilla Urso. Last week tile "Two Orphans" and "Davy Crockett"' were played be­ fore crowded house*. Kow the election is over» *nd San­ gamon County is aa Democratic asevor, J. Nnokolla and Wm, Conolly the Dem­ ocratic nominees for County Treasurer and County Surveyor fre elected by WftJoi'Mes. %"'^i^E.™Thft*tra^|^ malfce't on Monday~ weeks ngo. By. the •Jn.l 1 ,-i ' i « t ucircrai awuiuiy . XMtlONAI. THANKSGITIIW^' ̂ .f f^C|it^|I41IO|f BY THE PRKSU>»KT. " v y. laupihjTiVjk DKFARTMEKT, ^ " Washington, Oct, ST, 1875, lit accordance with a practloe at once i^ie atld beautiful, we have been ao- ctjstomtid, fch(j yea? is dr^vliig to a dosc.to dovotc n,n oocastou to the hum­ ble expression of our thanks to Al­ mighty God for the ccasclcss and dis­ tinguished benefits bestowed upou us as a nation, and for His mercies and protection during the closing year. Amid the rich and tree enjoyment of all ouf advantages we should not for­ get the source from whence they are derived, and extent of our obligations to the Father of all meroles. We have full reason to renew our thanks to Al­ mighty God for favors bestowed upon us during the past year, BylKis continuing meroy clvl) and religious liberty have been maintained j peace has reigned within our borders; labor and enterprise have produeed their merited rewards, and to His watchful provide ace we are indebted for security from pestilence and other national calamity. Apart from national blessings, each individual among us has occasion to thoughtfully recall and devoutly reoog- nize the favors and protection which he has enjoyed. Now, therefore, I, Ulysses 8, Grant, President of the United States, do recommend that on Thifirsday, the 25th day of November, the people of the United States, ab­ staining from all seculiar pursuits ind frond their accustomed advocations, do assemble in their respective places of worship, and, in suoh form as mayeeem most appropriate in their own hearts, to offer to Almighty God their ao» kndwledgments and thanks fax all His mercies, and thejr humble prayers for a continuance of Hlwdivine favor, In witness wtyjpeof I have hereunto set my ha»d and caused the seal af the United States to be affixed, D6ne at the olty of Washington, this 27th day of October, ia the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred! and seventy-five, and of the independence of the United States the one hun­ dredth VASXST^ a isiirS. « ITtiea ence Of the heafy snow, whfeiifiHiglti* tie whole dairy region of CetrfMir New York south of the nortttem eotetlea, was ,exceedingly light. The <MRpiiig» were 2,000 lH>a[es, and tftere wit one sale at 13c. . v : J Advices from New York oit^ farnMt .the fcfllowin^stfeiap.^-oithe itmk **&; contrast with last year; *•* Oct. :I0, ,75. K^celpts, Sd«S|S. E*- porfA, 19.93L Gold, 1.1% t^ble. «0»o ^T. Y. Price*, 14*. • Oct. 30, *74. Receipt*, 81,640. Ex. porta, 14.668. Geld, 1.10. Cables N. Y„ Price. 18|c. At Little Falls there waa a settled Indispositlou to trade on the paH o ̂ both buyers and salesmen. Not pore than 20 factories were represented, whose offerings aggregated about 1, 800 boxes. Many factorymen neg- lectek to attend the malHket, owing to the inclement weather. Ofifers ofl$|e were readily made for September cheese, and for the best grades It|e was refused. The actual transactloas of the day were less than upon any day during the season. Thefe were void 900 boxes, the product of 10 ftctorieai Of these, the larger number of lota were sold at 13c. We quote: £xtietii ' price 13Jc; average price 13c. The offering of farm dairy was mei- ger, aggregating about 200 boxes. SsJes \veiv made at prices ranging from laj^isc. ^ Butter.--A few ot hatter sold a^ from31@32ie. • >V •'Mi- : < S; ii?:-:' : \ %-S m • . . v. By the Wesiient U. 8,GR4^T. *' the State, ClIIlLSTM VSIS COMING, The festival of the little <>aes, and among its many happy features nothing is more sublimely beautiful than the immeasurable pleasure that can be be­ stowed with the veriest trifle. A tin scwdisr, a wooden 3o!!, a tiny wages or a, box of sugar plums betoeiCii wealth | untold to the little innoceuts* Seeing at what small expense their entire happiness and gratitude can be thus assured it is no wonder that at Christ mas tide even poverty stints and robs itself to enrich them. How many a mother In tfoe quiet of her nursery is even now revolving schemes to gladden her children's hearts at the coming festival. To their youthful imagina­ tion Christmas is years and years away in the distant future. Only the moth­ ers know how fast time rolls, and how close It Is. They have checked offtoo many weeks with attendant trials and sorrows, with perhaps here and there a little white headstone, not to know how speedily life vanishes how hrief and neeting its pleasures. They are preparing already from their scanty store, and here we would give them a hint, A few dollars invested in the Golden Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery whiob has just been preseuted* and is to be drawn upon Christmas day, may win tor them thousands and thou­ sands of dollars--enough net only to gladden the hearts of their children for this Christmas but for many happy ones to eome. The prises among which are one of $100,000, one of $50,000 ete\ are all paid in gold colli. buy a coupon twentieth' or $50 a whole ticket, And they can be ordered by mail, direot from the home offlpe. New Or­ leans, care P. 0. Lock, Box 693, t fi>OMK8TIC RECKIPT& ""J RAWED MUFFIH# ' ,:®l Mix one quart of wheat flour smeotifc# ly with a pint jmd § half of luke w^rm milk, one and one half cup's of yeast, two w$H oeaien a nupeon of salt, two tablespoons of melted butter, Set the batter in a warm place to rile. When light butter your muffin tins, turn in the mixture and bake till a lighl brown, av TO PREPARE BLACKOCQ FOR STOVKfi* • Mix the luster with the white of *a egg. Have your stove cold. Appljr with a brush. Hub till perfectly dry and you will have a luster nearly equal to that on a new stove. three of white beeswax, three of spermacetia, two ounces of olive oil, Put them?togejther in a cup on the stove where they will melt slowly and form a white ointment in a few mtnntea* w ! . LOAF CAKE. . Slk pounds of flour, three of three of butter, three^ of raising, three pints of milk, three gills of yeaft, one and one half ounces of spice, six egga. Put In pans and let It stand about an hour to rise, then bake. This la |nM* cleut for three loaves. CRACKERS. One pint of milk, two even teaapooi»e of socla, fi>ur of cream tartar, tw% Spoous lpf lard or butter. . , «OFT G::;crr.rr.EA®w I Que cup of molasis, one of sour ^ two eggs, oho teaspoon of coda, o ginger,three cups of fio|r* £ * s TOMATO riCKysa. \ Take'ripe tomatos, and put tlienrfn a weak brine, where let them remain twenty four hours. Thep taKe them out, and rince In cold water. Pack l| jars and pottr cold vinegar on them, Add some pieees of herse radish root, cover close and set in a cool plaQt, They will be ready for use Ut four weeks. STEAMED PUDDWOa, One quart of buttermilk, one teift* spoon of soda, a little salt, and fioer enough to make a stiff batter. Steam over boiling water one hour and a h«lf Serve with cream, sugar and lemon, ?. FAKWKBS DAVQ«fM| * $ I' -'.i I g^rWben & person feels disposed to overestimate his owit*!mp*oi$anee, let him remember that mankija$%ot along very well before his birfifc,' and that in all probability they wllf&et alo^g very Well after his death. fQTFine sensibilities are like wood­ bine?, delightful luxuries ofbeatityto twine around a solid, upright stem of understanding; but very poor things if, uasustained by strength, they *re left to creep the yard's Fine 4^ Gallery, round. -r - \ v Marking: Qowa --w*Tgti » The Nashua (N. H.) Telegraph teSs a story of two rival storeOceepera In that town who recently «run other" o i stockings. The first ti marked down the specimens at 1 and after his rival had paseed, an<lft»» ted the change, resumed the former prices. The trick was repeated evefy morning fbr a week or more. The second trader was not to he undersell Upon arriving at his store he ei ning marked hie stockings a fill , under his rival. At f|e week the second trader ft# ^ Stockings, which eest at wholesale twenty-five cents, fbr five ©eats, Thll was the first trader's opportunity. Be engaged the services of several girls and boys, and before the second trader was aware of the fact his whole stock of stockings had been transferred to the counter of his rival at five eeote per pair, and were helag gold hy'Mfli^ as "a bankrupt. lotr-«| great sal '"' --and yet St a profit, " If ^oa want to mi best quality of Phot - A';> • • v* m-.Br^wrrr* .•*„ *

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