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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1875, p. 7

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v*l ^U;8S AjMrka* ChMM RMMtak *«**. * * ^,w-r-7T«^ njr^r my? r ; t. i-ttN on the wonderful and trade l« erf 001qpn- Ube m*rofachwe oonnty, Hew to 188Q. but, the establishments for the manu- increased, it «u carried on by dairy-farm from its own materials im itmv ww m exienave toy- in Oneida county, Hew York, car- oo by .Tease Williams, His cheese a high reputation. In that year one iw boob married and wsnt$o Eve on a farm in the neighborhood of his 's establishment. The fattier de- to have this farm produce cheese his own--both to be sold te>g#h?!rc Bon was not a skilled maimfectnrer, the father COuld Hot pcipQnalij wr . to both farms. At last an escape from the quandary was furnished by the •xpedient of taking the milk from the »n's farm to the factory of the father. \ was the beginning ef the associated ethoe of making cheese. The system #f each mam making his own cheese 'gradually gave way, and one factory be- tee the consumer of all the itiilfc fcrought to it, The American factory thus Suggested and begun, hm How b^joome general, and has extended Gver all pasts of fee United States, and £as.beea adopted in various parts of Ea- ifcpe. * In the same twenty-five years tfee home ponsiUnption and the export, of American cheese has grown wonderfully. There •re 600 factories in the State of New York alone. Canada has become a large producer on the American system. The whole number of establishments in the United States making cheese is now esti­ mated at 5,000. Cheese as an article of human food has popularized since and in other coun- ' tties where meat iB a rare and costly luxury cheese has become the great sub statute among the laboring people. The growth of the export trade may b '̂ thus stated. In 1831, " butter and cheese" ate reported in bulk among the exports at a value of $264,796, which aggregate had in 1840 fallen as low as $210,749. {The value of both articles exported in 1850 reached $334,000, and for the ten irs from 1850 to 1860 aggregated $13,- 19,971, or about $1,300,000 a year. In 1861 the two articles were reported sep- «atelv, and the figures of each since then are as follows : .fopome immensely flgaoT In England Tear. Ml.. MM. IS: 1W7 ButUr. .. .$2,355,983 ... 4,164,344 .. 6,733,743 ... 6,146,081 ... 7,292,715 ... 1,967,851 ... 1,184,867 ... 882,745 ... 494,094 ... 593,329 ... 853,096 ... 1,498,812 ... 952.919 1.092.381 Ctoete. $ 3,324,631 2,716,892 4,216,804 5,638,000 11,637,740 6,036,828 7,808,535 7,019,424 6,437,866 8,881,034 8,752,900 7,752,913 10,498,010 II.MW) OOK 187 0 187 1 ••{... 1872..... 187 3 1 hf ehoese did noi assume any large proportions until 1861, but the value exported in 1874 was almost $12,- 000,000, and in 1875 was something . /greater, being three times greater than the value of the cotton and wool manu­ factures exported in 1874. » ' The New York Butter and Cheese Ex­ change furnishes the aggregate reoeipts - at that place, and the exports therefrom for several years, computed by pounds. Each box is rated at 60 pounds. In 1874 there were received in New York ,pity from the interior 2,204,493 boxes, « , .Weighing 132,269,580 pounds. In the *-Same year there were exported from New Yprk 96,834,691 pounds of cheese. Cnnada in the same year exported to ^Europe 20,000,000 pounds. ^ The production of butter in the United States is estimated by the New York Butter and Cheese Exchange at 1,440,- 000,000 pounds,, of which 53,333,333 are • exported, and 1,386,666,665? pounds con­ sumed in the country. As a food, cheese ranks among the i v wholesome and nutritious articles. It is tile best substitute for meat, and its use is becoming more general as its manu- increases and becomes more per- The principal cheese-producing States are New York, Ohio, Vermont, Illinois and Massachusetts, though it is produced largely in other States. So liffgely has the trade become that the : :Jte'w York Legislature in 1873 chartered Butter and Cheese Exchange to do business separately from the general 'Provision Exchange. TLo amount of capital invested in cheese manufacture is estimated at $25,000,000. -- Chicago (fto&wrte. • ., n "I * :1 * Sankey, the Sweet Solo Singar. Mr. Sankey is a quiet, thoughtful in­ telligent, gentlemanly-looking man; Mr. Moody a short, stout, ho»est and earnest man, very simple, *ery direct in his t, but with more faculty for telling ories than preaching, according to e prgp^it scholarly acceptation of that terir^ The immediate effect upon the ^congregation is produced by the singing, and the picturesque, not to say dramatic, distribution and manipulation, so to speak, of the services. The favorite Mmn is the famous " Ninety and Nine," franoh Mr. Sankey sings with such won­ derful expression and pathos as to draw team from many, and affect even the UEost uninterested spectator. The fol­ lowing are the first verses of this now ffimovw hymn: " There were ninety and nine **»»* aafelv lav In the shelter of the fold; ' But one was ont on the hills away, , Far off from the gates of gold, p 4 l«Qr on the mountains, wild and *"lnfr' , Away from the tender Shepherd's caw. " Lord, Thou haat here Thy ninety and • .; Are they not enough for Thee f - But the Shepherd made answer: < Then in tjfea Has wandered away from Me; And though the road be rough and eteen, I go to the desert to find My sheep.'" --New York Cor. Baltimore American. ? fJtat Matt TralM--Statistics astoThelr - *?•" Operatioug*' The following statistics as to the op- of the fast mail train in the West have been obtained from tne Post- office Department: TJie mails from the } East and Southeast into Chicago weigh daily an average of 32,202 pounds. The mails from the Northeast, East and South, into St. Louis weigh daily an av- iftage of 10,293 pounds. The mails from St. Louis to Chicago weigh daily an av­ erage of 1,218 pounds. This includes only the St. Louis proper and Arkansas v y. mails. The mails from Chicago to St. " Xfouis daily average of 2,553 pounds. This includes mail from the north of djhioago, mu& , from Michigan. The nulla going kilo Mkauori for the oonn- VM& MM (MMSthwWk df' -tram all < froui Smith and Wert have a 1 .t gggjj that the lunoont dY'riM matter dfstributedto the sections immediately tributary to Chicago is seven times or large as the amount reoeived and distributed fronr St. l/ouia. „ . ... daily iptage Fnmtlra of tn fihllfajfl, be thought of Mr. Whatever may Bergh, in a general way, we take it that no humane person can withhold ap­ proval of his act in arresting an infant thereof \ The prud^gj" cuud iuc Irpuwiu at the Tivoli Theater, New York. prodigy in question is called " Leo, " and his prodigiousness consists in his precocious abilities in the trapeze and tight-rope lines, fie is only 6 years of age. Bergh sent two officers into the theater, who, when the child ap peared and began his performance, rushed upon the stage and took him into the wing, where his parent was found | farming and domeatic utensil^ etc., etc., . , " - ' be furnished the agaofe for distribution by the Quartermaater's Department of the army, after having been inspected by an o5ioer of the army to be appointed for that puffH&e, sn tl»it the agabt wall ([lift- food piuchased and draped at the agen - manner bv tlie OmnoSfe- *v« illBiti pilfpwaCj BQ X(Hf? BfiKI be reajponaible only lor the pfoper dif iribntion of the goods, and that all fooi be piuchased and dropped at the ages sary Department <^vthe army. This will, on the one hand, relieve the bureau of all suspicion of financial mismanage ment, and, on th«f other hand, will bene­ fit the agent in his official relations with and arrested. When the audience found what, the disturbance meant, they j expressed their indorsement of it in a "storm off apnlause," The trapeze business is a Wod business at best, even ; when followed by adults. A certain j class of persons may derive moral im provement from looking on while a man | or woman who sees fit to risk his or her j cien in the not very valuable neck in " flying j leaps," shoots between the balcony ana the footlights over their heads ;* there may be a demand for such sights that makes their production in some sort & matter of managerial necessity; but there I the Indians in many ways, and give him is absolutely no such excuse to be offered ! more time to attend to their adulation, for the painful exhibition of young chil- j Commissioner Smith will also reoom- dren in the like entertainments. People j mend that the Indians living on reserva- sit and watch the motions of these [ tions within the limits of oertain States be transferred to the care of the proper officers of those States. There are now living in the State of New York on their reservation, and under the care of the bureau, 5,000 Indiana ; in Wisconsin there are 8,000; in Michigan, 9,000; and in Minnesota, 6,000, In each of these States the Indians have reached a degree of enlightenment and civilization that separates them from what are known as " plains,'" or wild Indians, and the same systems do not apply property to both classes. In each State there is property enough in the reservation, if Sroperly managed, to educate each in-ividual Indian to the average standard of citizenships and give them permanent schools and diurohes. Commissioner Smith will recommend that the care of these Indians, their property and funds, be transferred to the government of the States in which they live, believing it oan be better managed, both for their inter­ ests and the interest of the general gov­ ernment. ^Sv Ciuuiui IK THR P1AOS PQMOT. A delegation of Quakers, headdd by Friend Roberts, of the Board of Indian Commissioners, called upon the Presi­ dent the other day to urge him not to change bis policy of pcacc toward the In- j tiians,, The President assured them of i his confidence in the present policy as i the best that could be pursued toward ! the Indians, and said he had no idea of | altering it in the least so long as he re­ mained in the Executive chair. He did .not kflow how the impression, got out |hat his views had altered, and he said the circulation of such report had caused him ji great deal of annoyance. A* AooidLntad Cur*.--When death hourly expected from consumption, all a - " * • • ' r - r * / .11 -k,, f, 4... . . ' ISH4I& nt Will Ad A 'iSSCS&SgtZZ mi f»iwn--lllwfaU crtfc Bast in th« WorWL wmMm mi rem t SJf n^i __ !• Hilnwa IiwuSS** ' lUa<>f9f PRICES MADE TO SIHT THE TIMES: '1 ess# swicsss Vor.ta'a wf 1 BUM liatm, wmlnK h«retoth»fWtM Mlcr. In his iarthoomlng report on Indian aflfeirs-to the last flinal yeM,Ck>mmiB- siooer SiMiw& xnldce aiW |BaportaBt future bureau That whioh will probably attract Hie most attentitm, and which is supposed to be in harmony with the view of the President, Se tair Chandler, and other member* of Cabinet, is the abolishment of the trace syatem of purchasing supplies, and the transferring the whole of una portion of the bosiaaes of thfk bureau to the proper'bittiieliea the Im Department when the purchases shall involve an ex­ penditure of 1,000 or more. Ooaunia- sinner Ssuth thinks it will be better in all mfpeota for the Indian aaivioe if it can be relieved of every tranoaotioB of a purely bu^Shess of c^mjOwifdlu character, and devote itself exclusively as far as may be to the civilization and education of the Indians. His plan is that all sup- DOIJLS plies of nlntliing, annuity goods, anQS, Book.sc. ooou>,MtMBt' and ammunition, homes, wagons, tents, CIO * day at home. Annta wanted. V I* 1m. Addraw TRUE A OO.. At |\IVORCKS sfctakiwu for JL# ete.; re«id«mre an»»c«M«TS'; fm a' i». O. Boa Mm. mirrnm, TL»„ TED) IF*»TCB, Pub., Mnnin St., Nwr York. ZELliS* KN€YClX>?*rDIA. HEW BRVISKD HDITIO*. 1H0.0W Article, S.0TO «ug»v!«ws, 18 sptendW Atwti Wanted. Bakes, David A Co., Fhlla. wanted. Businaa* per- nqiM. Forfarttaw poor little " prodigies " with commisera­ tion, and a mark of sympathy, and not of approbation. Ttore can be little pleasure drawn by a right-minded man from the display of childhood robbed of its childishness and distorted into a speculation. For the fathers and motli- exto who trade upon their little ones in this way no words of condemnation are severe enough. We hope Mr. Bergh's vigorous protest, will be followed by a general war that will drive this barbarous and cruel business from the American The Triumph of Corncob over Heer- scliaum. How unsatisfactory is the possession of a meerschaum pipe? Supposing you to have secured a fine piece--the best piece in the universe, say--you would n<pt be more happy than miserable. The whole universe seems leagued to destroy it. You fgar to put it* away, lest harm should come to it in your absence; equally do yes draftd taaiutr ifc up, for th&"a m the risk of dropping, scratch­ ing, breaking. While smoking it you cautiously keep on the morocco case; handling would soil the bowl, and you haw .heard th»fc the ' coloring oil evapo­ rates if the pipe be exposed to the air. The longer and more completely your precautions are successful, the greater your anxiety and nervous apprehensions; Mid if, after all (it generally ends so), the cherished, the inimitable, the inval­ uable meerschaum is broken aU to pieoes, your agonizing sense of loss pays dear for your season of uneasy ecatacy. This ever-present excitement and un rest is destructive to the peaoe and com­ fort which should attend thoughts of pipe-smoking. Our pipe should be our refuge and solace rather than our care and torment. Tou will seldom find a smoker of age and experience indulging his habit through a costly and fragile medium; possibly, if he be rich, he will have you to his cabinet and parade be­ fore you a choice specimen of "real Vienna," but you will notice tliat the clay is still virgin; and having carefully locked it back in the cabinet, your expe­ rienced friend picks up some battered, disreputable-looking old corncob or other, which he loads and fires with a sigh of relief and satisfaction; and when he is through smoking he throws the corncob carelessly on the table, nor car- eth he should it /all thence to the floor; bless you I the corncob oan stand it. Be not deceived by this seeming neg­ lect, however; trust me, your wise friend loves corncob from his heart, and would feel its loss there, while the "choice Vienna" evanishment would chiefly har­ row his--pocket. --Julian Hawthorne, in the Galaxy for November. The Dead-lifter Office. The following figures^ taken from the forthcoming annual report of Postmaster- General Jewell, shows the aggregate number of dead letters reoeived at that office during the past year. Those known as ship letters are the letters that are brought to different ports in this country by vessels in the merchant service <rho have no authority to carry the mails, but who have reoeived them from other ves­ sels on the ocean, or ports which have no regular exchange of mails with the United States.; Domestic letters-- Ordinary,.............. Drop •«.... Keturiied from abroad Held for postage Misdirected... un. < Without addruaa .....a. > Returned from hotels Kf thip letters ................. JPoreign letters. «»"•*' > ' Total received during the yew. 3,640,797 On hand July 1,1874 516,493 remedies having failed, and Dr. H. James was experimenting, lie accidentally made a prepa­ ration of Indian hemp, which enred hin only child, and now give* this recipe free on receipt of two stamps to pay expenses. Hemp also curee night sweats, nausea of the stomach, and will break a fresh cold iu SA boon. Addreas Craddock & Co., 1032 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., nan-:ing this paper. Aiiii who have heard of little Charlie Ross should read the beautiful new book, en­ titled " Cherry the Singer," published by Ed­ ward A. Samuels, 125 Tremont St., Boston, possibly it may lead to the recovery of the *tol«n child, as the character of the little hero of the book is partially founded on bis own life and ahduction. Bent by mail, postage free,,on receipt of § LOO. *»«•...... *3,41^,112 488,000 1WI.237 318M4 61,25'2 5,963 *1.240 2,412 4*0.377 Total number ac?ed upon daring the yefr.... ...MW,2m Marrying for Holmes. John B. Holmes, of New York, is per- aecuted as well as unfortunate. Shortly after his arrival in this country he de­ serted his wife, who came with him from England, and married another woman. The latter died not long since and Holmes almost immediately promised himself to a young girl of 16. When the promise matured he refused per­ formance, and upon the trial of the suit brought for breach of promise he was compelled to pay heavy damages. To crown all, before he was well through with the breach of promise suit nis orig­ inal wife sued for a divorce on the ground of desertion, and a decree has just been given in her favor by which Holmes is required to pay a certain sum monthly for her support and $150 for the expense incurred by her in bringing suit. He is looking around for another wi|e n«wf •it "jr : Ws often see * large stock of cattle which do not seem to thrive, and come out ••spring poor," all for want of soraeto>ng'"to atari; them iu the right direction. One dollar's worth of 8heri<laws Cavalry Condition 1'ow- (Iti'fi, given to such a stock mviwioinlly during the winter, would be worth more than an extra half ton of hay. Miss Phceius Couzins, of St. Louis, has an able and exhaustive review of Chief-Justice Waite's decision against all women of the United States, designed for the lecture field and entitled "A Woman Without a Country. "--"Boston Globe. ; • ••• ^ Thousands Speak.--Vegetine is ac­ knowledged and recommended by physicians and apothecaries to be the be«l puriher and cleanser of the blood yet discovered, and thou­ sands speak in its praise who have been re­ stored to health. • Havs you a severe wrench or sprain ? Have yon rheumatism in any form ? Have you stiff neck, or buuohes caused by rheumatic pains ? If so, Johtuon'M Anodytw Liniment is ajec^fic remedy, used internally and exter- Bukneii 's Coooaine is the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the world. It kills dandruff, allays irritation, and promotes a vig­ orous growth of Hair. (CHENCK'8 PUIsMOWKJ SYRUP, JOB. THE CURB OF CONSUMPTION^- - COUGHS MS) COLD8. Sba creat virtue of this medlotpe i*tli,t it ripana the snatter and throw* it ont of the aratem, pariflaa Ito blood, and thus effects a cor*. Scsekck'b Sea Weed Tonic, for the Ctms o* Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Etc. Tha Tonic produces a healthy action of the stomach, (iraatlns an appetite, forming cnyle, and curios tha most obstinate eases of Indigestion. Schexck's Mandrake Pilijj, pob m Oon (ff laves Complaint, Bra These Ms are alteraUre aad produce a heaithr action of the liver without the least dancer, as they are free from calomel and yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the li*er. These remedies are a certain cure for Consumption, sfl Ihe Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter and purifies the blood. The Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diieiiee of the liver, oft«n a cause of Consumption. The Sea M eed Tonic iiii r<tr-- and strength to the stomach, miJtes a good ai»<e«non, ana enables theorgina to form good Wood, and thus create a healthy circulation of healthy blood. The com­ bined action ol these medicines, as thus explained, will cure every case ot Consumption, if taken in time, ana the use of thu medicines persevered in. Dr. Schctick is professionally at his principal office, corner Sixth and Arch Street*. Philadelphia, every Mon­ day, where all letter® for advice may to addressed. Schsnck'e medicines for sale by all Draggiate. $5 to $2(te-t-hom* Samples worth f 1 sent StiksoH A Co., Portland, Me. ff 4 c O SvP®r day Send for Chrotno Catalegue. tPiv ** * W. H. BonoatfaSoaa, Boat--,Maw A WKKK.- Baiwnt, Mo paiticiilani. ad J. KKNNKDY A CO., Richmond, Ind. ,, lily to Agenta. S5 new article* and tha Agenwwaatad. Mbaat-aaD- Ona aample fraa. Detroit, Mich. lltarc* tkmidi* MMmwiW. ttrdefa.flta.tenala otwMa|l Mmw aad gwMral cmitlity. HXSS nati, UU*. d)Arn A. MONTH.--Agemam A Cuity. • tan-dollar bill of 1770 sent fr«e for Stamp. Addtass G. H Addtass G. HUKST 4 .u St., N.Y. A||f a A MONTH--Agaatawantedaiaiiilwa Vlkll OMtaaas hooorable and first cUm. Pit. (nt Oa. aa AGO. < want IT--Thousands of lives and 1 of propart y savad by it--For- ttt AddiaaaLmaNh w Tork or OhkMigo, $10 to meu to tell tax article as BT tid otheri in their o\m nei AtldreM--THX C Kt. I^nuif Ma 0PF01 and Morphine apeadly cured. baWta Send stamp for panKtdi ton. WWaahlBKtoa St AGENTS 8fjSktm EngraTlnct, DIDkB ,, and obeapeat Published-- Ohleago Sobarbaa Lota at ftMaaoh, ItlSdownsbdWmonl'" *" within a short distaooa at Olty Limits, i.abaap fare. Band tea circalara. La8alla«t.. Ml .OMaaga.ni DEATH-.®; jalca of naw mild Cathartics, aad cure of Indigestion, Iittag, Liver, Kidne; " and _ _ _ -s--j Kllxlr aai which Is oair posed of tha ' a. Dinrvticsaad mtcmntfortka t with Iron Tostcs idarescribwl by Aysiciar* ior tHa '• Oonfi'^non. Dr«pji>«ia, Piles, T.ChUdrea, Blood and allHmaile RIOH A RRSON A T D LLI ̂ KProprtMOM." anoil?: naU, O. For sale bjr all druggists. N«m otur gcaaine. ORANO OMANOI FOR AOKNTS, WifeJVoAQ. ANN ELIZA YOUNG'S NEW BOOK. HMIhUftHI t̂ 7«6nTr8^J|S5 you cril.uSl.'i AMY. Iwtrodttt tion by mII from IO to ftA HundrtMft d«nii|r i», and YQU rialo IU Tm bookoftW ,aooitr llluitrfit^ti vimilntK; to n««reft •v^ry day; filing Writt* for tLMAN A 1 liAHTTORD, VOXS.) CHICAGO, liU, CtJfCI.NJ*ATI, 0HW, 'JL"TcSI?m,a by as is" ItyflND READING, PSYCH0MAWCY, FASCINATION, 111. Soul CHarmlni, MsmmHsm and Uwrs* QttMe. bow either aax may faaoinata and gain tba lo«a and affection of any person they ohooee inatantiy. fO page*. By mail, 60 eta. Hunt * 60.. S. 7th sC»Ua- INCINNATI DO m,4g\ O A Inreatad lit Wsll Street, y -5?? ̂*»-Pagadb^k'̂ ^Uining 9€M I' fHCa« A Bwitaitfi) ON A POSTAL send your address to Mur. Demobest, 1? Kast I4t!i aireet. New York, snd beinfonned how to increase your income Profitable and easy <-ui|>)t>.v!m-nt for all. Tont Same Elcgaiitlv Print* • •nU'» ad oa It Tbakspa«i:** visitino Cabdr, fbrSS Cents. Each cardcontaini a soma which Is not visible until held towards the light Kothingllk* themererbefbreoiwred In America. Blrlndnce- mcntato A^esita KoVEt.Tr Printino Co..Ashlaml, Slaw. ¥ ? T W 4 C U Bboadwat. New York. JD a tf a jW Aullt manufacturer of Soijd Goi.n JBWRLkY ofavery description. The stock islanra. vary choioa, and la offered at retail at trade prices to Rep our workmen going. Bills under 115, P.O. order in advance. On* Si®. C.O.D. privilege to itansinc, Catalogues frea. THIS NKW F I « sra 3 ~ TRUSS Haa a_ Pad differing from all others. Its action is wae. derful. Being oupahape, ,with Salf-Adjustina Ball Its oanUr.it adapts Itaelf to all poaitioos of the body, white a bill within the cap prmaM back tkefatea* » P*rm>n wogH with >¥« CBIUD l̂OSUnrTRElWESi AQENTS WANTED. WtLSOH SCVDHtHACKHGO., . CHCAGO,ILl.torCLtT*LMID,«. TheWonders of Ifc^eaCkemiatry. Sari2?armiai aiflltj AsaciatEs. CluaafM m Scmis and Pelt as Tb*y Oattf Oe**r alter Utlng • Ww Aam ag T •" DB. KABWArS > ̂ - SarsapariHImil ! > fSl CTSRiT BLOOD PURIfTBB; 1. Good spirit*, disappearance of vmaknaaa, laagnML wakaiiholy; incr«aaa and hardneas ol fash aadaiV cles, etc.A Strength increases, food.no mom emir gmtkyg, calm and Dtaappaaianoe of apota. Mstch looksctearacdhealthy.the urtoe 1 bid and cloudy appswrmnoe to a < no pain or weakneaa. 4. Marked dimtnottan mony restored to the several oqcans. 5. Yellow tingo on the white (3 the Involuntary aaaketring tftachaiaea <if with cartataity of panaansnt cmra. exhibited in the Beciat£ag>gtsnds,i reral oqnns. TtMNftla «i MS&vm thy.saBKia of the frequency o( oolch; general throagbon shouMsie, ate.; asassUin l^itb light 'preasur ntant, awl a laaioal r day and niaBt, wd a ladioal enie eertabL^I*!* OIK, Mnrahnll, Mlrh. . Smith Organ CoM •OSTON, MASS* ! ^these Sfamimrd Instrument*' Sold by Xosk Dealers Everywhere. Mimt mmi ni mmr iwimi,i| !' f'm United IKeiea W'tfeft"' INSTALLMENT PLAN: that to, en a System of Monthly PirMNt Pttebaaars shonUI ask far the S*ITB A«bicaIIOmub. Oat^oauea and tall partteaUra oa apuBusMaa blood lmprovaa In miniah, and au li Msmors, canoi tho anaound . npres, syphilitio urao •ovw» tiBwww mi whh pmrmv SSS.'BJar® ̂ - n i n f i H . i i . i l J . « » s ? s » 5 B a s f f i s a . s s » - ^ a - Betaaaa)Tw»a. i-si m aanK oaees wtth Htd. of V system. % tt tbOGB of Cttuonic, BenMnaw Blow may be the en*» "feel m ai hedttb taaproving, their a t even keeptaf Ms own, it ia tmeslng. ia theae dhMH woraa--the vims of wted and driven nriNM . . KUam, m GIVEN AWAY To every reader of The Family Jnuvnall 8TOEYJ LADYS BOOK. CHUEHMAL AUBlOi, The Oldest Magaxlne in America. " * " -- . - -- - - -- * CHROMO," THE MOBHIKM CAt.i,.«rHi M not arrested f||» " -j?" •K?:wn,(il<, •roaae ui bvihq, mvwi The great power or thrc«ton death--aa tn TabereaWma Phthisla, Wiiatlngrbageneratton, Dlabetea. Stoppage of Water (L lorded where cathetara have to be with tho painful operation dissolving atone in the ' domination of the pawns of LBooorrbea I In tumors, nodes, hard ) (lropay aad venereal aoi ! of thi luM»;in goot, ; in mercurial 1 ~ dlseaao, where wreck, and « Lhd iî tiSj of U ôsiok 1 all tho pleasares of existence unfortunata, and by Ma agency, it restores " oxiKtenoe whero rakin dlseaseathat every onaia ^Upubl°d/viflb,afew doaea will in moat oeaa^sadk* few bottles in the more aggravated forms, W<m£ avan- manent core. Thoaa aflbcUdwHh chranfo a package oimtainina one C The Oldest Majraxlne in America. "A Premutm )HROHO, I HE HOIKiNi, < 'Al.! . \vi!! lie Riven to uvesy tuuioribar, aitather single 01 in a club, who tMiya in ad­ vance for «8YSand reinitsdirpcf ship office Addrasa L. A. «01>RV, Philadelphia, Pa. A $10 Tinted Engraving, ilztr 458*28, Our Uitfit*. end Beatit.il'ui'i'iiited Ragrsvins.emtf rer *«UO tlistoricai Views and Portraits at all I _ :s and pccscmages, fn».' the landing of Columbus to 100 pago Book and samplco of Rubber Hooiing. Complete imatcriab for mew root 4Vc. aft. Fire j roof.darabk'.ciionp. Ecsily [applied with poaltlve EaUeSiction. I Write nt once and save n:oaey. N. ¥. Slato Roofing Co*. 1 C1.DAU .*T„ K.T. -AiBkSJSSSkIS ILLUSTRATED Homk Maoa/.ink. " The Household! Mafarin* AmMioaV' T«c. Serial Stories in I Hid. it AM.vsuni by Mnl. .Tul2ll c R_ Dorr; by T. S. Arthur. BV 1TBR* numlier. Tf.hms-- O. Spteiidid Book Specimen number TO f'». » & SON, Phlla«ra, Pa. iiI:S2.50 With lOOCaitridgea, $3.00 -SO^OOeold; every one warran- bom-rt. . (McOormick Block) awl to njnbty ni SV.SO per year; ,t uopiea for $d.SO. >pl the present lime, including • maunHiecmt and view of tho Centennial Bnihtines in t'liiriituunt Phttadelphtn, will lie given To th* Knitters »j,f oar ffra Literary unit Fashion , Thf t'limilu Jmraal. CinSir.inh-.y ;7|IW ,S/M(-Mini *••'(«»'•'!•••, tOgOtbSt with short jiUetchii.'i und a largo amount of misceilaneoaa reading. Sent four months on trial, including the Cn> graving, viostpaid.for |I,UU. AV<r.«<<»ts'."r uillate t/tm a ! «»!/ J'rre, or aJJrai The fUmil;/ JoHrnal, WH Broadway, N. Y. Agents Wanted Everywhere tediw WE Company offers $1,006 to .'mv i.iu- that will BaeoeMfUllr oomaet* with them its Imriiij? n aj-incli well, through aoa|»toue and sand ptoo'1. '»»ni Iu t.-tkliiK up uiu! imssiua howld " " Agents w tin ted in rverv Htat<>. $2S -- ANTCEO. CHAS. P. PICHCE. Peru. Illinois. IBW and BEAIT1PUL MSTRVMBIT. THE ;• Piano-Harp CABINET OBGAN, An asimiatte comSsiaatlon adding to the capacity ol the organ much of fhat of the piano-forte and hitrp. With a double-reed organ, complete and perfect, in eveiy reapeoti,. is combined a ni«w in»trum* nt, tno PIANO-Ha_KP, the tones of which are produced by steel toswues or bank rigidly set in steel plates affixed to a sounding-box, ana Strui'K " by liiiinmers, as in the piano-forte. The tones are; >. of a pure, silveiy, bell-like Quality, very beautiful in 00m. uoii or alternation with the organ tonus. The 01 ~ human SgirJss whlaa hn»r mf e® i«iw(raa»ar ehalleaw the j tkmot thoSok. ttiiln of niltttnm iBMir Ml by Ma wonderful, ahnaet mi tho bopoMBtn a new tbls %ant naaadr ataai nu power. 1 osdinaqr ski ablod «vtth, a !41es in the i BEADY w8ls, ••v.., ovn|WHnic aiiu isnfl' tMWM*rs »imI loose tioiies | bina ! may 1 and j may $15 SHOT GUN •muljic bai'tvl gun. bar or front actiou lock*: warranted ceil- uijic iwlit b:irirl«, an<i a Rpod shooter, oa nohalb; with PU>k Pouch and Wad-cutter, for tl&. Can ho sent C. O. P. with priv lle«c to examine before pajiag bill. Bend Stamp for eir«ulnr u P. POWELL & SON, Gun Dealers, 238 Main St., CincianaU, O. be used alone, »t>d ie in eve_ry 1; the latter nu be ueed separately or incorcbioiition with any or all thesuipe perfect an oisan as without the _ be used with the PIANO-HARP; the latter ma X 1 A 8 T I 0 T B U S S new Truss is vrcc~ et comfort nlgbt Adapts itself to of ti with perfect comfort 1 and day. Adapts itat j every Motion ot the body, retaining rupture under the NO. @83 I by mail. hardest exercise or se vorest •team onttl permanently •nred. _8oid cheap by the Elastic Tims Co., Broadway, N. Y. City. Call or sen l for Olrcular and be 011 red of the organ, to which it adds greatly its vivacity, life and VAiiiUf) Mliptiru; ifto & qiucU wider music. Upon ita Tnvention and introduolfcwu shout a yoM* since, this new instrument was received witti so rnucp favor that the demand greatly exceeded the utariutact- urerw1 utmost ability to supply; so that they have bad no occasion to advertise it extenrively. Having now npr- fected facility's tor a large supply, they offer It to tue C"Mic >ylth confidence. ..... . On**-. _ ".r:ih drawings and full descuptions, fwa MASS* 4 HAMI.1K OltGAK CO.. ls4Trtn«ontBt. BOSTON; '4ft Union Square, NEW YORK; 80 and 82 Adams Btrest, (JHIOAGO. PB. SAIVFOBD^ _ LIVER ^nrVZOOBATOH. Compunndca entirely'flromuvma. These (jVMSre- •; Peraoita asta| move nil morbid Ai 'slkoaldndnpttlke or bad matter ^ |a| jdoae to their In* from the system, oo - " " , Drltcoll, Chnrrh & Hall, Grocers, Aetr Bedford, *ay:-- "The demand for your Sea Foam in- pMly. N•v«raepnlplaint.', , F«nner&Co.. utiles- creases Jon* ones, 1 barre. Pa., say;--"Have sold your " tpaU 8eaFoam to all elaasee of trade, never failed to give satisfaction Biggeet thing to raise yon ever saw. Greatest thing to stdl you ever knew. Many valuable cooking recipes sent free. Send at. once for Circular to <iKO. F. OANTZ & CO., 116 Dunne St., Hew York. aator in Stor: * mid and will pajr ProAta. Railed Stool Bonds and Gold bouahi rest Circular, O invested lesea. l»«»i -Vf* wis. Margine. Interest Per Cent, allowed on ̂ Rnil •ita subject to sight drafts. x OIdividual eonatl* kmtloia, from a . E_| twapoonftan ta Aln a tabteapoonftall aeeordlu* to cf> "1 ftct. For all af> fectlona of the UVE1, lrre|R|. larttle« of Stom­ ach and Bowela, dlaaaaea depend* ent on or eanaed bjr annhderanae- ment ma Bllion« attaeha, Coatlve- Mas, Chronic 1M- •rrhcea ,Kv apep- ala, Janndlee aad Female Weak- neaaea. l table- ajpoonAall taken HKADACHK lnibrmation and all pplTing In their place a healthy flow of bO«| invigorat­ ing the stomach, causing food to digest well; PC- Rlpnue the BLOOD, tone and to the whole ma­ chinery, remov lng the cause of the diseases, ef­ fecting a radical cure. Aa a FAJH- II-Y MEDICISB it la VHKQVAL* ED, and la AL« WAYS SAFE, at commeneemeiat INFLAMMATION OF TBK SIDNI INFLAMMATION OF THK BJ I INFLAMMATION OF THE BO* OONGB8TION OF THR LUNGS. SORB THROAT. DIFF1CULT BRBATHINO. PALPITATION OF THR HEART. HYSTERICS. CROlTP. PIPHTMtRIAt' CATARfcH, INFtPBIttA. BBADACHK. TOOTHAOliK. MOMPBL^ NKURALtilA.RH KUMATIS COLD cklU£. AGUB ( Twenty drops In half s momenta, cure CRAMPS. AOH, HEARTBURN. SI( WAyiTR^r willprevent siol n 18 BBITfER8H^ pmsnssv™ «l PrteaSOCaata. with sweet nbwaHa.» _prX)beerre Dnoedenof tt Bilioas all Derangements of tho Warranted to ©Sect a positive cwqa, containing no suercury, mim»«H at symptoms resulting Srotn of the Blood ha. the HesdTHaRtw at the Heart, 1 inaI»tM Pasi be, and Sndde^ftatbas ol Bsa^ Bwa m 1 from aUthe i »ts5»crBox,. SOLDI Head 6*F.4L8B ATOltC*.' s*«iRiPSAt4lffla5a . worth thousands will bo sontsou. National Or»i»f«r. issued nftly at lAiuifvill«. Ky.. h^«J^aMtSMi J Nat t t:r»n*e. free to !>«•. A Tfe- , "•} wmiins $1 as fer y#r MMb . ... FREE by _ _ Sample* ft** '4 m**tfcs trial $•* .igt'i tamfc iMm m ato**., ; M. L?:' , « -1 • f \ * WRHW TO JUDVBH1 JMW ywi aaw ~ r ' ;v

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