_ Iavk JUAUKV mum • J- :: XftiCX, X. Y., March $7th. *3i. , »te»«ly normal foreijfa Imm4 OOBUftues. Prices remain firm M yhetkwe^neeted. A fair demand N report** «| Boeton, with sales of fwd t»«ftnfcs» fictory at 18@l4e. At PMIrtHpMa no change la noted, and WMki*. in nulet. A survey of tM •Ukflt aee«fts to indicate « slight de- pwwllly m Bttgbt, bewever, as to pro- Am no 3»ota!)le change* We quote tt» tnfeeftor at itQlSe, Butt*iu--IDuring the past week the Itrtwfc haa undergone a marked change It all points. At New York the ad- vaftue of two cents for grades froi fair •pwards. is firmly demanded. It Is be ttered the supply ye% to come forward klifht. The Producers' Price Current quotes new butter as follows; Pails, State, prime, 40c; pails, State, fair to good, 35(§37c; half-firkin tubs, State, prime, half-drkin tuba, State, fklr to good, S3@S6. CJBNTEBOBiJUL. KEKWIHW. *The Chicago and North-Wesiern •fcllway will, on and after May 1st, 1876 a«t4 tsatil October 31st, 1876, have <>u ssl* In *11 of its coupon ticket offices (tocfadtag its two tickets office at Omaha,) round trip excursion ticket* to Phildelphia and New York and re turn for Centennial visitors. These tkfceU for the round trtp, will be sold at one and one half of the usual rate for a trip one way. They will be of tws dmes, but will be sold at the same rates. One class of tickets will be good laet of Chicago, going and returning by the same ronte, and the other class wIR be good, East of Chicago, going by one route and returning by anoth er, thus offering to the purchasers a eholee of routes and chances to see va rious parts of the country. Kelther cars nor trains will be char terer? for excursion parties going to the Oeaitennial by this or any other road, not will rates be less per person for forties large or small. Every person going will have to p*|r the same rate it is paid by his neighbor. No other road will be permitted to sell round trip tickets for the Centennial at any leas rate than is quoted above. Redh ead rate tickets reading only to the Exposition will not be sold, and the rates made are all for the full round trip. All Agents of the Chicago and North-Western Railway will, in due time, be fully advised as to rates from tlMlf stations for these Centennial Tickets, and will after April 1st, 1876, be glad to answer all inquires fofagafd to them. N E W F I R M ! ? ; r And New Prices. pawnor* toOowlla, Pwlght AfOo.,) Htm on hand a very Large and well selected Stock of Boots, --AXD- BuMHsr Of *11 Kl*ds, whicb Wltt ha Down Low to* , so it: J . S T O R Y a l and i&. Hardwari, ISTOVES TINWARE, MECHANICS* TOO JAMMING IMPLEl | ;; CLOTHES WRINGS 4c., &c., &c., Ac., ' WHICH WILL BE 80U$f?'. LOWER THAH USUAL FRICIS! Now is the time to purchase, and save Mon ey. I believe that I can furnish good mMms at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, WaterProof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet •Lining. ' " KAWL AND ! Corner "Ifa!n Street and'Public Squftrcjf WOOOSTOCK ILL. M A R K U S ' "GERMAN > Saimk»1 Yarns.--Notwithstanding their hardships, sailors cannot refrain from "yarning" in the most extrava gant manner. *If I was a king,* said a sailor, "I would make everybody rich; I would take off the and make everybody oeotented and happy. Then I would Marry a pretty girl, boy a horse and WW. and go io far ning.* Jack always has a great terror of taxes, though he never pays any, and a most romantic idea of a farmer's life, although he may never have passed a day oa a farm. That the farmer has att night to sleep, while Jack is liable to be called at any moment, is the one ffeat cause of sailors wishing to be farmers* "It I was a Mag," said the other, "I would make my father and mother and til my brothers and sisters rich, then got all the money I could and leave." He failed to say where he WMld go--probably to parta unknown, "Vast there," said the first Jack, '•how _j*s& isansy would you want, anyhow? Be eeeynow; don't take a hog's bite. •Wen," said the other, "I would be. Mtlsfied if thk ship were loaded down wftth needles, and every needle would %• worn est from making 'fcags to hold iqr money." ( "Belay there!" said Jade number one. *Don'tbe a fool! When yon make a wish, wish for something. Now I wish lhad a pile of money so big that your •He wouldn't pay the interest on it m long as you could hold a redrhol idle in your ear!"' These bitters an manufactured by the pro prietor from GERMAN ROOTS, imported by him. The receip| of these Bitters was obtained by the proprietor, in 1S45 , from an old and experienced physician (then a phy sician in the Prussian itrmv), and a graduate of the highest medical colleges of Germany. These Bitters are Guaranteed to cure the se. verest cases of" DIABRIHEA, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, and are a certain preventative of FEMALE SICKNESS, CHILLS AND FKVEB, AND AGUE. Diarrhren, Is a disease characterized by an increased discharge from the Bowels, usually in a very liquid state, and sometimes contain ing a large quantity of Bile. Besides the vari ous purgative medicines, undressed or indi- gestable food, or vegetables, acid fruits, oily or putrid substances frequently cause Diarr hoea. Physicians distinguish various kinds of Diarrhoea", as (crapulosa) when the forces pass off ordinary quality; "bil'.osa" when the bile is more abundant than natural; "mucosa' when the cxcrements contain a quantity of mucus; "serosy" in which they are almost entirely liquid "and watery; and "lieuteria" when the food passes through the body in an almost un altered state. There are frequently, also nausea and vomiting, a bitter taste 'in the mouth, a furred and yellow tongue, dry and harsh skin, a full or sallow countenance, and if speedly checked, great emaciation. This is one of tijose diseases by means of which na ture strives to get rid of impurities, and re store the system to its natural condition. Hence, when it is not very violent, and the patient is strong, it is best to let it take its course for a short time, and bv taking oily two wine glasses full of the Bitters for the first ten hours. For violent cases five wine glasses full per day, one before each meal and two between meals. In any case great care should be taken not to stop it too suddenly. The treatment thus in all cases depends upon the cause from which it sprang. For Indiges tion and Dyspepsia take one wine glass full of the Bitters before each meaL Ks family should be without a bottle. Price ner bottle, large SO eta., null Beets. Manufactured bv P. MARKUS, WOODSTOCK, ILL Chicago & North-Western • RAILWAY, ftomftlyattoadad to. xaroRY. p Opposite Owes Mills. * McHenry 'tit. Jnljr ft. HENRY -DEALER 1*- PAINTS, OXL4S, Painters Brushes, Dye &c., &c. PERRY <» MARTIN, C v.* fell / 4 W i | • -* r I • •**& s- •taf !i,r> in>f-r »/tu" f.rrX t"- Headiquartera for all Kinda ef »• "#» "I t/'f- '•••t < ii.La ; •.tm m - I ^ jrW&l: .••{ill. ,ut Groceries of all Kinds, • .. ^ ' ;r. ^ • • i Crockery Glass - Ware, For President in 1876: THX VAX WHO 0XT1THX HOST TOIlt. OQDM fn wh0 glU "Wfip bis money, boys of (Spccassom TO a G. Thomwow.) 1 NlflWA,^ - ILUNOIS, Larpl Stock, Besi aso iOWK»T PRICKS. ^ igrThe Stoek la New and Larire, and Consists of * Dry Ooods^ |r;Bootss and > FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Clas Stock of General Merchandize. MdSOlSLQit .•W •M, Physicians Prescription# w • v.1*- ' OarefUUy Oomponnded. STATIONERY* Wehavefa fine Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and Mourning Paper, which we are selling very Cheap. A tine assortment of the latest Styles Boxnd Fa»cy papers, constantly on 1mhm» All Goods Warranto# Aa represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. ' li OOL^V. McHenry, July 27th, 1875. L C H E A P E R Than Ever ! Goods are Selling at the NTJPWA. General Variety Store. Read this Prioe Uit: HAIR WOBK. M». C# Richard, Woodstock, would ly inform the public that she prepared to tlo all kinds of fau- *T hair work, coasietiug of frizzes, ,<4waida,eurla,nn<i ^witci^ss. she ii&s a •noter, with the aid of which she can tike eomMngg and make theui up into Wvitdtea aa nt«e m cut hair. From her •zperienee In the broinesg she can Manatee satisfaction in au cases and would solicit the liljeral patronage of the public. Her rooms are one door F s urnitur® Store« wltere #he will at all times be in readinm to .. Attend to her customers. Baeklin A Stevens near the Depot |avb filed their Store, crammed, lam- |Md tm of Fall and Winter Goads. - < % 8UBE CUBE FOR DIARRHOEA. TMe fe to certify that after coming from California to my family in ltaago I ww taken with a diarrhoea, tried everything that was recommen- d to me (but did me no good) for ••er five years, until I got two bottles •f F. Marcus' Bitters which complete- cured me. Bobert Forrest Peter >lane and others can testify the above |o be true and no humbug. I have §roved it to be equally as good for iUloua complaints. It strengthens *nd invigorates the whole system, Carries oflrthe bile, and gives warmth J$o the ehilled veins of both old and froung. It Is the best bitters I ever need. John Pkxman Sen. iTown of Seneca, McHenry County, ;jptate of Illinois, % Subscribed and sworn- to before 199 Ibis J8th day-of September 1875. Baldwin. J. P. - jJm. f- k$-' • s Paueann tor CHICAGO, Detroit, fritdo Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburjf Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, Mon treal, Quebec, Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, st. Louis, Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, Og- den, Salt Lake City, Denver, Council Bluff*, Sioux City, St. Pan!, Marquette, Eftcanaba, Me- naiha, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton, Winona, Dnlu th, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and Kast. skonld buy their tictele via. the Chisagc & Kcrtk-WeiJ£i«i Bail way. Close connections are laucl© at Chicago with the Lake Shore £ Bliehigar. Sr.r.thcrn, MiebU f »n Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Pittabnrtr ort Wayne & Chicago, KanliaLee Line aud Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and I SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton and Illinois Central for aU points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with th« Union Pacific K. R. at Omaha far all far West i point*. Cktm connections are made at junc tion points with trains of all cross roads, Pullman Palace Cara. These celebrated cars are run on all night trains on all the lines of this read. This is the OXLY LINE running these cart between Chicago and St Paul or Chleago and Milwaukee, At Omaha «ur Sleepers connect with the Overland Sieepers on the Unkrn Pacific Ball- road, for all points west«f thft Missouri River. Among the Inducements oM liy this Route to the traveling public are all the modern im provements: Bock and Gravel Ballasted Track. Steel RaiLBoelt and Iron Bridges, Parlor and Drawing Boom Day Coaches, Smoking and Lounging Cars, Wcstir.ghsr.se Saftfy Air Brakes. Miller's Patent Safety Coupling and Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute "Com fort. Banning through Five Chreat States, and operating over 2,000 miles of road, this Companv presents to the traveler facilities that ARfc NOT and CANNOT be offered by any Competitor. All tickets agent* eaa Veil 70a ticket* via this route. If vou wish the best traveling accommoda tions, vou will buy your tickets oy this route, and will take no ottiet XABVIV HUCfHlTT W. H. STEM HIT, UeaeralSupt. Gen'l Pa»»eugiii A^eni TOBACCO Smoking, 35cts Shorts,..., 45 cts A A 45 cts Killikaniek SO cts mirham 75 eta A large Variety of other Brands dirt Cheap. 'Ping, ..Oft, 75and*$l,00 Fine Cut, 55, 75 and $1 CANI>IES Mixed cts Stick 20 cts Fancy .B0 cts Prize, SBafiOcts Sngar Sand, all colors 25 cents GROCERIES--Yonng Hyson Tea SO cent per pound. Gunpowder 75 cts. Warranted a* good as you have been paying $1.00 for. (•Iamb All Kinds. Graham. Bnck-rieur, wheat, Miraesota and Patent Rye Flour, Ac., bf the Sack or pound Com Meal the same Tii^Ware.' V cry h5»vySI^ware and Stove Pipe. Stove* to Order. Amateur Printing Office Orders of all kinda taken Heal Estate and Insurance Agt County Agent for the1 Protection Life In surance Company of Chicago, which Insures for one-third usual rates and ia the safest Company Try it ff9~Cali and see mjr Good* wad learn ri hies. under the NEW 3WJNDA HAXX* Which is the best in town and will be let as reasonable as any IRA M. MALLDm* Nnnda, bet 26th, 1875 We are constantly receiving new Goods of all Idnds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer speciaffcargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is chejip, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say thai-- OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to . " Live and Let Live!" And while wfe lire grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same In the1 future. |®*6IVB US" A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the •OW Stand of Owen Brother;, McHenry,;D1., July^i7th,1875. THERE IS NO USE IN GOING OUT OF TOWN TO PURCHASE AXYTHIMG IN THE LINE Of| •V"S53*._. STOVES, TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, &c., When a better article Can be Bought for LESS MONEY at the Hardware Store -Of-* John M. Smithy AT THE POST OFFICE. We have STOVES that make frozen men laugh, and sell them Cheaper than you Can Steal Them. We also manufacture Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Into any Shape or Vewel desired. We make a point to do JOBBING OF ALL KINDS, Promptly, and Warrant it done well. We make Tinware a Specialty, becauet we thmkon this we are Master of the Situation. Come cmd McHenry, III., Aug. 3d, 1875. 1 8 7 0 Fall Opening. PHILIP GIESELER, :1, i'uftCTUSSi*"* THE McKENRY B A K E R Y , AND*-- : RESTAURANT. F. BEST, - - Proprietor. Haying opened a New Bakery and Restau-i * of McHenry, the subscriber }'n5,rm.th8 i>iiV>lic that he Is now pre pared to furnish tliem with F resh Bread, Cakes. Pin, AOa Ofthe best quality and at the lowest rate& We also keep a fine Stock of . C/onfeotionepy, Fancy Groceries, Cannod Goods, &c., to which we invite the attention of the t> iMfat */: FHKSH OYSTKItS Constantly on hand and for sale by the Can or Dish nana _*^Bakery in Howe's Blodt. onnosite the McHenry House. McIIcnry, Oct. 5th. 1875. "' * And Best Stock of Goodp I Defy all Competition. Mjr Stock Consists in part itt Dry Goofl?,; Cloftintt, Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, GibOCKJEKY, Ac., To whleh X Invite the attention of the twyteff public. I altto keep on hand »large and weU selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, to which the attention of the Ladies in especially invited. Gall and see, PHILIP 6IE3ILKK McHenry, 111., Oct. 5th. 1875. * man ft an Wira tee Pnis lay Come, Greetin: J t We are now prepared to show one qf the LARGEST stock of Goods ever offered byusin this market, bought for Cashfrom first hands, in one qf the dullest Markets the Eastern merchants have witnessedsince 1857. IN DRY GOODS! We are fuR in all departments, from a ® cent Print to a Camels Hair Dress Goods Clothing for Men, YOUTHS', thatisboth substantial arid Cheap. Mem Boots, we commence at 93 and upwards, Arties and Ladies Gaiters equally low. Hats in Style and Caps that will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at 80 below Buffalo Robes, not 100 Bales, but enough to supply the wants of our people, Chrpets. t)il Cloths and Oil Muggs, whose beauty will produce a smile f rom the young mim or aged matron, for Fanoy Goods call and see for yourselves,as we are unable to describe at this writing. We only ask an inspection to verify the above Proclamation, and by doing so will confer a great favor on the General Store Man. TV* Woodstock Oct.!12th, 1870* DONNELLY. Shoes, • '#%£\1 f •. Hate and Caps, &c., &c. me a Call and Save Your Money, by bnytnrOooiia Cheap, r /**.; -• •:* ' Nunda, IIL, Hot. SOU, Wi UREAT BARGAINS -IN-- Boots, id Sloes; 01oresi, atc.9 --AT THE- GRANGE SHOE STORE, , South East Corner Public Square, Woodstock, Illinois* *yr Woodstcck, I1L, Oct. 18th, 1875. MILLINERY -AND-. Press Making! Mrs. S. A. REI D East Side Public Square WOODSTOfR, • ^Lr*OI8. Keeps constantly of Millinery Gomfs of all kinds, Enibroid^er^B on hand the latest styles of all kinds, Embrc Combs, Collars; Ties, Veils, all colors, ding Hats, Crape Hata, and domestic Pattern* of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest style and made if desired at very low rates. We also have a New Style if Ladies (Ms! To whtehwe Invitetheattcnttonof «ie T We are also Aeent for the celebrated NORTHWESTERN ORGAN" Whleh speaks for itself! •old. Call and see. I will not be under j Mrs. 8. A. REID. Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND •hop opposite the Parker House, MoHINRY ILLINOIS Th© sufeseriber wonld inform the public tha he is now prepared to furnish them with any thing' in his line from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. Using none but the beat of timber and employing none bat 8KILLED WORKMEN I fte Warrants hia and for good pay w bly be afforded. work to give Mtisfitctioiv ill be aa low as c4n possi. HX MAKBS Hor«e Hhoeii^g' A SPECIALTT. HEPAIRING Of all kind* promptly attended to. see for yourself. Oall aa4 L. FRANCISCO. HcHenry, 1U., July 28th 1875,