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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1876, p. 5

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m Jfe^eiry paiiiealw. WEDNESDAY. JULY 6th, 1876. Railroad Time Table. goino SOUTH. , t Geneva :>aste Pasaangwr.... .. .7M a. m Oecoette Paesenfwr .4:45P.M. Ofcueva Lake Freight 1:40 r. *. firtreqUMt* " feenev* I.ak« Freight ... S:« a. If. fw«H Paweager .^,v .'. 11«Sa. m, Geneva Lake Pasaengev 7M T. M. MASONIA *• MnHwrrtT rfTAPTJT* \o. 84 R. A. M.- Retro- nr Convocations h«ld on the second And fourth Fridays in each month. « «R A „ II. C. IRISH H. I\ <). W. OWEN Sec., i.... CHURCH DIRECTORY. noniRT.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services'c* ery Sinula Sunday School at 12 A. Intemlent. Services ay morning at 1036 A. M. . M. WM. PAOK, Super- at Ring wood at 2 P. M. SEE Wool notice of F. K. Granger, in another column. JOHN ANDERSON from Chicago, spent the 4th with friends in this village. THF Wilmot, Wis., Steamer came down heavily loaded with persons to attend our celebration on Tuesday. D. S, SMITH arrived home from Ne­ braska on Monday last. He looks hearty and as though the West agreed With him. • OVER two hundred and twenty Ave couples tripped the light fantastic toe" at the two parties in this village OD the fourth. EVEN the potato bugs are Centen­ nial, and are dressed in old fashioned stripes. The blue comes in when one looks at his potato tops. OWING to the breaking „of her •ma­ chinery, the £)teamer "R. Emerson" was unabled to make excursion trips on Tuesday. The "Athleteu was crowd­ ed the entire day. FOUND on the Street, in this village a pair of Spectacles, which the owner can have by calling at this office, prov­ ing property and paying for this notice. THE Ladies Sociable of Ringwood, will meet at the house of Mr. Jeremiah Carter, 1J miles North of Ringwood on Thursday next. Mas. WM, LANGHAM, Secretary. THE little Steamer "Grace Lippin- cott" dragged her anchor during the fetorm On Tuesday night, and drifted ashore on the East side,just above the bridge. AFTER the Sack Races on Tuesday a Purse nf was raised for a Foot Race. Distance twenty rods. There were four contestants, and the Purse was won easily by Allen Walsh, Pitch­ er of the Fox River Base Ball Club, A lamp chimney costs but seven or eight cents, and If you boil it for two weeks Irf fifty cents worth of borax you can make It last from six months to six years. Everybody should practice eooMny. W* are indebted to the Hon. Geo. Gage, for the Historical Sketch of the Town of McHenry, which can be found on the first page of this paper. We think that it will prove highly Inter esting to our readers. H. T. DOLBBEB will please aoceptbur thanks for * roll of verv nine Butter, if there is one thing more than anoth­ er which we are particular about, it is the kiud of Butter we eat, and we can truthfully say that this furnished by Mr. Dolbeer was of the Premium kind. WE Isara of a boy who heard his father say, the other day, that there was money in hens and he proceeded to Investigate the old asanas poultry yard. He had opened a dotes fine specimens without finding any, when the old man decended 011 him, and the boy now wonders if there is any balm in Gilead. . WE are obliged to again remind our citizens that the grass along our side­ walks needs cutting badly. A few minutes time spent by every owner of a lot will much improve the appearance of our streets, besides making it much pleasanter for pedesterans in a wet day. THR new twenty-cent pieces are like­ ly to prove a great annoyance. They are so near the size and so closely re­ semble the silver twenty-five-cent pieces as to require uncomfortable scrutiny to detect the diflferance. The boys are already counting on the num­ berless five cents they will make pass­ ing the new coins for quarters.--Ex. J.LANSING has invented a wooden shoe for horses, to enable them to trav­ el on sloughs, which, if they work as well ES re pre sen ted, will prove a great benefit to farmers who have low wet grass land. We saw a horse with some on one day last week, and they looked like traveling pontoons. L. Francisco, puts them on at his shop on short noticc. BELOW is one of many evidences we receive every week, that our efforts to get up a readable paper are apprecia­ ted. We give this as it comes from one whose opinion we prize very highly. The readers of the several Couaty papers outside of our town are some of them saying the PLAINDEALEK is decidedly the best Newspaper issued in the county. We at home believe the same, because it is*so. ROLL OF HONOR The following scholars in the Public School had the highest average stand­ ing fct the close of the Summer Term, for Scholarship, Deportment and At­ tendance: Paul B. Brown, Ada Granger Dorr Kennedy, Jennie Beers, Frank McOmber, Emma Fay, Chas. Slafter, Fred Colby, Ella Kelter, EttaTorfanoe, Nellie Holmes, Flora Cooper. As will be seen by an advertisement in another column, Annea, Gale A Co., Yolo, have opened a Foundry and Mar chine Shop, where all kinds of repair­ ing &e., will be promptly attented to on short notice. This firm is composed of practical men, and have started a business that has long been needed in that section of country, and we predict will receive a liberal patronage. They pay particular attention *to Re­ pairing Threshing Machines. Read their advertisement. THE Old Cannon mysteriously disap­ peared On the night of the 3d, undoubt­ edly being taken away by Spirits, and on the morning of the 4th, when the time arrived for firing the National Sa­ lute it looked as though we would be obliged to forego that part of the pro­ gramme. But O. Bishop proved equal to the emergency .As soon as the loss was discovered he hitched up his team and went to Johnsburgh fof another cannon, making the round trip in just twenty minutes. And then Old Fourth of July, was ushered in in due form. THE Picnic of our Public School and the Crystal Lake School, came off on Saturday last, notwithstanding the threatening weather, and all report a pleasant time. There is no more pleasant place for a days recreation than the Lakes. A pleasant ride on the Steamboats and a 'ramble on the shores of the Lake, is a change from the monotony of every day life that one can appreciate and enjoy to its fullest extent. Let us have more of them. " Tu* Moonlight Excursion on Friday evening last was attended by about one hundred ladies and gentlemen, and was emphatically tiie most enjoyable Ex­ cursion of the season. Both a ,Martial and String Band was aboard, and with the patriotic airs of the former and the "right and left first four" of the latter everybody enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. Those having the Steamer in charge left nothing undone to make it pleasant and de­ serves the thanks of all. The night was all that could be desired, and when the party landed at the dock about half past, ten it was the unanimous wish that these Excursions might occur oftener. THE Centennial Exhibition given by the McHenry Public School, on Thurs­ day evening last, was a grand succcss in every particular. The house was filled to its utmost capacity, and all seemed highly interested in the exer­ cises throughout. The pieces selected were the best, which proves that our worthy Principal is not a novice in get­ ting up these entertainments. Time and space will not permit us to panic* ularize, and in fact if we were inclined to do so !t would be a hard task to do them justice where all doue so well. Each part In every piece and play was well taken, and reflected credit on both scholars and teachers. The entertain ment closed about 11 o'clock and all went home feeling that they had been treated to an evening of real enjoy ment. THE Sandwich Oasette thus exposes a new swindle: An unfortunate gentle man v.ho has last two iioracs,or enc, a point on which his memory is strangely uncertain, by the name of Clement or Brown or Smith, as here too his recol­ lection ii hazy, is just now traveling on the line of this road, in quest of the lost quadrupeds. He is a good Pres­ byterian, a faithful Methodist, -a de­ vout Baptist, and a loyal Congrega- tionallst, has a large acquaintance with elders, deacons' and clergy in other places, and can give on such subjects almost any information that may be desired. Mysterous fate has so fixed it, that he Is out of money in each town he visits, and that he expects to meet a remittance at the next) one. He has levied contributions on all the towns from Galesburg to Chicago. WORD comes to us this morning that the McHenry celebration is not to be. It is said that the two parties the one for the other against a celebration came in such violent collision that the whole thing came to a sudden end. This makes the feathers in the capa of our committee stand more proudly erect, as their efforts have been so har­ monious, and the people of the city always so ready and willing to assist. Commend us to Woodstock pluck and perseverance, energy, ambition and de­ cision.-- Woodstock New Bra. The New Era would do well to get its information from some reliable source, betore it casts slurs at; neigh­ boring towns. There has been no "col­ lision1" in this town between parties for and against the celebration, and not for an instant was the abandonment of the celebration thought of. A pa­ per that will stoep so low as to at­ tempt to detract from the celebration of a neighboring town on the morning of the 4th, by what they knew to be a falsehood, deserves the condemnation of all honest men. The grand success of our celebration is a sufficient an­ swer to this sneaking slur. Good dinner 25 ets., Yankee Bakery. Woodstock. * TALLY ONK FOH HTHKNKV The first game of Base Ball for the Championship of the County between the "Fox Rivers" of this village and the "Spriiig Cities" of Woodstock, came off on tb« grounds of the former on Fri­ day last, and proved a regular Waterloo for the Woodstock Club, the "Fox Rivers** winning the game by a score of 29 to 11. The McHenry boys played well from beginning to end, making but few errors, and proved that both their batting and fielding qnallloatloas had beeo greatly m&errated by their opponents. The Woodstock Club found it very dificult to handle the ball from our Pictcher, while the "Fox River's done some splendid batting, hitting the balls delivered to them wi th the greatest ease. In short every man in the Nine played his part well, and proved that the Club in the County that wins the Championship from them the present year has no easy job upon their hands. The game passed off very pleasantly and was witnessed by a large crowd oi ladies and gentlemen, both from Mo- Henry and Woodstock. The next game will be played in Woodstock in about two weeks. Below we. append the score in full. FOX KIVBR R. J. Going I f 4 A. Walsh p S C. Waite r f . . 4 G. Owen c 4 J. ThnriweilSb.S A . L i n c o l n % b . . . 1 A Ostnuider c f..8 F Van Slyke a 8. .4 O Owen 1st b 3 sraiKOciTV o. R S ! J Donnelly C--t 5 | E Petrio $ b.. 29 a; S C Fnrera •.. 2 ¥ Giles 1 f...,..„e H Donnelly 1 b. .1 M Ongawa S b.. .0 H 8oov p S W Oolton t ( . . . G WhltHon e f. t 11 >7 SCORB OF INWINOS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fox Riveit-- 7 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 12--» SPRING CITIES-4) 1 4 0 0 0 4 1 1--11 SCORERS--C. H. Morcy Fox Blvtr'% Schank Spring Cities. UMi'IRB--J. Van Slyke, McHenry. VlRBt During the thunder storti on the night of the 4th, the barn of Chaq, T. Eldredge, opposite the Parker House, was struck by lightning, and burned to the ground, and one of his best horses killed. By the almost superhuman ef­ forts of Mr. Ed. Hanley the other horse, a buggy, a part of the harness, and oth­ er articles in the barn were saved. Mr. Eldredge was away from home at the time, and had it not been for Mr. Hanley the other horse and the entire contents of the barn must have been consumed. As it is Mr. Eldredge loses two single harnesses, about 25 bushels of oats, a quantity of hay, and other ar­ ticles stored in the barn. His loss will not fall short of $460, on wliieh he has not one cent of insurance. He certain­ ly has the sympathy of this communi­ ty iu this misfortune. Proceeding* of the Board of Trustee*. MCIIBNHT. Jnly 1st, 1876 Board met in accordance to adjourn­ ment. Present, President Bishop and Trustees Searles, Walsh, Hanley and Weber. Meeting called to order and minutes of former meeting read and approved. Bond of Jacob Weber and sureties for License approved and Clerk or­ dered to issue License on the same. Bill of 940.13 from Smith & Snyder for Lumber, audited and ottered paid by order on Treasurer. Bill of $158.82 from Street Commis­ sioner Wentworth for labor expended on streets audited and ordered paid by order on Treasurer. Bill of $20 trom Clerk of Board for services, audited audi ordered paid in like manner. Bill of $80.76 from Mr. J. Story for Hardwaio was tabled for want of repre­ sentation. On motion Messrs. Dufleld, THton, Eldredge and Rotherael were ap­ pointed special Polio* on the 4th of July next and are requf»sie(| to come before the Clerk of the Board and qual- fy by being sworn in for special ser­ vice on the day mentioned. On motiou the President appointed Messrs. Searles, Walsh and Hanley a committee to frame annual appropri­ ation Ordinance for the fisoal year. Attorney Granger made a report on Owen and Luff's Bridge and Race mat­ ter and reported that Messrs. Owen and Luff were making needed repairs on road caused by washing of same. Also reported that Mr. Luff'proposed to sub­ mit the matter relating to the race and race bridge to some suitable person for adjudication, which report was ac­ cepted. Moved and adopted that Attorney Granger for the Board accept Mr. Luff's proposition, provided the matter can be submitted to A. B. Coon or some other suitable person, and that an early adjudication be obtained. Adjourned to Friday evening, July 14th. JI* BISHOP, President. M. KBLTBR, Clerk. The 4th in McHenry. m% CROWD AND AfLfiAft- ANT TIMEj v S:$£F. The Programme Carried out w» and all Well Satisfied. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry Co., will be held at their room in the Court House in Woodstock on Monday July 10th 1876. P. WHITNEY County Clork. THE Methodist Sabbath School of Woodstock will Picnic at the Lakes above McHenry, on Saturday July 8tli 1876. Teams will leave the Church at 7$ A. M. - P. WHITNEY. Superintendant. CENTENNIAL. Bucklin & Stevens have ordered 1000 Fans for Free distribution ou the Fourth of July. Go to E. 31. Owen for Pumps. Th# Centennial Celebration in this village on Tuesday last was a grand success. At an early hour all the roads leading to the village were throng** with teams, and by eleven o'clock the town was fall of patriotic men, women and children, who had come oat on this great Centennial Anniversary, to do honor to the day we celebrate. About half past ten o'clock Marshal Searles formed the procession, headed •by the Volo Cornet Band, and after marching through the principal streets conducted them to the Public Square, where the exercises of the day were to be held. After some appropriate music by the Band the Declaration of Independence was read by Dr. H. T. Brown in a clear and distinct voice, and although this National document is now one hundred years old, it seems as though it never sounded better than it did on this occasion. James B. Perry, Esq., President of the Day, then introduced the Hon Richard Bishop, who spoke for about an hour, reciting the history of the country from the earliest settlement down to the present time, intersper- cing his remarks with numerous stories and statistics which were highly inter­ esting and instructive to the large crowd assembled. It was the unaui- mous verdict of all that this was o: of Mr. Bishop's best efforts, and ai honor to the centennial year and the town of McHenry. The lion. George Gage was next introduced, who in a verv handsome manner complimented Mr.'Bishop, and stated that as he had so well covered the ground there was not much left for him to say. ne spoke in a pleas­ ant manner of the earlier settlers of this country and the time when what is now*McHenry was designated on the School Atlas as inhabited by the Potawatamie Indians. His *remarks throughout were of the ipost interes­ ting, and were appreciated by the vast multitude assembled. Dr. J. E.Morrison was uext intro­ duced. who spoke for about half an hour.'when all adjourned for dinuer. The first on the programme after- dinner was the Base Ball match, for a Prize Ball and Bat, which was contes­ ted for by the 4<Fox River" Club, of this village, and the "Hungry Nine," and was won by the Fox Rivers by a score of 20 to 2 in five inings. The next was a Boat Race for a Purse 6f$15. Seven dollars to first, five to second and three to third. For this Race there were four entries, viz: Harry Dunnil, Robert Stanley, Ed Sa)ies and Georgo Curtis. Ed Sayles won first m01105, llarry Dunnill secoud and Geo. Curtis third. The Wheelbarrow Race for a Purse of $3 came next and was won by Johnny Thurwell. The Sack Race for a Centennial Cup creatod more amusement than all the rest. There were four entries, and their different manner of locomotion sent the crowd wild. It was finally won by Thos. Murphy of this village. The Fire Works in the evening were A No. 1 and were witnessed by a large crowd, who evinced their approbation by cheer after cheer as the final pleoes were being discharged. There was also a fln© display of Fire Works in the West part of the village, near the De- pot,whicL broken of as very fine, but as we have not learned the faculty of being in two places at the same time we were unable to be present. This closed one of the most succesa- oelebratious ever held In McHenry. Everything passed off In the most pleasant manner, and we believe every­ one went home fully satisfied that in the matter of celebration McHenry will not take a back seat for any town in the county. Great praise is due our Marshal, Smith Searles and his Assistant,for the manner in which they done their duty, forming and reformiug the procession, and bring them in the right placo at the right time, and also for their other services in helninagcarry out the pro­ gramme. THE VOLO CORNET BAND, Although comparatively a new or­ ganization, done themselves gre*t credit on this occasion, and proved that they have talent that is bound to make them one of the best Bands in this sec­ tion. We had almost forgotten to mention that Prof. Von Tip Smith's celebrated Gagetown Silver Cornet Baliid, with their Centennial Chariot, drawn by two powerful chargers, headed the proces­ sion from that^art of the town, and gave the large crowd the "Anvil Chorus," "Gates Ajar," MGlory Halla- lujah," and several other new pieces. They made a splendid appearanoo and attracted much attention both for their appearance and excellent music. A CARD. EDITOR PIATIRDEALER Please allow me to express through the columns of your paper my thanks to all those who assisted us in our Exhibition. And es­ pecially would we thank Mr. O. W. Owen for the beautiful Organ tarnished us, and Blake Bros., for the use offurnl- ture, and Mr. H. D. Luff for use of team before and after the exhibition. Very Respectfully 8. D. RMMm. WOOL! WOOL! I am now in the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their interest to call and see me. F. K GKANGEIL McHenry, 111, July 5tli 1876- " Go to E. M. Owen for Horse Rakes. F. BUT of the McHenry Bakery now makes regnlar tripe at follows: Ringwood and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays; We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies' Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned, HARK. Listen to the invitation all ye weary soul8,come and find a refuge at Ford's Fine Art Gallery from all the cares and trials of this earthfy taberhacle, and while you have the peaceful expression of perfect rest, just allow him to eatch the reflection of your countenance. His prices are reasonable, ranging from $2 to $8 per dozen, according to the size and style of the picture. He i6 do­ ing fine work now, having recently en­ gaged the services of Miss A. M. Woodward, an Artist of refined taste and skill, one who dannot beexcelled in the Art, which fact ean be easily proved by visiting the Gallery, and examining the work lately done there. Extra pains taken with children. All pictures guaranteed to .be satisfactory, other­ wise the money will be tefunded. Now do not stay away on aoeount of dark or rainy weather as the Gallery is well fitted with Sky and Side lights, there­ by avoiding all difficulty arising from the same. A specialty made of Copy­ ing and Enlarging pictures. All those wishing pictures of their friends to be copied do not fail to call, you will be more than repaid. Headquarters for Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views at B. A. Ford's Fine Art Gallery, Mo- Henry 111. Business Notices. Strawberries and Bakery, Wo%Istock. cream Croquet Sets from one dell* '||ft O. W. Owen's. fRUlT All shtes, at L. Sto< Go and see the piles of new Goods being received daily at P/ at SmlthBtoS/ old stand? r •ALT! BiXVt ' ' Fresh Salt, tor eal* at am at$1.60pe* Barrel. RistrHI A bran new Orgau at O. W. for $100. Auction Sale of Pickles. The Directors of the Union Company will sell at I'ublic Auction, at the Pickle Factory, in McHenry 111., com­ mencing at 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday the 2ftth day of July, 1876. the entire interest of the Union Company in the Pickle erop of the year 1876. Said in­ terest includes some sixteen thousand bushels of Pickles in brine. Terms make known on the day of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. K. BRESBK, Secretary. If you want a No 1 Pair of Sheep Shears go to John M. Smith's, at the Post Oince, Splendid Root Beer Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. Dinners 85 cents "Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. To Pleasure Seekers. She undersigned having purchased put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer, "R. EMERSON," would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public gener­ ally, that they are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make trips to and from Pistaqua and Fox Lakes, and also Wilmot, W is., on short notice and guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ac­ commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort of passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boa.t for any special time can do so by mail or telegraph, by address­ ing, BSYDER & CLARK. moRENBT, III.. April 24th 1876. • gURfi CURB FOR DIARBHCB* TMa ie to oertiiy that alter coming home from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with & dlarrhcesi. 1 tried evervthlugthat was recommen­ ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus" Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest, Poter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved It to be equally as good for billious com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the ohilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. JOHN PENMAN SEN. Town of Seneca, McHenry County, State of IlliuoiH. Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th day of September 1876. B. BALDWIN J. P. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to matchf> Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester and Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give them a trialf P. D. SMITH. NOTICE. All the Notes and accounts of the late firm of Smith Bros So Co., arc now in the hands of John M. Smith Esq., for collection. All persons knowing themselves to be iudebted to said ffrm will do well to call and settle the same without delay. D. 8. SMITH, McHenry April 24th 187S, FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots and acre Property, in-and adjoining the Village of McHenry, that has heretofore beem held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, on very reasonable terms. E. M. OWEN. 11 m 1 Dinners 25 Woodstock. Dress Goods of all kinds and at pH* cos to please, at Bucklin & Stevem*'. " V Best thing in Plows. Call and eea^ R. M.Owi A frill line of Clothing at Bncklinf Stevens'. A full suit from $6,60 up. One two-seated Democrat Wagon fof sale cheap. O. W. OWEK. Dinners 25 cents Yankee BakeifV Woodstock. * If yon want any kind of Farm IDS PIE* ments or repairs call on E„M. Owen. Ladles Ties in great variety ami very cheap, at Bucklin & Steven*'. The BTanetiartf and Emmet! Cfcwrns* the best in the market. For Sale by O. Bis mi#.- The Union Corn Planter, the best N market, for sale byL. Francisco. • Shop opposite the Parker House. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLEHIT. The best in the market at L. SCOd* dard's, CHEAPER *TMAN EVER. All kinds of Goods at Bucklin & Stevens*. A NEW THING. Double chain, Ingrain Carpeting beats them all. For sate at P. D. Smith's. New arrival ofClotlii ig andHats and Caps at P. D. Smithes. M. Selz & Co.'s Boots and Shoes, warranted to give perfect satisfaction, at Bucklin & Stevens'. Dinners 25 cents Woodstock. Yankee Bakery, If you want an extra good Shave Hair Cut, call on Chsrrley, art the Parkef House. A splended Piano to Rent on reason* able terms. Ol W. OWR** McHenry 111. Jan. 11th, 1S7«: Remember that Bucklin A Stevens offer their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay,Cash for Butter and Eggs. HATS! HATS1 A cart load just received at Buoklta & Stevens', at very low prices. Good dress Prints, fast colors, oaly 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. Dinners 25 cents Yankee Bakery, W oodstock. Elegant patterns of Notingham Cur­ tain Lace from 20 cts.. and upwards. Also a new Invoice of Wall paper and window shades, at very low prices. P. D. SMITH. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades In Bern Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapacas, at P. D. Smithes. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the market. T|hey are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and sea them. O. W. Owen, Agent. Exeeytor's Notice* ESTATE of liernmn Benalkin Deeeeaad The undorsiKHtfri having been appointed Executor of She las® Will and Testament of Herman Beaalkln, late of tea 09x1117 of Ko. Henry, aad Statc^f llliuote, «!ee8aa©«I, hereby af SiC "VTill iilO County Court of McHenry County, at the Court llouflo, to Woodstock, at the July Tim on the third Monday in Jnly next, ai whtok UoMall persona having elaiiaa •gal--I syj Sstat* ase aotUrtfiTand reonwted tertljW r the purpose or having tne Mae All MP80BS Indebted t® said Batata qnested to make immediate payment to IM undersigned.' DhIihI this 8th 'lay off May Jb IT. JH'16. HENKV MILLER Exooistor. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Shoes For the Spring A Summer tradn which I can and will sell at prices that DBFV CompetitiM. I^ALL GOODS Warranted aa repre­ sented. CALL and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PERRY & MARTIN'S STORE McHenry, 111. cents Yankee Bakery, Forsyth'? Hay Scales.Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scales, for Sale bv O, Bishop. H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. WAUCONDA, Lake Coynty9 • - • lllinol*. Has luat reeeired the I>arjrcst and Best' Stock of Oloths, Ossinn-ros, Kairrv Vesting*,, and also Clothing of all kimis, to this Market. Mens', Youths ami Rovt-.. uita of all grades and prices. I aui yrepareo to • Suit you in Redely-Made Clothing: Suit you to Order. Suit you in Price. Suit you in Stvle. Suit you on Fit. Yorss Tartv, W. YAIMAK. Wau«^nda, 111.. *.pril S5tfc,l*T«.

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