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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1st. 1876. Railroad Time Table* GOING SOUTH. Geneva Take 1'assen srer........ ••sera Lake Freight.......... GOIN-G KORTH. S«aev« Lake Freight •neta Lake Passenger ,7 :35 A. *. .1:45 y. M. -- X10:00 A. *. .......7:05 P. M. MASONIC. «, . CHAPTER NO. 34 R. A. M.-Resru- Jf Convocations held on the second arid (earth Fridays in each month. - _ HENRY COLBY IL P. rtTLA8KI AtT.EX S*e„ Announcement. Owing^ to the persistent urgency of many friends, in various parts of the county who feel outraged at the re­ sult of the convention on Saturday last, at which instructions were violated, other things done which are neither to the credit nor advantage of sound Republicanism; I have to-day, consented to enter the contest for the office of Circuit Clerk, regardless Of the decision of that,convention. And in this behalf I would ask all my friends throughout the county, to give my •'awe a fair consideration, and then cast their vote and their influence for right and justice, on whichever side they may seem to lie. JOSIAH DWIGHT. Woodstock, Aug. 29th, 1876. To the Electors of McHenry County. Believing that officers for the admin­ istration of justice, should be independ­ ent of, and have no official favors to reciprocate with politicians, 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of States Attorney. If elected. I shall discharge the duties of the office impartially and conscientiously to the best of my ability. JOHN li. LYON. Harvard. 111., July 22 1876. GRAND closing Rally of the Cam­ paign, at Riverside Hull, Monday even- ning next, Nov. Cth. Speaker to be announced hereafter by Posters. W. PARKER and wife, of the Parker House, returned from the Centennial on Saturday evening last. They report a pleasant trip. WE are informed that Mrs. T>. A. Ford received a fine $200 Estev Organ last week, as a present from her parents. Who reside at Streator, III. UNCLAIMED Letters remaining in McHenry Post Office, Oct. 31, 1876: Thomas Hurley, Cyrus Ingcrsoll, j. Larson 2, Joseph Winn, H., M. Waldo, Wm. Taylor, Nelson Thayer, Miss Laura Sullivan, Miss Nancy Stott, John Nail, Miss Breica Makhause, Weston Forman, Jno. M. Dunne, Irving H. Car- ley. ,J. M.SMITH, P.M. THIS is the season of the year when our young men go out into the country early in the morning, dressed in shabby clothes, wearing high-tapped boots, carrying . double-barrelled fowling pieces, and followed by one or more mean looking "dorgs/' They ret6rn late in the afternoon, most of them with empty game bags, empty stouiachs. and torn breeches. Still, it is a very healthy kind of recreation, harmless to bird and beast, and might as well be encouraged. AN #85 Victor Sewing Machine for •ale for less than half price, for the rea­ son that the owner has no use for it. Can be seen by calling at this office. LOST, aPaisly Shawl, about one yard Square, on the steps of Mrs. Searles Millinery Store. The finder will confer a faror by leaving it at PLAIN*DEALER office. Millinery and Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. H. Morey's. A rare chance to geta nice hator bonnet at one half the usual price. Don't fail to call and see for yourself. J. R. SAYLOR, who lives near this village, was severely bitten by a hog one day last week. The Wound was dressed by Dr. Morrison, and is now getting along finely. JOHN M.CURRY, the Greenback can­ didate for Congress has withdrawn, and Is now stumping McIIenry County for the Republican ticket. He will speak In McHenry one night this week, due notice of which will be given by Pos­ ters. C. H. MOREY has been appointed Deputy by Postmaster Smith, and has been sworn in and can mow be found at Uncle Sam's Headquarter* in this vil­ lage. Charley will be an accommoda­ ting assistant, and if at any time you fall to get a letter expected, he will write you one and "no questions asked." THK FOX River Base Ball Club, of this village, played a friendly game with the Richmond Club on Saturday last, which resulted in a score of 29 tQ 13 in favor of the Fox Rivers. The boys have nol even had a practice game for the past two months, and tlieir hands being tender a good many sore lingers was the consequence. THIS being our last paper before el­ ection, our columns are Somewhat crowded, and we have not been able to give that attention to local matters that we should. And if our advertisers ara neglected they must not complain. When the battle is over and the dead taken care of we will try and make up for the deficiencies that may occur now. ^ THE Riugwood Literary Society have advertised another of their very interesting entertainments, to take place at the Congregational Church in that village, on Friday evening of this week, at which time will be presented the Serio-Comic Drama, in three Acts, entitled "Dearer than Life," and the Roaring Farce of ̂ The Limerick Boy." The former entertainments by this So­ ciety were well attended and highly spoken of by all. We have no doubt they will have a full house on Friday evening. Quite a number from this village Will probably attend. RIVERSIDE HALL was about half filled on Tuesday evening to hear Wm. Lathrop, A. B. Coon and Jesse Ilildrup, but for some unaccountable reason the two latter did not appear. It is re­ ported, however, that Lathrop'g Dem­ ocratic speeches had drove them from the track; that Jesse had gone back to his Ma, aud that "Same old Coon" had retired to Winter quarters, to medi tate over the ingratitude of Republic*, and lay his plans for the chairmanship of the next Convention. But Lathrop did appear, and made what everybody saj's was the best Democratic Speech made in this village this Fall. When he turned to be a Democrat we do not know, but think it must have been brought about under the teachings of the Democratic editor of the SentiwL His speech throughout was simply a bid for Democratic votes, and he sloppered and slimed them over in the most sickening manner. His speech throughout was a fitting evidence of the desperatenees of his cause. We now emphatically say that Hon. S. A. Hurlbut is the only Republican candi­ date in the field. He is advocating the can»e of true Republican principles while Lathrop is aiding the cause of the Democracy. AN OLD SKTTLKK'S VIKWS EDITOR PLAINDEALER:^-YOU can rest assured that you have not lost one friend but have gained mauy by the stand you have taken in exposing the rotten and corrupt ring that has trjed to foist upon the people of the 4th District that most incompetent of men Wm. Lathrop. of Rockford, for our Congressman. Also for nobly and squarely showing the voters why you support Mr. Dwight for Circuit Clerk against E. E. Richards^Just think of putting in the hands of a life long Democratf he best office in.the county and that to bef^iven him by Republi­ cans and lie owning the Abstract Books which nevershould be run in connec­ tion with the offiee of Circuit. Clerk, which you and any other sensible man must acknowledge. No, Mr. Editor, we intend in tliissection to give General Hurlbut and Josiah Dwight a rousing vote. OLD SETTLER. Nunda, Oct. 30th. BLAKE & BEXTFIELD having moved Into their new Store have taken po- session of a quarter column in the PLAINDEALER this week. They liavr filled up with a large and well selected stock of Boots, Shoes, Gloves and Mit­ ten's, Groceries, Crockery, Glass-Ware Ac., to which they invite the attention of the buying public. Read their ad­ vertisement. 0*r Wednesday evening of last week- Isaac Wentworth, returned from a two months absence in the East, when the Cornet Band, of which he is a member, made him a surprise Serenade. They repaired to his residence about 10 o'clock, and awoke him from lus peace­ ful slumbers by one of their "best peiccs. Ike was completely surprised. ,but he came out looking smiling and happy, and the boys promised to ;'do so some more." •WE called the attention of our read­ ers in a former issito of our paper to the Biographical Directory of Me. Henry Co. The canvass for that work has been going on for some weeks, there being a large force of competent men engaged, ami the reports from different portious of the county show- that a lively interest is being taken among the' citizens and that the parries presenting ti.at work are being liber­ ally cncouraged. This town is being canvassed by the Agent. Mr. Walker and we hope that he will meet with like encouragement, and that our citi­ zens will equally appreciate the value of this work. It is a matter of great interest also to our village that the business interests should be well rep­ resented in that work by our merchants subscribing to the work which assures to each-one his Business Card, a Di­ rectory of each village- being scperafe Iv published in the work. It is a cheap work being so large a volume and con­ taining so much valuable matter. The History of the county will be the most complete one thus far written for this purpose The services of A. W. Cumins, well known in this connty, hav been engag'-d, who visits each town and gathers and compiles the facts and incidents connected with their settle­ ment And progn-ss. This is the true way to make a complete and satisfacto­ ry history ami of itself will be worth the price of the work. The Publishers are giving every guarantee to their subscribers that the work nhall fully come up to the promises made, each agent leaving a card to that eflect from the firm. Such a record of our people as shown will be valuable for years to come and will prove of great interest in the household of many of our citizens. A Word from our Friend*. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:~AS constant readers of the PLAINDKALER we learn to estimate it as a treasure. We wel­ come its weekly calls, and very earnest­ ly look for it, in case of its delay. , We attribute to its columns much mofe celebrity than is ordinarily due to dozens, of private epistles. Science ever flashes a ray from its pages. Geh- eral inteligence combined and made easy of comprehension, discloses its healthj' information to the Observer; specially at this exciting period in our national history. And last of all a record of ojur local, positiou, and of the dailyoccurrences in our comifiunity ever exciting restraint on one hand, and calling up emulation on the other, claims an honest reading and a wise disposal. IIow valuable are facts. We are made glad by its standard, for the morals of the people. Its counsels are praise-worthy. J]very patron of your excellent sheet is awarded a thousand fold the subscription price. Maj* suc­ cess ever cruwn the iirduous labors of the patient journalist' SunSCHlBKk. No Man in this County. Has a better record for honesty, in­ tegrity, capability aud patriotism than Josiah Dwight. He is worthy in every respect of your most hearty support. A CARD, We desire to express our sincere thanks to the people of Nunda, and Crystal Lake for their kindness to us, manifested by very hospitably enter­ taining teaahers from abroad who were attending the Institute. We feel that the sympathy and interest manifested in our work will incite us to greater exertions for the advancement of those placed in Our charge. J. A BALDWIW, H. V. PlliltCR, WE wish to inform the public that our well known Artist. B. A. Ford, has reopened his Calleryaud is now ready to make the best pictmes for the price to be found at any Gallery in the coun­ ty. They are really line. It is well known that his wife is an excellent Artist, consequently his work will b^ such as will please the most fasti­ dious eye, for their interest are now one. AH wishing pictures Copied and Enlarged will find it to their advan­ tage to give Ford a call. Also those wishing Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views will find a large assortment and at prices to suit the times. They will spare no pains to make it pleasant for callers,even if no purchases are made. Come and see for yonrsclf. Vote for Josiah Dwight. For f ircuit Clerk. lie is the most competent, courteous and faithful Clerk the people of this county ever had an opportunity to vote for. The people should see that he is elected by a handsome majority. Grand Jurors for January Term, A. D. 1877. D. A. Barnes, ( \V. Sy I ve;>! IT, l>o\ter U:irrows Will iam Vaney, J . It . Ui>scnkrii) i tz, 1). I t .1.1 well , W. S. Erckenhrack, Robert Forrest , Will iam Alien, X. T. Hyde, (\-irIi1 e Hastings, William Tail, PETIT J. IS. Hawkins, tienrjre Thompson, O. K. <;rif l l t! i , John Cruikshank, Philo Howe, Thomas Bulger, - I . . Sears, Will iam It . Austin, Lester M il l , Samuel Clark, •John O. <'oulsnan, Alciis >n Deitz, Thomas Wlutaker, (J . 'V. Hk-ks John Corlett , I K. Baldwin, | tioo. K. Biin 'ker, | Samuel Clnrk, | II . M. ( leroul I , I . Jo!tu Stewart , I Fred Parsons, Kred Hatch, ' I Taomas l.umley, C. D. Parkes, | H. Keller , Levi sebert , I M'RORS. Ch'ir los Miller , Will iam Cotns, \V. G. Conklin, James Mi'Ctt l l , G. I tuut . Orrin Searls , W. A. B iker, James Courson, A. C. Odly, It . Andrews, John M. Crane. John Mc Broom, John Cla.vton, A. 1. . Weiver, Wall .n-e Beneon. Among the leaders who perpetra­ ted the fraud at Geneva, were several men who labored industriously in 1872 to destroy the Republican party, and several of them, including one editor, maintained this hostility, until, within a short twelve-month,th<*y united upon Lord's candidate. They evidently desire to rule or ruin, it matters little whicli.--Elgin Citizen. The Sporting world is considera­ bly excited and astonished with tlje news that Norfolk's time has been beaten. It was at the Louisville races. The third race, three miles, for all ages, was won by Tenbroeck in the fast time ^ of 5:26£, a second and a quarter faster | pied by A. M. Clark where you NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The very mild and beautiful weather of the past week has been justly treasured by our farming class who" are now securing their corn crop which is pronounced •£ry nice, and in fine condition to crib. But not the farmers alone have Enjoyed it, but all classes, some in Centennial trips, some on business pursuits, while •11 unite in a general preparation for the coming winter. Our citizen's were entertained by a Mr. Canfield, of Aurora, to a political speech on Thursday evening last, but as other topics were being discussed in other places in town there wer»\but few present to listen to the political orator. Tilden's lie form garb was quietly taken from his shoulders and h«s unadulterated character presented to the public view in all of its genuine color, but it was now evident that the great purpose of the speaker was to build up the waning prospects of the Ring's political candidate in the 4th District--Win. Lathrop.--and though much time, many figures and much talk were used, the eflort failed to convince or convert any of his hearers. The great e,vent of the week has been the Teachers' Institute, which was opened by our County School Superin- tendaut iu a Lecture on the "Work and Needs of our Public Schools,*' Tuesday evening Oct. 24th inst. That Mr. Niekle devotes much thought and study to our common schools is evident from thegetiuiue ring in his educational ideas as portrayed in his lecture, and we hope it may be given to jthe public through the medium of the press. Wednesday morning our streets were thronged by teachers from all parts of our county, and the "Muster Roll" dis­ closes the names ot eighty "as being present aud accounted for." Arithme­ tic, Geography and Reading were pre­ sented aud the best method of teaching them thoroughly discussed aud criti­ cised. .In the afternoon the subject of History was presented by Prof. He wet t (of the State Normal School) and his method ot teaching the 6ame. In the evening we were entertained by Prof. Hewett by a Lecture on "True View of Education." Thursday morning the subjects of Arithmetic. Geography and Reading were again brought up and thoroughly dissected and then a gener­ al discussion on the various methods of conducting spelling classes aud teach­ ing Grammar were in order after which Prof. Hewettjjave a short deser- tation on "The Theory and Practice of Teaching." S. D. Baldwin, W. A. Skinner and.A. W. Cumins were ap­ pointed a committee to report such alterations in present School Laws, as thought advisable to recommend. Lecture in the evening by Prof. H«ewett. Subject, "Outside Duties of Teachers." Friday, Intellectual Arith­ metic was presented by Prof. Hewett, and Geography by Miss Wake and much interest manifested. AJjss Rose Sullivan. Miss E. C. Murphy and Miss Lucy A. Wake were appointed a com­ mittee on Resolutions (which will ap­ pear in the regular report of the Insti­ tute,) after which Mr. Pierce took up the subject of writing, showiug his method of teaching the same. Eve­ ning, Lecture by Prof. Hewett. Sub­ ject, "Work." Died, at the residence of her son, Mrs. Huflnaan, at the advanced age of 84 years. She has been in feeble health for some time, yelff without ap­ parent disease of any kind, but simply the giving away of the vital energies, that has sustained herso long, and thus . has she quietly sunk down under the weight of years that are- seldom allot­ ted to but few. Mr. Tyrrell has sold his entire stock of goods to a Mr. Baxter of Aurora, and the building is nesi^ occupied by Mr, Dow as a Boot and Shoe shop. Mr. Murfitt has his Jewelry Shop in same building. As both parties have ample room now look out for nice work for they know how to put on the "gilt edge." The dull monotony of business was enlivened on Monday by the military strains of the fife and drum, as our Democratic friends had made endeavors to have a rousing meeting to do honor to the great chiefs of Democratic Re­ form. Mr. Farusworth failed to put in an appearance but sent out TomHoyne of Chicago, to fill up the gap Hon. E. M. Haines. Hon. R. Bishop and Calvin Gilbert we.present, but Mr. Hoyue and Haines alone had time to speak their piece. • . If you are in want of a nice clean shave go to the room formerly occu- Kic*hiiioiul Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond atation as follows- GOING SOUTH Geneva I<ake Passenger.. *> tieueva Lake Freight .if jr.*it. OOINQ NORTH Geneva Lake Freight.... ...........K) 40 A M Geneva Lake Passenfrer.. . .7 -47 j/ h OHURCII DIRECTORT. COKUREOATIONAL:-- Rev. F. 1. Douglass Pastor. Services at 7\ P, M. ' METHOLTIST:-- Rev. Saml. Eamgev I'astor Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath stohuo(~t*:30 A 34. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAPTI»T:--Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School IS M. "Business Notices. Go toE.- M. Owen fof Pumps. Go to E. M. Owen for Plow*, Yard wide Brown only 7 cts per yard- At P. D Woolen and Flannels a full stock and at lower priors ihtra ever at Bocklitf 'W Stevens', MASONIC. RICHMOND LODGE, No. US, A. F. £ A. M. Regular Convocations first Montlay In eacii month on or be love the tull moon, ami the second Monday thereafter. U. B. CARPEXTKR, W. M. C. G. CoTTiifo, Secretary. Biif corn crop, liue weather to re­ cruit and the farmers are happy. Goods are cheap, trade good, and tl\e Merchants are also happy. Politics lively. Election hear and the winning candidates no doubt will be happy. The Hon. J. F. Farusworth. E. M. Haines and others are to address the citizens of Richmond and vicinity on Tuesday evening Oct. 31st. Mrs. Ciara tireen is now settled in her new building South ofDowtiings residet.ee and is prepared for all kinds of work in her line. THRESHING MACHINE MEN. Get your String Leather of O. ttl Owen, McIIenry, 111. CLOTHIN'G! CLOTHING.! A largf Invoice at in*precedents Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S." Talk is ?aid to be cheap but not cheaper than goods of all kinds at Bucklin & Stevens'. The Rev. Samuel Earngey and fami­ ly, returned from Conference last week and are to remain w ith us another year,*which as far as we can learn, will give general satisfaction. J. B?. Stone and Lady, Mrs. S. T. El- dredge and John McConnel have re­ turned home from the Centennial. R. B. Cole aud wife and Wm. Cooley of the llrm of Cole Cooley & Co. have started for the same place. This doubtless will be the last delegation from Richmond to this Centennial. We shall have to wait until the next. than the time of Norfolk in California in 1805, which was considered the fastr est 011 record. Tenbroeck was to have continued on the fourth mile and at­ tempt to rival the fast time of Lexiug- ton, 7:19f. but his owner, Mr. Harper, made the jockey stop 011 account of'tlie wet condition of the track. He could easily have done it. will Bucklin & Stevens are prepared with a full and complete stock of Seasonable Goods to meet the wants of the buving public, and are bound to sell them at such prices as todefv any and all com­ petition. TO T1IE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm of Blake & Bro., are requested to call and settle the same in tinft next ten days, as I wish to close all outstanding accounts, < Jctiy BLAKE, Surviving Partner B1;IKC & Un>. Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Hats Caps, Groceries &c.,now arriving at Lansing «fc Evanson's. From 10 to 25 p*r cent may be saved 011 all goods bought, from this firm, Parties buying In large quantities will get an extra doductiou l'rom '5 to 10 per ceut. find Mr. Albert Buck ready to attend to you and as you take a seat just take a glance around the room and I know you'll feel that you are in the right place. Mr. A.M. Clark has opened a Boot and Shoe shop in- the 'room formerly occupied by John DeGrushe, and is now ready to receive aad fill orders. All work guaranteed and warranted P. G. Skinkles new building South of Smith, Aldrich & Ilaythorns is being rapidly pushed to completion and when finished will add much to the ap­ pearance of this pfc,rt of town. We are informed that the building is to bean Agricultural Warehouse below, and QazettcOtWce above. The large Stock of new Stoves just received by our popular Hardware Merchants Messrs I. N. Mead aud Milan Hicks would do credit to a larger place than this aud we would recommend their stock to any wishing to purchase. Mrs. L. P. Wodell and Mrs. Carpen­ ter have both received their new stock of Millinery goods, which for variety and elegance surpasses any former year. A.J. Howe is fairly settled in his new rooms and is turning out some splended work in the Boot and Shoe line, while our frieuds Joha Garver and Geo, Alfs are sending out their usual amonut of work which always gives satisfaction. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Venr neat styles* At O. W. Owen's. ClotbfnjBf and Gents furnishing good* speciality at Lansing A Evaason McIIenry. SALT! SALT I Fresh Salt for sale at otrr Warehoas* at61.60 per Barrel. SMITH ASNYDKR A brail new Orgun at O, W; OwenT» for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and see. E. M.OVIX ' If yo»n want any kind of Farm iniple- rcentsor repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Blanchard aud Emmett Chnmsf the best in the market. For Sale by O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Hay Scales, Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scales, for Sale by O. ^Bishop. We want ;B0,000 pounds of choice bat­ ter for which the highest Market priCIB will be paid. LAXSINQ ft EVANHON McHenry. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of the Buffalo and Roch ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see them before making your selec­ tions. p. D. SMITH. The Pearl Gang Plow has no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The best in the market at L. Stod­ dard's Remember that Bucklin & Stevens ofler their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakings, at P. D. SMITH'S. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens' take either, M well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange good Goods atj Bot­ tom Prices. Lansing & Evanson have just received a choice article of Machine Oil whixjfc they ofler 33 per cent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers shonld ebar this in mind. Our Dry Goods Merchants have got unusual large and attractive stoiks in all departments. We notice that the firm of Smith Aldrich & Haytborn '"have added to their general Stock a Clothing department and have an end­ less varietyfcof suits for Meu, Boys and Children* wear and can fit'persons of all ages aud size. This is what Rich­ mond has long needed and will no doubt be appreciated. We expect the next issns of the PLAIXDKALER will give us the elec­ tion returns and would remind our Republican friends that we are to vote at the cotuiug Election for President, Vice President and other officers as well as Congressmen. Look well to your tickets and see that the names are all on, even should they appear iu smaller type. TYBO, WE MEAN BUSINESS. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to me are respectfully requested to call and settle the same at once, as 1 want money to meet my demarids. "Live and let live" is my motto, but In order to do this it is necessary that I collect what is now past due. B. GILBERT, . McIIenry, UL, Oct^ 21, 1376, U N I O N . EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--We had a Republican meeting at this place Sat­ urday evening. A Mr, Blaisdell of Rockford addressed the meeting and the 'word had gone out that he was coming in the interest of Mr. Lathrop so the Domocrats were out in full force (about 15) expecting that General Hurlbut would -be annihilated. He commenced by taking up the Dem­ ocratic Candidate for President and he handled him and the Democrats generally without gloves, making a good speech. He wound up by saying there was some difficulty in tho Kane county Convention and we had two Republican Candidates in the Held, Gen. Hurlbut was a man of great Abili­ ty, in fact an orator, and a good man. Had held the office nearly four years and he was in favor of a change.' Of 31r. Lathrop he said he had known him for a long time, thought him hon­ est and he would vote for him. Of Fafnsworth he advised every body not to vote for John, and closed his speech, which was called good by Hurlbut pieti. This being the evening for oua regular Hayes and Wheeler Club meeting it was adjourned for one week to meet at the same place, Jt is expected Judge Lawrance will address the meeting at that time, L. You oan save at least 25 per cent in buying your Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,at Lansing & Evansou McHenry. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the market. They are war­ ranted iu every particular, run easier, aud make less noise. Call and see them. O. W. Owen, Agent. A full line of M. Selz A Co's Boots and Shoes, Custom made, and fully warranted and second to none in the market, at Bucklin & Stevens. The prices are considerably reduced from last yean FLAX SEEfi WANTED. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the High­ est Market Price will be paid in cash, by Smith & Snyder. McHenry, Aug. 21st 1876. CLOVER THRESHER. F. W1EDR1CK vould inform the farmers throughout tho County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shelf Corn,having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress, F. Wiedirck, Woodstock, 111. MARRIED. MoOOY-- GIVEN--111 Green woo J, III., at the residence of the bride's father, fojr the Rev. U. K. Toilil. on the 25ih of Oct., Mr. Elitrid#e T. M<"0i»y. of Eile'nsboro, West Virginia, and Miss Klttie C. youngett daughter of William Given Esq. REPORT OF THE O O N I> I TION --OF THE-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Close of Business Oct. 2, '76 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $173,006 96 Overdrafts, 31^7 JS IT. S. Itonds to secure Circulation.. 50,000 OS Due from approved Reserve Arte. Third Nut. Rank Chicago 19,914 71 Due from other National Banks,.. 1,819 Real Estate and Furniture, 00 Current Expenses, A taxes paid 1370 08 Checks aud other Cash Items 243 90 Bills of other National Banks, 8M 00 Fractional Currency, including Niekle 72 US Specie, ' 552 00 Legal Tender Notes, 9,000 00 Redemption Fund with U S Traas. llfiO 00 |*»,9ue U 0sn.m 00 eo.wo 00 45,000 00 104,6T5 48 . 1*86,200 M LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus Fund Other undivided protits ... National Bank notes Outstanding. Individual Deposits subject to check Total STATE Of ILLINOIS. 1 Vss County of McHenry » I, JOHN J. MURPHY." Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear tUat the above statement is true to the best of »jr knowledgeand belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashiet. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Oct., 1870. J. A. PARRIMI, N. P. ATTEST:-- Neill Donnelly, K. C. Jefflurttn* J. S. Medlar, Directors. T *

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