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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1876, p. 5

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ilt • * • » ** ... ••V ewe er. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8th. 1876. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. fienevsUke Passenger.... ?:4S A. M. Oeueva Lake Freight 1:45 p. m. GOING NORTH. •ene** Lake Freight 10:00 A. *. Genera Lake Passeneee. 7:05 p. M. MASONIC. %0TTKXRY CHAPTER SO. 84 R. A*\ M.*Retrn. Ifcr Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. _ HENRY COLBT H. P. PULASKI ALLEN Sec,, W.S.DENNIS, of Waufcegan. made o«r Sanctum a pleasant callon Thurs­ day morning. VABIETT is the spic*1 of life, and ;ha t is what makes us think that the polit­ ical pie is pie tty highly flavored. . WE learn that our Barbers are now charging double price for Shaving. Cause--so many long faces in town. GEO. SCHREINER, at hi* Saloon apposite the Parker House," keeps the celebrated Woodstock Lager Beer. SEE the new advertisement of C. F. Hall of the Dundee and Richmond Cash Stores, in another column. J. WEBER has vacated the Riverside House and opened a Restaurant in the Brick Store opposite Owens' Mill. See advertisement* A Thanksgiving Party is being talked of. to be held at the "Parker House, in this village. Particulars next week. PHILLIP HOPPER is erecting a new Blacksmith Shop on the lot just north of the Baptist Church. He will have it finished and ready for business in a few d*y«- A regular Convocation of McHenry chapter No. 34, R. A. "Masons, will be held at their Hall, in this village, on Friday evening of this week, Nov. 10th. PREPERATIONS for the approach of winter are risible in various parts of town, in that wood piles are being re­ plenished, coal houses tilled, and much repairing being done. LOST, aPaisly Shaw], about one yard Square, on the steps of Mrs. Searles Millinery Store. The finder will confer a favor by leaving it at PLAINDEALEH office. Millinery and Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. H. Morey's. A rare chance to get a nice hat or bonnet at one half the usual prtee. Don't fail to call and see for yourself. WM. LAXGHAM left at our Sanctum a Beet that beats any Beet we have seen this season. (We are not speak­ ing of dead-beats now.) It Was a mon­ ster in size and weight and would make a meal for three jor four tainjlics. CHAS KARLS, Johnsburg, has good accommodations for Hunters and Fish­ ermen, and will keep them by the day or week on the most reasonable terms. His location is convenient and accomo­ dations the best. NEWSPAPER advertising impels in­ quiry, and when the article offered is •f goed quality and at fair price, the natural result is increasing sales. This is the universal verdict of those who have thoroughly tested the matter. IN handling: over our Wood-pile the ether clay we found a solitary PotaHfife Bug. He looked sorry, and from . all appearances had just heard from the 4th District, Well, that's enough to make even a Potatoe Bug sorry. WE should judge from the number of teams iu town that business was on an upward tendency, and hope to hear soon that the farming community have effected an exchange of the products of their toil for a large amount of the na­ tional currency. IT is said that a hen held by one leg will nor squak half as much as when both leg« are grasped. Thanksgiving day is only a short time hence, and per­ sons who are aceustomed to purchasing their poultry at night--a few hours ' after the owner of the fowls has retired --will do well to cut this out and paste it In their hat. PARTIES from Chicago were here last week trying to make arrangements to put up a large Ice House at the West end of the Mill Pond. They are men of capital and we hope that arrange­ ments may yet be mad-to get them to go ahead with this business. r It. would be a business that would give employment to a large number of men during the Winter months. ONE half of the. Steamboat "R. Em­ erson" was sold at Auction one dav last week and purchased hy O. \V. Owen. The owners are now Cl«.rk A Owen, and we are informed intend to rig the Steamer over and put it in shape to accommodate the public the coming Summer. It i# their intention , to lengthen it out, enlarge the wheels, and make other and all needed im­ provements in machinery &«., and thereby not onj^y increase the capacity but also the speed. We can assure our readers that our Steamboat facilities between McIJenry and the Lakes will be gbod the coming season. . PRESIDENT GRANT HIVS named Thurs­ day the 30th day of November, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise, there­ fore look up your Turkey and the Ac. to go with it, but do not forget to look around among your neighbors and see if there is not a poor widow or soine^ fatherless children that you could help enjoy this National Holulav. This is the true way to give tlianks. MISS WIDMER wishes u* to it form our citizens that she will, if a sufficient number of Scholars can be obtained, open an evening: German School. This is a chance which the young of this village should avail themselves of. Miss Widmer is an excellent Teacher, and if a good class can he formed, will ina"ke the tuition reasonable. Those who wish attend can. leave their names at this office. THE stylish young lady of the period when in full rig looks as if she had been iu a rough and tumble tight and got her hat banged up on one side and jammed down on the other, besides being yanked about for a brief space with might and main by the foretop, not­ withstanding which she walk? the streets as if she didn't care a eent whether school kept or not. THE Harvard Independent says: A son of Neil Jerome while out hunting one day last week, near Collin's pond, shot Into a flock of swans and succeeded in bringing one down. He measured six feet and six inches from tip to tip otitis wings, four feet and six inches from head to foot, and weighed fifteen pounds and a quartet. Mr. Wyant secured it. and now has it mounted Tor tils museum. THE Rev. Mr. Cooper received for his services the past year, $350. from Ring- wood, 4)32r> from McHenry. his moving expenses $14. paid for house rent $10 per month, house furnished with bed­ steads chairs, table and stove. Actual service less than ten mouth* and a half. At Solon and Spring Grove lie received $17. One mouth was given hiio by his charge to visit the Centennial. JOIIN E. BASSETT. JOHN M. Smiuhas moved his stock of Hardware-, Ac., to his new Store, near the Depot, where he will in the future be pleased to receive his old customers and friends, and as many new ones as may see fit to call. He now has one of the finest stores for his business to be found iu the county. It was built expressly for him is 20x48. with a works.iop in tUe rear 20x18. Everything is arranged in a tasty and convenient manner, and with iiis pres­ ent large stock of Stoves. Tinware, John can accommodate all who may call, either in quality cf goods or in price. Do not fail to give him a caliin his new quarters, as lie says his "lat^li string" is always out. . THE matter of advertising, as a busi­ ness. is'often misunderstood. It is an undeniable rul£to the trade that ad­ vertising pays. Of course the same judgment and prudence must "be exer­ cised iu advertising as in any part of one's business. It is more necessary to advertise now than it was fifty or a hundred years a^o. People are more busy now than they were then. They have Jess time and leisure to looK about for what they want. They look to the newspapers to learn where their wants can be supplied, and they accept it as a settled rule that a man who adver­ tises the comiriodities whieiine hasto dispose of, instead of waiting for the people to find it out themselves, is the best man--to- deal with, and the most likely to gi\-« sat i-f.-.vtjjj.i; tud, if,, you wish to kiiow wuo tiiose men are. we would refer you to tue columns ot the PLAINDEALEH. THE following from .tnexchange will »PI'ly to other towns than tlie one intended: "The cold weather lia* com­ pelled the "busines.*" loafers to vacate the boxes on the side walk, and they now ply their miserable vocation of attending to other people's business around the stoves and on the counters iu^tlie various stores. If there is any­ thing disagreeable to a lady, it is to enter a store where a crowd of men are congregated, who are not gentlemen enough to refrain from their vulgar talk eve.i w.iile she remains. io say not.ling oi t tie e.joking cinude ot tobac­ co smoke which fill the room. We know of more than one store in this town (and this place i# no exceptional one) that ladies will not enter unless it is abslontely necessary-, lor this very reason, if men cannot find anymore profitable occupations than loafing in a store all day. at least the n>ei;cl.ant can make it profitable to prevent their doing so.'" 'r • * RICHARD BISHOP has purchased the old Owen Mill and adjacent property, from H. D. Luff, and will take posses­ sion on Monday next. We learn that Mr. Bishop intends immediate'ly to put the Mill in first class repair for doing a large wholesale Flouring business, and thttiie will put up early in the Spring on the site of the old Machine Shop a large Wagon Factory and Agri­ cultural Warehouse. This purchase, !we think, will not only prove a profita­ ble one for Mr. Bishop but insuie a man­ ufacturing business in McIIeury that cannot fail to draw others around* it. The water power is ample, and Mr. Bishop has nol onlj' the capital but the vim, go-ahead and experience in this kind of business to ensure a success in the largest sense of the word. McIIeu­ ry has facilities for a business of this kind enjoyed by fe»w, and we shall ex­ pect to see, within the next twelve months the location of other manufac­ turing interests in our midst. An old Lady's Mistake. The death of one of the oldest resi­ dents of Bi-ookfleld, Qmu., recalls an incident which happened some 26 years ago. She was going to Stamford to visit a daughter, and took her seat in the cars for the first and only time in her life. During the ride the car in which she was seated was thrown down an embankment and demolished. Crawling out from beneath the derbis, 8he spied a man who was held down iu a sitting posture by his legs being fast­ ened. "Is this Stamford 5"* she anxious­ ly inquired. The man was from Bosto n. He was in considerable pain, but he did not lose sight that he was from Boston, so he said:**No, this is a catas­ trophe," "Oh" ejaculated the old lady; "then 1 hadn't onghter got off here." Waterproofs in Seal Brown, Navy Blue, Grey and Black, at Bucklin A t;Vt:t S. „ McHenry County Taaahtrs Association. Members of the McIIenrv County Teachers Association met at Nunda Hall Friday Oct, 27th at 1 o'clock for the purpose of organization. The President appointed Messrs. Cumins, Morse and Morris a committee to se­ lect the. next place for meeting and to prepare* programme. Committee re­ ported the following which on motion was aec^pied. and, after being amen­ ded by substituting Woodstock for Nunda as next place of meeting, adopt- e, ' : Tinieajid place of meeting Sat­ urday, Nov. !8lh at School House in Nunda. PHOOHAMMK. --FOKKNOON Election of officers for ensuing year. Grammar, S. D. Baldwin. Af ERNOoNi--Arithmetic, W. A. Skinner. Essay, Lettie Cumins. QL KHY liox,--I et all bear in mind the time and place, Nov, 18th, at Woodstock. Win. NICKLE President. JOHN MORTON secretary. Election is over, the contest Is deci­ ded and t ie uniform , low prices yj Bucklin A Elevens remain tlie same.* Spelling Report, In the following is given the report of my B. class for the two weeks en­ ding N'cv, 1st 1876: Mary ilogan 250, Em :I:I t>reg<TV. 3-250, Addie McOruber 250. Ma el Smith 13-250, Sarah Thurl- well jMJfit'. 1 fiie Tilton 10-250 Paul i row i Jennie ileers, 2-250, Addie Alexander 4-250. Eltie Beers 250, Eugene Perkins 16-250, JeU .ie Searles 3-240. Belle Stoddard 4-250. Nora Morri­ son 10-250. cJoise Waite 1-25(1, Eftie i 'uvt is 250. K at e Kelter 2-125 Chas S)af­ ter 7-225, Ada Granger 250. In the marking 3-2&0 tne;lu« t-b:t! 3 words out of 2f»0 \\ ere missed. -v S>. TtaacUer. ' "a«!ifueres. Alpacas. Poplins, Cords, Reps, Serges and Plaids at Bucklin & Stevens. TO THE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to tire firm of Blake & Bro., are requested to call and settle the same in tire next ten days, asl wish to close all outstanding accounts. JOHV Iil.A^E, Surviving Partner Blake & Bro. Fortlif Winter trade, a full and com­ plete stock of all kinds of Goods found in a general store, and at prices which defy all competition at Bucklin & Stevens. WE wish to inform the- public that our well known Artist. B. A. Ford, has reopened his Gallery and is now ready tO'inake the best pietuies for the price to Ire found at any Gallery iu the coun- I ty. They are really fine. It is well known that his wife is an excellent Artist, consequently his work, will be such as will please the most fasti- j dious eye, for their interest are now I one. All wishing pictures Copied and: Enlaiged will find it to their advan­ tage to give Ford a call. Also those wishing'Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic j Views will find a-large assortment aud \ at prices to suit the times. They will | spare no pains to make it pleasant for callers,even if no purchases are made. [ Come aud see for yourself. j WE MEAN BUSINESS. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to me are respectfully requested to call and settle the same at once, as 1 want money to meet mv demands, "l ive and let live" is mv motto, but In order to do this it is necessary that 1 collect what is now past due. B. GILBERT. McHenry, 111., Oci. M, Ifljfi. A new stock of Dress Goods and Waterproof ' loakings. Black Al- pacea' 25ets and upwards at Lansing A Evanson's McIIenrv. Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large aud New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats (Japs, Groceries Ac..now arriving at I.ansiug A Evans in's. From 10 to 25 per cent may be saved on all goods bought from this firm. Parties buying in large quantities will get an extra deduction from 5 to 10 per cent. Bucklin & Stevens are constant ly re­ ceiving l ieu and desiraMe goods, f rom Boston, New York and Chicago. Buffalo Robes. I.ap Robes, Horse Blankets, aud Bed Blankets at Buckliu &'Stevens. Over Coats, Men aud Boys Suits at lower prices than ever at Bucklin <£ Stevens,' NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINIJEAI.EIS:--Our beauti­ ful weather was slightly checked by a most soaking raiu that coutinued almost without intermission for nearly two days, so that our st reams and ponds were filled to overflowing and the roads deluged with innd and for a short time it seemed as though the scepter was to be yielded up to the storm gods of winter aud the Beauties of Nature hidden by a carpet of snow. Our mer­ chants are replenishing their stock of goods and offer them at panic prices but still, they find a difficult job to rake iu many "Greenbacks"The Politi­ cal crusade has virtually closed aud the partisiaus wait in almost breathless suspense for the result. Religious exercises in the Hall were conducted, on Sunday by Elder Collins iu his usual pleasant and imaginative styhj,and the minds of the' audience seemed envrrapt by the fluent and flow­ ery accents df the speaker as he por­ trayed to them the zeal, earnestness and faith of Peter, but to your corres­ pondent the eflort when striped of its flowery embellishments and the great underlying tiutli reached, it was simply the same old story of the Devil roaming unshackled through the Elysian field of earth, offering the tempting fruit of knowledge to the Fair Sous and Daughters of overland Perhaps I did not appreciate it. I don't think I did. It is not uncommon to witness the humiliating spectacle of the inebriate as he staggers with unsteady gait along our streets, muttering his con­ temptible twaddle to every passerby, and thus bringing contumely and ridi­ cule upon the fair name of our village. This ought not so to be. Where our vil- lsge fathers? Why is not this violation of our laws attended too, and the viola ters dealt with as they deserve. Enougn facts are already to be had, sufficient to bring the guilty parties before the Grand Jury. Let us enforce our laws, Mr. Hatch and Butler have brought in a nice stock oi dry good£ and grocer­ ies, which they are now placing on the shelves aud by what I know of the men the "public may look out tfor bargains over their counters. They Scan lie found in G. A. Palmers Building. Mr. Nijah Beardsley has returned from Kansas but as he has failed to make a very extended report, we can only say that he likes the country very well but thinks there is alack of timber and water. Onr townsmen that have been visiting the centennial exhibition are returning Mr. St Clair, J. J. Wilson, F. B. Dorau and J. H. Doran are now at home. TYRO. • • f LI BERTY VII.LE- F&IMTOR PLAINDEALEH:--Seeing 1 have a few spare moments I thought a scratch from this village would not be wholly uninteresting to some of your readers. !> Our Ffill term of school is not Closed yet. There is a large attendance, about 65 scholars. They all seem to .Joarn well. They could hardly do oth­ erwise with Mr. Chas. Easton for Teacher. Wo think,,, he is the right man in the riglitJ»face. A Sunday Jlrhool Convention was held in tha^iiiou Church at this .place, Wediie^Cfay and Thursday of last week, and J^vas a profitable as well as enjoy­ able time for all that were willing to profit by its blessed teaching. • There has beeti some great speeches from very eminent speakers in this place ami AW expect more this week. Friday <»f last week the Haves and Wheeler bey® from Diamond Lake and this place went to Waukegan and had- a very enjoyable time by drilling ami talking. Had a splendid oyster supper and all went oil'slick as a marri age bell until we came away and then there was a few stones and chunks of dirt throwed but when we began to throw a little that way they thought it was bed time by the way they took leg bail for secur­ ity. We reached home about one o'clock in the moriling feeling as though we had done enough for one night. ODD. KX-iCMTRESS CHARLOTTTE. Nine years afgo Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, closed his brief reign iu the court yard of Queretaro, where he was shot by command of the late President Juarez, and ever since, his widow, the ex-Empress Charlot te, has been a prey to acute melancholia, the paroxysms of which, however, were at first followed by intervals of partial return to reason. In these she was allowed to amuse her­ self--if amusainent be the word for an occupation which turned upon the deepest tragedy--in writing the experience of her husband and herself in their few month's sojourn in Mexico. This she lias long abondoned. and in the chateau of Lacken, where she is under strict medical surveillance, she has relapsed into a confirmed dementia, which her physicians have given up all hope of curing. As iu similar cases she 1-ecnrs to the predilections of child­ hood, one of which was a passion for flowers, and Ophelia-like,she spends most of her time over them, feeding as they do her once lively but now diseased imagination. Their attrao tion for Iter was touchingly manifested the other day. EludiiTg the watch of her attendants, she had. fled from the castle, but when overtaken it was found impossible to induce her (o return, except by the use of means which would certainly have proved hurtful. One of her physicians bethougt himself of her morbid aftectiou for JJowea*s. and by strewing them from time to time before her she was gradually lured on her way back to the chateau, where a closer surveillance lias since be*n placed over her.--Lancet. Beaver Cloths for Cloaking, as well as Cloaks at Ruckiin Sb Steve us. You can Save at least 25 per cent In, buying your Clothing, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoes,at Lansing & Evansnu Mcilenry. Don't buy your Underwear, Boot*, and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains in the«e Goods at Lansing & Evanson's. McHenry. WANTED. 10Tons of Timothy foMrbfch Uw highest market pricfe will be paid at Lansing & Evanson's. McHenry. New Goods daily arriving at Lansing & Evanson,s to be sold at bottom •prices. Give them a call and judge for yourself. A full line of Gloves and Mitts at the lowest possible price at Buckliu & Steve us. The story that Clara Louise Kellogg will take a husband this Fall is revived. And this solemnly reminds us of what ohanges in the female voice the hallowed institution of matrimony is capable of producing. LADIES CLOAKS!LADIES CLOAKS Just received from New York a flue assortment of Ladies Beaver Cloaks, at Bucklin & Stevens. Bucklin & Stevens are prepared with a full and complete stock of Seasonable Goods to meet the wants of the buving public, ami are bound to sell them at such prices as todefv any and ail com<* petition. The new American Sewing Machine, the best i^ the, market. They are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and sea them. O. W. Owen, Agent. " • V. '.v. . =*" -- A full line of M. Selz & Co> Boots and Shoes. Custom., made, aud full' warranted and second to none in thv market, at Buckliu & Stevens. The prices are considerably reduced from last year. FLAX SEED WANTED. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the High­ est Market PHce will be paid in cash,, by Smith & Snyder. Mdleury, Aug. 21st 187(T. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the* farmers throughont the COantv that ho- is prepared to thresh ('lover ov Shel? Corn, having one of the best machine? in the market. For information ad­ dress, F. Wiedirck, Woodstock, IU, MARRIED. city, rid ^ SANBORN--WII.T^HIKE--In this Nov. 1st, bv the Rev, R. K. Todd, Mr. Davi B. San (torn of Edgar, Nebraska, and Mii» Anna Wiltshire. THOMPSON-NELSON-On the same day, by t-he Rev. R. K. IVulit, at liis residence lni this city, Mr. Francis A Thompson itncf Miss Jennie A. Nelson, both of Seneca. Business Notices. Go to E. M. Owen for Pumps. Go to E. M. Owen for Plows. Nubias -in great variety. Men and Boys Scarfs, at Buckliu & Stevens. * Good Yard wide only 7 cts per yard Brown Sheetings At P. D SMITH'S. MARENGO. --The friends of Wm. Anderson, proprietor of the Commercial House, (late Vermont House) in this place, give him a benefit this (Friday)eveuing. Indications are that it will be a large and pleasent gathering. --Died, In Marengo, Tuesday morn- ing. Oct. 31st, of typhoid pneumonia, Mit.nie I^ouise, aged nearly 9 years, -daughter of Mrs. H. P. Ross. Just two months ago Minnie's father departed this life, and now Minnie has gone to join him in th.e Better Land beyond the River. In the deep affliction through which Mrs. Ross is thus called to pass, in the loss of her household treasures,she should have the earnest sympathies of our people. --Mrs. Nancy A. Gilliland died at her late residence in Riley. McHenry Co. Oct. 23d, 1876, aged 38 years. The fu­ neral service was held in the Riley House. Oct. 25th. Mrs. Jennie H. Caldwell, by special request, preached the funeral sermon. Rev. Joseph Cald­ well performed the last sad rites at the grave. She was interred on the anni­ versary of her 20th wedding day. She leaves a husband, four sons and four daughters to mourn her loss. She was a devoted christian and a member ot the Baptist Church.--Republican. The best place iu the county to huv Horse Blankets is at Lansing & Evanson's, McHenry. THRESHING MACHINE MEN. Get your String Leather of O. W, Owen,'McHenry, ill. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. Talk is said to be cheap but not cheaper than goods of all kiuds at Buckliu & Stevens'. Faiicy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Gents furnishing goods a speciality at Lansing & Evauson McHenry. Flannels «t ail /prices from >15 cts per yard tip at Bucklin & Stevens. SALT! SALT! Fresh Salt for sale at our Warehouse at $1.00 per Barrel. SMITH & SNYDER R E A D T H I S PRICE LIST. I ^rill not be undersold, and having bought my full stock fnrOA^ii. will offer the follow- injr LOW l'lUTKS for cash. Men's Roots, #3.50 And Youths #2.50. Rovs #1.90. Men'» Shoes Wnmiiiij Kid #i.75. Side Lace and Calf #S.-.'.y Slippers, 75 cts. and #1. Child, rens 30 cts. $1.20 and Kid side lace #2. Rubbers 40, 00, and 75 cents. Tinware and Stove pipe very cheap. Crockery Ditto. Groceries new stock. Teas 50 ami 75 cents jrood as can be bought for a dolhr. Saloratus, Yeast and Soap, 8cts. Ih. Fine Cut Tobacco CO.75 best 90 cents. Smokinjr 35 cts. KiUickinick 40 cts. and 1'lutctiO and 75 etf*. Candy. Mi\od 20 cts-, Stick, IS cts., Fancy 30cts., Notions, Paper. Envelopes furnished and Printed lor 10 cuntfe a bunch. Large stock of Pipes and fixtures. Flourall kiuds. Check, era. Dominoes, Cards, &c. I can Insure vou or your property, cheaper that) ever. You will save money to trade with me, TBI IT! The highest price paid tor Produce. Yours, 1.31. Mai lory. Nunda, Ill., jrov. 8th, 1876. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N --OF THE-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Close of Business Oct. 2y 76 RRHOURCEA Loans and Discounts, ...•.' Overdrafts, C. S. Roods to secure Circulation.. Due from approved Reserve Airts, Third Nat. Bank Chicago Due from other National Banks,.. Real Estate and Furniture, Current Expense-!. & taxes paid Checks and other Cash Items Bills of other National Banks, Fractional Curreuey, including Nickle " Spec ie, ^ ". Leiral Ttndcr Notes Redemption Fund with U & Treas. A bran new Organ at O. W. Owen's for ?100. Best thing in Plows. Call and see. E. 91. OWEN. If you want any kind of Farm imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Blancnard and Emmett Churns, the best in the market. For Sale by O. BISHOP, Forsyth's Hay Seales.Counter Scales and Portable Platform Seales, for Sale by O. Bishop. We want 50,000 pounds of choice but­ ter for which the highest Market price will be paid. LANSING & EVANSON McHenry. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices oftho Buffalo and Roch ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see thein before making your selec­ tions. P. D. SMITH. #173.008 9» 3187 ie 60,000 Ofr 19,»H 71 1,81!> 58 4.J00 00 ,. ].>70(« 243 <J0 993 00 72 !** 552 00 9,000 00 1150 no *3*5:5UO 56 #30.000 00 60,000 00 6,!HH 08 45,000 00 104,605 48 Total #205,50# OS STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) >88 County of McHenry ) I, JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashier of tlM above named Bank, do solemnly A wear that the above statement is true to taebeatufmy know ledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Oct., 1*70. J. A. PARRISH, N. P. ATTEST:--Neill Donnelly, R. C. Jefferson. J. S. Medlar, Directors. Litm&irrBS. Capital, Surplus Fund Other undivided profits National I5;uik notes Outstanding. Individual Deposits subject to check The Pearl Gang Plow has no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. A full line of Flannels, Cassimeres Domestics, and desirable Prints at Bucklin & Stevens. POCKET ANt> TABLE CUTLERY. The best in the market at L. Stod­ dard's New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloaking. a' P. D. SMITH'S. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens' take either, as well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. Lansing A Evanson have just received a choice article of Machine Oil which they ofler 33 per eent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers should ebar this in mind. At the Old 9taqd of J. £. Vasey, RINGWOOD, - - ILLINOIS, Have just tilled their Store with a Largs tstoek ot STOVES, Both Cook and Heat in jr, which tliev are ofltor. in>r to the buying public at BOTTOM PRICKS We have also H tine assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and other Uoods that are usually kept iu a country Hardware Store. In connection with our large stock of Hard­ ware we have opened up with a full line of The Best Tobacco and Cigars To be found in the Market. OUR STOQK OF liubber Goods, Ac., ;uv of the be st umnuflte. ture, and we extend an invitation to all to come and see us before purchasing elsewhere All goods sold at thd Lowest Cash Prices. VASEY* A HQLMSa. Ringwood, Sept. 18th, 137& <>

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