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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1877, p. 4

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at|F WEDNESDAY, MAT 9th, 1877. «r. VAN 8LYKE, iEditor. jH^Civil service reform has gone so far as this, that tw« or three hundred garb; whw were no longer BMdcn Wave bres from the Interior and Treasury department*, aud farther reductions willa be made* Tbough this course brings hardship In mmy cases. we do not see that any Other could be pursued. iB'Sljr. FraNwiM Botta, of Gllioa, ku invented a terrible engine of war, with which one or more ship* can be iMtantly destroyed. The Italian journ­ al* say that experiments alreadv mad* with the mls«ila have yielded the most brilliant results, and assert that even a whole fleet can be immediately shat­ tered into fragments by this extraor­ dinary Invention. Sig. Bona commu­ nicated with the American Consul at Qonoa, but the Consul advised the in­ ventor to personally negotiate with the United States Secretary of the N»fy if he desired to offer the great mtldtle fersal« to this nation. JMrThe T«rk<vRus8lan war question gftts on a new phase in the last few daya. The Sultan threatens, in case of emergency, to hoist the flag of the pro­ phet (Mahanimed) which will bring to arms all the Mahammedansin Northern Africa and southern Asia, comprising half the population of those continents Mid amounting to nearly one-quarter the population of the globe. If. there- lore, it is made a war of religion, the •nblime'porte. the "son of Mohammed,'" can raise an army of millions. In this •Tent all the nations of Europe must become involved, resulting in theblood- war recorded in the world's histo- fjr, and lasting for years. * X^The secretary of the treasury is i|j|eut to discontinue the printing and Ifltne of one and two dollar greenbacks Sliver will be paid out in sufficient quantities to answer the purpose of bu­ siness. The withdrawal of small notes will compel the u^e of coin in the small- or transactions of trade,--it will diffuse coin throughout the communitv and accustom the people to the use of hard noney, and It Is a common and wise practice of governments returning to the use of specie f-o-si the employment •f paper money, to withdraw the smaller notes first. Secretary Sherman !• determined to bring the country to a specie basis. -Senator Morton has been devo- himself to a rerewed study of the Electoral College question, and has pro- pared a series of articles on the subject which will appear shortly in The Fort- idghtly Review, tie has also decided to lecture on t ho same subject after the extra session of Congress is closed. This It welcome news. The danger has been that so important a question would slip from the public mind, to be brought back only by fresh complications at the next Presidential election. There is but one opinion as to the necessity of a change of some sort. While Mr. Mor­ ten may not present the best plan, be Will perform a scarcely less important •trvice in awaking interest in the dis ftiott* •I®"Marvels of telegraphy and of Ijjewspaper enterprise have become so gammon as to no longer excite surprise; but the late one concerning the London boat-race » wvrtiiy wf e»pcuiai mention, lit is surprising enough to read, at 4 CTclock iu the morning, the details of a fence which occurred at 8 o'clock on tbo Same day; but our surprise at that la dissipated by recalling the difference In time at the two points, the electric fluid beating the sun across the Atlantic by some four hours. But when we learn thit, forty minute? actual time after, the finishing gun was fired, the stero- type plates containing the result of the race were placed on the press of the New Yerk Herald--when we realize the marvel of celerity contained in this performance,comprising, as it does, the work of reporters, telegraph operators compositors, proof-readers and stereo- typers--then, indeed, we begin to per­ ceive that it is a fast age. 1«ATK DAI It Y MAKK.KT*. - " • TrTJCA, N. Y., April 30th, 1877. CWtKSE.--This was the opening day' of the market. Factoryineu were pres­ ent in unusually large numbers for this season of the year. Fully 3.500 boxes were offered. Some skimmed cheese sold for 13 cents, but the greater pro­ portion of these were closed out on commission, sellers being obliged to let them go at buyer*' option. The lowest figure for fall cream cheese was 13$c. The majority of the factories offering this quality sold nt 13J to 13|. About a dozen lots of fine brought 14«. Three or four lots of extra fine brought J4Jct which was the extreme figure. Itlf FauuS, N. Y., April 50th. 1877. iE.--The market here to-day prices being about half a tter than last week. The offer- were skimmed aud half-akin*wed eeee* with here and there -a lot of alleged full creams. BUTTER*#*'!'he market is lower than last week* -Hales ot 93 tubs at 15 to Id cents, with lj^ents as the ruling figure. Fourteen tubs .brought 18 cents ana two tuba 19 cents. WOODSTOCK. Editor Plaixoealkr :--The spirit of improvement has taken possession Of some of our townsmen, George Eckert, having felt the want of anoth­ er bedroom builds room enough for fou^ making (he wing of , his ho^e about twice as long as before and fiis- ing it to the height of the main build­ ing, and em belli siting the new front with thvee Fr<»n«h wiinls^s. whl^i-«s» , in «!#!*» light s:i bright «i|r »nu lUvre cold on windy days In Winter than are nedfefsary or de^irnble. Still he builds to auit hie-owir teste probably «fud Do gustihm non est dlsputandum. Mrs. Tappan rented Iter bouse .to Mr. Shle, of Hebron, and, intendsto build a bam Immediately. Dr. Btoek, too, is renovating things about his premises. That new roof is on the north half of the *C0urt Reuse; the .Whitson Brigade doing the work, but whether the new will be more water proof than the eld will be wen when the , dissolv­ ing clouds hunt out the holes In the irou. We hope the holes wont be found in the first shower, so that for a time at least no more complaint will be heard about leaks in the upper^tery of the county building. Snyder has taken a change of base with his striped pole, to the old stand, of M. Sherman where as before he !*• ready to shear your locks away or terape off your chin, to your satisfaction. The McHeury County Democrat called around^ for the third time last Saturday and promises to come regu­ larly hereafter. By its tone, (and it certainly is a spicy number) we judge that the New Era and Independent will have their favors returned with interest. The Congregational Soclety^has com­ menced the foundation of that addi* tiou to the church»and »eems.fdi»posed to push things. Even iu flowers that organization had something new at the forenoon service last Suuday. A large Calia Lily in full bloom and taller than the pulpit before whicii it stood, flanked by numerous and sundry other house plants, many of them in bloom beside three bouquets of cut flowers was sufficient evidence to all present that Religion and a love for the beautiful in nature are not incompati­ ble. "Behold the lillies of jrhe field" would have" UeTii^an approprlate text but being Communion day another theme was demauded. We are to have a^show here next Saturday and many who can't pay their store bills are turning all sorts of comers to find the quarters to give to the showmen. With flour at 912 a bar­ rel, gold climbing the scale, to be fol­ lowed by prices generally, the country full of tramps, aad so many idle be­ cause there is iio work, it seeuis that these traveling nuisances might hold on till we get down to specie payment |nd every business man or firm is bank­ rupt when their occupation will be gone, till the country becomes pros­ perous. From 1862 to 1866 the aggre­ gate of failures was 2,167, for the year 1876 the number was over 9,000 and for the first quarter of the present year tiie number is 2,869. Should this thiug go on till Jau. 1879 every ope but the money loaner will be down to bed rock and--nothing else while he Will have real estate that won't sell and-- nothing else. Who is in favor of this state of things? Dou't all speak at once. The prospect of having no apple% to pick this fall never was better than now, the trees giving little promise of blooming but the quantity of eider vinegar wiH1 vs ;utii n uudistitihhsd. Harry Beurne who Is attending school at Champaign camt I to me last Thursday fora short visit after which he goes to Michigan with government surveyors for some months to learn the practical part of his chosen profession. Civil Engineering. Will Cumins, who has been in the office of the Ottawa Republican, for the past two years, having finished his time came home last Saturday. The Secretary of the Pickle Commit­ tee iuforins us that up to this time but little more than 240 acres have been taken so the prospect for 600 is not very cheering^ The Couucil has resolved to continue the license system of last year except that the number licensed shall be re­ stricted to those only who furnish the good and sufficient bond and the 9200.-- The Mayor, they say. Is a little partic­ ular to know who signs these bonds, and that is not so pleasant,--on one side. Lunney, J. Donnelly, Kappler & Bachman, Marcus. L. Kappler *Brown & Winston, aud E. Caskey have applied, and the last four received license.-- Van Curen holds the Marshalship, Harbison is Poundmaster and 6. L. Sherwood, Fire Marshall. The S pring House is to have a new coat of paint this week and the dead trees in the Park are to be dug up and replaced by living ones Squerbs. >MALS|ttlN ALL 1 • wMs*®#. fe t «».. C mf KIN mm vnviTo • •» \ ILLINOIS : • ... Co; s Double •jCteifigs-" BuekHfe 46 Sterns, Are npw prepnred witb » full and complote atook ami are ooa#tasitJ3f inspection of close buyers* as they are Itounrf to meet any and all competition. They have opened a good line of fast colored pfinU at the extremely low. pfice of 5 1-2 eta per yard. French woven cor­ sets at 50 cts only. They arc also reectviiijj from New York,, the finest line of Dress Goods evejrJ opened in this burg, among which; will be found, silks, cashmeres, j Bri llian ti nes, A1 pacas of all prices, Pacific Fancies, &c. &c. Abo Silk Fringes, Lace trimming's, Yak Laces in variety", with the largest and best assortment of Hamburg edgings ever brought to McHenry, ranging in price from 5 cts per yard, up to $1,00. Also a fine line of Linen and Turkey Red Tablings, Towels, Napkins, and Crashes, . Lace curtains and oil shades, ladies' gloves and parasols. Plain brocha and black cashimere shawls. Ladies'silk ties of the latest styles. Boofts and shoes, a full line, from a neat little button shoe for a baby to > a fiue French^ kid, side laee, or button for a lady, and from a three dollar stoga boot, to the finest French calf, all of the best make, find warranted to fit and to wear In clothing they hare a full line to which they invite an inspection before you make your purchases. Also gent's furnishing goods of the latest styles. ' Trunks and travelling bags,and with all they keep choice Grocer­ ies and fine teas, at low prices. All of which they propose to ex­ change for cash or produce at the lowest living prices. BUOKLIN & STEVEm* Notice is Hereby Given ! That on and After April 18th, Maybe Seen, At the Store of mm^m the Bradley and Single a~a. & L. J. cCormiok's Reapers, mow­ ers and Binders^and thf Wm. Anson Wood machines. yWe have also the New Monitor, Burlington ̂iaiid Carpenterville Stilky Cultivators, the Buf felo Pitts Thresher, the Boss Sickle Grinder, the ' PUMPS • .^5» W'W m v "J e > 'Uii: him. I'.Kf '?•<** ^ ' >%' f "' ftmrfSh-ybn a Wood, ^ i f(- f WB& a Specialty in Pumps, lind cttfi on short notice and guarantee them all right in every particular, 6>Ve also sell the 4 Which is universally acknowledged-to be the best Wind-Mill itt wse, W. S. l'KICKETT. TTOUNKY AT LAW. McHenry. IIL l Office Hec/oml story Bishop's now Block. For Sale or Exchange. THE undersigned offers for sale hie proper, tv, situated in the village of McHenry, ™..win exchange it towards a good Farm.-- There is a g«wd and snbstantiul building. »ult- able for a store or other business, the upper pstrt of which is tit ted uu for a residence.-- (Connect d with this tg tour acres of choice land, a good barn and some fruit. There is no more desirable jiropcrty in this section, and any person having u good Farm which thev wish to exchange, or anyone wishing to buy will lind it to their advantage to ca<l and see me. IT. A. HBBAJUX KcHenry, III, May 7th, 1S77.» in Ringwood, the Larg«st ami most tanfiilly selected I stock of Pry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Clothing, BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES, DRUGS, • HARDWARE, Croclery ail Glassware, k ever fonnd in Eingwood, which can be bought; for Cash or Butter and at cash value, at as low prices as the • tine quality- of goods oan be bought at retail in Nor thorn Illinois. Among the choicest collection of this stock are the most beautiful patterns la Dress Goods and Prints, we have ever been able to show yon, j et a very little money in hand will buy them. But the greatest curfosity, if possible, wi hBre for all who admire the beautiful la oar llneof Wall Paper, which is prononnced by all who have ox* anilned it to be the most ele.spmt designs, beautiful Shades, finish and quality, that have ever found their way to any market, and yet they can be had for Cash or its equivalent, at less prices even, than the old style a of paper were ever sold for I have also just received a new stock of very line FUR and WOOL HATS, of latest stylos. Also a great variety of straw and Palm goods. If you have but very little money you can get one of these llats. Also a choice line of Ladies *nd Children$* GAITERS and 8 IPFERS, iu Serge, Goat and Calf, Button and Laee. Gents and Boys BOOTS AND SHOES, fine and course, all of the be«t styles and quality to be found In the market, at prices, for CASH, that will astonish ev«n a <iranger. In short I have designed to make my stock fully equal to the best general stock of goods that could be found in the County of McHenry either in style or quality. And I now propose to sell any or all of these goods at such prices FOItCASH ihat none shall be able to say i can buy cheaper at some other House. A1 goods sold by ine will be warranted as repre­ sented. Am very grateful tor the very liberal pat ronage so generously bestowed upon me in the past eight years by the in-ople of McHenry. Ringwood and adjoining Towns, and it shall be my endsjavor to merit a continuance of the sane. Very Bespeetfully, J.W. CBISTY. - 5^ v w:?- J fi' "s. .( tk- J, & % !•: . -v . . n. f ,ij 5' 'f' i'C'rtl'W f M in? mw V r fts, ' - - <>• * at*# - >?"'f *' *"^1 i f . . H . j,'-9 if tfiMlk Hi a -vi mfr m- $-Yri t'i- "i- tin Farmer, which we And in short everything* in the Tool Mwhinory Line osed by th< j WILL Sell as Low as any other House ill the County, of article considered. We Warrant every article lea^Sn^ our Warehouse *© just Us represented. Having The well known Refitted and put them inx complete working order, (iKI^DINO on short notice^nd guarantee ^tisfaction. * f " M# now prepared CUSTOM Flour anS Feed C onstantly on Hand1! We can now oifer to th.0 public as g Flour as can be found i|̂ we marl̂ et. '• :>U- i McHenry, 111., May 8th,

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