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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1877, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th, 1877, H. VAN SLYKE, Alitor. Jiuticial Ooiivciitioii. f here will be a Rm^iotn Convention at Mlrnfr Junction* on Tuesday, July 34th, 1877, •t Itlfw. Vf \pnraom of nominating * R*>- Mtllcaa MtidiiUtc t<»f one of the judges of Mmk CifHiit, »« l«e elected on the Hirst XMiqir «f Attfriixt next. The following 1,10 circuit «re imimim h* mtna delegates on the basis of Im Mm PrsstdentiM election. vi«: DeKnlte, •; Mot ~ ,0; Kane, U; Boone, S; Lake, «; B«, V, Keadfcll. &. C. .1. Partridge, Lake. K. H. Gart, Dul'ate. G. K. UUHKCR, McHenrr. i C. W. VMUttU DoKalh. W. B.AKBM. Kane, o. II. wRimiT.Bovwie. „ W*. gri* wo6®, KehdrrL r*it«i - ;*##•*'*>{#• futriun. 8e^QbH^^n ^dnven* ittofe. ^hefeciiuliiican vottrfs/kf McKfanrt eonntv ire rey aesten ,to sejjd Telegatea to a Re pub Ucan Con^ty Cop1rcfttifir. to be held at the pmrt IJftjiTO in Wrtoffstnck, S»titnlay Jnly21st wJ7, at.l«'<tMel( jt. m., for the purpose of •ler.tHi^Tnne deleeate* to ropn sent Jfclfenrr V«nirt*at the District Convention to be held at Tiirtier Junction July 24th„ to nominate a Irapn'uiefin candidate for one of the .Judges of She lftfe Circuit to be elected on the tfrst Mon-rjr of \nffn>t next : and for the transaction nf »«f h other business as may properly come tofore the Convention. The several towns will be represented as fellows: JUley iiiiv..... Marengo...'4..... Dnnham Chemung Alrieu ...-- Hartland IU. fteaeea Ooral 4 11 Gnftw..^... 9 ^ Total... Dorr .... *... M Greenwood 7 Hebron .........10 Kichmond ...........12 Burton 2 McHenry...... . it Nnnda >....1.-13 Algonquin ..... .,..V.T5* Br Order of County CoiUdiittee. THE JUDICIAL CONVESt^X. , 4j§n this paper will be found a. ciltt ft>> m Republican Judicial Oonvftrttidn, to be held at Turner Junction oft T^rtestlay MXt, the SMtlx, fdr the pur-poso of nnm- ttatiug a capita A atte for one of "the Judges of the ifcth Circuit, the election for which h to W held on the Arst Monday In August. next. A Kepubli- can OMn'ty Convention is also called to nfrtefc at Woodstock on '^aturda^ next, tho ill fit, for the purpose of choosing &iue delegates to represent Mcllcnry Conatjr in said Convention. We have heard many express their •pinion that it was not advisable to make a strictly party matter of the Judgeship question, art! we learn the District Committee were divided as t« the feasibility of calling * party convention, but now that is is done let us hope that all feeling aqd prejudice will be Ifrfd aside, and the best man for the position that can be found put in Mini nation. The office is one of great awl vital importance to the people, ttd sbouftd vet fee under the Control »ot trading politicians, whose only aim is to accomplish their own mercenary 4ad». tarTl»® United States troops tifive. recording to the instructions given by Dm President, followed a band of rob­ bing 3texf can Indians across the Rio Grande into Mexica* territory and punished them, recovering1 part of the booty captured by theft. What steps tfllbe ta'kfefi fcjr Kciieoia ict yet known, but if that goveruniiaftt CJuifiot prelit robbing bands from making incursions into Texas, Uncle Sam ^\'i]1 have to protect his territory afcdiif he once iuMitaestheJoh.it will be well 4om. Itt^Popttiar suffrage lias been put to friftngular test iu the village of Awa, JmpBH. The neighborhood was harass- by a midnight robber, whom nobody fMld ds^efit. The head of the hauilet awumoQ^d the entire male population wader hie control, and directed every man to write the name of the person whom h§ suspected, and to deposit the ticket in* box. Fifteen ballots bore the name of Abe Tanihei, the rest being blanks. The man whom every­ body suspected was so overcome with astonishment thai he made a full con­ fession. «•- gJWGev&pjMfr Carroll, of HaifJ aid 'warded a mnnftiv ago to ?3flsb ^Thompson, two Cl whose si$tte<ra were already mai rteA to ttvo brothers of the Governor, aufl now liii only single brother Is engagefl %• UU wife's only #ligle sister. This is the way the Car- relll boys hate of gobbling «p aA the fhorapson ffirls, or the Thompson gi*rls •«:ve e»f gobbling up all the Carroll beys, or bo th have of gobbling ftp one another, says the Pittsburgh Cummer- 9&L BUKINKl| ikQN& ITbe In^iktiapelis J^rnal itAfn: "A bugin&& than of thfs chty, Connected with one 6f'tHe1ea(fih'g grain and com­ mission h&ttses, informed u» that the brders hnd commissions receive# yes­ terday ̂ >y his house were the largest tor a long time, and were of a charac­ ter that indicated a healthy revival of busfiieSs. We^hkvfe reason to believe that other houses are having the same plncouraging experience. There is a general feeling of hopefulness in busi- •iiiSifillM at present, and a belief tliat*th"e 'harvesting of the wheat crop bo 'the beginning of better times lad k%eneral revival of trade.'* 'I@f"lt is amusing, to us at least.- to %e how the advocates of L^tthrop and bis pretended civil service reform last f'all, squirm when they see its practical workings, as administered by this "great good, wise and honest" politician. The Elgin Advocate (% Lathrop organ last Fall) devotes considerable space to an exposition of "civil service* reform, as applied to the Postmastership in that eity. Taylor acknowledges that he is badly fooled as to the siucertty of Mr. Lathrop's professions of civil service reform, and thus sums up the whole matter about the Post-otftee', and his •pinion of Mr. Lathrop: "How honestly Mr. Lathrop has carried out his professions can be gath­ ered from the Elgin appointment. The appointee openly boasts that he had in his support a governor, two U. Sv senators, a state senator, two repre­ sentatives. Mutt Carpenter, of Wis., and other Outside influence, while the fact is. from Elgin he bad not the sup­ port of lift v persons. Other applicants relying upOn the pledges of Nr. Lath­ rop, that the wishes of the people con­ cerned, and not outside influences, should govern, depended wholly upon hoifte support and sought none other. Two or thrfee of them had large peti­ tions in theii- snppdft, Capt. Lewis ha,<5 several hundred-, as had Dr. Tyler, while -Merrifield, the depMfys who by the way caiue right in the way of this civil service moonshine of the eue-iclea^- candidate, had nearly ttibeti)e bundled wtersiM\ his general petitions '(three fourths of the votets of the town/)*; lie had a petition signed by all officials residing i* the city and town save three*,a»d a very strong endorsement signed by mnety-aeven business men and firms, representing that number of business houses and manufactories. Three Elgin newspapers indorsed him. and he had letters of like import from prominent officials and citizens. He had performed the brunt of the work incident to the position of post-master for eight years, receiving only the pay of an ordinary grocer's clerk,, and having become proficient In the service with a record of strict honesty, sobrie­ ty andcapability smight for the pro­ motion which he had earned. Hie re- suit Is known and the readcts Can draw his own conclusions. It has been ascer­ tained from Wfcsliifcgtou 'that there were reksons why Dr. BkldwTn should not be recommisfcioned.and hisiftdorse- ment of Col. Wilcox was of sftcli a character as to lie ave no doubt In the minds of thfe 'Officers that th* 'littler was the congressman1'* choice fofr Ipost- master of Elgin. Perhaps Mr. Lathto'p tfcn Sx'platu Viis course. If not. he shewld resign.*1 MOT1CK. To the Holders of 5tcHenry Cotrtty Orders. N-ottce f« hereby given tl*at o« 'the 26th day of July 1877. 1 will p*y the following $300 8 per cent Coukty 'Orders, to-wit: Numbers 155, 108, 188. 196,209. 222. 238, 251,264, 278, 285, 415, 347, 58,74, 91,108,122,137,153,10ft, 185, 202, 217,232,248,262,280, 298, 327, 362, 68,86 and 103. Interest will cease on the above county orders July SftMh A. D., 1877. x Jambs Ntmt, County ti^Mufer. Woodstock, July lUfe, 1877. t^But few persons realixe the lvalue of a good local paper. Among fcll the various instrumentalities used tn rnakiNg up « town and county the local paper stands foremost. Through their influence capitalists have been induced to come vest and help build up our cities;; railroads have been built'; chareUes and school houses erect­ ed and all branches of business have been Stimulated. Dark crimes would be far i&6re numerous were it not for fear of tHt local paper. Yet, notwith­ standing their i-feal vhltte^ th«y are the first of all eutfer^rises to be starved out. People do uot realize that they seed any help. They are always glad Co receive their benefit yet 4bey are tiuwilliug to pay foe it, knd because tihe edi tor does not give free 'tpufis** they condemn their ^a^)br fcs <wafcb- I«s«s.--Ex. KOTICK. To the holders of S p«t«c»M McHenry county orders n«t4ce $s hereby given that on the 4th day of August, 1877, I will pay all of the mitstanding $300 8 per cent McHenry Cou«ty Orders, said orders dated In April, May and June 1st, 183*6, imuibers51 to 354 inclusive.-- Interest will cease on the above county orders August 4th, 1877. James Nish, County Treasurer. Woodstock, July 16th, 1877. NOTICE, All persons are hereby notftAe-d not to trpst John Welsh, my husband on my accouut, as I shall pay no debts ot bis contracting, after this date. Hklaxau Wiua BarreviUe, June 15 th, 1877. Wool Growers, Attention. The subsowbers will pay 40 cts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. for unwashed and 45 Co -50 for tub washed, iu goods at lust years prices. ' J>NKSVIM.K WOOLKW XfM.8. S«rth Main St., Janesville, ITls. •CleWWiigi, a fresh stock. -Jnst re­ ceived a Pull stock of all kinds of Cloth­ ing.. Our (prices are lew and our goods are'the boot. La.nsin« & Evaksok. Sew styles of Men A b«y« clOtlritig. Dou't buy before y»t> •examine our slot*. Goifld s Iron P«im,ps, with any kind orCylenfleu, tha«; a bey 12 years old can work with perfect easo. In a well from 2o to 100 feet de«p. f*or sale -at JR. Bishop & Son's. FOR SALS* The Home Farm of the laR» Wffliam S. Mead consisting of «\o hundred and eighty acres of the choicest Farming land found iu Illinois situated about 2 miles South of Ringweo>d & 2 miles west of McHfenry near the Woodstock road Said land is under a good state of Cul- tivation wood and timber snflioient for m •rin* neatly new and sutncieut for the j'arm, and very conven^ leiit for a large stock. The above 'fairm lSKented for one year, lease to exprtre •"•m P1 1878. at which time possession wrfl be given of said premises, '(fcl^nis «a6y, on good notes, well secored. Vat ftrtiier i»articulars apply t« J. W.Cifety aft Kingwood Illinois. Notice to My PatroH«. Owing to the large »h<i constantly increasing amount of my &$ok accounts and the increasing tendency to extend the settlement and payment of tire same too near to eternity to allow me pay mj credit.^ ,s I ir' Stevens, MeHeiiry have resolved to sell no mow goods ex- J cept on de­ livery. I know that my own interest, and I believe the interest of my cm* touiers, demand this change. 1 am well aware, however, that many will take exceptions to this Course, aud con­ sequently very much if hot all of mv former trade may drift teise#h&lrA. I shall hope, of course, it ttiay b% fethei* wise, and shall endcavefto rrt^ke stich reductions iu prices OA ail kinds of goods that those who may take oftens6 at being required to pay cish for their goods, and go elsewhere to trade, will beat themselves mere than thty cart me. I shall avoid the pain of dunning; iny patrons for what they owe me% the shame x>f being dunned myself by my creditors; the losses occasioned by trusting those who never iutend to pay their debts; the loss occasioned by not being able to pay cash for my goods.-**- Maviy of my patrons will avoid the modification of being dunned; others will avoid the prickings of conscience at their giving occasion for the s&ifre by using their credit when trading with me and abusing that credit by asking me to wait their pleasure for "Ay while they have the impu- deifce to tAke their money or produce to some house Where they have no credit (and date not Use it If thsy had) because then: they can get goods a tri­ fle cheaper by paying for tltenfi. Many will also avoid the shi O'f promising to pay at a given time and making no ef­ fort to f&llflll that promise. By adopt­ ing the 'Cash system all will escape sharing In my losses en bad debts in 'the future or paying interest on their accounts. In short I have adopted this rule for my own protection as well as the protection of all who may deaf with me. Be assured then I will merit the patronage of all who pay for their goods when they get them. Whether I receive such patronage or not I will do all iu my power to make our future business relations pleasant and profit­ able while I remain in Ringwood. All who may favor me with their patron­ age shall receive tlieir full share of all the benefits arising from the cash sys- tem. ' As I have determined to dose my Books, even if by doing so I close my business in Ringwood, all who have un­ settled accounts with me are very re­ spectfully requested to attend to tho settlement of the same at once. J. W. ORIS**; ̂ Ringwood IU., July 16th. : ^ •, .'tSMMUfcaL * ' Elgin Dairy Market* Special Dispatch to the Flaixdealeb. Elgin, 111., July 17.--The sales on the Board of Trade to-day aggregated $20,000. 240 boxes part skim cheese sold at 8 cents. 400 boxes full cream at 8.] cents. 4,000 boxes miscellaneous at 7@8J cents. 32.000 tbs. ot Butter BOld at an average of i2£ cents. FOR SALfi. A Thorough bred Short fto+n B"un. two years o'i large and Ane And a good breeder. He is registered in A.S. H. Herd Book. Woiiild exchange for a good Horse. W. W. ifrtswoafrH, HAY BAKES! HAY AAKES ! The unrivaled Tiger Self Damping Rake has no eqnal. A child cfcn oper­ ate it. Also the celebrated Holllng- worth, Furst •& Bradley and other leading Rakes, at E. M. Owens. Ladies Hose, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Cuffs and Collars in endless varleity and at prices that de/y competition at Lansing & Evansoifs JOHNSON'S COMMERIAL COLLEGE, 210 & 212 N. Third Street. l«t Building South of the Post Office, ST. LOUIS. «5pen Bay and Night all the year. '6'f thfe branches of a. Business Education t&nglit. Independent department for the English Brnnches.. Higher Kiatlieinatics, German and Elocution Fhonography taught personally or per mail. Fora full course <ef Aouble fefttry Boole- keeping in ail Let firrms with 06in> roeroiivl Correspondence ..$20.0.) For a full Commercial Course, cinhrac- ing all the ^ranfches of a Practical Business Education, Life Scholar- •M*» $50.00 Reference made to thousands of students who have compictedaindtft 0(i1r>iirstt*uctions. For Circulars giving full information con. eerning time to complete bbard, cOutso of in­ struction, etc., Address J. W. JOHNSON, Pres't. CUT THIS ADVfCUTlSKMENT OUT. . To Consumptives. Tifl:" advertiser, having been permanently cured of th:tt dread disease, Consumption l>y a simple remedy, in anxious to make known to Wis fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the proscription used, (Free of Charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which thev will tind a sure cure for Consumu- twn, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Kcv. K. A. WILSON. 12)4 Penn St., Wiliiunisburgh, New York. Us COPV YOUR LETTERS. SJ£ Excelsior Copyinpr Book. Made of -.^ui< k'v copies any writmg "WISl'HOUT water. 1'lifess or BRUSfl •Used at home, library or office. For Ladies wishing to retain copies of K-tters every busi­ ness man, clergymen, correspondents, travel­ ers it it invalup.ltle--sells ut sifjlit. Send S3,00«»^I we tvill fend a ^ge Book, let­ ter Hl/.e Hi* MAIL paid to any address. We refer to any Commercial Aircnc.y. Send stamn lor Agents Circular. KXCKl.sloR MXF <; CO., 110 Dearborn St., Ohicago, ills. «eo« Agents Wanted. ard ilo\V with si full and cO til pic to stock and are constantly rtcciviA^ additions and invite the inspection ofclose buyers, as they Are bound meet any and all cbihpetition. They have opened a; good line of fasft colored prints at the extremely low price of 5 1-2 cts per yard. French woven cor­ sets at 50 cts only. They are also receiving from New York, the finest lino of Dress Goods ever opened in this burg-, among which Will be found, silks, cashmeres, Btilliantines, Alpacas of all prices, Pacific Fancies, &c. &e. Also Silk Fringes, Lace trimmings, Yak Laces iu variety, with the largest and best assortment of Hamburg edgings ever brought to McHenry, ranging in price from 5 cts per yard, up to $1,00, Also a fine line of Linen and Turkcj* Red Tablings, Towels, Napkins, and Crashes, Lace curtains and oil shades, ladies' gloves and parasols. Plain brocha and black cashimere shawls.. Ladies' silk ties of the latest styles. 'Boots and shoes, a full Hue, from a neat little button shoe for a baby to a fine French kid, side lace, or button for a lady, and from a three dollar stoga boot, to the finest French calf, all of^tlie best make, and warranted to fit and to wear In clothing they have a fall line to which they invite an inspection before you make your purchases. Also gent's furuishing goods of the latest styles. Trunks and travelling bags,and with all they keep choice Grocer­ ies and fine teas, at low prices. All of which they propose to ex­ change for cash or produce <at the lowest lining prices*. BUCltLtN & StffeVfcNS. FARMERS! Whe» y-oT* «re k*>king£br Do not fail to call at the Agricul­ tural Warehouse ot Opposite Perry & Martin's, Where you will find everything in the line of farm Machinery, such as Bradley Manufacturing Companies Double and Single Speed Mowers and Reapers, C. H. & L. J. McCormick's Reapers Mowers and Binders, and the Wm. Anson Wood Machines.-- We have also the New Monitor, Burlington, and Carpenterville Sulky Cultivators, the Buffalo Pitts Thresher, . The "Boss" Mle Grinder! Atid the Rockford Sulk y Rakes PUMPS, Of all kinds a specialty. We also sell the Celebrated Badger Wind-Mill, Farm and Democrat Wagons, Qjgei;4|jadiTop Carriages, &c.t , Flour # Feed Constantly on liand at out Mill, aud Custom Grinding promptly attended to. R. BISHOP & SON. X«H«»ry, ill., Mfcy 30th, 1877. mM we must are bound to Have. «{ Kit, 1 -.'nh.ITIIT-IJH' HTTV. '\m mostl ? jei.H of« % He- i> n p| K ..jtMim•xii-.'i' iwj T*J r, ,4-.t , 1'K'tJt'-ft li'i ,.y fe- (4 , ,. J . • For Cash or Ready We will sell you Gpods Cheaper than dny other firm in this section We have now in Stock a full line of DRESS '"GOODS of the mos_ Fashionsible Patternsy and at Prices ranging from 9 cts to GO eents.^ 4. r ints and-Ginghams very (>heap. Good 18 inch Toweling at 10 ct8»ft per yard. Table Lineh 45 cents aud upwards, Good quality Linen Dress Goods*at 25 cents, Ladies imported white cotton Hose at. One Dollar per Dozen, worth double the money. Ladies fancy^jfv striped Hose, good, at >14 cents. Best at 20 cents. A complete lines^'i of Hamburg^ Edglugs, Ladies and Gents Ties, all styles, Linen, Lace,®6 and Hem-Stitchcd Handkerchiefs; the best assortment of Corsets in town at prices that will surprise you. A fine stock of Ladies Skirt® and Linen Suits At bottom pl'ices. Cottonad'es, Jeans and Denims at cost. Good yard wide Sheetihgat six cents. Overalls 50 cents. Mens Pants 50 cents and upwards, Gents colored aucl white Shirts. We have a big stock of Boots and Shoes which We will sell at Prices that defy competition. Gents black Hats 85 cents and up wards.-- Gents Bevel toed Shoes at $2, warranted good, Gents Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Linen and Paper Collars, all styles. HSHrTn Groceries we always carry the best and wi.1 hot be under* sold. Don't fail to try oWr Japan Tea at 50 cents per poiinclf wrar« ranted good or money i-efunded We shall sell no goods on time, but will sell you good gioods cheaper than you can buy them any- other place, Don't fail to give us a trial before buying elsewhere, W I' Mil LANSING & EVAN SON. BUY ONLY THH It is the Only Sewing MaohlM which has a UUi IT HAS SELf SETTING NUDLf. NEVER BREAKS THE THREAD. TITCHK8. RUNNING. tThe Simplest, tho Host Durable, and lit Every Rest Best Family Sewing Machine! The "NEW AMERICAN" is easily learned, does not Sore work with less labor than any otuer machine. »plt cation. out of order, and, will do Illustrated Circular furnished ox A G E N T S W A N T E D , J. S. MeKKIUrKT, luiger, OAee u« SalesMoa, Mi WabMhi ireni, CUeSftt, O. W. OWEN, A.^ent, McHenryi Trustee's Sale. WIIGRKAS, Kusst'll Grimes, of IJataviii, In the County of lOme, in tin- suite of 111' inois, l>y hi* certain trust deed <luly„«xecuteil acknowledged and delivered ai»«l bearing date the First (1st) day of February, A.- !>.. 1S5S, and reeordoil in the ller-ordcra efflee, of jM<'- Henry County, in ttie State of Illinois, in vol­ ume lt» of Mortgages at ptitfe did convey unto .J. B. Smitli, as Trustee, all th« followinff described premises situated in the Town of Al^onqiiin, County of Mcllenry, and State of Illinois, to-wit: Ail of the South-west quarter of section thirty-live (35) township lort.ytHree (i:i>, North range eight (8), Kastof the third prin­ cipal Meridian that lies South of the Chicago and Algonquin road and on the old Kern farm eo called, being seventy live and 2ft-100 aores, according to a survey made by John Brink, to secure the payment'of two certain promissory notes of even date with said trust deed lor the sum of fifteen Ivundred dollars ($ir<<>0), both executed bv said llussell Grimes and made payable to Slarv JL. Pratt or order. One for tho sum of twelvc lnu.dri'd and liftv dollar's (fl250,) to become due one vear from" tlie first day of August next after <late of said note with interest at six per cent per* annum pay' able on the tirst day of August on which said note there wa» paid by said liussell Grimes the sum ol'one hundred and lifty dollars on the Kith .lav of September, A< I)., 1809, and the remainder thereof with the interest thereon is now due and unpaid, and one lor the sum of two hundred and lifty dollars ($250) to fall due two years from the lirst ilav of November next after the date thereof with interest at six per cent per annum( payable on the lirst day of Ai'.gu»t, on which said last named note there was paid by said litissell Grimes the sum of thirty dollars on the 'itI day of June A. D., 1870 and the remainder of saicl note with interest Is now due and unpaid. And whereas it is provided in and bv said trust deed that in case default bu matle in the payment of said notes or any pait thereof according to the tenor and effect of said notes then on the ap« Plj cat ion of the legal holder of said notes tho said J. II. Smith after publishing a lioti'-e in a newspaper printed in the City of Elgin ten days before the day of such sale .might pro- ceed to sell the said premises and all right and equity of redemption of the said Uussell Grimes his heirs and assigns therein at pub­ lic auction, rtt the Court House door in eaid McHenry County to the highest bidder for cash at tlie time mentioned in such notice and to make, execute anddelivcr to the purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed or deeds for the premises so sold and out of the proceeds of such sale to pay all costs and expenses in­ curred in advertising and selling said premie ses and also the principal and interest on said notes. And whereas default has been made in the payment of a part of suid notes, and the legal holder of said notes has made application to the undersigned the trustee in said trust deed named and has requested him as such trustee to advertise aud sull the said premises in said trust deed described for the purposes and in thte manner provided in said trust deed, Now therefore, public notice is hereby giv­ en that in pursuance of said Trust Deed, and such application and by virtue of the power and authority to me granted and conlored in and bv the same, and by virtue of the statute of the State of Illinois I, the undersigned, as such Trustee, will, on Satnrdav, the 18th day of August, A. D. US77, at one o'clock 1'. M., at the Court llouse door, in Woodstock, in said McHenry County, sell tho premises hereinbefore and in the said Trust Deed described anil all right and equity of redemption of the said Uussell Grimes, his heirs and assigns, therein, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder for cash. J. B. SMITH, Trustee. Dated Elgin, June »th, 1877. MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted County rights given gratis iv.r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every laiuily ; reputation world­ wide; established many year«; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrious energetic, person can make snug permanent income and verv liberal terms, by addressing with reference, '280 ^3toc«lHUtStreet, Philadelphia. JANESVILLK leu Mill North Main Street. THE subscribers are now read v to exchange for wool, goods, such as plain and fancy Cassimeres, Doeskins, Tweeds, Satinets, La­ dies Cloth, Sheetings, shirtings, rind a good variety of various kinds of Flannels, for" dresses, Ac., Blankets. Stocking Yarn, Ac.-- Ail these goods wiii bo exchanged for Wool or" Cash, on the most reasonable torms. Custom carding and ckHli dressing on the same term* as in former years. Carpets washed at five cents per yard. P. S.--All wool sent by express will be promptly attended to. , Please send full or' tiers by mail. Wanted mb] low. 7 r. June 1st, 1877. In exchange for goods Wool greese and tal« A. "VHEELER & Co. CLOSING OUT SALE. AT COST FOR 60 DAYS. The undersigned having decided to remove from McHenry, will, for the next 60 Days, sell their entire stock of Goods AT COST FOR CASH. Their Stock con­ sists of Groceries, Crockery, Glass Ware, Boots and Shoes, &c. Good Tea from 35 to 75 cent# per Pound. Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes. All Goods in our store will positively be sold at Cost and below, as we must close them out. N. B.--All persons knowing themselves in* debted to us are requested to call and settle the same at once, as we wish to close our Book p. WOur Store is also offered for sale or Rent BLAKE & BENTFEL0. McHenry, 111., May 21st, 1877. Administrator's Notice. TESTATE of Charles Clark deceased. The JTJ undcrsigued having been appointed Ad- niinistrator of the Estate of Charles Clark, late ol'the Countv of Mellenry, and State or linois. deceased, hereby gives notice thathe County Court of nise in V . I uly Tenu, on the Third Monday Mc. Wood. will appear before the county Henry County, at the Court House stock, at the Ju" in July next, at which time all persons hav­ ing claims against said Estate, are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in. debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned.-*-- Dated this 2i>th day of May A. 1>. 1877. Smith Searles Administrator. Mowers ami Reapers, Rakes, and all kinds of Faruiing Tools of the best manufacture-, aud at bottom figures, at R. Bishop & Son's. The Wm. Anson Wood. C. H. & L. J% MeCormiek. and the Bradley Manufac­ turing companies Machines can all be -fouiul at R. Bishop & Son's McHenry,.

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