•MfcgjMMHW JftjjMi; piiwbdv. WEDNESDAY, AUG 1st, 1877. ;|.T. VAN SLYKE, Kdlton MmtMmii 11 mf itnii--«• t ELECTION, ..... foil .JUDGE, 12th CIRCUIT; llfhi Monday Next, August titfe ^ ~ HKMATOM Cl'tOH Folk Jl'DdlK, &} 1 At Hie COM von: Ion which nominated '? Senator Upton for Judge, t here were ^several stirrinit speeches twiute tensors*- !«# him as a ninn of and for the people, t'tote assertion \VftB made that there was f^aii atteiApt tteing made to sour the s%>e6}il8 A;alr\«t Sertitdr Upton upon the , fcharge that lie Was a Corporation Law- ^|y*r, RhHitMuU Attorney. &e., all of \VftWh #elfe condemned as being pure frfftbHcatlons*, and without any foiinda* ""ItJon In fact. On the other hand it was jbpenly charged, a«d the proof freely '•ffered, that the probable opposing Candidate to Mr. Upton was not only Wt up and pushed for the position by the principal attorney of one ©f our leading Railroad Corporations, hilt that In fact lit Is also and at the present time an Attorney for the santft road,-- With Upton on the ben^li HO one doubts, even-handed justice between the people and the Corporations would be meted oUti m~c. W. tJpton, the nominee for circuit judge, was during last winter, %ftered the position of railroad and "warehouse commissioner by Governor CHIIOIII. Mr. Upton had the tniltter under advisement for several days and -'finally declinedi His rea?oits For doing 4so were slibstantially thai his best friends and associates were railroad men; that he had been identified With railroad interest for years, and the du ties of a commissioner were necessarily ^antagonist, in a greater «r less measure, to railroads, ana to perform these du ties conscjentolisly Would be unpleasant hence he decii ite dElgin Adootate. The above we pronounce a deliberate falsehood, and We believe the Adeo- c«ie knew it to be such when it uttered it. This utterance is about on a par with their support of the "one idea lawyer*' hist fall, and shows that their zeal farovf rreaclies good common sense- It is a matter of record that during the 28th and 29th General Assemblies Sena tor Upton was regarded as ananti- Railroad member, and his voice and vote was always against these monopolies and in favor of the people. Again a prominent Senator and a well known Representative is "our authority," that last wi nter, when Gov. Cullom tendered him the position of Railroad and Warehoase Coumissioner, his appoint* ment was strongly opposed by Railroad "officials, they charging that his sympa thies were against the Railroad inter* Nsst of the State, so much so that he Vas not a fit person to stand between he people and the corporations. Does ok. as though he was a **«:illi'oad attorney ?" On the other hand it Is a noted fact litaat Judge Botsflord, the opposition Candidate has for years been the local Attorney *f the Northwestern road, and the man Herrington, who is doing most Of his campaign work, is one of the regular attorneys of the Northwestern Railway. These are simple facts •which can be substantiated.aijtl this scry Is »nly gotten up to deceive the peopl*. It is the duty» therefore, of ievery voter of MeHenry county, whom Senator Upton represented so long And well, to come out on Monday next 4uid show by their ballot, that they do toot believe thin slanderous charge.; VOliifc&OF McHKSRY COli.Nli£> OB Monday next, August 8th, an election forjudge of the 13th Circuit %ill take place, and it behooves every | inan to come Ont ami east his vote.-- I No business of any kind should be al* : lowed to interfere,-as no election to be ) held this year is of more importance to | the people, nor in which they ought to take a deeper interest. Hon. C. VV, pten. of Lake, who represented the j people of this District so ably and well jln the Stat* Senate has been nominated jfor the position, and if anything like a full votfe is polled he will be triumph* aittly Therefore we say come out. and »e# that your neighbor does likewise. It* your clear and un iniataka- plc duty. /To neglect it is a crime. i "" :jUi A Trip Among the Cirtr Bojr» of Southwest igge-Ttv - •••i-kw..v-si5' -m Ei>rron UN »EA LER -Thinkl ng ^m« of fffcTmiWtans readers of your Valuable paper wight feel interested Ih the grazing interest of the far Northwest-. I will give a hasty glimpse «r notes and ob«ervatious of * trip from the Western part of Furnace county to the Colorado line, a distance of ahunt %ne hundred miles, nearly due west, aiul in the valley <jf tho Republican, pAMlhg through Red Willow,' Hitch cock and Dundy counties. R»-d Willow (as the counties ea^t. of it,) is under the herd laws of the State, protecting crops from the trespass or stock*and the val* ley iu a measure ot^cupled by home steaders with their crops of corn and other grains. West of Red Willow comity the xsom boy if kiug.consequent ly the herds are largely Increased in the number of cuttle. Adjoining B. D* Smith's ranehe, in the western phrt bf Furnas county, is the ranch of George Saver with 200 head, then Patrick McKillup 100, Johp Taylor K. T» Hardin 75, Mr. Cory 160, John Myers oO, J. l>. Doyle ?d head. These are owned; as are many more small lots of 23 to oO head, by the Homesteaders. This brings us to the line of Hitchcock comi ty beyond which I see no effort at rais» Ing grain. At or nteai4 Culberteoh, (which Is the last.,Post Office up the valley and situated at the junction of the Frenchman's fork with the Repub lican River) are the following herds: Samuel Tate, 1,000 head; Converse 700, Braugh 500. On the Republican seven miles above Culbertson, Thomas & Lyon 500. Fifteen miles above Culbert son George Young 1037 head. Twenty two miled above Culbertson Byron D; Smith 850 head* Forty miles above Mi C. Conners 1,000 head, Sixty miles above Culbertsbn is the herd of John belay & Co., 2,000 head. This is the last herd-In the State» None of the cattle above Culbertson except B. D. Smith's were fed any hay or grain last winter, and Smith's but little, and he. thinks his would tave done equally as well had he fed none.-- Smith's cattle were wintered at his home r&nCh in Furnas county, and taken on the ratige this spring. I have never seen cattle iu any part of the country in better condition tliau were all in the above mentioned herds. Tliei'e has been more than the usual rainfall throughout the State this sea son, too much in the Eastern part of the State, but in the Western only enough to keep vegetation at its best. Furnas and adjoining coiinties had as promis ing a crop oil the ground as I have ever seen. I left the Republican valley on the 30th day of June. Winter Rye was mostly in shock. Barley nearly ready for the reaper, Spring Wheat and Oats in a forward stage, and all promising a heavy yield, and uo grasshoppers.-- Were this pest to leave, the valley would soon fill up with an enterprising and prosperous people and Would be a pleasant and desirable place for a home The soil is unsurpassed in fertility, and the climate healtbv and delightful. The fact that cattle can he graced the entire year, and require to be fed but little or no hay, offers#reat induce* inents to that branch of business, and is being largely availed of, in fact thousands of head are weekly being driven into the Western part of the State from Texas to be grazed and fat tened oil tile nutricious grasses of that section. The grasshoppers out of the question no country offers a fairer prospect or stronger inducement to the enterprising emigrant, willing to la*- bor and patient to wait, than south- 'Western Nebraska. D. S. Sidhli, \ l^gr'Fhe railroad strike has subsided liid everything is attain moving along .a the usual quiet way. In Chicago Wt little property was destroyed, i/wing, ito doubt to the promptness Hth which the authorities met every imve of the",mob, and caught the lotoiiS spirit before it was well on its wt. tV hile tit* strike was of short du- ttioi* its efiect will be felt for a long me to comet Jind It is to be hoped sat we may not see its like again soon. MHFbisis a busy time of year with farming community*- but neverthe- 'm should remember the Eleo cm for Judge, which is to b& heM on ;OSlMY XKXT is an Important one nh.*m< and on no acrcotfnl slfouhi they IS m vtrte. Bear this in miud reader, <1 m <**&* twl east yoitr toH* It fm yftftr goods fof eatoh don't ! x «all. We merftr Jttst i-.rr, we **j? fto'l if you will examine' - mi?** we will prove this etffmm, it £vAK9oir« ' tllE RAILWAYS OF ILLINOIS During the troublesome times In Chicago last week the Journal had the following article in relation to our milroads, which may not btt, uniiiter- e s t i n g a t t h i s t i m e : * ' In view of the pending strike, the railroads possess peculiar interest.--• The sixth annual report of the Rail road and Warehouse Commission of tliis State, covering the year ending With the beginning of last Winter, presents a good many t^cts pertinent to the problem of transportations as it now presents itself. There are in Illinois seventeeb rail roads, embracing 2,240 miles ol track, Which figure in the bankruptcy list. fcoless than fifty-two corporations made reports to the commission, but some of them merely touch Illinois Of these fifty-two, eight only paid div idends, namely; The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern < Pittsburg,-Fort Wayne and Chicago $ Chicago, Milwau kee and St.Paulj Chicago, Bnfllngton and Quincyi Chicago and Alton; Chicago' Rock Island and Pacific; Illinois Central $ St. Louis Coal Com' pnny. The first three can hardly be v. Mk\ Illinois roadc, and t! e last cuts no figure in general business, oeing more of a coal mine than railroad. The State re illy haJ only four prosperous rauroads( The total amount of div idends paid by the eight was 913,193, aP' t«ll v*t(.)0li a£SreS!«eB <20,24 2.22, and their bonded debt, or mortgages, 8131, 006, 175. For the most part.. then, the capital invested in railroads in this State brings no return to the investors. In no case does the dividend exceed a moderate interest. riie total number bf employees re- portec. by these fifty-two corporation® for the year ending June 30.1876. was 68,244. agai nst .j8, 35«> reported for the previous year. At this rate of increas the present force must be nearly 80,- 000. 1 lie amonut of idleness represent by pending strike is absolutely ap. palling. There are not far from 1.000, 000 men out of work to-day in conse quence of tins strike. The industrial Mass is being impoverished at a fearful rate, and that to "spite" and brinjr to terms the capital class. The greater £?rt/?«f.thefle employes nre section men. 1 he Chicago and Alton, for exam Die employs s^mei. 500 of them their average pay being only «*357.&2 a year j F,Q)' twin, to be out of work ft Week •veil Will be ft serious hardship. 7 ITATK DA1RV JFFAKKKTS. •-^••4.-. .^FTATIFLSTOWN'-'ir. , da^rday wns a very . d\i\I, dAy |j» die mWket. There were twenty factories represented,offering* 1,G2& bovefei, bht no s«leswere made whatever, salsemen preferring to hold over aiiotherW<»ek rather than t^ AcCept the pribes ̂ |[eredv Bids ranged from to 10 3-4c, * itTl^A, tt. A'., Jnty CitEKSE.--vttiere was little doing at the market to«-day. Tlie uncertainty if getting phfeese tlirougli t» New York, oWihg to the possibilities of a general strike on the Central road, made buyers reluctant to take lots at any price. Of the 9,000 boxes offered barely 800 w ere sold, many o£ these being consigned. A, few ip^^ld at 10c, whiQk.i«j figure^ ' •' •••. .J', an Litttii FATXS, Y. jnly 4.T. , Crt^ESK.--'There was a considerable discussion bn the matket during the early part of the afternoon 'ks to whether aojr sales stipule be made or i»»tk Oh account of the railroad strikes Alt over the country, it wa^feared that it Would nttt be safe to ship cheese ̂ his Week4 The sales amounted to aWut 1.^00 bokes of factory, nearly half of which Was forwarded tjO*da$r. The rest if necessary will be sent to Albany ny canal, and there trasfered to * the Peopled Line steamers! ' FAKM DAiRV.-pAbout the Usual num ber of these changed hands to day.*-- We quote 19 lots, 360 bbxes^ ranging from 6J to 10c. The inttermedlale prices were 9c 9J 9J 9|c. BUTTER.--' Eleven packages 17c to 80t\ IS^The Election for Judge Wilt N(j|U place on MONDAY, AUGUST 6TH -- A mistaken impression prevails that l« Will not occur until Tuesday. lit^t forget the date nor neglect to vOtdU' "fltE CEXTKNNIAIi Iirnii^.. =' We learii that a "new centehhjbl editibn'^of the Good Book has bee'l recently issued by a firm at Indiahapb- lis, Indiana, (F. L.^lorton «fc Co.) wliieh combines the most and best helps to the study of the Bible of any edition extant, in the Way of .ftire^notes atid annotations, Bible dictionaries, cdncor* dance, history, geogr^phyr and geolo gy of the Bibles/many tables very valuable to Bible ^te^lcrs. and Bible! students. Maps fron? the very latest surveys; historv of all the Christian denominations, from their origin fai date, compiled from their 0W11 stand points and from their own publications all the latest discoveries designed to throw light on the authenticity and value of the scriptures. The whole work throughout admirably illustrated with full page steel plates, taken trom paintings by some of the old masters, including Raphael, Guido, and C'anota, also, the leading artists of the present day, engraved in line by first class en-, gravers. The books mentioned are nil THE SEASIDE LIBRARY** . Choice books no lon/rt'r for, J ho f'o \v only.-- Ifhe be.-<t stah«fard Novels withiu the ro>*ch of everyone. Jlcioks iifinjillv ,sol<l fr<yrl Cl to #3 jtivtin (uHclifinpfefl ftihl UtialriUdjJed) for 10 auit 580 c.euts. >.s 1 li Iflast Lvnne» W Mi's. Henfy Wood (Ikmble Ho.) %>e. a John liftlifax Gent> by Mis* MtrtoHf . .20e. , ft Kyro,-Uy (Jbarlotto llroiitu. (Doable Naj........... at*. ..... a. 4. A Woman Itstttff. dhiirlcs. Ecadtf's nbW noVOl. i.......i20e. fr. the Black -Indies, Jules Venjfc'B.lat. est A**/ - ft. Last Days' of Pom)«}ii> by Halter.'..-. Iflc. 7. Adam Bede, by George Kliot, (Uouqle ; Xoi).. ! & The Arundel Mottd, by Mary Cec\l Hay .»'• i' , 9. Old* Myddelton'o Money, by Mary £Ltiy * I ' ' • M ••• • m The Woihkn In White, by Wilkie Col- « • ilins .a... ."»-•«.... i. 20c 1L The Mill on tl>e Flosa, by Georj Eiiot... sc la The Amevicah Senator, iiy' Anthony Trolloue i.......2u<"- 13. A Princess of Tliule, by William Black ... ... .... i .. .'.:.20o • jl4i The Dead Sefcvdt.bv Wilkie Collins.. 10c. . 16. Komola, by (ieoigo >j5Hot, (Double No.),... .... !. ; 20"* 18. The Knpriish at the Xorth Pole ami Field ' ^ Ol Ice, in one book, |>y Jnles V*1 rue.. 10c. -If. Hidden Perils, by Jf.iry Cecil llay.;lDCi iS. Barbara's Hintory, by Amelia B. Kd- wards.t- i~.. .....»• • • r • • i • • • -90c- 19. A Terrible Temptation, by Obarjoi lieade. . • .Iflc. SO. Obi Curiosity by' Cfiarltes XliPk- , ens.t s: . .... -3<>C. 3i. toul Pla\'..bv CJhafi. lleade.... .. , ..Ific. 28. Man and*W|fe, bv Wilkie CoHinS.. ..'20c. • 23. The Squire's Legasv, bv Marv Cecil Hay ..v.. JFor sale by all Booksellers and NeHr^dealers orpetat, postast' rir,ei)aid„ on recei?)t or pric^ by ' GKOR«k MITNFiO, Prei^HRit. Si, 23, tind 25 Vandiiwater St, If. Y P.O. ttoxmi. r »•« 'TIS Furniture and Notions* J list Artfvetl FIVE THOUSAND Cll ROMOS, F RAM E8 AN D CARD PICTURES* Four Chromos for 25 cerita. llustic Frames^ all complete, frotii 15 to 25 cients eacll. TvVelve Card Pictures for 10. cents. These Goods will be sold for the next 15 days, Ke- ^ardless of Cost, at thd Chicago Nine Ceht Store, Blake's Blocl^, McHenry, 111, Notice To Farmers Something' New! J . E L L I O T T ' S IMPROVED HABROW. This intention has reference itn|>rovie- ment ih HarfbWPv s<» that, a number tdoffit-d sections iuay be connected, and the tc«H!i niay, be set at any angle of inclination U- the jrronnd. Tliis'llarro w consists of a inihiM'r »•? toothed harrow sections that are connected by pivoted side "pieccu'anr'l clamp bolts. It may be drawn by hitching the horses s 0 fiitlu er end. When drawn from one <;ndt makes a slanting tooth fer corn, When drawn from the other end makesa perpendic.ular tooth as the ground requires. This invention rolls up like a loir and shuts up like' a jack kuiiVi and contained under one cover, wd nl<-«iy stowed under cover, nnd .«»k«s up „ . ' little room. Thitf Harrotr has 10 sections and from the Bible propnr, ar« illnstfateU with hundreds of appropriate engra vings, The size ®f tlie voluriie (ot4 one might say library of biblical literat^fp) is a large quarto, and th<» prices range from 68.00 to $30.00, according to. the style of th*j binding, quality of paper. Contents etc. The famous John Brown commentary to the Bibl«. psalms ,ih metre with commentary to each* an analysis, family record, plujtograph album, etc., are only a few of the i^any Teature? contained in tills fine line, It Is issued iu the English a:vd Oetfmnn languages, aud some of the bindings seen by us are superb. We arc fnfbrtnt'd that the publishei's intfehd to distribute this very valuable edition ©£• the Blblo entirely by subscription In a 11 parts of the United StjiLcS. bid them God speed in-theirelfort^twefpfead the "Good Work.v • i'r'U 1= fcgrA X ew York State exchange says: It is gratifying to read that there are Only three printerH confined in Attlmih prison, though among the convicts can be fqund twenty-seven clergymen, forty-two lawyers and thif- teea doctors, IS^The potato bug having mined npQii taking ati European toilr, hits reached Germany. The sturdy old burges are astounded at the impudence of the insect. They have determined to treat him as the police do profes sional thieves: They have the bug photographed, circulate hi* ploture throughout the country, and advise tHe people not to entertain him. Bilt the bug makes himself comfortable. oeV^r-' theless. It , tgr Rand's New York City Business Directory for 1877. The second Volume of this Valuable and indispensable work has just ben issued by the Pub lishers, Messrs, Walter Hugh & Co., of 3 Park Place, New York, No pains or expense has been spared in the produc tion of the present volume, to make it complete and reliable, In typograph ical appearance and binding, certainly it Is a fine specmen of book making. It contains over one hundred pflges more matter than the last year's volume, which has added largely to the cost of the production of the work, and compelled the Publishers to issu« here after only the full cloth bound edition ai Ontf Dollar per copy, upon the re ceipt of fthieh sfcm they will forward the tt-ork to any address in the tfnit«d States or Canada, by mail, pottage prepaid. i*h one works independent of tlie other. Largest size Harrow is 12 feiH cut and ha* 70 teeth. The ten foot JIarrow has R0 teeth. Tlie eight foot flstri'oW lias felt teeth. The teeth are half inch iron or steel, as desirod. The teeth wiU ^iot Mild <db bfeftkf' This Haiv row is a splendid .,r;; i ; it 'A ^ : Afld owing !o hard times we .sell tht'jn at low riite»i. Farmers wiilpl<5n8<>i'nH at rtur Shop and examine,our Harrow bbSf'ove jmrcliasingj NORQUESTfii WEEER, !t Agents for ^IcIIenryJJown^, McHenryv HlM 3dth, n "ji i! •'; i • I'Uf . i • l'! '• 'I I, tr,.; GILMOUE &C0,. Atlorueys at Law, SiK'wsMir* »o lltisiiker A Oo». 62Q,F Street,, Washiiigtoli, B. O Attterlcari aild Foreign Patents. an eoiuitnts. No vkks iH 1 AI»v4NOK. . No cliai^if imi-HS die, patent i< grSnif-J. No fei»s livr iim.Kuijr lirelhninary exaini- naiion*. Nu liir obtaiiiiilK and eondiictiiix n frttmringf ntt«>ntiou si^en to lii'eili'iviut? C.-tfes Wforf the .Patent Olttce ('onuses*, Iiifriiijreineht. SuitS iu .dillerenl. State*,.mill ait iniyalion ii|ip.>rlAitt- iiljt lo Itivpntiouss tir L^IUnils. SKNM rok J*Ailriit.KT OF SIS i'V I;A<JKH. United States Courts and Departments, Olaini^ pro.xtieMl.ed in the Sn|ii fiiif <:<uirt. of the I'nUetl S'l:il foiirt Of'Olniins, CottrtofCommis- glOnfis (d Alatmnia t.'lainiK, Koiiilimti ('lalins t.'^inniisKioii, nml all cliisi-es ot' warclaitn» befeins'< tlr« KxooiitivH Itt'paifinfills. Arrears of Pay «uid Bounty, • > O^KICKII 'S, sOl.iXKIIH, :ILLL| SAII.ORS of tlm late WAr, or tliflr heirs, art* In wtiny cas^ «tititled lo liioaey liont tlK'HovMinmcut, of wtiieli they have iti> l(i.iowlejbje, VV rii»* lull history of eoi'vlfe, and siau'ntnoiitu of pay aiid liotiiiiy i*t:eiv«'d. iiu- ckwf f i:iUi|>. atiil a full r^ply, afi«r exainiuaUoti, Will be given;yon flfeH. , . , Pensions. ! AilomcMttH, Hoi.i>iK.it>, .hkI MAtt.oax wotittAed iMpjutfil, or Injured in the1 lute war, however slitrbtly, can ohiaiti a. peiisimi, tuiiliy now rectjiv- Inti peiiKioiiH aiH emitl^il lo ten 'lunmtte. Spiid fttanip mill Utforniniiuti will be fitrutalidd free, i : United States Oenerkl Land Office. ;• Co»itt'«l«il Laud I'rivaiH l.aml I't.ifllBs, altimiK Pre-HMTPIION ;IIID li«)nii 'KI<>aii < IIISHK, prope- t'nted before i lie t-U'neral Land office aud ltepiu't- . tneMtof t he Iniei ioJ', i ' "" Old Boantjr Land Warraatai.; . ' Thfc litsi Hei>ort. of lb* <WimiasioiiVir of ln4 fl«H*rrtl Land Ollkw «b«»Ws 'ilStfT.AOOiU'i'fcsol Kottii- l,Y I«tiud \\:ai rtuiiN OIII*.IUU«IL»I({ Tli«W were is* Slit (I miller net of IHfx'i mul pii«ir uei»V. We |>iiy ca»h for IIIHOI. Sen^l iejfU'*MiNi .vi ter. Where • ^i(tniiifinis aitf ini|>«ri^cc we cmt* tuaU iKJiiuni to perfect lli«>iti. T'.aeli (leptirinieiit of oifr hif^lilem, Is poHrtHclJed llt.ii ^ei>arai.e bureau,, under tlie Of expe- tleneeu lawyer* and elerUs. Iiy I'fioitm of wror or ft-aitd itiahr atf.orm'yii are'siutpended from piactite before ilie fension Had other office* esudi ve*r.. (Maimam*,. wliwe ntlornevs bnye been lints sdi»(fi'n(ied. -rt'ltl be Kraiuii6n»ly Htrnisbed wiUi full information and |iro|>er papers on application to m. A« we I'liarjre no f»*<* utiles ^nci'exsfnl, stanip# for letnril p<*sia.jre nlfoiiid be wetlt. tl«. Liberal a.ri-aii»reiiieiiw made with attorneys itt d all i la&sets of liiisiness. ^ Address G-ILMORE & CO., ! P. O. liox 44. U'un/ttntflitn., j). (f. WAHIMNOTOV, IK V,., S»*e.mb*r U, 187B. I take plriMMin Hi exfireFfciftfi: my entire ooafl- • (fence IU the mnjmviiiliilitu and jitlelitt/ of the Law,Frt»eitt. Hint L'olfeclion lJou'ke of (I it. HO ft A ft Co, of flil» city. ' OfcO. H. II. WHITE, (iTrighlfV ttflhr faifioiiat ilr.tropnlittm Bank.\ Warm meals at all heurs at tlie Eagle Restaurant, Northeast corner Public Square, \Voodst®ck< 4 ' ;l iaa--1:;; siii Monev we must_Hav^« • are bound to Have, ' --•--^----h)--1--=•: • - " » For Cash or Ready Pay, 35T© will sell yon Goods Cheaper than any otjier firm in iliiB s^ciw)^ We have now in Stock a full lin/of DRESS GOODS of the moj Fashionable Patterns j and at ^ricfes rau<>in<r fitjlM 1) cts to (if) ce^\t% Prints and Ginghams very 'Cheap. Good 18 inch To#tflin«j at 10 ct^ "4*" ptir yard. Table Linen 45 cents and upwards^ Grpod qiiality Line|| Dress Goods at 25 cents, Ltkdies imported white cotton Hoe© ajf Onfe Dollar per Dozen, worth double the money. Ladies fehd|f striped Hose, jrbod, at 14 cents* l^est at 20 cents; A eomplete lin| of Hamburg Edg-'in'pfS, Liidiies and Gents Ties, aU sfyles, Lineii, Lac& and Hein-*Stitehed Haiidkerehiefs; the bcJstassortment t>f Cbrsets ijf" town at prices that Will, surprise voli. A* iine stock of Ladies Skirt# aild Liiien Suits atbfrttom jjrices. Cottoiiadesi Jt?an^ and Deniiri|: at cost. Good yard >vide Sheeting at sik Cents. Overalls 50 cental Mens Pants 50 cenis and upwards. Gents colored aud white Shirty We have a big stock of Boots aiid Shoes which we Will sell at Price!f that defy competition. Gettts black" Hats «5 cents and lipWard^.-i* Gents BeVel toed Shoes at f^j Warninted crood, Gents Kid and Lislil, Thread Gloves, Linen arid Paper Collars,v all styles: ; I^WTn Groceries we always carry -thse best and wiJ ii6t fee tiiider«i sold. Don't fail to try our Japan Tea at 50 cents per pound, war* ranted good or money refunded We shall sell no goods oil titae4 but will sell you good goode cheaper than you can buy them any otherjjlacej Don't fail to give us a, triai before buying elsewhere, LAl^SI^O & EVAl^SONp mi BUY ONLY . ' THE * It is -the Only Sewing Machln# which has a IT HAS SELF-SETTING N^EDLIL KEVEE BREAKS THE TS1RKAB, NEVER SKIPS STITCHES. mm LIGHTEST KUNMING, Th6 Simplest, tlie Host Durable, and ill Every Kespect st Family Sewing Machine! The "NSW AMERICAN" is easily learhed, does not get ont of order, and wUl <Sd inore work witli less labor thaa any otlxcr machine. Illustrated Cireular fiirnlslied oa Application. : A G E N T S W A N T E D . Office and Salesroom, 244 Valuil Areaaef Chlcftgti, tfflMili ii 9* McKEKNEY, Manager, o. w • • k -J h: 9 A«:ent, , 111- . :u . FARMERS ATTENTSON --TUK-WELIi KNOWN-- Mammoth Spanish Jack^ "PRINCE" (Ian bo found dn the premises of the Sub- jprrlber, AIclkinFy, llh^'ilurluy- the fJeuson of I: Those desiring stock of this kind 1vo.aM. do well to call and' Bf it inly themselves. 'JCcnnS Keivsoiiablc. Those-from u (listance wishing tnai'es pastured can be aectniimodat«,vl gt the pwnev's tfisk. A. II.-U-VXLK1. ii(rcndnry,! in.-, Apftt it, i«t. FARMERS! -• MKt • • • • J ' M'U. --.; I , , • t 3 i . < R-iFCRT- :bP' THE FIEST NATIONAL Ml At Wood^tocky Illinois, • AT--• y Close of Business June 22, '77 RKSOritOES I^oans ait<l recounts, : IT.S . 15<u»ds to secure Circulation.. Duefroin approved Jteserve Af?t8, Due from other Xatiou-ii liunks,.. IJeal KBtate nnd Fvirnimro,'. ....... .Current Expensns; & taxes. paid -- riiockH and other Ca&h Items, ^liillft of «»ther .Vatiortnl linnks,... I. Fractional Currency, including Kic.klu-- ... Specie, (including Gold Treasury Cwrsltlcatfis.).' Legal Tender Xotes.^i...... Redemption Fund with U.; Treaft. Capital, .: Surplus Fund..i.. ̂ ». Other, undiviiiod.proi|t«-- National Hunk nrifes Oiitstandlnft- Individ mil Deposits subject t*» check... ' Total.... ........ atArfi^-ot iLLtKdiSj ̂ - County of Mcllenry > .. 1. JOHN J. MlJKl'ITY, Cashier of the above named Bank, do xoleinnly Sw«;iv that th^.a.Ujve Htatcincnt is true lo the beat oi iny knowledge and belief. . ' JOHX d. MUltPlIY, Cashlet. ' rfitbsrribed and awdrn to before m'e t*ii* (0th dav of July, 1S77. J. A. I'aruisj^ N* P. ATTKST:--Neill Donnelly, E. A. Murphy W. 11. Stewart, Directors. •181,970,81 ir» ao.wxi.oi) a,s 1,180.00 fS.21 2,779.2'J 11,(WO.OO !,(!.• 6 (/(> 01),000.00, 45,000.01) 10*.im 831 JIONTIIIjY MARK. \>jent8 wanted rat is. f.-r tlie &100 County rights ftiven . 'siile of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation worVi- wide; established many y(;ai>; made by a celebrated phvsician; proofs of evidence •riven. An iltdnstrious, ene'reetic person can make snuK permanent income and very liberal tenns, by ^ itji^ lcfcrcucc, *33 Chextnui Street, l'hiladelphia. CLOVER THRESHER. Ti "VVIEDRICK Xvoiild inform the ffthm6r? throughout the County that he is pl-eparod to tlil'osh Clovfti- Shell Corn, having one of the bo^t machines in the market. For information ad- dress F. Wiedrick, Woodstock, I Hi %, Do> not ftiil to call at the Agricul tural Warehouse of ii Votvf •-# . McHENRY, Where you ^vill find everything ih tliti line ctf Farm Machinery* such as Bradley Manufacturing' Companies Double aiid Single* Speed Mowers and Reapers, C. H. & L. J.'McCormick's Keapers Mowcfrs wiiid Binders, and thef Win. Anson Wood Maeliities.--• We have also the Xew Monitor^ Turlington, and Carpentervilld Sulky Cultivators, the Buffalo IJ«tts Thresher, y The "Boss" A,iid the Itpekford Sulky iRftkea PTJMPS, Of nill kinds a specialty^ We also sell the Celebrated Badger Wind-Mill, Farm and Democrat W agons, Open and Top Carriages* &e., <fer. Flour <fc Feed Constantly on hand at our Mill, and Custom Grinding promptly attended to* r. bishop & son. Mcllcnry; l»l.f May 30th, iWi.