pp^iippiip1 fp? mum 1 Jĵ |eBp| |lakleatef, WEDNESDAY. AUG. INT. 1877. -j 'b$ciV ZZ : .• ' --TT-gy.-- trifi. Railfoad Time Table. <»OI*<> SOI" Til. erteVflLake Passenger....;^...,,....7:25 A. .JUco Pj?9(»ortr .i;; ...^:37 A. sr. ~|GArt4va LAkfe Frtijrftti.M'jP- v l'tesipDger ..'-.4|:$$ r. M. "" . GOING SOBTH. FJENE'** LAKE FR<;I«HT..*...»II,^,II......JOSON A. ST. Winn PasfjdnRer... 11:30 A. **. Si*co Passenger...... 5:48 t*. m. eneva Lake Passensffir : 7:q2 iv M. Sp^tf-jitent. CHUROII DIRECTORY. I ; . MfeTiiohiST.--U«v. >j. JL j pastor., Services everv.SumJav* at H?1? A. Ttf. ' Sunday RCTIRTRT! AT 12 M. . JOHN* DUNN, Suwerinteir- •~i il i; . M^iJkxiiV CjTArtEK N<>. 34 Ri A. Wr Convocations hold on the (second and fou-th Fridays in each nionthv ,,, . * ^ HENRY COR.BT PI PTTi,A8kt AtXKN See,, ^ Election, • :;f- FOR JUDGE, MIL CIRCUIT, n Monday Next, August 6th; A siECONi} hand Lumber Wagon for •Ale. henPy* 111. " .i.;n W"OKIEN folks HOW jam the jam things all to jell. Canning to, the right of them. earthing to the Ifeft of tlielio, eart hing lii front. ^HkfeEXvas nothing but a plain slab ht tbb head of the mound, but the teiftiple inscription upon it t^lls its Own Sad story; "He Was umpire ih a close garnet r , :j . . 1'He ticiilte Factory jti Uiis ;Vttlage Is now reefciyirg Cucumbers daily in Considerable quantities,, and the pros pects arte that agoodcrop Will be r&tf- Iz^d. • • • - •'/» ' AktJTiiER Social Party will be given •t tills residence of RDbt.' Stanley; at IjTppersink Poi.it, on Thursday even ing; AUgust 9th. Gobtl mtisicWill be In attendance* All ate cordially Invi ted* V;I- ' ' r y,»Uf mlt • ,i "U 'r i I if,IJ '.Tt . ^ ... . J.intTTxiKft struck ftu htnbrfcila iiY Jforth Carolina and killed three per ilous who were under it. It was a bor rowed umbrella. Gentle reader, pause in yoitr villainy* and restore our para- fchutgi Iii the Wool questtori Hon. F. K. Granger is the "next" to dome to the .front. He has bttlight and Shipped.at this Station the present season 64;000 pounds, for which he has paid di) average of thirty-nine cents per potmd. FARMEUS and others should be pre paring something. FoV tin* Fair. The t)fticer8 will do all in their power to make the coming fair a success, but they cannot db it \vlthobt tliti assiis- tance of th(^j)eop]ei - THE latest song out is "Tttnfch me Gently Father Time." ThO lithogl-nph on the title page '.represents ' y«iuijr Time acrc^s bls.^d<7y*f knee ajid under the influence of a sternly wielded press board. ; THIS dottntVV is a hundred RTND ,bne years old^ud yet'- the only sune Way according to a woinan's idea lo get rid of bed-bugs* is to put the bedstead into large tubs of water for eight ofr ten *lay<*,j»wt as the wives of t!ie foUhders of this govt rtiiHent tTlil^ whUa -their husbaiids slept on the floor. OWIXG to the hot weather, or Sonie btiier cause, onr correspondence have Hlrtiostentirely failed us this week*.-- Woodstock^ Gi:eei>\Vood, Crystal Lalsre, llichmond and Eifigwood, have , failed to come to time, the tUt> l«tit££ having been absent for two ^eekSi. ^eutle- hien. (and Toadies) what is tlie matter? Will you please rise and explain? THERE is Sothething ^freshing in the absolute astonishment thnt visitors to a printing office sonietiin<js, display at the commonest things. "What is that black-1 (Joking thing standing in that corner ?" is sonietimcs asked by an unsophisticated observer; aikl the nearest typo answers: "That is the printing office towel, tv^ al wa^'fe stand It up in the corner,4' '> , THERE is a swindle!4 traveling through this State introducing a parent wira fence4 This is the way he doos bis business. Ha shews up the merits of the wire fence to some farmer* then he [gets hiiri to sign a reeommenciatidri of lthe fences Tlie farmersoons finds out [that instead of signing a rfeeumniendu- ftion he has signed a promissory note; (Farmers, beware of him; THE Lawn Festival at the residences >f Messrs Perry & Martin on Friday evening last was aiiothel* Pliece^s; being rell attended, and at» enjoyable affair. ?he greiluds Were Ufttily arranged, ind lighted in a manner that made them attractive in the extreme. The land were out and discoursed some Af Iheir best music, ailtleverything passed }ff pleasantly for all. Vte did not learn |he receiptsj COUNTRY patience is long entering. |ut at times saipcastic. as the following lowsi At fli-st there nieanders tlircfligh |iis section a book agent, then a tin trt, then a tree man* then a patent jiedicine individual, theii two tramps, thief or two, then a salve man, then ilf a dozen duplicates of each, and lally the ciderbarrel buyer,the white lire clothes line fellow, and the light ing rod demon inearnatc/ As w i 11 >a seen by notice elsewhere the McIIenry Cernet Band will hold 4%tf!r firfet Afifilversar^ in 0wentst3rbve on Tuesday, Aug. 14th* at which time other Bands in the eoiirtty will be "invit- ed and a gala day may be expected; The first year of the Band has been marked' by nnusUal t>rngre<ss, and ortr citizens ewe it to themselves that they turn out en this occasion andgive them a benefit. A Picnic dinner will be served. I^her® will also be a game of Has® Ball in tliif afternoon, and a Dance in the evening AS tills is the first paj>er of Volurfte 3^ we ^'ish trt again rerrtiwd those of o«*r patrons who are in arrears that it is time that' they call and settle. <We know the times are hard dnd riionej' scarce, but we Wlieve the re arri few men but who can raise enough to pay. for their paper. The amount tb each one Is small, but in the aggregate is large to us. Gentlemen, steb rip and pay your arrears and leave us a dollar and a half Tor the coming year, and yoti will sleep better tliefefi, war# nights for the acfc; - : - ^ - ^ F^brR of the ^Irst^fne ef'lEhe ^qx River Club and five of the second Xine went to Waueonda on Friday last and played a game with the club at that pbee* which ranked in a sco^e of lb to .1 in favoi* of the MtfHeiirvboys On the same day a Club came oviSr h-om Woodstock.sand played the "Lone Stars" of this village, which resulted in favor of Our babies by a scbre of 14 to 1. 'Fhis little Club have played Some of the finest ^anies 'of the season, and ean make it warm for some Clubs who think Ibeif sizb beneath, their notice. i"'-5 - . i tHi. ' Ttik fextnirsion advertised for W'ils mot,, per the Steamer "Athlete" came off on Thursday last; but thb crowd Nvas much smnller thaii was expected, and consequently it was not a paying tHp for the boAt. Those who did go howeVef i-epbrt apleasaiit and enjoya ble time. The Sceuery along the route froih ilcllenry to Wlimot is the finest • to be found iti the Noilhwest* passing As they do up Fox River; through Pistaqha, Fox and Grass Lakes, and to those who have never made this trip* it will well repay them to do so. Capt Griswold spares 110 effort to please those who make these Excursions, and be the crowd large or small he looks good natured jpt the same. Therefore we think it dtie hitii that our citizens set some day for an Excursion and all turn out and give him arotising benefit Let us tui;n out and for bne day forget the cares of business and with our friends enjoy ourselves <H» the banks df the beati fill Lakes. i GRAND AMmVERSAnr --or THE- * MdiEMHY CORNEt aAND. m': as SOfiSKB mfirtilitl tllK FAIK i'itiJiTINO. TheHfarvard Liticp'endent in speak ing of the bids tor the Fair Printing says: "A fair price for , the printing would have been #100.,, If this w:;5 yourhf»nest opinion. Mr; Independent, \vli$r'did yotrput in a tfid of' $64.75? Can yoilailprd to give $3S.25 for the gratificalion of beittingsome one else^ If so you make tin acknowledgment that constrains (is to say you are a dis honor to the profession. The PLAIN- lUvALi^U put in 110 biii tor the Fail- Printing for the reason that we can get all the work we want to do at fair' liv ing rates, VVTe Charge merely living rates for.all our work, and Serve all alikes and can see lie gdod reastm whv we should do work for the County Fair for less thUu we do fdr Our oH'ii ttt^r- chahti'. ° - ; ' The managers of tl^ ^air for the the past two 3*earS have pursued a wig- gardly and mean course in relatien • to their printing; They cau afford to pay living rates, -biit'mi thd contiavy last year it was done at a heavy loss to .the one who was so foolish as to bid it in, and this jr*ar the price pnjd will not cover cost of mateilal and labor. We can buy stock; and do labor as cheap as any one iu th« county* and we know that what we stare is true* Siiice the first organization ot the Agricultural Society its 6ucfcess each year lias been almost entirely due to the free advertising and notices from the press of the county, and now "when they are nearly oilt Ot debt and iu a flourishing condition they have the brazen imprudence to come forward and ask that their work each year shall be done for almost nothing. How leng thiBfrill successfully work remains to be seen. We know the nianagers wiil say there is 110 compulsion about it* we pay them their own set price* True* btit do you not compel them to bid agairutt their neighbors, and thus bring , out the rivalry and jealousies which alw<iy? ^ist t<fSfc certain extent* that you may pfotjt by their ioSs? Is this luunly? is it just? is it right? The Society can afford to pay for thfclr wbrk* and if they wish to give it to any particular office, we for orte would find no fault. But let the work be done in the eounty, and whoevei; does it let him have at least pay for bis stock and laben ; 5 To a printrif Wh6 w!ll pfft in a bid under cost iu order to beat his neigh bor we have no sympathy. If lie is willing to make a "Rat" Of himself he should not whine< ;We have not inade these remarks be cause we wanted the printing: We do not ask for it, and shall nefrfr bid for it; As we said before we Can g£fc ttork enough at living rates,- and will not stoop so low as to do work for frothing to injure our neighbors I'be McFIenrv Cornet Band will bold their first Anniversary in Owen's Grove near the Piekle Factory^ on TUESDAY, AUC., 14TH IE77 Marshal of the Day. msM, Ki ' ^BANGER; The ProcessiOu will ferm near the Riverside Hou^e at 11 o'clock; headed by Three BraSss Bands of miisic, and match to the grollnds where ample preparations have been made for a Pitnic Dinner; During the afternoon the company can enjdy themselves by the many devices and amusements wliifeh wiil be arranged, such as Cro quet, SWings* jjstig, .interspersed %ith mUSiC. ; ' - A Game of Base Bali ^rill be arranged bet,wee 11 tlie Fo$t Rivers, of McHenry. and some neigh boring Club. In the evening there will he a GRAND PARK DANCE on a platfbfrii 24x100 feet, covered with green boughs and illuminated iii the most attractive ntanner. Refreshments will be Served for the benefit of the Band; Good dancing mushi will be in at tendance. Tickets for the eyeiting dafi& 61. •... < i,v : ' N. B. Should the evening prbvi hn- tavombiy for out-door dancing 4t> will be held at the Riverside Hall. --IL'ili . ' '. '" J WILMOT. On Thhrsdair last we made Our first visit to Wilmot* Wis* It is a beauti fully located little village, situated on the Fox River, twelve miles above Mt'Henry; and we understand does a thriving business; Our stay was nec essarily short; but we noticed a goodly number Of storey of different kinds* shops.fine dwellings, a beautiful church and what always StHkes ur favorabiy, streets shaded with handsome treesi which is evidence thathei- citizens have both energy and good .taste. The first thiiig that attracted our at tention on landing from the Steamer Athlete was the latgifc Flouring Mill of J. \V, Voak & SoiUj* This Mill iB AT ted Up with all the modem improvements, and is doing a large business in both the Flouring and .Mistoin line, miming ft»ir run of stone night and day, and giving general {satisfaction to their many customers, They are energvtic go-ahead business men, and add ninth to the business of the little town of Wilmot. ' " W ilmof tah alstf boast ja frfstt Hotel wherti the weary traveler can find rest, and betaken care Of in a homelike manner, The proprietor, John Hegeman. is a born landlord and •'knows how to keep a Hotel," and we can assure our friends traveling in that direction that theyutUi rest assured of good fare and treatment while stop ping a| the iViimet Hotel, Had time permitted we would have been glad to have visited every business place in town and made men tion of them; but the whistle of the Stwiincf gave us hotiee that "time W*as up," and we hurried back to find that fellow who "wants to buy a dog" just hauling iu the plank; aud as he had forgotten to collect our fare before we went ashore he thought it best to wait until wc got aboard. We arrived at. McIIcnry about seven Vcloek, feeling that the day had befeii well spept in Our excursion to Wilrtiot. We hope to make another trip to tliis place at 11O distant day. when we shall speak further of het* business and business men. •i REMOVAL; Pi p. 8mitli would announce to his customers aud friends that lie has re moved to his new Store, near the De pot, Where he invites his old customers and as many new ones as see fit, to call and see him. His stock of Dry Goods, Gi-Oceries, Clothing* Crockery, &c.. is complete, and he otters bargains Second to t>ohe, quality of Goods considered. NOTICli, To tlie Holders of McHenry (bounty Orders. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of .July 1877. 1 Will pay the following $300 8 per cent County Orders, to-wit: Nnmbersl55, 168, 183, 196. 209. 222. 238, 251, 264, 278, 295; 315; 347, 58, 74* 61,108, 122,137, 153, 1&>, 185* 202,217,232,248,262.280, 298, 327. 852* 68, 86 and 105. Interest wfll cease 011 the above county orders July 26th A. D., 1877; JAMKS Nisn, Cotinty Trnagurti. Woodstock, Jnly 11th, 1877. Mowers and Reapers. Rakes, and all kinds of Farming Tools of the best manufacture, and at bottom figures, at R. Bishop & Son's. Ladies Hose, Handkerchiefs* ties* Cuffs and Collars in endless variety and at prices that defy competition at Lansing & EvansOn's • Tlie Aud i"Oit CI KG L IT JUlHiK. ^ The Convention at Turner Junction which nominated the H011. Claik W, Upton tor the position Of Juuge in this District, only di,d what the people demanded of them. The i*eople ttirough th^if cobvfentiOh nominated him, but by their own individual votes alone can he be elected. Hence the 'necessity for the people to lay aside other pressing-engagement* they may have and come out and attend th>» elec tion long enough to deposit their votes tor the rriau ot their choice* election is *« impoitant 01W sfaMBlild call out a full vote. • • - 4-- 5^ 1- Premiums To SubAorlberi. i The Sixth Grand Distribution1 Of Premiums made by .the Kansas City Times to its patrons will take place at Coates Opera House. Kansas City, Mb,; on Oct. 1st, 1877, at which time 400 premiums worth 84,000 will be given to Times subscribers. Any tickets in the October Distribution not drawing a premium will hAve a1 bhanbe in the Great $5,000 Premium Distribution Dec. 31st. The Times is a'.first-class family ueWspAper, and claims, without dispute, the largest circulation of any paper in Missouri. Specimen cbpies sent free to any address on application Premium lists and all particulars also s'ent free. Address, The Times, Kansas (Jity, Mo. Nuii<la Department. Howard county, Iowa, is In a fix. Frank Kyte, the Tresanrer; suddenly departed, leaving the funds of the county--unless lie took them away With him--in a $1,300 safe which he had bought conditionally for the coun ty. He also kept the combination of the safe to himself. It Is supposed that from $18,000 to $20,000 is in the safe, providing that Kyte did hot Steal the money. The owner of the safe has attached it. and refuses to allow it to he opened uiitill lie gets his $1,300; Nb evidence can be obtained to war rant the arrest Of Kyte until ilie safe is o,penod, aud While the litigatidli goes on between the safe owner and the .county the Treasure!: is making his escape unmolested; A fact of great importance to the many who are suffering from the agon- ixiug pains of Rheumatism and Neural gic Diseases,is the knowledge of a rem edy which is eiitlreiy harmless in its effects npou the constitution. Many preparation, which may relieve for a time, create new dieases, or kave a taint ef poison in the system which it is almost impossible to eradicate.-*- XaWson's Curative has won the confi dence ofcountless numbers of sufferers, and is everywhere acknowledged to be a reliable panacea for the many com plaints for which it is adapted, it is an e^t^iual remedy, and can be used freely without irritating the surface, or the slightest danger ot any ill effect. SSIYA CURIOUS thing in commerce is the fact that beef, copper, and a number of other commodities which are sent to England from the United States, can be cheaper there than in this eountrj'; This is more especially singular in regard to copper* ef which over 16,000.000 pounds are annually shipped to England; it can be bought from two and a half to five cents per pound cheaper than Oil this side of the ocean. &g?»Lizzie Peck was walking ori the beach at Bullock's Point, R, I;, wheri the fire from her companion's cigar communicated to her light clothing, and She was fatally burned. Here wiii a case where .aman was unlataittienaHy a very wretch. Such cases without fatal results are not uncommon, but one such tragedy ought to end the practice, if an ordinary sfcnse Of propriety is in sufficient. ®B'® 7' ̂ ra'n' >t Crystal Lake. WISCONSIN DIVISION: ^ OOIKU NOETHi •» .v.A.V....8:17A. *. JJ i;v • • • • ....«...«. •>.». 11:1A X K. sr I a tl . .v.;........*..v..;.j. ii:37 A. m. Woodstock.... ............. 5S01* M •St. Paul (ttigbt).., A.., 10:46 t. oonrosooTmM F'ortil dA fcac. r.'. i t8 57 a Jt P*"1' 4:10 v. ki Mail .......,v.,r. ^. ...5:20t. 31. •Runs daily exeept ftatnriijri}; tRuns daily exccpi Mondays. - AH OTHER TRAINS riiu daily; SIIIDAYS FCI cc|ited. FOX RIVER LIR\2FCLI^1 V 4 ,0 •' GOING XOKTir. . >': ' A C R O M M ^ I L J I T L O I I . V . ' . * . . . . ; . ; . . N - A B A . M . ^;.T;.«U;..IUIE A. M. • i'*;. »vv4:.....5:25 P.M. Cisco i Mail...... Oi^ co...; 1:; • :V... 1........ Accommodation.--, Cisco ; AH trains run dftijv, Sunday* excepted.-- Kone of the Ci^ho traiu$ ran Sotfth of Crystiii Lake. • 1' ' " iii .a ' 1 Si 11 • ' •mi 1 '• ...6:43 P. M. ..'.7:45 A. S ..8:«7 A. M . ..2:2.1 p. M ..5:15 P. M The Ru?sians seem determined to carve that Turke}' to suit themselves. The Balkan Mountains are fairly left behind thein and their advance guard is almost ready to thunder at the doors of Constantinople. They seem to have their own way iii Europeaii Turkey and froni present prospects it is hot impossible that there will be 110 such Country on the future map of Eiirope; NOTICK. to the holders of 8 per cent McIIenry county orders notice is herfeby given that on the 4th day r>f August, 1877, I will pay all of the outstanding $300 fc per cent McIIenry County Orders, said orders dated in April, Maj. and June 1st. 1870, numbers 51 to 354 inclusive.-- Interest will cease 011 the above comity orders August 4th, 1877. JAMES Xisu, Couiity Treasurer. Woodstock, Jnly 13th, 1877. Wool Growers, Attenttoif. The subscribers will pay 40 eta. for Wool washed 011 the sheep,-30 cts. for unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed, ill goods at last years prices, Javf.svh.lk Woor,i;jr MnxS. Xorth Main St., Janesviile, Wis. GOOD FAUMS FOU S \LR I have four good farms* situated ip McIIenry county, w hich 1 offer fO'r sale upon the most reasonable terms. Two 80 acre farms, with good buildings, or chards and improvements; onfe farm of 215 acres with bbildings complete,- well- Watered and fenced, under finfe Cultiva tion ; also my home place consisting Of 2§0 acres, one of the finest farms in Mc- lleiiry county. Both of the largest farms lie 2£ miles south Of McHenfy village. I will sell on£ or all of the above mentioned places on easy terrtiS Part fiayment would btf required and the balance to suit the convenience of the purchaser. For further particulars, address, B. F. P£CK, Mcritory, 111. For several days B. F. Jones has beeii busily engaged in shelving and arrang ing a large stock ot" grbebries and pro visions in the supply store at the Pickle Factory; The gbtkls are ail good and new, thus giving the store a bright aud inviting ap:>earanfce. fre Will do a cash busiuess and guarantees satisfaction both with goods and prices. :: A Temperance Meeting, iin^er the auspices bf tlie Ladies i'eniperarice Union; Will be held at the Methodist Church on Friday evening, August 3d. This is one dhy before the special election of village officers; which fafet, together with the expectation of speakers from abroad, should bring to gether a larger Conbourse than uShal. Effort has been made to have Charles McCollum removed froiu his position as Mail Carrier between this statij||' and Crystal Lake; or at least a petition has been circulated aud nieauS used Which have reshltted iii having the po sition put up for bids. In contrariety to this a petition has been hurriedly passed among the citizens of both towns and has obtained many signa tures of as influential men as there are in the community. Charlie has car ried the maij faithfully for many years and 1 dare say that none except those who have private grudges or selfish personal interests iri the uiattet' WOlilU wish to see him removed; With hl& earnings he contributes largely if not wholly to the support of a sister and widowed mother; That he sholild be sontiuued in the position is not strictly a matter of charity biit IS lib niote thaii a fit reward for years of faithful dis charge of duty. All of lis here hope that the order to give the place to the lowest bidder may be rescinded. If any one should And a silk handker chief profusely besprinkled with dear's heads aud around which fond memories are clustered, thfry will confer a favor on the owner by leaviiig it at the de pot, thereby not only obviating a pe cuniary loss but allaying suspicions which perhaps are unjust; Under the management bf H. Y; Wills tlie Pickle Factory and Preserv ing Works have taken on a very differ ent appearauce from the slatternly look which has beeu the result ot a years neglect. Things from top to bottom aud throughout both buildings now look clean and tidy; Tats have beeu thoroughly cleaned and repaired; refuse which had been lying uncarod for and was getting exceedingly nbi- sonie has been put out of the way.-- The robins of both buildings had been littered withAa large amount of bottles,- boxes, barrels and lumber. These are new piled systematically in their proper places; A person has no idea how much of such property there was nor how great au undertaking was the attempt to bring order oiit of tlife con fusion unless he had seen itsome weeks ago. Since the commencement of the cleansing, repairing and reffttiug a large amouut Of uioiiey has been ex pended iu Order to hav0: it well done and pnt in thorough wOtking order; fit tot the extensive business which they iutend to do; Growers have already appeared with cucumbers for delivery aiid the season i>rouiises to be a busy one. MA FOIS. Clothing, a fresh stock. Just re ceived a full stock of all kinds of Cloth ing. Our prices are lew and our goods are the best. LANSING «& EvANSON. Buniiiiefiis Notices. C'arpets, Carpets. Carpets. 35 differ* ent style* at P. D. Smith's. All the leadihg Mowers in the mark* et can be fouuU at K. Bishop & Soli'i McHenry; -T+: ...... .. , If at Woodstock ana in want of m good warm iiieal call at the Eagle Res^ taurant; Northeast curlier Public Square. . New styles bf Men <fe boys clothing; t>ou't buy before yon ieiitil ilife bMr fetbek; P. D. Siilith. For the best Puinp iti ilie g3 td R; Bishop & Son's. • FARMERS, if you want the best feake or Primp tu the market, call en £. MS Owen. It is no humbhg that, the biggest bari gains in to\v^ are tb be fouud at Laiisltig & Evanson's. Call at the Eagle Restaiirantf North* east corner Public Square, Woodstockl Warm Or Cold meals served at all hours . The celebrated Badge* WindMUls at R. Bishop & Sons; • Feranythihg in the Faflii the tit line gb to R. Bishop & Sbn's, SECTION'S for all kinds of Reaper! and MOwei-s constautlv on hatid at tilts Warehouse bf R. Bishop & Sdn: .New series of Ladies tieck wear: Parasols, Fans; and all the novelties of the seasoii at P. D. Smith's. CALL at Bishop & Son's Warehouse andsee their splendid line of Mo#eM and Reapers. The Wm» Anson Wood. C. FT. & L. Jj McConiiick'; and the Bradley Manufac^ luring Conlpiitiles Maiiilnes ciiii all be found at R. Bishop & Sou's McIIfenry. If you wan# to see* the "Boss B^rr^l Churn," maimfultUred at Rbckford, to R. Bishop & Son's. It Is the best Chlirn in the market. 1 r In the line of Teas. Coftees, Tobaccos we take special pains tb shit ofAr trade: Don't buy your fine Cut hntil yoit SOo our fifty wd sixty cent jtobiicco; ™ LANSING a £VAKSOM? , PUMPS. ^ fhotik of Adjimt 'iStfirtMiii^ Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps aaa at lowest prices, at E. M. Oweu's. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cylender, that a boy 13 years old can work with perfect ease, in a well irom 25 to 100 feet deep. For sale at R. Bithcp & Son's. FOR SALE. The Home Farm of the late W^lliamf S. Mead consisting of tWo hundred and eighty acres of the choicest Farming laud found in Illinois situated about 2 miles South of RingwO'od & i miles west of McHeury near the WOOdStock ^Oad Said land is under, a good state ef Cnl- tivatiOn wood ayd tiiriber sufficient for the farm. Buildings nearly neW arid sufficient for the farm,-a!n'd very conven ient for a large stock. The abote frtrm is Rented for onfe year,- lease to expire in April 1878, at which tiirfe possession will be given of Said premises; Terms easy, 011 good n6'tes, well Se<MiVed. For further particulars apply to J. W.CriSty Executer, at Ringwood Illinois. A Full Scholarship to ̂ Oliiisen^s Com mercial College, St. Lertrjs, MOm for sale at a discount, at thi^ 64lce. IC E CR K A M Friday.- Saturday and Sunday evenings, at the Riverside Ice Cream Parlors. We sell for Cash. We have Ho biUi debts. Wre are at no expense to keep books, and therefore we call and will sell you goods cheaper than any flrat in the county. LAXSlXO ft £VAKSt)i£ TUB AMRRIOAN PEOPLE ^o people in the world suffer as cHuck with Dyspepsi i us Americans. Although j^ears of ex;)eriencA in medicine hai failed to accomplish a cettiiln andsiire remedy for this disease and Its fcffects, sucli as Sour .Stomach; Heart*-bhrh, Wa ter-brash; Sick Headache, Costiveuess; palpitation of the Heart; Liver Cem- plaint. coming,up of the food, low spir its, general debility, etc., vet since the introdttbtieii bf GRKEN'S AUGUST FLOW- BR we believe there isnO case of Dys^ pepsia that cannot be .immediately re lieved 30,000 dozen sold last year with out one case of failure reported. Go to' your Druggist If. Colby, and get a sam ple Bottie lor 10 cents and try it. Two* doses will relieve you. Regular tistf 75cents. II SENSIBLE ADVICE. You are asked every day through th4 cokimns Of newspapers and by your Druggist to use something for Dyspep sia and Livei; complaint that you know nothing about; you get discouraged spending mOiiCy with but little success: Now to give jrou satisfactory proof that GRKEN'S AITC.UST FLOWKR will cure yon of Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint with ail its effects, such as sour stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos- tiveness,- PalpitHtiou of the Heart; Heart-burn; Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits Sc., wtf ask you to go to your Druggist. Henry. Colby, aud get a Sample Bottle 6f GUEKN'S AT 'GRSR FLOWER for 10 cents and try it* or a, Regular Size for 75c6Ute; •two doses will relieve you. NEW MEAT MARKBjy. L Walsh A Howard have opened a Iff^ Meat Market near the Depot; McHenrr,* where they will keep on band Fresh; Salt and Dried Meats of all. kinds, an<| deliver to any part of tliti yillage fro« of charge. They have Commfe'tifced tunning sf Wagon and will visit neighboring towns, with a Choice shpply of Meais; on the following diurs: Ringwood and Gre^riivoOfl--Satif^ days. V010--Thursdays; Johnburgh--Wednesdays atnd Satur- days. These trips will be made regular, an^ residents of these towns e«Mi be assured of getting anything they want iil.tliAf Meat line, of the best quality and it bottom figtirfo; WALSM H McHenry; ifty Ifith, »77. i * ^ •M' Shakespeare makes Hanriet say ,VT6l be. or no.t. to be. that is the onestien." We woilld say to suffer *r not to suffer.' is the all-iiriportant question which conies home to eve'rv oiie of us, and has as near an application to ail sufferers frOm Rhcurriiitic, NeuraJgiO and alf other ailmepts of that tlass, as the famous soliloquy had to Hamiet'.morat stite. WheN a remedy is within reacti of eve.ry one, it.makes it optional with' thO afflicted whether they suffer or are' Cured, We wish again to call our read ers'attention to '"Lawson's Curative,'* and to re-state, s\> they will nOt forget ft; that, it is a sare cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Seiatijca.- Nervous Headache, Diphtheria. Womids, BArns; and in fact so many of the every day complaints which all families are sot>» ject to,- that we urge its being kept In every house. For sale by Henry Colby, McHenry. 111. j* MoHtcXKY MAitKKT. BUTTER--Packed; 8fl5 Cts. CHEESE--8c. EGGS--lOcts. LARD--13 cts. . _ BEANS--$1.50(? 1.75 per bii^heb OATS--30(^ 35c.- POTATOES--$1 per bushel. CORN--$1'2(<C 14 per Ton. FLOUR--$9 per barrels 1