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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1877, p. 5

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jjejjewy Jlaiiieiler. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31st, 1877. Railroad Time Table. ^ GOIXG SOUTH. , KNEVALJAKE Passenger .,.,,*,.7:2$ A. M. M» Lake Freight ......^1:36 F. K. OOINQ KOBTH. ' Oenef ft TIK« Freight :00 A. M. Oeneva Lake Passensrer 7:02 jr. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY.. METHODIST.--lie*. W. A. Adron, Pastor. Services every Sunday at lOJu A. M. - fw"i 7)4 P. ML. Sunday School at IS M. JOHN Dl'SK Superintendent. ELECTION, Tuesday next, November 6th. FOR Late Dairy Markets see last *•«•• " • / • REAI> the . advertisement of Waite'e (tew Meat Market, in another column. PRODUCE although abundant this season. is held by the producers in ex­ pectation of better prices. . You want to keep an eye on your «maU change, for there are eounte rleit #1,000 bills in expensive circulation. A book publisher's advertisement reads: "In Press--Against Her Will.'* Some women do object to being squeezed--sometimes. "WE want to be brothers" remarked Red Cloud. Hang 'em! We would't want one of the chaps for even a brother-in-law! COUNTY CLERK WHITNEY, made our Sanctum a pleasant call on Wednesday last. He was on lug way home from Richmond. THE Good Templar* Lodge, of Mo- Henry. will meet on Friday evening of this week, Nov 2d, in the Hall over Bishop's Warehouse. A general atten­ dance of members is requested. Miss POLLY TICKS has arrived in our village again, and is expected to stay until next week. We presume as tmtul she will attract a large share of attention from the male sex, both married aud single. -A JOSEPH FRETT, th$ NEW proprietor at Fisher's Meat Market, took possession on Monday morning. He Is said to be nn experienced Butcher, and will no doubt keep a good assortment of Meats of all kinds, and receive a liberal share of public patronage. THE Greenback Cinb was organized on Saturday evening by electing A. H. Hanley President aud M.. Kelter Secretary. Short speeches were made by M. Leathers and Hon. Hank McLean, after which quite a number present en­ rolled themselves as members. WE are in receipt, of a copy of *the I>aily Hcff inter, published from the Register otHce Rook ford. It is a neat and newsy little five column sheet, and deserves, as it will no doubt receive, a liberal support, from the citizens of Roekford. TIIEY have recently found near Belleville, Ala., some tracks which they think must have been made by agianr. They are eighteen inches long and eight inches wide. The fact of the business is, some Chicago woman has been straggling through that country. SAMUEL STOCKER, of this village, has left at our sanctum a Turnip, ot the Buta Baga variety, which for size would be hard to beat, as it weighs ten and a half pounds. It. will make two good meals for a common- fatuity. If there is anyone who has a Turnip that will compare with this we would like t,o see it. THE Marengo, Republican says.-- A call for a "Sweepstake Convention" Is being circulated. None but defeated candidates and those desiring office, will be delegates, and all delegates will be nominated to some offlee. It will be on the all healing-compensatory plan--a sovereign balm for political wounds. WE believe there is a Law in the State prohibiting, newspapers from publishing Lottery advertisements, tilt penalty being a flue of $100 f«r eaeli and every ofteace. Yet notwith­ standing this there is a newspaper that for the past three weeks has been pub­ lishing an advertisement of the notori­ ous Kentucky Lottery Swindle. Hadu't they better "look a leetle out." WA learn that a party coining down from the Lakes on Sunday last, with a boat, were struck by a squalll just as they were coming out of Pista- qua Like, and capsized. They happened to be near the shore, and consequently the only damage was a good wetting. It is said that one of the party proved himself an expert at diving, going to the bottom and bringing up a gun that was lost overboard. It was a cold bath but a lucky tip-over. To kill a town, an exchange ellingly puts it in this way: "Under­ rate every present and prospective en- erprise; speak ill of the churches and chools; tell everybody the hotels are ad, enlarge the vi«es of the people, specially the young people; withold he patronage from your merchants nd.tradesmen, and buy your goods nd groceries a* souie other place; ever subscribe for the local papers, nd if you are iu business, refuse to dvertise." WE would call the attention of oar readers to the new advertisement of the Crystal Lake Pickling and Pre­ serving Works Supply Store, to bo found in another column. B. F. Jones, the Agent, can always be found at his post ready to supply you with the choicest Groceries at as low figures as they can be purchased in the city, and at the same* time will buy your Butter. Eggs, Ac., at the highest market Vice. Read the advertisement in another col­ umn'. Wfc wonder much that no one seems to think that we are without any means of checking a Are. We have been fortunate euough not to have any for a long time yet no one can tell how soon the fire-demon may drop his torch in our midst, and we are powerless.-- Our citizens should give this matter a little candid tji ought. The cold weath­ er'is now coming on,. when accidental fires are possible. While we are well supplied with wster. there is not a ladder or bucket that is available In case of necessity. Do not wait until the horse is stolen before locking the barn. EVERY Merchant, Manufacturer,; Doc­ tor, Lawyer, Mechanic, Farmer and every Lady should be a fine business writer, calculator, book-keeper and short-hand writer. Ladies and Gen­ tlemen desiring to qualify themselves should take a course at Johnson's Com­ mercial College. St. Louis; tt is a most practical and thoroughly disci­ plined institution. Address the College for a circular giving full infor­ mation aud containing a catalogue of references of over three hundred business men and practiai accountants. A Life Membership for Sale al this office. J. F. HARVET, ot this village has again taken the Agency for Vickery's Fireside Visitor, a large 32 page paper, containing 33 columns of choice mis­ cellany, and no continued stories, each number being complete in itself. It is issued both weekly and monthly, and is one of the most interesting story pa­ pers now published. Each subscriber receives a choice of two Premium Chromes, "Spring Beauties" and "The Ascension of Christ," each of which are worth the price of subscription. After subscribing for your home paper, ex? amine this paper before securing your winters reading. WHILE we were away from home on Saturday last, our friend Job Toles, of Greenwood, lett at our residence a Sack Family Flour, from his Mill at Green­ wood, with a request that we test the same and tell tlie people what, we thought of it. Well we have done that same thing and can with truth join w ith our "better half" iu saying that it is equal to the best we ever used. In short it is A No. 1 in every particular, and if we were compelled to live OH bread and water we would say give us Tole's Flour, It is for sale in this village at Smith. Aldrich & IIi.ythorn's and by F. Best, at the McIIenry Bakery WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement to be found in another column. «f the New American Sewing Machine, for which O.W.Owen, of this village, is the Agent. A large number of these ma­ chines have 1M»CII sold in this county the past year, and in every instance they have given universal satisfaction, and those who have used them have no hesitation in pronouncing them the best Sewing'"Machine now on the mar­ ket. For the particular points in thin machine we refer our readers to the advertisement, and can assure them that it is not overstated. If in want of a machine do not fall to call at O. W. Owens' aud examine a New American. THE Chicago Weekly Pout can he had in clubs at from sev?iitvflv* to fifty cents per copy The advertisement of this standard newspaper will be foun-i iu another column. ,and its proprietors seem determined that everybody shall take it. Everbody knows the Post as a live, sparkling nexvspaper. full of in­ formation and good counsel, and every­ body can afford to subscribe for it, at the prices stated in the advertisement. It seems to be the intention of the proprietors to place it directly into the hand^ofthe million, by putting the prices so low that nothing can prevent its introduction into hundreds of thousands of households. No such pop­ ular offer was ever made by any other representative, metropolitan newspa­ per, and we hope all of our readers, after they provide for home news by taking their local paper, will send in enough to take the Daily or Weekly Post. The PLAIN-DEALER and the Weekly Post for 92, PLAINDEALER and Daily Posi #8. Old Uncle Dan. Is the title of an excellent new Song by Horsice Dumars, Thousands of Songs have been published in America, within tiie last few years, but few ever contain merit enough to become very popular. The above song is a gem, iu fact, oue of the sweetest negro melo­ dies ever put before the music loving public. Sung nightly witii immense success, by MiltG. Barlow, of minstrel fame. Price, 40 cents per copy. The title page is illustrated, and contains a fine view of aSoutheru plantation scene Can be obtained from any large music dealer, or from the publisher. F. W. HELMICK, NO. 50'West Fourth street, Cineinati, O. SCHOOL KKPOKT. Below is found the report of the Mc» Henry Public School for the month ending Oct. 26th, 1877. Whole number enrolled 127. rage dally Attend­ ance 101. HIMIEFT DEPARTMENT. Whole number enrolled 40. Average, daily attendance 35. Number neither absent nor tardy 17, viz: Frank Mc- Oinber. Paul Brown, Etta Beers, Eugene Perkins, Stella Beckwith, Emma Fay, Mabel Smith, John Powers Carl Ralston, Chas. Granger, Stephen Ward,-'Minerva, Ostrander, Cynthia Whiting, Belle Stoddard. Anna Ralston Chas. Slafter, Willie Bonslett. Ex­ cused on account of sickness 6, viz: Hattie Smith. Henry Hogan. Clara Wightman, Ella Lumrn, Anna Powers. E file Til ton. Number of visitors 5. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT.--LUCY A. WAKE, TEACHER. Whole number enrolled 45. Average, daily attendance 38. Number neither absent nor tardy 14, viz: Mabel Ford, Frank Fay. Fred Wells, Lizzie Kleifgen, George MeOmber, John Miller, James Wells, Howard Perry, Millard Stoddard,Minnie Snvder,Clara Wright. Etta Rosenberger. Fred Colby Willie Wentworth. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT.--MISS ETTA TORRANCE. TEACHER. Whole number enrolled 42. Average daily attendance 29. Number neither absent nor tardy 7, viz: Lena Gilles, Frank Gilles, James Halpin, Richard Halpiu, Eddie Kelter, Fred MeOmber Lida Ki ng. Number of visitors 1. It will be noticed that only those who were excused on account of sick­ ness are reported, as we believe all other absences may be avoided if par­ ent and pupil are really desirous. We hope parents will continue their hearty co-operation in this matter. S. D. BALDWIN, Principal. SPKM.ING. Below is the spelling report of my A-class for the two weeks ending Oct. 29th 1877. Emma Paige, 1-225;Cynthia Whiting, 15-225; Chas. Owen, 6-200; Belle Stoddard. 175 ; Jennie Searles. 1- 125; Nora Morrison. 225; Etta Beers, 225; Mabel Smith, 7-175; Alinon Granger, 4-225; Carl Ralston, 9-225; Eloise Waite, 3-200; Paul Brown, 2-225; Eugene Perkins, 225; Chas. Slafter,200; .Dora Sherman. 225; Eftie Tilton, 200; Grace Owen, 6-225; Ella Luimn, 4-125; 8. D. BALDWIN, Teacher. Real Katwt« Transfers, Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McIIenry County, III inois, for the week ending Octo­ ber 27th. A. D.1877: John F Warren anil wife to .la re it Teeplc.-- Pt of Lumber Yard pc In neV 3ft. 44. 5, $8 OOl Anson S •Sherwood to Esther Ann Sherwootl •\'<j ne n w se :J0, 43, 8, $10. John O'Brien and wife to Titos F Mahon.-- Lot ft hlk 6 ltlackman* addition to Harvard. Warren A Treat and wife to J B Ostrander. ' Pt lot 44, :W, 44. 5. 3®iK>. Anzolette Cooinlw and hiiAlmml to William Paul. Nw ne n\. lots 1 and 2 (except 4 49-100 acres) nw, 30, 46, 5, $.100. C M Cole to John Iteensel. 3f V nw 24, 48, 7, int in 11 J* e V seV 35, 4H, 7, $100. Noah Dodge to Arnold Dodge. Sw nw 80, 40, 5, *50. Anson B Brown and wife to Wm M Clark.-- Lots 5 And 8 blk 13 Hurts Id addition to Har­ vard, $800. B W Wlieeler ami A M Tarlor and wive* to Norman Frame. Pt lot 410 lieV H. 44, 7, $1000. Marshall T Frame and wife to Norman Frame, l.ot -287.u\v>« », 44, 7. and Macros in u» 32, 45, 7, $15X». WHILE in Woodstockx a few days since our attention was called |o a splendid lot of Photographs taken by Medlar, andwhile we always knew lie had no superior as an Artist in McIIen­ ry county.- we think he is now far sur­ passing all his former pictures. He is al<o making a uew kind of Picture, called the "Lambert Patent Carbon Picture,* for which he has the sole ritrht In this county, which fat sur­ passes anything in the picture line we ever saw . These he is taking for one- half the price charged for them in tlfe cities. As the' Holidays are drawing nigh there can be no more appropriate Present to a friend than one of these splendid Carbon Pictures, and we ad­ vise all to call on Medlar at once, aud not wait until the last hour. He cannot fail to please you, no matter what kind of a Picture youwaut. He also has a flue stock of Wall Brackets, Picture Frames, Albums, &c.. which he sells cheaper than the cheapest. A LITTLE COKRKCTION. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--I am sur­ prised to read stieh an article from friend Street & Son as appeared in your paper last week. I did not sup­ pose Street would depart so far from truth. Street did not exhibit a hog at McHenry Co. Fair iu 1.876. although he has circulated a eard stating he won a number of Prizes at Fair of 1876. He states he took four First Premiums and three Second Premiums at Mc­ Henry Co. Fair of 1877, and commenda­ tion for best display Of hogs. Now the truth is he took one First Premium and two Second Premiums, while I took four First Premiums and three Second Premiums and sweepstake on Boar of any age or breed and same on sow any age or breed. I am iierfeetly willing Street should blow as much gas as he wishes if he will only tell the truth but I do not wish any false statements made at my expense. I was at Elkhorn Fair Thursday and Street told me his sow4 Jennie" was awarded Third Prem­ ium. 1 would like to know how he succeeded in getting first on her. W. W. ELLSWORTH. The best stock of Mottoes, Card Board and Splints in McHenry, at the Chicago 9 cent store. RINCWOOD EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Mrs. Ann Vasey is now visiting friends and re­ latives in the southern part of the state. Try those genuine Buckskin Gloves, California Made, every pair warranted, Olin Hall lias tlieai for sale. Farmers iu this vicinity are now very busy Husking Corn and preparing for the winter. The Western fever has taken astrong hold in this locality, especialy among the yoling men, several of whom have already declared their intention of re­ moving to Nebraska the comiugspring. The Rev. Mr. Gorton who has so ably and efficiently filled our pulpit for the past year has removed to St. Charles, while in his stead we have the Rev. Mr. Adron, who will reside here, preaching at both this place aud McHenry. Vasey & Holmes, oar enterprising Hardware dealers are to all appearance doing a lively business just now and we would say that parties in need of any­ thing in their line will do well to call ou them as their stock was never more complete than at the present tfihe. Again in auswer to Corespondent "Even" we would say that we do frank­ ly acknowledge (now that we have found it to be so) that the young "Blood refered to in ours of Sept. 19th is indeed a resident of onr own town, instead of Greenwood, and more than that we hartily thank him for calling our attention to the same, and would time and space admit we would more fully explain the cause of the mistake. Suf ice to say we were misinformed as to the residence of the party above re­ fered to. Trusting this will prove satisfactory both to your Corespondent "Even" and all parties concerned we again sign ourselfs. BISMARK GREENWOOD' EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--As is very often the case, our Rese^oir of news items is nearly empty this week, in cousequenc of which a short deal l'roin this quarter will be the result, which perhaps may be full more agreeable to manv of your readers, than otherwise. We had the pleasure of meeting our friend J. A. Baldwin on Saturday last, who is out on "Short Stop," for a few days visiting friends. He is well pleased with his new position. On Saturday evening next, Nov. 3d, Prof. B. F. Stanley, Principal of the Select School Richmond, 111, proposes to meet with all those interested in organizing a singing class, in the Hall over the Post OHU*e, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of an introductory "Sing." aud to make arrangements for the organi­ zation of a class. All interested and especially those who wish to avail themselves of an opportunity to learn to read music are requested to be pres­ ent. Bring your books. This is in­ tended merely as an introductory meeting for the purpose of getting an expression, and to organize, if advisa­ ble, a permanent class. The Literary Society meet on Friday evening, the 2udt at the same place for organization. Our enterprising Attorney at No. 1. Soap Street, is now prepared to tell us. (not like the departed Greeley "what tie knows about farming,")--but what he knows about "chickens" He now lias a fine "Dairy" of 150or more which are producing the enormous "outlay" of one egg per day. Since the weather has become a littlq more cool he thinks he will not ship oftener than every other day. Proposes to iucreasc his flock, providing he can borrow a heu, and a few eggs to start with. MARRIED.-T-OU Thursday Oct., 25th, 1877, at Dundee Kane Co. by the Rev. , Rev. R. R. Whitter to Miss Mary Cheeney formerly of Brandon, Vt EVEN. CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER.--The fact of your not hearing®anything from this place last week was not for tte want of items but on the account of tli^ mis­ laying of abetter which we supposed had been sent. There has been quite a change in the Blacksmith business in the last' week. Lanuing & Piatt dissolved Partner­ ship by Lanning selling his interest to Piatt. Piatt & Ford then put their Shops together and are now doing all of the business in that line. The Literary Society met Thursday evening of last week. A good atten-i dance and an interesting meeting waif the result. Adjourned to Nov. 8th. E. M. Thompson is now making a speciality of Wringers and Washers.-- Will sell a better article at a lower figure than can be bought of any dealer, in the County. He will travel with them putting new Rolls in old Wring­ ers and also selling Clothes Bars, Iron­ ing Tables, Shirt Bosom Boards, &c.-- Persons in want of any of the above article will do well to remember this and call on him or give him a chance to call on them before buying. The Germans have fiuished their Church and now have ono of the finest Country Churches arouud. It was ded­ icated last Sabbath the service in the evening being in English, the Baptist Choir assisting, ODD JR NUNDA EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Rev. G. L. Wiley and family are now domiciled in the new parsonage. Mr. Wiley and family will hold a reception on Wednes­ day evening. Let all attend and help cheer the new home for which pastor and people have worked so long. , The German Lifthern Church, was dedicated on last Sunday evening. The evening services were conducted in Euglish so that the English-speak­ ing part of the community might par­ ticipate. The house was filled and the time was enjoyed. The church has been in the hands of workmea, more or less, nearly all summer, and it is now in a tasty and good condition. The Y. M.C. T. Association meets on each Monday evening at 7,30. The meetings have been public heretofore, but hereafter ouly every Fourth one will be public. The one on Nov. 19th, will be the first. The Society consider this change expedient for many Reasons. Thus far the people have pat- ronlzed the young men in every Way and it would be unjust to harbor even the suspicion that the young men did not realize it and appreciate it. The boys and the people are on the best of terms, and it is hoped that nothing may separate them, hut it is probable that they win have their confidence in each other tested very much harder than it has been as yet, but if both sides now begiu to prepare for the test they will surely Withstand it. Boys, you havn't seen the brunfc y«t. Keep that fact in mind. ^ Ou the Otli of last May an ordinance "To provide against the evils arising from Vagrancy" was promulgated by our town board. It told who were to be considered vagrant, what should be done with them, and who should deal with them. There has not been au arrest made nor a "Tramp" furnished with work but that does not go to prove that the ordinance was unueeded, on the contrary it was needed. The ordinance alone has .done a work for our town that the whole country nas been trying to bring about for a long vexatious time. I have taken notice and have often seen vagrants reading it and have almost invariable noticed that they, like the Arab, "Folded their tents and silently stole away." It is supposed that the members of the great body of professional tramps have other bonds between them than a com­ mon misery (Poverty). Spies who are sent among them discover that they have leaders, managers and rendezvous that they have secret receptacles for stolen goods, that they are conjointly working in a systematic manner, and that one system extends from the thickly-settled portions of a district to its wilder parts. It is supposed, and reasonably, that they have mysterious signs and characters which thev mark on gate posts and other convenient pi ace 3 and which indicate to other tramps the reception that they will be likely to meet in the house, and when a town has an ordinance like ours the tidings are probably circulated throughout the district. This ordi­ nance says they shall be provided with work by the street commissioners but that is exactly what they don't want and what they will not take. Here they are given their choice of two things: Either work or. nothing, Asa general thing they prefer "Nothing." Now when a tramp applies to the house-wife for any thing she can refer him to the "Authorities"--aud it is the legal authorities for whom the tramp entertains an impulsive dread. By this means the tramp is provided an honest way of getting along and the dishonest one is disposed of with the least trouble. ALPHA. BARREVILLE EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Allow no through the columns of your paper to inform that young man from Cary that he had bettsr wipe oft his chin.-- Sorry "But accidents will happen."-- To be continued wheu those letters are returned. R. We have moved our dress making business from the "Parker House" to Mrs. Searles' New Millinery Store, where we make dresses, Cloaks, and cliildre"s clothing cheap and with care to please. It wiU pay you to call on us these hard times. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We have purchased a large line of Black Cashmeres (including some of the beet makes) at prices that will en­ able us to Undersell anvthing ever ottered in this market. Please call and examiue. FITZ8IMMOK8 A EVAWSOW. Just received at Bucklin & Stevens at McIIenry a new and full line of Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls in desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic, Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets and woolens. Genuine Buckskin Gloves and MItteas. Manufactured by J. E. Hall* Stockton, California. Ladies, when you buy cloth for your new dresses aud cloaks at Fitzsiiutuons & Evanson's please step in next-door to Mrs. Searles' New Nilliuary Store and have them cut and fitted, and go home happy. A good fit or no pay. The undersigned having just received a supply of tnese celebrated Goods, now offers them to the public at as low figures as the genuine article can be bought iu the country. Button Glove, 92. Half Gauntlet, $2.25. Full Gaunt­ let, $2.50. Every pair warranted 16 be genuine Buokskiu, and will do more service than two ef the worthless imi­ tations to be found in the market.-- Call aud examine them and be con­ vinced that they are the best. For sale by O. Hall, Ring wood. 111. Just opened a full and complete Hue of Clothing for Men, Youth and Boys at Bucklin & Stevens at McHenry. Go to thtf CbicafO • coot Bargains. A flue new Stock of Millinery, of tlNI / latest styles, at Mrs. C.H. Morey^. Imported and American cloaks, so Infants cloaks at Mrs. S. Searles. SEWING Machine Needles of all kitail at O.W. Owen. KE«P one eye open for bargains il Smith Aldrich & Hay thorns. A full and complete line of ready made Cloaks. Also a full line of Cloak- lugs aud Cloak triming* at Mrs. Soarlot. In Gloves and Mittens we have alarm Stock of Rockford Goods. Every pair warranted. Fitzsimmons it EvansML McHenry, 111. The best Teas at the Lowest Price*, at Smith. Aldrich &• Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. School Books and Writing PapM* Cheap,at O.W.Owen's. ? ' For the Latest Styles in Dress Goofs, So to Smith. Aldrich <& Haythorn*t« riverside Block. McHenry. New arrivals of Prints an_ _ in Fall styles at Fitzsimmons Evanson, near the Depot. The greatest bargains evefoflered la McIIenry county, at Smith. Aldrich A Httythorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. Mens Underwear. Cardigan Jackets, Ladies Sleaveless Jacket* &c., vej cheap, at Fitzsimmons & Evanson. T Henry, 111. Grrat Bargains in Cloaks. PrtCM from 94M to $35,00. All In the latest style at Mrs S. Searles.' Just received, at Mrs Moray's, tho finest stock of Millinery Goods evor brought to McIIenry. Ladies Cloaks, and Cloakltif MMl new patterns of Waterproof at P. Wk- Smith's near the Depot. Ladies do not fail to call at ifri. Morey's and examine the latest stylra of Millinery Goods. Her stock is com­ plete, and prices as low as the InrM^; OVERCOATS. It. will pay vou to Examine our Stock of Overcoats before buying, as we oan save you Jobbers margin. simmons A Evanson. McHenry, IU. Money to Loan*, In sums of 9500 and upwards, on Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent In­ terest. Address or applv to ASA W. 8M if ft, "Woodstock, I*> Ladles, call and see those spl new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs.Moray's. She will sell you the latest styles at (hi lowest price. New arrivals of Ladies Cloaks, Dun Goods, Hosiery, &o„ at FltasimmoM & Evansous, McIIenry, III. Examina­ tion solicited. Wanted 10,000 lbs of Choice Butter for which we will pay the highest market price in Goods at the voiy lowest Cash Prices. BUCKMK * STKVBMI Wanted, tn exchange far Goods, Butter. Eggs, Poultry &c., for whloit we allow you the highest market prl« and sell our goods at Cash priooa. Fitzsimmons & Evanson, McHenry, lit. Bucklin 4k Stevens have a tali line of Selz & Co's Boot and Shoes, which have given their customers such universal satisfaction during the past year. Every pair fully warranted and guar­ anteed to give satisfoctlon. Ladles and childrens. loggias, madfc of Cloth or Waterproof reatfy mad* made to order, at Mrs. Searles' No# Millinery Store. Will out-wear six pair of knit ones Just the kiad i•? School-girls. 925 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to sat one who will find one of our BnfiUl Boots in which theib iu a ooonter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece of that is not cast from,„a good. piece of sole feather. P. I>. Surra* Near the r Land For Sale. THE undersigned has a number of alsosiMat Lund which too offers for Sale, siraatedM follows: ^ • 14 Acres of Timber Land, ia Sentloa 1, XkS» da Township. 40 Acres in Secticm 12, Nunda* SO Acres in Heetion 3. Nnnda. 80 Acres in Section •«, Xunda, with ttTHtli barn, orchard, well fenced and watered. W acres tinder improvement and balttnoe timber I will also sell mv Home Farm, coatatataa 132 Acres, good buildings, and under a geoS state of cultivation. Any or all of the above will be wU a tto most reasonable terms, I also have on Section tt ten tons of geoA Hay, put up in good shape, which I will Mil for per ton. JOHN FLU8KT. McHenry, 111., Sept. 85th, 1877. REPORT OP THR C O N D I T I O N -or THE- THE FIRST NATIONAL BiSK At Woodttoekf Illinois* --AT-- Close sf Business Oct 1st,'77 , nssouaoBS Loans and Discounts. Overdrafts ,. IT. 8. Bonds to seouvu Circulation.. Due from approved Reserve Agts, Oue from other N'ntiouwl Hanks,.. Real Estate and Kurnlture, Current Expenses,& taxes paid-... Checks and other Cash Items,... . Bills of other National Banks,.,.., Fractional Ciirvuuuy, iuoludlnf Niekle Specie, (including Gold Treasury Certificates,)....,.. Legal nder Notes, Redemption fund with U.. Tieaa. LIABILITIES Capital, Surplus Fund Other undivided profits........ ... National Bank notes Ontstaadtaa. Individual Deposits subject to chock #J8S,141St so,ooao* ASSI.* 4.S0M* t Mft «> una l«S,98§at Total STATE OF ILLINOIS. > Oonntr of MoHomrr ) I, JOHN J . ll'KPHY, 0a»hMr above named lfctifk, do solemnly sw the above statement is true to the best knowledge and belfeot' JOHM J. CM*0 Subscribed and sworn to ma . day of Oct. 1877. J J. A, l Aaaifll ATTEST:--John J, Mtwrpfcr WvH. Stewart, Diwctora •.M* . m

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