^ J1SED THE GRAXGER8." How a msttcal Southern Farmer • tged to Get Along. [From the Southern Husbandman.] "You are right, mister, and it a'n't lhard to do nor long a doin'. Just get one or two good sows, keep 'em inside the fences so that they can't mix with bad company, pusli the pigs from the "word go, and always put 'em in the scalden* barrel 'fore they're twenty ' months old. I bought me a number one Bow--hadn't another hog on the place-- and I raised meat to spare the first year, v The man that tries to raise the woods full of hogs, raises 'em for the Ira** sards." " Do you roise sheep? " "I raise sheep, mister; and sheep raisin' is what I call killin'a whole drove of birds with one small stone. I raise Bheep for the wool; I raise sheep for the mutton; I raise sheep for the increase; X rnisfi shpep to spade up the tough turf with their sharp huffs; I raise sheep to eat bushes and yearbs that no other brute bc«£u would touch, and manufacture 'eiu into fertilizers that hold their richness spite of the rain and sunshine," " How about the dogs ?" "A dog on Pumpkinvine, mister, totes a pass, or goes with his owner, else he don't travel fur." "You don't need a 'dog law,' then? "We're a dog law unto ourselves, mis ter." "I reckon you follow the advice of the newspapers and plant corn." "We're pretty much in the habit of follerin' our own advice on Pumpkin- vine, mister. Not that we slight what we Bee in the papers if it's sensible and "we can see the reason of it. But I plant corn, mister ; I plant potatoes ; and plant oats and wheat; and I plant sor ghum ; and I plant goobers ; and I plant turnips and pumpkins ; and plant artichokes for the pigs to root in the fence corners and short branch bends; and I plant peas everywhere. Some of these crops is shore to hit, and so I never make a clean miss. When they all hit it will be like a land flowin* with milk and honey." "I see you still raise cotton." "Till something else is started to bring Mississippi farmers money, regu lar and shore, I expect to raise cotton, mister. We're bound to have money, mister--it's money makes the mar go. Only I ain't going to raise cotton to buy corn and flour and meat and bosses and fertilizers." " And mules ?" "Don't talk ef mules, mister. The mule was twin brother to the nigger slave ; when Congress abolished one it ought to've abolished t'other too--both or none. But speakin' of cotton, I've chattered my plan of raisin' cotton." " How ?" " I used to plant ten acres and gather two bales; now I plant four acres and gather three. This year I am hopin' to get four." " How do you manage that ?" " It would be a long story, mister, and as my road will soon turn off I'll just tell it in two or three words: I manure, and plow, and hoe, and don't slight my •work." " But what if it is a bad crop year ?" " There ain't so many bad crap years, mister, as there is bad crap-raisers. Did you ever know a man's brag acre of cot ton--the one he planted for a brag acre all to itself on some good spot--to make a clean failure ?" "I don't know that I ever did." " Jess so. Well, the way is to plant few, and make them all brag acres." " But what if the worms take it ?" " Worms ain't apt to take the bottom craf), mister, if it's well up to time; the bottom crap don't shed much, generally speakin', 'thout you work it on a wrong plaft; and the yearly frosts don't tech the bottom crap. I work for the bottom crap, mister, from the word go. Cotton is Uke pigs; it wants pushin* when it's young." "Do you patronize the Pittsburgh Smiths and the St. Louis mills yet ?" "Not to speak of, we don't, mister. Started a mill over on Pumpkinvine again, Jack Smith has, and we clubbed together and sot Billy Bobkins up with a blacksmith shop right there, so as we oould go to the shop and mill at the aame time. Billy always had such a hankerin' for workin' iron; and Jack, he aever could stand the sunshine well, poor fellow !--and didn't like to work on cloudy days. He makes a splendid miller, though. To keep Billy agoin' we all hands agreed not to buy a Yankee tool that could be made at home, no matter how cheap it was, nor how good." "Does the mill make nice flour?" "It makes good flour, mister, and that's better. It's got good rocks and good power, and Jake knows how to manage it, and so it grinds the wheat well; and Jftke ha'n't got no bolt to sift the life out'n it. We have it ground a fewfbushels at a time, and take it home and' sift it, and when we've a mind to we sift it again through a finer Bifter. It ain't as white as snow, mister, but made with fat and buttermilk, it makes bis cuits--none of your starch cakes, but biscuits you can taste, and biscuits you can feel all through your muscles and bones when you've fed on 'em a week or two. My road turns off right here. Come over on Pumpkinvine after har vest, and spend a week with us, and eat some of them biscuits and the thousand and one other good things the old woman will fix up for you. If I don't talk, you to death it will put some flesh on tibed slim shanks--Gee, Buck--and some color and fat in them cheeks-- Good-by, mister!--Get up hosses!--Get along !--I'd like to 'ave forgot to tell you, mister, but I reckon you've cotch it from my gab--me and the old woman lias jined the Grangers." French Justice on the Spot. A very absent-minded member of the French Institute was reading the news papers in the casino at Dieppe t'other day. Engrossed by what he was reading, his left hand unconsciously pushed the files of newspapers on the table, and over went an inkstand, falling on the white trousers of a Paris banker. The offender offered his best apologies without ap peasing the banker's wrath, who shout ed that his brand new pantaloons were ruined. " But, sir, I will cheerfully pay for them; be good enough to give me your card and I will send the money to your hotel." "To my hotel ! Sir, I don't know you. I must instantly have the30franci those pantaloons cost" The offender drew forth the 30 francs and paid them ; then he said: " Now that you have been paid, I hope you have too much of the delicacy of a gen tleman to remain in my pantaloons. You know those pantaloons are my prop erty, and I insist upon their immediate delivery to me. You had no confidence in me; I have none in you. My panta loons !" In vain the banker protested against such haste. The crowd that had gathered around the disputants said the member of the Institute was right, and the banker, after sending a servant for another pair of pantaloons, surrendered the ink-stained pair.--Paris Cor. New Orleans Picayune. Cooking Apparatus for the Army. A new cooking apparatus, designed for the use of troops on active service in the field, was examined last week at St. Petersburg by the Assistant Director-in Chief of the Russian Intendance, and so successful was the trial made of it in his presence that orders were at once given for a number to be forwarded to the army in the valley of the Danube. The advantages of the new kitchen, which is the invention of Col. Lichin, are its great simplicity and portability. The apparatus, which is fitted on a two- wheeled vehicle drawn by two horses, consists of a cylindrical pot, provided with a furnsce and chimney, and ar ranged so that it always remains verti cal, even when the cart is moving rapid ly along and jolting over the inequalities of a rough road. Cooking can, there fore, be carried on during a march as well as when the kitchen is stationary. The interior of the apparatus consists of two copper cylinders placed one inside the other ; the inside of the larger and both the inside and the outside of the smaller being tinned. The outer cylin der is fitted with pipe and a stop-cock, by which water can be introduced,while the inner vessel is closed with a lid, fit ting hermetically, through which, how ever, a curved pipe enters the smaller from the top of the larger. The food to be cooked is placed in the inner vessel, and consequently is not subjected imme diately to the action of the fire, but to that of the boiling water in the outer vessel and of the steam which enters by the pipe from the latter. Safety-valves are provided, aud also cocks for empty ing and cleaning the outer cyliuder. Such a kitchen of the size recommended by Col. Lichin for use in the field will cook in three hours enough stclii and oatmeal soup for a company of 250 men; and as the apparatus only occupies the hinder part of the conveyance the other half of the carriage is available for the transport of uncooked food, cups, dishes and so forth.--Pall Mall Gazette. Chloral Drinking, The drug called chloral hydrate, dis covered by the eminent German chemist, Liebreicli, some years ago, and which soon attained a reputation as a substi tute for opium in many cases, especially in delirium tremens, is rapidly becoming as dangerous among victims of excitants and stimulants as alcohol *or opium it self. One person who became a "chloral drinker," as it is called, writes his ex perience to a medical journal as follows : " I am a man 64 years of age, and now sobered down and respectable; but I have tried at one time and another all the narcotics and stimulants known, ex cept hasheesh, which I have never been able to obtain. In June, 1875,1 thought chloral hydrate might be something nice. I took thirty grains of it in a tum blerful of water, which had a pleasing effect. I then took thirty grains more, which seemed to take away my memory. I followed it up for two days, every little while taking thirty grains iargely diluted with water. During these two days I swallowed three-fourths of an ounce of chloral hydrate. At last I could not hold anything in my hands, which were partially paralyzed. I had to be assist ed home, and went to bed and slept most of the time for one day and two nights. I then went about my business, but of all the sufferings I ever endured I think this was the worst. I was not free from pain a moment for thirty days. The pain was greatest in my knees and legs. I would go to bed at night, get in an easy position, and lie perfectly still, and not stir in the least, and finally would go to sleep. The first thing on awaking were thoso dreadful pains. The sufferings resembled those of the opium-eater when deprived of the drug. With one or two exceptions I cannot recall anything that happened during those two days. I tbiuk I had a narrow escape from death. I shall not take any more chloral hydrate."--Louis ville Medical News. How Bread-Crusts are Used in Paris. " What becomes of the old moons? What becomes of the old crusts of bread in Paris?" asks the Figaro, and then tells of their transformations. The bou- langcr en vieux, freely translated, "baker of the old," utilizes the pieces of dry, damaged and abandoned bread. Hegatheratlie crusts in boarding-houses, convents and hotels. These morsels, covered with sand, stained with ink, and often picked from heaps of refuse, are sold by servants to the "Baker of Old," who turns them into new preparations. The merchandise is first carefully sorted out The fragments which are judged to be still in a presentable condition are dried in an oven and form croutes au pot, which are used up in soup at low- class restaurants. Almost all the loz enge-shaped crusts served in dishes of vegetables have this origin. The crumbs and defective crusts are pounded in a mortar until they become a white paste, wliich butchers use to adorn cutlets. All the material.that appears absolutely incapable of further service is then roasted, reduced to charcoal, ground into powder, and, by the addition of a few drops of essence of mint, is converted into a tooth paste. Srch is one of the metamorphoses of Parisian industry Baltimore American. A Oreat Cat-Race. The greatest of the cat-races ever held in Belgium came off recently at Belcele, near Bonsecoures. There were seventy entries for the chief prize. The animals were carried some four miles from the village in baskets, and there let loose. Of course they all ran toward home swiftly. Minette, a pretty white cat with a pensive eye, reached the town first and won the first prize--a silver coffee-pot. Lolo, a big tortoise-shell, which had been made the favorite in the betting, jumped the course, and has not since been heard of. A Case of Sickly Sentimentality. Chronicling the tearful scene in a New York court when the forger Gilman was sentenced, and the briny flood which flowed in Plymouth Church when Beech- er referred to the mournful affair, the Chicago Tribune says; " Now that the rain is over and gone, it may net be impertinent to inquire why all this sniveling and booliooing. Were they weeping because this respectable rascal stole over $200,000 of the people's money by the refined processes of rais ing the values of scrip and of forgery ! Because a large part of this amount was stolen from his own brothers and sisters, whom he would not spare in his genteel operations? Because he had used his position in church and his religious rep utation as a screen for his dishonesty ? Because he not only was a hypocrite in his daily life, but even carried it into a confession that was filled with sickly sentiment? Because he concealed his real character from a trusting wife aud loving children, and gave them to ex pect a iiie of ease and affluence, when he knew his thieving must sooner or later become known, and that his family must suffer from the name with which he would be branded ? Be cause, with every incentive (to be honest, he deliberately entered upon a criminal life, commencing with a breach of trust, and ending with forgeries upon his own relations ? Because he gave liberally to religion, to charity, to art and to per sonal hospitality, from other people's money which ho had stolen ? Was it for these reasons that Bseeker and Haekett, counsel and spectators, and all Plymouth Church, cried ? Was it because he got Only five yeai s' sentence when he should have had twenty-five, or that he went to THE GREAT BEGU1AT0B. VECETABL Specific for PURELY KestlMHMM. Raneee, Colic, 8lok Headache, OawHpetten sad Blifcmsaeee. ASK the reoovered dyspeptics, Bilious sufferers, vio- pins of Fever and Ague, the mercurial diseased patient, Bow they recovered health, cheerful spirits and who appetite- they will tell you by taking Simmon#' Liver Regulator. This jastlf celebrated medicine Regulates the Uver, prejnotea digestion, and fortifies the system egeinst malirtsl oumsw. Extract of a letter from Hon. Alexander H. Stephens: " I occa sionally use, when my condition require# it, IV Simmons' l,iver Regulator, with Rood effect. It is uiiiu, auu suits me better than more active remedies." CONSTIPATION. TEffmiONY OF THK CHIEF JUSTICE OF Un.OKt.lA --" I have used Simmons' Liver Regulator for constipation of my bowels, caused In- n temporary dortt- » i „ 5 GOLD COIN AM OTHER PEEBMS 01VER F8E£ , BY THE SAN FRANCISCO E E K L Y C H R O N I C L E ! lanoltatt to tbe number of FRIZES any one $8,000 Jk _ '-'i ; * X Ohn be made in this manner. Theaaooeaa oftbe DAILY and WEEKLY CHRONICLE r ri1[)_, Lf It la tho moet brilliant, fearleas, enterprising and complete Newspaper on the Paeifle OomL teTWyyMe BeporU and Local New. are the very beat, and Ha Editorial, the ItsAgrteuttnral. Mining and Market Report* »n» perfect. Do9criptiT" Ctoenlaw teat FKKK. » UttMOMUUC, 98,50 per year; DAILY CHRONICLE, 96.70 per ywr,peeta«»)tfL CHAS. DE YOUNG Sc CO.* Publisher*, Sa» FraaeiiMk CM* derangement of tho iiver--at lewt such has been mar pereonal experience in the use of it."--HIRAM WAUNEB. Chiof Justice of Georgia. OlUUlMAi AND ONLY GENUINE, lUJrirFACTcr.Fi) ONLY BY J. II. ZEII,IN A- CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Price, 9I.OO. Mold by all l>ru<rKi»tr». WORK FOR ALL littles, canvassing for the '<1), Weekly and Monthly. In their own localities, canvassing for the Fireside Visitor (enlarged). Weekly andTUonthly. l'«rK«»t I" I hi* W arid, with Mammoth Chronios r ree. B£e OomTOsfions to Adc j . . A g e n t s . T e r a i s a n d O u t s i t l ' t , dress 1. v). \ K'luSltYt AsiKU!*ta Muinc* Commercial Advertiser. IVrniN--I'oMnno Pro|>nUl -l>»il.v, one year, *9: ui months, $4,oO; three months, $2.Xo; one month. 7 O cents. Weekly, one year, $ 1 ; six months, oO cents. Specimen numl»u> sont on_ application. An extra copy to Club Agents for c-luh of ten ; the Daily for club of thirty, lhe I oiiiiMci ruil Advertiser is the best ftepub- ing $200,000 than some poor devils have gone for stealing a coat with which to keep themselves warm, that made the detectives weep ? Whatever may have been the causes, it is just such sickly sentimentality as was displayed in the court-room that tends to make the crime of forgery respectable and to veneer this class of stealing. It is just such maud lin exhibitions as these that make men doubt the efficacy of justice and the dig- city of law, and compel the question, Is there much incentive to be honest when a court and a church unite their tears over a felon on his way to the peniten tiary?" Singular Occurrence. A strange scene occurred the other day at Sierck, on the Moselle, France. Herr Schmidt had a dog which he wished to get rid of. Rowing out into the middle of the river he fastened a stone around the dog's head and threw him into the water. The ariimal sank at once, but during his struggles the rope slipped off the stone, and he again rose to the sur face and tried to get buck into the boat. His master, however, continued to push him back, but as the dog persevered he lost his patience, and, striking at hiin with his oar, lost his footing and fell into the water himself. He was unable to swim, but the dog, seizing him by his coat, succeeded in bringing him to land after having been repeatedly washed away by the current. The dog's life was spared, we are happy to say. The Original Locomotive Engineer. The first man who ever ran a locomo tive is Frank Finch, a gentleman of 65 years, who has been an engineer for thirty-five years, during which time he never tallied a single accident--never hurt a man, a cow, or even a dog in his life. He ran the lightning express on the New York Certral for fourteen years, carrying the last Governor's mes sage before the electric telegraph was established between Schenectady and Utica, a distance of seventy-five miles, in ninety-five minutes. This was in the days of the old-style strap rails, when such a feat was considered miraculous. Mr. Finch was married when he was 20 years old, and now resides with his wife at Berlin, Wis. ALTHOUGH the Brazilian law recog nizes the death penalty, the present Em peror has never yet consented o sign a death warrant. .. - . " me nest-Kepi «can paper published in thib country. Its Weekly edition U onfltirpnssecV Social terms to Agenuu All letters 6hoah1 he »ent to * » H^HJ. HASTINGS, 120 Fulton St., N. Y. City. fuVt8«c The BcMt Trtinn without M</*1 Springs ever invented. N." mmbuit claim of a certain r.tflicai cure, but a guarantee of a comfortable, secure and satisfactory itpiiliiinee. We will take back and i»ay FTTl<l< . PIIM'K for all that do not suit. Price, •Infle, lite cut, #• { for both sides. Sit. Sent by mail, pom-paid, on receipt of price. N. 15.--This Truss WILL CUBE more Ruptures than any of those for which ex.- tmvaeant claims are made. Circulars free. P0MER0Y TRUSS CO.. 740 Broadway. New York. THE G33D OLD STABUD-BY. MEXI6AN MUSTANG LINIMENT. FO.K MAN AMP BEAST. ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS. Always cures. Always ready. Always handy. Hbs never yet failed. Thirty million.* hate te*(r<t if. The whole world approve* the glorious old Mustang--the Best and Cheapest liniment in existence. 25 cents a bottle. The Mustantf Liniment cures when nothing plre wilL SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VKNURRS. Kmaciatlon * Remediable Defect. Leanness not only detracts from personal comeliness, but in an index that tlie bJoo«1 la deficient in nutritive properties. To remedy emaciation, enrich and piuiiy the blood, which will then develop healthy flesh. This object is most readily attained through the agency of the great blood fertilizer and depureut, Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters, which enables the stomach to extract from the food taken into it ample nourishment for the system, removes all obstacles to complete digestion and assimi lation, and. by stimulating the kidneys to vigor ous action, incites those organs to strain from the vital fluid in its passage through them im purities which would otherwise impair its flesh- creating qualities. Not only do the Bitters pro mote the development of solid fiber, but they also increase muscular power aud elasticity, overcome nervousness, banish mental depres sion, and protect the system against disease. Wonder Upon Wonder. Given away--A strange, mysterious and most extraordinary Book, entitled " THE BOOK OB WONDERS. Containing, with numerous curi ous pictorial illustrations, the myt-terioH of the Heavens and Earth, Natural and* Supernatural, Oddities, Whimsical,Strange Curiosities, Witches and Witchcraft, Dreams, Superstitions, Ab surdities, Fabulous, Enchantment, <fcc. In or der that all may see this curious book, the pub lishers have resolved to give it away to all thst desire to see it. Address by postal card, F. Ui-iiAsGH & Co., 738 Washington street, Bos ton, liass. MAKE NO MISTAKE.--IN DOOLKY's YEAST POWDEB you get the best article of the kind in the world. The cans are always full weight, the article itself the purest and strong est possible, so that a smaller quantity than usual suffices. Do you want ypur baking al ways perfect ? Don't fail then to use DOOLKY'S YEAST POWDEB. W I L H O F T ® ti-] Periodic, OR FEVER AND AGUE ftr Ml TH**a*r* Canned !>}/ Malarial l*uisonitig of the Mood. A Warranted Cure! G. 11. FIXLAY & CO., Mcee *rtrfin», Jhntp'*. WIOE SALS BY A LI. v -QI8TS. The f racial Test of the value of s medicine is tlnitt. Do6i experience conlh rn the* claims put forth ill Mi favor aft $he outset ? is the grand question. Apply tnii criterion, simple, yet no fiourchinir, to TAHHANT's grrtllVKKCKNT fcEILTZKIt APKRIENT. How has it WOm ? What has been its history ? How does H stand to-day ? Tarrant's Sclte Aperient tm a household natue tbmuahoui the United States. It is adTniuist-eptti ss a speHne, with suceoss, in dya* pepsta. Bice headache, nervous debility, liver complaiat, bilious remittents, bowel complaints (especially con*t£> potion), rhc?umcitisasip g?rave!s nausea, tho com-plaints peculiar to the matenuil ses, and all types of in flammation. So mild is it in its operation that it cau be given with perfect safety to the feeblest child; and so agreeable is it to the fcaete, ao refreshing to the palate, that children never refuse to take it. For a&le by all arnfffisti. ROYAL WU1 go oiyythiid powder of grocers; or send OO cts. BAKING POWDER. JLte^olutely than *dnlt«v*ti».l or short-wpijrht kinds rVuramna mm ots. Jor I lh llsn to HOY A?, BAKINGPOWDKIlTS NY R receive it, postage psld, bj return mslf with recipes for making tho celebrated Vienna RoJbl Bteluit! Bnad,. Muffins, etc. SoMonly to Tin Cans. In writing, state where yovs saw this notico ' THE CHEAPEST & BEST I ADVERTISING TO REACH READERS OUTSIDE Of THE LARGE CITIES. *• repretsnl over 1,000 Newspapers, haying • waek* ly circulation of over 600,000 Copies,divided into six different lists.coveri»g different sections of the country. Advertisements received for one or mora lists. Pgr jataloftufw, containing names of papen and other information. and for ostim.-it**, address SEALS & FOSTER, II Park How (Tlnirs Bnlldinar), New Vark* GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS. The Friends of this .UNRIVALLED CORSET are now numbered by f .MILLIONS ' fYicssarsmuch rsauctd MEDAL RECEIVED AT CENTCNNIAL< Get the Genuine, and beware of imitations. ASKAISO FOR \ THOMSON'S / UNBREAKABLE STEtll The best goods mid*. See that the name of , THOMSON and the Trade Marka CROWN, are stamped on every ConsuSttcl. Recommend It Heartily. „ _ SOOTH BOSTOW. Ms. STOVERS: J3«ar Sir--I have taken serenl bottles of your VEOR- TINK, and mi oonvinoed it is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, and general deblUw of tho gyst»m. . I oan heartily rsoommend it toall suffering from tte above complaints. Your* n»pectfu%, MRS. MUNROK PARKBB. Yegetlwc le Hold by All Dranlste. II The Best Polish in the World." RiMfN STOVE POLISH A KEY TO BOOKKEEPING ! The Best Text Book and Self-Instructor In the WorML Bent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of Fifty Cents, bf the author, orfp. B. WKLSH. Savannah. Qewjla. CHICAGO VOLTAIC AND TRU88 CO. The Inventor of NOVKI-TV TltlSS has hnd ex-tensive experience in JUtinu Trusses. For.ve:irs thin was hi* principal Impiness. Ilt> became dissatisfied with them. Tbov wort4 inconvimiinit an J injured the spine. NOV* l£J*r% TKTSS is worn with ease, and is abdominal and Siemin mipnort. i. 1 weett Jn yooi own tonn. Terms Kit • U. UAI L^iTP 4 CO., Porti-iUC SB to S>20 rr at Samples wrtfc; •w w free. STINSON A Co.,Portland.lt* can be made inlaws dip , . ---- onr 4-foot. Wfix ATJ®**. 0a for onr anger book. U. S. AUSER CO., St. "GKNT8 CAN MARK r Jl our PATENT HI SircnUr. WORSWICK A 6000 WELL lore JK M'FG CO., Cleveland. tOayloril & Co.. CUlc AAr FKKMIUX •%et»mi-winder. _ •• fit.me. J. BaGaylord & ( JKl/dgAgeata. A. COULTER A CO.. Chirms m*, SiAB IB l^».. 2 »U 0( tae isitost UutpHIc*. W'Sentf for Catalog. YAX & Co.Chic.*gu IT OAA » menthte Acenta. Drmt fntotte TV.SI II S : -hmiKK Sen<>stflmp for ImmraneitliM-M/UUV tratMl runilotrua 1>.«).URVANT, Cbiomfll A A~M0NTH^(i'i^r8~WMTKD - N M ^KJIsIII eolUng ar* ic!«* in the world; «Bes«iapl^f?w„ 5I/UVU Address JAT BROKSOX. I>etio«, JMMs. |Si:rc relief! biy mail. Slo« CbarlestoiwB Stowed ACo. - Msgs.: WANTED Drtfttlvn. A few men in onch for lhe DeUctiv* Servitx. Pay Position permanent. Send stamp for particular*, ii. Sl butvtox Co.. 230 Walnut Bk. OtoirlMeMLO. SKCEKT DCMCIAIIA Praeored. or KO PAT. bs rCilOlwllwmn wounded. rnv*eM& accidentallyinjared or dteessed Soldier Adtireea (UK w KITZORRALD. U-tLOlsim AuVVWsehinvtoerBttt iKHSBB ̂Km<t8L 0H.5O. YoungAmerica hand AselMnk sss Ibsi Am( for bnsiness. Bend 8 stamps for oa tab " W. WATSON, 73 CornhHI. Boston. K. INUUABAJMf CLOCKS eqnali tHem. Manufactory--BriMo^Ob Wfa M AiNT AN AUKNT in every county conn" . . country to sell our ifomenpatbic put ap in small, neat cases f«r J'tmilirn, 1 each. Send $ i for sample case and terms to Address McCLFLLANI) * ~ ~ CO., Pittsburgh, Plu BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT The best family newspaper published; eight Iflt'iii oolumuN raadinR. Term*i--p«-r annum; clubs of eleven, «lft •nnutn, in n<ivnm e. Hl'KCUIKtf COPY MEAT18. $IOtn$25 Modicui Institutes. thonmcb Ilped in Priiioipal VVest- ricn #4 uo. Vols ate licit. HELP FOR TIIE HORSE! •very man who owns a horse shoofd bete a pair ef Furlong's Patent FOOT COOLERS & EXPANDERS Which remove all fever from the feet, and keep them fn a clean, in:>ist and healthy condition, absolutely prevent* in« corns, contracted feet, quarter-cracks and scratehea. The moist Bpcnjre is held securely on the bottom of the foot, keeping the frog in a healthy, n'lturai condition. They can be used for a Stuffing-Boot, and do not cost one- fourth as much as the ol J leather one. The cut. repre sents the Holder and Sponge on the foot. The best horsemen of the country heartily indorse it as one of th® most humane and valuable inventions of the day. Horses' feet have been restored from an unsound condi> tion to a healthy one in three weeks' time. Its result surprises every one. For tale by Hurnass-Makers and dealers in Turf Roods. Kjn*l« pairs sent to any address " ' " t . . - > r . . . . #6.0-}; l*ll«'Snmiorr«'r, t't«-rln«>Sfiiworier. fftOU: Dijritnl $5.(X). Discount to Trade and Physicians. Good* sent C. O. D, For circulars ad dress, with namp, CHICAGO VOLTAIC AM) lit I !•»•-* <>•<».» Ml Wawiilimtiui St.. CIIICAiiO. ACENT8 WANf ED FOR Creative Science; Or, MANK000, WOSn^NelOOO. AND THEIR MUTUAL INTER-REIi-¥60KS: LOVE, ITS 1AWS, rewee, ETC. Agents are celling f roui u li to 25 copies a day. Send for f iiecinien |>agoK and our extra t< un-' to Agent#, and see why it m>11k fntiter tmm anvother book. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, I!!. rsrilOOK A<«JKBiTS, TAI£E NOTICE! J08IAH ALIEN'S WIFE Has " wrote another book," and it is really SAM IX TH A. AT THE CENTENNIAL! As a P. A. and P. I. outdoes herself, and WIDOW Doomjt leaves BI:TSY BOBIIKT far behind. Don't wait and lose your chance ; wml for circulars, territory, Ac., at once. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., CiUCAUO, III., CINCINNATI, O., and HAIIXI OIIIJ, CONN. THiiCUlBS flf I OCiL MCSirr Deelrln* aEa© Best extut, •hniiM te • IFA^V0BITEI I 8ONO8 |St»dH.£sSS,t2Ff M. Mclntflsn, the enrfMMk Au thor and teacher, mall, AO eente. 8 B. W. OAKROI LTOX A Buui, PCi! GHEW The Celebrated " MATCHLESS " Wood Tag Ping TOBACCO. Tbx PIONKEK TOBACCO COMP, New York, Boston oHPAirr, and Ghii oago. Hb that judgeth without knowledge is a fool and wisdom is not in him. You can get knowledge of the $53 Five-Ton Wagon Scale, Bold on trial, freight prepaid, by sending to Jones, of Binghamton, Binghamton, N. Y., for free price list. g C Ato $12 a week with our popular Books, Bibles, Chro- JpOUmoB & Maps. GiHuispeeu's Pub'g House, Obieaso. PRINTERS AND STATIONERS! Send SO cents end getalarje sample pxekage of our jVOVELTlKS in Ball Prorrammes. Visiting Cards, Wedding Stationery, Billet tie Correspondence Envel opes and Note with manan m date (something new), fine Cardboard, etc. Aailr ;ss THR NEWSPAPER UNION, 181 Fifth Ave., Ch cafto from the leading horsemen and veterinary surgeons the country. 1 have also a va'liable Sponge Liniment for bad feet, which I will forward with Cooler at Sl.OO per auart bottle. Liberal terms and exclusive territory given to Agents. Address K. II. DUAPEK* 103 WuNliiniitsB M.. C'liicMe. GRACE'S SALVE A TEGETABLE PREPARATION, Invented in the 17th century by Dr. William Uraoe, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious sores ana wound* that baffled the* skill of the Most eminent physicians of his day, and wits regarded fc* all who knew him as e public benefactor. B > oentiejbox. For Sale bv Drag- Klsts Sent by m| on reeelpt of price. Prepared to SETH W7WWLK £ SONS. 86 BtrriNB Avmmi Boston, Mkm. JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET MY CHEWING TOBACCO was nwarded the highest prir.e at Centenni.-il Exp iBition for its lino cUewinj; qualities, the excellence :.ini charuvlor «.f its sweetening and flavoring. It you want the bett t ibncco over tnade, auk jour gr<n'er lor this, .and see that each plus bears our blue-strip trade-mark, with words Jackson's Best on it. Sold wholesale by all job bers. Send for sample to A« .MCKMIN & CO., Jlauulacturera, Petersburg, Va« AGENTS WANTED I TOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE GO. Broadway, New York City s _ Chicago, 111.; New (Irleans. I-.11.; „ or San Franclnco, Oal. MILITARY land Band Uniforms--Officers' Emiipinents, I I etc., manufactureii by Jlf. C. LILLHY <fr| CO.,Columbus, Ohio. Bend for l'i ice Lists. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The ehoteest household ornaments, PH00 One Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. A $1.00 $1.00 WHITNEY & HOLMES™" ORGANS. The Finest Toned and Most Durable Made. New MylM, Mew Sol* Htope, Warranted Flv« Teare. Send for Priee-LMe, WHITNEY * HOLMES 0MMN CO.. QUINCY, ILL posnraiYCDR When death was honrly expected from C( tlou, all remedies having failed, and Dt. ins experimenting, he accidentally ui.ide a proouMfcka* oflNUIAN HK5I1'. which cured his <»nly chikLaeiw: gives this lecipe on receipt of two stamp* to mm- szpensi^s. Hemp also cures night-sweat, b; stomacli, and will break a fresh cold in hours. Address, l.'KADIKJCK A CO.. IWiS Stroet, Philadelphia, naming this pap> r. EEP'9 NlllRTIIfU-onljreneau Keen's Patent Partly-Made Dre be finished as aehemming a The very best, bu ior 0l4N), Keep's Custom Hhirte--made to The very I (est. sis for 99>00> An elegant set of gennino Oold-Plate OoUer wed Sleeve Buttons given with each half dor. Keep's Keep's Shirts are delivered FREE on receipt ef uiD* In any part of the Union--no express chazne to iw,- Samples, with full directions f«rWf-mean5emaal7 Sent Free to any address. No stamp reqatroA * Detl directly with the Manufacturer and get Bottom P*lce&_Keep MMofoetoriag Co., 163 Meroer BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. . auaUty--Tb» Ba* Dress Shirte (7nrhra!l*tl fcr tkc-loiUlmad ttw No uuiky hA- deccplr t «ins Is • cover nan deltK » S^ne*- cnti. .. .'t the ttivrsi B. T. iV .!'» Bat Boap h:. _r»» and iww ~ TOI^T «OAP • trtk* pobHe Tb« mEST Qnljt the yureH rryrtabfe vtf d tm «la Rav./O' For Uce In th® Nursery It 'nas fh CfltiaJi. WsrlTi ten iwm !o *vwy m»th«r«Hi fsunilv •"rTT.^u Ssaij>l^ Imis, roilt1 lin^' '-i rru'-v v of t oas. '* Ui auj a drew «B ol IS ,v»I«. A>ti!rrM B. T. BAB»«TT. Now York Cltf-tor ^ale tv *U ^3 rm' n* '•m I & are superior In design iad aloa ii . - qnallty, or ee Mhm»- keepers. Ask your Jgwlm tmr nM- A HA V NITRE m A gent s selling our Ch] (Jiaypns, Picture and mo < 'auls. | iij worth sent, _ . , _--1 for ^5 Cents. _ Catalogue Ire , - J . u. HIFFOUO'S lloNliill. [I'.stahl hedlS3U.I Errryirher? to send for* copy of •• The Home Companion," dispute the cheapest and best young ivajwr published. An immense cindUbn built up in 4 yesrs. tireut premlnaaetar ^ettinsf tip clulm, including Oi Watches.&c. Onij X'tcayenr. ' full of puzxles, stories & dniewt ksMml. -«:.iu;>le<i and terms free. S. L. TROR^K 'ublisbor,, 14 Bolivi» St., Cl««elandLOli. TIIE NEWARK DAILY anfl WEEKLY COOBffR, M;U ARK, XEIF jersey. F. F. FAITE&S02T, Editor mi :?repri«ar. THE l,KA»IMi KKI'I BI.H'AN KEWS- i'APUIt OF NEW .IKK SKY. Torms--Daily, $K.(H) perannran; Weekly. 9)M)OL Aiiverti>enienU insetted on liberal tenu». &md ler Pri<:e-Li»t« DAVIS1 FAIN KILLEE TAKEX INTEIINAULY There is nothing to equal It, relieving yon of paKt flaaT'" short time, and curing nil bowel oomplaints. such aeeoli^ cramps, upasins, heart bum, diarrhea, dysentair, Ann, wind in tne biweis, sour Btomadb, dyspepsia; e|ok ^^^- ache. tn nections of tho oountnr where Fever Ami" pi-evail- theie is no remedy held in grentnr< Persons traveling should keep it liy them. A m in water will prevent sickness or bowel (maUw rH• •••-- - MeKein,' f5- SANDAL-WOOD. A poeltlve remedy tor nil dlsesaee of the Bladder end Urlaarr Orffaiwt »K rnd fte Dropsical C omplaints. It never producee«oHn«B^. ie certain and speedy in its action. Itifl fwtwpsorfNl ell other remedies. Sixty oapenlee cure in six w si^ft - days. No other medicine can do tbie. ' ? Bewmre oflntHationM, for, owing toltngi n< ww eees, many have been offered; eome eie »oet deeee**fc- oaosing pile®, DUN OAS DICK 4k VO.*» j salts, contmini»ff Oil V SamOml Wood,mU mt aft Mr**" ^ Storu. A*for Mk JRpc^fr s treet , .V*» fwt O.W. u