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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1877, p. 4

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JlfejJeirj Jfobfoler. ED. WEDNESDAY, DEC. lSth, 1877. jr. VAJNT SLYKE, Editor. h ImI of (Q. they led in tanite DANTYMKVS CONVENTIONS, The annual meeting of the Illinois Slats Dairymen's Associativa will be |CJam- held at Elgin next week commencing on Tuesday and clmlng Thursday. An fhiUe Interesting and elaborate programme ferns been prepared for the occasion. The annual meeting of tlie North­ western Dairymetfs Convention will occur in Chicago on the 18th, VIth and I tOth of this month. The Dairy Fair labile will be held at the same time under 1®°^ the «us§*ces af the National Butter t10*® ud Egg Association. . ^ : jgr They are really MntefiCtftgTtfe Smnrance efficers in the East to the State prison. Most people had come to the conclusion that life insurance •gents and officers were not responsi­ ble for the pleasant little deceptions they hare been practicing upon the jrade Wnse •ot that The r ob- ;ree, soitd »len mod gea- iu to 3oo- Tll wies people for the last 30 year*. Now let to hear from the saving bank default- on. But come to think of it we be­ lieve there was one jugged in San Francisco the other day. But the •tone upon which he stnmbled was that he only stole about fifty thousand 4ollars. Any person who filches so •mall a sua when he has opportunity! ti take more, is evidently a thief* it to wa itirAn ingenious expedient adopted by a fruit grower in Maine, i order to ascertain how his fruit stoo transportation to long distances and lapse of time. Early last spring the gentleman sent away a lot of apples in barrels. In one of the barrels he place d a*paper with request that the person Into whose hands the barrel fell should write him, informing him when, whero •nd in what condition the apples were, and price paid. About three months afterward he received a reply to his note from London, England, stating that the apples were received in good condition, and brought about $5 per barrel. The gentleman who packed the apples received about 91,62 per ~:'|Mrrel. •• ~ *rif one man by corrupt and fraud­ ulent means cheats another out of a piece of valuable property, the courts will annul the conveyance and restore the property to its rightful owner, and persons having notice of the fraud will receive no consideration on account of aay interest they may have acquired in the property. Just so with the de­ monetization of silver. The public were .outrageously cheated by the transaction. Congressmen had no moral right to legislate upon the sub­ ject. And now the remenetization of •liver should take place, aud the dollar be restored to the exact standard of value and usefulness it held before 1873, no matter who gets pinched by tlie operation. A great public wrong tan not he remedied one moment to toon. to inveabnto the Hew ¥ork Ooafau Hoi THE ground that the Preddeot had DO RF order aaoh a eonariaaian; that the law t it the duty of certain ettosrs of the tr*»« perftm raoh lenkM. and they shook! been employed instead of outrider*. TH* following is the statement of the attoss by the National Bank Radaifc Agency for the month of November. National-bank note St for dmtlaUora ® assorted MM! retained to banks of immtJtUM Natl*»l-baak note* unfit for otnulatton amrted and delivered to Comptroller of eurrteoy for deatrootton and replace­ ment with new note*. Notes of failed, liquidating, and reducing National-banka deposited In the tress- t **T BARGAINS i-FOR THEJPEOPLE-- TO SAVE MONEY, » i . fK&- • « ' W . k - Jkrp the call de fSFHftrd times remain with people, while the few money-lords for resumption, and continue to |pand unreasonable Interest on their fponey. The financial policy of the government does net meet the wants ngff the people, and should at once % - Undergo a radical change. The people * #iust have money enough to do the business of tiie country, or great suf- .. r_;J. faring must follow the prossration ; |iiislii€ss. Thousands of honest, hard­ working people of this country are BOW living on lesn than half rations mad how they will be able to pass through the winter is a questional most too serious to be asked. If the government is in any way at fault in t'\. #h!s matter, it should at once undo *what it has done wrong, and do speed­ ily what may bo demanded to put all things right, and thus call harmony out of confusion. The greenback dollar was good enough to pay the soldiers with--so thought the money- ijjlords during the war--and it is good Jenough to pay these men of ease with. Te«u... Tn pabtto debt, aooording to the monthly statement erf the United 8t Treasurer, was reduced •1,323,634 dm November. A LIBOE number of the Prerident's notn tlons failed of confirmation at the extra seat of the Senate, and Attorney General De' has given it as his opinion that the failon nanfirm Appointed in place old offioer* virtually reinstates for' time being and until the fa •otion of the appointing power The only BepabUcann voting with the De crate for the confirmation of Fitzsimmoot Marshal of Georg;o were donorer, Patten and Stanley Matthews, Tax President of the Senate and the 8pe$ of the Hoose have determined to' stop the \ of kqtsors fa the Capitol... .Fernando Worn very bueily engn^ed in preparing a tariff t It ie stated that it will be sweeping in its oh aoter, and will make extensive redooriona. i« reported that he contemplates redooiag t tariff on silks from 60 to 30 per oent. JUSTICE HUMPH AW, a Washington dierpal states, has rendered an opinion in the habe oorpraf ease of Senator Patterson, dischargi him from cnetodv. This prevents Patters from being taken back to South Carolina, t less Gov. Hampton shall make another reqoi tion, whioh it in thought he will not do.' Gen. Ord, commanding the foroes in Tei was before th© Committee on Military Aff* the other da;. He stated that the Mezit people and authorities on the lower Rio Grat were in sympathy with the raiders, and timated that his present foroe was qnite adequate to guard the frontier and pursue punish the raJlders, m bis orders quire him to do....Wlaon Hu lately of th® St Louin Timet, has started new Demooratio paper in Washington, call the Post John A. OookeriU, formerly of 1 Cincinnati Enquirer, and A. C. Baell, a pro frient newspaper correspondent, are in thai itArialitiff, ITATK DAISY MARKET! WATKKTOWN, Dec. Wth. , The meeting on Saturday was the last one of the season, and was not very animated. No business of any impor­ tance was transacted, and no cheese was sold. There are but six or seven factories in this section that are not now Bold. There is an over supply of medium goods on the New York mar­ ket, but strickly fine cheese are in good demand. UTICA, DOC. 10th. CHEESE.--The market to-day waa duller and lower, although there was a considerable falling off in the offering. Offers satisfactory to sellers were by no means freely made. Nothing higher than lie, was presented by buyers for late makes. A great deal of the best cheese was carried ever. LITTLB FALLS, Dec. HKh. FACTOBT.--The fine weather brought out quite a respectable number of salesmen, and the market wore a more lively appearance than it has for two weeks past. Bather contrary to ex­ pectation the sales amount to about the same as last week Fine October cheese sold at ll}c. and 12c., while November brought from 11c. to 11 §c. FABM DAIBT.--Of the 205 boxes sold, two small lots of extra fine cheese sold at life, and Hie, respectively. The remainder went at 10c., 10} j., 11c., lljc. Eleven cents was the average BUTER.--One hundred packages changed hands to-day at prices ranging from 17c, to 25c., six packages going at the former and five at latter prioe. The average price was Sic., for an ex­ cellent article at that. ip.ia xJV • At Good Prints. Best Prints E D F R O N T i quite : _ EL3)rug Store, Woodstock, mtfisls. > z w 5 cts. 6 to 7 GQSMI vard wide Sheeting 6 Best yd wide Sheeting .^7 to 8 Yd wide Bleached sheet­ ing. ... 8 to 10 Extra good Waterproof. 78 Carpenterville ITlannels 45 Large line of plain Flan­ nels ..... 20to87 Cotton Batting 12,15 and 18 Good all wool Stocking Yarn 80 Drees Goods, bargains .10 to 40 All wool Blk Cash- mere .70, 86,' and |1 French Bone Corsets-- 40 Clarence and Peerless Carpet Warp 32# A full line of Rochester -- T: •, ' and Buffalo custom-,.>••••#r made Boots and Shoes - ; f every pair warranted Mens Suits*........ . *6 to Boys Suits .#4 to flO Cotton Flannel 9 to 15 California Overalls leath er trimmed Fair Japan Tea 3 tbs for Choice japan Tea Best Japan Tea warrant ed best in market.... Fair Rio Coffee Choice Rio Coffee.. Best Kio Coffee 4 bars Savon Soap Fair Young Hyson Tea.. Choice Young Hyson Tea Beet Young Hyson Tea. Best Layer Raisins 50 •1 00 75 «0 23 35 25 40 70 85 12* X box X.ayer Jtalstft*.... H tb Can Peaches, best.. 2 ft Can Blackberries. .. 35 difforesit styles Car petisig ....50 to |l Wall Paper and Trunks full line 9 lbs White Coffee Sugar 9>tf lbs C Coffee Sugar... 10 lbs Light Brown Sugar Best Sugar cured can­ vassed Hams... 12 lbs Rice Fair Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco w.... Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Extra Fine Out Chewing Tobacco ; Best Hardwood Butter Pails 1 % 4» m is These Prices are for First Class Goods. Every article Warrant J ed to prove as represented or money refunded* , PI D. SMITH. Furniture! Furniture! I am now prepared to give better bargains in Furniture, Picture frames and Looking Glasses than any other House in the county. ! 3eiow we give a partial cisi i mi I^Senor Zatnacona, the agent of the Dias Government, is now In Wash­ ington. The object of his visit is to Impart correct Information concerning the condition of Mexico. He says he is astonished at the apparant Indiffer­ ence ot the people of this country concerning his own in relation to com­ merce. Bjr the proper means in America, manufactures of cotton goods agricultural implements, etc., could supersede Great Britain and other •foreign countries almost entirely, at cheap rates, while Mexico could send t« the United States many desirable products which are now imported into this from .that Be public. He confirms the truth of statements made by others that Mexico is anxious to secure close an.d friendly relations with the United States, and mentions, as one of the ev- idences «f tt£s desire, the recent send­ ing of regular troop* to the Bio Grande border, to take ithe place of the ineffi­ cient local fevees, for the purpose <©f maintaining ocder on Ahe frontier In cooperations with the Unitod States troops. Every thing points to the Im­ mediate declaration of war by Servla against Turkey, and to the early pre-' sence in the field of a formidable forceJ to co-operate with the Russians. Aj military review has been had by Prince Milan* and the vlgoitis pre par- j ations now going forward give color to the report that a strong Servian column, augmented by 8,000 cavalry | from Gen. Gourko's command, will immediately assail the Turkish rear. Greece too, is in a flurry of excitement, and her population can with difficulty be restrained from following t^e ex-1 ample of Servla and taking the field! against her hated oppressors. As­ sailed in the rear by her insurgent provinces, and her armies held in check by the overwhelming forces of the Russians, Turkey's case is daily growing more desperate, and the event which England dreads but dare not interfere to prevent--the conclusion of peace between Russia and Turkey ! alone--becomes correspondingly lm*J minent. It would seem that Servla and Greeee were determined to ho' in at the death. O Products of Looms of England France, Germany, China, Japan, and United States of America. FA8H ION ABLE MI GOODS, A.s Low as any other House in the county. Domestic Cotton Goods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. Also Plaid Dress Goods, Fast Colored Calicos, Alpscax. fains, SM, &Cm I Offered at the Beat Bargains la four counties. BARGAIJTFT! BABGALTFSH BBDTCTIOX. REDUCTION, in the price of DROSS (HHM>§ AT BUCKUM £ STEVENS. Foz River Valley Kills. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - - - - Illinois. RUIMFD, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done nromptly, and satisfaction guaranteed HaVinf 3"8t put in a new Fee<) Stone, capable of grinding sixty buthele of Feed per hour. I am prepared to do your grinding on short no­ tice. 49"The Highest Market Price paid for good Killing Wheat. R. BISHOP* McHenry E1L, Dec. lltb, 1877. M o hd 3. o CD 09 BUCK LIN « STEVEN?; „ Aufmt Mth, 1877. ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Bouts, Shoes, Hats, Caps, READY-MAPE CLOTHING, Oroceries, 4ec. j O f the best quality, and which: will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Rrices. Give us a call and inspect Goods and learn Pricea. PEMLT & MARTIN. McHenry, Dec. let, 1*77. PRICE HiISIV Extension Tables, Solid Black Walnut, 85. cents per Bedsteads from $2 to $30. Spring1 Beds from $2 to $10. Wash Stand Bureaus from $3 to $5. Bureaus from $8 to $14. Wood Seat Chairs from $2 to $4.50 per set. Cane Seat Chairs from $4.50 to $15. Single Lounges from $7 to $10. Bed Lounges from" $10 PICTURE FRAMES.--8x10 Rustic Frame, complete, 20 foot. to $14. cents.-- •fcustic Motto Frames 8 1-2x21, complete, styles and sizes at the very lowest prices. Looking Glasses from i5 cents to $2, 55 cents, and all other UNDERTAKING. I have the most complete stock of Coffins and Caskets, of all styles and sizes, to be found in the County, with Trimminga to cor­ respond, that I will sell at a very small margin. Give me a call and I will be pleased to show you my stouk and #ive prices. To parties wishing it Xotes at 10 per cent. I will give one years time on approved John I. Story. O. BISHOP, --DEALER IN-- Has now on hand, at his Warehouse, one of the Largest Stocks of Agricultural Tools to be found in the County, among |wliich are the following: Belle City Peed Cutter, Star Feed Cutter Com Shcllers, The Little IGiant Corn and Cob Crusher, Corn and Cob Crushers and Pulverisers, Iron Pumps, Sweep and Tread Powers, Scales, Dickey's Fanning Mills, Wood-Sawing Machines, Bob Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, Buggies,^and in short everything msually kept in an Agricultural Warehouse. T H E Tin Mict. ^ AH irill testify who trade us that they can buy with Tn speaking of the celebrated Belle City Feed Cutter, John Do ran, of Nunda, says : John Doran, of Nunda, McHenry <3o., 111.,says: "The No. 1 Belle City F<eed Cutter purchased of O. Bishop, Is •A igemiine success; its capacity is equal t© your recommend. I am now feedini *>rty-aiue head of cattle, cutting shoe! •core for £bem; one hour's work of the •taclsiue eats eneuzh fer two days feeding. The more I use it the more I tike it. Several parties looking for machines haw been here to see mine In operation, and in every instance have exjweesod themselves well pleased."" 7 If in Want of any thing m my line do not fitil to give me a call, as I can please you both in quali­ ty and Price. O. BISHOP. McHenry, Nov. 27th, 1877. More and Better Goods FOR THE DOLLAR . Than at any other house in Mo- Henry County. We have no need to cry WO HUMBUG A word to the wise will suffice. Chicago Nine Cent Store, Blake's Block, McHenry* HI, N E W YOUNG CATTLE FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a let of Young stock, Heifer* and Steers, from calves to twe year ©Ids. Apply to H. C.. M ad, en the Woodstock read, 1 ittUt 4OMU McEfoarjr l>epot. The undersigned having* Opened a New Meat Market la Curtis' Old Shop, where he U prepared to fnrnUh all who may favor him with a call with Fresh and Salt Meats of all .Kinds, Respectfully asks a share of the pablle patronage. Vegetables of all Kinds IN THEIR SEASON. . CASH PAID FOR HIDES. 49*Call and we will try and please you with the Best of Meats and a Clean Shop. R. WAITS. XcHenry, III., Oct. Slit, W77.

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