if ' jnpi j*--«<v.i WEDNESDAY. DKC. ]9th, 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOIKO SOUTH. OonevaLake Passenger 7:85 A. x. Q«n«va Lake Freight <........1:15 r. ML OOIKTT KORTK. ... T"' •«ne<r« T,nke Freight .;*H«0 A. H. Oeaeva Lake Passenger 7:08*. x. McHenry Literary Society. THE folia wing is the Programme for Wednesdttjr evening »f next Dec. 96th. Question: Resolved. That the right of suffrage should b* founded upon •tlucat.Tou*! basi s. Affluativf--F. K. Gr»n ger, C. V. Btireus, J. Vau Slyke, S. D. Baldwin Megative--Greo. Gage, Ilk Kelter, H. C. Mead. W, 8. Pricket. Be citation--Shamus O'Brien, D, P. Walte. , ; Sociable. * 4^ fet Sociable by tf?« ladles of the Universal 1st Society will be held at the residence #f A. A. Martin, on Thursday evening of next week, December, 27th. All are cordially lavlted. ' Bingwood Aid Society. The Ladies Aid Society, of Bing- •Wottd, will held a Bazaar and Oyster Supper, for the benefit of the Metho dist Church,, en the afternoon and evening of Friday December 21st. Oysters will be served at 6 o'clock P. u. AU are cordially invited. .>* SEVERAL communications nre Avoidably crowded out '.his week. un- For Holiday Good? go to the Chicago Nine Cent Store. THK Methodist Society of this vil lage are bniding new Sheds in the rear •f their Church* For the biggest stock of Holiday Goods in the comity go to O. W. Owens, McHenry. DON'T fail to go to Mrs. S. Searles* for latest styles of Trimmed Hats at the lowest prices ever offered. THERE will be a Glass Ball Shoot in this village on Christmas, and several splendid Frizes awarded for the best •hots. THERE IS uo need to go away from home for job priuting, when it can be done at this office better and cheaper ' than elsewhere. ••PLEASANT overhead,'" remarked a gentleman the other day. wYeg," re plied his companion, "but few are traveling that way.w OUR efficient Street Commissioner has been putting down several new crossings the past week, a uiucli ueuded Improvement. THOMPSON BROS. have taken possession of the Blacksmith and Wagon Shop lately occupied by L. Francisco, and will immediately open np business. Ip in want ttf a. Cook or Heating Stove, do not fail to call at John M Smith's, near the Depot, as he cannot fail to please you both ill quality 'and price. WE have inadvertently omitted to Mttice the sickness of Ralph Stebbins, who has been confined to the house for tho past six weeks with iaflamntory rheumatism. He is now better and his frler.ds hope to see him around soon. THE season approaches for planting your Christmas trees. Trim It judlo- ously and give it rich nourishment, and theft is no tree that will survive so long--in the memories of children--as your Christmas tree. BEAD of the advertisements In this paper, and patronize those who advertise. If yoH desire to deal with live business men, and those who sell cheap, buy of those who are represen ted in the coiumns of your home paper. AN article entitled "Ho! for the coming Winter!" has just reached us. It is impossible for us to imagine why anybody wants to hoe for winter, when it's coming on as rapidly a£ |t possibly can aud witt be above ground in a few days. IT has beep said, but with how much truth we caa not positively state, that gentlemen's underwear is going up. It certainly looks as if there was bomb cause for the report, for the young men wear most of their shirts above their coat collars. ; WE would call the attention of our iwjftders to the mew advertisement and Price List of P. D. Smith, to be foiind in another column. He has an unusual large stock of seasonable Goods, and as his price list will ohow he is selling at bottom figures. Buyers will do well to peruse it carefully. O.BISHOI*. at his Warehouse, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, has one of the largest stocks of Farming Tools to be found in the county. A first claw Corn tiheller for «7. Feed Cutters, all sizes, Pumps, Wheelbarrows. Cutters. Bobs, and in short every thing usually kept in a first class Agricultural W are house. If iu want of anything in his Hue do not fail to call and gee bis good* and learn prices. A young son of John McOmber came hear being drowned by , breaking through the ice on the Mill Pond, ou Saturday last. With tho present soft weather boys cannot be too careful how, they venture on the Ice. * F. K. GRANGER advertises an Auetlen of Horses, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Wagons, Harness, aud other articles not enutner- ated, to take place near the Depot, on Friday of this week, the 21st, sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. Persons who desire to purchase anything above enumerated should not fail to be on hand to secure the bargaius. A Free Lunch will he served. THE preparations for the New Year's Party, at\ the Riverside House, are progressing f avorably, and every indi cation promises a large crowd and a good time. The lovers of the dance are longiug for sleighing by that day, but the chances^ are against such a' luxury. Wightman, however, will use you just as well if you come in a bug gy, and as New Year's comes but once a year what's the difference. WE would call the attention #f our readers to the new advertisement of John B, Blake, to be found in another column. In addition to his large stock ot Furniture, he has just received a large line of goods for the Holiday trade, such as cliildrens sleds, carts, wagons. Wall Brackets, Picture Frames and all kinds of Holiday Goods, which he will sell as low as the lowest. Do not fail to give him a call. WE noticed at the Depot on Satur day last a fine young Holstein Bull, the property of Homer Wattles. Esq.. which he had just purchased from the Herd of Dr. W. A. Pratt, of Elgin. He was six months old and was a very fine young animal. Mr. Wattles ig one of the best Dairymen in the county, and takes great pride in his blooded stock. He also bought from Dr. Pratt 2000 young Salmon Trout, with which he lias stocked the Fish Pond on his farm. PARKER & SON, of the Parker House, in this village, are leaving uo thing un done to make their coming New Year's Party a pleasant and enjoyable affair. The floor of the Hall will be newly waxed, and everything that can per tain to the comfort of those who are there attended to. With the splended music engaged for the occasion they cannot fail of having a No 1 time. The Tickets for the occasion will be THE Young Folk* Weekly U ee l ted by Mrs Jennie T. Ilazen Lewis, anil we are 6ure will be greeted with delight. The Liter airy Reporter savs uit fills a want long felt--a weekly paper for young folks that is both valuable and cheap--within the reach of all. Old and young cannot fail to be entertained instructed and amused by its well-filled columns." The Inter-Ocean says,"Mrs. Lewis' stories and sketches will alone insure Us success." Only $1.25 per year--35 cents for three months; sample copy free. Address H. N. F. Lewis, Publisher, Chicago. THE old and w<»ll known residence of II. W, McLean, one and a half miles West of thin village, was burned on Thursday night last. The place is now owned by Nick Shafer, has been unoc cupied for the past four or five months and cwnsequently the fire was the work of an Incendiary. What motive they could have for such an act, unless It be pure cussedness, one can hardly imagine, and it is a lamentable fact £hat we have sueh persons in our midst To Mr. Shafer the only loss is the lumber in the builcling, a* he intended to tear it down as soon as he had time. Furs, Furs, Furs. Elegant setts of Mink, Seal and Ala*ka\«. l ow prices at P. D. Smith's near the Depot. A new receipt for a sick Hog has lately been discovered that certainly has the merit of bringing a speedy relief. We heard a gentleman relate the other night that lie had a hog that was ailing, and wish lag to do some thing to relieve him he procured a glass full of whisky aud mixing with it , a good dose of black pepper turned the hog on his back and poured it down him. He then went about his business and returning in about tweuty minutes found--the hog dead. Now the questioft naturally arises was it the disease or the whisky that killed the hog ? If the latter the man who sold it should be--obliged to take a dose him self. DWIGHT & FORREST, Boot and Shoe dealers, Woodstock, have a new adver- tisemei^t in our paper this week, which all will do well to read. This is one of the oldest and most reliable Houses in the Boot and Shoe trade in the county, and as they have decided to adopt the cash system are prepared to ofTer in ducements to buyers seldom found out side of the wholesale trade. They are handling the celebrated Selz & Co's goods, which are second to none in the West, and all goods bought at their establishment are warranted as repre sented. We take pleasure in recom mending this firm to the buying pub lic, as square-dealing, honorable men, and those in want of Boots and Shoes should not fail to give them a call. Holiday Goods, Toys of every desjriptioii, Gold. Celluloid and Jet Jewelry at P. D. Smith's, near the Depot. MR. H. D. LUFF, formerly of this village has moved to Chicago" and en tered into partnership with J. F. Duf fy, under the firm name! of Duffy & Luff, in the Manufacture and Wholesal ing of Hardware fine brands of Steel, dkc They make a specialty of Manufactur ing Steel audTools of all kinds. Mr. Duf* fy is salfl to be etie of, the finest work ers in Iron, and Steel to be found in the West, and this with the business push and energy of his uew partner, Mr. Luft, will make a strong firm. Their Salesroom is oa South Halsted Stieet where Mr. L, will be glad to * see his old friends when in the city. THE Beading at the Unlverealist Church on Saturday evening, by Miss Gavin, of Chicago, was the richest Literary treat that our citizens have enjoyed for . many a day. We have had the pleasure of listening to some of the most noted Readers in the country, but we have no hesitation in saying that Miss Gavin is one of the finest we ever heard. Her style is ori ginal, crisp an<J full of life, her power of imitation excellent, and her manner of delivery easy and faultless. She Is comparatively an Amateur, but no one who has heard her but would wish to hear her again, and should she contlnne before the public Cumnock, and other Professional Readers will have to look to their laurels. We hope she may con clude to pay us another ylslt at no distant day, when we are sure she would be greeted with a much larger audience. THE McHenry Literary Society have held two public meetings, at which Addresses and Debates have been the order of exercises, which have proved highly entertaining to those present. The F.xercises for this week are varied* consisting of an Address, Readings, Recitations, Music, Ac., and it is hoped our citizens will turn out and encourage the Society by their presence. It is suggested, and we think wisely to, that some of our home talent, who are not members, be luvited to deliver a few Lectures on some interesting, subject during the Winter, and we trust this plan will be carried eut. We have the talent iu our midst aud why not bring it out. With this addition tr» the exercises already inaugurated, these weekly meetings will be looked forward to with pleasure b$ both old and young* and will be of uutold bene fit to all. We hope to see a good turn out this evening. See the programme of exercises in another column. The sin nil-pox is spreading in Lake county with great repldity: four chil dren of a Mr. Nutmiie. iu the town of Fremont have died, aiid from tweuty to forty residing in the vaciuity have it. McHenry Plaindealer. What have the Lake county papers said about McIIenry that you should thus slander our people. We liavn't published a word about your pickle factories, or Intimated that your halt" ot' Fox Riyer was the muddiest, but there you go making folks believe all L:ike county people have blotched faces and such things. If the Pi.AlX- UKAxrcit man don't spoil that story in his next, issue we will'all hands coine over there to fhe ir next Old Settlers' Meeting ami eat their couuty poor.--- Waukegan Gazette. Well, Mr. Gazette* if our story was inc(*rect we will be very glad to take it bu^jj, hut eur information came from a Lake County man, aud coiiMqutntly did uo£ originate on our side of Fox River. But we are glad to learn that Lake county people have smooth faces aud that there is no danger of our brethren of the quill losing their beauty. Nevertheless, come over to McHenry for the revenge you speak of. It will do you good to have a good square meal once a year. THE Dramatic entertainment pre sent a good bill for their ExhibU- tiou on Christmas night, presenting as they do the beautiful Drama In two Acts of "The Last Leaf," aud the Roaring Farce of "The Persecuted Dutchman.*' They have been rehearsing some three weeks for the plays and cannot fall to bring them out lu an ac ceptable manner, and we have no doubt will httve a full house. Below we give the cast of characters In full. THE DTTAMA--THE LAST LO.VK. Mark Ash ton CECIL W. COX Caleb HAUS.in HBNBV C. MEAD Harry Hanson, his «on LEVI S. GORTON Diek'Hustle, a journeyman baker. WM. SIKHS Tom Cluibits, a butcher WARD B. GALE Kate Ashton, wife to Mark Ash ton Miss BROWN T.illie, their (laughter . Miss ADDIK McOwpER Pattie Jones, a yankee girl Miss GKEOOKV THE FARCE--PERSECUTED DUTCHMAN John Smidth, the Persecuted Dutchman fj. W. Cox Onpt. Biowh&nl GEO- OWEN Hon. Augustus Clearstarch L. S. GORTON Charles Soberly .WARD B. GALE Mr. Plentiful. H. C. MEAD Teddy ...HRHMAN CI BTIS Miss Arabella Blowhard . Miss EFFIB CCKTIS Mrs. Plentiful ...Miss BERTHAHOLIBTKR Perseverance- ....Miss MAGGIE CLARK Remember the day and date, Tues day evening, December 25th, at River side Hall, SCHOOL HKPORT. Report of School In District No 2 Nunda 111, for the month ending Dec. 14th. Number in attendance 36. Aver age daily attendance 36. Total number of tardiness 12. Spelling report of A. Class. Ella Magoou, 1-250; Mary Parks 3-125; Lizzie Flanders, 250; Bridget Doherty, 225; Anna Powers, 1-250; Ella Flanders. 250; Alma Hunt. 250; Hattie Goff, 3-250; Emma Rowley, 250; Arthur Mink, 5-250; Henry Rowley, 1-250; Mortice Gilbert, 6-250; Leoua Mink, 2-225; Alvln Hunt, 4-250; Maud Mack, 1-250. A. F. PARSONS, Teacher. MONEY will procure the Bargains for the next 29 days at Mrs. S; dearies, McHenry. 1 WE paid a short visit to Hanley & Sons Mill, <m Saturday last, and found that they were making several uew improvements iu order to keep up with the times aud supply the de mands of their many customers. They certainly have a neatly arranged and model Mill,and are spariug no expense to bring their Flour up to a standard equal to the best. They are now mak ing what is called the "New Process Flour," which differs from the Patent Flour from the fact that it contains all of the good of the wheat, giving a rich and splendid looking Flour that Is pro nounced by those who have used It to beANo.l. Thfy have^lso put in a new machine called a "Buckwheat "Rubber," through which Buckwheat and also Wheat is run, which scours it as clean of all dirt and dust as though It had been washed. This of course also adds to the purfeness of the Fiour, They also have a new corn shelter that will shell corn as fast as a man can shovel it In, Amoiig the ether im provements they have widened the it* Hea«i Race, Which gives them plenty of power to run their Mill to Its fullest capacity. A9 we said before they have: a model Mill, aud are doing a custom and Flouring business satisfactory alike to themselves aud th^Jr custom ers. SEVERAL hogs having died in this section of late of what has been called hog cholera, it was« thought best to dissect one and see if by finding the cause a cure or a pteveutativc might not be suggested. Qu opening the hog it was found that the trouble was In the lungs, presenting the appearance of what might more properly be called iutlauiatieii of the luugs, infUmed, ul cerated, «fcc. Now we see no reason why this should be called cholera. We heard it nieutioned as a reasonable Che- ory that where a l:irge number of hogs were iu the pen at night they naturally crowd together Very close when they lay dowu, thereby becoming very warm, aud iu the aioruiuggoiug into the yard rootiug a hole lu the frozen ground lay down aud take cold, causing this diffi culty of the luugs. If this is the true theory, by giviug them plenty of good clean straw aud a warm pen the diffi culty might be remedied. That the weather has a good deal to do with the disease the}*c- is no doubt, aud now that its location and nature has been determined It is reasonable to suppose that some remedy can bo found. Whether it be called Cholera or some thing else it makes little dift'erence. The vojpedy is the all im porUut WOODSTOCK. , EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER:--Old Mr. Ellis ,uged, eighty three years, died at his residence iu this city, Tuesday of last week. He had been suffering severly, from an attack of paralysis tor a week before his death. Many will iniss the good old mau, and none mere than the little children whom he used to call to see during the summer, carrying a pocket of goodies for his grand children, as he called them, and they naturally, called him grandpa. John Gal ice. who has been living since the year *43, on a farm two and a half miles north west of this city, died at his residence Tuesday last. Last week there wsis a reading at the Presbyterian church, which was well attended. The reader, Miss Couthoui, is a young lady of seventeen years though appearing older. Her appearance on the stage, was very graceful and «he seemed perfectly self- posessed. She Is rathershort efstatue, her face is round, and her lialr brown and curly. She was dressed tastefully and richly, her curly hair belug fasten ed artistically by a knot of ribbon; the skirt of her dress cream colored silk, trimtaed with a deep flounce of royal purple velvet and the polanaiso made in Breton style, there being a trout piece, sleeves and a wide sash of the velvet. A pair of five button white kids completed her elegant toilet. She reudered her colnlc places in a credita ble manner. General Judson Killifatrick will lect ure at the $1. E. churehlFriday evening Dec. 21st. Subject: "Sherman's March to the sea." Fourteen Indians, mkn women and papooses, made us a vfsi; last week, remaining two dayi. The sojourn caused quite a sensatJon, particularly among the school children, Who follow ed and watched the Red Man, It was a novel sight to s^e a squaw with a papoose strapped on her back. Tho noble Red Maurleuuged about while the women f Pegged at the different dwelling houses. They expected net only money, but quilts, apples and nu merous other things. We would like toknowftf these Indians are In any way relaiedto Longfellow's Hiawatha? If so; we £ail to discover that beauty of figure of mind of which he speaks. On Monday of last week the First National Bjank of this place, paid out for hogs <in the checks of buyers' Thirty-ninfe hundred dollars. Monday night, four car loads left here and there was still two car loads left, ship pers not being able to procure cars in which to send them forward. Our hog raisers feel somewhat discouraged, and seek In various, ways to explain the low prices prevailing. One astute reasouer was of tne opinion that it Was owing to the l^avocmade by the Russians In Asia aiHB Bulgaria, but when it was suggested that a Turkish Mohemadaa or a Bulgarian Jew ate uo more pork wherr living than when dead, he abau- doued that theory and luslted that "he had always known and maintained that the 8 to 7 commission was devised and brought into existance for the sole pur pose of destroying the agricultural Industries of the West In the Interest of eastern capitalist, aud new Msaid he triumphantly see the effect" The yote of a Negro iu South Caioiiua or Louie* iana is worth no more than that of a white man In Illinois; In fact it is nO longer a merchantable article, conse quently the gaiu or the Income of the colored man is lessened, and he is per* force compelled to do with less of those things which Is the joy aud de light of Negro man, woman and pick- anii.y, that is a mighty smart chance of Corn Dodger with plenty of gravy, and fat bacon. Hence the fallowing off in the demand, and the low prlcos Aud as the aggrieved eld man turned to go he said, in the most emphatic mauuer ••we must have a change of ad ministration," and added ino sorrowful voice,"O Lard! O Lard how long!" I suppose he was wondering how long lard would run low. No RAH BELL. Business Notices. THE Belle City Feed Cutter. In the market, cau be fonnd at O. Bishop's Warehouse. For a good clean shive go to the Parker House Barber Shop. Hair Cutting a specialty. PH. BRUCK. A fine new Stock of Millinery, of tbe latest styles, at Mrs. C. H. Morey^. Tinware, from a tin whistle to a Wash Boiler, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot. " Ju«t opened a full and complete Hue of Clothing for Men. Youth and Beys at Bucklin & Stevens at McIIenry. Stoves of all kinds cheaper than you cau steul them, at John M. Smith's near tho Depot. Just received, at Mrs Morey**, the finest stoek of Millinery Goods ever brought to McHenrv. CALL and see the best Coal Stove in the market, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. Ladies Cloaks, and Cloaking and new patterns of Waterproof at P. D. Smith's near the Depot. SHELF-IIAKDWAUR, l'ocket and Tablii Cutlery, iu auy quantity, at Bed-rock m-ices, at Johu M. Smith's, uear the Depot. » DRKHS MAKING. Fashionable Dress and Cloak making also cutting aud fitting at reasonable prices. Mas. PIL BRICK, Parker House. BUFFALO ROBES. A large invoice of the fiuest Robes ever brought to this market, just re ceived at Smith, Aldrich it Hay thorn's. Riverside Block. Ladies do not fall to call,, at Mrs. Morey's and examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods. Her stock is com plete, aud prices as low us the lowest. Sugar Is Cheap. Cheaper, Cheapest If you want to see how muchSweeteu. ing you cau get for a dollar--Silver or Paper--call at BUCKLIN & STEVENS. Wanted 10,000 lbs of Choice Butter for which we will pay the highest market price In Goods at the very lowest Cash Prices. ' • BlTCKLIN A 8TKVBNS. Ladies, call aud see those splendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell you the latest stylet at the lowest price. - HORSE BLANKETS! You can buy a five lb Blanket for 91.M tier pair at Fitzsimmons & Evanson** Near the Depot. " •• Just received at Bucklin Elevens at McHenry a new and full* line of Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls lu desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic, Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Horse *"* jW*, ' „ i\r , v- %. "> * $ r • Kf, ' i . ^ . - v, y . -."!•* '» Js&i.s-. v* •• ' - On and after Jan. 1st, 1878* wpf propose to nell goods strictly fd| cash. Haviug done business fell several years on the Credit Sys tem, ana finding that though w# have done a good trade, and hav$ on our hooks a list of names whfll are good and honest men, yet to the man who pays cash, thoat names are ot* no benefit, hecauM both the cash and the credit buy er certainly pay more for their goods. No one will deny the fact that goods sold for cash can b* sold much cheaper than on timo, for the reason there are but few merchants doing business, wh& sell on time, that can buy goods for cash, and the live merchant who buys goods with all discounts off, ana with monty in hand to take advantage of anything thst comes along, can save money for his customers. Besides, parties buying on time, whether whole sale or retail, if not in a direct way, pay each a share for all poor debts, and the best merchant liv ing, let him be ever so careful, ^will make some poor debts if he does a large credit business. So, on and after the 1st day of January, !* •Tskt go young, marked plainly in figures and we shall sell the same at those figures, in every instance, and not onettent Men OrteiB.f \ We have m&de arrangements 3 7 " M * <t. iJ Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cylender, that a boy 12 years old can work with perfect ease, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For saie at O. B i s h o p ' s . . . • • i - v i 4 BdflUlo RobaiV Boflklo Hoi A full supply on hand at Bucklin Stevens^ and at lower prices than ever, HEAVY WORK HORSES FOR SALE The undersigned offer for Sale a team of Heavy Work Horses, one nine and one four years old. Will be sold reasonable if applied for soon. Apply to John Brown, Four* miles east of McHenry aud one mile weat of Volo. GREATEST »BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN McHENRY. Mrs. S. Searles will sell for the next 40 days for Cash, one hundred latest style trimmed Hats at #1.50 per Hat. Fifty trimmed Hats at #2. Fifty trimmed Hats at S3. Also will make great reductions In Cloaks, Cloaking® and Trimmings. * TAKE NOTICE. AH those who are interested lit the purchase of Flannels, waterproofs, Blankets, Ladies and Gents Under wear, Men's Jackets Ac., &c. We have marked our stock down on account of warm weather, and as we have a large stock on hand which we are bound to dispose of. we shall offer special in ducements. Fitzsi in mons & Evanseu near the Depot McHenry 111. £. PERKINS. YI7AGOX Maker. McHenry, III. General W Jobbing promptly ntteuded to. shop, West'of the Public Square. Executor's Notice. T^STATIC of John Con no 11 deceased. Tho U undersigned havinjr been appointed Ex- ocntors of the last will and to*t»ment ot John Connell, late of the Comity of McHenry and State of Illinois, de<*ensed. hereby pive notice that tliev will appear before the Coun ty Court of McIIenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the third Monday In January next, at which time all persons having claims again** said Estate are notified and requested to a tend for the purpose of having the same justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment IO t the undersigned. Dated this 7th vember A. D. 1877. EDWARD BBNNETT, rjTr" No- iffiators#! Mammoth ai Shoe J fttm .»\ii Tdlimitfte their in Woodstock, and sell the sum lit A SHTIOII npfwnrjine nhnvn f timt. Bf: ,;•> . • h BUYING} .7 OR they only charge us a small mission M. Selz & Co., mwufao- ture all their own goods enabling us to bay from hands, thereby Saving the labbertV ProllL We cordially invite all our old customers to examine prices and see what they may save if thoy choose to pay cash after Jan. Imi We believe that every man wB® pays his debts will encourage our new way of doing business and will stop buying goods on long time, and helping to pay doad beat accounts, and at larger profits than giving their notes, besldea borrowing money, finally enctnglb* ering their property, getting sold out slick and clean etc., etc. Wa earnestly thank all who have stood by us heretofore, and hope to soil you a great many more goods on our on PBictiin ciss mi DWIOHX ft FORREST. '] Cor. Mala 'Bt. tntf PttMie Sq« Woodstock, III*