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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1878, p. 5

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u % <"* ' ^ -•* wx> f« T- V ^ "* ,"£; t^v> >\:r * H 1 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 90th, 1*78. Railroad Time Table. ...4....7:3& JL M. ........1:18P. M. V %H 4>4 ,. ..4 ooiyo soiria •asevsLake Passenger.,,.,., fiWV* Llk« Ifreight .1.... _ OOXKQ KOFTTH. •MfHUkermtht.... --10:00 A. x. •eeave Lake PaMwnyer 7:08 r. m. MASOXIC. . GTTAPTER N<x 34 R. A. 31.--Rem- 1st Oonv«mH<ms held on the second and IMVth Friday a in *ach month. ~ . „ HKKRY COFCBT BL P. PULASKI ALLF.N SAC,, iV,5, CHURCH DIRECTORY. ' W " W . A I Adron, Peator. 1 «**rr Sunday at 10* A. M.. anrt 7% IEPTEFLWBDEM LL°° AT 12 ^ JOHN DUNN - * * j BuX. Wii. LATH HOP, M. C. will please -3 accept eur thanks for ralittble Public .» **'4 Documents. •: .. • i -- f r--«•' . • J Oca Woofetock, Richmond and Nttn- da correftponGe uoe bate fluled to reach « W this week. Wx. SHULTZ, at Gieseler,8 old stand, Jehnsfeurgh, advertises « Social Part}' •n Monday even!ngvFeb. lit!}.. lick- eta 60 cent*. ".^vU Willi all his treachery and mean tricks, there"1® one thing the Indian •tight to have a little credit tar. He never steals an umbrella. M« ENGELN, Gun Smith, has a change In his advertisement this week, which can be found on the first page. Those interested should not fail to read it. THERE Is a general cry that business Is tat, and men are wondering wheu It will revive. The way to revive busi­ ness is for men to pay their debts. A •till better way is to pay cash down. THIS double-jawed calf, of which we spoke last week, has since died, being unable to take nourishment sufficient to sustain life. Thus Barnurn er "any other man" has lost k rare curiosity. "WHAT becomes of the flies and swallows?" asks an exchange. It is quite true that the butter will not ac­ count for all the flies, but the swallows --they go straight down the throat. Tits next Sociable by the Ladies of die Unlversalist Society has been post­ poned on account of the rehearse Is of •'Esther.** When it Is decided when the next one will be held due notice will be given. GEO. ROSEKBERGER, Barber, can still be found at his old stand, opposite Henry Colby's Drug Store* ready to do you anything In the line of Bartering on abaft notice and in the beat ofman­ ner. ' •' A .'«:«> fine assortment of Masks, of nil kinds, suitable for the coming liaaqperade, can be found in|a few days «t the store of P. D. Smith* uear the t>epot, and Smith. Aldrich & * Hay- thorn's, Inw Riverside Block, Gall and aee them. Jos. WIEDEMANN is constantly mak­ ing Improvements in his Restaurant and Bearding House. Being crowded with boarders he has finished off auoth- er large and pleasant room, and can ••w accommodate all in the best of manner. WE inadvertently neglected •? last week to acknowledge the present of a very flue fresh Fish, through the cour­ tesy of our able and efficient Street Commissioner, Isaac Wentworth. * Al­ though a little late please accept thanks oil the same. THE second installment of the ~*Rem- tnicence of Old Times'* is unavoidably - crowded out this week, but will ap­ pear next, and will be followed'weekly othe rs until finished. The first letter proved highly interesting and is weH spoken of on ail hands. WE learn that the arrangements are •bout completed and that a Butter and Cheese Factory will certainly be erect­ ed in the Spring, on the site of the old Sorghum Mill, in this village. This will be a good thing both for the far- f^j ***** and business men and we hope to Malt pushed through at once. WE would call the attention of our readers to the now advertisement and locals of Bucklin & Stevens, in our pa­ per this week. They have knocked *"•» everything in the line of Winter Goods to bottom prices, ami are selling 14} pounds of Sugar for One Dollar. Head their " ad " and notices elsewhere. IT waa a line Umbrella and hung en the tence all night, and no thief dared pot his polluted hands upon it. The owner is hereby notified to call and pay for this notice and no questions will be asked. Absent-mindedness like this might lead to absent um­ brella if it wasn't for advertising. ONE of the beueftce nt results of the general stagnation of business is the opportunity it giyes many people to attend to their neighbors business. It's a beautiful thing to see the enthusias­ tic ieadiness with which they spring to the work,and it's a "settler" on the doctrine ot total depravity. Ax the regular meeting or the. Lit­ erary Society, en Saturday evening last, the following officers were* elected • ' for the coming month: President, Hon. •mm.4 GranSer- v,c® President, Hon. Geo. Gage. Secretary, Win. Stevens. Treasurer, C,V.Stevens. Executive •• Committee* J. Van Slyke, S.D.Bald­ win, Goo. A, Bucklin. !%• WHILE men wander Idly over the country complaining of hard times, we know of a man who makes an honest living swapping dog*. And we say it without fear of contradiction, a living Is a good deal to make these times. THE arrangements for bringing out the Cantata of "Esther the Beautiful Queen," has progressed so far as to en­ able us to announce that It will posi­ tively be brought out, the time of which will be duly announced In these col­ umns. The rehearsals will undoubtedly commence this week. v SHALL we have a Rifle Club In'Me- Henry? Richmond organized one last season and now has one of the finest clubs in the State. We have any num­ ber of good shots in this village, and could organize a Club th^t would do us honor. Who will makeit start In the matter? * PRIVATE Ice Houses are being qnite extensively filled in this village this mason. The Brewery, Homer Wattles E. M. Owen, Buck & Wells, and R. E, Waite filled last week, and still there are several more that will go at it at once. It now looks as though we should not be short of the conjealed element when the scorching days preach us. Let us keep cool, > BUSINESS at the Depot is lively, the side tracks being completely blockaded With cars, and an Engine constantly there to handle them. The Increase of business made it necessary for Agent Buss to have an assistant to help him out. Boss is one of the moat faithful and efficient Agents on the line' of the Roau, and any business that comes un­ der his hand is sure to be done prompt­ ly and well. PH. BRUCK, who for the past year has been running the Parker House Barber Shop has *old out to Jacob Hetzell, late of the McHenry House Shop, who has taken possession. "Jake" is a good Barber and the old customers of the Parker House Shop will find him on hand at all times ready to give them-a clean shave and a hair cut in thr latest style. Bruck has gone back to Philadelphia. THE business ot cutting and securing Ice 'Seerfts to have assumed gigantic proportions this season. We learn that Chicago parties have bought the right of the Pond at Richmond, and will commence cutting and shipping at once. They ait also cutting at Genoa, and Geneva Lake, Wis., and in fact at all points where Ice can be obtained. If we don't all enjoy our (--•) cold tea cocktales next Summer it wont be the fault of the Ice men. at any rate. THE Ice business on the Pond Is run­ ning lively this week, there being over one hundred men at work. The Work­ men on the Ice House .have three sec­ tions up and the first section l» nearly filled with 106. ami they aTe also load­ ing an average of fifty cars a day. The lee that they are getting to-day, (Tuesday) Is about 9 inches thick and very fine. Should this weather held it will be still more lively next week. It is a big business and is a great bene­ fit to the working class in this section. MR. DKTWKIJ.ER, of DuPage Connty, a worker in the Temperance cause, de­ livered a Lecture at the Unlversallst Church on Sunday evening last. The house was crowded to Us utmost capac­ ity, and the lecturer handled his sub­ ject In a masterly manner, and was listeued to with marked attention by *14. The subject of Temperance is •ne that has long since been worn thread-bare, and tio wan, no matter how good a speaker, fcao bring out many new points, and Is therefore obliged to **soattei,n a good deal lu or­ der to interest an audience. COSTCMKH FOR THK KAHQUKRAPK. As we noticed last week, those who desire Costumes for the Masquerade on the 8th of Feb. should leave their names at this office. Wadhams & Roundy, of Chicago, will have a Cos- tumerhere on that occasion, who will furnish Costumes of all discriptions at reasonable rates, but it Is desirable that as many as possible leave their names so that some estimate may be made of how many will be needed.-- All costumes furnished will be bran new. A partial list and prices can be seen at tins office. W> are informed that the Washing­ ton Ice Company, of Chicago, have Leased Mycelium's Lake, Just West of the Depot, where they propose to run a side track, build extensive Ice Houses, and ship to Chicago. They had in­ tended to commence operation at once, but we understand that upon examin­ ation they found the soft weather of last week had decreased, the thickness of the Ice to such an extent that it was not practicable. They will undoubt" edlycommence soon when, together with the other company now at work on the Pond, will make business lively aronndatlie Depot. f ' --; f • "«•» ' , ; i * NoticfctW'. WH!LE at BIlvln'8 Mills one day last week we made a very pleasant call at the store of R. Tweed & Son. They are good-natured, wide awake and so­ ciable gentlemen, who have the faculty of making every one seem at home and at their ease. They* hav* a store filled with Dry Goodsl(i Notions," Groceries, Crockery and Glass Ware, and possess- lug an enviable reputation for square dealing are doing a large and increas­ ing business. They keep none but the best of goods and are selling as low as the lowest, quality of goods co aside fed. The Post Office is also kept at this store, where subscriptions are received for all the leading papers and Maga­ zines cf the day, {lie PLAIXUKALDR among the re$t. ' IT has come to our knowledge that in a neighboring town a Donation was to be he:ld.aml on the evening in ques­ tion one of the prominent business men was asked if he Was going, when he replied "Yes, I am £oing to the Donation and take a sack of Flour and a sack of Buckwheat, But mind you net to the Elders, he has enough, and will get mttch more from tlice who will give only tor show. I shall give my Donation to Mr. •'••• a wert'iy poor man who lies sick In bed while his wife and children are suffering for the necessaries of life." And he did* give It. That is our ideal of a Chris­ tian. Would that there were more of the same kind. f ! OLD SKTTLKM* ATTrNtW*. The Executive Committee of the Old Settlers' Organization of McHenry and Lake Counties, will meet at the Riverside House, in the village of Mc­ Henry, on Thursday, Feb. 21st, 1878, at one o'clock p. M., for the purpose of fixing the time and place (or the next Annual ReUniou.and the transaction o such other business as may come be­ fore them. All Old Settlers', and eth­ ers interested in tfte success of the organization are requested fo meet with the committee. , The following are the names of the Committee for the ensuing year: Hon. Richard Bishop, D. S. Smith and Dr. E. A. Beers, of McHenry Coun­ ty; Richard Coinpton, Justice Bangs and Albert Kappel.of Lake County. PER OltUER. THERE IS now a constant inquiry of who is going to attend the Masquerade in Costume. We answer nearly every one who ever dances at all. Of bourse all want to remain incog, and do not say much about it at present only to those of whom they want to* secure costumes, but we have no hesitancy in saying that the party on the 8th will be one of the largest and most pleasant gatherings of the kind ever held in the County. Wadhams & Roundy. of Chi­ cago. the finest Costuuiers in the West, will have a representative here who will furuish bran new Costumes, of any desired style, at reasonable rates.*-- | Therefore we say to all who wish an evening of real enjoyment come out to ; the Masquerade ou the 8th of February. And if you do not wish to dunce come and see the characters that will be there represented and hear the excel­ lent music, which will be furnished by Rogers & Gillett's Band, of Geneva Lake, composed ot six piecos. They are without doubt the best Qnatlrille Band in the Northwest. The tickets have been placed at the low price of $3 including supper.and those who do not wish to dance can have the pleasure of looking on for the small sum of 25 cents. We predict a large and plsjis- ant gathering on that occasion. Fourteen and 1-4 Pounds. Of Sugar for One Dollar at Bucklin & Stevens. Subject,to auy deciiue in the market. • ftfc SALE OR HEN*: A House of 10 rooms, a stable and seven acres of land, situated in the vil- lage.of Ringwood. I will rent the house with or without the land. For particulars inquireof J. mi W. Ladd at Ringweed. i ; ™ NOTlCK.* All knowing themselves Indebted to G. W. Horn & Co., Xuuda, will please cali at once and settle, as all unsettled accounts will be left for collection ou the 1st day of February next. o. w. HORN * GO. SPELLING. Dist. No. S Nuuda. Rpport of my A. class in spelling lor the two weeks elid­ ing Jan. 25th 1878. Ella Magoon, 5-250;May Parks 7-250JJ Lizzie Flanders, 1-250; Bridget Doherty 2-250; Anna .Powers, 225; Ella Flan­ ders, 250; Alma Hunt, 250; Hattie Goff, 2-250; Henry Rowley, 1-250 Mortie Gil­ bert, 5-200; Pllna Hunt, 2-250; Maud Mack, 250; Chas. Mason, 125; William Doherty, 2-200; James Doherty, 5-225. A.F. PAUSONS, TeaclW. • e\ \ ' . Taxes t Taxea t '.the undersigned, Collector for the town of McHenry, will be at the fol­ lowing places, on the days named, for the collection of Taxes: Mondays, at the store of John W. Freund, Johnsburgli. , t » Tuesdays, at the styre^j of if., D. Smith, West McHenry. ?, ; Wednesdays, at the store of J. W. CriSty, Ringwood. « , 7 ' Saturdays, at the store of Perr/ $ Martin, McHenry. „ , FRANK SMITH, Collector, ; 5f ; At Cost,* Overcoats. * Adfc -Kueklin & Stevens, - ,.L . «Tia«i In Nunda. , The tkndersigned, Collector of the town of Nunda, will be at the follow­ ing places at the time named, for the collection of Taxes for said Town: Saturdays, at the store of Perry & .Martin, in the village of McHenry. Mondays, at the store of D. C. Mal- lory, in Nuhda. / Wednesdays, a!^ Shales' store, in , • " 'iM Collector. E DITOII Pi AWH E A 1, *R James G all I - g«r, the hat*ne*s maker at this place has left and gotie to the land of nod. He was born a cripple but has been made whole and been able to take tip his bed and walk by receiving from his fathers estate some two thousand dollars and immediately - T How ho did seem to cliro into Tvfs packets* Hat slid out, dinging as he went, •JkMiio iKioksaro lies frae end to eml " Ami soino iffcR* Hcs were never penned, . Bat this that I am jrautt to tell, . J»fe Injnst.ai tru's tbe Dosl'a in iM^l. t f , Or Volo eitv« 'm* Jim was a favorite in tTitl and was beloved by quite a number and they would like to see him again very much but they love their mon^y more that Jim fargot to pay. As a balm for their wounds I heard one QU,o»e from Col. Ingersoll, "An honest God is the noblest work of man." A telegram from Minnesota brings the news that Edwin Van Slyke. an old resident of Wauronda, is dead. He died of Consumption. Ed had gone to Minnesota with his family especially for his healtlu but that fell destroyer was too deeply seated to be eradicated by Minnesota's invigorating atmos­ phere, Farewell old friend. Mrs. Potter, a widow and mother of Charles and Albert Potter, who lives about one mile west of this place, some two weeks ago was thrown out of a two horse sleigh and struck the ground head first and received injuries' from which her recovery Is quite doubtftil. On tlie 8th day of November, 1842. snow fell here and remained upon the ground for six long months, in banks until May, 1649. That is knowu as the cold winter. What a contrast from that to this in only thirty-five years. The problem is easily solved* The waters of onr northern lakes are flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, by the Improve­ ments in the south branch of Chicago River, and the waters of the Medlter* rauean into the Red Sea through the Suez Caual. In consequence the Med­ iterranean is perceptibly lowered and in consequence also the earth is topting to the South. This is shewn by the sun's shadow reaching nine seconds further north and increasing in a Geometrical Ratio per year since the opening of said canals. Now will somo mathematician please tell ns by this raies and rule how long before we shall be under the equator again. Then what a happy time that will bo. Noth­ ing required but a fig leaf. KMCX. McHenry Literary Society. The following Is the Programme for Saturday evenlug of this week, February 2d. 1st. Music. 2d. Debate on the following question Resolved-* That the use of intoxica­ ting Liquors has caused more misery than war, pestilence or famine. ' The following named members will speak cllosing their own side of the question: J. It. Fitcsimmons, Win. Sires, Thos. Phalon. Robt. Sutton, C. P. Jordon, O. N. Owen, Thos. Murphy, A, Ostrander, C. W. Cox, W. B. Gale, A. Francisco, Fred Van Slyke, Allen Walsh, J. A. Going, E. W. Owen, Chas. Fay, Thos. Walsh, Lewis Holmes^ Frank Going, Almou Granger, Albert McDonald, J. Wentworth, He pry II«gan, C. P. Waite B Parsons, Geo. Owen, Miss Dove Owen, Belle Stoddard, Mabel Smith, Etta Beers, Addie McOmber, Jennie Boers, Effie Curtis, Mattie McOmber, Ida Vau Slyke, Ettie Keltcr. Exercises to commence at 9 b'cleck sharp. &OST-«10 REWARD. Lest, on October last near McCollum's Lake, one mile North of McHenry. a large, shaggy, liver colored Hunting Dog, answering to the name of "Sport" The dog has a peculiar gait and travels with his leg# very wide apart. The above Reward will be paid by Conduc­ tor Simmons of the Fox River Accom­ modation upon delivery of the'dog to him. J, W. GATM. Turner Junction, Jan. 28, 1878. RESUMPTION. Low Frices the basis at Bucklin As Stevens, PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned having rented his farm offers at private sale ali bis per­ sonal property, consisting In part of 7 cows, 3 two year old Heifers, coming In, 1 yearling, 1 yearling colt, 20 Shoats. 700 Bushels corn in the crib, 5 Ton of Tame Hay in the Barn, 1 Sperry Dumping Caldron Kettle with fixtures, 1 Light Wagon, 1 now Grand Detuer Plow. 1 Corn Sulky, new and other farming articles too numerous to men­ tion. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, consisting of one Cowk Stove aud fixtures. 1 set cans seat chairs, 4 cottage bedsteads, 2 black- walnut tables, 1 office chair, 1 cane Seat Rocking Chair, 1 Bureau, aud other household Furniture. Terms Cash. For further particulars inquire of JOHN L.DUNN. Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup is, without doubt, the most reliable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis; Asthma, etc. It never fails to cure in a short time.-- Cull on your druggist and try a bottle of it. price only 25 cents. Sold by A. B. Gilbert, McHenry. HI. : f, GILBERT'S BUTTER COLOR. Will tjolor white Butter so perfectly natural that an expert cannot detect the difiereuoe. Sold by Druggists and Groceries generally. TrV it. Manu- factured bji; A. B. Gilbert, McHeury, WINTER GOODS. Of all kinds will be offered at Bar­ gain prices for the in*mtt» of Februarjr at Bucklin & Stevens.0" EDITOR PLAINEDSAI,K« -There are a certain class of the reading public of the present day who,claim toentertaio the Idea that Editors, or newspape* men, are a little better posted than people in general, consequently, they become the recipients of many perhaps "rather thin" questions. Allowing thai the Idea is a correct one. we would like to ask, '• When we are going to have snow enough for sleighing?" The first interchange of salutation wlitn two parties meet now-a-days is, * How warm it Is!" " Did you ever see the like,M etc.. The next question asked is, " Have yon paid your taxes?" " HoV awful high they are," etc. And here In this connection we would say to those who have not as yet the Col­ lector's receipt, that our Town Collect­ or will be at the store of J. J. Phil- brlck on Thursday of each week, In the village of tireetiwood, and ou Saturday of each week will be at the store of Whitson & Sons, in Woodstock, On Tuesday night last the school building was entered by some ttu^nmvn persons who apparently spcut the night there. No great damage was done more than burning of the wood and taking away one book. Suspicion rests upon two trainps who. were seeq hear there just at night. On the same evening Sir. W. tt. Howe, residing about two miles north of the village, while in town during the evening with his team, had the reins cut nearly In ttvo, a short dis­ tance from the bit* by some Unknown villain. We are confident however, that the dastardly act was the work of some outside party, as we cannot be* lieve that we have any one living in ottf midst who would stoop so low, even upon the worst provocation. There Is apparently a pretty general dissatisfaction 011 the pai't of the mem­ bers of the Singing Clas*, as expressed in do*la*ras toues, "onpledsant to the hear?' There is seemingly a very strong and urgent expression for, a change. The Literary Association has on the programme for Friday evening next the discussion of the following ques­ tion: "Resolved, that man ought to obey the dictates of his conscience, human laws to the contrary notwith­ standing. Mr. J. B, Colley lutf^B^galned to ex­ change his farm property at aud near Streator, 111. Evening meetings have been In pro­ gress at the Baptist Ohurdtt moat of the time the past week. Look for Bargains during the month of February at Bucklin & Stevens. AatonlahUkg ttaoueaa It Is the duty of every person who has used BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP to let Its wonderful qualities be known to thefr friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma. Pneu­ monia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person pan use it with­ out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recom­ mend it It to the poor dying con­ sumptive. a,t least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the GERMAN SYRUP cannot, be too widely known. Ask yottr Druggist about it. Sample Bottles to try sold at 10 cents, fiejuilftr size 75 cents. ?i'!« • ' ' .J - hog KILLING. C. Stegemanti & Son are now pre­ pared todo all J»bs of Hog Killing, either in the village or. country, on short notice, in the best of manner and at reasonable httes. Farmers, by leaving their orders will have them promptly attended to.- Satisfaction guranteed in all cases. Orders can be >rt at my mWeuce, near the School -Homo*' f-'-ic - Ir t-Hi •••' <?• Death is often caused by a severe Cough or Cold. Dr. Marshall%s Lung Syrup should always be taken in time, for it never fails to euro the worst cases of Cmighs or Colds almost instantly.-- Price 25co|kts, .Ml to- A* B., -J> j McHenry; Books and Writing l*aij(«t Cheapr, at O. W, Owen's* All dale's of Winter G<*>*1* below bottom ptltt at Perry £ MurftW*, to close. "* Stoves of all kinds cheaper than von cau steal theui, at John M, SitrftJi's Dear tlao Depot. - B£,n; a I KEEP YOUR FBi&T WARM. Good Wool Lined Boots 92.50 per pair at Smith. Aldrich & Hayihortft, Riverside Block, McHenry/ Dwlght A Forrest carry the V»rg**t sti^ck of Boots and Shoes kepi h} an" one flrtn in McHenry county, ami goods for cash at wholesale prices, STILL SWEETER. > 18J pomids Light Brown Sugar for |St * at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's . Riverside Block, McHenry, Every man, woman and child iholSd exuraiue Henuersohs celebrated Cus­ tom Made Boots and 9h«»s before buy­ ing, For sale toy Perry & Martin. We make choice Teas a speciality. Will make extremly low price#:, agid sell yon a choice article* Smith? Al» drich & Hay thorn. ^ < The best Woolen Socks for Men In the market for twenty-five cents at Perry & Martin's. For bargains in ShirJng flannel* CnderWear, Clothing &c., call at Smith Aldrich & Haythnru's Riverside Block. Tinware, front a tin whistle to a Wash Boiler, at. John M. Smith"!, the Depot. CALL and seethe best Coal Stove In the market, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. t. • *r. CHICAGO MARKET.--From the Post of Tuesday evening: The grain market ruled dull, and de­ clined all around. The wheat market opened weak under unfavorable foreign news and a weak New York market. The Arst sale of the March option was a decline Of fc, from which the options gradually weakened untlkit re ache da decline of ljc, after which there was a slight advance, owing to the fact that private cables reporteda steadier mar­ ket 011 the other side, the decline for the day being only $@lc. *" Corn ruled weak and unsettled throughout the entire day, and closed about one cent lower on both cas}) and the options, Oats ruled dull and )c per bu. lewell Rye dropped $c. Barley weak and l(<n 1 Jo per bu. lower. There Waa a* fair! amount of business done. \ The Provision trade was only mod­ erately active, and under the coutliiued heavy receipts of live hogs and lower prices on the same products ruled dull and weak. The stocks here, especially of Mess Pork, are accumulating in first hands, and it is expected the reports at the next showing will show a large in­ crease. Short Ribs closed at #5.40 for cash, and 95.55 for March. Lorfgs and Shorts sold at $5,50 for cash, and $5.62^ for March. Shoulders were 03.76 per 100 loose, and 83.87.} boxedi , Cattle steady and unchanged. Hogs were in fairly active demand at a de­ cline of 5c per 100 lbs. Range ^3.75^ 3.95. Estimated receipts,31,,000^ Ladles Cloaks, and Cloaking and new patterns of Waterproof at P. P. Smith's near the Depot. SHELF-HARDWARK, Pocket andTaWe Cutlery, in any quantity, at Bed-rock prices, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot. ^ ^ BUFFALO BOBES.^A. A large invoice of the flues* fiotM ever brought to this market, just re* ceiyed at Smith, Aldrich & Haythorn's, Riverside Block. IF In want of a Cook or Heating Stove, do not fail to call at John M Smi th'e, near the Depot, as he cannot fail to please you both In quality and price. • ... - - .'t' THE Store formerly occnplfd by the Post Office, opposite the Riverside House, is ottered for Rent 011 reasonable terms. « Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try it. , Freeman & Clark% celebrated Im­ proved Flax Mill is ui^equaled for clean ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grain, Call for circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's./ OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. We have a few loft which We Will sell at very low prices. If In need It will pay you to look them over. SMITH, AMNION & " . L , Buffialo liobes.' " In view of the wairm weather the f| price of Rob !ias bOen reduced at 5f Perry A Ms . tin's below the* lowest price ever kr • wn In the ̂ county. Gall and get prices, BOOTS A SHOES. It Is a conceeded fact tlnit the ftu|^> Jf? 16 Custom Made Boots and Bhoes have 110 superior ou the market. Selected stock. Warranted work. For sale oy Smith, Aldrich A Haythorn, Blversldi • Block, McHenry. ~:' •25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any lie who will find one of our Buffalo oots in which there is a counter, ikner-soie, slip sole or piece ef heeling tflat Is not cast from g good, thick* pl^pe of sole le athe r» P. D. SMITH. ; .•4: i : . -Noar-tlie SIASltED DOWN" AGAIN. OvW coats, Underwear, Shaw:ti^ Finn new, Blankets. Wool-Uned Boots and Shoes, Men aud Boys Caps, &e., Ac. marked V'av down below 'wholesale prices lu otdcr tv close out. FITZBIHMOKS & EVAKSOK; Dlstemperffi Coughs, Colds, FevtBfr and most of the diseases whicii;Worses Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poufh-y subject to are readily overcome if' cured by using Uncle Sam's Couditi Powder according to the plain direc­ tions. Sold by all Druggists. There is no earthly boon more preciotta than good health, audit behooves its possessor to endeavor ti* retain it. If you are assailed with such provoking: ills as sick headaches, torpid liver, sour stomach and a general feeling of wear* iness and disgust, don't go and commit suicide blit take Eilert'sDaylight Liver Pills and be cured. - . Disease and Death, when they reaili onr own households, are too serious for jesting, we use our best endeavors to drive oft the dread messengers, and are only happy when wo feel that they are at a distance. At the first npproash of that fell destroyer, Consumption. !»i the shape of a cough or slight cold a* well as more severe Bronchial or Ca­ tarrh Complaints, we should at once use Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher­ ry. It has no superior in such cases. Every bpttle warranted to give faction. Sotdby all Druggists. •. It should bf* the duty, asr well as pleasure of all journalists, to impart such useful Information to the readers of their papers as well conduce to their well-being and health. If we can save anyone from an hour's pain we have ai complished some good in this world. Now, wo know that the advice wo a about to give will save many of out* friends, from a vast amount of suffering, especially these who are troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or sciatica. Call ou your druggist for s bottle of Lawson's Curative, and use It faithfully, for any ache, pain inflamma­ tion yon may have, and, our word for it von will thank us for o*r advice--- For sale by lii i«t. Me- Hifary, III. '•;|S • r/i . is • •a* • H**. • / " . %*• .

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