• „< r ' ?3*?Tr£3M^ mms MMmmam awstew* & ; *p- f \p t WsnMnt p «* Jl iiai swis illrv-'j&frt a so a ko*tb.*«»t mum gf fiiM nuder ode management1 ike Gr«tt i WEST rtu« Ifrllway Lines oi„ine OBTIllriHl SMt, wit! w MWtreu li«s nd connections, forms Mm ihtrtM nMMH muU between (%I«ko swl *11 Wm X&M-. St0ii | Hj • "lsfS( vA Mkii ;f* fk 3*4 >vr n r'o ; «!«$>?• •&•::•• .*< >•?& , ?&' 0jfK5u:' /..A'.-? H ' T'»'> f * ih( ••'ft •'.••?»• %>•' 4* '! * f» ir .*•? 'ih\ wtf'i •»', f <-< &n Ohleigo, St Id the short ltae points in K tjr ft thai the tbe, when to shin It. T|»a circulars atjB we?! gotten op fund wonld lend on* ta believe that era^jrthla^ wm all straight. ft leads sfiWjojrsj^Ioall ]otteri«p9w?e are a aa*ber f»T un claimed and /orftitfd prise*, which result fliH>r(iy dhanglafc Ifceir res idence, losing their ticket*, dying, etc. Far tb«l« aw* many outer reasons iflMNMlifefti d«i^tN past tea yeaf, fMMOl trofth at auclalaaesl priiee,ln the rarfeus lotteries. „A. commits* «'«* appointed litt May. whi<4i represented a man from etofc «T the lattery emerpriae*. far the purpose •f deciding what disposition ta asake of the articles and meiiey far *Meh there seemed ta be na ownata. "The committee of Ml, after many arguments and propaaitlans, arrived a* the fallowing conclusion, which was adopted and curried into eflaet: 1st. That all of the unclaimed prises belonged jointly to the ticket holders in the various drawings, Sd. That a grand rapplomaatary 'drawing should take place In Hew Orleans, La., under the special super vision of this wmuiUt«Q, |ml that tuS names of all who had purchased tickets In any of the S3 lotteries, within the past ten years, should he pat into the wheel, and have an equal chance fa the drawing of unclaimed prises. fd. The drawing shall tain place Saturday, July 98th, 1878. . 4th< It was further agreed by the ' emnealttee that a percentage af 10 per cent, be assessed as all priaes, valued belew HN^ndl per cent* an all prises valued over IHO, to order to defray the expenses of this drawing.*' Fallowing this Is a list of the prises, auatberlng l,98t, and valued at Then the name of the person to whom It Is sent Is written In and the perbent- age that is due. It then says; "Let Russell A Co. know by what express yea wish the goads seat. You can call at the express office, aad pay the amount due after you have examined the goods." That also looks straight, bat the nest thiag li^eas yoa examine the goods? A farmer living a faw miles from Aurora received one of these notices the other day. telling him that he had drawn a gold watch valued at #1*0 and that the percentage doe was 915. He told the firm ta ship the watch to this city by express, which they did. Be took an expert to the express office with him, but the agent told them he bad not received any instructions to allow any ane to open the package and therefore he could not do it. Of mutm the ssan was not feel enough to pay hia money for what lie oaold nat ex- aminet>ad so left tha package fnthe ofllea. ' . ' Vow HMse daattngft nay, be honova- Ml eiie«f^%dtt§*y look awfnl qaaar. 8oma awn, that t« caold name, hav« received a notioe that they had drawn rton the Dover (Del) aeaitoeU Jannary Is. ' A woman wshHnfr in<tMs town be- Ing tired of theooaatant potatlfhs her husband, determined to try a operate remedy to cure him. One night he came itaggering into the house and said that he was a vvy sick man, and In a moment or two he was comfortably settled on the sofa in a drunkqn ileap. Rla face was a reddish ptirple, lila breathing heavy, and alto- gather he waa a pitiable objetit. The doctor was sent for posthaste, and mustard applied to his feet and hands. and felt his (fetiee, and examined him, and found that Kit waa only drunk, he said: *'lle #IH be all right In the morning.*' But iShe wife insisted that he was very stck, and that severe remedies must be used. "You must shave his head and apply blisters,* she urged, "or I r!ll send for some one who will.'* The husband's head was accordingly shaved closely and blisters applied.-- The patient lay all night in a drunken sleep, and, notwithstanding the blis ters, It was not till near morning that he began to beat about, disturbed by pain. About daylight he waked up to a most uncomfortable consciousness of blistered agony. "What does this mean? he said, putting his hands to the bandaged head. "Lie still--you in "isn't stir," said the wlfes "yon have been taken very sickV "I'm not sick.'* "O yes you are; you have brain fever. We have worked with yoa all night." "I should think you had," groaned the victim; "what's the matter with my feet?" "They are blistered." "Well. Fm better now--take off the blisters, doT he pleaded plteously. He was in a most uncomfortable State--his head covered w! th sores, and his feet and hands were still worse. "Dear," he said, groaning, "if 1 snould ever get sick in this way again, don't bo alarm ed and send for a doctor, above all, don't blister'me again." "O, indeed 1 will--all that saved you were the blisters, and If you ever Should have another such spell, I should be more frightened than ever, for the tendency, I am sure, Is to apoplexy, and from the next attack you #onld be likely to die, unless there were the severest measur es used," He made no further defense; suffice to say, ho has nerer had another attack siuce. • Near the. Depot MoHKNRY, - . ILLINOIS! •¥". : l 4.-$ ; ' • £ It should be the duty, as well as pleasure of all journalists, to Impart such useful information to the readers of their papers as well conduce to their well-beihg and health. If we can save anyone from an bout's pain we have ac complished some good In this world.-- Now, we know that the advice we are about to give will save many of our friends from a vast amount of suffering, especially those who are troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or sciatica. Can on yonr druggist for a bottle of Lawson's Curative, and use it faithfully, for any ache, pain inflamma tion yon may have, and. our word for it yoa will thank us for our advice.-- For salt by H, Colby, Druggist, Mo ll!. The aubMrlbera treoow) prepared with a Stock o FINE CLOTHS of all kinds, to make td <ml*r Ooata, P§nU. VestsJS or nutire 8«itlk Qn shortt notice and on the most S9*Good Pit* Guanine teed and all Work War- ranted. We also Keep a Fun of Xeady-'Made Clothing, GEPnTTS Hats, Caps, Ac Th hich will be »ol<i as lowf as at anjr establishment intheConnty. Clothes Clei&ft In the best of mmnmr aadT on akort notice. LAUER & BECKER. Ji'5 lr wilf-tfV MeHenry, Feb. S6th, 187t . p 1 ©781'?! !n'rf1878 HENRY COLBY, DRUGGIST, -iND DEALER IN-- OHO I C MoHENllY, - > - ILUWOI8. I keep r,oni>tantlv on hand a large and weil selected stonk of tJrrtf.erloa, which I can an will sell rtt the LOWEST LIVING PKICE fsr Cash Or Heady" Pay. • : ' - : 51 ' ' J i -4 13 Pounds bf CftolOS for One Doli&r. ' ' * ' •t'i ' ' ' • r ' ' .*') • ' '}• *£ 0.';I And *11 otaer Goods In proportfta .. ^}/a m Hi t"?* >>>i I,iff '4 f t ' ' fa l l ; - m 11 .b^I at- ' '3 ll'i'J M-i ' 'Mi f fpX i i li I f t 3 i saq$f } - Kt fl ii 'I ml t-'j $£*£:.J t |l m 'J 10 tuft Alhf SiJi* Goods vak#« Whfch <li*y Wxrid ftave by ipaftor the pevMnOafo.fM. Aad thase same men never bad a tlckot In my lottery enterprise whatavor. • Bo* sides, in th«t9 days, it does not seem hardly likely that men will try so awful hard to dispose of worth of goods for only 9S4. Wow«*«M sdvlfc readers to look out for theae games and to alcaatiaa th»m well Ijsfore they psy ney* *sh=«BS»«: ' €HOO^*6 the WSOHO Wat^--fhe young mother sat by the window 'In 4aep meditaUon. Oblivious to the feiautles-of^be Ituidscape spread out hifore her, she sighed heavily. Then aadly, oh, so wearily she bowed her bond upon the window sill, and aban doned herself to recollections of the t& off past. Again she was a child, happy, joyons and free; then she bud- <Hd into womanh«»od; then came the happy marriage to the man she loved, followed by the birth of her two dar lings. A brie f, swee t spell of unalloyed happiness, and came the sad, sad, part ing, as her young husband took "French leave" for California, overland, with a borrowed carpet bag, and one of Allen's old upepper boxes." And still her dream went on, while a tear slid down her alabaster nose, and sigh after sigh sampled up her bosom. Far, far, in the distance, the form of a bow-legged pedestrian plodded wearily along, and • he drew near the young mother's - ttar© darlings, who bad boon Intently Watching his approach, suddenly clap- f d their hands for joy: " There Jeme* pa, eh, there comes pa! " Sadly *fhe young mother awoke. Oh, so wear- #y, while a fresh tear fell from hoy fentle ej-e, she embraced her darlings, ; iHo, Philpot Emanuel Higglna--No, |usan Jane Harriet Marier Higgling/" . S#® sobbed, " that's not your Ms W9* cr<x>te*l Diseaao i.hey reach iholds, are too serious for s our best andoavors to read mescesgoia, and are When wo feel that they are aJ^ijRiO. - At ^he first approach of ^ _ •W Consumption, in tbe shape of a cough or alight oeidas as mora severe Bronchial orCa- Complaints, werticuld mt once use rt* Extract Of T*r and Wild Chir- It has no superior in such cases, bolil* warranted to gtvo #attf- Sold by all Drugists. WINTER GOODS.^ i£LSXM'. 1 ' »».* • Of all kinds will be offered at Bar gain prlees for the month of Foiffuary at Bnpklln A Stevens, , f4m, v z/-,:; PUMPS. . . . . A large Stock of Adapt jpelsbrated Kenosha Pumps. The nest Primps and at lowest priqes, at E. M. Owen's. ~ Carefully Compounded^ ?>« M NOW IS THE TIME t I I am now prepared to gtrg b#t- "fcer ' than ' ©v^fcTo Cab (^aveyou rr'a*. ^ 1 0 P E R O W N I T Oil ill kinds of Furniture. have the most complete stock of COITINS AND CASKET Of all styles and sizes, to t)e found in the County. j Give me a call and I will be pleased to alioir stock iu^d . g i v e p r i c e s . ; ^ ^ • * ' • * » j .- i.'.ti i' i ••• . in fm •iril •f- 1-ilaTii j McHenry, Jan. 15th. 1**8, -- --•---f T7S*!T? 1S35, IBILNOKK & €0., Attorneys at Lw, ^uteeeNMwr* M» Cblpwan, HuunW 4k «o»t' 620 F Street, 'Washington, D. C, - Ameriean and Foreign Patents. Patonu procured in ali conutrips. No rtlSIl AOVAVcic. No rliitrite miK-ns the ptutt |« |TMt«d, No f«*» Ikir innicintr preliminary Miuat- nation*, do addiUonai («r obtaininc aad conduttitafr * reiwarin*. Sjtm ial ativution (Ivai to lnwrrwHin ilnMM ih«< Paumt OlBee Eatpiisiono hefore l1«»(t}s», Infringement Halm in dilivi'itiiL mill nil liuptiUoti »ppd>rtaia- inff ip liiTfitiicim or Patent*. Sind 8Tiar Ml C'AKi'UI.Kr or KSSTV r-ASiSS. Vnltsd ifstss CearUd aai Bipwtaiits. Olaiiaa jmiMcirtwl In tb« 8ii|>wm* (Viurt ef tlM tUillwlQlMiw, Doiirtof OlitliiM, l it rt of Commit jfipn. Of.: 4 iJiaiani; Ktomtltera tJlaisai" Oomnitmiioii, itml ail eln*<Mv« of war claims fetsfoF# tite £x«ontiT« IxtiuirtincMU. Arrears el Pay aad Beanty, O^riCMMH, NOI.illHHR. IIImI HAU.ItMd Of UM lalO ;«Hr» Or (4i«*ir linirs, ar«« in mtuiy « iia«w Mititied to money t'loin i Iih(1 ovarii men r, of wliivli Kaejr liar# no kiK>wl«<lK«. Wi ii* hill hiMiory o! itervice, aad •title itinoMtu. of |uiy and bonmy recriviri. Eo> cIqxk iiikI a full i'«|itf. dftei KCiitai».ii«. eeftlbeiclven you free. 'H Psasioas. ; ° M\ orrifBHR, Moi.iMieitK, ni«l ttAH.MtSWonhded reiptumi, or lujiimi in tli« Im* war, boweter •ligliily, can oliinin a iHmioioit, intiny now r*e«iT» ing jM-nifiuiift are ciitUI<Kl io an luoe.itt*. Send ami information will Im* ri«rtiieii«>d fiee. =»' United States Oeaeral Lani 9S«e. ¥ OomIhsiwI I .and <?aM«*«, iSivni* I.:«nd CiainH^ .ffiti.iiK l'r«-ftiiptioaaNd Uonifnta>iui«Mu«w,»reM> cnt«*d ln'foi* Him < j «neral l*awd Olftew aud Uvparlp mentof tin* Inivrioi. Old Beanty last ^ Products of Looms of England France, Germany, China, Japan, and United States of America. FASH ION ABLE BIT GOODS, Ajs Low as any other House in tn« county. '*nr ."'ikm: '•*•«}\i -DKALSK IN-- MftHTIlHftntn WaaHshmas ETC., ETC., ETC. •7 f- Ameriean 4 Scot^i Granite, & I Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc- Henry, 111. » Jobnsbnr^li, - ? • ' FOUNDRY ittcHEXBY, ta The nndersi^ned has just started a Foun* dry and Machine Shop, and is now prepared to do all kinds or Casting for Machinery, oa short notice and la the beat of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated G'ai^ Wind Mill. ftenalrlng of all kinds done imnnptlr and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on short no- tlte. Orders solicited. . „ „ WARD B. GaLE. McHonry, III., April 4tft l«77. The last. ItoiMirt of iii« Qwieiul i<and OBIc«< »iiuws 2.89 'j, K i -m tA~m ROD AN DO UN A WeekJy louraal devoied to Field and •attatle $ porta, jmettcal Hatnral History, risk Caltare, tM Piotectkon of Game. Pre MmtiM of ForeeSs, and the Inenlcation la rt^r5^.^VS^VKSSi4V"'- Forest AStretra akUtWnsG* -•AT-- HO 111 (old |TO 108) PULTOir STREET X, T. [POST OrWKB Box 38M] fim H A IMAM. W ABVAW1. Tweaty-flTS per cent off ftnr elahs of three or more. .... - • MMtiDf istsi Inttde pane* apaparflU t7i»«. V?r line; ootslw «*ge» weefltt. 8peeiai rates for three, As and twelve Monthi. I • Hoticea in editofiateoln.awBS, fi«<eeBl$ per l^o. Advartiiiaa>eats should be sent in tey Sator- daj of each week. If poseiblc. All transient advertisement* mast be ac- ftompanled^ with the money or they will not Xo advertisement or business notice of an immetal character wUl be received on any tema. ml caats. ('onimiMiouitr of Iba ,89'.%6«iaci»» or Bonn* ty Land WarraniM onuiaiitlUic These werei* •nrd nmlfi ata of 186* mid piiur acu. We pay cash for ihfia. Staid by re*U>ied .«tter. Wiser® a»»imnn« inf »i* ltn|ierf«ct we give tasti uctioas to pel ted ibem. Each depariment of our buei«i*M Is eondneted la a setwtraie bwrenM, uad«r tbt cUairn of ezoe* liMiml lawyer* and clerks. My r«*:won of error or fraud many altornrvs are 8m«»|s#»hSmI from prai-tice before tbe Peiuioa and otiittr «-auii yt>ar. Claimants, wboti attorney* hove b<>t*n ilice Mis^nded will be gratliltoitaly inrni^hni wiLlt full information and proper paper* on applictttutQ to ua. A»w* ci larjre no f»«e sml«<^s successful stamBS for Return po^tnge should be sent as. • T.ihentl arianirfia«<iu madewitk alleraejs li all daseee of iMinineM. Address G-IUiOR£ it ck>n P. O. Box 41 Washington. D. <L W A8IIINOTOH, 11. o., fr,nember 24, UN, I take pleaaure in (•ipiMiinn my entire i oiiS dence in tlio retVt,H»ibaUp and fidelity Of the Law, Pnient aud Collection House of QiuiOU m Co, of thi* city. GEO. H. B. WHITE, Mftk t WUl tmtU Mt t ropo l i tan Mmn* » Is not easily earned in these times, hut it can he made In three months by any one of either sax, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we fnrnislt.-- per week ia yoar own town. Yon need not be awayfrom home over night. Yoa can givebyour wholetiane to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents wito are malting over 020 per day. All who mesas at ©nee can makemoney fast. At the present timemoney eanno t be made so easily and rata, dy at any ot&er business, it eosta no thing o try the business. Terms aad M Outfit treat tddresa at onee. tL Hsunt 4 Co, ,Pwtl»i4 Maine. Cheaper than at any time within the memory qfthe oWest • : % ' -P.' 'I'JS •'l Wald Oreif Oooite,^# Fast Colored Calicos, Alpscai, Caste, Siawls, # \t?4 C» Si '» ild '! Offered at the [Best four counties. ^ -Hiy !> Also a Full Assortment of v$fi?rq Oroceriew, Acc.]| Of the best quality, and which will be »old at the lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. Give us a call and inspect Goods and learn t f j \ * • ; •• RTIN. McHenry, De/ 't, 187T. A p. Omaha and California Urn; is the shortest and best route between Chiea It. snd allpohttw In Northern Illinois, Iowa,® .**^sks,lH»kota. Wyoming, Coolrado, Utah.B. e*^»j^Mft»rniaf Oregon, China, Japan and s* Paul 4 1RiftnsiMllf' Llna. and Ma^eon, PSnl™M»n.. Inth. and all points in tba Great •Its |iuid ali . ill© sot®-^ is, Dii- - ortfe»»;t; Escanaha, Negattnee, 1 on, Hancock and the Lakep Its LsCressct Wlaeaa ft St. Jlsfer Line Is the best route between Chicago and ta. f'r28S®' Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man-i; %ato, St. Peter, )«ew U5m and all poiats UtW4% Southern and Central Minnesota. Its W:* ': Green Bay & Marquette Line! I» the only line Iwtween Chicago and Jaaes-K - villefWatiertown, Fon du lac, Oshkosh, Ap.e Sleton. Green B~-- " " • [arqnette, Hong! Superior Country ; Freeport & Dabuqne tine ||s the only mute lwst ween Chicago and Elgin, ttockford, Freeport and all poiats via Free port. Its Chicago ft Milwaukee line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only - one passing between Chicago and Evanston, Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Wankegan. Raelne, Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Roemj Care '• ONLT1ISI running thsso eafsl en Chirap? and St. Paul and Minne.9 are run on all thmni This Is between > apolis, Chicago""and Milwankee" Chicairo 'and Winona, or Chioapo and Green Bay. Close connections are made at C&icago with the Lake Shore and Michlma Southern, Mich. l??n..9t!ntralitt3,tlmore and Ohkf, Pittsburg, ^t.Wayse, A Chicago. Kankakee Line and Jf»ni»e^u *«". f»r all points EAST and SOtTTIf -EAST, and with the Chicago and Al-s ton and Illinois Central for all i>oint8 SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union p&ciilc K. li., at Omaha for ail West pniifts. ft Clo.se'connections made at junction point* ~ with trains of all cross points. ; Tickets over this route are sold bv all Cou-i pon ticket agents in the United States and! Canada. g". Kemember yon ask for your tickets via the!* Chicago ft Northwestern Railway and take1 none others. ^ew Xork Office. No. 415 Broadway; Boston Office, No, !i State Street; Omnha Office, 2W Farnham Street; San Francisco Ofllc.-, V22 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket OfHcen. 62 dark Street, under Sherman Ho«»e; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie ami Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or Information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to XABVIN HUGHITT faiwttugaiamA., . WK8TISNETT, Cea!l Pa «M»e:iger Agent LARGEST OIlEAi'EST,M Now Is the time to subscribe for the Cricket on the Hearth The people's favorite l.iterary and Pam.ly Journal. It is a mammoth 16 page, 64 column Illustrated paper (size of Harper's Weekly.) Ailed with splendio SeHal and Short Stories, Sketches, Poems, Useful Knowledge, Wit and Humor, "Answersto Correspondent*," Puz- gles, Games, Popular Songs, etc., etc. Lively entertaining, anusing and instructive. The largest, hamIsomest, oest and cheapest paper of its class published. Only fl per vear, with Srge and handsome chroroo, "Studious," or cents per year without premium. In order jo introduce it into New Homes, we make the Allowing special offers: Special Offer Na 1--Upon receipt of only 3ft cents we will send the Cricket on the Hearth for four months on trial, and one pair of elegant French Oil Chromos, free. Special Oil&jr No. 2--For one three eent Stamp we will send a specimen copv of the Cricket on the Hearth, and a copy of a beauti ful lithographic engraving entltiod "The fasmio*;.** /tfTuVto* * co. v w Broadway, Sow York. j im j r i r iad . f t i .m. CHEAPEST AND BEST. CXIC^OO Peopled Paperl SB eolormns filled with Editorial, News Ag vieultural, Miscellany and Market Bapovts. One Copy 1 year, Postage paid 78c. Clubs of Five, Postage Paid 70c. Clubs of Ten, Postage Paid 8Sc„ Clubs of Twenty, Postage Paid ....SOc THE DAILY POST. CM Tear, Postage Paid fT.fS farts of a Year ia Propsrtioa. We propose to greatly enlarge the DAILY POST during October, after which the price 4,111 be $10 per year, jM>stage paid. All who subscribe before enlargement, at the present rate of f7 will receive the enlarged paper to 'the end of their time without extra charge. Same terms to Agents on both Daily and - Waokly aa iaal ywnv Address THE POST. 86 Dearborn St., Chicago. J. STORY." At his old stand opposite tbe Mill MoHBNRY Having enlarged tils Store is bow batter than ever prepared to furnish his customers and tbe buying public genezajly with flJ Stoves, Tjswsra, • • ri Ci ' ^"' " &Cn &Oi At Prices Lower than ever before ifoered in of t#b«TeadingW<5 in * Ur«« v»ri*^ Cooliij a&i Heatinc Stores. Of different styles and makes, which |wt in Tiles the public to call and examlao and leans prices before purchasing. It is almost nhnecessarv to call the at ten. tion of the public to the foot that we keej constantly on hand a large stock of Hhel Hardware, Noils, Tablo an«i Pockt Tiiiwaro, yalvaniaad lUiid Iron C fence, Ibirbcd W ire, ^hovels, Fori fact, everything for.ml in a flrst-c ware store. : ' A.8TORV. £. M '.mm ' hA GOODI Has on hand a choice lot ot PLOWS ©f tin» best make, which he is 8e.ilug at the LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Alsp v " •* Perm and DamoorJI WAGONS, FANHIHC MILLS, &»C«| Ac*| 1 Call at my Warehouse when It want of anything in my line*: ?1 E. M. ojvnsjf. MoHenVy, Sept 25th 1877 : Please bear in mind that a hazy light is jost as good and oftlmes better than sunshine for taking pictures.-- Only come early in tbe day and wa arm please yob every time. J. S. MEDLAB, Woodstock.