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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1878, p. 5

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; • - *R . ,, ̂ • ' * PKJ-, f" ImmnmIm i'.J&r v - ** •*" , , ( , ' sit WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27th, 1878. Railroad Time Table. ootwa eouTp. IsenmLrte I'MBcanr f}«nev* Lake Freight... GOING KOKtM. 6ei«»* Uke Freight.......... Sum Lake Pasaensrer 745 A. X. tf• .llJBR, K. .10:004. v. ...7:<»P. M. McHenry Picnic Grounds. All those interested In the procuring of m Picnic Ground on Fox Lake, for h# n*« of «»»P Rtul lo be nown M JlcHenry Picnic Grounds, are requested to meet at the office of Utfchard Bishop, opposite Perry A iMartin't Store, on Thursday MTesiflf, Feb. 28th, at 7J o'clock, sharp. TUB time for the Annual Town Elections draweth nigh. Trot out your candidate# !or the different oflliies lobe filled. On theiiiside pages of this paper can be found the Platfoim in full, as adopted by the National Greenback Party, at Toledo. C. A. SAVAGE started for Malcom, Nebraska, on Monday. He has leased a farm lately purchased there by W. V. Smith, of this village, who decided not to go himself until another year. ̂#WHY do printers not su«reed to (he same extent as brewers? Because printers work for the liead and brew­ ers for the stomach; and where twenty men' have stomachs but one has brains. A dog ran down the street the other day with a tin can tied to its tail. The boy who was questioned about the affair remarked that he was only can­ ning a little hydrophobia for summer use. A BALL of waste cotton saturated with coal oil, rolled in sulphur, and Ured under a tree, did not burn rapid­ ly. but sent up a dense smoke which killed all the bark-lice with which the tree was Invested. So says a Pennsyl­ vania fruit grower. JOHN PITSON brought down two Bafts of wood from the vicinity of Pistaqua Lake last week. It waft a God send to many of our citizens who were out of wood, and with the im­ passible condition of the roads no pos­ sibility of getting any In any other way. THE long and unusual muddy weather this Winter has necessitated the build­ ing of new Crossings where they have never been needed before. Some af these have been built by private enter­ prise and others by the corporation.-- Several new ones have been put down the past week. " • DUCKS made their app#aran<* In large numbers on the River 6n Friday 'and Saturday, and the roar of breech and muzzle loaders indicated that the skirmishing had commenced. This is the earliest in the season that Duck Hunting has been known to commence In a good many years. THE person who borrowed 'a book of Poefns of the Editor of this paper will confer a favor by returning the same at once. We have forgotten the Wb heard it suggested that the Cantata of Esther be repeated for the benefit of the Band. This Is a good idea and we hope will be carried out. Our Band have always been ready to furnish music for all entertainments gotten up in our village, and never have charged * cent therefor. At the same time their expenses for music, etc., have been no small item, to say nothing «f time spent. If they should decide to repeat the entertainment for this purpose we hope our citizens will show their appreciation of a good Band by giving them a rousing benefit. •• " >(i BT the urgent solicitation of many of our readers both old and young, we shall commence again next week the publication of '• Splinters," a column we originated in this county some eight years ago. It was and will be a receptacle for cast off locals, short notices, and spicy * hits." not for the purpose of hurting anybody's feelings, but with the^ best of intentions, Re­ lieving that "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men." If any of our "Splinters" hap­ pen to fly, and any imagine them­ selves 44 hit,'* we beg of them to take it in the spirit in which it Is giveu, and not demand •* pistols and coffee for two." WE have a large number of subscri­ ber? on our books who are in arrears from ons to two years. To such we would say you must come forward and settle up. We don't need the money, printers have no use for It, but It looks bad on our books. If we should hap­ pen to die our Administrator might make you tronble, which we should very much regret. Therefore we say ' Walk up to the Captain's Office and settle" If you have not the money bring us Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Lard, Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Corn^Wood, in short anythiug we can eat, drink, wear or use, for which we will allow you the highest market price. We want these arrearages straightened up and at once. that line last week, withJthe exception of covering their mammoth house, packing with saw dust, and other work necessary to the protection of the large body of Ice they have secured. The extreme mild weather prevented them from quite tilling the last section of their house, but enough was put in to prevent any trouble of keeping it in Omcof the discoveries made by the'"kQod shape. Four sections are full to title, but it is a small volume, coutafn- it)g three or four different Poeius, one of which is entitled "Little Breeches." It has been missing for nearly a year. latest artic explorers is that the length *»f the Pohu* night is 142 days. Nice place, this, to wplk home with a girl $Tew Year's eve., and fii:d that the old j>eopie have looked up the house and gone <to wateb meeting and won't be home «wtil after mid&ight. WE learn that Gilbert Hubbardcon- •emplates opening a Writing School at Yolo soon. We can assure ©or readers jo that section thajt they will And Mr. Hubbard a good teacher and a gentle­ man, and those wh«? wish to take ies- eons in this moetusefcl branch of edn- eation should not fail to attend Mr, Hubbard's School, A PAIR of f«ia Boy a, weighing about eight pounds eaeh, took up a permanent residence with E. J. Hatily on Monday morning. "Ed." is now the proudest man iu McHenry, and he has a right to be. The "'DoJlar of our Dads" or the Greenbaek Platform has no more charm for him. He says tlie young gentlemen MM be ready to tote at the next Corporation EJeetion. NKWSPAPER law says i f a person or­ ders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrearages, or <ttie publisher may continue to send it until payment *18 made ami oolleet Hie whole amount whether the paper 1s taken from the post office or not. Also, action for fraud «an be Instituted against any person, whether he is responsible in a financial petat of view or not, who re­ fuses to pay subscription. THE man Foltz, who was Injured at the loe House last weefc, Is getting along as well as could he«xpected, with a prospect of no serious inconvenience hereafter, witli the exception, perhaps, of a stiff knee. We learn Shedd A Co. pay all his expenses while eiek and also allow his time to go OH the same as if lie was at work. This is praiseworthy, as Folts is a poor man, and depended W» Jalw far *b# f*eea«arie« »f b 1Mb, OUR townsman, D. S. Smith, picked up on the street on Friday last a pock­ et book containing 9150kin Greenbacks. His first inipres&loti was that the Green­ back Couvcutlon, at Toledo, had effect­ ed a remarkable and instantaneous change in financial matters, and that Greenbacks could he picked up almost anywhere, but on second thought he concluded that somebody was slu.rt that amount, so he pnt it in his pocket to wait developments. It was not long before an anxious individual, Nicholas Snyder by name, who resides on the East side of the River, was in­ quiring for a lost pocket book, and on describing it and il6 contents, it was Immediately handed over to him. Mr. Snyder should feel thankful that Ills money fell Into such hands. We do not mean to say that there tire any dishon­ est people in McIIenry. but some might have found it who would have/wgrollen/ to say any tiling about it. E. A. SHEDD A CO., the parties who nave been harvesting Ice on the Pond, In this village, closed th^business in the roof, and the fifth about two-thirds full. Besides this mammoth pile of Ico they have shipped about one thous­ and cars to the city, aud had the weather been as cold as in former win* ters would undoubtedly skimmed the Pond twice at least. , As It is the Pond Is as clear of Ice as in July. Their men were all paid off on Friday night, aud those who were not retained to work arouud the Howe went away happy aud satisfied. The firm ofShedd A Co., are straight-forward business men, and the business lhey have now started in our midst will be a great help to our village for years to come.-- While they really take nothing out of our town, there are a gqpd many dol­ lars left, and It fhlls, too, into the hands of those who need it most, the laboring men. We say success to, the firm of E. A. Shedd A Co. AKT GALLERY FOB BENT, located in McHenry, and long and successfully run by B. A. Ford. It if without doubt the best located Gallery iu the county. Has both Sky and Side Lights. Possession given immediately Fixtures for Sale or Rent if desired.-- Apply at once to E. M. Owen. Mottos, Curd Board aud Zephyr cheaper that ever at the Oct Store. » FOR RENT. » A nice Tenement of four Rooms In the BrtiSk Building, over tlu» Post Office. Apply of Perry & Martiu orJS. M. Owen. SEE the new 'advertisemeut of the McHenry Meat Ijjtarket. Frett , A , Son Proprietors, to be found In another column. There Is no earthly boon more precious than good health, audit behooves its pwssessor to endeavor to retain it. If you are assailed with such provoking ills as sick headache?, torpid liver, sour stomach and a general feeling of wear­ iness and diegttst. don't go aud commit suicide but take Eilert's Daylight Liver pill* »n<) bo enfed. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALER So the House has concurred iu the Senate amend­ ments to the Silver Bill and now there is nothing wanting but for President Hayes to ^ "A" •Sitfn, sign, *lgrt with eare, , And jnve ws back tfce Da«r*Dollal#i* • • This is one step In the right direc­ tion. Let ns have iu addition to this the unconditional repeal of the re­ sumption act, the withdrawal of the so-called national currency and the volume thereof supplied by Green­ backs. the establishment of Postal Sav­ ing Banks, a general national law reg­ ulating freight tariffs on our national thorough-fare* in favor of the pro­ ducer aud consumer, thus opening the way for a fair and equitable competi­ tion, and methinks tiie chains which have been so successfully forged and rivited upon the masses of the people by the Shylocks of our country would lose their binding force. Capital and Labor would each resume the'r legiti­ mate place, all blanches of industry would receive a new Impetus, the tramps would find it there remunera­ tive to work for hire than to beg or pluuder, the common burglar would learn a safer and more congenial em­ ployment and the baser crimes would be confincd to such as are of a wicked perverse spirit for whom the scaflold and the dungeon have special need.-- This much on political economy. As to news whatever I can write to­ day, though ever so newsy, before your,; paper reaches its readers will have be­ come stale and the anxious multitude will be eagerly searching for some­ thing of later date. "* - John Barretts is buying horsefc. Irs Rlocum was heard to say he cxpectedto ship a car load soon, to what place uot mentioned. Dwight Judd hat disposed of his brown trotting mare. The "Two Orphans" and 4iUncle Tom's Cabin," are to come oil at N|K tioual nail, by Maxwell and Reeas Constellation, Wednesday aud Thurs­ day nights. W. w. Ellsworth has purchased the Rairdon Farm. Mud and cows are all the rage. There is to be au exodus from Wood­ stock to Texas soon. The Old Settlers' meet at Woodstock in June next. !?o says,"Joe." We ex- pcct on that occaslou "heap big" meet- lug. Ed Furer's barn burned last week. Loss $300, covered by insurance in the ^Etua.. Mr. Todd' seen with a policy since his fire. How much better for him and his liberal friends if he had taken it before the fire. To be Insured in a sound company is every man's duty who is not financially easy, and the harder the times the more careiul need to scrutinize the company and the greater need to be insured. The tax gatherer Is abroad ftt tlie land and the wail of an over-taxed peo­ ple is heard in Our midst. Since Beeeher has abolished Hell the people hardly know how to dispose of' Raude, Sherry and Connelly. U. S. URBEKBACK. OLD 8F.TTLKRS. The meeting of the Executive Com­ mittee of the Old Settlers Association, called to be held at the Riverside House, In this village, Thursday last, the 2Ht, was on 'account of the stormy day and bad condition of the roads, rather thinly attended, but four mem­ bers of the Committee belngspresent beside tlie Secretary. The meeting was called to order by J. H. Johnson. President of the Society, who present­ ed a resolution from the-citizens of Wookstock. asking that the next meet­ ing be held In that city, and pledging themselves to raise the necessary fund?, procure grounds, music, etc., for the occasion. On motion of R. Bishop, duly sec­ onded. it was decided by those present to hold the next Re-Union in the city of Wookstock. at sucli time as the Ex­ ecutive Committee might designate. There being so few present it was decided to hold another meeting of the Committee at an early day for the purpose of fixing the date of holding the Annual Re-Union, appoint Com­ mittees, and transact such other bus­ iness as might come before the Com­ mittee. On motion the meeting was ad­ journed, subject to KM call pt the President. , J. H. JOHNSON, President. J, YA* 8i/tke, Secretary. McHenry Literary Society. The following Is the Programme for the next meeting of the Literary So­ ciety, to be held on Saturday evening, March 2d: 1st. Pebate on the following ques­ tion: '• Resolved, That the Greenback ques­ tion Is of sufficient iraportanoe to form a distinct National Party. Affirmative--C. V. Steven*, M. Kel- ter. J. Fitzsimmons. Negative -- A. F. Pai<S0iiS| B, C. Mead, O. N. Owen. •' V v COWS FQR SALE, TlM^nderslgned has a choice fot (jf Cows for Sale, at his residence near Woodstock. Dairymen "should bear this in mind aafllln early. " M. HICKQX. Mothers will find Dr. Wlneheil'a Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in tho house tor the children. It RIMGWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:-- Th* fetfkls In this vicinity have been to fMld for the put week there has been but fifty little travel, consequently but very lif* tie has happened that Witt b# n«W» to your readers, '£he Singing Schools (fought by Mr. Tower, are the best we have had for some time, and are well attended by young and old. We think the musieal talent very hard to beat for a place of itssize^-r-r i-~- ; Messrit F. Barney, and Ctiaa. Sim­ mons have returned from ttie Westi-- Their descriptions of the parts vlslied by them are very favorable. « Our Sciiowi ciwv« iu about three weeks. We hear there is to be an ex­ hibition at the close of the term. For this reasoti the Lyceums have been closed. There are a number of onr people going West this Spring. Charles and Walter Prlckett left for Nebraska on Wednesday morning last, and Mr and Mrs. L.S. Gorton expect to go in about three weeks. So also do Warren, Prick­ et t and Henry Fisk. f- The Revival meetings h*V* lee closed on account of the bad roads. ' Mr. Charles Dodge, of Iowa, a .for* mer resident of this place, is visiting friends in this vicinity. In spite of the bad weather the pep- ulation of eur town Increases, the laat Arrival being at Mr. Chas. French's. It has been Bald that J. E. V. talks of moving his Homo--(Holmes)--'be­ fore long. JONATHAN. BARREVILLE EDITOR PLAINDKAI.KR:--Yonr well represented paper is hailed with Joy in this vicinity. A mixture of mud, snow and Valen­ tines is sufficient to make up the varie­ ty for one day, Spelling SCIHWI in Dublin soon. Our new Store will open **next week." Miss flattie Lancore is visiting here, Wild Ducks are quite numerous now. Frahk Brown's team, while at Barre- vilte, became frightened and cut loose. All ye wishing Groceries at the low­ est cash rates should call on C. C. Shales, on Starvation Street, Barre- ville. Geo. Parish, Contractor and Builder of all kinds of axe helves. Some of the boys hs d better skip for the West. # Ilanley & Andrews have started an­ other mustache. Go Is lemons. We are with you. Mr. W. J. K. is striving Under diffi­ culties to raise Burnsides. llarreville has good facilities fer the Opening of a Barber Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Dry Goods Store, Drug Store, Confectionery Store, Cigar Store, Cob­ bler's £hop, etc. At Bavfeville, on Friday the 15th Inst.. Mr. Elisha Hubbard and Miss Mary Keller were joined In the Holy Bands of Hemlock. Success to them. Ben got the slip again. Tommy Knox and Fred Colby were the champion spellers Friday uiglit, Dublin's show iu the Writing School Was cast out when it came time to judge the specimens. But they paid for their chance all the same. In the future Writing Schools serve all alike. Mr. R. Andrews has got Fifty BuMi- elsof choice Early Rose and Peerless Pototoes for sale, on his farm, one and a half miles East of BaW-eville. LET IT SLIDE. Richmond Deportment. rxt /r • Passenger trains paas BiottMriMt ptation as foFlowi- . - OOIWO SOT** I I . 5 F T' -' Geneva Lake FuiwA|«r UtMvoLake Preijfbt...v.'..v>.V. ,,,...1:18». *. GOIKO IOKTI ^ Oeirti Lake Frciglit...... X Otmeva Lake I'assctrzifr. ..7*1 P. * If any are In want »f donrbrnat cadi oni>r. ft. F« Bennett. If yon want a »»iee dish of Oysters or a good Cigar, call on Qarver. D. A.Potter's is the place to buy Goods, as Dave la not in tigly as be used to be. > TocWie out their Winter 0t«>dief Ready-Made Clothing, Smith, Aid?leh & Haythoru will sell at bottom prices. JTake aiqok at those new Smoking Goods at Alexander A Hyde's. That long nosed fellow can now take a smoke in comfort aud not burn his nose. m G. S. Utter, Editor of the Richmond Gaeette, we hear Is quite sick. He has our sympathy and wa hope to see him around again in a few days. We see that a son of Signor Bllt$, a Book Keeper, has disappeared from New York with his accounts short sev­ eral thousand dullars. A aligUit of hand unknown to his father. R'-TSitlA ; r Busfite&g Kofcices Boflfcs and Cheap, at O. W, Owen*^. Loot for Bargains daring the month!! of February at Buckiln* A Stevens* Stoves of all kinds eheai&er than yon| can steaf (hem, at Jotm & StefttiV nearu. the Depot* ^ R j •. /• ^ 'Sweeter Yet* * / |v,. 14 1-2 Pounds of Good Brownie Sugar for $1 at P. D. Smith's* * ^ I KSEiP YOUR FEET WAKlf, •4; Good Wool Liaed Boots 9*2.50 pair at Smitli, Aldrich A llayihuru^s^li Riverside Block, McHenry. ^; If Geo. Tintoii lives ETdredge wIll never get him to tend door again, as he came very near being shot full of holes oc the night of B, F. Stanley's Concert. Cause--well, we retrain. I thought I'd leave my measure on your floor said K, to M. of Genoa, a denier iu Jersey Lightning. No ne­ cessity for that, said 1 know ex­ actly how much you hold.- s «V : . • - I. N. Meade stemed to be the favor­ ed one at Stanley's Concert. . He sang his part so well, "Sleep on thy Pillow," that the stage was showered with boquets. We think they should 1\»YQ beeudipredinaCologne bottle. . The best thing at B. F. Stanley** Concert was 4,Come to the Old Gum Tree," played and sung by Miss Flora McFlimsley. Some of the parties mentioned in the piece should have been there and seen how small they were for meddling with other people's but i new. Cost,Overeoat8^^i < M At Hucklin A Stevensi i&,; . • We make ciioice Ten# it ifpfeefallty*#! Will make extiemly low prices andit^ s«eli you a choice luLiviv. drich •& Ilayihorn. * ' For bargains in Shirllng Itannel Underwear, Clothing Ac,, call at Stui th . ' AldHch A Haythorn's Uivei*»ld« Blocku^. Tinwai*, from a tiu whistle to aWi Wash Boilerviit John M. Switlft, near^J the Depots . p|v_ , •; , ' ' ' . , . CALL and see the best Coal Stove" lnyt'. the market, at John M. Smith's neafS . . \ w 7 '> RESUMPTION; . -.K®- b*s" - ; / ; • ' . k : . A large Stock of Adams celebrated^ Keuosiia Pumps. The best Fumps and®i at lowest prices, at E. X. Owen?#. i|fe SPECIAL BARGAINS TO CLOSS.S . i 3S Overcoats, Dresa Goods, Waterproofs, Nubias,® and all other WinterfS Goixda at l^ss than cost to close. P.D.S: SMITH. f# ^ want of a Cook or Heatln^iC' Stove, do not fail to call at John SinithV, near the Depot, as lie cannot^?; fail to please you both iu quality au<ip|g ' ^rlce- ' THE Store formerly oecnpied by tho||j I'o.st Office, opposite tiie Rlve'rsidc^S" House, is offered for Rent on reasonable ̂ terms. Freeman ft Clark's celebrated im-?^ proved Flax Mill is uneqimled for clean it; lug Flax. Clover, and Timothy seedpP and all kinds of grain, Call fore! lar at E. M. Owen's. CIIY8TAL LAKC. EDITOR PLAINDEALRK :--Although you have heard nothing from this vil­ lage lately, we are still here nuidbound and have about made up.our minds that terra Is not A flrma as It might be. • Notwithstanding the soft weather Mr. Dole lias been potting np ice most of the time until last Thursday, when the rain stopped business, for a spell at least. The meetings which have been In progress for tiie last six weeks, closed last Sabbath evening, the roads being so bad that it was almost Impossible for people to get out. That good has resulted from these meetings, is a question beyond dispute. The Literary Society which has done nothing lately on account of the meet­ ings, will hold its next meeting Thurs­ day of this week. The Programme will consist of music, reading, essays, chip basket, an original oration and the disouesiou of the following ques­ tion: Jteaolveri, That Washington deserves more gratitude from the American people than Lincoln. We have been having Spring all Winter but the geese aud birds did pot find it out until last week, when several Hocks of geese passed over, and robbinsand blue birds were quite cheerful. Anything to beat mud. Again death has visited this plaoe and taken one of the yonng people for its victim. Miss Marian Clow, That th|s enemy of man does not respect age. js eyident from the fact that within the last six weeks it lias taken the old, the young and the middle 4ged, three having been burried in (hat time, from this place. _i BOOTS A SHOES. It Is a conceeded fact that the Knffh- lo Ousfcom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior 011 the market. Selected Ftack. Warranted work. For sale by Uajtlwo, RlyerfsUte Smith, Aidric Slock,McHe Julia Sherman wants a elites of schol­ ars to take music lessons, and why don't the people give her a chance to earn living at home and not compel her to leave ? Outsiders seem to liavo good luck here, and we supp««e that is Bible doctrine, take strangers in every time ^nd cast out home talent. Aaanal Illble MfUlBM In HoHcarjr Oounty fop ma Big Foot, Sunday. March 8d, X. E. Church 10} A. M. Aide 11. Sunday March S, M. E. Church 2 P.M. Chemung, Sunday, March 10, M. E. Church. 2 P, M. Harvard, Sunday, March lOi, Presby. Church, 7 P. M. Dunham. Sunday, March 17, M. E. Church. 2 P. M. Lawrence, Sunday, March 17, Presby Church, 7 P. M. County Meeting at Woodstock, March 24, Cong. Church 7 P. M. • r IfT H. MONITOR, County Ag*t. These sudden changes of the weather seldom fail to bring a Cough or Cold, and we can recommend Dr. Marshall's Lung Svmp as a certain cure for all diseases of the Lungs and Chest The Sl ice is onlv 25 cents, Sold by A, *B. II bert McHenry, We are glad to hear that Ilr. Mar­ shall's Lung Syrup gives tiuch goneral satisfaction: druggist? say it sells better than any oiimr pi^eparation for Coughs, Colds, etc. The price is 26 cts, large sise <M) oeuts. Sold A. B.Gilbert, Mciieury. EXCITEMENT AT RICHMOND AND DUNDEE. C, F. Hall's Closing Sale beforo an­ nual Inventory March 1st. Overcoats heretofore #18.75 now $10.00 OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. Wo have a few left which we w sell at very low prices. If In need will pay you to look them over. SMITH, ALDKICII 4 IIAYTHOBX. #25 REWARD. ; Tlte above reward will be paid to any!#; one who will find one of our Buft;ilnl&*:; Boots In which there is a counter A' hmer-sole, slip sole or piece of ftfeelingglpL that is not cast from a good, thick'!*! piece of sole leather. P.J). SMITW. fJ ^eaic iiie 1 ; ii MARKED DOWN AGAIN. , Overcoats, Underwear. Shawls,^ ^ UAAI>O Flannels, Blankets, Wool-Lined Boots and Shoes, Men and Boys Caps, Ac., marked way down below wholesale / * i prices In order t« close out. I It*' riTKsiHMOKs A Evairaoar. if# Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoat 8 Overcoats Coats :4k ».no " 6.50 7.60 « 6.00 6.50 , 4.50 6.50 ' 4.00 4.75 * ^ - 8.50 6.00 • 3.00 I am markl ng prices on goods that will sell them and am closing tlieBn goods out for 10 to 30 per ccnt less than cost. Don't propose to carry them over if prloes will sell them. Call and see. C. F. HALL. FOR SALE OR RENT. r • How About Sweetening? We have lots of it ftiul more ft coming and at FOURTEEN and 1-2 pounds for One Dollar, and »till subject to any further de cline. BUCKLIN & STKVI;N8. WINTER GOODS4 ! Of all kinds will be ottered ill Bar­ gain prices for the month of. February at Bucklin A Stevens. ' THE ATTENTION OF AGENTS I* called to The Housekeepers' Supply Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who make a business of getting up and manufacturing uew and labon-saving conveniences for housekeepers, and give employment to hundreds of agents of both sexes throughout tho whole United States to introduce and sell them, and otter inducements that will pay them handsomely. Many of their agents are now making from #4 to 99 per day, and some of them even more Wrfte t° them at once and they will send f-ou circulars, giving yon full de­ scription of each article lhey manu­ facture, and their terms te agents, and will assign you exclusive territory to sell in. Their address is The House­ keepers' Supply Company, No. 242 Eire* Street. C|wt«W*tU QWff flense of 10 rooms, a stable and'^ * seven acres of land, situated in the vll-^l# lageof Ring wood. I will rent thel^* house with or without the land. Foriyfe ; particulars inquire of J. W. Crtsfy W. Ladd at Ringweod, ^ " ..... y It should be the duty, as well aa^t* pleasure of all jourualiets, to impart^ such useful information to the readers^ of their papers as well conduce to their1],,; > > well-being and health. If we cau 8avo.x/}.>; • anyone from an hour's pain we have »o-% ' 1 compUshed gome good iu this world.--^\"z Now, we know that the advice we ure!*5- : about to give will save many of onrP^ friends from avast amount of snfltertngf^^ especially those who are trouble with rheumatism, neuralgia, < sciatica. Call on your druggist for bottle of Lawson's Curative, and use i faithfully, fo? any ache, pain inllamma#^^j t Ion you may have, and, our word fo^l it you wIM thank us far onr advi«».-f^r:-* For sale by Colby, $rttgfist* . 2 Henry, III. . , ' AHto^ehlng SttWeap ' . /.II i# the doty of ~lv$ry psnoft wfcalf "::rvr LIAS nscd BOSCIIKB'SS GKHMAN SYRUP T*F; let its wonderful qualities he kuowit to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma. Pneii"* inoiiia, and in fact ail throat and lung^ diseases. Np person can use it with' out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to re com. mend it it to the poor dying con-> sumptive, at least to try oiie bottle,* as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one ease wln^nn it failed ' was reported. Such a medicine as the GERMAN SYRUP cannot be too widely known. Ask your Druggist about it. Sample Bottles to try seld at 10 cents. Regular sise 75 cents. Disease and Death, when thev teach our own households, are too serious foy^,^ Resting, we use our best ^fMlMV^rs drive oft the dread messengers, ftiid ar®!^' only happy when we fVel tlmt t»;ey aro^ at a distance. At the first npproaah of W% that fell destroyer, Censuuiption, in»«?| the shape of a cough or slight cold well as more severe Bronchial or Ca»a w tarrh Oomplaints, we should at onrc usogl * Kilerf'e Extract of Tar and Wild CherviaC ry. It has'no superior in such case*,** Every bottle warranted to give faction, Sold by all Dmglsts, Disteippbrs. ~ and most the <Us> Cattle, Sheep, Ho, ^ Biihject to are readily overcome and cured by using Unole Sam's Condition r Pow der according to the plain diree^^ f j tions. Sold bv all Dreg^Uis. , 1 , . . i , . J 1 . . j ) , , , 1 1 , - t t i i i iyg f ' f. «.. r C°}^ Fes whlcit.Horsea^.,, ind Ptmllry are W, 1<m ALDE«]»AN-AI.1.KN-AT the re«W®nre,^ : of tbe officiHtyig. clerjfvman, Genoa Junelto®. Wis., Kcvt>. 24th, fcSTK by Rev. H\ J. ^ Mr. jab® W. At>iwru»i», <>f Slmsburg, OORB.. %qkl#,»"a Miss Ml» AUe», of SUchmond. * I- TJ-T-MARSH--At the resMenee nffe # IWKIC-'-S father, Mr. Henry Marsh, ta , ponrt. 3lst, IS7S. bv Rev. F. J. Dt>u|cla(t». , " Sir. \VaU«r Jewell, of Whcaton, UtlPage C«kJ roaJUnmaa. lEMsh. , /.

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