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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1878, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th, 1878. Railroad Tim# Table. * QOING SOUTH. " l§0«eValLalte Passenger....A. sr. Svon Lake Freight .1:15 r. x. OOINO .• OeM»*«I<ak« Fr«i»fht.... |«MMliak«PuHMW. ...»:«> A. .-...7:02 k. MASONIC. IfcHEirar CHAPTER NO. 34 B. A. 5L--Rem­ it* Convocation® held on the second and '•Mi " irU Fridays in eaeh month. fnuiKi ALUX 8ec„ aim Courr B. P. • <H'H*6 "Reminlcence of Old f Imes" Is ^avoidably omitted this week. 1 * - IF you want the finest Tomato Seed in the market, call at this office and get a paper of Garrison's Early Favor­ ite. . • . . - ' OB«T Splinter*' column la unavoida­ bly left ever this week. We hare a number of a very starting nature, but they will keep until next week. new feni^e around the M. E. / Church, of which we spoke last week. Vhas been completed, and adds much to the appearance of that edifice. FOUND, in Riverside Hall, a pair of Ladies Gloves, which the owner can have by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. "WILL" HOSES, who is now located flit Russell, Kansas, lias been spending • few days in this village. He reports business good in that section and. his prospects of business flattedug. WE would call the attention of our renders to the notice of the Annual Town Meeting, to be found in another oelumn. The election takes place on Tuesday, April 2d. / / THK prospects are now good for the // building of a Butter and Cheese Fac- f Vtory In this village. It will be definite­ ly settled in a few days, when we will give location and other particu­ lars. Y0THE "Shovel Brigade,** under eom- f mand ot Capt. Thomas Knox, done a / good job on Monday, shoveling oft the • mud that had accumulated during the , Winter on the Bridge. They did a V^etn job, . I/A H E Good Templars «re rehearsing for their entertainment, which is to Jake place in about two weeks. Be­ sides several beautiful Tableaux, they will present the pleasing Comedy of "Woodcock's Little Game.** We will give the date and other particulars next week. - " 1 ' 'J '"1 ^ . 1 V l" "" IT will soon BE GARDEN time, AND we have not heard of one cat being plan­ ted yet. Stir around;you can't plant cats too early, nor is It possible to get too many in a hill. You may not raise anything else that season where the cat is planted, but in the meantime the cat will not have raised anything either, and that is where the enormous cat profit comes in. . THE Geneva Lake Herald says: *For a wonder, the clscoee again began to run 011 Wednesday morning, and a large number of them have been caught at various times during the week. Either the spring weather we have had during the past month, has foole*t them into the Idea that it is June, or the notion that they never appear except in June must be consid­ ered obsolete. Those that have been caught find ready sale at good prices.'* /THE Party at Riverside Hall on Mnn day evening, was a sin all but pleasant i gathering, and those who attended re- \ j)ojt a good tiineyThe Costnmes.com- poselTof a Sheet and Pillow Case, was the most perfect disguise we ever saw in a Hall, and created great tnerrU ment. the appearance of the maskers being comical in the extreuM^^he ^tTpper~was one'of"Wl]fTttmsfirsT>est ef­ forts/and in the "we sma hours" the company broke up, all declaring that they had ha4 an evening of real en­ joyment. /^THE Steamer "Athlete" made four jtrlps from the Lakes last week, each time bringing d*>wn about five curds of wood. The shores around the land- THE Board of Tefcrn Audit of the Town of McIIenry, will meet at the Wn Clerk's Offlce. on Tuesday, March 96th, Those interested will take due notice and govern themselves accord- ***• ... L IP the subscriber who wrote us from Barrevtlle, under date of March 17th, will eeud us his name, wc will comply With his request. The letter contained no ssoie, nor mvthing by which we could tell by whom it was written. £n another column can be found the new advertisement of Dwight & For­ rest, Woedstoek. of which we spoke last week, which our readers who visit Woodstock should not fall to read and then call and examine their im­ mense stock of goods. THE courts hare decided "that no person has aright to leave a horse or team standing in the streets without control of some kind, and that when damage to perron or property results from anelt negligence the owner of euclt horses «r team is liable for dam- Ages. - • THK Secretary of the Racine County, "Wisconsin, Agricultural Society an­ nounces that the Pramiums of their next Annual Fair will be oj»en for competition to the citiaetteofMclieaiy County. This Fair will be held at Burlington on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th cf October. Trii large Scow being built by :H«l)is A Kiiox Is nearly or quite com­ pleted, and will be launched in a few days. They will be able to bring down about twent; -five cords of wood at a load, and for transporting lumber and Cther freight it will be a grand thing. 1$ Is intended to be 'tewed np by the Eii|er8on.n COLBY BROS. IS the name of the new Arm at the Qrug and Grocery Store formerly owned exclusively by H. Colby. The new firm is composed of Henry Colby and Ora C. Colby. They have a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, and choice Family Qreceries, which they ane offering to the buying public at prices to^uU the times. ' . l «>u« VS2 ing now presents the appearance of a Wood Yard, and our citizens need not fear getting out of wood the balance fjtlie season. With the large amount of wood around the Lakes, and the great distance to haul it, we wonder this way of transportation has not been thought of before. Good dry wood can now be bought here for #4 per cord. WE made a short visU to the farm of A. H. Ilanly. one day last week, but owing to the muddy condition of the ground were unable to get around so as to be able to give such a notice as it deserves. When the weather gets settled we propose making him another call, look over his farm and tell our readers what we see. Mr. Hanly has one of the finest farms In this section. His stock of Ilogs are the finest, and we will not attempt to tell how many he has in the different yards. He last week shipped to Chicago a car of hogs and one of Sheep, which w£re very fine. -TICK Peak Family Bell Rlngere ad­ vertised to appear at Riverside Hall, tfn this village, on Tuesday and Wed­ nesday evenings of this week, bat on Jgonday their Agent, who was still be re, received a dispatch that it would . be Impossible for them to fill their en- gage ment, on account of sickness in the troupe. Consequently our citizens will not have the pleasure of listening tofcUsm. • JT ON Friday last leads of frocks were / brought down from the Lakes and ehipped to Chicago. Hunters say that they never saw them so thick as they .ye in and around Grass Lake. The prospects for fine hunting and fishing this season is the best, and probably snore people will visit our Lakes than AN exchange say*: "Judging from the great nnmber of red ribbons worn now-a-days, there has been spine tall swearing oft. Men that you would not su4pect ever drauk to excess swing out to the breeze a sign tiiat they are bent on reform. We arc told that red means spirits of any kind--the red and white together, spirits and tobaco. To ring in the oilier national color we presume the party furnishes his own--blue.'* Nowwe would like to knbw what color tliose fellows ought to wear Who pre­ tend to swear oft and then drink behind the door? They certainly ropresent a large class aud deserve souie recog­ nition. ^ > THE "BOSS" umchaulc of Carlyle, M :t«ou&Cofs Bailer Manufactory, was in town on. Monday taking the dimen­ sions of the Steamer ^R. Emerson," for the purpose of putting in a new Steel Boiler. He say* that when this Is in proper shape lie will guarantee that it will run with perfect safety at the rate of twelve miles an Irour. The ma­ chinery will be immediately put in and the Boat ready to launch some time next week, With this new boiler and increased speedy hunters and pleasure seekers will And a safe and quick pas­ sage to aitd from the Lakes at ell times. The boat will. understand, be under the charge of Capt. E. Gris- wold. who is known to be a man who will spare 110 pains to ensure the com­ fort of all. When the Steamer com­ mences to run we will give notice of her regular hour* of departure. THE Essex County Republican has commenced publishing a black list for the exposure of tlia, <jla.«a of swindler* who take a newspaper three or four years, aud then leave for s^ine new lo­ cality, without giving notice, and those who take papers, become Indebt­ ed, and then "refuse" to take them from the office. After giving a few of the swindlers names, the Republican eays: "We intend to follow this thing np long enough to give an insight into the way in which some people exercise their smartness aud duplicity, and to notify postmasters of their duties and responsibilities. They know whea a subscriber runs away, or refuses his paper, and they have notifications In bli.uk furnished by the government.-- We have some fifty subscribers worth large property, who refuse togpay or to auswej through a stamped envel­ ope. It wili be seen by the foregoing tlmt our patience has become exhaust­ ed.'" We heartily commend the course Vover before. We claim to have the .. T, ... - , . . , • i.. . - . , n ...1,. x the Republican has taken and we will best hunting and fishing Grouutfg.iu..(PO#a be ready to follow its example, the Northwest. - E. O. BI.ACK, Agent for the Improved Buckeye Stump and Grub Puller, is now In this village, and Is daily giving exhibitions wish this powerful ma­ chine. We witnessed it work on Sat­ urday last, and although they had got hold of some hard old specimens In the shape of stump?, wo saw enough to convince us that as a Stump and Grub Puller It is a success, and an almost In- dispensible implement for any man who has one or more acres to grub or clear of stumps. There ere several different sizes of machiues, the smaller size being used more particularly f®r taking out grubs, which it does easily, whether green or dry. We advise far­ mers to see it work, for in no other way can they get a correct idea of the work it will do. Mr. Black Is now stopping at the Riverside House, and Is giving exhibitions with this machine every day somewhere near. No one should fail to call and examine It and see it work. yfor our patience is just about ditto. AT the Annual Town Meeting to be held April 3d, the legal voters of the Town will be called upon to vote for or against the purchase of the Baptist Church in this village, for the use of the Township, This is a matter which the voters should not neglect, as„ ft Is Important in several points. In the first, place the Town Is greatly In need ot a Town House, not having a pi are at all suitable for holding elections or other public meetings, and in the sec­ ond place they are offered this building and twe lots at the nominal sum of #400. The building Is centrally located, and with a trifling expense could be fixed into the finest Town House in the Northwest. The whole Church pro­ perty, consisting of the land, the Brick Church, Bell, and other fixings; for the small sum of #400 is indeed a bargain. The Bell alone is worth nearly half that amount. We hope the voters will act wisely ir. this mat­ ter, and not let this chance slip through their fingers. It would not only be policy but eoonomy. Think of this, so that on election day you can vote understanding^ and without preju­ dice. > , ^ THE Cantata of Esther, for the ben­ efit of the Band, which was rendered at Riverside Hall on Friday and Sat­ urday evenings last, was a success in every particular, aud if it were possi­ ble added new laurels to those who took part. In this notice we cannot better express the sentiments of all who witnessed the entertainment than by reiterating what we said of the Cantata as rendered in February. The parts were taken by the same persons, and the acting and music were simply perfect. Another aud very prominent feature of the last entertainment was the.singing of Mrs. Auita Welltier. which was received by the audience present with rounds of applause. Mrs. \Vellner Is certainly a remarkable sin­ ger, and no oue should fall to hear' lier when opportunity oilers. The Mlii; strels also done their part to perfec­ tion, aud to the great delight ol those present. In fact we have seeu many traveling shows of this kind that could not equal them. Taken all In all it was a success, financially and ot hep- wise, the result being to put about #30 into the Treasury ot the. Band. The Band wish us to return their thauks to all those who assited them In this en­ tertainment, and assure them that should the time come wheu they can return the compliment, they will do so with pleasure. MeHenry Literary Society. The last meeting for the season of the MeHenry Li terary Society will be held on Saturday e veiling of this week* The following is the PROGRAMME. Instrumental Music, a Trio. Roll call, members to respond bv sen­ timent. Recitation, B. D. Parsons. Music, song aud chorus. The following members to respond to their names with a live minutes ad­ dress. Subject to be chosen by them­ selves: Geo Gage, M. Kelter. S. 1\ Baldwin, A. F. Parsons, F. K. Granger, H. C. Mead, C. V. Stevens, J. Fitzsim- nions. Music, Quartette. Recitation, Frank Going. Select Reading, Mrs. Frank Granger. Recitation, M. Kelter. Music, America. . (UKI.UMG The following Is the report of my No 1 Class in Spelling for the two weeks ending March' 16tli: Carrie Granger, 160; Laura Morley, 2-144; Richard Mor* ley, 2-128; Leavor Morley, 2-144; Carrie McCabe, 4-160; George Waaliburn, 8-128 George Simpson, 3-144; Will ^Velch, 1-96. ETTA KITTLE, Teacher. FOR SALE. A quanity of Corn In the ear. In­ quire on the premises of F. B, Dorau. GUN KOtND. . m the farm of Castor Adams, on the road from Mc Henry to Spring Grove. March 14th, 1878, a Double Barreled Shot Gun. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. CASTOR ADAMS. The« ancients desired M locks bushy and black as the raven" as one of the perfections of manhood, and tresses long, silken and lustrous, as the crown­ ing glory of womanhood, but Time, the sly old dog, drew his fingers through their hair, and left " His MARK " in white. Time is now baffled by those who use Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, the greatest and most relia­ ble Hair Restorative of modern times. Sold by Henry Colby, MeHenry. • NV*DA- ; < EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Knowing how averse oiir late correspondent is to flattery, we refrain from making any remarks. It requires no argument to prove he was an able and faithful cor­ respondent, hence we paea, asking him to accept thanks for the past and good wishes for the future. Dr. C. C. W atson, late graduate of Rush Medical College, la fitting up the building known as the Sund building, on Mala street, where be will be found at office hours for consultation. v The Diiiir.a entitled "The Fruits of the Wine Cup," has been postponed un­ til Friday evening March 29th. All are invited. The friends and patrons of Mrs. Caiger will be pleased to learn she Is rapidly recovering and will soon be able to attend business again. Mr. Monroe will speak in the M. E. Church, Sunday evening. Subject, Temperance. All friends of the cause are requested to be present* Mr. L. E. Warner ah 3 lady start for Kansas this week. Mr. Waruer is our Town Constable and has filled the office well. Notice of a new election will be next in order. RIMCWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALER There hive been no Births, Marriages, Deaths, or fights here this past week,consequently my communication will be short. The ladies afternoon prayer meeting is to be held at S. H. Walker's on Sat­ urday afternoon. if" The Ladies sociables Is to be hel^l at Wm. SmithVoj»Tuesday afternoon of this iweek,'. Miss Hattie Smith arrived home on Monday evening of last week,' from H y d e P a r k , w h e r e s h e h a s b e e n t h e past two or thre e years. Mr Northrup has been very slek for sometime, but under the care of Dr. Beers he is slowly recovering. We understand that Miss Lou. Wa­ terman has been engaged to teach the school lu Mr. Harsh's district this Spring. W. C. will probably learn what cer­ tain signs mean before another sing. It was noticed l^y some that he was rather surprised last Thursday eve. JONATHAN. LAKE COUNTY. BwtOR PLAINDEALER Judge <Mly presiding In the Circuit Court of Lake County, Is a pleasant, agreeable and dignified gentleman, deciding all points promptly with a most gracious smile, Severalsuits were disposed of, which mention but am compelled to be brief. First, Dogs killing sheep. Damages claimed $300. Verdict for the Plain »ift 976, with heavy costs. Joseph Davis vs Whit Fisher. Verdict for the defendant. The People vs Leroy King, for larceny. The boy discharged The People vsJohn Stotfeid of Volo. Pleads guilty on an old Indlctme nt.-- Fined 020 and costs and stands com­ mitted until the same is paid. By the influence of friends John Is permitted to go home with this fine hanging over litm as a reminder of what he will catch if he should fall to be a good boy. Two divorce bills granted and_A^fev^|J more unhappy ones wish to be un­ tied. The Davidson trial is set for the 19th. Davidson was brought down from Chicago the 16th, and appear; in ex­ cellent health. Forty witnesses are subpoenaed for the defense and the prospect is one week will be consumed in said trial. Burt is, the walkesc, finished his 1000 mile Walk on time; The last mile he walked in nine minutes and twenty seconds. The announcement was made that Burtls would endeavor to walk the last mile In less time then any mile he had made In the walk, and the assembly then showed astonish­ ment and many were sure of his failure but when time was called he spurted out on a three feet fine inch step, and finished up the greatest feat of walk­ ing on record, and the last mile in 9:20. The track is in Case's Warehouse, Is three feet wide, raised one to two inches and filled lu with saw dust, and it takes 26 laps or circles to make one mile and two inches. Our old friend and efficient Clerk, George Thompson, is on duty as usual this term, and performs that duty with accuracy and precision, and In the event of Ids • absenoe his place could hardly be fillled. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIKDKALER^Burglary it Austin ft Herman's hardware store on Tuesday night, and pocket-knives, table cutlery, shears, revolvers, etc., abstract­ ed, to the value of 9180. Van Cure n and Whig went to Janesvllle, but failed to connect, although the thieves had been there. If reports are reliable. If yon desire to avoid the mud, take the new road which lies about two feet below the old one. However the old roads are improving, spite of frequent rains. Last March, one year ago about these days, C. C. Blake, of Decatur, 11L, gave the weather probabilities for 1877-78--from April 1st, 1877, to April 1st, 1878. After giving each month specifically very nearly as the weather has actually been,he says, "Generally the Summer of 1877 will be quite wet. and the Winter of 1877-78 wiil be very mild, with much rain and some snow." Is this all gueis work or does it not in­ deed prove that, by the aid of science aud close observation In the application thereof, man cau toil with more or less certainty, the condition of the weather in the future? our Methodist Minister to the contrary notwithstand­ ing, who was understood to say, lu an evening discourse, not long since, in substance, *' that It was interfering with God's prerogative, for man, with all his scientific research, though he might apply himself, uever SO closely, to predict the state of the weather." The Red Ribbon still waves in our midst, but notwithstanding the right­ eousness of the cause, of which It Is the emblem, it is not likely to wave triumphantly very long, for already, though as yet no want of harmony has made Its appearance publicly, there are elements sleeping berieath, which are sure to prove discordant. Already some are discussing the propriety of their Club Rowin. on tlie plan proposed, asserting that it offers a premium for loafing and encourages the cultivation of habits of idleness, playing "games of chauce," thereby indirectly, prepar­ ing the youthful taste for gambling, and its usually unhealthy results, upon their minds. Already is the question of license or no-llcense, being discussed by members of the order, two radically diverse elements, aud when the time comes for action on tills vital question, you may as well expect to mix " oil and water,** tt> these two diverse ele ments to mingle harmoniously. uBut we shall see what we shall see." would that every drunkard conld be made to see aud feel the wretchedness caused by the maddening cup, and that every dealer In the poisonous stuff could be made to seek some other source of livelihood, but such wishes are vain, and will prove fruitless as long as one class of men are slaves to appetite and another to avarice, and I would not by any means, claim that the ruui-nellers, as a class, are any more avaricious than others. Our churches are full of avarice and pride, and just as clamorous for filthy lucure, seem to have little or no consclenclous scruples, how money£!s obtained, only so you get it. And it is my humble opiniou that as long as corn, rye, apples and grapes will grow,so long will they be cultiva­ ted, and as long as they are cultivated and mon^y can be made thereby, so long will wine, cider and whiskey be manufactured, and as long as maniifac-. tured so long will they be used as a beverage. Avarice on the one hand, slavish appetite on the other, each alike, sustaining the raising, uianufac- i&t and irafiiciog therein iBxtsbiess Notices* Books and Writing O. W. Owen's. School Cheap, at Stoves of all kinds cheaper than yon cau steal them, at John M. Smith** 1 th^.^spot. Sweeter Yd. f 4"'ifni Pounds Of Good Sugar for #1 at P. D. Smith's. Ladies Lined Shoes reduced tc former price ft.50, nt Fltxsimmons A Evanson's. - KEEP YOUR FEET WARM, Q Good Wool Lined Boots f&50 pair at Smith. Aldrich St Hayil Riverside Block, MeHenry. At Cost, Overcoating r ; At Bucklln A Stevens. • • ^ AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at- Public Auction, on his farm three and a half miles Southwest of Antioch, on Satur day, March 23d. 1878, commencing at 10 o*ciock A. M., the following property: 5 Cows.3 two year olds, 3 Yearlings, 2 Horses, 31 Sheep, 1 single Harness and about 500 bushels of Oats, TERMS OP SALE:--AH sums of #10 and under Cash. Oyer that sum a cred­ it of One Year will be given on ap­ proved Notes at 7 per oent interest.-- 5 per cent off for cash. M. M. BLUNT. MELVIN LITTLE, Aiictloneer. We make choice Teas i speciality. Will make extremly low prices and sell yon a choice article. Smith, Al» drlch & Haythorn. For bargains in Shirting flannel! U:id<jgwear, Clothing Ae., can at Smith Aldrich &• Hkj*thorn's Riverside mock. Tlnwafre, from a tin whistle toi Wash Boiler, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot.' A5;a SPECIAL BARGAINS TO CX.OS& Overcoats, Waterproofs, Nubias, Dress Goods, and all other Winter Goods at less than cost to close. P. p. Surra. WANTED. 5000 pounds of Choice Butter, far which we will pay the highest price In Gofeds at cash value. U'. v VrrcsiNMoxs * Kva*aw(fc} Freeman & Clark's celebrated fin* firoved Flax Mill is unequaled for clean ug Flax, Clover, and Timothy aeed and all kinds of grain, Call for clrfMI* lar at E. M. Owen's. #25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any one who will find one of our fiuffalio Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that is n<>t cast from a good, thick* piece of sole leather. P.D. SMXTU. * Near the Depot* MARKED DOWN AGAIN. .Overcoats, Underwear, Shawla, Flannels, Blankets, Wool-Lined Boots and Shoes, Men and Boys Caps, Ac., 4e. marked way down below wholesale pries* In ordpr t« close out. • i K,-a FlTZStMXOMS A EVJ ;v " -,*4 FOR SALE OR RENT. *" A House of 10 rooms, a stable and seven acres of land, situated in the vil­ lage of King wood. I will rent the house with or without the land. For particulars inquire of J. W. Cristy or W. Ladd at Ring wood. Mothers will find Dr. Wlnehelffc Teething Syrup just the medtelne to have in the house for the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try It, 80M by all Druggists* We can safely assert that Dr. Marsh­ all's Lung Syrup is the best remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and afl Bulmonnry complaints. Call on year 'rugglst and try a bottle. The price Is only 25 cents. Sold by A. B. Gilbert MeHenry. GILBERT'S BUTTER COLOR. Will color white Butter so perfectly natural that an expert cannot detect the difference. Sold bv Druggists and Groceries generally. Try It. Manu­ factured by A. B. Gilbert, MeHenry, 1Ubw\-\ - • • St-'M . : BOOTS A SHOES. It I* a conceeded fact that the Baflb- lo Custom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior on the market. 8electo4 stock. Warranted work. For sale >r Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn, RlversldM Block, MeHenry. N. O. afoax. Low T*r With Increasing cold weather Males those dreadful Coughs and Colds, which aro so eaaily and effectually cured with Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. It is always warranted to give satisfac­ tion. Price onlv 25 cents. Sold by A. B.Gilbert. MeHenry, 111. ^ ; ! RESUMPTION. 4'"*' ie basis sf rBoia|nit.JA 1ifttv AUCTION SALE. The subscribe? will sell at Public Auction, 011 the farm now occupied by him, one mile East of the Griswold Lake Cheese Factory, on the Wilson, farm, adjoining the Ed. Wood farm, four miles North of Wauconda, and two iniles West of Vulo, on Tuesday. March, 20th, 1878, commencing at 11 o'clock A. M.. the following property: 28 choice Cows, comprising as desira­ ble a Dairy as can be found In MjIIcii- rv County, 2 two vear old Heifers, 3 Yearling Heifers. 1 two year old Bull, 26 Shoarp, 3 Sows with Pig*, and one span of Work Horses, together With a lot of farming utensels. A Free Lunch will be spread ntnoon precisely. TERMS or 8ALC.-*-AU sums under |10 Cash. All sums of $10 aud over Eight Months time, with approved Notes drawing 7 per cent Interest. Time purchasers will be dlaoouuted 3 per cent for cash. CHArxor O. PAHUB. F. G. CieANORft, Auctioneer. ENJOY LIFE. What,* truly beautiful world we llvohsl Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans,aud thous­ ands ef means for enjoyment. We «a»- deslreno better when In perfect health ; but how often do the majority of pea- pie feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worried out with dis­ ease, when there Is 110 occasion for this feeling, as every .sufferer can easily ob­ tain satisfactory proof that Greeks' August Flower will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct cause of seventy-five per cent of such mal sdies as Biliousness, Indigestion Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Pros­ tration, Dizainess of the Head, Palpi­ tation of the Heart, and other distress­ ing symtoma. Three djoees of August Flower will prove it ̂ wonderful efleei. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try It* ' PUMPS, t-!.V fttock of Adamt Our Druggists nil any they Int never sold any medicine that gives such universal satisfaction as Dr. -MtnhalPs Long Syrup fer Coughs, Colds, eto. It has no equal. Price 25 "eatfc Held 1$^ A. B, Gilbert, MeHenry. There is no earthly bao# more p»sahMt than good health, audit behooves Its. possessor to endeavor to retain it. If you are assailed with such provoking ills as sick headaches, torpid liver, sour stomach and a general feeling of wear­ iness and disgust, don't go and commit suicide but*take Eilert'sDaylight T.Ivor Pllta end be enred. t*eld by nil iiNAM- gilt.. ^ ' ' ' FOR RENT. A nice 'Tenament of four Rooms lu the Brick Building, over the Post Office. A pply of Perry A Martin or S* M. Owen. ' •-- How About Sweetening ? We have lots of it and more Ifc coming and atJ^OURTEEN ana 1-2 pounds for One Dollar, ii>4 •till sutgect to any further #|p dine.' - BUCKLIN & STKVEHS; ̂ - J . . • -----• It should be the dutv, as well as pleasure of all joumuHu, to import such useful information*© the wadero of their papers as vettlMMii to tlkelr »'ell-behig and healtb^P^QMS S**o anyone from an hournHgpli^p^ Ijevo ee»- coinpllshed somegoog'nitins world.--* Now, we know that tip i|rlei we MO about to give wllljiave wanr «f mmr friends from ayast amount Of snfltrlng% especially tlioie who are tronblod With rheumatism, nSsnMi, or sciaMca. Call on your drvgglst fee a bottle of Lawson's Curative, and use It faithfully, for any aohe, pain Infiamsao- tlon you may have* and, «ur word Ibr it you will thank «a for our advfco--- For sale by H, Colby, Druggist, Mo- Ilenry. Ill, A lai*e »to Kenosha Pump. The at lowest prtols, at t f#le|Mtotod MA|tif|iy.n TURKEK--TURNER--At lb® the father, SOLON, March JSTK, by R*T- J* H. Hacon, Mr. Robert Tamer sod Mis* II. Turner, both of RteboMNKi. MAYraitIV-«t'4RK~At Mpn©nrrs Mwofc jT'.h, by Junes i Perry, nnvforrt. Afjetmsoa, Vt„ *sd Mrs. I.«*iala A. Oiark, of MeHoaiy lii SKYMOUR--Ow eft Mo elerg; ~ -- 8th. In HOT. K

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