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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1878, p. 5

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4f: A* V Isi Jf^enry piaiifafor. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th, 1678. J JT. VAN SLYKE, Kditor. # THK COMIKQ QUK8TION. The next question to come befort the country will be - the greenback ^| problem. There Is a rapidly growing idea that the government should lur- j nish directly, the currency required | by the people. The worljinjjs of our *1 present meney system are so nearly _j satisfactory that the people will de- ^ tnand a still further Improvement* and H make the plan much nearer perfect.. If „ the^Governnient is to be responsible V":< for the National Bank Issues, why not Issue the money directly and thus save the Interest on the bonds which are ^ pledged as security for their redemp- ***$ tionf The bonds might be taken up If the national notes wer« withdrawn equal amount of. dollars be ' 11 and an | Issued Instead. These que stions will have to be answered soon, and there is little doubt as to how they will be answered. There is no currency better than that which is issued by the nation, and based upon the good faith of the na­ tion, and the entire wealth of the peoplf. The history of the past fifteen yours demonstrates- this. No one doubts the value of a Treasury note-- ' qo one hesitates to take it in exchange for values, and it is good in all of the States. Since the general government assumed the entire control of the cur rency we have had none of these com­ plications that were caused by the State banks. The war taught Us a financial lesson that we were slow to learn. It showed us that the Govern­ ment could aud ought to control the currency. The system then Inaugura­ ted sto^d the test of the war--it has since stood the test of peace which was n>ore difficult. During all the pressure of the past few years no one has dis­ trusted the quality of our circulating medium. What the people will de­ mand is that Congress shall enact that all the paper mouey shall be Treasury notes, and that our banks sh all be banks of discount, and not banks of is§ne. We hereby predict that this ' will be the great question in the poli­ tics of the near future. FOR STA**.*r*H»U|* : Among the Republican candidates talked of for State Treasurer are John S. Peters, now Clerk of the State Treasurer; Hon. E. C. Hamburger, now Clerk of the Supreme Court, central grand division; Thos. S. Bidgway, who held the office from 1874 to 1876; Oen. J. C. Smith, of Jo Daviess, late Grain Inspector: and Hon. W. Bushnell, of Ottawa. The Democratic candidates for Treasurer are Ml. M. Pool, of Gallatin; John Forsythe, of Coolc; E. L. Conk- rite, of Stephenson; J. E. Herrington. of Kane; W. A. Cochrane, of Shelby; Hon. A. A. Glenn, of Brown; W. D. Richardson, of Winnebago; W. E. Corlin, of Jersey; and W. R. Priekett, of Madison. S. S. Jade,of Macon; G. D. Plant, of Cook; A. M. Brooks, of Springfield; are the Democratic aspirants for nomi­ nation as Superintendent of Public In­ struction; while of tne Republicans, Hon. N. Bate man; W. B. Powell, of Kane; E. L. Wells, of Ogle; and Prof, Boltwood, of Princeton, are mention­ ed. Ex-Treasurer Hon. Thos. Kidgway, one of the Republican candidates for Treasurer, is one ot* the best financiers lathe State, and the people would do themselves honor by electing him again to that position. IttAGTlCE OF MKDICINK. As considerable is now being said about the new law in relation to the practice of Medicine, we publish be­ low , for the information of our read- ore, Section 12 and IS of said law, which shows the whole thing in a nut­ shell. 19. [License--Venders of Drugs.] Any itinerant vender of any Drug, nostrum ointment, or appliance of any kind, intended for the treatment of disease or injury, or who shall, by writing or printing,or any other meth­ od, publicly profess to cure or treat diseases, injury, or deformity by any drug, nostrum manipulation or other expedient, shall pay a license of one hundred dollars (|l00) a month, to be collected in the usual way. 13. [Penalty for not Complying with ft.] Any person practicing medicine or surgery in this State without com­ plying with the provisions of this act, shall be punished by a fine of not less than lifty dollars (850) nor more than five hundred dollars (#>00), or by im­ prisonment in tli«* countv jail for a period ot not less than thirty days nor more than three hundred ana sixty-five days, or by both such fine and impris­ onment for each and every oftensa; and any person filing or attempting to file, as his own, the diploma or .certifi­ cate of another, or a forged affidavit of Identification, shall be guilty of a fel­ ony, and, ajpon conviction shall be anbjcct to isuch tine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the stat­ utes of this State for the crime of forgery, but the penalties shall not be enforced till on and aftor the thirty* first day of December eighteen hund­ red and seventy-seven; Provided That the provisions of this act shall not ajS- ply to those that have been practicing medicine ten years within this State. UTK DAIRY MARKKTg. New York, March 18th, 1878. Butter.--Receipts f&r the week were 14.830 packages; exports, 3,579 packages. The market is dead and nominal. Receipts are heavier than expected and the unusually warm weather has had a depressing effect.-- The price list commences at 7 to9c. for stale, long-stored or otherwise very common stock, and 10 to 12c. for solid western store-packed butter or any common greesy, cheesy or partly ran­ cid State butter and so all along up from, say 12 to 18 to 20c. for fairish State stock as in quality. Twenty to twenty-four cents buys nice fresh fac­ tory western make, and State butter has got to be-very good to compete with It. Buyers take this western fresh mill butter In preference and it is difficult to know what is to become of the early made State dairy butter. Cheese.--Receipts for the week were 14,205 boxes. Exports 27,789 boxes. Fine white cheese are scarce here and holders have something to say about the price, but the quotations of other descriptions are nominal-- best colored cheese say 13 to 13Jc.-- We quote: Fine September and Octo­ ber make 13$ to 14c.; fair to good do., 12 to 13c,; early made good to fine, 10 to 13c,; part skimmed and oft flavor, 8 to 10c. Annual Town NOTICE U Hereby Given to the citisena. legal voters of the Town of McHenry, In the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, that the Anna*! Town Meetingto* said Town will be held at the Council Rooms, in said Town, on Tuesday, the *1 dkjr of April next, being the first Tuotday In said Mbptlt, for the purposes via: First--To choose a Modeiator to preside at •aid Meeting. Secondr-To ele«t One Snperrlanr, One Town Clerk, One Assessor, One Collector, One Overseer of the Poor, One Commissioner of Highways, and as many round Master* a* the Poor, One Commissioner of determine. Third- To vote for, or against the payment of Road Tax in labor. Fourth--To vote for or against the pnrcbaae of the Baptist Church, tn the village of Mc- Henrv for the use of the Township. And to act upon any additional subjects which ma/, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting when convened. Which meeting will lie called to order be­ tween the hours of nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon, una kepi open until six o'clock in the afternoon. Given uuder my hand, at McHenry, this 18th day of March, A. D. 1378. M. KeCteb, Town Clerk. G A R R I S O N S EARLY FAVORITE •m TUB 13ASTEKN WAR. From the present outlook it seems that a general Eastern war in which four or fire powers are likely to become engaged, is imminent. The Chicago Post, speaking of this matter says: ^The rumor that England is deter­ mined to have war in any event, is strengthened by the continued activity it Woolwich. The men are working from three to five hours extra time each day, and the force is exceedingly large. In the military schools cadets are being forced through, the terms being shortened nearly six months, to supply officers for the vacancies in the army. Either war is intended or else the Government Is recklessly using Its .. tnoney.1 .That England has now got herself In a position where she must either fight or back square down is certain. What •rill be done time al«»ne can tell. In very short time " we shall seo what we •ball see.* Points for Business Men* 1. All men in business must adver­ tise In some way. All men In business do advertise, somehow. 2. Newspapers afford tbo best gen­ eral medium. 3. The object in advertising Is simply to bring buyer and seller! to- together--succcssful advertising must, therefore, do three things: A. Be intelligible aud explicit as to the things on sale. B. It must reach the class likely to buy. C. It must pureuade them that It will be to their advantage to come and buy. 4. The interests of sellers, buyers and advertising medium are mutual. 5. Sellers, buyers and newspapers are all three equally Interested in sus­ taining this mutual relation. 6. The Common notion of patronage as regards newspapers is falHclous.-- As all persons are buyers, all sellers should be advertisers. As nearjy all persons are sellers, all buyers should take newspapers--In both cases for their owu sake, not for the newspaper's sake. 7. The profits of well-conducted newspapers are a measure of the busi­ ness prosperity of the community.-- We all thrive together by contribut­ ing to the support of om another. This is truth in a nutshell, and needs but a line or two to make it perfect, to-wit; Nearly every successful busi­ ness man in the country who has made a large fortune in trade, lias been a liberal advertiser in newspapers. T O M A T O . This new Tomato is without donbt the Ear­ liest and Best Variety grown; else above me­ dium, smooth as an apple, nearly round; very solid, fine flavor, and excellent quality every way. Fruit is a beautiful dark crimson clus­ ter, large, ripening evenly and perfectly, be­ ing free from the hard center core which many varieties possess. From seed sown in open ground in latitude of Northern Illinois and Southern Wi-c.onsin, fruit begins ripen­ ing Jnlv 15th to 20th. After fi years of expe­ rimental testing we have yet to see an imper­ fect specimen. GARRISON BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Greenwood, 111 Seed can be procured at this office. t -DEALERS IN-- Boots, Shoes, AND RUBBERS, Have just received the largest and best assortment of Goods in their line ever brought to McHen­ ry County. We buy and sell Exclusively For Cash. CAN DISCOUNT ALL PRI­ CES advertised in county j»a]fyera at least twenty per cent. We have a pair of Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for every man, "wo­ man and child in the county.-- Call and look at them. Corner Main St., and Public Square. Wood stocky III. *" * * .ft c #' : *00; •V* ,'^.jrjri .( I ... jMtn f pi m ill) Iiiiji|1|'i|i'» ' f «i*( A • ' •• »•* ' v&'l .*,1 itifp fH«f,, -*m-r ••?,!:>> tj 'tin: •{<> f.I ..nff '.f'{ ••• t if h 'l-r.t '• t"i• • ' * y ; T! • •« ! f«< i i i<l I'll1! 'nil t juy Tour i1 > r m v y . t t tij >J 1 * »_ < ?" 1 ' 1 . ft' 4 ' ' -i vf , ..VI -' Jnttf i. BUCKLIN WILL **• *4 % 'in n't i ,•* lirtiww. tv . > :t¥: i c*ft •? t»: I,?,- ' jh--i « n- «'n * a,:;., IN A FEW. DAYS. * "fa.*.-; rr-f •\ \ /MS* .HH ' a' i Riverside Block, McHenry. "Will not be excelled, either in quality of Goods or Iiow Prices, oy an J- in this or adjoining counties. Cash or Ready-Pay and One Price is our motto. And Thereby Save Money si* ~ 01iirer Am WilUr(1» BOItoMn Ulef of the Chiilgo Post, died very suddenly At tbe Palmer House, In that etty on Sunday last, after an Ulueut of iiily three days. T..- fGFTlie Wauk«fau Patriot «ays: q^lohB F. Farnaworth. wlw wag report- |N0 a8 liarliig m«ved Into this Ceng re •loual District, is put forth by the dem- $Crat8 of the Fourth as their man. Oaix and see the best Ooal Stove In |he market, %t John M. Smith*# pear MsJndfmcnt Against Bsraam. Mr. P. T. Bariium emphatically con­ tradicts the report which has been pub­ lished in various papers--the Sun among the number--that a verdict for •40.000 had been found against htm in Cincinnati for libeling some rival showmen, whom he charged with using his cuts, copying his bills, announce bills, Ac. lie affirms that the verdict was rendered against Mr. W. C. Coup, alone, and was based upon the state­ ments of one of the agents of the Cin­ cinnati show; that the verdict is ridic­ ulously large, and that Mr. Coup's at­ torneys will appeal the case. Mr. Barmjm adds that he will continue to expose, prosecute and punish all per­ sons who attempt to trad* upon his popularity and reputation as a caterer to the ahiu&emeut of the publia. He claims to own every dollar invested in his owu establishment, known as "the Oreatect Show on Earth,"* and that he has no sort or kind of Interest In any other show, not wltlietaudi»g the con­ tinual assertions.of ether showmen In the country.--New York Sun, > KHlubli^heU ibt46, GILMORE & CO., Attorneys at Lawf HamMMm le <'tel|»tnnn, Iluainer ft Ct. 829 F Street, "Washington, D. O American and Foreign Patents. PKLMIis procured in all coiinirifR No RAN IN advan'ok. No i-hsu'r« ihiIock ilie patent l» jntiitfd. No for iniiUitifr |»r«*lin»innry ^sami< aaiiuu«. No nddiiioiinl fW*» lor obiaininr and coniliietiiii; n rn|i«[triitK. S|>c<>i:il ntieunon irive* U* liiterf«*ifii«'e <!.ws hi»for» ih«» Patent OtHca Ezirnsiono Itefore CoMKrenH, l»friiifi*mpnt Suiw in rtifremit. Stairs, niut till liii^nlion «p|k>rt:un ing to Invention* «r PtilHiiiN. &KNU Syami-VOR rANI-IIMCtOrMXTt PAUHA. United States Courts and Departments. (JlniiiiA |iruw'cin«l in llm Sii|>ri>tti)k Court of Urn I'tiitpil Slaies, < 'onrtof Convtof< Juinmis- •ioiici'.s til Alithatna (llainis, Somlifrn <;ominisKion, timl all cl:i!<riPK of war daium before lh^ Et«viiliv« II«|«rMnwilJi. Arrears of Pay and Bonnty, OrrnKiiK, M)i i»iKiis. and ^aii.okk of the lute war, or ilirir li»>ir«, rn in tmny i-nscis •>nlitl«rt lo moiitty tioni iiiH(jovfrnin«'iit, of wliioh iliey tiave do knowledge. Write lull liUtoiy of wttrvice, and •laic ainoiuti. of-|Miy and bounty received, liu- cIo<m* stainp, and a full ie|>|jr, after will be given you free. Pensions. All orricans, wi.imiciis, mimI naii.onk wounded ruptured, or injured in the late war, however •lightly, can oliiaiu ninny now receitr- lag |t«tii»ioiiM are entitled u< nil hwreiis*. Send •tiuup nud infoi'maiion will be furuiislied free. United States General Land Offiee. Contested I<:ilid Private J,aud ('(aims, idiinuK Pre-empt ion mid lloineRtvad <'»»•»», prose­ cuted before I lie (jeueral l«aud OfliMnnd l)«part- ment of tiie tuierioi. Old Bounty Land Warrants. The Init lieitori of ilie Ooniiuisidoiier of the General l»'iud Ollice fliow# 2,6tfT/t0t) ac.rvp of Boun­ ty l^tind WarrautH oniHtaudui^ Tiieae wereis- •ned under iua of I8GA mid S'lior We pay rash for I hem. Send by rejjM'eied .eiter. Where AtKilMiuienMi are iiii|>erlieei we give iutlrucUuui to |H»rlect them. Em it deparimenl of our luieineM le couducMl in a «ei>ar:ite bureiiti. under the charge 4>f ex|S* tieneeu lawyers and clerk*. liy reason of error or fraud many attorney* are MiMpendi'd from practice before ilie Pension and other ufllce* eiich year. (Haimautn, wlimt attorney* have lieeu iiiu» ni«>i>ended..will be Kiaiiiiioui.lv liuuislieil wiili full information aud proper p:ijM*r>i on application to us. An we chiii'ire no fee unlew rucvesafttl, (UUBff for return ^iionld Vie sent u«. I.iix'ial :iri;iiix< i;u'iii» made with Attorneys in *111 Ihmim o( litiAineks. CO^ p. it. WAHiMNwrOM, 1». Sovemtmr 24,187«. I Uke pleaHiire it. expre^ing mv entire deilce in the <•tUfmntihUUft anil fttelity ot the '-aw, Piiient aud Collection |i««&e of UikMOMB a Co, of thin city. OHO. 11. B. WHITE, i^Mc Sotiunnl Mrtrojiolitan Ban* > BUCKLIN te (STEVENS. MaHtnry, Jan. 80tA, 1878. P.D.SMITH. Near the Depot, McHenry. F. G. ME R C H A N T TAILOR . And Dealer in and Cloak Making ItOOMS. Address GULMORE 6c O. Mox 44. Washington. MONTHLY MADE. Af(»ta wanted County rights jriven gratifi f,.r the sale of seven well-known ftUiwWd Medicines needed In every family; reputation world­ wide;'established many yettrs; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrious, energetic, person can make snuff permanent income and very liberal terms, by addressing with reference, 233 Chestnnt Street, Philadelphia. Mrs. D. A. Dodge AXD MM* Mollie Stacker, Take this method of informing the Ladies of McHenry and vicinity, that thev have opened Rooms, opposite Perry A Martin's Store, Mc Henry, where they are now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS AND CLOAK MAKNG On Short Notice, in the Best Manner and at Reasonable Hates. WAlsn Agents for Madam Griswold's cele­ brated Corsets. Give us a call and we will try and please you. •9~Remember the place, opposite Perry A Martin's Store. Fox River Valley Mills. s R, BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - Illinois. HI s i n . CONSTANTLY UN HAND. CUSTOM GRINDIJFG Done nroraptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Having inst nut in a new reed Stone, capable of grinding sixty bnthels of Peed per honr. 1 am prepared to do your grilling on short no­ tice. SWThe Hlghestplarket Price paid for good Milling Wheat. R. BISHOP- Mellenry 111., Dec. Uth, U77. 8EADT - IDE CLOTOI1, Invites the public to an inspection of his newly purchased Stock. 13^"Prices to suit the Times and Goods Warranted as represented. - CUTTING DONE AS USUAL. • Store One Eoor North of Colby's Drug Store. McHenry, 111.. Sept. 12th» 1877. DttlffioiilX RING'S AMBROSIA BEBTOBBS OKAY HAUft to ns ORIGINAL COLOR RING'S AMBROSIA ERADICATES DANDRUFF, Caret Btmors, AKD Itoblziff Of tbo soalp. RING'S AMBROSIA PravttBts Baldses tOLD BY DRUQOI9TS And MERCHANTS EMnwhere mm Dwiir E.M.Tubbs»(a The IMoHenrf MEAT MARKET. Sold fcy KtaNRY COLBY, McHenry, UL The undersigned having pnrchaied the neat Market of Win. Fisher, is now- prepared to furnish the citizens of McHenry ana sur» rounding country with Fresh and 8alt OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats. Ac., AT TIIE Lowest Living Partoe*. In the beginning we notified all our cus­ tomers that we intended to do a Cash busi­ ness, and in trying to accommodate a few for a day or two we liiive more on our books than we want. We now give notice that after March 1st, we will not ltnok a cents worth of meat to no man, womnn or child. Take notice and govern yonrselv es accordingly. » Frett Sl S6u, McHehkt, ni., Feb. 25th, 1878. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for yeare from Nervous Debility, Premature De­ cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre­ tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, *end free to all who need it, the recipe and lirection for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adviseVs experience can do so >>y addressing in perfect confidence JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New Tnrk Land For Sale. THE undersigned has a nnmber of pieces of Land which he oilers for Sale, situated as follows: 14 Acres of Timber Land, in Seottoft 1* Nun. •la Township. 4ft Acre.? in Section 12, Nunda 20 Acres in Section 3, Nnnrta. 80 Acres in Section 22, Nunda, with honse. !>arn, orchard, well t'enced»and watered. 64 icres under improvement and balance timber I will also sell my Home Farm, containing 132 Acres, good buildings, and under a good statu of cultivation. Any or all of the above will be told on the most reasonable term*. I also have on Suction 22 ten tons of gno<l Hay, put up in good shape, whirh I -»-ill sell for f3 per ton. JOHN FLUSKY. McHenry,11.1.| Sept. SAth, 1877. " t wr

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