WEDNESDAY, JULY 8d, 1878. Railroad Time Table. OOIHO SOUTH. Renera Lake PiMncer.... Genera Laka Inmi Gmwn Lake PreW..~..... ... Guew Lake Thm«fe Freight.. I IM-..-" , OOtKO VOBTH. 6*MTI Lake Through Fral^it.., f J}, t»ew»* Lake Freight. <lM Oeueva Lake Bxprem , - anw*> Lake Pa--eager.. *. *. ....I:SA. V. .. l:»r. M. ....MDr, *. i'JSbx. *. »:# P. *! .I*r. N m BSD BIBSO* OL0B. jsfK£ss;ss£s?Ksr>a'! . . „ J. If. MCOMBBB, PMKLML A. ¥. PARSOKB. Scrretarr. M 5%; fe- BTKAMHOAT BXCOttMll. %he Steamer " Excelsior " will make ^ *n Excursion to Fox Lake and ittnrn >, f^«n 8unday next, July 7th, leaving Mo- , Henry at one o'clock and returning at 'f p. lit. Fare for round trip 60 cents. " ' Jl-- 1 THE Public School closed to dayv-- 'Jfe,,Thew will be two months vacation. . • ------ ScRiBKEina and St. Nicholas for July, -.•.•6-fjjust received AT the PLAIN DEALER J/*«Newe Boom. O. BISHOP, hat been making an !m- f provement by erecting a substantial ^Awning in front of his Warehouse. HIF | ALL tho Daily and Weekly Papers, fjMagazlnes, etc.. can be found at the PLAINDEALER News Room. THOSE of our subscriber* who have ^promised us wood will please br ng It along, as we are In need of now. ' I just - A very excellent report of the cloe- !lng Exercises of the Blohosond High ^ ^School can be found on another nam « , • • "•«! i?'is paper FOCMD, on the street, in this Tillage, a roll of Perforated Card Board. The owner cau have the same by calling at this ofllce. 'im n~ To make picnic lemonade--Take a barrel, fill it with water, put In two f?s|poundi of sugar, and one lemon, and ; refill with water as often as the barrel isempty. "THE Methodist Society have com menced the erection of a Parsonage on their lot east of the church. The cel lar has been dug and the foundation laid. A correspondent writes us that ho set ahen on an old tomato can, recently and she hatched five bottles of catsup, with lithographed labels, and a dozen fine tomato plants. As to the character of the gentleman for varacity we would say that he is unlike Geo. Washington, for he can tell a lie but he worCt. There fore our readers can take the story for what it is worth. No person who passes the residence of Qeo. Schreiner can fail to notice his handsome Flower Garden. It Is 'beau tifully arranged in beds, with walks between, and the variety of flowers are sf the choicest to bs found Is* this section. There Is nothing we so much nice to see as a handsome flower gar den, and there art but few ahead of Mr. Schreiner'*, ; r WE learn that our city Marshal re quires all tramps who lodge In the cooler to read a chapter in the Bible and ask the blessing before be will give them their breakfast. He Is now himself busy learning that simple lit tle prayer "now 1 lay me down to sleeps and will soon start on a tonr, with a view of starting Sunday Schools for the conversion of tramps, ^""THB Dancing public should not for get the Party at the Biverslde House, in this village, on the 4th. Wightinan .is sparing no pains to iftake it pleasant >(or all who attend. The Hall has been thoroughly renovated, and the floor never was in better condition than at the present time. Look out for a good time at the Biverslde to-morrow even ing. THE Sycamore Republican says that •"The Walton ian Club,n of Sycamore is the name of an Association of 25 AttJiAn; of thst plays " I.o have aaitsi to build and furnish a club house OH Hickory Point on Fox Lake. It will Ira built early this summer and fitted out with boats and all the appliances for having a good time in a quiet sum mer retreat in the best spot for fishing and hunting In Northern Illinois.-- Mr. Benj. Page is looking after the interests of the association. r " Fourth of July Celebration IF in want of auythiug in the Den tistry line do not fall to call on Dr. Bice at the Biverside House. He is one of the best Dentists In the Northwest, and his prices are as low as the lowest. THE FOX Bivcr Base Ball Club chal lenged the Blchmond Club to a Mend* the Biclimondites would not accept. Wh-vt Is the matter, boys? Are you af ailtf the "Foxes?" * ;lp ii» clergyman has ?a be fays, an antidote dts* for « l y g a m e o f B a l l o n S a t u r d a /Dff!?flftf$* * curiosity the other day in the shape of a Potato. It was a com mon sised potato, of last years growth with a new potato just showing itself from Its side, the old one having burst open at the point where the small one made its appearance. It was no soft huth. but a perfectly hard, sound pota to, the size of a walnut, and having the appearance of one grown in the ground. Some of our oldest settlers who have examined it say they never saw the like before. It can now be seeu at this ofllce. AF cove re flies. ' the name of suffering huuiaimy. shoul 1 flies have au antidote Give -lie u raise, by the jugful, Mr. CLER /ytnan, but «' thout the antidote. W t learn that L. Morse, cf this vil lage met with quite a severe accident on Monday by falling from a ladder yWhile picking Cherries. Mr. iforse Is a mat well advanced in years bat his friends hope that his Injuries may not prove very severe. , A beautiful Boquet of flowers graoes our sanctum, while its redolent per fume pervades every part of the office. It came from the flourishing flower garden of the Bev. Mrs, Wheeler, of this village, to whose kindly remain- bra nee w«sre Indebted for the same. WE are requested to give notice that the last rehearsal of the Singing Class for the 4th of July Celebration will take place at the Universalist Church this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o.clock. All the singers are reques ted to be on hand at the appoiuted time. COL. NASH'S barn was entered on Saturday nlglit laat and a new Lap Bo be taken. The Colonel Informs us that he knows who the individuals were and If they wish to avoid trouble they will do well to immediately "walk up to the Captain's office and settle.? word to the wise," Ac. ~ » i. STATION Agent Buss informs us that Excursion Tickets will be sold at this Station July 4th, for all points North and South, where celebrations are be ing held, at one and one-fifth fare, for round trip. Celebrations are to be held at Geneva Lake, Crystal Lake and Elgin. WE notice that the walks along 'many of our streets are lined with a thrifty growth of weeds, which are f* »ot ®B'3r unsightly to the eye but very unpleasant for pedestrians, especially after a rain. A few minutes work by each in front of their residence would remove this nuisance and much im prove the looks of our village. LIEUT. SARL THOMAS, of the regular army is now visiting friends is this county, and on Thursday laat iu com pany with Johnny Wheat of W$od- ^ stock visited this village, chartered I he Steamer "Excelsior** and made * a , t rip to Fox Lake. We did not have the pleasure of meeting the , Llenten- ant, but we are informed that lie Is hale and hearty, and looks as fie on the frontier in tywte Satn'si ?ioe agreed with him. B. M. TAYLOR will deliver a Ffce Lecture in the Universalist Church, in this village, on Sunday evening next, July 7th on the fallowing subject: "The first days work in the week of Creation." Mr. Taylor advertised this Lecture onoe before but was obliged to postpone It on aceoun t of the Metho dist Church being occupied. He has now secured the Universalist Church aud will positively give this Lecture on Sunday evening next.,: Let him have is ftall house. t ^ V ' / '* F. A. HEHARD, of this village, showed Under r #n«^l|lF. the Auspices •: Bed Ribbon Club« The Bed Blbbon Club W McHenry have resolved to celebrate the coming Anniversary of American Independ ence by a Basket Picnic Celebration, in Wheeler's Grove, on the East banks of Fox Biver, and invite all Liberty lov ing people, without regard to sect; nationality, political ot religious creed to join with them. • President of the Day--John Jf» Mc- Omber. & Vice Presidents--Presidents of all Bed Blbbon Clubs and other Tefcper- ance organizations.. Chaplain--Rev. W. A. Adron. Header--Bev. Joel H. Wheeler. Orator of the Day--Judgo B. N. Smith. Speeches will also be made by Bev. Wm. Bice, Hon. E. M. Dennis, Hon. K. K. Granger, Wm. Niekle, H. W. Mc Lean and others. ; Marshals--Geo. Hanly Parsons. The Ladi ss of the White Blbbon Club will fiiiultb Meals on the Grounds to all who wish at reasonable rates. PROGRAMME. The Procession will form at • <fclodt A. in front of the Parker House, under direction of the Marshals, led by the McHenry and other Banda that may be present, will marc'* to the Grove, and after being called to order by the Presldeut, the exercises will be as follows: 1st. Opening Piecc by the 3d. Prayer by the Chaplain. 3d. Music by the McHenry Band. 4th. Beading of the Declaration of Independence. 6th. Music by the Waitconda Band. 8th. Oration by Judge B. N. Smith. DIKNKR. After Dinner will rs-assemble at the stand where the Exercises trill he resumed as follows: 1st. Music by the Betid. 2d. Speeciies by Bev. Wm. Rice. Hon. E. M. Denuis, Hon. F. K. Granger, Wm. Nickle. H. W. McLean and other* to be interspersed with music. 8d. Singing America by the Choir, the entire assembly to join iu, 4tli. Benediction. This is emphatically t|M < Peoples' 6elebratlon, and it is hoped and ex pected that the citizens of McHenry will turn out enmasse, and hot only unite in the exercises of tin day but also In bringing their Dinners to the Grove, and join with the invited guests to make the d»y one long to be remem bered with pleasure by all. The Steamer "Excelsior1* win make short Excursion trips during tye day for the accommodation of all. [ /mh. , Antv <»l AND MRS. GEO. OWEN lost their only child, a little girl eighty months .old, on Thursday morning last. The GIsease was said to^tm a complaint of mumps and diptherla. They have the svmputhy of all Iu this sad be reave- Miss GAVIN'S Beading at the Univer salist Church on Thursday evening was not as well attended as we would like to have seen It. nor as it deserved, but nevertheless was highly appreciated by those who did attend. She Is cer tainly one of the finest Readers we ever heard, and we predict will one day eclipse any reader that ever ap peared before tire public. Her selec tions on Thursday evening were ren dered in an easy and effective manner. her power of imitation being such that the listener almost thinks lie is listen ing to the originals themselves. MESSRS. CURTIS A WALKER had a new smoke stack for the engine at the Pickle Factory come by freight the other morning, the car being switched off on the side track next to tbe Fac tory. A short time afterwards men were sent to unload It, when lo, there crawled from the inside of it a M Jack of Spades,51 or In other words, ail American gentleman of African decetit; about fifteen years of age. From his own account it appears that while the cars were at the Depot in Chicago lie had crawled in there to have a quiet snooze, and only awoke when It was too late to make his escape. We have heard of a u nigger in the fence" bej fore new but never before of a nigger in a smoke stack. •5' 1 $ BRAINARD'S Musical World for June is ou our table, and contains besides the usual large amount of Choice New Music and interesting musical litera ture, an eight page "Festival Supple ment," giving a complete report and critical review of the recent Musical Festival in Cincinnati, from the pen of the chief editor of the World, Karl Merz-Fsq., one ef the most reliable musical writers and critics iu the country. It is the best report of the Festival we have yet seen. The Mm- leal World is the leading Musical Journal in the United States and de serves the immense circulation it en joys. Sead 15 ceuts for Sain pie Copy or $1.60 for year.* Address the publish ers, S.Brainard's Sous. Cleveland, O. Teeth extracted aud filled In the most skillful manner by Dr. Bice. Riv erside House, Mclieqry. Consultation Free, K - . . • , "rata** Money to Loan. From one to sixteen hundred dollars, on good security. Apply at this office. REPORT OP DISTRICT HA », NDNp/, The following are the names of the scholars that have not been absent for the month ending June 27th: Gordon Beckley, Julia Powers, Ella Powers, Bio Mack, Anna Powers, Hugh Mack, Charles Goft. Etta Powers, Lizzie Flanders. Molly Holcomb, Mortle Gil bert, Emma, Rowley aud Lewy Golf. The following are thorn who have had perfect lessons: Emma Jlowley, Maud Mack, Anna Powers. Etta Pow ers, Huttie Gofl. Ellen Doherty, Lizzie Flanders and Marion Peck. The following are those who have not whispered: Gordon Beckley, Anna Westfall, Hattie Gofl, May Parks, Marion Peek, Etta Powers. Molly Hol comb Emma Bowley, Lizzie Flaaders, Julia Powers, Mary Doherty and Freddy Gofl. The following Is the report of my A. class in spelling: Lizzie Flanders, 350; Etta Powers, 350; Anna Powers, 1-360; Eilen Doherty, 1-280; Hattie Gofl, 2-280 Anna Westfall, 7-230; Welcome Beckley 20-300; Charles Gofl, 16-310; Maud Mack, 350; Emma Bowley, i-350; Ella Powers 3-350; May Parks.. 4-220; Mary Westfall, 22-300; True Flanders, 11-270; Mortle Gilbert,^20^340; Leer A. KAU, Teacher. at Artificial Teeth only per set. Dr. Bice's office, Biverside House. A new stock of Embossed and Trans fer Pictures that will suit the most fastidious. Tidy Patterns large and small. 52 shades of Zephyr. Cardinal, Seal Brown aud Navy Blue Hose of the finest quality. Embroidery Silk for Cloaking, at Mrs. Salisbury's, McHenry Do not fail to call before purchasing. IP you want M bargain 111 Miuluerjf and Cloaks go to Mrs. S. Searles where yon can select from the largest stock Iu the county aud at the lowest prle^ft £oaie one, come all and have the ben efit of the low prices until July 4tl|. ^ Unclt Sam's ^Condition Powder pre- 'voiits disease, \purifies«tha blood, im proves the glossy coat, goad go|idit|o«( appetite, v iUi>d keep® ives WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLATNDEALER S--RWILL Sooth sayer be kind enough to Inform us what the following facts portend: During the past week " The little busy bee" has Improved "each shining hour," not only tn gathering honey from every "opening flower," but have Inaugurated a "new departure** and taken possession of some of our resi dences. Arad Sly, P. Eggleston aud A. W.. Smith have each a swarm of tlisse busy workers between the clap boards aud plastering, where they ap pear to be very much at home, making their ingress and egress through a knet hole in the clapboards, iviii Mrs. 8phynx please *rlae and explain" of what are these things omiuous? As they have located in one neighborhood, those immediately interested are a little anxious to know. Ask George Tower hotf ^e likes the milling Gus. Miller gave him Saturday night just for nothing else than be cause George slandered Miller's wife. Well George, let this be a lesson, which should teach you aud ot iters, to allow the wives, mothers, and daughters of our citizens to pass without being scandalized by low and vulgar insinua tions. The man who, whether drunk or sober, would not protect his wile against all such Insults is unworthy to address woman by the sacred name of wife, mother, sister or daughter. The greatest luxury of the aeasou for man and beast: our spring-house and water troughs. Woodstock will not celebrate, Ait we are Informed that there is to be a neighborhood picnic at Park Grove, on the premises of A. W. Smith. We see posters for celebrations at Geneva Lake, Crystal Lake, and Mc- »1,m* »!.«.*. .-- I- -- J..-J-- e«# »u«« VIIVSV WlUf UV9IIV iU attend have a choice at convenient distances. Mrs. G. I. Brush, who has been sick, nigh unto death. Is now convalescent and able to ride out. Ex-Sheriff Bentley has been very sick, but is now better. Charley Northrop is now at home from Evanston College. He brought his sheep skin with liiui this time. Who shall say hereafter that Wood stock is without a College, which eoli fers degrees. We have not learned what degrees are ooufered, only that several students graduated if the close of the Public School. Z,' " We hear it stated by parnfes who saw Gen. Ilurlbut at the Springfield Convention that he is to visit McHenry county soon and that there is a possi bility of his being a candidate for Congress the coming fall. Aud these statements are made by those who led the van against hint two yeafe ago, with comparisons very favorable to the General. Well, comparisons are hi or der now and the people will do well to look into the matter for themselves while yet they have the power to dic tate who shall be our candidate, and consequently our next representative. As we said in,9 former article, the uext Congress will have the destiny of the nation at their control. Ou tbe oue hand the Potters, the Springers and the Hewitt's, who for the past two years have beeu seeking to mexicauize aud revolutionize our government and on the other element that is striving to save and perpetuate it as established by Washington and his compeers and preserved by Lincoln and his compeers In this district we shall be represented by a republican, of course, but here an important question arises, shall lie be a man of ability, true to the principles of our national welfare and perpetuity, with a national reputation and influ ence to back lil m, or shall lie be un- tried and unknown, or If tried and known shall he be likened unto him In the parable who buried his talent.-- Again we say comparisons are In or der, and one thing is certain, whoever shall be our candidate the record of Gen. S. A. Hurlbut as a soldier, a pa triot and statesman will not suffer by tbe comparison. Real Estate Traasfere. Conveyances filed for record In the Becorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for two week ending Juue 29th A. D. 1878: Geo. If. St. John and w to Lorin "Warner IB a ia no cor 83i iw^ s«r. 19, Corn I, (4'iQ. John H. an«l Harriet P. Oake* to Miobael Guilt Jr. &X blk 4, Huntley, S1.000. Fredk R. Strvker and w to Martin Stryker 80 a in sec 33, Dorr, SI.WO. D. C. Mallory to John Ayliworth po adj lot S blk*2, Xttnda.fSO. Ira M. Mallorv to Jolm Aylswortb pt lot 1 blk S, Nanda, (1,000. B«?nj. F. Peck and w to Patrick H. Murray Peck farm, Nunda, #8,539.60. Ann C. Clark to J. E Muilikea lot 06 see SB, Marengo, $700. .Vetson Buck and w to Chaa. K. Kelley pt lot 11 see 35, Marengo, #U0, John SullivRv ami w to Dannie Sullivan Ua In 11 w% sec 7, Seneca, #100. Gen. A. Burbank and w to Samuel Clark lou 1846B780ami 11 blk S BifAbiae'AuM to Lawrence, Slta FOB THE FOUBTH. We wish to inform our patrons that we shall have in our market on the 4th the ohoicest stock of fresh meats ever seer» In this village^which will Include Beef, Veal. Mutton, Lamb. &«., all of the best quality and which will be sold as low as can be and live. Call and see us and we will show you the best lot of meats |u town. FRETT & SON. , *N> neglect . a; El left # Ex| ract of Tar and WilcT Cher ry It a Standard remedy iu all throat, asttyptatie and bronchial affections, and has saved many valuable lives. It never fails to g^ve Satisfaction, Sold by all Drflgglsts. Farmers have commenced cutting their tame hay. The crop Is good. Miss Gavin gave a very interesting entertainment at the M* E. Church last Wednesday evening, to a crowded house. Geo. Eldredg* to .ou the war path after wool, aud has already bought a large amount. The going price seems to be S6 to 28 cents. Charley Glbbs has got up a nice new barn, and warmcdjjt tip the other night wItli a dance. The Monear Band fur- ti's'icd tSiC music, and a goodly com pany eujoyed themselvel first rate till a late, er rather an early hour. A lot of sand has been deposited 011 the turnpike north of the Mill bridge. There was no possible need of putting it there but It helps to spend the peo ples' money, and, may be, gave two or three poor fellows a days work. Another sudden death occurred near Blchmond on Tuesday evening, the 25th inst. On the day before Mrs. Thoiuas Harness did a very laflge wash ing and became very much heated.-- Near night she became suddenly de ranged and at length insensible. She never returned to consciousness, but died at ten o'clock on Tuesday eve ning. The dosing exercised of the Blch mond* High School were held in Al- drich's Grove on Wednesday afternoon. 1 have not time to gu Into detail, but can say that they reflected great credit on all concerned. H. C Hosklns took the scholarship Prlzf, Edwin B. Ben nett Prize for best original oration, Miss Cora IJlter Pr!»® ?«_•!• besl *Bs*r and Miss M. Wodell Prize for most Improvement In Penmanship. The High School Baud furnished the music. Principal B. F. Stanley was presented with a fine gold ring by his scholars. Miss Mary Jane Toynton, living a mile east of this village, died very sud denly of heart disease on Sunday. It was not entirely unexpected, since her condition had long been known to her doctor and her family. A moment be fore her death a neighbor had been talking with her, and bidding her "good day" started for home. Before she got to the gate, not a hundred feet from the door. Miss Toynton was dead. So sudden a call to leave this world may well teach us by how uncertain a tenure we hold our lives. The death of Miss Toynton, who was the only re maining stay of an aged father, leaves him desolate aud lonely iudaed, and everybody feels sorry for the poor old man. V'u 1 - • mmi • • 1 i - • • ^ ' f A§ Hie fttgh- School 'waft marching to Mr. Aldricli's Grove last Wednesday, Harm Cole, who was in the ranka. walking with a la$y. Invited the Bev. Mr. Stire to fall In aud march with the rest. This luvitation was received by the dominie in apparent- high dudgeon, and refused with the spiteful remark that "all the rapscal lions were In the* procession uow." Here was- an uncalled for Insult to every lady and geutleman In the pro cession, from that clerical blackguard. I saw ladies faces redden with anger when they heard it. Such impotent spite is startling tn a minister. Be cause lie dislikes the Priucipal of the school he has no business to insult tbe public. Some of the best citizens in town were in that procession. Mr. Stire acts like an overgrown, spoiled boy in his enmities, ills entire want of Influence In the community has his attacks on Mr. Stanley fail harmless to the ground. By quietly attending to his own business, Mr. 'Stanley has triumphed over the Bev. on every hand. The moral, decent part of public sentiment ftl What] up holds Mr. Stanley. ni 1. ' • r--1 RINGWOOO. IIDYTOR PLAINDKALKR:--Have neen waiting for some time to see Ihls place represented in your columns j, but as it has not been will eend you a Ifew items; I The weather for the past two wieeks has been very good for corn, but rather dry and a little too warm for comfort. The S. S. Concert 011 Sunday evening was very well attended and was a cred it to the school. Such hymns as "John Brown's body" were a treat to Abe older ones as it reminded them,of old times. The pastor was called upon for the opening prayer which wis also something new for this place. Chas. P., don't lay his experience at the Old Settlers Meeting to heart much as he has found another, but C. T„ had better "look a leetle oud" or he will be suubbed in the same way. Those burnsides are progressing fine ly and the prospects are there will be a good crop if they do net strike in. The new blacksmith shop will be fluished In about a month if It grows as fast as"It has for about three weeks* ljoss Mowers at E. M. Owen's. MmtaMrjr! Mllllnerpt • Great Boductlon la Millinery *t Mm. . Searles, McHenry. Our Teas redueed. EVAKSONS. fllUiXMOil 4k ' : A Bert rand 4k Same# or Ellwood Cultivator for 83* at E. M. OwtuV A good assortment of Spllnta CM M found at Blake's, cheap. Hwmb for *He Foartk of My. ttfi. S. Searles will sail all goods at Be due* d Prices until July the Fourth, enminenciosr June 17th. . J A full line of Paranoia frqm 28 eta up at Buckllu ft Stevens. Please notice that we are selling at Cost. It will pay yon to invest your money at FmtstMfOKS A EVAS SONS. Stop at E. M.Owen's and see new the Geared Cortland Wagon. Call and take yoar choice of Sevrn i different kinds of Bakes at 3£. M. Owen's. ^ Guinet Black Dm* Silk*, Pongee Dress Silks and Trimiutug SiUu at ; Buckliu A Stevens. ' PARASOLS. A few more left al Silk ar One Dollar each. Worth doub- " ' ie at FUZSIMMONS AEVANSOM'S. HAT| and CAPS. In latest Styles at! wholesale prices to close at FITZSIM- MONS 4 EVANSONS. Call at E. M. Owen's and procure one of those splendid Top Carriages before they are all gone, lite next lot will' cost more. "i ai; Be wise in time and get a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, which al ways cores Coughs and UoJUs, and pre vent* Consumption. Price only 86 cts. per bottle. ' Sold by, A. Sk Gilbert, McHenry, 111. Xfi. •Jd Is groa •aatt mmmm, itaer Joia THE Eureka Tree and Post Hole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen'* and see one. The best thing la the market^ and sold cheap. The latest styles of Lace Collars and Culls, with a splendid assortment of Ties just received at Buckliu A 8 . > ' ' FOR SALE. r _ Two ful* Blood Dttrhanl Bull Calfs, fit for use. J. FLU SKY. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Mrs. S. Searles Is now offering De^ elded Bargains in Cloak* and Mantle^ in Silk, English Diagonals and Mate- lasses, Cashmere, ftc. FOB SALE CHEAP.' Several good second hand Juggles.--- Apply to E. M. Owen. • A fine lot of Zephvr and Card Boards, jnst received at J. B. Blake's Furniture Stor#^ -j, • ' 'j •-- I*- A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps au<( at lowest prices, at E. M, Owen's. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Lint* ment Is most efficient In Bheumatlsm, Bruises, Burns, Scratches and many other Ills incident to mail and beast. Sold by all Druggists. Dr. Jaque's German Worm Cakes are an effectual and safe remedy for worms. They are Pleasant to take and not only 7 destroy the worms, but remove all traces of them from the system leav^ Ing the child healthy and strong. Theyt are warranted to give perfect satlsfac* tloh. Sold by all Druggists. WAIT FOB THE WAGON. * We are now offering one of our cele^> brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box* . Steel Spring aeat, Whlffiatrees, Neul| h 1 Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for 850. Warranted for oue year. ibVI, R. UiSHOIt.. t, DBE99 . u " BbPklln A Stevens would call attend tion to their new line of Summer Dresa Goods just received. Six 8x10 Chroraos, for B. Blake's. DBESS GOODS. cents, at j.y Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrnp ha^f- never failed ro clve Immediate relief when used In esses of Summer Cotii-*. plaint, Cholera-liifantum or pains iit' the stomach. Mothers when your llt-< tie darlings are suffering from the«e kindred causes do not hesitate to giv«i it a trial, you will surely be please*!? with the charming effect. Be sure tot buy Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrnp* Sold by all Druggists, only 26 cts. peif bottle. Dress Ooidslt and 80 cents usually sold for 86 cents. Hamburg Edgelngs from 6 cts per vard up. Ladies Linen and Grass Cloth Suits from 81,25 111--a. large variety to select from. Whir«s Dress Goods in Pique, and Brilliants,' from 7 cts up. Two Button Kid Gloves; for 76 cts. Three Buttou for 81 per pai»„; the best Gloves for the mouey, iu fact- all other Goods in proportion. Give them 4 c»M and see for yourself. BUCKLIN * SIIRND* I REMOVAL? REMOVAL! Cloeln* Out it 6o»t Having decided to remove from owP present quarters, we will offer our Entire Stock of Dry Goods* Clothing^ Boots and Shoes, Hats and flaps, ceries. Crockery at aud Below Co»» H for the next 30 days. This will be- good chance to bny good goods cheap,p as the Entire Stock mu|t positively, be sold by August 1st. First Class Butter and Eggs taken In exebango. for goods at Cash value. Inspection^ solicited. FJTZSIMMOKS A EVAXSUSV WdSmnflNKlOKAIEI. WalZe. brottie* wake I. ThaApaiav hM OMMH And Kttily the mm, Tbe fleldK ar* treen, tli« flewoM took- 4 it n But I I m#x*. Come li Or ehiWCRO: hmtii Awake aw „ th aS't Jua4 oaiChsbaU x sleeps in ' §l tfes grn~•