...flKSSWi m-jw : " - £«*>£</' ains. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7th. 1878. jr. VAN SLYK1E, Editor. MAItOKAt GRKKXBACK LAMSMIIft CONVENTION A contention of the National Green- luck Labor party of the 4th Congres sional District wlli be held at Elgin on Wednesday, August 14th, at 1 o'clock I». to nominate a candidate for Congress, and to transact such other ^ bwinefw as may properl? come before **4 fsch cctsv?!ti!>icn. The Wis of ropre- ® aeiiUliottwill be the total vote cast for Congressmen in 1876, and one delegate will be allowed for each 500 votes, and an additional delegate for each major fractional part thereof so cast. Under Mils apportionment, the representation In said convention will be as follows: Kane.. ...17 PeKftlb - W McKenry -- 11 }Ly>n#s ..... , ,.6 Winnebago............. -- IS The friends of the cause in the sev eral counties composing the district are requested to meet fn county con vention at their respective county seat* on Saturday. Augnst 10th at 10 o'clock A. M., unless Otherwise ordered by their local committees for the pur pose of selecting delegates to said convention. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby Announce myself as a candi date for Sheriff of McHcnry County, subject to the decision of the Republi can County Convention. D. A. STEDMAN. 70S C0H&BXS8, 4th DISTRICT, HON. & A. HURLBUT, OF BOONE. Sutyect to the Decision of the Republi can Congressional Convention. We are happy to announce to our readers this week, that, by the urgent solicitation of friends from different parts of the District, Hon. S. A. Hurlbut has consented to allow his name to be used as a candidate for Congress in this Distirict, and conse quently his name will be brought be fore the Congressional Convention for that office. Gen. Hurlbut does not seek the nom ination, but the diesatisfaction in the District is so strong as to compel him to answer the peoples call. The peoplo am unwilling that the fraud of two years ago shall be endorsed again this Fall, and what better way to undo the wrong already done than by electing oar former able Representative, Hon. 3. A. Hurlbut. In Congress Lathrop has proved himself, vacillating and Incapable. The consciousness that he was elected by fraud took out what little backbone and ability he ever had, and his masterly inactivity in Congress was so apparent that he gained, and Justly to. the not very envious title of 44 William the Silent" For a District that has heretofore been so ably represented, this is indeed a disgrace. Besides the times demand that we shall be represented in the llalls of Congress by men of known ability and known courage. Such a one Gen. Hurlbut has proved himself to be on all occasions, and for this reason the people demand that he shall be put forth as the standard bearer for the 4th Congressional District at the coming election. f Two years ago Gen. Hurlbut was. by the voice of the people, honestly and fairly nominated, but was cheated out of that nomination by one of the most damuable frauds ever ^perpetrated on a free people. Bnt two years trial of this Winnebago fraud has convinced many that while he <rnny be a good lawyer lie is certainly a poor Congress- that in these.times it is most accessary that we be represented by none but our best men. This being the feeling all over the District the people have naturally turned to one who has been tried and never found wanting, and the resfllt is that Gen. Hurlbut has been forced to announce himself as a candidate, and we predict will be nominated by an overwhelming majority. He is now, as he was two years ago, the peoples choice, and every voter should see to It that he does what he can to help rebuke the pot boose politicians who run the Elgin Convention two years ago, and by their acts cast such odium upon our once Banner District. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Another >hot term during the latter part of last week prepared us to greatly enjoy the "cooling wave" ushered upon us by the refreshing shower of Saturday night. Perhaps it is due our School Board that we make a slight correction in re gard to their chursh preferences.-- While our statement last week would have been strictly the truth, as to their status with reference to churches, a few months ago, we are informed that a the preseut time two are patrons -o one church, two of another and two] scattering as politicians say. So that the theory, so commonly advanced upon our streets, of auy one denomina tion attempting to control our school which we admit to have been the foua datlon of our la6t weeks statement, can not be malntined and we take pleasur in giving the above explanation. We see by Bath, N. Y., papers TOkWhek&a. ORAFTON, AUG. 5th, 1878. ^OtTQR PjLAINDEALER:--11 COmeS us through Chicago papers that at last we are to have a candidate. The people of Kane send t*.« greeting and propose the name of Gen. S. A. Hurlbut as the standard bearer for the 4th Dis trict. How fitting that Kane should cet the ball rolling, and if we mistake not, the Lord, g. p. lord we mean, will not get an opportunity to" play the fraud of two years ago upon Kane in particular and upon the whole District as a consequenoe. Now let the people see te It that Satan takes a back seat In this campaign whether he assume the name of Lord or come In his own grab. "When the I)--1 was sick the D--1 a Honk would be. When the D--1 was well a D--1 of a Monk was be.* They played the Monk two years ago successfully and if correctly reported they have been sick ever since, of an overdone of nothing as a reward for theTr labor. South Caro lina Is at hwr old nullfying, secession tricks again; Let us hiive from the 4th District one whom she has learned to fear, and fearing to respect. There is not, perhaps, In the whole District the peer of Gen. Hurlbut for the de mands ot the times. And if we righv- ty read the signs of the times, we shall be able to gain this fall, by honest, united effort what two years ago we lost through treachery and fraud.-- Exit Lord,Smith & Co. JUNIUS. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALEJI :-^Harvest most over. S. A. French of Chicago was In town Sunday. Many of our sporting men are pre paring for a raid on chickens soon. W. H, Earlle, late of this place, is now in New York. 5_. ^7^ ;- Henry Brink,of Crystal Lake, Is visiting friends here. The river is quite low.at present, and is well lined along the sides with Ion; grass and wild Rice, affording flne shelter for ducks which are getting quite numerous. , Chas. Meyers, who was employed ID the CitUten office herd at one time, but now resides in Chicago, made us a visit here last week. It is not hard to teli when a sanguine young lady has a beau In some neigh boring State. She generally calls at the Post-office some three or four times a day and interrogates the patient and ever obliging P. M. W. J. Brink, has closed his meat market on account of the dull times, there being but little sale for meats of any kind. All those indebted te him would confer a great favor by setting their accounts at once. When you look at a young man who is vainly endeavoring to to peer ever the top of his standing colla'r. you can not for the life of you resist the im pression that he has got his shirt on up side down. Last week while Miss Josephine Hartquest was reaping graii\ with a self-rake, a bolt in the seat broke, throwing her in front of the running sickle.but having presence of mind and good courage, she held to the reins and succeeded in stopping the horses but not until the machine was upon her One of her limbs was badly cut by the sickle guards and she is otherwise bad ly hurt, but narrowly escaped a horri ble death. At last accounts she was doing as well as could be expected. SSra --EJJ- . ..... w in Jail. The boy's father was also ar- terlas an accomplice in the affair, but was scquently released. CLASH of authority between Judge •tts, of the Randolph Circuit, and Judge eat, of the United States Circuit, occa- ucd some comment at (Springfield, on the li ult. It appears that some time ago dge Watts appointed one Louis Receiver the Iron i Mountain, Chester & Eastern ilroad, and Louis took possession thereof, thatytjsequently, upon the application of cred- Lester R. Falkoer, formerly of this cityF8 of the road from New York, the case was attacked on the streets of Batb, In™'1?* *"d ,Judse T™' ,, , r t ' >ointed Charles B. Cole, Receiver, and he the early part of the evening a few ^^ ie-marks or trade-labels. SEC1 Y SHERMAN has issued the sixtv- irth call for the redemption ot mfiOOfiOOot bonds of 1865, interest to cease on the of October next. [THE corner on spring wheat at Mil- Mikee and Chicago culminated on theSlst ult. the former place No. 2 Spring sold for $1.20 to $1.30, and in Chicago tor from 081 11.10. At these prices settlements re made, but a great many operators in ith places refused to settle, • preferttag *• e tbe differences settled by arbitrators, manipulators of the corner are «aid te te mtflised from 1300,000 to (500,««L nights ago» by ruffians, who have since been placed under bonds for the assault Falkner was considerably but not dan gerously injured. "A little leven, leveneth the whole lump." That is what our articles on the Congressional question seem to be doing. We have been advocating the re-nomination of Gen. Hurlbut for Con gress for many reasons. The first and principal reat&n being his universally admitted qualifications for the place, as we deem it no exageration or unfair ness towards our many able men of the district to state, that for the troublous times that are upon us he has no peer in the district and few if any superiors in the nation, and we are uot alone re sponsible for this opinion as we hear it advanced by many, not only in our own humble ranks but in ranks ol position and more extended influence. And we bear it from Boone and Kane that with McHenry counted In his favor, his nom ination is sure, Sentinel quotati ons from Kane county papers to the con trary notwithstanding. If the speech of the people, whose voice should be and mill /be '^respected, /Is ,»any dadcx, ^he Republicans of McHenry county demand his nomination provided he is now as two years ago the choice of a majority of the Republicans of the District. Secondly we advocate his nomination, that with .him as our standard bearer we could wipe out the frauds of two years ago, while with any other man those frauds would stand uncancelled and virtually approved by the party. The General visited our city last Wednesday in a very quiet way. He came at the request of cer tain of our citizens before deciding •whether he would be a candidate or not, and it is seldom, that though quietly done, a candidate has been more cordially greeted than he by our citizens. And since his departure we have yet to hear the first expression from a Republican antagonistic to his {^success, but on the contrary all are en- tan thusiastlcally in favor of his nomina- Itietion. Such is political life. Two J™ years ago the manipulators an t agon I s- dor the town and carried H tnifi afi>a'n8t him. Now all seemed changed UUJ and 110 opposition has as yet devel- Wo repeat what we have before urged,- candid comparison viz: "look ml ' * -A *: >i '"•< .!S*• r's * ' .ft-'. FOR THE NEXTGO DAYS STEVENS, Air Are now pre pared with a full and com plete Stock FARMERS and Summer Trade, and at extremely Low Prices for Cash. All are in vited to call, inspect Goods and Pricesbe- -fore purchas ing, whether ou wish to uy or not. o trouble to show Goods. CASH !~CASH I am Agent for all the First-class w '•* bro M i^Persoaa who complaim of #»e l«v rate of wages at home should r<Ad ,f| the reports made by the United States ^ consuls at Cork and Dublin of the rates paid in Ireland at tbe present time.-- ... . Skilled mechanics g«t a day 0n the public works (there the pay is,from 48 to 60 cents per day, Mwhinieste are paid $1.09 and masons, Jotters, paint ers aud shoemakers $1 $l per day. The railway condi**ors receive from 63 cents to f 1.03 a day. Other occupa tions are paid In about the same pre- JWtiOA, % on this picture then- District as formerly as now represented. ou that" on represented our and STORE TO RiENT. The new Store of Blake A ifentfield, is offered for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Possession given Aug 1st. For further particulars inquire of R. BISHOP. McHenry, July 10th, 1878. REDUCTION/N STOCK. Bucklln & Stevens will give you Bargains In ail kinds of Goods for tbe next thirty days in order to i$4uce stock. Is in found Among which can John P. Manny,--excelledby none--New Light Buckeye, Walter A. Wood, Meadow King and Peerless; all acknowledged the best in the World, and at Lower Prices than the LOWEST. House and Lots for Sale. THE un<lerstprie<l oflfars fi>r sale his house aiul two lots, situiit«il in the A'illajro of McHenry. Tliero is a pootl house, barn, ii Koo'l well of water, cistern, a line orchard, all kinds of small fruit., and in short is a very de sirable place. Will he sold on reasonable terms if applied for soon. Appiy to J. S. HINES. McHenry, 111., May 28th, 1378. FOR SALE. A.first-class Dray and Harness. __ ... good condition and will bo sold cheap. Apply to fVO. WATER*4M, Nuuda.lll, J For a Snlke^Hay Rake, yon will not be disappointed in selecting" any of the following: I can sell The Tiger Self Dump at $32.00, Furst& Bradley, " 32.00, Archer, " 31.00. Also Hollingsworth, Furst & Bradley, Orvis & Favorite liattes, as hand dumps; All First-class in every respect, and at Greatly Reduced Prices. For a "Boss" PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, I have tho " Courtland mproved Gear," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only* A No. 1 wagon in the market. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. W ho can afford to ride in an open buggy when a CARRIAGE can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your interest to do so. JgpT'Everythittg sold on its Merits. Remember the Old Stand, op posite the Mill. E. 1ML. Ow«n. MCHENBY , IU., J My 22. 1IIILIB8XDEHCE SAVIN WHEW IT &IPE18. There is a curious story at>out some native wines which are extensively advertised nowa days, and have only recently been put upon Ihe market. Dr. Underbill, the well-known grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeedcd in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, ana being wholly unlike any other ^vine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and Doth physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in anj? con siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the hands of the well-known wholesale grocery h o u s e o f t h e T h u r b e r s . -- i V . Y. Tf ib Nov. 19, NEAR THE DEPOT, McHENRY^ Now is the time to improve the golden opportunity and reap the grand harvest of Low Prices. We mean business and will guarantee that you never can buy cheaper. We now offer our entire stock of General Merchandise, consisting of a full and com plete assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes* Hats and Caps, Crockery, Groceries, &c., &c., at such prices for CASH ONLY as will greatly reduce our stock preparatory to removal to a &ew field of operations in Kansas. We have not the space to prepare a special price list, but will assert with th6 fullest assurance to one and all that we will save you a large percentage on all goods you buy of us. Linen Suits and Summer Goods of all kinds below Cost. Bring along your fiMnily " and call and examine goods and learn prices. YOURS TRULY, P. D.SMITH i 1 C. F. HALL'S -FROM THE- S" There's Money in it for You. ONE PRICE ONLY ! CASH ONLY ! Goods at Unheard of LOW PRICES. Quality the Best and everything as repre- ' sented or Money Refunded." DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? Best Prints, (i OS Best Prints, 06 Coats'Cotton, 06 Good Corsets,. 35 No. lBlaek Alavaca 2(5 All wool Gashmei es--JSxtra 65 Table Linen, 3ft Ladies IIose,4 06 Gents Hose, 06 l adies Black Ties-best,. 25 Wo's shoes--cloth A button 1 00 Misses Shoes--11 to 2 1 00 Good Boots,... 1,78 Boys Pants--Good,. Boys Vests--Good,.. Hoys Coat:; Mens Suits 3 00 Mens Suits--Good,.$3 75 to 7 00 Overalls, leather trimmed, 50 10 Tbs A. SufTT 1 00 11 ft>s No. 1 Raisins 1 00 14 lbs No. 1 Currents, 1 00 I51bs Dried Apples. 1 00 II lbs i»«st Dried Apples,.. 1 00 13lbs Best Halt's Peaches,. ' 00 7 lbs Choice Pared •' 100 . 100112 lbs Rice, 1 «• 50 No. 1 Baking Powder. 2ft .. 1 50 3 lbs Tea 1 00 4 lbs Tea, I 00 Best Japan Tea,... 70 Best Younfr Hyson Tea,... 80 Best Y. H. & Jap. for prioe, 80 Axle Greese, 08 Stove Polish, , 05 Fine Out Tohao.cn, 80 Stove Polish, Taeka, 05 Choipe Syrup, #8 5 lbs Ground Coffee, 100 I sell cheaper than my neighbors because I buy cheaper, and say to any one coming to buy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customers.--- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Korthwest. Come and see me and I will do you good, and in this way you can make money easier than you can earn it. .e^HALV* >132 C.F.HALL. * v ^ DD»DBE, III. ORA C. COLBY. HENRY COLBY. mm, The above speaks for itself, but we would add that this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nor watered; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and $or medicinal or sacramental purposes it Is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., \ H. K. & F. B. THURBER & CO. WW Broadway, Read* and Hudtom Streets NKW-York. MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted County rights given gratift f«r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world- wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrious, energetic, person can make snug permanent income and very liberal Cerms, by addressing with reference, 233 thestnut Street, Philadelphia. COLBY BROS., Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., ot Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Blocly, where they are now prepared to meet their customers and the public generally with a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTHS WO, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glass-Ware, &o. \Vhich they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any other House in the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of this community, ana we WILL WOT HE UNDERSOLD, We also keep our usual stock of Much ha* been sung of the "Malil with Golden Hair." No uoiig, however, haa yet been able to make that color a popular one for, any considerable length of lirne. Light red, faded or sandy hair are equally under the ban of public opinion. We are happy to an nounce to our readers who fleelre to change those colors, that three appli cations of Ring's Ve-ctable Ambrosia will give thein beaut'ful auburn tresses possessing all that soft, lustrous ap pearance so desirable in this chief adornment'of female beauty. 1 , 1UVU.VXUUM, HUUUIJ And as heretofore, will spare no pains to please our customers in this line. Physicians Prescriptioibs Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experienced hands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, &nd hope to merit a continu ance of the same. COLBY BROS. McHenry, III., May 7th, 1878. * W