/ m VOL. 4. hi. "iif.? i : IJ" j <ifc!,;; .ft s! •; J|.^' .•at! •'«:", & £: i"ff"-w.-,y irffefe.i Pledged bu§ to Truth, to Liberty and Law; Wo Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe.'* M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1878. NO. 9 J^cJfeipy |luileater. Published Every Wednesday by J. f"AIV SLYEK - Editorand Publisher. in Old P. O RWkrsidk tforBB.^- i-fVV- ,• - * TEKMS or SWBSCRTPTIO#* One Ve*T, (in Advance,)*.. 80 If eot Paid within Three Months . 2 00 H*?».scriptio*s received for three or six months to the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. II. T. BROWS, M. 1». PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Offlce in Brick Block over F. G. Mayes Clothing Store Water Street, McHenry III. . R. A* BEERS M. D. *; rr". PHYSICIAN and SuJfgeon. Office atrsstdenee, two doors west 'of Post Office, M'Henry IM. O. J. HOWARD, M D. nd Surgeon. Offlci of Howard & Son,\McHenry, 111. pHYSjciAN and Surgeon. Office at tne store W. H. BUCK, M. D., JJOMEOP ATHIC Phytioian and Surg f»n.-- Office East Side Public Square/'Wood- stock. III. Office hoars 11 to 11 A. J&L, and* to 4 P. M F. J BAHBIAN. Or-rf^HGAR Manufacturer, McHenry III. \J ders solicited. Shop North East corner Public Square. E. PERKINS. ' ; .. III. General Jobbing promptly attended to. Shop, Square. • •• : Vr-- RICHARD BISHOP, v-- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW McHenry, III. WAGON Maker. McHenry,, Jobbing pron West of the Puoiic RICHARD COMPTON. TUST1CE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- <JP Will attend promptly to the collection of debts. Yolo, Lake County, 111. GEO. A. BUCKLIN >1 s ^ NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyance?'aWrMn-suranee Agent. Office at Bucklin & Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract or Titles to'land in McHeprv County, Ill'nois. Office with 3ounty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. i ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes. None lmt the best of material jtsed and all work warranted.. Shop Northwest corner Public Square, McHenry, III. E. M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery. Prices low and Terms favorable. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. GOTTLEIB BOLEY. QALOON and Ten Pin Alley, Lansings O Block, near the Depot, McHenry, III,-- Choice Brands of Liquor* and Cigars always on hand, GEO. SCHREINBR. S4T.OON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House,- McHenry III. SE^*First-Class Billiard and Pool Tables. J. BONSLETT, SALOON and Res tan runt. Nearly oppoeite ^Owen's Mill; M«ileiiiy, III. JFreghGysters served ii p iu any shape desired, or tor sale by the Can. iWGOOD STABLING FOR HORSES.^gr W. W. ELLSWORTH. Breeder of the Celebrated Peland. China Hog Also Light .tnd Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs shipped to all points by express. P. O. •Iross, 'Woodstock, IU., PETER LEICIvEM. REPAIRS Watcher Clocks and Jewelry of ill kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice ami at rea- •>on,»!do rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop irst door North of Riverside Block, McHenry 111. Poland China Swine GOOD Pig9 for sale that was sired by Boars that took First Premium and Sweep- *tafces at State and County Fairs, from $10 to #15 it) ier,e. W<3 are shipping to some of the •est Woe lers in tlic country. For particulars apply to c. STREET & 3DN. Hebron, IU. IIT 4 \T'P n r\ To make a permanent W xVt^l L Ci U engagement with a slorsfyman hflvin!? leisure, or a Bible Render, to Intro Itv.e in M 'Henrv County, the CELE BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY Bllt^E. For description, notice edi torial in last week's issue of tills paper. Ad- ITBSJ at ON«E F. L. HORTON A OO., Publish ers and Bookbin lers, (50 E. Mirket St.. Indian apolis, In I. Blivins' Mills or Spring Grove Grist Having put this Mill ia ftrst class order, we Ajf$' new prepared to do **' ' Custom Grinding On Short Notice and Warrant Satisfaction.. -flour aid M CrastMyoitofl as any other Mill in the Price In Cash Paid And Sold as Lo Oountv. WTho lltsheat Market for Good Milling Wheat. Give us a call and we will give you satis faction,^ VO^S A SIEI»ERSLEBE?F. Bllvinrf Mills, 111., Aug. 27th, 1878. 1000 BOYS & GIRLSacTanAe?d«nK for the bvjst B ty's and Girl's paper published in the Wast. Bevitiful presents t<» subscrib ers and agents. Every boy and girl can earn lots of monev canvassing during leisure hours, Don't fail to send for it at once. To introduce it we will send to any address on trial three months, for 10 Cents in cash or nostaee stamp*. S-imple of paper and particulars FREE- Address r ~ Household Oem, Cleveland, O* 1 -dfrlfkft MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted O uintv rights given gratis f«r the sale of seven well-known Standard Melicines needed in every family; repctation world wide; establishe<l many vears; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Xn in lustrine, energetic persoii can make snug permanent income and vervliberal terms, by addressing with refereoee, ** Chestnut Street, Phlledelphia. BUSINESS CARDS. W.H.PERKINS, 'f>hptographer. Gallery over Perry-^ft Mar- J -..tin's Store, afclienry, III. Pictures taken in the latest style ef the Art end eetis- faction guaranteed. E- V. ANDERSON. M; D. 1r>HY8TCtAN and Surgeon. Office at Gil JC, bert's Drug Store, opposite Xha Parkcvr j M o a s e , M c H e n r y , l l l i n o i t . , y ' t j ' ' E. BENNETT, -|£. D.( t'V'- ' URi; EoN and Accoucher. Diseases of Women a Specially. Office and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock. 111. S' DR. C. E. T^RNTIST, Algonquin, lit All JL/ .ranted. Teeth extracted in and Skillful manner. . , WILLIAMS. work wat- a careful DR. C. W. COX, DENTIST. Office OveT Smith,. Aldrich ft Hay thorn's Store. Richmond. III. , ~ SIDNEY msBROW, ^ VTOTARY PUBLIC and Convey«MMr.> JAV i> den, III* : <i TV*cHF^NRY, McHenry Co., Itl. Breeder of JS'X Spanish Merino Shcef), Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. ELECTROPATHY. Or. Samuel Sherman,. ;; And Wife will be at their residence' !•£ Miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, tbree days iu each Week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose ef treating all curable diseases. Consultation end Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 11\ M. ' REFERENCES:--John Dorah, Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, TJen, Gilbert, Horace Dwell?,'B.F.Peck, Wm. Hutsori, Geo. Giyaert, J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION E EKr AND APPKAISER, Algonqulnflll. SALES of Stock, Fafmiug Tools and Goods of all kinds in-wi"ptly\iiienued to. • Farrn sales a specialty* Terms\reasonable. Post Office address Algonquin 111. ... W. N. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. st side of In the store of & H. Dickinson, Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Qloths for Saltings al ways on hand. Suits made to order, and a lit warranted- Give mo a call. W. II. 8ANFOBD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. '27th. W75. ^ M. ENCELN- :ac:Di.SM i T II; Scnlo Repnlrlngi Griixling and I'ol- Ishing lln*<>r* itud 8henrs and Ttible Cutlery a *poi<tnll> tv. lt<<pnli'liif id r;VKilll kllldw lullll III . ©Sled <>r llrtiB*, All work wuiniMl- eti. ai*O dealer l»» Guns, Ucvnivwr , Tiildeand I'ni'ltid Fishing Material, I'lpen, Cigars,Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop aa l store «e«r the Office, Mc. Henry, III. / sr •••jsp.^ « « a-. Cutlery. Gun and ^vetAsip I H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First " lass rigs, with or without drivers, fnmished it reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds ilone on short notice. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL.. Dealer in all kinds of American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from the best factories in the country. Silver. ptatedwi»re. Silver Spoons, Ac., ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury pianos - AND THE Estey Org-an J Which we believe to be the best Organ in the market. We think we know that by experi ence, and we believe it, for it is backed up by the Bes1 Musicians in the World. _ less prices than the Estey, but can't reccommend them to be O. W. OWEN. I also sell other Organs at e Este good. ,July Scott & Co., HATS CAPS & STRAW GOODS > WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 192 MADISON STREET 5 C0R. FIFTH AVE. And Id3 Lake St., Cor. Clark CHICAGO. A Larger Stock of MEDIUM and FINE GOODS and LOWER PRICES than any other house in the trade. , PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the receipt for a simple Vegetable Biltn that will remove Tan, Freckles, Ptmplesand blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc tions for producinc a luxuriant trrowth of hair on a bald head or smonth face, Address, Inclosing 8 ct. stamp, Ben Yandelf A Got, CO Ann St,, New York, Proceedings of the Board of ." Vv 3 "<J Supervisorsi | | a i The annual meeting of the Honors* ble Board of Supervisors of McHenry County was held at their room in the Court House, iu Woodstock, on Tuesday September 10, A. D. 1878. Called to order by the Chairman. At roll call the following responded tfttWlr names: II. Underwood, Geo. BfAilmw, T. W. Porter, O. C.<Oiggiug, Jas. Thompson, A. E. Axteli, Samuel CuttGf, Wni,G. Couklhi, 0. O. Parsons, Lester Barber, John Cuiutnings. M. L, Joslyn, Geo. II. Garrison, Alfred Wil cox, W. A. Mcroniiell, Chancey Sweet, J. W. Cristy, B. F. Peck and Guy Frary. "• - ^ bill froth the i Northern Insane Hospital for supplies furnished to iit- sane paupers of the several towns, was read and referred to committee on claims. • The Clerk stated to the Board that Isaac R. Hitt, State Agent for Swamp Lands, hail sent a statement of the lands for wliieli he supposed McHenry was entitled te pay from the govern ment. and had tnade a proposition to this Board that he would prove up the claims, at his own risk aiid expense, for 40 per cent ot what h« could receive of the government, money and scrip. On motion of Supervisor Joslyii the Finance committee were instructed to reccommend for county tax orily suffi cient to pay the iutWetft on county In debtedness and to n«et the necessary expenses for Uin oui iVnt year. James (;row, PresliWut of the Mc^ Henry County Agilfiiltural Society, came before thti Jluuid anil made In- tcrest lug ri* HI ink* ii» In tlto punt, and present CIIIHII l liHiuf llu Mivlety, and presented iNi to- w i t s To TIIK'HONOII UII.M W ^UPKU- VlKtHl!« o|" Mr|||;NllV l ul NTir The underxttfiiiHl, of tla^ Me* Henry Cnuniy Agili'iiltuiul Hounl. would represent thut snld society Is indebted-In I!»«• cum of iwo thoii'sund dollars. Tint nald ludeiittduess hns been incurred in the erectloM of sulta- l»le biiiliiiugs on the fair grounds and I he purchase of real estate. And that said "society have wed untiring dili gence for the past number of years to pay oil said indebtedness, hut have only been able to pay expenses and premiums amounting to near 92000 paid to the citizens of our county. In consideration of the premises we would respectfully petition your Hon* onU'Jo hiiily to assume the - afaresUd indebtedness and In return we will make title in fee of the Fair Grounds to | lie county and asking in return a continuous lease so long as the samit •ball lie used as a county fair grounds. .JA M B # Citow, President. A. fliU'HKHi *eeretHry. " i It'll oti motion of Supervisor Jos lyii WM* referred to five farmers, inein- liers of this Hoard. The Chair ap pointed Garrison. Frary, Barber, Peck anil Wilcox, said committee. After consult at ion the committee reported that on account of the hard times, the low prices of produce and the recent action of this Board as to paying the I resent indebtedness of the county, the proposition be not accepted at this time. On motion the Board adopted the report and discharged said com mittee. The committee on finance made the folio wing TeportjWhich on motion was adopted: To THE HONORABLE BOABD OF SUPER VISORS: GENTLEMEN: !Your committee on flhaifge livtfWId recommend raising 94,347 to pay the, interest on the bonded debt Of the county. Also the further sum of four teen thousaud (14,000) dollars for cur rent expenses of the county. • . , JOSLTN, , DIOGIVB, M. L o. c. JAMICS THOMPSON CUAKCKVSWKKT Committee The meeting adjourned to., morrow at 2 o'clock a. im i.i WEDNESDAY, 10 A. *. '" The Honorable Board of Supervisors met as f>er adjournment. All present except Supervisor Adams. The proceedings of yesterday's meeting were read and approved. . : A bill was received from A. A. Aii*. derson which, after reading, was re ferred to the Committee on Claims. The Committee on Town Accounts presented tiie following report, which on motion was adopted: MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN of THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Your committee on town accounts have examlued the estimated amounts Voted to be raised iu the several towns of this county for town aod corpora tion expenses aiid for roads and roads and bridges, tinds the sums hereunto annexed lo be the satne and correct, wcuid beg leave to submit (tie follow ing report: Riley, contingent expense# 300 00 Roads V..".V.' .1 500 IK) Roads and bridges 300 oo Maretigo, contingent expenses. .....U.- (Hi ltoads i!M» 00 Itoads and bridges mi (Hi Village of Marengo j.. AUi...; 300 00 Dunham, contiugent expenses..^.,;.,, 600 00 Roads 400 00 Roads and bridges .ViraiV 600 00 Chemung, contingent exponsea,IMi) 00 ROADS L......;;.^V IOOO oo \ illuge of Harvard.......V........ Konils and briilges 1600 00 Alden, contingent expenses.....600 00 Roads fl«o 00 Roids and bridges .W...*:' 150 00 HartVtnd contingent expenses......... 934 00 Roads ;...> V Roails and bridge* Seneca, contingent expenses. 400 00 Roads. 600 00 Roads and bridges 1406 00 Coral, contingent expense*..400 ®0 Roads . 07# 00 Roads and bridges 75 00 Grafton, contingent expenses..,. .... #08 00 Road* 1000 00 Roads and bridges... 1000 00 Village of Huntley..........I...... Dwr, contingent expenses............i. ISOO 00 Roads 1400 00 Ro;tdsand bridges.................. S00 69 City of Woodstock.......'•.".V .... Greenwood, contingent expense*...... Roads Roads and bridges Hebron contingent expenses........... Roads.. _t ltoade and bridges Richmond, contingent lioada Roads and bridges • Village of Riclunond............. Burton, con ingent expoBses,.......^.. Roads ......U. • R»)ads and bridges MeWcnry, contingent expenses.... ... 1 Roads ..... Roads and bridges Nuoda, contingent expenses...,....... Roads, 17 ct* on #100 ratnation.... Rond*and bridges... Village of Nunda Algonquin, contingent expense*....... Roads. 800 00 800 00 800 00 400 00 000 00 800 00 SUO 00 900 00 8M> 00 800 80 800 00 875 00 300 no 1800 00 $00 00 400 00 _ _ Roads and bridges... All of which is respectfully submitted. A. W. Witcox r HEMKY UNDKKWOOD G. s. FUART. JOHN S. CUMMIKOS, B. F. Pkck, Committee Mr. Wilcox moved that the action of the Board, at its July meeting, as to publishing the proceedings in pamph let form, be 1.000 copies, Instead of BOO and that the papers be allowed noth ing for publishing same. After some discussion, on motion of Supervisor Joslyu the motion was laid ou the ta ble. The proposition of Ieaac R. Hltt. State Agent for Swamp lands, to re cover what was due the county from the government for ^wamp lands and Indemnity sorip, at his own risk and expense, for 40 per cent of what he ob tained, was accepted, and he was auth orized to proceed and make proof of the claims on the above condition. Ou motion of Supervisor Garrison the bill ot Neill Donnelly, which was allowed in part at the last meeting of this Board, was allowed in full, and the Clerk was authorized to tlravr order for the came. Ou motion of Supervisor Cristy* our Purchasing Agent was instructed to do all the purchasing for the county. The Committee ou Fees and Salaries recommended that the salary of the Sheriff oif McHenry county for the two 3'ears ensuing, commencing Dev. 1, 1878. be fixed at $1,700 per annum.-- Recommendation adopted. The Committee ou Claims made the following report, which on motion was adopted, to-w;it: STATE OF ILLINOIS ) >88 , MCHenry County ) Board of Supervisor*. September terra, Sep tember llth A. D. 1878. MR. CHAIRMAN AMI GRNTLBMBH OF THE • Bo A no OF SRRKRVIBOBS: !Tour committee on claims would beg leave to import that'thev have exam ined all claims presented before them, and reconituend the payment of the following:-, ill, N. Hosp'l for Insane, for S. Sender. icker # 6 SB Same for W. Dougherty........... 90 Same for Amelia Healey... 8 05 Same for Tim ilallacy ........ 8 03 saiiie tor Julia Callahan.......... 10 00 Same for Jane Burns t;V. * .. 17 71 Sauiefor Ed Riley IS Same for Eliza H. HightlT..„....~ 8 0S Same for Thos Cuatln8........^,.',.\V..... IK The above bills have been paid. In regard to the claim of A. A. An derson, your committee would reeom- mjend that the clai«n be disallowed. Respectfully submitted, UICO. II. GARRISON, • hAMl'KL CL'TTKB, A. E. AXTKI.L, J. W. AXTEI.L, Committee On motion of Supervisor Cristy the usual pur diem and mileage was al lowed the Clerk and members of this Board, Board adjourned to meet at the call of the Clerk. The committee to settle with the Treasurer to come one day previous to said meeting. Wu. A. MrCoKNELL, ChaimaB. . Attest, P. WHITNEY, Clerk. |&*Mr. William Saundera, superin tendent of the grounds connected with the Bureau of Agriculture at Washing ton, says he "has been experimenting a long time to prevent blight, and whether or not he has an infallible remedy, he is unable to determine; he only knows for ten yearejfte has painted or washed apple and pear trees once or twice a yfear with a liine-whitewash strongly impregnated wfth sulphur, and such trees have thus far escaped the blight, though it has appeared in the adjacent orchards.,* '* ptKHMaWst • ut ; T?**r>Tv 'liii 1 is difficult)' to say Wtiat " con stitutes the beauty of a woman The Sandwich Islanders estimnte women by their weight. The Chinese require them to have deformed feet and black teeth. A girl must be tattooed sky- blue and wear a nose ring to satisfy a South Sea Islander. African princes require their brides to have their teeth filed like those ot a saw. And thus goes the world, the criterion of Ijeauty deferring to latitude and longitude. Does, our const ant chatter dis turb you?" afck*'d one of three talka tive ladies ot a sober-looking fellow passenger. "No, ma'am; Pve been p a r r i e d n i g - U o n t o t h i r t y y e a r s w a s ' ;he reply, ^ EDITOR LKTTKR FROM, DKADWOOD. DKADWOOD D. T. Sept. 18th, 1878. PLAIN DEALER Thi nking, that a few words from the far West would be acceptable I send yon the following: Deadwood is situated at the junction of Deadwood and White- wood creeks, in Deadwood Gulch,In the vicinity of the best tiiiues In the Hills. It is about twice a* large as McHenry and is the second town iu the Terri tory in point of size. The principal mines are the DeSinlth, the Hoodie Bus:, the Grand Deport, the IJtdden Treasure and the Golden Gate. These are all quarts mines. There are also good, placer mines. The DeSmith take* out some two hundred thousand (#200,000)a week. The town consists of one long, narrow street. In many places not more than twenty-five feet wide. It is the centre of all the trade of the Hills. The street Is always crowded, with mule and bull trains from Blsmark, Ft. Plere, Sidney and Cheyene. The crack of the great whip of the bull whackers and mule skinners, sounds like the report of fire arms,-- The population consists of alt nation alities. The Chinese occupy the lowef^part of the town. They are clean and neat In person, but Very filthy about their places of abode.-- The Pig-tails are at a disadvantage here, not being allowed by the miners to work the mines. It is certain deat^i for the heathen to be caught at work with a pick and shovel. Brute force$s about the only law there is here in the Black Hills. Everybody carries arms. Shooting affrays and murders are fre quent, while the only crime that Is punished is that of horse stealing.-- The revolver and the bowe-knife are the only instruments of moral persua sion hejre. We saw an Instance of it the other day, the parties being the rival claimants of a placer mine, erne being a woman, the other parties tak ing possession with their picks aliov- els ahd wheelbarrows. She appeared ou -the scene with a revolver in each hawrt and the other parties Immedi ately subsided. We havtTexperienced the usual vl- cisitudes incident to U. S. Surveyors since our arrival, earn ping out among the mountains, and waiting In some deep gorge for the mist and cloud# to roll away from the mountain top.-- Our lines passed in close proximity to Bald Mountain. Terries Peak, the Bears Buttes, Ousters Peak and Har ney's Peak. Harneys Peak being the loftiest elevation in the Hills, his lofty summit being usually enveloped in a shroud of cloud* and mist. The new soldiers camp at the foot of Bears Buttes was located by Gen. Sheridan while here in July. Every thing is very high priced here. Twenty-five cent pieces are the smallest fractional currency they have. One dollar in the States will buy ais much as three will here. Things will get dowu to a solid foundation wheu they get more means of capital and !*ss of the riff raft. ' w. a. s. With every autumn for the past few j'ears we have had a spasm of hope fulness for the revival of- business. Those hopes have from year to year been deferred, and our hearts have been' sick. And yet tn the midst of all de ferred hopes and constantly present de pression the couutry has been growing toward renewed prosperty. We have not yet reached 4,flush" times by any meauf. It is to be hoped that we shall not see again the extravagant, specu lative times of a few years ago. But it seem* to be generally admitted now thas we have begun, at last, to climb the upgrade, and that the suuunit, not bottom, is before us. Secretary of the Treasury Sherman gave a pithy state ment of the case in a two-minute speech to the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce last week. "We have," said he, "passed through a severe crisis. It has been common in all countries. A ray of hope has dawned on us, and every sigh of business is hopeful. We do not owe England anything of conse quence; we have gone through the debt-paying process. A few years ago we were running In dirbt at the rate of #100,000,000 a year, but lately we have been paying of our debt at the rate of #{00*000,000 a year*. From this time we will be more prosperous." |©~A San Fraucisco correspondent of the Baltimore writes: "Mules are much used here packing goods over mountains impracticable /or wheels. They are driven loose, often twenty irt a lot, To prevent straying, a white horse with A bell is put in the lead. The herd accepts his lead; they listen for his bfell and never stray. But put a colored horse in his place and he is not noticed. Put any kind of a fellow- mule there and they treat him with contempt. Th!s dogged superstition seems founded on'some dogma to whfch all mules are wedded. If your team parsed on a dark night a white horce at"pa^ture» they are sure to see a ghost, Snort, tremble and be off.*? - WASlflNGlSDN CCmRfr»P<IN|JKJICI5i:.: WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 16th, 187s. r 3ear the close of the war, Qvneitl Sherman captured certain State IT* chivcs at Raleigh, K. C^ and quite « controversy is now under way concern ing them between Gov. Vance, of tkat State and Sec'y. McCrary, In this city. Kot long ago Gov. Vance sent to M6- Crary demanding these archives In the name and by the authority of "A S*v- < ereign StateThe Secretary replied, KStates that go into rebellion have no right to make such demand*." Her*, upon Carolina was indignant, other Southern States Joined her indigiMK tion, and several State Legislatives passed resolnlions demanding the fct* turn uf the document* mentioned,*-- Upon the receipt of those resotaftciif last week, Sec'y. McCrary wrote a let* ter to Gov. Vance, which in no way tends to promote a pleasant feeling of the parties. He says am 3ng other things, "1 find them (the archives) |a the possession of the United States M property captnred In war, and I caa make no disposition of them until an* thorized by dii act of Congress. He offers to furnish copf€s of a part, pro viding the State bears the expense.-* This does not suit at all, and no reply has yet been made to his letter, A prominent Statesman here says: "Nol long hence a great snlt will be trl^d between the citizens of the late Con federacy and the United States Gov ernment for'damages growing out of the war. There is mnch evidence among titese archives that will be ef importance to the defense, ami It be* hooves the persecution to get this evidence into its own hauds^" Jeet what they are now trying to do. The State of Mississippi hto ats* sent a man to Washington to recover archives of that State captured during the war. He made known his business and Sec'y. McCrary gave him a copy of the letter above mentloued, as apply ing equally well to Mississippi as te Caroliua, and that is'the end ef Ike matter thus far. After a vast amount of debate, dis cussion and deliberation, the Govern ment has decided to transmit coins through the mails as third class mat ter, and the express companies are boiling over wltli wrath accordingly. That there will be certain risks to ran In this arrangement there can be no doubt, but the Governmental hlglt powers have come to the coneioslea that a pecuniary gain will be theirs fcy taking the transportation risks, there by saving the l*r{ amount* hitherto paid for expresses, Coin thus *e- mltted will be accompanied by a strong guard which will cost far lets than the rates or Insurance heretofore allowed to the express companies and which has added so much to the ex pense of trausportiiig coin and otl|»r Government valuablos. Now, when there Is a dearth of news or material of any sort for interesting correspondence, with what alacrity has the public press seised upon poor Orvil Grant's monomania as a theme for sensational statements concerning him and his relatives. As the Sx- - President's brother, of course the mere tuentiou of his name excites interest, but all the reports to the effect that Genl. Grant was troubled, vexed and pecuniarily fembarassed on account ef his odd brothers vagaries are false and without foundation. The fact is that Orvil Grant wae ever an unpre tentious, unobtrusive man. He was seldom in Washington or at the White House during his brothers Adminis tration and has very little acquain tance in Washington. No doubt It Is true that during some Of his orazy jtimes he has eutered into business negotiations in th* name of the Genl. which he could not have have done bsit for that connectiou. Mrs Grant, his mother, has of courts been interviewed* upon the subject, and she says that Orvil was always harmless and gentle, a good son, a kind father and devoted husband, but that his monamania is so growing upon him that she considers his confinement wise and necessary. Ourt. ^©"•"Principles, not meh,** Is the is* eepted motto in all respectable politi cal circles. But Butler reverses it«~ men, not principles, or rather a man named llntler. not principles, is Ida motto. On motion of General Butlett General Butler put himself in the 8"rMlr of General Butler, aud on a platfana consisting of a letter written tyrQea* ' eral Butler he is running for QO>Y*QM> of Massachusetts. A govevomotkt ef Butler by Butler for Butler Is what lilt success would mean. He has (K>f*e COQ« siderable running for the oflfeie |a which he how aspires, aud It is a 8*Ha» faction to observe that tlno ffety Stain was never less scared at his npfsaranfln ou the war path than this year.-« Having burned his ships behind htA ho will make a desperate fight. Bat he will.have his labor for hit Atoanv Jtermk 9^;