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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1878, p. 8

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* - <1*7% » . i •r '"*' ;,,. t"; .'•• •iiVnia^Wrrftw^nwi \>Sr^"'•M7"' ; > • &-r MfBT. Kxperta*** «m ikt Moncjr. - Vr ,.»* " "' lliH fS" fs5*i •••• • , , OM»«P«TT lC Roipg. J (Wlefc U la the State uv Kentucky,) • Oct. IS, lffik 1 Tie October eleckshuns alnt ez satls- •wkNTjr ei llte> mite IMY bin, but they %ftl i®. We hev lost Ohio, and Iowa, fnt Vi lm gobbled Injeuy and West Vllglwijr. The grate oos lir flnanshel •ihrMb«n he* not ex yit pasted Into a trioanph, but It hasn't bin killed, wtcb tl aone comfort. Ther Is yit room for Itope. Wheat hec come down five tfrataabaabel in comekence uv the 4I«mI pro*peck thai ther won't be no Svropean war, and that encouragts ns. TIM people nerer did ascribe the low prioe ur perdoose to anything but the party in power, ar.d this drop, ef it SDTldensheily con tiny oos, Will make te§ for us. The price tiv prodoose Controls a great deel more than any one i»a any Idee iw. I her knowd a provi­ de nshei potatoe rot to elect a Uemo- ppule member uv Gongris. : ' r Iseaker Gavltt is grotvin daily more my ex the prosper tiv a glneral ropean war diminishes. "It*» crobel," ses be, with t teer in eye. "No war in Europe,and Pre J^t ten hogs wich I wantid a high jprtee ftir. This world is full uv dlsap- fKntments. I don't suppose pork on foot will now be wuth more than three 4»ats a pound. Wat do them Boro- pean cab! nits mean J" But this is a diversion. I supposed that when we bed Mhood Flat money that our troubles wufe Over. I supposed that when the Conv- Vfton Counsel uv the Corners lied isbood •currency based upon the good faith J|<r the Corners, and hed passed an or­ dinance makln it hgle tender, that ev­ erything wood go along smoothly, and tliat the era uv prosperity wich we hev all been lookin for wood immejitlv set la. But it don't woTk wuth a cuss.-- We had expectld to be relieved uv our iadebtednis to Pollock ft/ Bigler, but mfortuaitly them disturlwrs, with a jleresite that is feendish/ hev persist- 4aly rnfeosed the Dfmocrisy QV the Onnmrs credit for rawly yw^ go that W* don't owe thenyanything. And Pol­ lack remarked vishnsly that ef we did owe him anything he wood ez soon take pay in Hat money es anything else 'I- r ¥' :t.?I M be A * V i. vf; ,5 ' f • was likely to git from us, ez v«r expect! d anythi ng anyhow. . Bat we <?esidid to gic even with blm ;I went into hi; store and asked for . a pare nv boots. ~A11 rite,** sed Pollock, Mwat kind uv poney do yoo perpose to pay in? the *|porio«s flat uv the present or the des­ pised greenback uv the past?" **Sirr I remarkt Impressively, **I am tao patriotic not to assist in gittlng oar new money Into cirkelashnn. I pay in flat, of which I hev plenty, more a coming , " ••All rile " sed Pollack, perdoossa a ttttle strip of leather, **Theia Is the Jp®t*.n they are not boot*" I exclaim- l|l. "Wat kla I do with that strip nv father ?** Jlat ei modi e* I kin vitii "yoor You say that piece ef paper is money, I say that piece of Is boots. My word is, I trust, good es yoor».M ? Aadwlth a feendlsh laf ha told Joe iigler to keep an eye on me and turn- fd around sellla snbstansbel boots to a trigger farmer wloh had Naduai Bank Sadly I went ovr to Bascom's and &•: r4»ond there the entire C'hrners discus- iln the flnanshel sityooashen. There fui Deekin Rogram in ills old familyer dialr, there wus Issaker a lyin on his lack on a round table that ike citizens play keerds upon whe& It it aroused, 4bd Capt. M'Pelter leanln aginst the all sigh in at the scarsity uv money aiid the deprest condishun uv Industry. It wus a site I hev seed a thousand time and it melttd me. f iletermincd demonstrate that ther wuz one pat- tiot that wood reipeck the laws uv his , ;||itive place, and accept her curreney. '••Gentlemen," I sea firmly, ustep op. ' -Haaeooi, set *ein up." j Baaeom hed bin takin oor money for ' «Ome days, and hed bio to Louisville Hr llaher. He sot out tlie bottle with A sardonic grin that boded us no good We each poured out the llkker, how- over, and placed the glasaes to our re- •pectlve lips. Immejitely every man •pitted the likwid out upon.the floor. Iturued (tick, fori bed tmeawshusly Iprallered a little uv It. 4 | IT wuz WATKR! THI ran I HED --4h»5T2£22 fOE VEAES! 'Wat does this mean,sir" I demaad- feercely. ^"Don't yoo like the whiskey f •im% anser, ez he glared feercely at ale. ?£ "Like it! Like it! Why, it's water!" '•Bless yoor sole," replied Bascom. ^why don't yoo say it's whiskey? he ininit you say it's whiskey it Is fhlskey. Too say the paper yon want Jo pay me In Is a dollar, jist becoz yopy ' iay it is a dollar, and why In bloody |||)under can't yoo make whiskey out water by jist sayin It's whisky. Gentleman this is Fiat whiskey, and It's the only kind 1 kin git with. flat •soney. When you git to pay|n in the oonifortabie old greenback, or the iotodest nickle, all rite. I'll give yoo ir the regler old bowel scorcher. But the < Hkker Is goln to assimilate to the H»oney. 1 learned that word in Louis- v|lto. Ef yoo want to pay ip flat Honey yoo are going to git fiat llkker. Ef yoo kin Imagine a peece uv paper with yoor stamp onto it is 4 dollar.yoo must likewewise imagine this flooid to be good likker, and vice versy. Parson, this is all yoo will ever git with yoor kind uv money.* And he leeued back agin his bottles with a defiant air, and . we sank back terrified. Where l« the end to b«? I don't know. Oh! Jthat Butler wood carry Massychoosits, and git into power, so that his genius cood solve the problem Ef Bascom repudiates the flat money it is all over hfere. PSTROLBUM V. KASBT. Finansepr. JOHNSBURCH HEN^Y MILLER, ai Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, &-• ETC., ETC., ETC., AmeHcan A Scsteh Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles Kortlr^ ilc- Henry, 111. J»hnsb«tgh, Ang. 80th, 1^7. - : ,vv 4 c.niuA Seffii Mm With all the latent imprnr«a«»u 1a«ril war- rantoa, . . . In the market. Jktnong- them are the Moline, Peru, Graad Detour. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged the best made and at :/•/ lM' L.V^^ ; '1 ;,lJtiitfan(iiJ^iv(^' be convinced. em a trial A. *«' A"'J, £-'.uiJ' t , |£* H-: <34 *• i'ifm' Bull's Racine Faiinj Mill At reduced prices. W' • * jf • 'a'ife til'M t: •'> *W'€Mt S " Poin PLATFORM SPRING WW, I hare the Caw " VvH j "Conrtlaiid Improved which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A No, I wagou in the marked' * CARRIAGE^ nese asetwoefMHKlMst iBaehHiM now $ne insrket, and; persons wishing to buy Should avail themselves of this Rare Chance. Call at my store and examine the machines. I' 7t w, 0w#a» ^^..^ARBiAGES,; 'f can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. Who can afford to ride in an open buggy when a, CARRIAGE ^ , i : : can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your iiitereBt to do so. ^^Everyfching soid on ^Merits. Remember the Old Stand, op* posite the Mill. \ E.M.fDwe^^. McHgSftr, III., July 22. i Is not easllfl earned in theae times, hut it nan l>e made in three, months by any one of either sex, in any part of theronntrv who is willing to work stradilv at the employment that we furnish.-- M per week in your own town. Yon need moe be away from homeover night. You can give your whole time to the work, or onlv your spare otomeots. We have agents who are iMitsgorer fte per day. All who engage n»*ke noney fast. At the present Having these we' Mr,Henry, I1L, July 16th. 18% AMBROSIA) BB8TOB8S eiiAt ORIUNH11 OOtaR mors AMBROSIA Cmm Bumont 4)19 Itoblntf of the Scalp. RING'S AMBROSIA fiWMflb- TUBBS* thingg -- If* f 1*6^!^ Maine"4 °nce'H- HALiitr*¥Co,"Portland? MAKBR. Shop appotiM the Parker inj, -iWf.?:}* • MoHesry * 1 IlHnols. ' v • I MUrtiimsea and taken possession of ... j, J' known Shops, I am now prepared, with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Baggies »n short notice and at *» Low Prices as a food article can be purchased elsewhere. Censftkt Blackam *»g Business, and will do your work in the heat of taaaaar and with the lea.j jwssfbW delay HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY. TTir-l V*: REPAIR I IVKS: B. ThompHon4 McHenry, 111., i^pril <Sd, M7R, ' • ^ €OLBY BUOTHBIIS McHenry, 111. jfeaACK'* CELE BRATED'SALVli^^^' '** 1» A VlSOKTABtK PRBPABATIOK Infented in the 17th centurv by Or. William --in K'n® James' army. ThVntgh Its agency he ruri-d thoiiHiindx of the most »««rk>u8 sores and wounds that ball. ed the skill of the most eminent lihvsicians of his day, and was regarded by k|l who i kMntlOlttaaa public benefactor. PEICK 25CENTS A BOJT Cettratej Salve. A-SOAK BELIEF POR THE SUPPEBSB. . 'fit • X < 1 . ** x ^ -f .y m fi t y . 'V ; • ' . ,.A" ^ *BEPARKI> Br 8ITH W. fOWLB A SO 1878 m i u - it' r I V< -••mc V: ,"<i\ j • *'< 'i- Hi it 1878 • Tu - ^ t, ; <«J. IrtH -1 NEW GOQP 'X '(lit xittiit'. ,»!«»* V<JI O/S ."Vt.r i.' S •" *n*i, AlAi* '•i' J : w>. ,. u « j- u .. M "* ,J"Xf ii.| Yoti Will cave money by examining our Stock of Goods before s 5, , purchasing elsewhere* „ Prints, Bleached Sc Brown Cottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings Denims, Shir tings and Ginghams.; C,& IW LINES V* U • Em. • n. j+i ••mm :jvj, I'v - *><rz * - > * Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kindsv • In Peady- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un- dersoldv quality of Goods considered. •JL !!dM; and Oil _ _ " fSTQiatet and Hosiery i Specialty, fine, ̂ enetuijf),« h Carpetings. ^ a ? Full Line of Family Qroceriea. PERRY & MARTIN McHenry, May I»T8rfj'r*• in $!.. I J."! w.*m Hlf' -^4rivjis DEALERS I* % Fos River Valley Mills. I, BISHOP, Proprietor. :WW*i ' ' • Scissors, SHesrs, Tsblo and Pooket Cutlery, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, "Window Glass* CRA TE-IRON AND YliWARE* •' ALSO, , Furniture & Undertaking. We make a ppeelalty of UNDERTAKING, and all ordors in that line will receire prompt ^ ̂ - 8 T C R Y & 8 0 N , HENRY COLBY v - *<#%<;& * OBA C. COLBV Having* ptirtihaaed the entire stock of I)ry Good», Groceriesr Ac.> ot Smith, Aidrich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now -prepared to meet their customers and the public generally with a furge and well selected stock of v,gy M - i . READY-MADE CLOTHING^ And &oes, Bats and Caps, fOIasa-Ware5 &e wiMfiife: House in »,v . will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap sirirej^^ttler e County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been *»¥ CHICACKJ & NOKTH-WKBHSKK *UX.WAT ®mt>race(f ufiderone management the Qreat l5SPif«,^fiJiS2rr l lV°« *be WKST and and, with its numerou* Bntnches aajLeonncfltions, forma the ihnrteat and quickest route b«twe«n Chicago and all Cintsin Iflinnis, WUconain, Kortii«r«i Jiielil. n, Minnesota, 1>V«, Nebraska, Ollforaia aotl the \V«gtemJ.Vri itoriee. <lts Omaha and California Line latha ihorteit and b<f»t route between Chica* •toand all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Coloradu, Utah. Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Janan aaa Australia. Its Chioago, St; Paul A Minneapolis • * Lino. Is the short line between Chicago a»d- ail points in Northet-n Wiaeoitsin and Wino««ou. and for Madison, St. Paul, HiniieaiwMs, D«. luth, and all points in the Great Northwest Its LaCrosse, Winona ft St. Peter Lin« Is the be«t route lietwecn Chicago and La« Crossn, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Mae- kato, 8!. Peter, New Uim and ail points la Southern and Centra) Minnesota. Its Green Bay & Marquette Line Is the only line between Chicago and Janes- vilie, Watertown, Fondulae, Oshkosh, An pleton. Green Ray, Kscaiiaba, Negaujsee, arqnette, Houghton, Hancock and lh« Lake S«perior Oostntry. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the Only route between Chicago and Biffin, Ijtockford, Freeport and all poiuts irK Free, port. .Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line In the old Lake .Shore Hon te, ami is the only «»i>e passing between Chieaifo aud Evanston. Lake Forest, Hiphlnnd Park, Waukejran. Racine Kenosha ami Milwaukee. Pullraap Palace Drawisg Room Cars are run on all through trains on tnis ronrt.„ This is the ONLY LINE running th.-we ears between Chieago nnd Ht. Paul and Minn*, apolis, Oliicajro and MilwauKee. Chu:a»fo and Winona, or Chi< a^o ar<l Green iiay. Closeconneetionsere made at Chicago with the Lake Shore ai\d IViiehigan Southern, Mich, igjirlOentrai, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg, Kt. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, forall poiiitw EAST and SOUTH-K AST, and with the Chicago anH Al" ton and Illinois Centra! for all points SOL TH Close connections ape also made with the UniAn Paeilic It. R»,KXOmaha for iAl far West points. (lose connections made at junction point( With trainsof all cross points. Tickets over this route arp sold bv nil Co«« pon ticket agents in the United Stake.* and Canada. Remember you ask ,for your tickets Tia th« Chicago & Northwestern Railway end take none others. New Y ork OlUce. No. 419 proud way; Boston Office, No, 5 State Street;" Omaha Office »j5 tarn ham street; San Francisco Offlc*'m Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. 68 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzic Street JDepot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinsia Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to KABVIN HUGBITX OeneralSupt. W. H, ST1JFBTT, Oen'l Passet.gerAirei i&v •uv m & CONSTANTLY BA*& w • M"i#D fO-A S?,lTO;f ;?:i Done «romptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Having just put in a new Feed Stone, cnpablc of grinding sixty btuheisof Feed per hour. 1 Am pre^wred U)il* )ourg*it plea* ^ .".'w USTThe Higheat Market ̂ prlre paid for good Milling WlMfiiS. R. BISHOP. McHenry III., Dec. Ilth, 1877. The McHerwy bought with especial refe|£nce to |Jt>e wants ot*. ^bs.^^eoplo^vt^iis community, ana we * ^ v "v WILL MOT BE We also keep our usual stock of And as ^VApa4^i^ pail« Ui pka^ o^ «ustofiMWA is this line* • v k ; •-;» ..«• i J^Uysjioiana Preseriptloiwi CJcwmpownded in a careful manner and by none but ezperienbed'^mdsl Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. >. ,?• ; ,, •, • McHenry, III., May tih, ld78^; " / Having newly Be.Painted and fitted up oar Shop, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with Fre»h and SaIt Meats OF ALL KINDS, f 'fs Sausage, Smoked Medti. V-. H J:': vi :4«M! *SB. - . v ' Lowest Liviusc Prices. ITa iHiyl«>Be the beat ^ingservodowrtlnia^lnj mrket* w 0hiirtit«>. ustter e offer our flnMttnftCralfwajU „ » any ! Thankful for past favors we solicit a rontin Mane# of the same, ana we wtu gnrantea to. |ktiafy you both in quality and price. e ' Vonamir. Iit.ltty soth, ists. _ of the Imives that we & bettershap Section,, B can make money Csater at workf*ru»tha» it anything else. Capital net required; we will start von. *« per day at home rnnde by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted, everywhere to work for ua. Now is the time. Costly tfutflt and ternws free. 4ugusta, Maine. Addreaa Taoa * Oa, week In ronr own town. fS Out* s free. No risk. Reader, if yon »»t a business at which persoasof itlior s*x r *n make great par >11 an.l, Maine. v Errors of Youth A GENTLEMAN Who suffered for yean from Nervous Debility, Premature De- eay, and all the effeets of youthful indiscre­ tion will, for the sake of suffering humtatty send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy ty which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to pro tit by the adviser's experience oan do so oy addressing in perfect contidenc JOHN B. OGDEN 42 Cddvr St., New Tork LM m 1 V i . '•'Wit '•t . j J . ' •

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