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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1878, p. 5

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1 > ' - J.-- ^ V -•̂ %'t • 'jm V-* ?T iV " *"* " -"" "" ' j*,Ai-%r " * ' • - WBDWE8DAY OCT.: th. mn. Oallroad Time Table. ' V :' OOIWO lOCTS. •mn Uk« PMNai«r.......i.>..,.T« A. k. OtMnUlM Frtlflt. l:tf r. •. Mtia VOKTB. Iw»n g=« Lake Uki ffiBS* ....10:00 A. K. 7:09 P. • RALLY 9* ASAIN. ̂ *22t-*~" mmmmm ' „.. SON. f. X GRAMER, Bepublicfin candidate for Repre­ sentative in this District, and other eminent Speakers, ̂ will ad­ dress the voters of McHen?y and vicinity •rift! ' AT mVCRSIDK HALL, On Mondsy Eve,, Nov. 4. Let everybody turn out to this LsistGrani Rally of the Cam* • - I^^The .MeHeijifjr Cornet Band will be in attendance. - ./CALL, and see THE new stockofMil- fthery Good* at Mm. Searles'. 1 MRS. DODGE is prepared to do Dress id Cloak miking at her residence, n.1 door South of the School House s^fThe latest styles of Fall and Winter Millinery, just received at Mri. Howes1 at Mrs, Moray's old standi , NiXT week we shall not issae tiie • #t4iN DEALER until Thursday, In order tbkt we may be able to give our rea- " ders ns full return of the Election as possible. GOTLEIB BOLEY burled hit second «liiId on Saturday last, and we under* •land the third and last is now danger- ; Mdyiiek. He lias the sysspnthyof tlie community ju this sore affliction. AH exchange hava leader devoted to 'Mswerliig the question "Do we govern -•ourselves?" Send down word whether you are married or not and weHl an­ swer you. . wja.Ti * j ? bit WE would call the attention of our readers to the.notices In other places in this paper, of Political Meetings to be held In this village this* week, the Rr«t being Hon. E. M. Dennis on Thurs­ day evening. Major Townsend, a Greenback Orator on Saturday eve­ ning, aad Hon. F. K. Granger ai other eminent Speakers on Xonda evening. This Is the "week of Jub lee,** and on Tuesday next the moura- ers will be put to rest. • r j . - - THOSE who don't advertise, are like the boy described as follows: ?A man sent his son to the city wftfi a bag of corn to sell, but at night he returned, and his father asked him what luck he had. "Well, dad," said he, "only on© man asked me what I had In mjr bag, and 1 told him U Was none of his darned business." And they sit around their empty stores and play checkers, and stand at their windows and see customers go to the otlier places, and wonder why people don't ask them what they have got in their bag. NICHOLAS BI.AKE. Ring wood, has a new advertisement In our paper«to- dsy. In which he Informs the public that he Is IA prepared to do all kinds of Carriage and Wagon Making, Horse- Shoeing and General Black-Smithing. Blake is a first class workman in his line, and as he employs none but the most proficient assistants, all work from his shop is sure to give sstisfac- tton. If in want of a good wagon, bngffy or sleigh, or horseshoeing or repairing done, do not fail to give him a call at *jii* old stand. Good work and low prices Is his motto. Se ad­ vertise me lit. The gravel train and a wild freight on the Fox River Road ran together near Curpeuterville on Friday last, which resulted In badly demoralizing One of the Engines bnt fortunately no one was injured. Tito engineer of the freight savs It Was amusing to see tin* Aground and lofty tumbling" indulged in by the men on the gravel train when It became ovidcut that they would come together. He says one fellow was so scared that he cried, and he was so cross eyed that the tears ran down ills back. That may be true but we demand the proof. At all events it was whit might ha called* lucky accident. ^ * JAS. R. SATLOR left at this office the #ther day an ear of corn of ' the white <$fent variety, that measured thirteen JieAef fnleugih and was completely filled, being perfect in every particu­ lar. Who can beat it f MACHINE Needles. Oil, Check Springs Thread Cutlers, Rubber Rings for Spooler, also a large assortment of Zephyrs, just received at Mrs. Salis­ bury's uext doorto Mrs. Searles Mc- Benry. ^ , WE would call the attentloh 'of our aders to the notice elsewhere of Stotfderd, in which he informs the public that he has a line Stock of Un* derwear. Gloves and Mittens, which lie Ife Selling at bottom prices. Itead Itls MDtice and give him a caft STREET COMMISSIONER McOtaber Is y now graveling the streets from the pot to the bridge. As we have said before we have now the best streets • that we have had for years and with the coat of gravel they are now re­ ceiving are still improving. THE Reading of Miss Lynn, aS^ the Unlversaltst Church on Thursday eve­ ns ng last was rather sltmly attended, tyut those who were there are unani­ mous in their praise of the entertain­ ment. It is to be hoped that Miss Lynn will visit us again under more favorable circumstances. IN the Boone, Iowa* &*p*biica* we find the following: Doc McLean, head lirafcetttMi for Con­ ductor Flint, while snaking a coupling Caon Hiding, Monday night, got his Jiancl caught between the buutpers and hiiu It crushed severely. He is now taking a "lay ofi" to recruit. "Doc" is nowat4»ome iu this village, tut carries his right hand In a sliog. J. COMPTOW, of Volo, left at our Sanctum one day last week, two splen­ did Brooms, which he Is now having Manufactured at his place, which are far superior to the ordinary Broom one buys. They are composed of the best of Broom Corn, and are made in the best of manner. It is and old saying a new Brq^m sweeps clean." but Jjhe women say! that those sold by fosiptoB c^n't be beat. Thanks. MOTHER Earth wore her white apron on Sunday; in other words our Indian Summer suddenly turned Into printer for a day or two just for a ilhange. Of course the Oldest settler tag been Interrogated and he .avers iiat he never saw anything like It.-- Jt has been an excellent Fall for work- . ing and the farmers are all well along with their work and consequently pre­ pared for the coming of severe weath­ er. Mojrfr Spent ^advertising ma|r he ' |rasted or may bring golden fruitage, gkeeording to the degree of jntelligence With which it is dispensed. Put it In­ to a good live, popular newspaper Which will carry your advertisements •to the counting rooms, the breakfast abies apd the firesides Of the people, ho have wants to be met and money Ith which to meet them. This is the whole priceless secret of successful ad­ vertising. V A WORD FOR OURfKLVaa* , We have upon our subscription list the names of a large number of sub­ scribers to whom we have furnished the PLATXOEALICR for one, two and three years, and from whom w® hare never received any pay. Knowing that the times were hard and money dIAualt to gat, we have been as patient as our circumstances would permit, thinking that aftercrops were harvest* ed and the products of the farm sold, money would be tuore plenty and that then those who are in arrears for their paper would come forward voluntarily artd pay What tlifcy owe us. We have to pay cash for our paper and cash to ouf help and we need all that is due us;.and we must respectfully but earn­ estly urge those who are Indebted to us to pay up at once. And to those who are owing us for the paper from the time we commenced Its publica­ tion we will say that they will save, themselves a more emphatic dun by respond!ngio flit- eall. This article is not intended for subscribers who pay in advance, bnt to those who have an idea that a few dollars is so small an amount that it will make no difference whether an editor gets It or not. THE mail train which parsed this place at 7.05 on Wednesday night last, ran In to n drove of horses at the cros­ sing about a mile North of this vil­ lage. and killed three very valuable blooded animals, besides <crippling another in such a manner that it will probably spoil hint. Those killed were AI. Hnnklns' promising young run­ ning mare, "Lady Malcom," John Hogau's "Norma," and a colt owned by W. II. Hankin». sired by "Ammudm."-- These were all flue blooded animals, and were highly prized by their own­ ers. They by some means got but of the pasture, and strayed upon the track just in time to get raught by the eve­ ning train. We believe no blame is attached to anyone, and as they were in the public highway it will frp,a^tal loss to the owners. i'/ WE are informed that Prof, E. W. Barker will open a Writing Sehool In this village on Wedresday evening of next week. Prof. Bnrker is one of the flfiiest Penmans In the West, and hav­ ing had experience in some of the first Business Colleges is peculiarly qualified to teach this most important branch of education. Specimens of *ls Pen­ manship can be seen at the Post Otiice, and we advise all our young people to take advantage of this rare opportuni­ ty , His terms are exceedingly low, SI .60 for thirteen lessons. Remember the time of commencement. Wednesday evening next, at the Public ^School Buildiag. . %C .Thv popular firm of FitK-iintYions St Evanson, near the Dep?t. have taken possession of a Half column In our pa­ per to-day. Their new and spacious store Is filled to overflowing with a choice stock of Fall and Winter Goods, bought with especial reference to the wauis of this community, ou which they are making tho lowest bottom prices, la Dress Goods, Clothing. Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, they can­ not he surpassed in this county either in quality of Goods or low prices, as they buy and sell for cash, and give cheircustomers the benefit arising therefrom. Their stoek of Goods just received Is unusually fine, and the buy­ ing public will do well to call and ex­ amine. Read the advertisement else­ where. . THE Republican meeting on Friday evening last, which was addressed by John C. Sherwin, the* next Member of Congress from this District, was well attended, and it was almost the unaui mous verdict that It was the best speech of the campaign in this section. His remarks were almost.entirely con­ fined to the Finance qscstioti, which he explained and proved in a manner so plain that all could understand. He showed the utter fallacy of the Green, back fraud, and by his candid state­ ments made many warm friends amoug his hearers.. N« one who heard him but will acknowledge that lie will alily represent the old fourth District in the Halls of Congrlp^ Time or space will not permit us to give eveu a synopisis of bis remarks, but suffice to say that it wss an eflWt honorable alike to himself and the party he rep­ resents. i We would call tbe atteniloa of readers to the new .advertisement of Fred Schnorr, to be found in another coluhin. It will be seeu that he has moved into his new Store, next door to J. Story A Sos's Hardware, where he will hereafter be found with ^the bestofsteck, and assisted by compe­ tent workmen. jprepared tq make to order Boats and Shoes of all kinds in tho most workmanlike manner and warrant satisfaction every time. Mr. Scbnorr has fitted up his store iu a neat and tasty manner, aud intends to keep on hand a good supply of "custom made work, which he will offer to the public at prices to suit the times.-- From 1*18 long experience in the busi­ ness his customers can rest assured of getting good work and made from the best of stock, as he buys no other.-- Read bis advertisement anl give him a call at his new store. llIKTHDAT PAKTC ' ' EDITOR PLAIXOEALKR.--lieinjr one of the many invited guests that assem­ bled in the Pleasant and spacion* room* of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beekley on the 17th ins?., to celebriifce the an­ niversary of the Natal day ortotocjlmt- L. Beekley (their father), we found ample preparations made for a pleas­ ant time. On either side of a large Photograph liker.ess of the old gentle- .man that adorned the wall were large Evergreen figures 1788, IS78. showing this to be his Ninetieth Birthday, but It is evident that "Time", deals very lenient with liiiu as you Would thought liiin io be about seventy-live years of age, as he is hale, hearty and sprightly, enjoying the. society of Friends and Neighbors In a.high degree. He had his Children, twelve Grand Children. aud two Great Grand Children present ou this ocoasiou, with many other in­ vited guests, and among the presents was a nice Upholstered Easy Chair, set upon castors, presented by the grand childreu as a tokeu of their es­ teem for their Grand Fathetv In the evening tiie Dinbig room was cleared of its furniture aud given to the " sccond generation" for dancing, and a few hours were thus pleasantly w hi led away when all returned to their homes well pleased with their enter­ tainment. SB&UH. Nunda, Oct. 88th. 1878. -"nil' i i i" i ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL Notice is hereby giveu that ou Ifues- da.v, Nov. 19th, 1878, commencing it 1 o'clock p. in., at the late residence of Edmund Fleming, deceased, ot the town of NuiidH, McHenry county, Ill­ inois, the/Personal Propetiy of said deceased, consisting of household far- niture, 10 acres of corn in the shock. .1 stack of Oats estimated at 200 bushels, 7 shoats, 9 sucking pigs, 1 cutter, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1 horse rake, 1 pair horses and harness, 1 wagon, 1 . fanning mill, 1 cider milt, and otlier articles, will Ue_ f&r the company, sold at Public Sale Ifi accordance with an order of the County Court of Mc- Ileury county. TERMS OF SALE:--All sums of $3 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of Eight Months will be given on ap­ proved Notes at 8 per cent interest. M • R. BISHOP, Administrator. GREENBACK RALLY. Let Everybody interested in the Great Question of the P!|y, CQi£e Out mad hear n - Major W. F. Tovnsend, AT RIVERSIDE HALL, Saturday Eve., Nov. 2d, '7t» The Meet! •t i o'clock. Let everybody turn out. BY ORDER COMMITTEE. ••iimmmaimm' --<ri-- , ---- ; : WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDRALER AS Antho- nv says "Fast and foremost." The Honse of D. W. Robinson was visited Friday night and rifled to the amonnt of #400 or upwards. Mr. Robinson was aware of something peculiar, went to the head of stairs from an upstairs sleeping room, saw that the Chande­ lier had been lowered and lighted and supposing some of the household were up he again retired wi» good order" and loft Mr. Burglar "alone in his glory." In the morning there was dis­ covered missing several valuable Overcoats, a Ladle's Velvet Cloak of the jK*lue of SI00, several Hats, some Jewelry, a Gun worth (160 (te. Ac. No clue to the thief or thieves, Saturday gave a* pfer first snow storin. , r The attendance Was quite slim at the La thro p meeting, and the Speaker seemed to feel the lack of interest which he seemed to' expect, as he had a right to, the announcement of his name as speaker Would create. 'The Van Curan-Stedmaa war stlil rages but It is thought by Stedman's friends that he loses nothing by the conflict upon which we express no opinion as It will be settled on elec­ tion day. Xhereseeins to be no inclination to "fasi" on ths part of iha Nationals and Democrats. Johu A Parrlsh has bean expelled from the Batchelor's Club, Cause Mat­ rimony. Major W; F. Townsend Is advertised for Woodstock on Friday evening Nov. 1st. The Era says, uhe Is as able a man as Carey." Well for the sake of modesty and deoency we hope he is more of a gentleman. The richest farmer In - McHenry Chunty writes poetry groAtiliig ditties for the Era. Surely there must be some leisure time eveu for the poor down troddeu farmer. Ed Furore's Barn horned on Manday night. Loss ahtfut S3S0. Insurance S240 In Aetna qf Hartford Conn. About six months ago the Aetna paid Mr. Furer a little loss than 9300for a barn burned ou the same Site. He re­ built It at a cost of between #300 and $400, and Jt is now burned a. some rascal. Richmond Department. Btsteetr Hotpots. 4 Yoa will find ban at Vitssiusmons A I jains iu Overooats Svansoii* UNDKHCLOTHS8. The Cheapest and best Stock of Un- dereiothes, Gloves and Mittens In the county can be found at L* Stoddard's*-- Call and see for yourself. Ladies, Mens and Childrens Under­ wear very cheap at Fitzsiminons A Evanson. WHILE in Woodstock, the City Bakery is the best place to get Oys­ ters, either by the Can or Dish, cheap­ er than arty other j>lace in town. Bny the Walker Boot at Fitzsimmons A Evanson. WINTER STOCK, WINTER STOCK! W« have filled our house full of New Goods In every department that we can sell cheaper than ever before.;-- Come and see us. BCCKLIN tt 8* Bvaws, New and Styliah .Dress Goods just reeelved at EITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. RMGWOOO EDITOR PTAIXDEALER>-Tlia Far- mere are busily engaged gathering the corn which they all say is an excellent crop. Mr. Tyler is In tbw» to day and onr Merchants are happy. He spent the Sabbath at Mrs. Crandall's. aud We know the proper attractions are the re to make him happy. George Brown, our Boot and 8hqe maker, is getting up i^better |boot and for less money than any other man In this county. Xick Blake still continues to supply the wants of the farmers. He has built a numberof wagons and sleighs lately and Ni^k says he is not afraid to war­ rant them either, for Geo. Rothertnel, whom we all kuo w to be a good work­ man, did the woodwork. Will Crlsty, who all summer has been employed in the McHenry Pickle Fac­ tory, is now in Chicago doing bust nets We would just say iSFone of the boys, success to VV til for we believe liim to be deserving Miss Alice Disbrow is visiting her Sister Mrs. Smith. We suppose she will give all 4ier old school mates a «aU. , , ' L- ~'u,t •; . Tha Bed Hlbbon v$uh will meet again on Wednesday evealng. the sub­ ject for discussion being, Resolved, that intemperance is a grester evil than War, Pestilence ipid Famine., Speakers on thp AittriuafcUi*, pood win and Terwilllger. On the Negative,' Carrand Bro, Let every one come* out and by jrour presence lend tw your Influence. * On Tuesday evening last week,4, young Steers belorfging to Mi. Ladd were killed on the RaM Rpad track op-^ posite Richard, Lawsoa's place, by the evening train. ' i Quijte a normber from tbls place at­ tended the political meeting at Mo Henry last Friday evening and all came home well satisfied that John C. Sherwin is the right man to represent the people of this District In Congress.. ' 1 R. R. Crosby will sell a large lot of household fnr«ltnr|T;f| ISoloo, .,aiQKt Saturday. Rensellaer Johonuott and Miss Clara Turner were married at the residence of the bride's mother, in Barton last Thursday. Mr. Johonnott is one of onr most honest and reliable boys and his wife the pride of the town of Bur­ ton. May happiness ever attegd tbe newly wedded pair. Some human dog, #Sose^Itf©^i tor having an immortal soul, and of get­ ting to Heaven when earth life is o'fer, are infinitely less than the chances of the most "ornery" four-legged cor In town, has been putting poison around the village in crackers, and- several dogs have been killed thereby.-- Among oth«*r?, Dr. Ward's harmless dog was killed, and A. J. Howe's caine within an Inch of dying. The unmiti­ gated idiot who ppts strychnine on crackers about the streets, where any­ body's little 0biidn?ight pick it up aud eat it, ought to fee by the neck until "dead, dead, dead" and may God have no mercy on his soul. The pollti«al speeches of B. If. Smith and William Lathrop, last Wednesday night were the best expositions of the financial problem that I have yet lis­ tened to. Mr. Smith remarked that the tendency of the age Is. to lay all the ills of the Country at the door of the party In power; at the present time tbe overshadowing question be­ fore the people is the question of fi­ nance. Tho aim of the Republican party is to give to the country an hon< est currency, and opposed to its policy Is the Democratic party aud tha Na­ tional Greenback party, which liavo affiliated, and joined issues, proposing a "fiat" currency, itndefiulte in amount, and witli that to pay the bouded in­ debtedness of the country ; to repeal the Resumption Act, aud to wipe out the National Banks. To this suictdal po!!ey the Republican party isopposcd It is claimed by the opposition that the Republican party lias "brought oh the hard tlmos," by the establishment of Natioual Bauks, by the Resumption Act, and by contraction of the curren­ cy. But Mr. Smith showed that while lu 1809 we had less than $630,000,000 of circulation, to-day we have $080,000,000 of paper money and 940,000,000 of sil­ ver fractional. The f17ft,IKK),OW of Treasury Notes that bore interest and were payable in one, two aud three years, the Government has paid.-- These were not proved to be a circu­ lating medium, because they Were hoarded tor tiie interest. So came the Issue of the 7 per cents, all paid before 1869, aud 6 per cents' issued iustead -- Thus was the rate of interest steadily decreased and tiie Government expen* ses made less In the same ratio. In lS70i^overnineiit lidded $50,000,000 to the circulation by the establishment of National Banks, which have nbw ceased to be multiplied, showing that the vol­ ume of curreucy now ln circulation is sufficient to meet the demands of the business Interests of tiie country, and proving that in the matter of curr$ni|jp as well as in other things the law of supply and demand are eorelative.-- What more glorious record could any party have? The Resumption Act pledges the Government to pay its debts in gold or silver on and after Jan. 1.1879. What Is the result? We now have a sounder currency than,ever before because the Government Is pledged to Its resumption in a.medium of exchange recognised by the civi­ lised world. The National Banks are a great national blessing. Wiping them out would iuvolve financial ruin. Every nation iflhst have banks and if we do not have the Natioual Banks we would have the wild-cat institutions which in years gone by have caused so much trouble. Nstibhal Banks loan money just as cheap as brivate batiks would. The interest on, the national bonds must be paid -to some one, and why not as well to the National Banks as to private individuals. And what substitute to our admirable currency is offered by the Greenbackers? , A "fiat" .currency, In unlimited amonnt, tbe walof tbe Government to make it taoney, and with It to pay off the bond ed Indehtness of the country. But such a course is open and flagrant tl»>- honeaty. *>'fhe contract was to pay In coin i&nd national honor is involved < ifa going back o« that contract.' Mr. Lathr0j>}s spcech wss J^lso sn able and logicalexpose of tiie jfiianclal question and he won golden opinions among the people of Jtlchmond, I have not Mine or space to follow through. , For Beckers, dear the a nobby suit, go Depot. " • • A Six 8x10 Chromos, for B Blake's. 'OMtiU at . Onlv one Carriage left, ont of Four teen two month* ago, at E.M. Owen's. At Colby Bros, yon can always find * the latest styles of Drew Goods. % Call and make a selection oil Of •Fifty Plows; at E. M. Owen's. ~'~Jfotamine two Wagons different gearrdt k: O 1 at E. men's JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. Sesrl»\ a new Stock of Fall and Winter Milieu- ery. Also all the latest styles of Cloaks, Cloak Trimmings, Beaver Cloths. Ae„ all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times. t; i OVERCOATS!. , JWa bare just received a lafgf* In­ voice of Overcoats which we offer at extremely low prices. We will snake It an object for parties in need of these goods to bny from us. • . , yiTZ81M«OV« 4 SVAHSOK. FOR SALE- Fifty head of full blood Merino ifost OJBoe Oresawood. r% I him Cotirtland A good assortment of Spllnta found at Blakers, cheap. A fine lot of Ze phyr and Card Boards, just received at «r. B. Blake's Furnltaro Store. : •>- • -r-<i iqnes German Worm stand Unrivaled as a w^rm medicine.^ Giye them a trial. Sold by all Drn§> glStS. " ' ".v. GREAT REDt7CT101#f > \ ' ' Itt ttte prices of the Buffalo BoOtt , -i*" and Shoe«. Don't fail tos«o tiiem b«- || fore making your selections. V iS COLBT BLTOS. G fltiven»us« Biocll . -jS School Rooks and W.riting Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. ^ Stop at E.M.Owen's andseL new the Geared Cortland Wagon. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Llal* ment is for man and beast and is a balm for every wound. Sold by all Druggists, THE Eureka Tree and Post Hole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and se< one. The best thing in tbe marl and sold cheap. ; "V New Stock of Cloths. Readv-Made Clothing, &c., for the Fall trade just received at Lauer A Becker's, near Depot, - OR SALBwf5'« Three or four improved Farms. qnire of J. B. Perry for particulars. % v PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha 'Pumps. The best Pumps at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. HITCH UiT HITCH UP!! ^ Drive DoWn! Drive DoWn!! And See Us! And See Us!! We will make it fay yoa;: BtTCKLur A STEVENS, . McHenry, IU. BOOTSI& SHOES. It Is a conccdcd fact that f h© Bo®!* lo Gnstom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior on the market. Selected stock. Warranted work. For sale by Colby Bro*.. Riverside Block.* "Economy is the road to wealth f* fifty cents worth of Uncle Sam's Har- ne.«<i Oil applied to your, old harness, will make the leather look like new and keep it soft and pliable. Have your Sewing Machine Cleaned, Re-Adjusted or Repaired by an experi­ enced machinist, who will visit your house on notifying him by postal card. All woikw#j»au^«d. iu Children have health and Mothera rest when Dr. WineheU's Teething Syrup is used. It produces natural sleep, regulates the howels, cures dys* entery and diarrhoea arising from tee tiling or other causes. Sold by all Druggists at 23 cents a Bottle, When you are depressed and system disordered take Eilert's Daylight Liver Pills, they regulate the liver and digestive organs and will quickly-re­ store yon to Jiealth. Sold by all Drag- gists. , 7 It is the universal testimony that tho Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which wa are the sole agents In this village, are relatively the best aud cheapest In tho market. Give them a trial, J ; COLBY BROS. ^ Riversid® Bl«*k WAIT FOR THE WaGON. We are now offering one of our cele­ brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, Steel Spring seat, Whiffletrees, Nejek Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for $50. Warranted for one year. R. BISHOP. ' :*/ "m REWARD. V; : The above reward will be paid to any one who will find one of our Buffa­ lo Boots In which there is a counter, inner sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, piece of sole leather. COLBY BROS. ' Riverside Block .Jos. WIEDEMANN now keeps Franz Folk's Milwaukee Export Bottled BeSr w^ich is the finest made, put up In Patent Bottles, and will keep fresh and nice. Will be furnished by tho dt^yn Mr single bottle. ( POLITICAL Hon. E. M, Dennis. Indepen(feril can- dldate for the Legislature in this Dis­ trict, will address,meetings this £week •s follows: McliENRT, Thursday evening, Oct. 31st. " 1 WAu<x»^i^;%|^y!^«dJ%, LAKE ZURICH, Saturday ^evening Nov. 3d. * ^ Doinotbpy your Mtutuery a-.itil . have examined t^a^iMS ̂ '^Urs, Howe's. • ' •••'f . >;A' Thousands of dollars are now being saved every year by progressive far- ^ mers, who soon discover the great val- g ne .of freely ..using Uucle Saim's Condi- tlon Powder in tiie feed of their stock: ifi It restores the sick, increases tiie beau- ty. and usefulness and prouiotet^tjw ^ t growth. Sbki hv all Dn{ggtst|^rr; , " TOR SALE." v " : • ^ j 40 Acres of land in Section 12, .all, . if fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon.,with tim- | ber and water In abundance. In HMIIMI ^ 39. - 1 Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new p house, barn and other outbuilding*.-- U' Apply to- - JOHN Fujscf, . LIVER IS KING. • i &\>§ The Liver i« the imperial nrgaa o ;1 the whole human system, as tt contiM, • the life, health and happiness of nian When it is disturbed in its proper ae tlon, all kinds of ailments are tha ^ natural result. The digestion of food, ^ the movements of the heart and blood, • tbe action of the brain and nervous^^ system, are all Immediately oanno^ed^lEj with the workings of the Llveft - It has been successfully pjrov^d tliat Greenes August Flower is atiagialled In earing ^ all <afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver ^ Complaint. and all the numerous sy«np» ^ topi that result from an unhealthy '!*? condition of the Liver and Stomach, Sample bottles to try. 10 cents. Bosi-* k ttmrsold In all towns on the -Wester*-;' f, Ow»«nent. Tiiree doses a^ll prOva that it is jnst what yoo " M SrW* M Ail Daily and & IbER News R

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