WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6th, 1878. tlillroad Time Table. ....7* A. ...i-Br. a- . _ ®mw& aOVTR. : BsaiasBssr:-;^ wt*o mtdri. l.afce Freltrht ra»neva Lik* PsMMf»r...,ki.. jf. ;i»- W* learn that aiad sod fetal acci dent happened alpha Cheese Factory in Spring Grove, jm Sunday morning last. A man dro^e up with a load of milk and had a loafed gun laying across the front of hisar&en, when a young man employed ixuuid the Factory took hold of the pule and drew it towards him, the para mer catching on [an was discharged, trating hi* side.--- Huge was called but s : « . \ v* <»>"•* 'iv € . &• - V U'Mi. X%'. RKMEMREK the OyiHer 18th, at the Parsonage. . CALL and see the new st<*ric Unary Good* at Mrs. Searles1.1 DO**T forget tha pocket book NOT 13th. the box and thi the entire load Dr. Beers of thil there was no he on Holiday nigh before taking h •f Mil- was loaded bui *«f- L_ Supper Hot. He The latest styles of Fall and Wln^r Millinery, just received at Mrs. Howe%' at Mra, Morey's old stand. Ws are again under oblt|atious to A. H. Haaley & Sons, for a Sack of vary fine Buckwheat Flour, Thanks. Mat. DODOE is prepared to do Dress and Cloak making at her residence, Second door South of the School House CASPAR WIRFI advertises a Social Party, to take place at his Hall on Soil day evening next, the 11th. "Dr. A. N. 8TONIC, of Elgin, haa been rusticating in and around McHenry for the past few days. Ducks flew high while he was around. COLD we a the* lijitom lug with the usual attendant!^ flitting stoves, open grates and hot if r furnaces; and the wise man is also <fe hand with that most staple commodity, good advice ^respecting the danpr of Are. Nearl e graph enjoining the people to look to their chimneys and flues, to aeethat the wood work Is nowhere exposed to the peril of ignUSoa, etc., etc. this is all sound advice, and we aite glad to emphasize It. There are two things that we scarcely expect to live long enough to see-the property owner who doubt* t!~ esiir* safety of a defec tive flue, or the k!(ch«u girl who dls- truste the,utter innocence of a kero sene can. TMC battle Is over, the dead bar led, and we shall now pay a little 'Ynore attention to our ^oorreapo^pnciijatid other local matters. WHILE In Woodstock, the City Bakery is the best place to gat Oys ters, either by the Can or Dish, cheap er than any other place In town* W. H. HAKKIXS IS renovating his old shop, in Howe'1 Block, and will re- Open It In a few days and again com mence the manufacture and repairing of Harness. Red THE Regular meeting qjf "'tha Ribbon-Club, will be held' at the UnS- versalist Church, on Thursday evening November. 7lh. The meeting will he addressed by Rev. W. A. Adron. of this village. All are earnettiy Invited to ba present. DR. A. N. STONE, Oenti«ff. of Elgin, will be at the Riverside House, to this Village, on Saturday and Monday next prepared to do any work in his line.-- Dr. Stone is a first class Dentist, and those wishing his aaaviaee should bear this In mind. WE understand there Is to be a Party at the Riverside House, In this village, on Thanksgiving Day, which Is set down for the 23th of this month. A* there lias been no gathering , of this kind at tli!s popular Hall fur some time we predict a good KirwMti PROP. BARKKK'S Writing Class, at the Public School Building, will open this Thursday evening. Let alt cbine prepared to write. This la an oppor tunity seldom offered to the young of this village and vicinity, and should be Improved. THE ^BOSS^ fishermen of this part of the country are Rufus Brown agid Levi Rairdon. That's settled. On Monday we saw them on their way hoiue from Pistaqus Lake and they had as flue a lot of fish as one could wish to se*. They had fiffy-Jloe Black Bass that wonld weigh from two to seven pouuds each, which they had caught In about one day. Who can beat that? • WE learn that W. H. Stuart, who was here some mouths ago with the Reed Combination Troupe, and took the character of "Uncle Tom," intends visiting this plaoe again soon with a tlrst class Troupe. Mr. Stuart gained many warm friends on his former visit here, who will be glad to learn (that he Intends to return. Our citiaena can look out for a rich treat. OH Friday night last see toft 4TT'1iave been a good one for Burglars, as they made big hauls both hi Richmoud and Nunda, accounts of which can be found In our regular correspondence from those places. McHenry has been for tunate in this line, having had but one visitation, but our merchants will do well to be on their guard and give these night prowlers a warm reception should they happen around again. WE would direct the attention of* our readers to the new advertisement of Scott, 6 Co- Hatters, to be found on the first psg6 of this paper. This firm now occupy three Stores, and do a large wholesale and retail business.-- They are a square dealing firm, and If you want a single Hat or Cap, or a large bill yon will get a good article and equally as low. Read their Adver tisement. ON opening the Oottticffl RdOtntrn Tuesday morning It was found that our village had narrowly escaped a terrible conflagration. The room had not been used since the last meeting of the Board of Registry, and. It Is sup posed that a lighted cigar had been dropoed into a b)x filled* with saw dust used aa a spittoon, which had burned entirely up aud burned a hole through the floor nearly a foot square, and then went out. Had this fire got under full headway that entire part of town would probably now have been in ruina. It probaMj went sat to wa«t of draft. W K learn that Peter Rothermel and Peter Smith, of thftfown, have lately purchased farms In Nebraska, Smith having already gone there to reside, while Rotlieruiel will go early In the Spring. Their farms are situated about thref miles Weal or Fairfield, Clay County, which is said to be as Hue a country as lay? out door*. Quite a number from this ||iiT\£diate vicinity have moved to Nebraska, and we hear of others who contemplate going in the Sprlug. among which Is Joseph Freund, who us that it is his intention to buy aud settle upon a farm near the two gentlemen above bamed. Th.*« does the tide of emi gration continue towards the setting sun, and jWie after the ottier does the young, middle-aged and even old make for themselves and ' their children homes iti the Far Mjpeat, whose broad prairies ace ample for all who eotne. Wfi clip the felliming from the Spec tutor of September: "We published last month a criticism of some of the announcements circulated bjr the Rockford Insurance Company of Rock- ford, l|l., taking exception to the prac tice pursued by that coucarki. Of exten sively advertising a stateuUnt where, in no allowance 4s made foHe^insur- ance liabilities. A statement Hied by tlie company with the Missouri insur ance Department, exhibiting its affairs on Jun* 80th, 1878 gives .the com* pany credit for tJQO.000 la* -assets than It claims for Itself in its pupllidi- •d advertisements and i^e total liabil ities of *.he concern as made up by the company, amount to abput $300,000.-- The assets do not include a dollar of Government or State bonds; in fact Just as we said ht$t month, only a very small part of the funds which tlie coin* pany claim to be possessed of appear to be convertible into cash, so that in the event of any large couflagaratiou invol ving a number of its risks, it Is not un likely tlie company tvoutd experience considerable di fticulty in meeting the claims of iosses. We are informed that an examiner from the Missouri State Insurance Departntent. has been at work In an examination of the com pany for several weeks past. He made almost at the outlet the Interesting discovery that books of the company are not kept in such a way as to show the company's obligations for re-inour- ance,so that the work of calculating the uueairned premium*, liability could ouly be performed at the ex pense ofmuch labor and time. The' amount hitherto reported for this lia bility by the company appear* to have been made up at random, and we can safely say that the obligation will verr muca excuse any estlmate which the company has ever made.-- We would not be surprised If the Mis souri Suprinteudent Would deem it necessary to exclude the company from doing business iu that State, although it is quite likely that It may continue there until the expiration of the pres- year. In view of these facta we repeat what we have said before: "/* ii in conceivable what excuse a prudent farmer or haute owner ecm make to himself for taking a from the Rockford there are of unim- peachabtej^jgj^^kich wiii affvrd undoubted indbflSUtV ai reawuaWe •reamw.-, "j't*"*?1'"1 . M j'Sffc There will be au^gMfl^Ber and Bacaarat the new *^^^^H»-sonage, Wednesday eve NovJ^^^PThe pro ceeds are to help del^HR expenses of the Parsonage. nP^hist all wi U turnout and do vchat they can, as every little helps. Come one, come all. ' ^ ; • MACHINE Needles, Oil, Cheok Springs Thread Cutters, Rubber Ringa for Spooler, also a large assortment of Zephyrs,just received at Mrs. Salis bury's uext door to Mra. Searles Mc Henry. LADIES, please maka anything that yon Uaiak will sail, for U*a Baaaar.lTor. l#tl». died waa cautioned of the gun that i t root heed the warn- THK ttKCTIOS IN MaHBSIHY. The election In this village on Tots* day ptftfeuofi in the mostqnlet manner, although a good deal of hard and earnest work was done. Split ticketa and trying of all ki»d« wag the oilier of the day with the opposition, u»d the result ws» that the Democratic party Was entirely swallowed up by the Gftenbackers, there being but one solitary straight Democratic Vote polled. The vote polled was light, but 384, full 150 short of the registered list, ^eing cast. Below *e append the vote lu full: Bates rotas iltATB si-PxauTBimairT. .......188 votes -- ...JSVOUW ••••' ...m votes etvac avraawc ooe&T. ...1ST votes • • .... f0§ rota® • .41 into* CbBBK ArraUATC OWIfT, : Oombfc «»»«•«..».....137 ro(M , .^^.'y1r<bMN»aa!K • V < 42 VOS0S Stesfhtea.! Graag^v..... t>asai.. 4 >v«. « Price, MuraaainrTATi vf. , votas !s?as .s«u 'it*- . • * •r sntKairr. ' votes --8X votes 3 votes SUrtmaa. J.fiii .i. votes v an Oarea...V.-....;..1W votes • i""---iiw.»...S7 votes il. oosKwaa. Kor the Gonstltatioaal Aw end i»«nt....... K m c w o o d PLAIN DEALER --This l« the laa't week of sdiool and the scholars lire In HHCoinmon good spirits. We learn that many of them who have at tended this term, are coming again this winter. To all such aud to as many more who think of attending schObl here* we would say that Mrs. Crendull will board them at reasonable rate*. The (Greenback meetiug of last week wa* well attended and considerable In terest was manifested. Mr.Gage, Mr. Stevens and Mr. Cristy, occupying most of the time. Mr. Kelter did not speak but a few minutes, as It was very late. We woul4i.aH like to hear tilm at some other time. »V\ Mrs. Mnuroc and little s^n are visit ing friends here. That item of lajrt week enneerning Mr. Tyler "wl^fch should have read Fyler** wa® a mistake from begiuing to end and if the readers of this paper will Excuse us this time we will see that no sueli blunder happens again. Owing to the rain tlie. Lyceum was postponed until Tuesday evening. Let ali come out and hear the Temperance question discussed. Benny Ruinthorp itarted for Chicago this morning 'driving with him a flue flock of fat sheep. Geo. Herbert is acting the plrt of guide. The wood belonging to the R» R. Oo. is being sawed by a gang of sawyers front Oshkosh. Wisconsin. Tom and Jimmy are full of fun bovs. We liarii that Mr. Ladd threshed about 450 bushels of wheat from 95 acres. We should say good enough. Harry Is the Boss Painter. He gives good satisfaction. aad $lt', charges agree With the time*. / , / Charlie Bacon lias a very flue dri ving mare, whioh he will sell for $150 &Ue4s six vears old and all right. • • i . i --8 h 'nM Mr= B. F. Stsaisjr, haa purchased, for the use of the High School, one of the finest sets of scientific apparatus in the State. Only twt> Institutions In Illinois have an equally good one, via the N. W. University and the State University. Students should made a I note of thil, -*Tne following is the result of ,Tues day's election in this village: STATE TREASL-RKa, . Strayed or Stolen 11 1 J From the subscriber, in this village, a SORREL HORSE COLT, four years old. white star in forehead, and'will w6igh 1000 pounds. Whoever will re turn said Colt, or give information whtre he may be found, will be liber ally tc'W anted. VMM.' KMML < MeHearf, IIL Oet M$b, ItM. < FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Having moved on my farm I now offer my Store and other property in Jolin*burgh for Sale, or will exchange It for good Farm property. If notsold I will Rent it to a responsible party on reasonable terms, lt isaflne location for trade. Call on or address P. GIKSELKK, McHenry, 111. P08TP0NK DADMIN ISTRATOR'S SALE. Notioe ia hereby given that on 8atr nrday, Nov. 9th, 1878, between the hours of 10 o'clock In the forenoon and 5 o'clock lu the afternoon of said day, at the lata residence of Horace Long, deceased, the Personal Property of said decedent, consisting of 1 Pair Mares. 2 Shoats, S Wagons, 1 set of Bobs, 4 Plows. 80 Fence Posts, n lot of Hay, Corn and Potatoes. 1 Chest of Tools, Bed and Bedding, 1 Stove, a lot of House ho id Furniture, and other articles, will be sold at Public Sale, th accordance with an Order of the C0u6- ty Court of McHenry County. TERMS OF SALE:--All sums of85 and under. Cash. Over that sum a credit of Eight Months will be given on ap proved Notes at 8 per cent. „ £, II. OWKB, Administrator. 3)sl, Day of October, •' - - . i,'. ..==« UNDERCLOTHES. The Cheapest and best Stock of un derclothes, Gloves aud Mittens in the county can be found at L. Stoddard's.-- Call and aee for yourself. JUST RECEIVED at Mr*. Sear)#*, a new Stock of Fall and Wiuter Bifleu- ery. Also all the latest styfes of Cloaks, Cloak Trimmings, Beaver Cloths. Ac„ all of which will be *old at prices to suit the times. R. R. Crosby moves to Richmond this week. The Baptfkt^church has >jbo lU>d^r- golng repairs. , The Friday night borffhirr stole |>r. Bennett'% whip and buggy cushion. "Pror' R. M, Taylor is advertised to give a free lecture and Bible reading at the Congregational church ou Thurs day evening Nov. 7th. 4 , Dr. Ward's lecture befwe'-the School on Monday evening, on Elec tricity. was well attended, and was thoroughly Instructive and Interesting. When Mrs. Cooley tell and Injured herself, of course the neighbors flocked in to give aid and sympathy. There was Dr. Ward, Gimlet Downing, and many more, and among the rest. Harm Cole. His advice was asked as to what was best to do. "1*11 tell you," saj$ Harm,"Use a little common jj^sise." And looking aiound on the crowd, lie apologetically continued: "Excuse me, I see It oaj.'t be Jbu&hcre.n Tbayllk* Harm, they do. / i ,«• • • voces Confer!to.;i....,..4........;A..,v.votes Bates . • iiV.U,..Sft votes \ a«ATB SFrnnTmonr. > - votes Ktlw votes Hall S3 votes CL1IK StiniM OOVBT. Duttoa. A;. Ml votes Enoek ....M votes 8printer Si votes CLtBK APFBLbATB COUBT, Oombs...... „,.., ..,^..*1 votes VTalsb.... i.. .'f& U; .'i.. M votes VugMe.. wv. ' t « as Sherwtn A'iams . StoaghtMi. OOKOBKSS. ,l(B votes ............ ,.Kt votes i..........k.iiv....i.,90 votes i, votes . •«). )'i votes . . . . 6 8 v«ne« votes votes Granxer....»»... ......~ pS:;:::":;:::::::::::::: . V, - }• ste lmsn • • . • • . « » f • , • v o t e s Van Curen;.i..».,.....,....i,.^. 109 voten itobb........;.l.iv.t.,vA£,<,i.i,.... 1 vote COBOKBB. ^ •> . ' Pratt 'i..ZtsiiiUWIivotes An«lers(fa • *4 ••»..'• .*.• •»..»^ .S7 votes Dr. Ward has withdrawn from the editorship Ojf the Richmond Depart ment of the Sentinel, and a callow youngster has taken his place, or la trying to. His efforts In the Issue of Oct. 24th are enough to make a skull and cross bones laugh. He better take that goo«e quill of his ajid stick It "back lu his wing. Here are ^his comments of the Musical Soireer' of the High School, to which he had a dead-head ticket and took a lady in ou It without paying f«nr Iter: The objects of thi entertainment. Mr. Stanluy said, were to get money; and to accustom the ' scholars of tlie music class to appear before the pttb He. With regard to the first of these objects we have nothing to say. In the i me res? of the scholars we enter our protest against the latter. Ac customing tlie students to appear in public before they have tiiat to pres ent which is worthy of the public at tention, iead> to superficiality, a thing very much to be regretted. The time required for preparing entertainments would be far more wisely and bene ficially spent in mastering the rudi ments. The best teachers of music do not allow their pupils to play at pieces until they have thoroughly gone through with the preliminary steps.-- Aud tor a pupil who haa had but a few lessons, to attempt pleoea for the pub lic, would be received by tfeani with very ill favor. Protest, indeed! It is well known that Mr. Stanley thoroughly grounds his pupils In tlie elementary principles music, and not one of them haa ever appeared in public without doing hon or to himself and his instructor. Aud to bring pupils before the public In the manner it Is being dona in these soirees is eminently proper. It U giv ing them just the drill they need to advance them in their musical studies. Mr. Stanley is right and the callow ed itor of the Richmond Department of tlie Sentinel shows his Ignorance. If "he" i* % "school ma'am*1 will he rise and explain how, iu his last sentence above, he make* *them" agree tn num ber with * public.^ Hear him again. The cxercUes at the Baptiat church: Sunday evening, paased off peasantly= Tne principal thing, principal at least In length, was an address to the bible class by Mr. Stanley. This address took the form of a poem, giving in rhyme the history contained in the book of Bather. We once perpetrated a rhyme In the introduction ot which was the following. •'What the thoujrbt would lack if StaMtle. WVll try to make ap iu jingle," This verse kept recuringto u« all the time Mr. S. was saying bis production. I presume the opening lines quoted ware an appropriate introduction to the poem they belonged to, but not to Mr. Stanley's. Mr. Stanley's poem vyae simply a paraphrase of the Book of Esther, and if there waa any lack of "thought" In it, the fault must be laid to the Sacred Word aud liot Mr. Stan ley. Put that goose quill back ii) your wing, bub, and let it stay there. The last week has been prolific of «Btertainiueuts of one kind aud anoth er, so that our people have bad no rea son to complain of want of ainuse- ment. On Monday evening %illy F*ra B(tk#s Mayo gate am Vfifcertainmertt Richmond House If all, and tha night Mr. White, of^ Harvard", very instruct!v« lecture befo High School. Mrw White's audience Waa not large, bnt intelligmt, and ap preciative. I hear that Billy Mayo had the largest crowd, which shows that the average Richmond mind appre ciate a nigger shop more than tt scien tific lecture. On Wednesday night, tlie Scott faVnlly gave a <?Oficert at the High School muslq "rooms *nd Miss Ethel Lynn gave a dramatic, entertain ment at the M. £. Church, * Both were thinly attended. On Tuesday night the annual meeting of the Kichinond Lecture Association,Was held and re sulted Hi the election of the following officers: President, John W. Haytitorn; Vice President, John Vosburgtt; Sec retary. J. Rc Hvde; Treasurer, A. R. Alexander. On account of the hard times, it seeins probable that the As- sociation will not attempt. to secure A course of Lectures this winter. OH Friday night the regular weekly *Mrt* of the High school was given, ' The soiree, as usual, drew .a crowded house, aud, like all the rest, was a very enjoynble afl&ir. Besides the «ute?!s!;s* meuts mentioned there were several religious meetings where those pious ly inclined might find food f^r their spiritual stomachs. . . . But the mo«t excitement was earned by the bold and adroit robbery of the store of Alexander & Hyde , on Friday night. The burglars affected an en trance by boring oil the fastenings of two doors. Thev made a clean sweep of all the valuables in the. store--the beit cigars, jewelry, silver and plated goodtt cutlery, two valuable rifles, Ac. To carry off their plunder, they then stole two horses and harness* and a platform wagon of Mra, Gibbs. Pur suit was made early in the morning and one horac and* the wagon were found In Woodstock, where the thieves had left them, but tlie burglars aud their plunder were safely shipped to Chicago. After we have had a lew more burglaries, our vilUge Board will probably hire a nfght watch. NUNDA- ,t"' / ' j, ilraoK PLAiHUK.'^snf--Some^iing I n't he line of atG*dent**hd< tlris week.' Alfred Francisco trla^l,' to. pick up a hall under a colts heels. Bu| the colt succeeded in picking Alfred up, and in taking out some of bis teeth, ft wa^ perhaps done a little quicker than Dr Fenner would liave done, , Mose. Morris's little hey fhll ihto a cistern on Friday last. Help was soon there and he Was hooked out With the cistern pole. No harm done, .j," ' The Ladies Temperance Union hiet in Ballou's Hall, on Friday eve. of last Week, and with a welt filled house lis tened to a lecture from Prof. L. O, Wilson, of Chicago. Prof. Wilson, is a good speaker. Tbc choir did well.-- If faetth^ meeting waa a decided luc- CTFSS. •- The express ofRoe was broken Into 'I^ursday night. Chris says they helped themselves to cigars. Holmes (in the same b!oek)lost some few dol lars in money, and a barrel of apples.-- It is supposed the rob tors entered through the cellar into both stores, r Woodburn's house was .broken into the same Thursday night, and^iis pants taken from under his pillow. In which he had between 875 and f80. They also took a revolver and his nephews pants. V'. Nunda haa* naw Furniture Store kept by Mr. Richardson. Nundaites call and examine before going else- dwelling roomi, , . C. H. Trnax and Ira Mallorjr \jhave their houses nearly com|deted. f Elmer Beardsley has returned home after havlug been out In Wyoming for about five years. M. F. Ellsworth wat r#hhed while In a fit of intoxication of some six dollars in money and a nice American watch. He charged Mrs. McGtte with taking it and had her arrested. Trial came off and •he got clear. Any drunken man da- serves to lose his valuables. M G. Hi Clayson and Ed MeMlUan have started on a Southern trip. Whether they got the yellow fever or not we cannot aay J»ut we learn (Jlayson traveling In iiie interest of the Wea^ • tern PaUiahing House of Chicago. Wm. McDonald Jr. is at hoeae visit ing. He stops lti Free port andls driv- iitg the noted horse Wo Word is a gentleman in every respect. A Mjiss Nick man, a neice of Mr. Kellogg intends starting a class in music. She comes here highly recom mended atid'wa hope she win meet with success. * 8x10 Ciiromos, Blake's. • •Onlv one Cartfi^e *efCo< teen two months ago, atE.2 At Colby Bros, vou can the latest styles of Dress Call and make a Fifty Plows, at. E. Examine two ComtJand Wagons pelectioife Owen's, different gei at E. M. Owi Do not boy your Millinery iitftfh have examined the liue stock at Howe's. i- -- '• -.v.vXw, $• t:' . Our prices, taljfc loan on. all Boots and Shoes. Come, and PIT*S!MM6NS & . r A good assortment cf SplinlS ' found at Blake's, ch^ap. ; >*£!, A ftnejot of Zephyr niid Ca^f^f jnst received at J. B. Blake's Fuj, Store. • . :--. ^ *ji Dr. J?\qws German Wor#1 sta«»( umivu^ed aa a worm m Ml Oif« thorn a trial, gists. Sold bj^ait^h: ©BEAT REDUCTlO^i In the prices of the Buffalo % and Slioes, Don't fail to see them fore makingyonr selections. • COLBY mm ; i Jtivcr»i(i«Blo 8eh00l Books and Writliig Par Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. * # Stop at E. M. Owen's and tee neaf th: Geared Cortland Wagons Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Li meut la for man and beast and L balin fbf- every womid., I^pldilqi Druggists, .t" ; , , . THE Eureka Tree arid IVsfc Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and one. The best thing in the 'marl and sold cheapi ^ New Stock of Cloths. Raajdy-M Clothing, Ac., for the Fall |rade, received at Lauer & Becker'*, near "Depot, SES3'.GOODS! DRESS Of Jn?t Received! Just Receli Btfehlln# Stevens, McHenry,' 'FOR SALE. Three or four*improved Fartwl qnlre of J. B. Psrty for parikii PUMPS. • large Stock of Adama Kenosha Pumps. ;The best . at lowest prices, at E. M. Ow HITCH UP! Hi:roii Drive Dvwn! Drive Dow See ,Us! Aud See Us!! We IT payyoeu BUCK LIK & : .".,1 \ Mc • BOOTS & SH ft Is a conceded fact 10 Custom Made Boots ai ho superior on the marL stock. Warranted work. Colby Bros., Riverside 44Economy is the road fifty ceiit* worth of Uncle, ness Oil applied to yout," will make the leather and ^eep it soft and pli Have your Sewing MacMjae Re-Adjusted or Repjureri^h fenced machinist, who f™* house on notifying him All work wjirniiitgd ' * * * : . : • . ; « . eWMr^iiiTOhc.ilrff rest wlien Dr; Winch Syrup is used. It sleep, regulates th& b»i entery and diarrhji#© teethiug or other «a Drnggiits at 2o cents When you are deprea disordered take Kile Liver Pills, they regulate th# digestive organs and will' qt stpre you to health. Sold by gists. • It is the universal test Buffalo Boots and Shoe* are the sole agents in relatively the best and tdarket. Give them a '• ;v?" |25E8WA ./The ibove any one who r lo Boots in whlc inner sole, slip so that is not cast piece of sole leather. Thousands o( flollars afe saved every year by pr mers, who soon discover ue of freely using 'Uncle tion Powder in the it restores the sick, ty. and usefulness growth. Sold bv a« ' * HI! r ' .i ««< ' RUBBER We wo «1 d owl boot whicfi is to any other warrant eve and will stan • wm. -,:W COW found. Od Tuesday last I found a^Cew mired In the ditch on the side of the Railroad near the Pickle Factory. She was nearly perished. I procured help and got her cut andehe is now at tny barn awai ting the owner, who is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges anil take her away. > • joHH cnotwi;, McHenry, Nov, Cth, 18W. KITCHEN aprons, afternoon aprope* and ail kinds of fancy and useful arti* des for sale at the Bazaar* No v. 13th Ladlee, Mens and Uhildrens Ua4 wear very oheap ai Fitaaimiiioaa Evausou. ^ v - The Liver the whoie h the life When i tion^ atf natural resul the moveine tlie act system with been ?t August all afiR Co