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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1878, p. 5

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•A, ' ' ZX / j . i 'X r . y ' ' a -fl WJtPN'TtsPAT, Wov. «rtii;i8ro. lailroad Time Table. OOIKG SOUTK. (HfeevaLake Passenger. Ctoaeva Lake Freisrht. 7:* A. M. ...r .. .1:15 r. X. OOINO ' Q«a«*t Lake Freight. ....10:00 A. x. 9«t«va Lake J^»*«en*er x W. D. NOURSK, of Michigan City, Indiana, made us a call on Tuesday. The culmination of Inventive genius at Riverside Halt next Friday eve­ nt**; ' " • • : • W* learn their is to Mr 1 Turkey Shoot at Harry Dunn Hi's, Jfox Lake, to-morrow. Thanksgiving ilay. The latest styles of Fall and Winter Millinery, just receive djit Mrs. Howes' nt Mrs, Morey's old stand, SHOQTISTS should bear in mind the Glass Ball Shoot, to take place in this village to-morrow, Thursday. Some •fine sport may be expected.1 /• . Don't fail to hear Mr. Edison'* won­ derful piece of Iron talk, laugh, sing, whistle and play instrumental music at Riverside Hall next Friday evening ,%PROF. BARKER'S Writing Class closed •MI Friday evening last. We learn he contemplates giving another term here soon. You have heard and read a great deal about the wonderful Phonograph; now go and see it at Riverside Hall, Friday evening next. WHILE in Woodstock, the City Bakery is the best place to get Oys­ ters, either by the Can or Dish, cheap­ er than any other place In town. TUESDAY was evidently hog day.-- IV K. Granger and C. T. Eldredge Shipped four car loads from this Sta­ tion, tind three cars carao by fronj the North on the afternoon freight. O. W. OWEN, has found Bed-Rock torn on Sewing Machine Needles and other Attachments for the same, and those in want of anything in that line should bear it In nita& , Read nis "ad" elsewhere. % THE German School In this vitl opened 011 Monday last, with Frank as Teacher. Mr. Frank is an old and ^cperienced Teaeher. having taught for many years In both tills and the o!d country. AMOS WHITING sold on Tuesday to F. K. Granger 56 Hogs, that weighed 18,070 pounds, an average of 322} each. Tliey were as even and clean a lot of hogs as we have &eeu together for many a day. A SPECIAL Communication of Mc- Henry Lodge No. 158, A. F. A A. Ma­ sons, will be held on Saturday evening next, Nov. 30th. Work on the Third Degree. Visiting Brethren cordially invited SMITH SEARLES, W. M. A Thanksgiving Party, for the bene­ fit of the Johnsburgh Band, will be given at Gillis' Hall In this village, on Thursday (to-morrow) evening. The Band lias just been organized, and it is hoped they may receive a rousing bene­ fit. WE learn there is to be a Raffle for Turkies this Wednesday evening and to-morrow at Thos. Knox's. Choice Fat Turkies will be put up. Remem­ ber the time, this evening and to-mor­ row, and take a chance for a Thanks­ giving Turkey. WE are requested to give notice that on Account of Thanksgiving, the Red Ribbon Meeting will be postponed this week. The next lueeting will be on Thursday evening of next week. Dec. 5th, a programme for which will bo published next week. WE made a mistake last week In stating that Prof. Gilletfs Dancing School would commence on the 26th.-- We should have said Tuesday, Dec. 3d. Those interested will therefore remem­ ber that an Tuesday evening next, the Professor*will be on hand ready to open his School, at Riverside Hall. THE Dundee Record has been sold and the material Is to be removed to Nebraska. The citizens of Dundee have, in our eetlmation\made a great mistake in allowing this paper to re­ move from their midst. The benefits of a good local paper In a town are un­ told. We regret to lose the Record from oar exchange list. , THE Thanksgiving Party at the Riv­ erside House to-morrow. Thanksgiving eve., promises to be a highly enjoyable affair, where the dancing public cannot fail of having a good time. Mine host Wightman will leave nothing undone on his part to make it pleasant for all, And as theyre has been no party of this ktrnTf&r some time we shall expect to fee a good crowd on this occasion. WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement ofM. Xngeln, to be found In another column. He has lately filled his neat little store, next door to the Post Office, with a stock of goods especially for the Holiday trade, which he sells at prices to suit the times. He has in stock everything in the Notion line. Toys, Candies, Nuts, Ac., Ac., and his prices are so low*that It will make you stare. Read his advertisement aud call and jee for yourself. • , - IT la now claimed, and upon the best of authority, that goods in all lines are now sold as low, on lower, In Mo- Henry than any other town In North­ ern Illinois. We would strongly ad­ vise all of our readers--where distance does not make such a course prohibi­ tory--to favor McHenry merchants with a call, add learn their prices.-- Take oor word for it, you will find It to be to your advantage. SHKDI> A Co., the Ice men, Rave put upon the Pond, in this village, a small Steamboat, for the purpose of cutting the weeds in the Pond, It Is called the "John S. Field," is thirty-four feet long and about twelve wide, a stern wheeler, and has a nine horse power engine. On one aide she carries an eight-foot sickle bar, which is raised and lowered and cuts the weeds at any distance below the water that they wish, usually about two feet. The Steamer is a neat, trim little craft, and is an honor to the push and enterprise of Messrs Shedd A Co. WE have just received a new adver­ tisement for O. Bishop, the Agricul­ tural dealer, which will appear In* our next. He is now running his business on an extensive scale, and Is manufac­ turing Drags, Circular Saw gears, Ac., beside keeping all the. lerdt^g ' Farm Machinery, which he Is selling at prices to suit the times. The Ma­ chinery is all run by Steam Flower, and can be seen by the purchaser in motion before purchasing. Look out for his new advertisement next week, and be sure to call at his Warehouse whea in town. \ > IN another column can be found % new advertisement from F, G. the old and reliable Merchant Tailor, who has made McHenry his home for, the past twenty-five years. He h«* this Fall filled his store with an unusu­ ally large stock of Ready-Made Cloth­ ing, Clothe, Trimmings, Ac., and can now offer yon bargains in everything in hi^line. In the Cutting line he has no superiors and few eouals, guaran­ teeing a fit every time. Read his ad- vertUeraent and if in want of a single garment or a full suit do not fall to go ads see him. THE wonderful Phonograph, of which we have heard and read so much of late, will be on exhibition at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of. this week, where all can have an oppor­ tunity of witnessing its wonderful workings and hearing It talk. It seems Almost. impossible that a machine p.an be made to talk, but nevertheless it is so, and as this is a chance where all can see and hear for themselves. 110 one should fail to avail themselves of It, Prof. Nadal, one of the best Elocu­ tionists and Readers in the country, will also be present and give several Readings aud recitations. Do not for­ get the time, Friday evening next, at •Riverside Hall. SINCE the recent Manhattan bank robbery there has been some discussion regarding the propriety of giving combination!* of safes to employee*.-- It may be this is the very thing that keeps a number of our delinquent sub­ scribers from depositing with us the little sums which are due. We hasten to assure those persons that no one in our employ has the combination, for we sold it to a ipah in Iowa. Further­ more, we have no safe, except an old one for matches, on which the combi­ nation is broke; nothing but an old wallet with an estimated capacity of 98--estimated, because we iiev*r had the opportunity to test its capacity, fifty cents being the greatest amount it ever held si nee being in our posses­ sion. Gentlemen, it remains with you to decide whether it shall look like a loaf of bread or like a duck's foot. $ 1 - - - 1 •too teaMbttto* . Prof. D. P. Hurlburt, now billed to appear In McHenry Friday aud Satur­ day, Nov. 29th and 30th, is without doubt the greatest Horseman In the world. The Prof, has a flue troupe of beautiful trained horses, and hi6 show upon tbe^ft^&tUs iHiid to be the fittest ever given. Mr Hurlburt is of the old firm of Rockwell A Hurlburt, so well and favorably known to all readers of journals. Come out and see his Ex­ hibition and hear his lectures. THE Woodstock Dramatic Associa­ tion will, as we noticed last week, give an entertainment at • National Hall, Woodstock, on Thursday, (to-morrow) evening, at which time they will pre­ sent the Drama of "The Idiot Wit­ ness," and the Farce of "His Last Legs." This Amateur Association have an envlalbe reputation, and it needs only the announcement that they arc to play tu bring out a full house. Below is the cast of characters fir THE IDIOT WITNESS. Le Sieur Arnftn4 Mr. Donnelly. Hans Gerthold Mr. Blakealee. Robt. Arnaud.... Mr, Jewett. Paul Tugscull Mr. Glennon. Walter Arlington.. Earl of Sussex Gilbert Dame Tugscull.. Janet OAST Fo& O'Calligan Charles Rivers.... Dr. Banks...... John Mrs. Montague Julia WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER We have had a goo<Ljweek for bualneac, except rather heavy roads. W0 <lld not have the pleasure of at­ tending upon "Our American Consin," but If the Play was as well performed as the Band Music on our Streets du­ ring afternoon and early evening, those who did attend got the worth of their money, and the "Harvard Dramatic Company" may well pride themselves upou their success. On Thanksgiving evening the "Woodstock Dramatic Association" will entertain our citizens with the "Idiot Witness." Profs. Hurlburt A Rockwell are to tell such as choose to Join their el ass "what they know about horses" on Wednesday a.id Thursday next, and make an exhibit of their skill as Horse Trainers in frout of the Conrt House. Does somebody really desire to wit­ ness the failure of the PLAINDEALER? If not why spread the false report? r Ask Ira and Le, which is the "best man." If they refuse to answer, ask Caskey. Anxious inquiries. Why should Turkies give thanks, and why full many a poor family, already or about to be sacrificed upon the financial altar to satisfy,the greed of some other oues prosperity. How many will read our President's and Governor proclamations for Thanksglviug, and heave a long drawn sigh as they call to mind the following.? "Yet I had hope* bat they have ted," An<l/eartand they are all too fetus! My withea too, but tbey are dead, And what have I with life to do?., 'Tisjbut to wear a weary loud 1 may not dare not «a#t away, And sigh for one small ttill abode. ! Whore I may sleep as sweet as th<*y. Come to the Scratch. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--One word in regard to your Woodstock corres­ pondent and my day of corn husking, of which he has spoken two or three times In a disbelieving and slanging way. Now when I gave you my figures I gave them oorrect, and what I want to say to him is that 1 will bet him #25 that 1 can husk 145 bushels in 11 hours, and 1 will pick my field to work in. I have got my corn all out, but 1 will find a field some plice3 Now I mean what I say and will meet the gentleman any day with the money. A. STILL. Flmt citizen--I'll bet 011 the Phono­ graph. Second citizen--I'll bet on Nadal. All the citizens--We'll bet on a crowded house for both at Riverside Kaii on Friday evening, Nadal and Phonograph--Tou bet. Fitzslmmons A Evanson lead the trade in Boots and Shoes. They have a large stock, and sell at lower prices than any firm In the county. Call and be couvinced. For a nobby Overcoat at a low price, call on Fitfcsimmons A Evanson. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the McHenry couuty Agricultural Board will be held at the Court House !n Woodstock Dec. 2d, at' o'clock p. M., for the pur­ pose of electing officers for the coming year and for the transaction of such other busiucs* as may properly come before the meeting. A. BOUBME. Secretary. Woodsotck, No*,, ATEfi, 1878. Muchly she smiled and thusly she said 1 bought my\ new cloak of Fitz- simmons A Evan member Edison's Phonograph at Riverside LIull next Friday evening. Preparatory to. meeting winter's chillliug blasts Ca$ at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's aud buy fa suit ot their fiO cent underwear. It can't be beat. Buckwheat Wanted. At the Fox River VValley Mills, for which the Highest Market Prioe will %• paid. V \ B. BUHOr. ' McHenry. Nor. STtli, 137ft. We are daily receiving New Goods and are prepared to \meet the ap­ proaching winter trade Uvith the best variety of Goods ever shown in this village, Fltzsimmons A\ Evanson. Farm for Sale. The undersigned, wishing to go West, oilers for Sale his farm, situated one half mile West of John&burgh, containing 55 Acres, 35 under the Plow and the balance Timber Land and Pasture. There is a good House, Barn and other outhouses on the premises, and in every respect it is a very desir­ able place. For further particulars iuquire on the premises. JOSBFH IBECXD. McHenry II). Nov, 96th, 1S7S. Phonograph, at Riverside Hall, day evening next. Frl- ....... ..... ..Mr. Brown. Mr. Arnold. Mr. Jenes^ Miss Cumin*. Miss J. Oortottl •HIS LAST LEGS:" Mr. Donaelly. Mr. Jewett. Mr. Arnold. ..Mr. Blakesleo. Mr. Austin. .Mi«e K. Corlett. .Miss Cumins. CASH! CASH!! For the lowest Cash Prices ^|n all classes of Goods you will find the bot­ tom touched at Bucklin A Stevens.-- The best Fifty Cent Tea in the market as good as lias usually beeu sold for 75 cents. Five gallon keg of splendid Syrup for $2.50. Five pounds of good Roasted Coffee for 91. These are a few of the prices. All other, goods! In proportion. Call and see. Betty Miss J. Corlett. After the performance a Grand Dance will close the. enjoyment of the evening. ^7 1 WOODCHOPPKBS WANTKIX or ten good Wood choppejK wan$«d Immediately. Iuqufre lib w: Smith. r Fi'Oi.i now until the close of the sea­ son Bucklin A Stevens will sell at smaller profits than ever, giving the most goods for the least money of any house in the county. Try them. FARM TO RENT. A larm of about three hundred acres near McHenry.' Enquire of K. Bishop. Richmond Department* There la no use of temporising with one yon know to be your enemy, whether he eomea eat honest and says it, or not. Go' for him whenevever yon see a chance. Pepper hit hide un­ til yon teach him decency. It is reported that a good niar.y of the young stock are dying off on English Prairie, east of Rishmond. Mary Skinkle, south of town two miles, has also lost three head, but she sup­ posed her stock had been poisoned by a vicious neighbor. The Impression seems to prevail among the English Prairie farmers, that the young cattle are affected by some disease similar to the disease which la sweeping off so many hogs In this section of country. Those which die are sick] only a short time. If the same disease, or any similar one, Is present among the cuttle of other localities, It would be well to report the same to the PLAIN- DEALER, with any treatment that may have been found to be beneficial or curative. Two weeks ago last Friday evening was the date at which the Red Ribbon Club, of Richmond expected Hon. H. McLeau to lecture upon the cause of Temperance. It was extensively ad­ vertised, and no doubt, the Honorable II., expected a large turnout and that the "brothers" Would take good care of his horse, and the "sisters" feed him well on yellow legged chickens. Alas, for the vanity of human expectations! When Mr. Mcl.ean came to town he found no enthusiastic oommittee to receive him, and had to go to the ^Richmond House where he waited the dreary evening through for a summons to go and make his little s pee oh. The summons didn't come. I went over to the church along in the evening and less than half a dozen were there to hear the "word.*1 Last Friday evening again came the "regular" of thfs God fearing and whisky hating "Club." 'Twas a fizzle. It would have ad­ journed, sine die, only re were not enough there to adjourn it. It is almighty queer, ain't It? A geutle but ardent female once remarked in my presence, (when the R. R's were trying to kill the Musical Un|oi.«) "Whatever the Wards take hold of is bound to go through," Well she was right. The R. R. C.has "gone through" tlie whole length If Its chain, Vftnd tiirough a very small hole, which hole it has drawn in after It, so that "nyb raorc rs!2s!nb!"s!!c* thereoF' Vmav plague the people of Richmond, forev- ermore. The R. R. here, as elsewhere, has lived its short sickly life, and died. The only wonder Is that It gulled so many sensible men as It did. I re­ spectfully suggest to the defunct R. R's. that it will be necessary to get up some other excitement betweeu this aud next April tu order to beat the whisky ticket at the next village elec­ tion. I don't ask anything for the suggestion. I met a very particular man the other day--he was particular as to the kind of religion he wauted to have here in Richmond. I thought he was too confounded nice about that com­ modity and I brought him to bay, as 1 thought by blurting out: "Now Mister, just tell me what kind of re­ ligion you want here?" "Weli,' said he. thoughfully, "I want that kind of religion that will give sixteen ounce to the pound, keep the water out of the feugar, the sand out of the tea, the sprinkler away from the sugar barrel, and ootton out of "all wool" goods. "Very well," says I, Mgo on," "Well" he continued, "I want that kind of religion that won't sella man a French plate looking glass at a round price, and then, when the customers back is turned, change it fer American plate that aln*t worth half so much." "You paint things too bright," says I. \ ' "Paint!" yaas. That makes me think that I want a religion that will not buy poor paiut for the house, put the paint on the Cemetery fence, buy good paint for the house, and then charge the Cemetery fnnd full price for good paiut." "You are a scoundrel," says I, and I will send my minister to labor with you, you need converting." "Yaas" drawled the Incorrigble scamp, "Pd like to be converted, bujt don't Mnd me round a miuister that is ready to call men liars and fight at the dropot the hat.kays he might git a black eye to preach on.l4 1 turned to leave him, but he called out: "Sa-a^y! I want a religion that won't spend all Its money In style and leave a poor widow out on her hoard bill." , "So do I." says but I mtmfeo, Good morning! "Sa-a-y!" again ring In my ear, and I turned around. "I want a religion that won't take a poor butcher's tools away from him and turn him out Into the street, with­ out any means of making a livin; that won't take double toll' or mix shorts wii.ii its buckwheat flour; that won't put gravel stones Inside Its fleece of wool; that won't sell milk that a cat's /been drowned In; that wou't charge 'two prices for the eatiu' that aint wuth but one; tha.t won't fool with a gal and tfcen lav it to somebody else; that pray Sunday and lie that won't steal--that--that--but I got away and would hear no more of the infamous blackguard** talk, I mjty meet him again. If I do 111 report* K. M.' CloSfctors' L«etaMt, The theme upon which Mr. Clothier discoursed before the High School last Monday evening was, "What shall my Vocation be?" The speaker remarked that orator* often class human life by scores--four divisions--each separate from the others In its wants, its power and qual­ ity. From the uature or our subject we must confine our remarks princi­ pally upon the first quarter of a life­ time. No human being will be aimless All must labor, and labor with some definite object In view. Bvery work, of whatsoever sort, bus Its beginning In the rudiments aud foundations, suited to Its needs. For childhood, teachers and parents are layers of the foundation, for usefulness or the re­ verse. A careless teacher is a crimi­ nal trifler with the most precious In­ terests of time aud eternity. In ten­ der years the intelligent child displays particular, sometimes peculiar fond­ ness for eertafti objects, amusements and associations. The hum of the mill the sound of the thresher, the click of the reaper, the grazing herds, the sur­ geons knife, the soldier, the merchant, each have a particular attraction for some peculiarly constituted mind.-- These preferences of the child should be studied as indices of the bent of his mind or geuius, and his Education shaped to develope his natural bent, to the end that his life may be a success­ ful one. All professions are ^prowded with men not adapted to their calling aud men who are constant failures be­ cause of that want of adaptability.-- The same men educated in another di­ rection, more in consonance with their natures might have made life a success instead of a failure. Hence the grave responsibility resting on those who are to have the direction and training of the young mind. The youug person should make the choice of vocation,-- Among voeatlens« Mr. Clothier ex­ tolled the ancient and honorable one of husbandry, as the most noble, and urged the necessity of education, skill, retinu^ient aud judgment iu its pur­ suit. His parting injunction to the young was: "Without prejudice, chose a vocation because you like It above all others. Honor y<qp..own choice and your calling will honor you.? "K All these thoughts and many mo*€ were elaborated by Mr. Clothier in a very able and happy manner, to the intense interest or tils audience, but 01 course, space forbids more than a mere mention here. The lecture received one unanimous verdict--'"Good.** Alfred Wilcox, Esq., will deliver the next lecture next Monday evening.-- Subject not yet announced. RINCWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The weather is pleasant aud one by one our farmers are finishing their husking and prepar­ ing to celebrate Thanksgiving. Roast turkey and "stuffln." That's us. Mr. Brown will take pleasure in Jttp- plying you with Oysters by the cspn/or dish. He is doiug a lively business.-- He handles none but the best. We went to the village th* other day and while there called at the Paint Shop of S. W. Ingalls, where we found htm painting a cutter in colors really gay. He can do aa good a job for less money than any other painter in the county. When you want your buggy, youHr cutter, or any furniture paluted aud at hard time prices glye htm a call. Mr. Sherman was In town the other day Introducing his superior gate. We understand that this gate gives good satisfaction. He sold quite a number in this vicinity. There will be a Lyceum at the School House on Tuesday evenings- Subject for discussion, Resofved, That It Is better for the people ot the Uut- ted States to elect a military man for President. On the affirmative Carey S. Carr. Negative, Herbert Allen.-- There are other exercises connected With this which will help to enlist In­ terest of^all our young folks and we should be glad to see more of our old friends out. We hear that Charlie Bacon Is going into Chicago with his celebrated driv­ ing mare "Lady Bourne." He thinks be will have no trouble to sell her as all that Is necessary to Insure him of success Is an exhibition of her speed.. . Business Notices. The finest stock of Millinery Good# " r* j In town, at Mm. Howefs. «, : For the largest lines of Be«t# Shoes gp to Bucklin A Stevens. , £ ,: - For m nobby suit, go to is . Becker*, near tbe Depot. A full line of Robber Goods at Btick* If 11 A Stevens. Mi 8x10 GbvMMw, for » cents, at / , B Blake's, •" '"--IN -- , j- , Onlv one Carriage left, onf ofFon* ^ f • teen two month* »g"f at E.M.Owen's! * A fhll line of Carpeittervtlle and other Flannel* at Bucklin A Stsvins. At Colby Bros, vou can always llndl the latest styles of Dress Geods. 1 Bargains can be bid st HoeMiff Stevens In a great variety of Call and make a seleetten •« Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's, Examine two diffemvf Courtland Wagons at W, i A full line of German town yarn a»e| Zeyphrs, to be found at FiMfnmoMi .*"Wi A Eyaiison's. > '^%/f Do not buy your Millinery nstll T©H \ jiave examined the fine stock at Mrs# ; ~ Howe's. i diaet». A good assortment of Spllptt und at Blake's, cheap. % BiciiyHtD WILSON, has opened a Barber Shop In tbe rooms over O. W. Owen's Store, where he will be happy to see all who wish a clean and easy Shave, or Hair cut, on short notice. You should witness the talking race between Prof. Nadal and Mr. Edison's bar of iron next Friday evening, at Riverside Hall. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! Ladies Cloaks cheap" at Bucklin A A Stevens. The celebrated M. Sels A Co'**, Boots and Shoes at very low price* at Bucklin A Stevens. • ./ UNDERCLOTHES. ' The Cheapest sjmd best Stock of Un­ derclothes, Gloves and Mittens In the county can be fpnud at L. Stoddfrd'fc-- Call and see for vonrself. t Now that life insurance Is so uncer­ tain you hud better use Ellen's Day­ light Liver Pills, good he«lth inUot fiN foun A fine lot of Zephyr and Car<$Boardsv just received at J. B. Blake's Furniture . Store. . Don't visit McHenry without calling^ to see the mammoth Stock of general, merchandise displayed by iitzsinn mons A Evanson. Dr. Jaques German Worm Cakes, stand unrivaled as a worm niediciue.-- Give them a trial. Sold by all Drug­ gists. . ' • • 4:jl GREAT REDUCTION! £ In the prices of the Buffalo Boots • ^ and Shoes. Dou't fall to see them be-, - fore making your selections. 'mMWM COLBY BROS. # , V- Rlversivlo Bloc5s ^ • Papeff School Books and Writing Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Stop at E.M.Owen's and see hew thqi Geared Cortland Wagon, ' ' s / • 5-^ nd is it-. 'A 1 by New Stock of Cloths. Ready»M&d«if Clothing, Ac., for the Fall trade received atLauer A Becker's, near Depot. ______ ^ PUMPS, *' A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pump* and V ^ at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. ^ Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone IJni* ment is for man and beast and is balm for every wound. Sold Druggist*, TRADE DOLLARS, 1 ^ ^ On and after date Trade Dollars ' rT will be reoeived for Goods at par at' Bucklin A Stevens, near the Depot. . "Economyis the road to wealth;'? fifty cents worth of Uncle Sam's Har- *- nes's Oil applied to your old harness, ; 1 will make the leather look like new:- and keep It soft and pliable. Adam had no mother-in-law, and; children have no worms that use Dr^ Jaques* German Worm- Cake*. them. .v; Fitzsimnions A Evanson are making^ ;, a grand display of Overcoats. Caps^ Gloves and Mittens, Ladies aud Cliil-* ^ drens Underwear, Flannels, Water-! proofs. Nubias and Scarfs Ac. Their , prices are lower than ever. JUST RECEIVED at Mr*. Searld', a new Stock of Fall and Wiuter Mlllen- ,. ery. Also all the latest styles Cloaks, Cloak Trimmings, Beaver^ >fV Cloths, Ac., all of which wUJl bQ a£44a& • drlee* to suit the times. ' ' .< BOOTS A SHOES. It Is* conceded fact that the Buffa­ lo Custom Made Boots and Shoes bav%i no superior on the market. Selectecf stock. Warranted work. For sale by Colby Bros., Riversldte Block. Have your Sewing Machine Cleaned, Re-Adjusted or Repaired by an experi­ enced matshinist, who will visit .your house on notifying him by postal card. All work warranted. R. M. TAYLOR ml " McHenry III It I* the universal testimony that the Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are * relatively the best aud cheapest in the maript. Give them a trial. COLBY BROS. Riverside Block Mothers wheiy your little darlings are fretful they are always sick. Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup is a speedy cure for acidity of the stomach and' wind colic. It regulates the bowels, cures colds, is harmless to the child, and is an old and well tried remedy. Sold by all Drugists at only 25 oeuts a bottle. „r.M WAIT FOR THE WAGON# w» art>. now offerinsr one of our M :W.l *50. Warranted for one year. K. BISHOP. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Having moved on my farm I now offer my Store and other property inyf: Johnsburgh for Sale, or will exchbhgegp^ it for good Farm property. If noi soldi I will Kent it to a responsible party o» reasonable terms. It is a fino location for trade. Call ou or fcddwss GIKSBLER, McHenry, III. # With the sudden changes of ature which prevail in Autwn weatht*^ ^ rain,sleet, wind, snow aiul sunshine pir often in a single day--it U »H> wonder^ that Death gathers such a rich harvest- among tbe neglected Colds and Coughs Every"home should contain Kilert's^ Extract of Tkt ami Wild Cherry w^tch . prevents serious sickness if iu| »*'! time,and will *urely euieCt-iuX <Joughs, (.'roup, fhtfarrh. ,< -oiwuinption ami ait| % „ J Bronelita) Complaints. Don't wait sieknesvs to come but at oiiee S#wtue . i this valuable remedy, it may qptvyjtjey wUfu jieiay Wi.nld rv*uU in ddHLi nir*«t?i«l *ud Sold by

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