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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1879, p. 1

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)M|wr jkUnbr. PablUhed Every Wedneaday by 8LYKE ' Sdltor Sad Publisher. ""jit* +m*mmrnmm ' Office In Old P. O. Block, --OPPOSITE RIVEBBIDK Hot sK.-- , . , TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION ' > FE, £*• Y*MV (TA Advance,) f-> If not Ptfid within Threo Month* 2 00 !4 " Subscriptions recel veil for three or six MB(IM vr" |« the nme proportion ' '88BBEK5555 BUSINESS CARDS, I' II. T.««OWX,M.p. f >HT8ICIAN and Surgeon Ofllce or«r the.. Posi Office, opposite Pern ItsrtlnsStore, up stairs UcHeAry 111. E. A. BKKliS M. D. PHYSICIAN and SttrxeoiH OSLce »tresidence, twodoun tart ol Post OAce, McHenry O. J. IIOWAUD, M D. PtfVsiCtAir and Surgeon. Office at tne store •f Howard A Son, MeHenry, 111. W. H. BtTCK, M. D., VTOMKOPATlifO Phytietaa and SurtfOon.- Ol OIKCO Knst Side Public Square, Wood- Stock, III. OlBee hours 11 to 12 A. If., audi to 4 P. M. F. J. CI6A3 MinuCtni tiers sdioitoi. Public «4«ar«> BARB1AN. rjr Shop North East corner E. PKKKIN*. WAGON Maker. MeHenry, 111. Oenoral Jobbing promptly attended to. 3liop, West of the Public Sq tiare. * %•& - ' UICUAKD BIS nor, tNET AND COUNSELOB AT LAW lenry, III. . RICH AUD COM 1'TON. JUSTICE of the Peace and Goavej Will attend promptly to the c«16 lebts. V»l»> i.ak« County, lit. aneer. - ictton of GEO. A. BUCKL IN NOTARY PUItLIC, Conveyancer and In­surance Agent. OM<:e at Unt.klin I Steven's Store, neur the 1>«V»*» McHenry, 111. ^ / K. K. ItlL'ilAttDS. HAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to tend la McHenrv County, tll'nots, Soaaty Clerk, Woodstock.. III.' OAce with KO«T. WltlGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Slines. None I)ut the bent of material used and all work warranted. 8 hop Xorth west •orn^r Public Square, McHenry, 111. E. M. O W E S . jrilMRRAL Dealer and VaaifMisnrs U Agent in Leading Farm Machinery, s» 1< • -- - • • -PrieeK low and Terms favorable, McKBMtr, ILLINOIS. " BY SAtOOJf 4#d Teu Pin Alley, Lansings B|ock. near the Depot, Mlleury, IU„-- Choice llr.iudsuf Liquors and Cigars always on hand, GEO. SC1IKE1NEU. SALOON and itustaurint. Nearly, op|Misit< the Parker House, MeHenry 111. SjTFIrst-Cfaas Billiard and Pool Tallies. ^ v-4 *7^ <• - MZl tointr. B1t\TK ••*"*11 ^ HOLY 1 J. iiwN.-jLE'AT, SALOON and Restaurant. Xearly opnoelk Owen's Mill. Mnllenry, I1L. PreshOyster* •erred up in any shape desired, or tor sale by the Can. «r«OOI> ST VBLING FOR HOK3EfL^» PETEU I.KlOliKM. TlKPAtttS Watehej. Clock* and Jewelry of IV allkinls. Also lt«<j>alrs Violins iu the nest •tttilile manner, on short notice ami at rea­ son Aide rates. Alw>» Violins for Sale. Shop •rst door North of Riverside Block, Mcllenr) in. |7» f\ To make a permanent a _ Vj IJ engagement with a •Itarini? l«d'«ure,.or a Bible Ke.-ider, 6 in M-IIenrv County, the CKI.K- S' K W Cenlennixl Edition ot the BIBLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week's i*sn» of this paper. Ad. dress at onc-e K. L. HOHTON * CO., Publish­ ers nnd H »<ikbin<lers,4IO K. Market &(,, I«iUa- kflotia, Ind. Blivins' ills or Spring Grove WA1 ?lerfryma intri li k:: •. ^ 7ess & SieileiiiiiDei( Proprietors. • i.- ; . . . 11 T Inc i'it this Mill 1H flrst class ord«r, Vj^Bpared to do Custom Grinding : 3arShort H«tie« M>d Warrant 9nti^io||»au Flour aiil FeeS Constantly on hand And Sold as Low as any Other Mill In the Joiliitv * ITThe Highest Market Priee In Cash Paid for Good Milllng Wheat. Oive as a eall and we will gire you Willi faction, vo^s ^ sl8DBB^LEBBJ|. Bl|Tins* Milla, 111., Aug. 87th. W7&. 1000 BOYS & GIRLS fer the best Bov's and Girl's paper published in the West. Beautiful presents to sufoscrih- srsand agents. Every boy and girl can earn lots of .money canvassing during leisure hoars. Don't fail to send for it at once. To ntroduce it we will send to any address on irlil thrve months, for 10 Cents in cash or postage stamps, sample of paper and t r t f c u l * r s _ F i t E E A d d r e s s L O t r lit, Cl«v«lanrl. <V • II fcli na» H* Utllll 9t1 eveland, O' JiAA MONTHLY MAUK. Agents wanted Lwil County rights given gratis f»r the •ale of seven well-known standard MedicinM needed in every family; reputation world­ w i d e ; e s t n W i s h e d m a n y y e a r s ; m a d e b y * celebrated physlclnn; proofs of evidence given. Anl'i iMtrlon*, energetic person can m ike aniigpemanent income and very liberal terms bv a<l dress Ins? with refernnee, tM Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. vfe«K f . ?Sfcp. i>h Mif'f- not easily earned in these :imes. hut it can be made in three f months by any one of either sex, in anv part of thecountrv who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- 09 per week in your own town. You meed not be awayfrom home over night. You can rlve rour whole time to the work, or only yonr spare momenta. We have agents who are tenting over $00 per day. All who engage at onc«can make money fast. At the present time money eannot l»e made so easily and mp- dly at asr other business. It costs nothing to try the bnatneaa. Terms *ndj*l Outfit ti^t ( address a t once, H. HAIXBTT ft Oo,, Portland ( BUSINESS CARDS. C. n. TRUAX. CARPI5NTER and Burtldcr, Kunda, III.-- Will put. up buildings by the Job or day, ami guarantee satisfaction. £. V. ANDERSON. Al. D. PHYSICIAN and burgeon. Olftce »t Gil bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House, McHenrv, Iilinnit. E. BENNETT, iM. D., m SURGEON and Accoueher. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Ofteeaad Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, III. DR. C.K. WILLIAMS. J^BMTIST, Algonquin, 111. Ail wnrlt ranted and skillful Teeth extracted inner. in ter- • careful DR. C. W. COX, DENTIST. Office Over Smith, Aid rich ft Haythorn-s Store. Richmond. III. SIDNEY DISBRQW, PI den. III. J^OTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer. Al- N. S.COLBY. MCHENRY, McHenrv Co., 111. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, 'Horfcshire atid \ choice lot of young Spanish Merino Poland China Swine. Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before Inlying elsewhere. ELECTROPAT HY. Or. Samual Sherman, And Wife will 1* at their residence Ijf miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*, for the |»itrpo#|S of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 0 A. M., to I F. M. Thev wil also be at the Residence of Mrs. L. A.'Clark, in the Village of Mclienry, on M ndays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week. REFERENCES:--John Doran, Richard Bish­ op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonfilet, Jmites Siittnn, John M. Smith. F, K. Grnnfriv, Ceo. Uajcc, Ben. Gilbert, Horace Pwelly, B.P.Peok, Win. Huteon, (<eo. Gilbert ' f . J. A. 8HERWOOD AUCTIOKE EI* AUD APPKAI8EB, Algonquin, III. gALVSftof St«»ek. Fnrmiiig Tools and Good's of all kinds promptly attended Is, sales a spedaltv. Terms reasonable. Office address Algonquin III. Farm Post W. H. SAN FORD, Merehaat Tailor. In the stoye of C. ft. Dickinson, East side of faWtHWre,. 4 '*•<?»«? WOOI>8TOCK, ILL. " «. » i&M is;; A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a Ct Warranted- Give me Woodstock 111.,Sept. 17th. 1876. H. K. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First clasa rl ;s, witii or without drivers, fMrnislied • t t-easouable rates. Teaming of all kinds iloiie on xhort notir-e. if Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Rlchmondv III. Has an experience of IS vear«. and will guarantee satisf:u>ti»ii in ali <a«ea, where sales entrusted to my care, arc properly ad­ vertised. or uo charge will be made Terms, from $5 to $10, according to amount Of sale. All orders addressed to Richmond, III., will receive prompt attentlou. M. ENCEL.fl. C * U I V - S M I T H ! Se.nle Repairing, Grinding and Pol. Ishing Razors and shears and T«ble CHiticry a specials, t y. Repairing of it 11 kinds done in -JwSteftl or Brass.-- Ali work warrant, ed. Also dealer In Guns, Revolver-*, Table and Pocket Fishinc Material, Pipe*, Cutlery, Gnn and Cigars,' Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop m l store near the Post Office, Henry, III. Me- Scott & Co., WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL HATTERS! S. W. Cor Fifth Ave & Hadisn BRANCH STORES 8. E, Cor. Clark L Ltlfe St't., & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison Sts., CHICAGO. • « » PIMPLES Iwill mail (Free) the receipt for a simple Vegetable Balm that M ill remove Tan, Freckles, Ptmplesand blotches, leaving the skin soft,clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. .Address, neiositig 8 ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf & Co. «# Ann St., New York . GRACE'* CKLEVRATBDSALVS IS A V*OBTABIE PjtEPABATIO* invented in the 17th centnrv by Dr. William Graee, Snrgeon in' King Jaines army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by all who kaftir Mm as a public )>enefactor. PRICE » CENTS A k- PENSION ABStKAltS. ^ , ti The Commissioner of Pensions,il. A. Brntley, has Issued the following cir­ cular for the information Hiid fiil«|l«nve of those entitled to mlditlotntl ptfiuiioiis under the reccnt srrears act. Tblji law It will be understood, provides That ail pensions tvhich have been grunted tintler the general laws regn- Jatiiig uensior.^ or may h« re after be f;rauiei!, in ctxi^equence of a death rom a cause which originated In the Uailed States service during the con­ tinuance of the idte war of the rtbei- lion, or in costeequence of wcund^ in- juries? or disease i^eeived or contjract- ed in said servi**; during said war ot tlie rebeilion« almU continence front the dute of the death or Uie discharge from said eer^ice of the perfiosi on whose account the claim has been or pliali iiereafter lie granted, or from tlie tei-uiination of the Mglit of tlie party having prior title to such pension: Provided. The rate of pension for the intervening time for which arrears of pension are hereby granted shall be the oame per month for which the pension was originally granted. ^ The former provision In the petition laws limiting application M Hve ?f*rs, etc.. Is lepealed. The OenMMOiM^i «NKflSf i| as follows: • • ; ; RKNSIOK OFFICE. WACHINUTOK, D. C, Jan. Persons wlio are entitled to arrears of pension, under the Act granting Ar­ rears, approved January Sot It. 187U. and whose pensions were gi anted previous to tliat date, will not require the assist­ ance of a claim agent in obtaining the amount due them. All correspondence in relation to any claim for the arrears will h<; with tlie person entitled ami uo claim agent will be recoguised lit ettuh vial m. A letter addresaed to the Com in I •- sioner of iViislons, signed by the per­ son who was In receipt ot the pension at the date aforesaid, and tw« wit­ nesses. in tike presence of a magistrate, will be the only application required-- and upon which the rights ot all par­ ties concerned will be adjusted. JSa^'The PemitHi Certificate otomid not be sent to this Ollice--but it mmt be exhibited to tlie magistrate, -jjrfl The letter should be in the following or equivalent form: *'To the Commituioner of Pentiotia: •K a pensioner under pension Certificate No.--.hereby apply for the hrrears due me, uuder (he Act gran­ ting Arrears of Pension, approved « uarv 23th. 1879. My po.»t-otSlce add J*"'".1: the natiie m po^f-<»ftice, and if the cialmant re si des in tlie city, the name ar.d number of the street and reside sice mu»-t also be 15*venJ - .. ^ ^ Claimant. .. Tt0ov4in*m&> STATE OF , COLKTY OF----, •»: Signed in uiy presence by r . ,fln> Is known to me to be tlie person lie describes hi mac If to be. *tid ut tiie saute time he exhibited to me his pen­ non Certificate, which is numbered-*---. Maghtfate's fiiynatufi*. Volcanic France has again been In a state of political eruption. This time however the .eruption wa« not very severe aud the event passed off without any disastrous results. The recent election iu Frauce proved fa- vorabie to the Republican party and unfavorable to tlie party of which President MacMahou was regarded as the head. The Senate and Chamberof Deputies were therefore politically hostile to tlie President, and a rupture between th6 legislature and executive has ensued. The disagreement oc­ curred ostensibly on' certain public measures, but realty because MacMa­ hou did not command tlie confidence of A majority of the Senators aud'Dep­ uties. "tflte result «f It a*i la President MacMAlnui resigned, ami M. Jules Grevy, President of the chamber of Deputies, has been elected to soeoeed him. M.tiambetta, the soul and in­ spiration of the Republicans of Fr*ace lias been elected to succeed Grevy In the Presidency of the lower house.-- Thus, for the first time since the .for­ mation of the Republic, France has a President that Is heart and mind a Re­ publican. The election of Grovy toiakes the existence and continuance of the French Republic more sure, and toe therefore cannot but hail the resig­ nation of MacMahou with favor. The event did not create any great commo­ tion, although fur the time being there reigned deep anxiety and suppreaaed excitement. 9STA good colored inau once said In It class meeting: "Brethren, when I was a boy 1 took a hatchet and went Into de woods. When I found a tree dat was straight, big and solid, I didn't touch dat tree; but wiien I found one leaning a little and hollow inside, I soon bad him down. So when the deb* bil goes after Christians, he don't touch them dat stand straight aud true but dein dat lean a little and are hol­ low inside." 10*This is a. boy*« composition on girls: "Girls are the only folks that lias their own way every time. ©Iris is of several thousand kinds.aud some­ times one girl ean be like several thousand girls if she wants to do any­ thing. This is all I know about girls pad father says the less | J^mow about them the better off I ai*!* . * i Te^hefs' Association. WOODS*OOK, Feb. 1st, Ml. Meeting called to order at 10;Nt Exercise In reading by Prof. WUkle. This was conducted in a very interest­ ing manner by the reading of extracts from "S'i« 1 don's Method* in Teaching." giving the methods of the author in teaching the subject. He thought that variety In reading should be practiced; that the "word method** is subject to much abuse; that early training is the most important; that a pupil should not read anything that they did not understand. An interesting discussion followed the treatment of the sub­ ject. Minutes nf wealing Jan. 4ttf, read »nd approval. ^ The report of the Treasttter, 8. D, Baldwtn for the past year was read and accepted, wlilsh showed a balance In the Treaury of 94.75. The following named persona were appointed a programme committee,C. A. Gardner. A. ^ Parsons an* MIM Anna Granger Adjourned to 1:15. , < <v AFTERNOON 8KS91<jiK' ! Called to order at 1:18. w lg* The causes of the Rebellion--A. F, Parsons. He thought that History was taught too much from the text books; that the idea so commonly understood that the change of opinion In regard to slavery came about In tlie North because It did not pay, was erroneous. rrcrc prove that ther»» was a change In the public opinion of the South rather than of the North; that the main cause of the Rebellion was the social curse of slavery; that there were two critical periods In the history of the Rebellion: 1st, The change in the naval warfare by the in­ troduction of the Monitor, tnd. The battle of Gettysburg; That lite great result of the war was to prove to the world that a Republican government eould exist; that the comormu Idea that the election of Abraham Lincoln was the cause of aeceesion not established in fact. 1 Discussion tups* tbt subject, "Should the legal holidays be part ceeded at nitce to lay down a few brief axioms. Then followed the negative of the qn est Ion by John Morton He objected to It because it was a class legislation. It was decided during the discussion of the question that the schedule should Include ouly those days actually taught. Spelling e xereise----Geeg raph leal fiames of North America---conducted by Miss Florence Sessions. The Ina­ bility of tlie teachers to spell the words pronounced showed the Impor­ tance of a reform method in spelling The wise teachers were spelled down by Mr. Geo. Smith of Cwy, RECESS, *«^Phe Utility of the Higher Brandies In tlie common school.1* This subject was opened by A. W. Cumins. He stated that Newton Bnteman was the one to propose the .institution of the Natural Sciences In the common school branches. He thought thftt the . Natural Sciences detracted too much time from the now too limited period that we have for 'the seven original studies. • That the lack of scholarship was not the fault of the system, but of tbe application of it; that the system might lie so applied that they might be placed within Its list of studies.-- He was followed by Prof. Wllkle. He stated that the one half of the time was lost in the common school by out­ side matters, but thought that when all interested In the school cohld unite in the operation of the school, then will scholars have time to master the Natural Sciences as well as the ele­ mentary studies. He thhught a schol­ ar should not be restricted to the sim­ ple elementary studies and be shut out from all those beauties around him. The programme onntmi ttee report­ ed, and tlie report was accepted, aud with some changes^ adopted as fol" lows: Time of meeting March 1st, 1878; to commence promptly at 10 A. M.; place Woodstock. Pronouncing exercise. Miss Knapp; Primary Arithmetic, Miss Lemmets; The continuation of the discission of the question relating to the Utility of the Natural Sciences in ottr common Schools; Physiology, H. Harback; Exercise In word analy­ ses, Prof. Wilkie; Curvilluier Draw­ ing. Miss Anna Granger. Exercises limited to 30 minutes, discussion to ten minutes. It Is suggested that those having ex­ ercises shall present tlieir methods of teaching branches presented^, - •. v - Critic's report. Adjourned. ». 'iex 8, D. BALDWIN, Pntid«*fc •, Secretary, Uncle Sam's Harness Oil put on to your harness will make the leather look ,new, and kec'.»> Give it atrial. raw VASKtWifUtl COttKKSPONIlKNCK. WASH i KO voir, I>. C. Fob. 1st, 1S?S, By the decision made this week In the United States Court at Alexandria, the heirs of General ttobt. E. Lee se­ cure possession to the Arlington Es­ tate, opposite this city. Tbe case will probably go to the United States Su­ preme Court, but there Is thought to be no chance that the decision will be reversed. The successful parties In the case say they have no wish to oc­ cupy the Estate, flitch is now the seat of our most beautiful "National Cepd- etery." but are willing to sell 0e ground to the Government, .,f iln tba past week there has not been ttcls progress in general legislation i faut, tiniest greater progress is made 1n the remaiulng weeks of the session the President will have to call the Democratic 48th, Congress together In extra session. Besides the regular ap* propriatiou blUs there is one matter that both sides seem unwilling to bring up and act on. That Is tlie ap­ propriation of forty or fifty millloM for payments under the arrears of pen* sloii bill. However just or .proper the expenditure uf this money may be-- and 1 dud no fault with It at all--both Republicans and Democrats hesitate to vote a sum of money which they know will render necessary tlie Imposition of new taxes in order to carry oa the Government. To-day the subject discussion In the House is "Southern Claims.** A t-J oi a Wisconsin Dem­ ocrat to the payment of any of these claims, or tlie terms in which he ex­ pressed his seutlmeats, gave oftense to several Southern Members, and they have sought ever since an opportunity to give their views. This opportunity they did not have until to-day. The subject Is one which it Is easy to talk about, but upon which there is a sur­ prising lack of information among Congressmen. All tlie fuss being made in Congress Is over a few peUy claims sought to be paid through '"special act,** while millions ot dollars are paid out yearly through the regu­ lar machinery of Gtarertiuient upon been immet*e!y gratified at the great reception given him on his .arrival liere^the other evening. It was equal to anything of tbe kind ever seen jjtere. The Senator has hosts of frieud#|iere, not among Wisconsin rneu but amoiig our own citizens, with whom he has al­ ways beeu popular. The ex per uw ho went South to In­ quire Into the causes and meaus to pre­ vent tlie ravages of Yellow Fever, re* port several reccommeudatious to the Congressional Comiuilee. in accor­ dance with this report doubtless Con- Kress will take action In favor of try. ing tbe experiments upon Prof Gran­ ger's plan to freese out the disease by means of refrigerating vessels sta­ tioned at exposed points, to establish a national quarantiue to have general control of these aud other means of prevention, and of continuing the scl- eutiOc investigations. Au appropria­ tion pi two or three hundred thousand dollars now may be the cause of saviug many thousand lives. An ef­ fort will be made to take .this subject MP iu $be ^enate next weeti, v. ••DIDN'T era* DAM.? A, poloredman living in New Y#rk, having admired a»colored widow living iu the next block above, but being afraid to come out boldly and reveal his passion, went to a white man of his acquaintance, the Other day, and re­ quested him to write the }ady a letter asking her hand in marriage. Tbe friend wrote,, telling the widow In a few brief lines that the sine of her feet was the talk of the neighborhood, and asking her if she could not pare them down a little. The name of the colored man was signed, and he was to call on her on Sunday night for an answer. The writer of the letter met tbe nigger limping along tbe street, and asked him what the widow said. The man showed him a scratched aoee, a lame leg and a spot on his scalp where a handful of wool had been violently jerked out,and answered in solemn tones, "She didn't fay nuffin, and I din't stay clar mor'n a minute.** fflrthe day is fast approaching when an engine, as it reaches 000 yards of a crossing will complete an electric connection that will drop bars across the highway, on both sides of the track completely closing it to the passage of all teams. When the train is gone by the bars will rise again, automatically. The principal of the apparatus will be something like that which now un­ hitches the horses in a Are engine hous^stall, at the same instant an alarm sounds. We will not charge Mr. Edison or some other inventor one cent for this hint, though we are sure there are millions In it.--itepffrwidar. A Conductor Oatwltt«4 .. Years ssfo the Boston and Albany Railroad made a rnle that ppwifirs ' should not ride on tickets intended to , be used in the opposite direction from that In which they were journeying. One day the conductor came to a well- dressed, middle aged lady, jiist after leaving Worchester, on the western bound txpre«s, who h mded bias atiek* 9t from Falttier to Worchnster. He protested that, although yeit, sorry, the rules of tlie company would not a!** IQW him to take that ticket for a mo- went. The lady said that she had bought It in good faith, but had never before bad an opportunity to use it, and Intimated, with studied polite­ ness, that aft such regulations wens senseless. And fnalljr sbe remarked: "I am willing tsflth backward ott way if that will be of any comfort to you.n He took the tieke t.--i% I'liMlllfif Mam„J<n*rnaL ISrA Nevada Cltjr lady ef social H riding presents » si wfini nsss for lite considerati--r ef smentlsll. i»r many years past she hat been ettlcted with acute neuralgic pains In varions parts of the body, and some time slnee hoping to ind relief, resorted to the use of an electrical ha&tewjr. $ She need the apparatus for si* »0nth0,lmt fennd no relief. At this tfnte nothtlw was noted of unusual character aa tberesnlt, and although several months have since elapsed it was only when tlm recent cold weather commonest! thai lay ax» traordSnary symptoms followed. One night last week tlie lady had Occasion to enter & dark room and pltfk up • woolen coat that m-M tying' there.' Aa she did so she was f oth eeryrtend and frightened to observe * n bright llgh| surrounding the hand that held the garment. At tlse same time the ele*» trie currents passed along the ante, shocking her ««dt* severely. When her husband was Informed of the he discredited I UP reality, there was more linagtwailaa thing else tnit. SegWittiii to eonvmmm Wi^duioi#bet she turrtfcd <*e *tt mit til remai t result. The sptotfctiew ery direction, and there rat a tlarp, cracking soundas tbe teeth of the eoesb passed between the hairs. In ingrfatg her hands upon iron the lad* dees not observe tlie peculiarities referred is, but the instant she touches a woolen cloth the fire begins to fly and the shocks jfollow one another in rapid /MIC* cession. •®*One dlstingniihed clergyflMMl ii least, ami he the p«t*$f>r of a wnnlliiy and fashionable Church. !• very #MI4» edly iu favor of the taxation of pi the church property In the United StnUe, This Is the Rev. Mr. Shlpman, of Christ Episcopal Church of New York City. He has recently dechttt# that hit should like to set all the church prop erty In the land taxed to the utmost. He believes that what is protected b]r tbe Government should aid In main­ taining the Government. By what right, he asks, does the ehureh claim immunity from bearing her share of the burden? The effect of Its exemp­ tion is to largely increase the rate of taxation on every other species of property, and compels people to pay money indirectly for the support ef churches whether they will or not, in the shape of taxes, which they would not have otherwise paid. He thinks it Is, in fact, a species of Union between Church and State, in violation of thn Constitution and popular rights. Dr. Shlpman estimates the value of tlie ehureh property in the United Statee atfiye hnndred million dollars, and that at the past rate of Increase it wiU In 1900 reach the enormosw yalne three billions of df^llata. ' Sleep** Tim®. Slsepobtained two home - Klhli- midnight when the negstlve forese am la operation, is the rest which moatf recuperates the system, glviA b(fglit-v ness to the eye and glow to tf» Tbe difference In tbe appearand^ 4$ m person wlio habitually retll%» ifr Itn^. o'clock and that of one who ens nip w& til twelve, is quite rentarkipbj^"' Thn tone of the system.so evii|p in thft eompiexiou. tbe clearn^e and apsildt of the eye, and tb^softnesa ef tlMl lines of the fisafuMs, is in a perse* «f healtii kept ^a uconoert piteh** hjr taking regrffar rest two heme befsrt twelv^ciock, and thereby obtaining thf^beautiful sleep" of the nl^ht.-** tere is a heaviness of the eye, n sn|> lowness of the skin, and an absence of that glow in the feoe whleht rendan l| fresh In expression and vennd In ap* pearance, that nudity dtstingnbdke| tbe person who keeps late hours. | \ Why be distressed with* beadaeM low spirits and nervowsaeas whMft Eliert's Davlight Liver PUli aieseld by att Dn^gt^ ^ /f >' ^ f" • M ..-a- ^'4^ - 1

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