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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1879, p. 2

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- i'* l T * * / " ^ t *?S , < * V* '>?? .-*•> v-y^-' p *•, -v*. 'v. ">«*'• ***> v* """'S*i '•• >-! *y* % ">^ • •.« * *t %'V -.. '<K •>.' * .' *; V S -<L :;*^„ •;' "k, .* f> ' •-,.: 'r :5"t*\:/ <v- •• *-. ^ ^ t- ' • ' •>••: "> r United 8 t of Michigan, t THE PAST WEEK, < J / DOMESTIC NEWS. «#*»% THE oyster schooner Adamantine was lately found sunk in Chesapeake bay, with th* Captain tad crew of nine men Unshed to the veseel Richard H. Dana, the poet, died at BOB tors, » few daya ago, AGED 91 years and three mantfas. He had Ho particular disease, hilt, having centiwated a cold two or tkm wefta before* haA as* tiw ateingth to threw ••*---. *• '• . t BAJRD'S ANA Horry'S blocks and <Jhe Sipisoopal ctarsfc bwned at Lee, Mass., the other day. The "onuntK oenter of the town Win tripes mt Tjati, #110,006; ttfium&fe, #61,000. r • NKARBY vyktur «go Owen Mtasffey, Wtec&SB OoraMtakwer in New Y<wk citv. eb- seorwiod with 1M0.000 cf the people's money, JJe has found'it oonvenient to lemHO an exile, %mt appears in the person of a " next friend," and bringa anitia the Saprenpp Court tu'recover A.. 4he amount of salary he would hare leaefrred if i tte'had notneoten the #40,00ft ( ? ' 'J*,, wmt. \ . »>l >•<• Difeeft-TCH from Fojt Rabinson, jfl^sj'-sajra that K It wae dieeevered' by the sentinel guarding the building "wherein {-K Wild Cheyenne" chief, is confined, tf|k4ri IftavOf iiiMif that the de*perate, Ihdian wm ' «g» 15^ ••«**'** lussfif Is fsor ,,j"-I places in the region of tfee heart, with the in- ' -teintiecvCf putting an endl to his liferather than ^.a* ^ gonth. The post surgeon pro- nbtraeee the wotmde very dangerous if "'4 ? ftot fatal, Thtrty-ttiree Cheyenne-eqnawB and l*>, tamij-tn efcildreb Mft here tlia»moming for Pfaae lMly If nty, and will be tamed over to „ thetiiaax at tiukt agenof aa their oamialfRt- ' ^ , Oiiusr JosBaPH an4 tbe Interior !)•- partacent hare artanged for the parchase from iiit Peraee of about 4,800 «p»re miles in 9 The tefma are ak townships to the in- 9&*1 dian Itmitory and #250.000 In «»oney, to be ptaeed ia the treamry and to davw 4per eeot. A" fk'sl"# %n If ^44t M •-i..' *gf' ! Jui n%*?H m Immm Imux OOCHSUHK/WI the Sr*- periet teact «* De<nM, Mich., t» dead... Tbe annosMpxNit of the arrival of -fitting Bull in Uncl# '̂ dominions seema to have been pre- matnte, as he is said to be encawped twentv- Atsii&wf*'8i0 ©the? side of the tine.,, .Four eattieWB* were killed bylndiaae^in Western ffebrwrina few days ago. 'Woar is supposed by' flwHiLfc to W a * q tiiX* s«f i «n|kMno kai jttst Mea dieoorered -Welre milee :m^0ajtttiSt Olwto, (ly, Earn, tlanlra add hat •• aOriwoa/wmthe , whMiiia - «o. wane \.{|fc --wwhaaheen matted ffeaatha Wn<L ... ̂ t ) i i TheSm**. t ) t T^p>:|iew Oadeaaa mint,'arhioh haa for nineteen jwm, hae be- Tms ff^r^nder of the chaater of the te e% of Xemphie has led the Governor of Sniieeeee to appoint two Commisaktnen--the <10 elect the third one--to mde arrange- Ji« S Wmt* fm levying and collecting' 'a veeido tax ^ *» Maintain 4fee city OoT«na»ent - -! > "40. *•••**' '• mttMetU. n ••"-'• ! r IN ' Hietuigan, after poi^aiAaratiian, Mee ̂#; mm, Chairman o£ the jNstiooal tStoie GornmiMre, has called the State Contren- Hm. of that party on Feb. 38, at Lansicg. "This is Mte aafii'day lid placeof the mnrtiac off #M COaaentlffia. >; • •' * % 4 s WeuhtnglmL ' • |̂ j| ^ ¥ ' 'jljt ' ^ (K*abi.¥ 40,tWO bids have been »e~ '• a&M by the Posteffice Department Car 4he -*0 eliding Of fbW malk in Miseonri, towa, IKpsie, # irieeoaai^.and Mihaeeota. Awtorik ad to wiquired fc» i^rnnint aad aBating q TM pablie-deiit >atetemeiift Feb. 1 .•.> WM-aafofionas -V^ • «t var«ent. loads. udM. SJtifLtMA. • Raaa^asssiBn:: your yeaeent. bonds Total A 960.000^80 aaojmM* IfataiM^M. Tftrjl tmAnff cCrUflc*to«i<of • ...... ^......S 6,608.880 Mr,7«MKl : depooit 4D.M0,U00 Gold and «ftver fm-tiBcaiaa.-^.-. MJM&a , ^TOLW^WMALHPIT.̂ .,̂ * ,̂.# 4*1,068,-106 V- •-- Total .. Total totem* tiflujm Om»Micf beM for redonptfea «( tao> . . ^ftwflflca*8i§»t deportt tjm.m Tbtal easb I* treaswy. Debt, lew cuh la treasury refc.l, It. # Wt.-SSO.'W during J«a«ry .... i atiice JuaeSD, 1878. Beads imrad to Facf#enlttoad oompa- 1,130 ™^?s5^assiafwuwi"' MMrfataocnwdaiMlsot.p«id....4 • SSenatpaid|>y TJnit«d SUteTT. ""maSi ete,Wia te5' of ' of iaterait toy TTnitM H«»^it '•VI aw.ni -0,778,745 10,667,088 *,116,717 IT is said that the Secretary of State haaafcked Ooagrsae to take steps to abrogate • tho Aaharlee dam of th® treaty of WmhSng^ , ^,MTha,JHaatMia-,-Delegate withm to have 4&MIO0 mi^mted "for tb» erection of a I^QRfy at mdh point on the southern or soR&weafern frontier of the territory of Mon­ tana as'l^lhe Jndgnveat of <fce President may be beM' ai^pfcdfor the protection of the citizens af titetse^onHof the TenitMy 4ntt deprada- • m* byhmmIndians.» • i: ' TtfB BBnae Committee on Commerce hatf been eoMi*M-fog a KU admitting foreign- aoilt ^iipwte Alswioaa re^atar free of duty, >hiutJhave iadefiitila^i-paftpBloed. action upon it, hfing mmincfd ihU acting«anbe done dur- IIJGRTIE PY^AT 8EUFIAA,.;.O0PJ|PTOUOI)ERHAYT passage of Bepreeeutatii« Scales' bill, fAoritling for & »or>RoHdattaa of Jndia&tnbea, whW^jbN^ the forty-fbnr ltaei'raMoDS and fldrty^six agents be reduced to ten- reserrtttona and agents..,. 33*e fallowing Postmasters have been con- fljpued: Iad»a»^Bdward Sorinj Notre Dame. liK»» OUmow, Pittefield; Ed- ward Btpmn, Elmwood; Norman Pinou, Beardstown •. H^qr fbolds, Lanark; Chartoa W< t*HKP*y» Rwville; fc«ik Oendenia, Mor- C^l}. I^Mtiel C, Kenyon, Chatteworth; Horat ftApw^Wftno.. « HON. N F. BANKS hasbeen nominated for United States M«.raVi«.l of Abmm% evIW. their eerrM* ta inftatrj cordon, tha MUeeUttmmwt, Tm Canadian «ti^ritjf«a««W^ anwrder prohibiting forftwe months the iii- peitatlon of catOe fro* the United Stat«B into the Dominion. ' wjy*a tlw fixsl awl Mcofidi f riisee in th« reoent Jiew Xork billiard tourna- went, Schaefer taking first prize, "and iflosson sacond. On «»e la* game of the tournament Behafelter saade aa average of «ghty-si*--the bmt <ta record. • ^ f»e lWMr ComiaBN. THIS aab-C«*nmittee "of the Potter ariaw has been reoonatfaoted, and now (Onuists of Barton (COwinBait, flprtager, Bten- ger.flieoeek.aad Baed. Ills eoumUtee went: to New Tmicea the 4th inst '̂where the ciphwr dispatches were to bo more fclly investigated. BEFCMRB the Potter Bub-Commit*e<3, Feb. 5, the iftrat witness examined was It Weed, <C Ne w York. Be testified to using a cipher %«fth in North and South Carolina, but he h»l ctestroyed both *ipheir and key. He thongbt*#te dispatches published in the ^iew York VMhnne were pretty eorreei "Tfb® dia- patclws? between myarifand Henry Hawemeyar were the only onea that I sent Finally, an arranffement, or, rathei^ a definite jproposi- tion, vms handed me sayiog that for #60,000 or #80,000 'the Honth Carolina Canvassing Board wonriCmake things aUTight for the Democrat*." A naKber of dtepatohes were read te witness which he denied having sent, while others were claiaaed to have beat changed soanewhat in meaning m transMlon, The duBpftoh from Ckdambiii in which Weed claimed to have sa '̂ cured a* majority of rthe Canvassing Board was said to be nearly 'correct; he thought they meant business, and went to Baltimore ott that supposition. *' I met CoL PeiR'K in Balti­ more. He said the old man, whi<£r I snppose was Gov. Tilden, hsi received a teh^ram from Edward Cooper stating that he «H not raise the money. I met Tilden in New.'York. He took 'me to task about the proposition, and stated that he never authorized any such pre- ceediag, and that while he lived he "would never become Presideat under such chroumstanca" Mayor Cooper,' of New York, stated that Mr. TMca -iraE zsgey at a dtejwtefi' frow Peltom calling for meney, miu he refused ad vance it t'ltBfi New iork session of othe branch of tlie Potter €psnmittee was very interesting ootUieOth inat.< OoL Pelton, the nff>hew of Mr. Tilden, being ttue only witness. He testified that #he had lest Mis cipher and teey, and that tfce .Tribune translations were nearly correct AH the telegraias addressed to Havemeyer at once sent to witness, whtili is Ms ab- ware opeaed by the Democratic National raiittee. fa Ms attempt to seeBre the Can­ vassing 'Boarde he acted who% < on his own i^spoo^bility, swithont donsultiBg with any one. He had ao anthority to acfrfor thf Demo­ cratic National Cemmittee in thetwatter. In the matter of the tiaith Carolina Boas€ of OM?M8- ers, v^itaeas h«d do doufbt the arrangement oould have been oooaamlnated -had the money beeatfaaniahed1dm. He saidlfc.'TUden wm «xceadm(^y aaeafediabout tiie a»ttar, and de­ nounced tble action. In fac4 he waa Very severe. WITNESS left forsBaltimore without MB (Tilden's) knowledge or rceneent, and he-wao very much [ sn^maed at the action. Mr. Pelton dis- aKaed any intention of obtaining^® " #60,000 or fiC^OOO" from Mr. Tilden, aafi said he ex •pecwd it froaittha MaHoaal Dwaamatie Com- mittee^ . •- • faeamtoKT SE regard to the«otpher dis­ patches was resumed, on the 7th(iiist., Manton Maiifle,<of the New York World, being on tha atand. He said: uI went to Florida to look after itbe-electoral«»te. i.oannot my Ami I went funfier the instructicoH of the Democratic Com­ mittee. I did not go at the specific request of any one. I had no communication mtk Gov. Til- d«i on the matter. ttiSceived acipberfrom Col.' PeHan, whioh I afterward used. I neither sent to,aesr«ae(sived from Mr. TUdanmy Megrams; 1 afldaeaaod my dispatches to Petean. The cipher ttyatchee, aa paUUahed in the Tribune, m far as lam concerned, are simply rubbish. I have steady made statements of what I did w W%®riA&, What Z (Bi not do was to buy Kari<k v&%sfe, una they were for sale.'0 A letter waa reoelvM imm Ovr. Vilden during the day's asaaiqn saHng an opportunity to appear •before theowmittee aad submit aaaae teatimony bear­ ing apoa tha faaMen. It waa resolved ttet he saigbt have ui «ppertunity to testify. In WaaMagtoo, a nraher <rf wetnesses were «x- aarinaif <*»tradfctiag the teetiaaony of St Mar­ tina, bat nothii^ «f aaoflh importance was ' « * ' • V 1 ».» <& V ft* ̂ ̂ ' * ° "'it "i >%„> '&<* & ' • TOPICS. tful fifteen top« ay, among Jtec. 10 thc^^ Ourvr. mi France, hasaa- BsfMlfamns. M. Waddington, Psresi- ihlifl IniteaotinB, has hag fcfan a BepaWican., He fia (Asctad a Setiiisr "ffom Paris iin' lWO.' M. <Aa. Ififr- cere, Mtnistar of* the Interior, was' a aaamber of MaoMahon's Cabinet, 5*e other meatbers we: Senator Leroyer, Mteister of Jwstiee; M. Lepers Minister at Agriculture, and Admiral Jaurequi berry, Malster of Martna....It is announced as prcfcable that Queen Victoria's Arthur Ddks of Con- naught, will aooa beapMtotad Larf Iiaptenant af Ireland^ -• . ,••• BraaiAK jowraalB denounce the Aw Man and Cferaam GbvwtiiB«nt«a»r their meaa- uw» of prevention of the plague, saying they are caused by a desire to injure Russian trade. THK Chinme crew of the Atwiraliasi bark Kate Waters, fr»m Hong Kong for Fbo Chow, recenHy mutinied, nwr- dered the officers' aad sou Wed the vessel.,^. Small-pox is raging wffih great intensity in the ifcrtbern provisoes Bsseil, eopeciallj in Manaos and Cearo. In Fftrtelez, the capital of the latter, province, l;£7 persons (died r tjie di^aaaa <an Nov. 28 aad 2^ total deaths for 'five month amount­ ing to il.OTS, eeasB^wx causing 9,8i4.,.. Biotous demonstrattons ^re made by (lie un­ employed laborers at tHwrpool, some 30,000 In number. CaUftaiaaa wilh the police Jwre o«- "V< t 4 / V -l CONGME#8IOKA±»l FEBRUAJKF 1.--IN THE Senate. Mr. McCreery from the j<HiU «3waaeaitwe.sppoint^d to laqalre into the expedieucy of tmiMforring the Indian Bureau from "the Interior Bapwrtment to the War Depart­ ment, submitted & wsport, alKi.ed by fomr memben of thecomiaitaw.iB lavorof the trawter....Xr. Hoar, from the <CaoBomtttoe on Privileges and Etecti«tts, pnwsied a ) minority report fa *vor of a elxteentli >am«adment to the consti­ tution. prohibit***? • ifltete • ttiafranchlsing persons on account of #«*.. "IThe r«port was signed by Mepxru. Hoar, CauMwon (W4H.) and Mitchell ... Conaifter&tioa wj*b nMsimed of the awclutioaa of Mr. Sdmuada, ^nciraSag tthe validity ot ilio TMr- teetith, Fourteenth «nJ ^Fifteenth amendments to the cooHttat'*011. and Mr. Morgan con­ tinued his angnaoeiit lin f»vor of the Bub- Btttute pveMMtafl tly 'him.-----In the House, the war-claims rtweuawon was resumed in the fiouse, Mr.'Ohahnertn. of MiertBsippi. Iqad- inR oil. He s«M he aidnot «ovy the<heap political capital that a CMon ^toloier,: meatuDK Gen. Brapg, could make by teUiofrHhe'f«w> in the' South who had professed lojutlty diuting tthe war that.be had no mdre r.onfldenoe (En "their loyalty fbau* a mouse had in a italM 41MIO, He cbccged Br«tg^ with shaking <?te bloody and «aut ilie W»H stretch­ ing lila- lega in a" ftaittio -sfTort to citoti xip to tho liepublican ptatf<wm4indirob.it of itniast banner. Mr. MIUH. dt Itexaw. •followed (Sialmern, and spoke iu the g«ma«Ma. iHtoareaMerM that no true Southerner ashed So tha-we 'the war HainiH allowed, and fawrs*^ ' a co&stttutionsl amendment which would tfarsver exclude all claims grbwingr ont of the -war. Mr. Hooker, of Miesie- itlppi, made a vetr«daguent »p««ch. in which he charged Braex witti >MkinK up a role which had been abandoned bsrliberaPheszted'men on the Re­ publican side oCflae •onae. Jt wae not his purpose to create secttoaal sttidSe, >but to tavoid it. He de niod the (ifdit ot angr an an rto apeak for the .Southern Democracy aoA charge them with pre Beating frandniil Alihe f - - ~ Mr. 8kmMaa< ot cuHBion. H«HldtW%i abusing the Denasrtary when nmnning on the ^Republican ticket Car Osngvees Kind other offices that, Mke the old haqaer *tbose hat|> refused to sinK of sught but love, has aaonthoefaaed to give out anything but ahiMe of the Demoaracy. The Demo­ crats of the Booth «we lMmoovats of principle. If they had only bam iuSwenced >by " loaves and fiahM,n they eould hewe sold odt long ago to the Republicans. , FBBBVART 3.--In the. Senate, Mr. MoCreery Introduced a bill to tramfer fte <oftce of Indian Affaire from the Interior to 4be War Department. ... .Mr. Matthews intmtend a joint resolution providing for a coatmsneial tmatjr with Mex- Wtke lRw(i«a TmmeaU^mMmtu THK Teller Investigating Committee, on the 4th inst, exaaaioed Cel. M&ckay, of BmA (krolinn. He aaid that the Sapublicans were, in uutmmm ways, pn8?@nted from hav­ ing a fall aad free vote in Oharleaton county, aad that the Democrats resorted to frauds for that purpose. Witness, iu order to counteract the Democrats, had 5,000 tisane tickets printed, and these were to be used only in the event that the Bepublieaaa were oertain the Demo­ crats were using tissue tickets. Some few Be- publican tickets 1 ad been given out the night before tha election, and six of them only wee* voted in Charleston. S, M. Wallaoe,. United Siatea Marshal for South Carolina, testified to arreating Democrats for breaking up Bepublicaa meetings, but no oon- victioo resulted. Witness, in reply to Senator McDonald, said he knew of half a dozen promi- aanMiegKMS who attended aad addreaaadptth- tic meetings in behalf of the Deatoorats. mfm - XOUEIGX INTELLIGENCE. THE Czar haa ordered Gen. Loria Melikoff to start immediately for Astrakhan with full powers. He is appointed Governor General of the plague-stricken districts, which are created into a province during a oontinu- anee of the epidemic....Sootch Justice has sentenced tw<» af the IMreetors of the City of Glasgow Bank to imprisonment for eighteen montha, and five othera to eight months e«ch-- the offense of the latter being the publication of false balance-sheets... .Several thousand boiler-makers, fitters and laborers struck at Liverpool a few days ago. OOL. PEEC* WYNBHAW, the distin­ guished soldier of fortune, formerly with Gari­ baldi and with the Northern army in the Ameri­ can civil war, has been killed at Rangoon, In­ dia....Several large firms of boot and shoe manufacturers at Montreal, Canada, h^ve failed recently, the heaviest of which was Mullarky & Co., whose liabilities were #500,000. THE Afghan revolutionary chiefs, be­ coming impatient at the slow approach of the ico....Mr. Teller praseatod • ̂ rtgtion Xrom the colored people of k'UMiaa. dimming that they are not protected, either te life or proper­ ty. They therefore smoke tb>: protection of the Federal Government, Xditssred to the Taller Committee Mr. Harris, from the (select cominittea on epidemic diseases, reported a bill to prevent the introduction etf contagious or infectious diseases into the Oaitod States, and to establish a Bateau of Public Health. .. .The Senate had a lively and intewwting execu­ tive session, the New York Oaetoon House ffominationR forming the bone of contention. Mr. CoaUi% attacked the adUarinjatraSton, in a two-honrs' speech, which proved to be an effort by the side of which ill previous apeeebes*f his life in the direction of bitterness are dedaatd by good judges to sink into insignificance, aad were anade to appear as the very essenesof ntildases aaiauavity. Mr. Edmunds, in a mild speech, oppoeed tthe re­ moval of Oeo. Arthur, jaessra. Howe, Voor hem and Kexnaa also opposed the asaaoval of Arthur. Mr. Bayard advocated the eoalraaation of the President's appointoas. At the elose ot the debate the roll WM called and Qen. Merritt was confirmed m Collector of Customs at New Tortc by 89 yeas to 84 nays, and Silas W. Burt was con­ firmed aa Naval Officer by 81 yeas fo 18 nays. In tha House. Mr. Cutler introduced a Mil appro­ priating #100.000.000 for the payment o£ arrearages of pensions. The same subject WM brought before the House its & wotion to suspenS the t*nlea, and pass a bill introduced by Mr. hurchard, of Illinois, authorizing the inaue of 4-per-cent. bond* to the amount of f 40,01:0.000 to pay the claimants under the Arrears of Penxion act. Defeated--two-thlrda Cailing to vote in the affirmative. FEBBUABT 4.--In the Senate Mr. Cameron (Wis.), from the Committee on Privileges and Elec­ tions, submitted a majority svpoK, nigned by the Republican members, declaring David T. Oorbin duly elected Seaater from South'Carolina, aad duly entitled to a seat. Mr. Hill, from the same com­ mittee. submitted a minority report, signed by the Democratic members, in favor of the incum- beat. M. C. Butler. Both reports were ordered printed, and placed on the calendar.... Mr. Coke spoke at length in favor of constructing a railroad InTexM to the Rio Grande, after which consideration was resumed of the resolutions of Mr. Edmunds, declaring the validity of the Thir­ teenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments, and speeches were made pro and con by Messrs. Ed­ munds and Bayard.----The Honse devoted the day .in committee of the whole, to the Army Appropriation bill. Several propositions for a redaction of the army were made and voted down Aa evening session, for consideration of the MisMHttippi Levee bill, was held. FIBBBUABY 5.--In the Senate, after a protract­ ed debate, lastly until nearly midnight, Mr. Ed- InundB' resolutions affirming the validity of the late constitutional amendments wsre adopt­ ed.' A aamber of amendments were offered by the Democrats and rejected. The Morgan substitute, adopted by the Democratic caucua, was also voted down--18 yeas to 26 nays. The Edmunds resolution*, aa originally introduced, were then adopted by a vote of IB yeas to 17 nays.... .Nothing else ef Importance transpired is the Senate.- In the ffoaae, the report of the Committee on Elections In the Florida case wat mibmitted in favor ot JSSM 3. FittTay, and adverse to the claims of Horace Biwbee. The minority Mubmittod dissent­ ing Views, and both teportn mere recommitted. The House paused Minnia»ippf Levee bill aad p'rtatioss hill. FBBBUARY 6.--In the Senate, Mr. Paddock submitted a resolution instructing the Committee on Agriculture to inquire in regard to the report* concerning infections dineaeeN among horned cattle Agreed to Mr. Wallace submitted a resolution requesting the Committee on Commerce to report the Houee bill, known BB "The Inter HtateCom­ merce bill," at the earliest pc»»«lble moment. Laid on the table. He izave notice that he would caH It up at an early day The bill to provide for tak­ ing the tenti» and »ubnequent cennuiu-H w» paxsed. -In the Hou*-\ Mr. Hayex introduced a bill, appropriating fW.000 for the improvement of the Illinois river, and enlarging the Illinois and Michigan ahip canal Mr. Cuturnings introduced a bill making appropriations for the pay- , . snent of the arrears of penaionn forces, hav9 commm4 *» alta«lK>M teU w# Almw Hi at leifjHh. The Xeacganisation If the committee «MMrhe)e made to engraft li|ba It tJso transfer the Indita "BuMpn fro: War Departm«aft» jfanrned. A FKBBUABK 1.~jn'im Senate, the Committee an Foreign Relations reported back tha Senate bill to restrict the immigration of Chinese, and SJKO I the House bill for thtT aawie i/ui^ibse.' Tttay 4rhte placed on the calendar... .Mr. Harris, from the select committee to inquire into the best means of preventing epidemic diseases, re­ ported a Nil to prevent the lntrodufetion af contagions diieases and to establish a bureau of. public health'... .Mr. Windom called up his resolu­ tions in regard to the migration of colored people, and spoke in favor thereof... .The Senate took up and paased--40 yeas to SO nays--the bill allowing women h> practice law in the United States 8upreme Court.----In the House the day. waa devoted to dull routine business and the consideration of pri- vata rk<m B„ HyW--p----------a----a--. A 'Zful-K THE PLAGUE. ! ^ • Jbhtrm in Europe Over th# Apprnmno* of Asiatic PreHlenee in A0trakhmn Unproee- , -drftted ActMty of the Kwmifm fywwnznumt in Quarantininff the Infmt*& District. On Jan. 3 a dispatch from St. Peters­ burg, through the regular press ohan nels, announced that the plague had broken out in Astrakhan. This meager information was permitted to go forth because the factconid no longer be oon- oealed, but the anxious action of the Russian Government--the slowest on earth, not even excepting Turkey, to move in any sanitary matter--in pro­ viding military quarantine around the infected* district, and its request, couched in the fora of an invitation, for medical belp from the rest Europe, show that the disease, what­ ever its nature, has made considerable progress in tbe -empire, and created a panic througfbemt the southwestern provinces. Astrakhan, on the north­ west shore tine Caspian sea, is* a memorable el&olera bed, which has sent the germs of that malady over the world more than oi*e. It is claimed that the present epidemic did not originate there, but was carried into the district by Cos­ sacks retaining foul and sick from Turkey. It TOOS at first supposed to be a form of typhus fever, and, with char­ acteristic indifference, neither the peo­ ple nor the authorities paid any atten­ tion to it as an epidemic. When at length what are claime# to be the con­ vincing symptoms of genuine plague became so VKidely developed that to ignore it w*s impossible, then * terror seized the inhabitants, and they fled in large numbers up the Volga, many not stopping until they reached Tmritzin. Here it broke out violently among the fugitives, and (the imperial authorities surrounded the town with a cordon of troops in the hope of preventing the in­ fection from extending further. The ^rSUprecau *»«. of course; too late. n" ***** B? '"if Tzaritzin is a junotion for many rail­ roads, and on these, as well as by boat up the Volga, the distemper had been already distributed. It appeared almost simultaneously «t different places, and reached Lower Stovogorod, which is so near Moscow that a panic almost broke out there, and hm feeen suppressed only by the repeated offieial declaration that the disease was disappearing iu Astra­ khan, and that every infected district was rigidly isolated.* » ; • Austria, Turkey, <*«rmimy and Italy are so impressed with the belief that it is the plague that they have each taken official action to proteet their frontiers. All Russian craft entering Italian ports are subjeoted to thorough examination and inspection ; a commission has been appointed by the General Government to visit Bussia for exact information, and an international sanitary commis­ sion at Vienna has reccommended disin­ fection of arrivals from the Lower Dan­ ube. The German delegate informed the commission that Germany liad 8,000 men ready to mobilize for oordon duty on the frontier. A commission of Austrian and Galician physicians are now en route for the plague regions. In Bussia Gen. Louis Melikoff has been appointed Commissioner General for Astrakhan and invested with plenary powers to discipline the country in which the disease exists. A staff of physicians accompanied him, and it is believed that the wisdom of the latest medical science is being applied to the check and suppression of the horrible scourge; but the Russians live very comfortably in habitual dirt; their diet, their dwellings, their domestic cus­ toms, their ignorance and superstition, their poverty and supine indifference- all contribute to feed any epidemic aad to resist the principles of contempora­ neous sanitary laws. If it be true that it is the genuine plague which the Cos­ sacks propagated in Astrakhan, it is highly probable that it will suoceed in ravaging Southern, Central, and per­ haps even Eastern Russia, and afi Eu­ rope needs to exercise the utmost vig­ ilance to beat it back, Should it ap­ pear in tho Mediterranean, commerce will inevitably carry some ef its germs to our own shores; and, although sani­ tary science is muoh talked of among us, it has never yet had a fair fight with the appalling disease whioh has swept so many millions o! human beings fes­ tering, putrid, into hasty graves, whence The very vultuies turn away, And sickea at so foal a prey. A visit from the cholera had been prophesied as among the probabilities of this or next year; the plague nobody thought of; but to prepare for either is the only rare way of keeping free of both. 1 H*||dof t||N^_ _ '* ver visitation is a brilliant one. x The offi­ cial report shows that it cared for a to- of f5|7M patients and provided for <30,000 destitute people at an expense of 1880,185. The total receipts of the as­ sociation were $383,449, of which the sum of $32,637 was contributed by New York. Of the entire contributions re­ ported, that city gave more than the en­ tire Sonth, and three tunes as nuich as any other Northern city. ' * »e8:: Xsa.tt.. Jan.86.... Jan.SH #8,148,600 t.488.800 Sunday. iUWMeo 1430,000 1#.S08,400 »,0SU,(KIU 8,796,180 14,088,700 Sunday. Jan. 37 6.128.968 Jan. SS *686.100 |Jan<» t>8*8,«0 Jan. 80 6.741 ,NS0 Jan. 81 4.811.5t0 THE revenue of the kingdom of (Jreat Britain for the year 1878 was £80*484,- 039, and showed an increase of £1,803,- 485 over that of the preceding year. Of the whole amount, £20,105,000 was derived from customs, £27,372,000 from excise, and £16,652,000 from stamps, £6,180,000from the postoffice, £6,031,000 from a property tax, £2,655,000 from other taxes, £1,330,000 from telegraph service, £1,047,242 from interest oil ad­ vances, £410,000 from crown lands, and £4,641,797 from miscellaneous sources. THE following are the sales of 4 per cent, bonds per day during the jo^onth of January: Jan. la..,..,. Holiday.IJan. 17.. Jan. *.... ....$8.5H0,18U'jan. 18.. J a n . 8 . . . g , 6 1 8 . 1 5 0 ! J a n . 1 » Jan. 4... ...;, Jan Jan. SD ' **"' Jan. Jan. 7 2,782.360 Jan. 7.114,<*» Jan. 9.. 4,155,000 Jan. 10 «.418,4N Jan. 11 S,tiStt,460 Jan. IS Sundav. Jan. 18......... 6,888,180 Jan. 14..; Jan. 15......... 5,345,900 Jan. 10......... 7^S3,«0 Total #148,860,160 During the month f150,000,000 of 6 per cent, bonds of the issue of 1867, hive been called in for redemption, a&d the history of the funding operations of the month is tho most remarkable ever known. J * THE cost to Russia of' thfe^late wa*- with Turkey is estimated J>y a journal of that country at 2 milliards of rou­ bles, equal to about $1,500,000,000. It is not stated whether this estimate in­ cludes the indireot losses accruing through the wis* to Russian subjects, but we presume, from the magnitude of the amount, it must do so. As to the losses*af the Russians," it is said "tliat 124,471 men lie buried in the Balkan peninsula, and, of th6 120,950 men sent back to Bussia as sick or wounded, 42,- 950 died; the complete number of the dead is 172,400 men, not innlnding th^whoLSiw^mabed in 4eia Mino*. » It is reported that the Postoffice De­ partment .has ordered a new postage stamp tp be used on letters which are dtojpped into the office unstamped. The /custom heretofore has been when such a .letter was posted it was held by the Postmaster, who wrote to the individual addntsed that he had the letter in the office for him, which weuld be forwarded u^>on payment of the postage. The proposed new stamp, we are told, is to be put on the letter not prepaid and sent to the Postmaster at lhe office of its destination, who is to be charged with the amount due, and to collect-the same on the delivery of the leiter. ly, news was pvitight oil tality in thej|tl|̂ tza. twe: a poptaftio^Lpfeoo. mortality haJ increased. among the rest, the doctor of the Astra-*' khan regiment; the priest met with tha .. _ same fate, his wife and children running away from fear; several 'to! tie local chiefs were attacked. "The population wore seized with a panic | they ceased tt> appro«fc th# ant|: feared to bury the dead. It is rej«)rte<f ; that the dead bodies lay for days in th#t streets, with It slight <*>vering d ha^" thrown over them. At last the inhab­ itants reached the conclusion that th^ disease was not tophus, but tbe plague* W. TUB BITSB BITTEN. A nice-looking young man came int<f» Judge Bowker's court this morning to<| unbosomed himself of a tale of woci i, He came to the coast about six months / ago, the young man did. He hwrspen '̂ that adventurous haJf lyeaa? Ih Califoift 5 nia, and yesterday arrived in Reno oft , on Lis way East. To while away,th|» v time until the train eame, the yo^ngjr man played billiards and pool and tlm* made the acquaintance pf some whpl^r souled fellows, who took a surprisiilgljr warm and friendly interest in th|| stranger. About midnight he wei|| forth with these engaging young meft to see the town, and presently the partjf brought up in a saloon aad sat do^rp. t$t a game of seven up, just for the drink# One of the hospitable Renoites, beinjj a rather absent-minded person, turned up the trump after having dealt cbly three cards to each of the players. Hi» attention was called to this oversight* and he was about to pass the /deal* when another of the 'residents of this rural village remarked thaj| conaadering that lie had only three cards he held a first-ciaett poker hand. The man opposite madfi the same surprising discovery, and of­ fered to bet four bits on his hand. No# the young stranger gave-a start, for h» found that each of his cards' was an ac#' and he said he would bet a lew dolhtm on his hand just for fun. He did befc- aad they raised him, and in five atinutegt all he had in the world, $40 in money: . and a watch, was staked on his card*. He triumphantly showed his hand, anEs. was about to take in the pot, when flt hand gently stopped him, and he wall informed that in Nevada a flush alway* beats four aces, and, logically, a flusfo-of three beats three aces. The st I* Philadelphia autographs have i well-defined market value, and an ex pert there is enabled to quote the pre­ vailing prices: Of the autograph letters of the Presidents, those of Washington and Lincoln lead, Washington's bring­ ing from $5 to $25, and Lincoln's from $4 to $20. The most ever paid for a let­ ter of Washington was $115 for one writ­ ten six days before his death and sup­ posed to be his last. Letters of Zachary Taylor are worth from $5 to $10; of John Adams from $8 to $10; of James Madison, $3 to $5; of Andrew Jaokson and W. H. Harrison, $2 to $4; of James K. Polk, $1.50 to $3; of Thomas Jeffer­ son, $1 to $3; of J. Q. Adams, $2 to $3.50; of John Tyler, $1 to $2.50; of Franklin Pierce and James Buohanan, 25 oents to $1; of U. S. Grant and R. B. Hayes, 25 cents to 56 cents, and of Millard Fillmore, 25 cents to 85 cents. '.'1 •; THE origin of the plague whioh^is noV njitkiiig such terrible ravafea in Bussia is clearly traced in the Astrakhan correspondence of the Oolos. The epi­ demic appeared in the Cossack village of Vetlvan Stanitza soon after the re­ turn of two Cossack regiments from the war in Asia Minor, and was very likely brought ov^r with their o}d otythes an£ r&gs. It is well known that these were maay eases of typhus in these regi­ ments during the wac, but it has also been ascertained that during their re­ turn homeward no one was attacked by the disease. Prior to their homeward march the Cossacks' clothes and other effects were disinfected and well smoked; but probably the men did not expose all their rags and booty to that process, and thus many articles re­ mained infected. The report regarding the appearance of typhus was received by the Cossack authorities toward the end of November. An army surgeon was at once -dispatched to Vetlyanka. He returned with the news that there was no typhus, but that there were slight attacks of ague and febricula. flffVlPrsl flgTO nailBd hv. \rtinn Ifid 4°wn three lpw hearts, and, jn spitjjf^ of the expostulations of the niine$> . youth, bis money and watoh were pock­ eted. Judge Bowker, not being a poker sharp, could give the afflicted yot man no consolation, other than to ac vise him to leave cards alone hereaftei and to put his case into the hands o|f\ Constable Avery, who would do what h«^-!/." could to recover some of the lost wealthjg^ When the young man left the court*/ " room, every one there chuckled and fel|l '̂ a gentle pride in the way Beno otp' scalp the world at poker, even witli a hand of three.--Reno Gazette. • ----• • • ! • - • • • - " ' TH* Chinese of Spa $NNM^SOO brought over an expert priest for th^* express purpose of propitiating Ah Toa| | their devil, or spirit of evil They think that Ah Toa is incensed by the> little attention that has been paid to him: in this country, and they have resolved: tq ^ake amends. c THH yotpig mtfn who wrote aud 'asked his girl fco jaccept a " bucket" of flowers became a little pail when she said she - wooden ware it. r « V" ""Pi ii .ill in'iiii I - •;! -1 • "&i m THE MARKETS. HEW YOIOC. Hoos COT »S>H FLOUII- WHEAT--NO. S...............Y.iV. Cos*---Western Mixed............. OATS--Missed. .....: BVE--'Western til . 3 40 # 4 20 «p«23r.2BK?. S t , S $ : I OS ® 1 OvSV 4656® 47J4 sot# 31* BS ® 5tl Poait--M«a. " i BBBVSfr-Oh^iceOraikd Steer?/...J4 80 Cows and Heifers 3 40 Medium to Fair 8 70 Hoos 8 76 Fu>Va--Fancy White Winter Kx.... 4 75 Good to Choice Sprits Bx. 8 78 W w a * -- N o . t S p r i n g 8 6 No. 8Spring 73 Ooaac--No. s a OATS-NO. t ,'w.u.V.i SO Btk--No.CS 41 BABUUC--No. 3...... 78 B t r n r a a - a i o i c ^ O t a J ^ B p n r . 8 4 Boos--Fmeh.. ..;...... §4 Powt--Mesa.i.w.. 5 75 Lakd tfu, MILWAUU|L ^ WIHUT-NO. l..i.77^...i.TT7T... No. ...i"Y' 1 Cos*--No. S...... J;.'1 OATS--Ne. s.. -J}, « nva-No.l •••••••»••« * • ST. LODIa. » WHEAT--No. f Bed Fall CosN-Mixed 77.1 ^ Oam--Ne.8..i.;. ' '*•**<• Kyk. Po»-Mm...i law I.i.m..,;, "" <n*oiNNAii.' 90 • * " r*?:"- # 84 - w«aa»-iia. i >:S:' O ATS- M O . » . . . . . . . ^ upcrBO*T%v FLOUB--White 4 40 Wheat--No. 1 White 88 ;;S OATS--Mi*ed..... 38 BARI.ET (percental) 1 M POBK--Mesa . . » SO «*«r LIBERT?, PA. €Uanrt,B-- -- s oo 4 1 o „ . Common. 8 25 BoA " ".,,|00 $ 80 ® 4 00 •*y-

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