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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1879, p. 1

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if Vlift --afri • J * it|i|f..piiwt »'•'<""* "W*«lg»d>ut to Trutti. to Liberty and Law; No Favor* Win us and no Poar Shall Aw*.' T /•wiewhw#-' VOL. 4, M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1879. 3fBE3C **£•. BUSINESS CARpI T PttMltffced Every Wednejday by Editor aad Publisher, ; , ^ lee in OM V. O. Block, ; f -- OrixjBiTi; RIVERSIDE HOISK.-- 5'^ TBBMS or MTBSCBifTIOI^ r ; ipa r«ar* (la Advaac*,). . -*l «0 If not Paid within Three Months ......... 3 00 tuhscrlptions received for three or sixmoftths tn the same proportion. , t r BUSINESS CARI»S. .•jrr_rt-- _^_v - - t - r II. T. « O*VN,M.D. PHY8IOIA?r aad Surgeon. Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry fti MUrttns stare, up mi 1m Mcllenry 111. £. A. BEERS M. p. Pit rsiClAX and Surgeon. Oifc at^«id«nra. twodvarivtit of l'wt Opkcvt, Mvllenry 111. O. J. lioWAltl), SI D. •* PHYSICIAN* and Saricenii. Olllce at ta<T store Ait Howard & Son, McH«»ry, 111. ;i . W. II. BUCK, M. D., , , HOMEOPATHIC Pliytician anil Sntfrewa*--Office East Side Public Square, Wood-stock. III. Ofllce hours ii to It A. M., and 2 t«4P. M. F. J. BARB1AN. IG.VR JkLtnuf t«tuM • IIear r IIL Or- _ (tars solicited. Stop North Cast c ar oar Public Square. !,r C .. «. .,uvi WAGOX Miker. 'Mnileury, 111. i t Jobbing promptly attended to. West of the Public Square. 41101*, RICHARD BISHOP, V. ATTORXEY AN D COUNSELOR AT LAW Mcllenry, III. • i RICHARD COMPTON. - ^FSTICK of the Pence and Conveyancer.- & Will attend promptly to the culloctioh.of l«bt«. Volo, Lake County., 111. GEO. A. BUCK LI V ["OTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In­ surance Agent. Office at Bucklin # |(fveu'» Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. W E. K» RICHARUS. HAS a oomplvte Abstract et Titles to land iu McHenrv County, lil'uois. OflTO with 3aantyClerk, Woodstock. IU. KOBT. WRIUIIT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Bwtts and Shoes. None but the best of niiiterial need and allwovk warranted. Shop Northwest lomur Public Square, Mcllenry, III. & E. SjUOWEN. KVKRAL lioaler aud Manufacturers Agent in Lending Ifsrn Machinery. ,1, | .JLS)1-- --- - • --mm Prices low and Terms favorable M n l l E V R Y , . . . . . I L L I N O I S . UOTTLEUt BOLEi'. AT.OON and Ten Pin Alley, lee Brands wl hand. - 0. H. TRUAX. : '«•» CARPESfTER and Bnilden Nuada, I1L-Will put up buildings by the Job or day and guarantee satisfaction* V. AN'DERSOX, M. I>. and Surgeon. Olttce rc, op Illinoh. TkHYSICIAN and Sufgeon. OIHc« aj^Gtl IT tert'n l»rn* Store, opposite the w blouse, Mr Henry iter ..,S, *. BEXXBTT, M* #.». SURGEON and Accoucher. IHsWtaea of Women a Specially. Oltceand Re*id<H»ce on Cloy Street Woodstock. 111. 1»R. C. K. WILLIAM** CtNTIST, Algonquin, IU. All ^r«rlt war-ratued. Teeth extracted In a careful 4t«ifl'aiit1mil:)naniier. •' DR. C. COX, D'KSTIFT. OASCE OVCT Smith, AMrleli A llaythorn's store. .. Richmond. III. AL SIDNEV DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyaneer. det>, £11." • _ ' l»tt. K. J. PHOSS. DENTIST, Riverside Block, McHenrv, ill. Having opened an office in this village, I am prepared to do all work in the line of my nrot'essioi) on short notice and in a workman, jlkc manlier. All work warranted. 51. S.COLBY. MCITTCXRY, McIIcmry Co., III. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep* Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Bucksto^k Cor sale. Please call and examine before Inlying elsewhere. ELE CTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence 1% miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three davs in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and" Saturdays, for the purpose of trcatiiig all curablo diseases. Consnlttition and Examinations Free. Offlco hours from 9 A. M., to 1 v. M. RF^ KKKVOKSJohn Doran, Richard Bish­ op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whltinjc, Leonard Bonslet. James Suttou, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Hen. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Win. Ilutson, Geo. Gilbert. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AND appraiser, Algonquin, III. ALKS of stock, Farming Tools and Goods - •• • • "•'arm Post S'Tfall kinds promptly atleiuled to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Office address Aly,<>u<t u, i.u 111 W. H. 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dicklosoa, EM* <!*• of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Olokbs for Suttir.** al­ ways on hiind. Suits made to order and a fit warranted- Give me a call. Lansings GEO. SCHRKIXKR. ,r.OOX aad Restuur^nt. Nearly opposite the Parker House, Mcllenry 111. 4M*First-C!ass Billiard and Pool Tables. J.J*ONSLETT, O ALOOX and Rentaurant. Nearly opposite O Owen's Mill, Mciltenry, IIL Fresh Oysters served npjuauy shitpgj|6sired,or tor sale by the Can. •STGOOD STABLING FOR HORSES.^r PETER LKIOKEM. r»EP AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of IV all kinds. Also Kepalrs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ son *ble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenrj III. To make a permanent engagement with a slersrvman havinar leisure, or a Bible Readej, to ir.tro luce in Mcllenry County, the CKLE- BRATED NEW Centennial Ldition ot the HOLY ItlltLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week's issue "f this l>»P«;r- Ad­ dress at once F. L. TIOUTO* ft CO.. Publish- erf and lt'»okbiud«ra, fifl E. Market St.. Indian l|Mli«( Intl. • ' WANTED Bliviat' Millt or Sp •rist Grove 7oss & SijitersleD, Praprietors. Harim: »Ht (hU Mill in first class order, we are now |»f©pai*:ed to d6 Crlfiding Da Short Ketloe and Wow*«t Satiaftietlon. Floar anil Feet Cflfistantly on ban4 A ltd Sola a* Lew as any other Mill In the Dotintv. «»-T!»e Higheat Market Price inOsh Paid for Good Milling Wheat. Give as a eall and we will gtv® you satia- <*Ct,°n' VOSS ft SIEDER-SLKBBSI. Blivins* Mills, 11U Aug. 27th, 187». 1000 BOYS & GIRLS for the l>est Bor's and (iirl's paper published in the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib­ ers and agents. Every boy and girl can earn lots Of money canvassing during leisnre hours. Dm't fail to send for it at once. To ntroduee it we will send to any address on trial threw months, for 10 Cento In cash or nobtutcc stamps. Sample of paper ami particulars FREE- Address k D tC Household Gem, Cleveland, O' • n tt woedstoeV til., W. H &tt STAaip H. E. WIGIITMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, "furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. <• |Jeo.* H. Stewart, Auctioneer. * / Richmond, III. Wtia an experience of 1.1 vears, and will guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will lie made Terms, from f5 to #10, according to amount of sale. All orders addressed to Richmond, III.* will receive prompt attention. M. EHCELN. GTT IV- SM I TTT! Scale Repairing, Grinding:in«t Pol i^hiiig ltaznrs and Shears aud Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also denier In Guns. Revolvers, Table and Pocket Fishing Material, Pipes, Cntlerv.Gun and Cigars," Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac, . Shop and store near the Post Ottce, Henry, III. Me. Scott & cbr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , HATTER fcXTMA SKH8IDN Of CONflRKM .%!*» ITS M.!*,'-, R KKSPONMBII.ITVK J At) CXfciK session of (ktnfrran il the present time cannot be regarded lUi nnv other light than that of a national cnlatnity. Too much legislation is a ^growing evil of tills vouhtrjr. But at this peculiar juncture to force Mi unu­ sual session of oilr national legUlature eamiot but b« fraught with evil coiise* que nee 8 tiiat even the promoters of the extra sessions must forsee. The re­ sponsibility for the extra i<eft*ioA of Congress, called for tha i8th Itt^to. is clearly fixed. There can be tio dmil-fe or discussion upon that point. It i* fastened upon the Democrats beyond question. Tj»e Republicans did every­ thing honorable to avert It They offered to concede all that could be conceded, without injury to the hest interests of the country, everything that could be conceded consistently with the good of the natioft. But ttie revolutionary elinent In tire Democrat­ ic party insisted upon carrying their extreme views, in theirentirety, or de­ feating necessary nppropriaition bills and hense this' forced and utterly uu- necece^sary session of Congress. We are glad to state that such men as Senator Bavard and a few other lead­ ing Democrats, but only a small minor­ ity. opposed this revolutionary course on the part of their own party. Three questions were In dispute, neither of which should e^er ht^ve befeii raised by men who favor instead cf fear honest elections. The first was the prohibi­ tion of all right in the Federal Gov­ ernment to use the Federal troops to prevent disturbance and riots at FejJ- eral elections. Tlie second was tlte provision ot the* Legislative bill rela­ ting to juries anti test oaths. The third was the repeal of the Federal election laws. So extremely fmxious were the Re­ publicans to avoid an extra sessiou that thev finally consented to .yield the two first propositions If the Democrats wduld the third. But the Democrats madly and persistently refused any and all overtures except swell as inclu­ ded all their demands and they openly declared that utiles* they could wipe from the United Htates statutes all the Federal safeguards for honest elections they would defeat the ApproprMil tive, Ne ioveft of the Republic, no believer in i rotecting the balllot box frotu fraud, no one who is in sympathy with fair elections, could consent to see eyery safeguard thus struck down. Tills would be far worse than a special session mid the Republicans will be sustained by their entire party for their mwily stand, ^epator Conkliu Itespeaks the sentiments of the Repub­ lican party wljen he says: "i w$ll re­ main in my place until the iifirble floors of the Capital yawn with fatigue, rather than consent to the repeal of the election laws." jfc I Aft MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted |UH County rights given gratis f~r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; "proofs of evidence ,given. Anin ' ustrious, energetic, person can m ike snugper'uanejit income and.vecy.liboral (erias bv addressing with reference, 338 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. not easily earned, in these J times, but it can lie made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of thecountry who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- 4S per week in vonr own town. Yon need not be awavfroih hoineover night. You can "«ive vour whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who ire making over StfO per day. All who ongage once cats make money fast. At the present Mmeinonev cannot be made so easily and r»p- 41 v at anv other business. It costs nothing ®r>"trv the' business. Terms and S3 Outfit tree wMressat ones, H. HALLKTT FT Co, .Portland Slaine* 1 * S. W. Cor Fifth Ave & Maim BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Cf^rk & Lake Stt.. & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison Sts.y ' OH1CAUO. Colonel T. B. Keogh, .Cbai. of tlie Republican State Central Com­ mittee of North Carolina, and one of the most popular meu wlio ever visit Washington, was recently in Charles­ ton, S.C., and while there fell iir with an ardent Democrat of the last-ditch school, who. knowing nothing ot his radicalism, kindly agreed to show liitn over the town. Tt was a ' beautiful night, and the Colonel consented. As is usual in the South,politics were a great deal discussed, and the Demo­ crat, true to his faith, frequently as­ sured Keogb that usince de wah, sstl,'1 the people of the Sontlj bad nothing to live for. At last they reached the Batterv. and the Colonel, looking out on the beautiful moon-lit bay. grew tired Of hearing hit guide's complaints and exclaimed: wWelI. now, it seems to me that yton gentlemen of the South have much be thankful tor. You have a most pro­ ductive soil, a magnificent climate, and tli at mooa; jnat look at that beaatlli'l moon!" For a moment the Soutft Carolinian was silent, but he was not vanquished. Equal to the emergency, he at length replied: "Oh, ot course, there's some truth in frliat you say, sah; but you ought to have seen dat moon befoh 4e wahT PIMPLES. I will rcail f Free) the receipt forS simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Phnpies aud blotches, leaving th«J skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address. nelosingS et. st imp, Ben Vaudclf « Co. 20 Ann St.. New York GRACE'S CELEBRATED 3ALVB Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION invented In the 17th centnrv by Dr. William Graee, Surgeon In Kin>v James army. Through its agency he cured thousands ot the most serione sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was reararded by all Who kaeer him as a public benefactor. PRICK US CENTS A BOX. TIIRII.UNO SCKNK IM THKMCMATK. <?• Tl»e Senate Ciiamber, between mid­ night ahd four o'clock or* the last night of tiie session, March 3d. presented the most exciting scene of any time since the storiny days preceding the rebel­ lion. Shields' amendment to the pen­ sion bill, granting pKiisions to soldiers who served in the Mexican war, was under discussion, when Senator Iloar moved to add the words: "Provided no pension shall ever be granted to Jef­ ferson Davis." This brought out La­ mar in a high-flown eulogy on tfee great ex-confederate, and for an Hour tluf debate ran hot and excited. Then stalwart old ZacU Chaudler rose and said: Mr. President--Twenty years ago, I, In company with Mr. Jefferson Davis, stood np id this chamber, »iid, with him. swore by Almighty God that I would support the Const! tntion of the United States. Jefiersou Davis came from the Cabinet of Franklin Pierce into the Senate of the United States and took the oath with me to l>e faith­ ful to this government. During four years I sat in this body with Jefferson Davis and saw the preparations going on from day to day for the overthrow of tills government. With treason in his heart and perjury upon his lips, he took the oath to sustain the govern­ ment that he meant to overthrow. Sir, there was method lu his mad* ness. He In co-operation with' other men from his section and in the Cabi­ net of Mr. Buchauuan made careful preparation for tlurovent that was to follow. Your armiea were scattered qli over this broad land. Your fleets were scattered wherever the winds blew and water was found to float them where they coulu not be used to put down a rebellion. Your Treasury was depleted until your bonds bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable In coin, tveresold for 88 cents oat the dollar for current expenses and no buyers were found. Preparation* were care­ fully made. Your arhm were sold un­ der an apparently Innocent clause In «n army bill providing that the Secre­ tary of War might in Ids discretion sell such arms as lie deemed fit for the gov­ ernment to sell. Sir, olgjitccu years ago last month sat iu Utf* hull aii*l listened to Jefler- ^ •*--- .fljjjhflftg fttreweR ad- <i*e»s. Informing t»a what our constitu­ tional duties £0 tliis government were, and then he left and entered into a re­ bellion to Overthrow the government that lie had sworn to serve. I remained here, sir, during the whole of that terrible rebellioh. 1 saw our brave soldiers by thousands--1 might almost say millions--as they passed on to the theatre of war. I saw their shattered ranks returning. 1 saw steamboat after steamboat aiHf rail­ road train after railroad traiu bring­ ing back the wounded. I was with my friend (pointing to Gen. Burnsidtf) when he commanded the Army of tlte Potomac, and saw piles of legs and arms that would make humanity shud­ der. I Saw the widows and qrphans made by this war. Mr President, I little thought at that time that I should live to hear lu the Senate^)f the United States eulo­ gies upon Jefferson Davis livi|ig^*A living rebel--on the floor of the Sen­ ate of the United States. 9ir. I am amazed to hear it, and sail "tell the gentlemen on the other side that they little know the spirit of the North when they come here at this day with bravado on their lips, utter­ ing eulogies upon him whom -every man, woman aud child in the North believes to have been a double-dyed traitor. " ** No man ventured to interrupt; noue feltjlnsuited. It was simply crushing. Leadvllle Is a mining town In Colo­ rado, about eighty mfles northwest of Colorado Springs. Tn September last, there were only 1,00(1 peoplfe in that town. It Is HOW reported to contain a population of17.000* The rush of peo­ ple has been caused by the discovery of mines of silver and gold of unusual value in Colorado. The percentage in ore In that State Is geuerlljr so much lower than in California or Nevada, that when really rich ore beds are dis­ covered It renders half Che people erary. Field A Lelter, of Chicago, are proprietors of one of the most val­ uable of the mines. Report says that It Is estimated in the present fwwty to be worth from #2,000*000 to- $3,000,- 000. 8 The Denver Tribune publishes tho following as the aoc-urate conditio* of affairs tn Leadvllle: The streets are tilled with men anx­ ious to obtain employment, food, and lodgings, and they cun find neither.-- Food is plenty, but these persons have no means to purchase. It is the duty of every newspaper In Colorado to waru moneyless people from going to Leadvllle. The Interests of the State demand it. All the laud around Lead' vllle for miles lias been staked out and prospected, and a man without money has no opportunity of finding anything In the mines or in the city. The reports from I«advllle vary very rnueh as to the ore. Some aVer that a large proportion hi gold. Of coarse such a supposition will add to the popular excitement, and the conse­ quent rush of new fools. Yet we have recently seen a reliable gentlemuu from Colorado, who is not apt to be humbugged, and who avers that the larger proportion of the ore Is silver* and consequently of far less value.-- iVincomin. The representative of a New York newspaper, who has become somewhat noted for the plain trutfts which he tells relative to the cotton States, was seated at dinner with n number of ex-rebels, wheu the conver­ sation turning upon Southern outrages, one ot the "last-ditchers" suddenly ex­ claimed : "But wo now hear lio more of these so-called massacres, gontlemen For three months, at least, there has not been one report of a nigger killed in all the 8outh." To which the young newspaper man replied. "Yep. that's true, the Democrats of theSouib certainly deserve all praise. They scrupulously observe the Game laws, and uevcr kill niggers except in sea­ son--just before the election.'* .'V v ' 4$ ' The Katra session of CsngrMii Xhe following is, the 'President's proclamation for au extra session: 'Whereat, The final adjournment of the 45thCongress without making the usual aud necessary appropriations for the legislative, executive and'judicial expeuses of the government' for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1880, and without making the usual aud ueces- sary appropriations for the support of the army for/the same fiscal year, pre­ sents au extraordinary occasion re­ quiring the President tQ exercise the power vested iu liini by the constitu­ tion to convene tlie Houses of Con­ gress iu anticipation of the day fixed by law for their next meeting; now, tlie re fore, 1, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, by virtue of the power to this end vested iu me by the constitution, convene botli Houses of Congress to assemble at their respective chambers at 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday the 18th day of Mitreh, then and there to consider and determine such measures as iu llieir wisdom, their duty aud the wel­ fare of the people may seem to de­ mand. R, B. HAYES. Furst & Bradley and Norwegian Plo»« a specialty at £.M.Owei)|^ . Immense Kxports off Park, During the half year ending Ftih. 1st, 1876. there, were shipped to foreign countries from the single port of New York no less than .156,958,000 lbs. of pork, bacon and lard, to supply whleh would require some two million hogs, averaging 200 pounds each. These shipments were lit the form of 21,300,- ments for the same period the pre vlous year were 218,907,000 lbs., vis.. 16370,000 lbs or pork, 167,989,000 lbs. of bacon, 97,548,000 tt*.of lard--being a total Increase thU year of 79.051,000 tt>s, made up by an increase of 4.990.000 lbs. of pork, 04,153,000 lbs. of bacon And 8,908,000 lbs of lard. The total Increase in pound* is 27 7-lfl^er cent. Increase in pork 80$ per cent : In bacon 88 per cene; In lard About 9 per cent. If we reckon 8 lbs. of corn to produce 1 lb, of pork the total shipment from this port in tiie form of hog products for six months is equivalent to 51,000,000 bush­ els which iu the form of corn would weigh 3,896,000 A*.--American Agfri- ciUturivt. * Playing Chess With Living Man. Lord Lytton, we are told, recently revived In ludla the amusement of playing chess with living men. During his visit to Mooltan. after receiving and replying to an address from the municipality of the city, he engaged in a novel game of chess with Col. Miilett. Tlie chess board, if such a term may be allowed to a earpet of red and white and calico with checks a yar d square, having been spread In front of the hall, chessmen--men aud hoys--dressed In opposing red and white uniforms, appropriate to the va­ rious pieces, were marched In and took their places. Then by word of com­ mand each living piece moved to tlie square indicated, and a very lively game eusued, ending in an easy victory for tiie viceroy. An Emperor of Mor­ occo, who once engahed In such a game is said to have added a terrible realism to thr game by causing all the pieoes taken during its process to be beheaded PHttcr"• American Monthty. " . mm THE BAR Rpo* JOURNALIST.--He stands In tlie stores with his back to tlie stove and tells how he could be as independent as a hog on ice,.and call things by their right names; how he could expose sorruptionin high places; how he would write good, common sense, and none of your frivolous, try- to-be-fuuny stuff. Then lie criticises other people's methods of conducting newspapers, and just wishes .some one would give him a chance to show his journalistic ability. Tho way to enre oue of tliese chaps is to get him to agree to write a sensible article every day for a week. Before the week Is out lie ts sure to he pumped dry, and will gape worse for an Idea than a chicken does with the dip. WASHING!*#?! CoRSIWW»!II)KJiCS,. WASWIVOTOK, D. c. March, Nth, jm. f ^ It is suggested that RepnMlcan m<|f bers of Congress will have a decidfd advantage over their Democratic op* ponents In the comparative Ability tit tlie former as a class, to do without their own salaries, should tlie hitter persist in the programme ennnelat^ii by Mr. Beck. The salaries of membelv are paid from the appropriation nntffrr the legislative and, executive bill. It beconies exhausted with the end ff the fiscal year, Juno 80th, and It hM been made a crime by law to *pp1|r monies not specially appropriated, fir any object whatsoever, while the aveiv age Congressman could and have en­ dured the disgrace and Humiliation pf running the Army, Navy and U. $. Courts "on tick," It will be a wholly different matter when they are re­ duced to the necessity of resorting t$ the shavers and sharks who groy riA here in discounting Government sala­ ries at 10 per cent a month, Of meas­ ures of public importance which pass«d and finally beeame laws during the ses­ sion just expired, there were very fe«f, Among them were JO regular annual appropriation bills, bill for the reduce tion of tax on tobacco and amendment of ̂ revenue laws; census bill; bill to aid refunding of national debt by issue ftf Treasury certificates; bill to prevent the introduction of contagious and !*• feet nous diseases, and that providing for payment pensions under the lata pension arrears &et/ Of the nearly 19> 000 bills anA joint resolutions lntr»> dtt0e4, covering an almost endless va­ riety of subjects and all manner of job tho followiug of more than averK|a Importance I at led in one or the othur Houses or by Presidential veto; ^ Bill to regulate inter State merce; Geneva Award bill, postal sav­ ings bank bill; "steamboat bill*" that to repeal specie resumption net;grant* lug pensions to liexlcua War sarvlvota "sugar bill f that restricting Chlnesa emigration (ty veto); bill to enforce $ hour law; to transfer Indian Aftaln |» Wat Deparment; Mississippi Leva* Bill; to regulate transportation of ant» dials by rail; Brazilian mall subsidy; authorising Railroad companies to construct and revise patent laws. People here rejoice in the snaeesa «f tha wheat ori'er forgeries, just ta tia extent that heartless speculators well nipped and the pubjlo benefitted. 5 On July 5th 1876. Congress filled w|||| the inspirations of patriotism and otfes er thiugs absorbed in iu visit la tM CentenninI the day before, approprifl* ted 8200.000 to complete the Washing* tan monument, whose unfinished shall had stood a reproach on the Nortlp bank of the Potomac a full quarter of a century, to Its and Its predecessefp Following the usual delay imposed lift the red tape of the "circumloaation ole •oe," Army engineers were InsUruetad ta ascertaiu the adequacy af the foatf» datious to sustain a wlunm af atarfcta not much less thaa aa eight of a aiHt in height. After an expenditure at somewhere between 20 and 30 thou** and dollars they reported that the tap of the shaft (about 160 feet in height) was 8 inches out of plumb. Thaa be­ gan the race of competition among thousands ambitious of the disHpctla» of having supplied a plan for tba ooai- pie tion of the monument andtlie dfc» verse plans submitted got the whole matter into an almost inextrioahia confusion. Finally It was discovered to the everlasting discredit of the ea» glneer experts that they had UMdaik mistake in their conclusion that tfca shaft was ont of plumb. Thent after another long delay, another auglnefr was instructed by somebody to go oil with the work. After accumalatiag vast quantities of material on tha ground, erecting and equipping savaa» al buildings, such as blacksmith aad carpenter shops, engineer offices, stoaa sheds, etc, and putting in plaee constd* erable costly machinery, another sua* pension of wort: was ortlered aad coa* tiuues. A big hole must have beea made in the apprppriatiou by thia time and not a single course of stoaa has been added. All in all, I donht if the history of any considerable ink* dertakiug can show more wretched mismanagement, If not dowarlght rob* bery, than this same monument, J|A these years visitors have been contin­ ual! depositing money in the boxes.-- Their metal lips are silent and the cut- , todiau8 of this fund--thousands of dat* lav, probably--see aa like tha good Archbishop, nnable to account tor their trust. M. K. •Tradition says that tha devil parts his hoof in tho mlthlie. That's the reason probably, that ho lets the mule do alL his klcktag. iSTSpeaking of dull times, a whit* cd Mobil? man says that a few wseks ago a stranger arrived there and bought a bate of cotton, and a pleaa- aut minor at once started that tha oot- ton buyer had arrived; hut It ady proved to be a Clilcago taan with Hw earache.

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