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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1879, p. 4

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• , * < , w-. n,'^' - r *«\> <* " -*> *» „ ts/\H r?4 ,v i . .. „..., ,. ' ' iV -. "-i* > ,• _,i SS&Tv •'« WEDNESDAY. MAY fclaVMtB. ,J. TAN SLYKK, KUHtor. ; Republican Judicial Convention h..... The Republicans, legal votersnf the several 15i counties comprising the Twelfth ^Judicial , > District of Illinois, are requested to send del- c- . ' «ga4*«toa IMstrlet Convention to bo held at !,. Klftia, Illinois, at I o'clock r, M. on Monday, *" Stay tSIHh, 1879, for the purpose of nominating: $ candidate A to he votwd for at the approaching few .Judicial election. | Each onnty will be entitled to one delegate ly for every four hundred voters, or fraction # Vj' thereof above two*»imdred ;and fifty, cast at ;; 1 the Presidential Election of 1876. Oil tbia ba. fV. **Binthc counties will be entitled to represen- tation> as follows: fe',". Bwnf County.... 5 'Is T>o Ivalb » 9 Hu Page Kane ;Kcnrtnll I-aV.e „ McHenry . * * * • * t ' i V . ' H v . * I t v * ,V3*' .«»•!* ' ** wm* • *.* «» »«-•» * * #-%„ 4 ** * * ' IflUii ........ ....... : M ..« .... ....,» . M n-fi.FULT.EB, . C. W. MARSH, ?. ;%> &•• e. n- oART, ~ f £ - \ f , ' % • % t a ' H . 9 . C A K L I S L E , . . , 1 * . H . S . H U D S O N , • 5 - » *m»? K<'> C. A. PARTRlDG^feM * * $ \ JAMES B. PERRTi j * ' llepntilican 'Central : •:«•__ : |n Repiblicaii County ConventiOR. ST ' Yhe Rcpii iilir.sn voter, of McHenry County: |1> *re i«qaested to send delegates to a Repnbli- ti-3. «, «an County Convention, to be held at Wood- ft - ttock, Saturday, May 24th, 1879, at 1 fo'clock, l-.f*/" P, M,, for the purpose of electing nine (95 deV »£' egates t<%represent Mc Henry County, at fhe P Judicial District Convention, to be held at Elgin May, 26tb, foT tbe pnrpose of nominating three ($) candidates to be voted for ttt tbe j^pproaehing Judicial election. >Eacli iowa is entitled to the faB>wi»g fcsr' • tAptesentatiea' Riley-- / Maui# ... : DunhaMi......... 'ChemaHg.....,- ; AUHirt Hartland ..s 8«neca ^ . 6 Dorr 18 ..IS Green weed,........1 . . 7 Hebmn 10 ..21 Richmond.™. 12 .. 8 Bmrton. 2 .. 1 McllenTy ......11 8 IJuD<la..,..„... 12 ..... •••.. . a Cor.iL .........tJl Algonqum,...'. 16 Grafton 1 ITotal .178 The County Committee in accordance with instractiona received, recomwvnli that the primary meetings be held on Saturday, May 17th, at 3 o'clock*. *. O. S. SorTHWOUTH, J. B.*)t&BCOCK. 6. H. WHITE, THE JUDGESHIP. MflN THFfi R WIRPIIV zw. The Choioe of XeSenry County; Ob Saturday last nearly or quite two- thirds of the Primaries were held in this County, to clwtose delegates to at- "tend the County Convention on Satur­ day next, and the result was an almost unanimous endorsement of Hon. T. D. Murphy as the candidate to be present­ ed from this «ounty to the Judicial ; "Convention <on the 96th. Notwith­ standing tfee fact that the wire-pullers In the interest of Coon hare taken great pains to noise it around that they . had givea up the fight, they were out In f«H force to the Caucuses, and left no *tone an turned to accomplish their ends. But the people were awake to their tricks and the result was a ^glorious triumph for Judge Murphy. Ifee Couuty Convention should now %ee to it that good and reliable pien are "Chosen to attend the Judicial Conven­ tion ; men who are not in sympa­ thy with the machine politicians, but I Qiave only the good of the people at heart. It is true these Conventions, "both County and District, are straight ^Republican, and just as they should be, but it does not follow that they are to , be ruii for and in the interest of wire­ pulling politicians only. The people of McHenry County insist that they shall be heard, and present a& their first choice for candidate for Judge of th*Circuit Court HON. THEODOBK D. MURPHY. ALGONQUIN. tei»nt>R PI.AINDKALKR:--Every BODY Is praying for raiii. The I'i'U'br.ited "Roi'kwoll Bit*' for «ah» l»r «5htts. Wandntck, Fox River is lower at present than has been fbr many, years past. ; Dr. B. B. Beutley left for the we4t Tuesday morning. 1 50 Pieces of 5c Print just recelved by J.D.Ferguson. > Henry Keyes & Co are about»to «om- menw bulhliu^ a new house for Wm Morton. James Philp Jr. left Moday morning for Rmwll, Kansas, where he antici­ pates going iuto the mercantile busl- Cfias. Sorn. our old Merchant of this place, made n> a Hying visit Monday* last and ie looking well. Chassis run­ ning a shoe shop in Elgin and claims to be doing a good business, i ^ { Kerosene oil 150 per ccnt ft^ llto a gsJ. at J. D. F«rgw?ouV. Rev. A. W. Wrav and wife left last week for Ohio, where they will re­ main a few weeks visiting relatif^s. fk«n« otie said Buflalo 1)111 swallowed •a box of Fish books Saturday last, but 3t was a mistake as we have since hoard- hU melodious voice singing "In tile del where the brooklet gently flows." Last Saturday Prof. D. IJ. Hnrlbut •was billed to give an exhibition of horsmanship in our little burg at one <aPclock, P. M. and long ere tho hour arrived people began to pour in from the country and adjoining towns, till our streets were crowded with men, women and chllilreu, and eager to see what many supposed was an iinposi- bility, driving horses without reins.-- At the appointed hour Hurlbut made his appearattce on the street with a well matrhad span of coal Black horses, hitched to a covered carriage and after driving round the square had the Bridle and Reins removed when ro the amusement of all ho drove up and down the street turned corners, circles, half circles, stopping suddenly, backing round Ac, all of which was done of course by the motion of a lony whip he had. After the street exhibition Mr. IJulburt made a short address to a large crowd in front of the hotel on the suject of horse, its training, treat* wents, &c, after which a class of 10 was organized and adjourned to a room in the Hotel for a private lecture. The Xreo BUOMT being over the crowd dis­ persed, eyery body going home seem-* ingfy satisfied for their trouble. 'The Sandwich Gazette,.in speak­ ing of the judicial candidate?, says of Judge Murphy that he is "a splendid Judge, usually fair, quick to dispatch business, and his decisions are highly respected throughout the State. We think the general sentiment pf the peo­ ple of the district Is strongly In hit ffw- VI UN OA- EDITOR PLAIN UKAJLKU :--Scarlet Fe­ ver Is again in town in the family of Moses Morris. There is much fear of it?i spreading hut if proper care is tak­ en by parents it is hoped that the dreadful disease will not spread. -t: Rev# G. L. Bacon preached in the 01* eiple Church last Sabbath, morning and evening. His remarks in the evening were to tiie young uteu and gave good satisfaction. Dick. Oglesby's Bell, Ringer* gave an entertainment In Bailous Hall Monday evening to a fair audience. The Brass Band playing in the streets was splen^ did. considering the number of pieces. The most unique runaway occurred here last Monday. While Mr. Bushnell the mail carrier between here and Crystal Lake was loading freight into his wagon at the Depot his horses be­ came frightened and started, throwing Mr. Bitshnell out and Injuring him con­ siderably. Then they took down the Railroad toward Chicago and ran on to the bridge that crosses the Fox River Road, going nearly half way across be­ fore they fell and then one fell head first through the bridge but his body was too large to let him through'with the other horse ou . top of him. A crowd of men soon gathered and helped them up and strange neither horsecwfts seriously hurt, only flesh wounds and bruises. At present writing it is not known how bad Mr. Bifchnell is hurt and may prove more serious than at present seemed. S.K.Gates has a matched span of bay Iudian ponies at McDonald's stable They are soon to be broke n to the bug­ gy and when they are Sumner inay well feel proud of thein for they are beauties. Hurlbert has an awning erected over the door of ills harness shop. Hart- man Bros, have erected a new IflNnd Mill on Mrs. Walknp'sfarm. **Of consistency thou art a Jewel" is well exemplified in the action of one of our citizens. He was defeated at the polls as candidate on the Temperance Ticket and is brother church member with at least two of the choice of the people, and for that reason will not as­ sociate with such company not even in the Church. This correspondent does not wish to be boied by what the above speaks and advises if tijf coat fits to put it on and wear it and be silent, for there might be more said than till?. §6F*The Springfield correspondent of the Chicago Telegraph, has the following in relation to Hon.. F. K, Granger, member from this county: Mr. Granger, who is now on his tourth term, keeps a better run of the business of the House, and knows better how to avail himself of the rules than any other member. He is well posted on every question of legislation. As a speaker, he is easy and clear in his statements, always commanding the attention of his unruly audience. The attempt to connect his name with the alleged corruption was a miserable Granger is all right. 7^ As illustrating what small things the Democrats catch at in dis- euMing present issues, the following paragraph from a Democratic paper |s q«otien; (,Atid now it has been dis- covered by the Boston Herald that the ; •-; fainotw Wllmot proviso, the first antf- • slavery enactment by Consrress thirty- S;t, five years ago, was passed by inserting ft In an army appopriation bill." The lfcets are that In 1846 Wilmot. a Dem- aer**, submitted his proviso as an ^ Mswxlmeat to the bill appropriating otAitey for the purchase of Mexican terfltory, astd that It failed to. pass. In other w*r% the WHmot proviso did not become * law, and «aanot be a precedent, >-K-* mfc.i SPRING CROVE. HDITOK PLAINDKALKR:--W. Shotliff has been nursing a fellon fer the last two weeks. ' Mr. Westlake has commenced to make cheese again, tu spite of Cream­ eries. Prof* Stanley, that noted "humorous lecturer,*' who was around here last winter, is taking a sketch of our little village. Our School Is running flnel}'. How can it run otherwise, witli such an ex­ cellent teacher qp Miss Sarah Thomp­ son? 'kVos6n yon had better look a lee tie owd or yon will h»ve a "•Weber" in your wool instead of "Hasting's." Frank Cole is making it rather warm for the "'hungry land sharks,'? who come here to fish, tear down fences, and steal any thing they can lay their liauds on. It is about time some-thing was done to stop them from doing further damage. Who* ever heard of a woman running a "blacksmith-shop" or rather trying* to. We have our doubts about her run­ ning the shop, although she may keep books, and make out bills. Speaking of a woman in a blacksmith shop, makes us thi nk of a story #e either read or heart). It's what a female Blacksmith of Iowa sa^, as she straddled a horse's leg and yanked o9 a shoe. ('I was brought up to ^he busi­ ness aud so was my Mother and there ain't no Beeclier scandals in our family for a fact." 1 M UTRBARY AVALANCHK. i An enviable fame among people who love good books is being achieved by the American Book Exchange* 55 Bcek- man street, New York. Simultaneously with the completion of their wonder­ fully cheap and successful Acme edi­ tion of Chambers Cyclopaedia of Eng­ lish Literature, they announce the pub­ lication of six other standard and pop­ ular books, all choice editions, at prices heretofore unheard of. They are "Rol­ lings Ancient History,'* 1,192 very largs double-column pages, large type, price in elothT 82.25, In sheep. 82.75; "Jo­ seph!)*' Complete 'Work^ 1,042 pages, uniform with Rollin. hut still larger type, price, cloth. 82.00. sheep. 82.50; uArabian Nights." large type, cloth, 55 cents; Bunyan's Pilgrim's Prog­ ress,** very large type, cloth, 50cents; "Robinson Crusoe," large type, cloth, 55 cents; and "Baron Munchausen," ex­ tra large type, cloth, 50 cents. A dis­ count of 10 per cent from these prices is allowed to all whose orders are re­ ceived before June 1, and an addition­ al rfiseomit of 10 per cent, when order­ ed in-di»b* of five or more of either book *r to the amount of810.00 or more selected from the list, at one time. Circulars giving full particu­ lars, specimens of type, die., will be se»t free'on . request. Sold only to buyers direct, and not through deal­ ers or agents. . . , NEW_FIRM. TILTON & STEELHAMMER, GENERAL Blacksuiillis, McHENItY, iLTi. The subscribers haviiTK enterod into aw partnership, can be-found at the old . gtniul of wm. Tilton, near the Riverside itouss, pro. parcil t»<fo all kinds of Rlacksmithing in the moMt workmanlike maimer an4 itl< REASONABLE PRICES, Horse Shoeing a Specialty, I n t h b r a n c h o f t l > e b u s i n e s H w e d e f y c o m * petion lK>th in quality of work and price. New shoes JWc. Toeing gnd Setting. 15c, Setting shoea ..12c. And warrant satisfaction. We also set tire for $1 50 per wagon. And all other work in proportion. Call and see us and you will find that it is not necessary to go from home for your work. TILTON, A STEELHAMMER, McHejiry, lij ,, M»y gutty, 1^79. REDUCED PRICE. Twenty-five cents will now buy a flftv cent bottle of Piso.s Cure for Con­ sumption. Thus the best COUGH ined^ icine Is the CHEAPEST. Sotil every, where, Bed-Rock Bottom Prices. W. CRISTY'S ; .;f. .v-^-5 ftiNCWOOO,lt.L. for the favors of ilty ntirhefifrtts' customers, who are douotless fainilisr with my mode of doing bupiness, we give the rules bv which we arc governed, for the informa­ tion of thoac not acquainted with them, Tia: L To deal honorably with all. , 2. To handle none but the beat of Goods. I 3. To sell at ti)e Lowest Living Prices, according misrepresentations of the 10- 4. To require payment and pay to agreement. 5. To refrain from ali kinds. 6. To keep pace with the times in* traduction of new styles. ' 7. To prevent mistakes, and to correct them promptly if made. 8. To pay strict attention to our business. 9. To treat all with politeness, seekinpfand trvinp to merit custom on strictly business principles, and taking pleasure at all times in showing goods, whether purchases are in­ tended or not/ Our stock for the Spriui? and Sumnier trade is comj:leto tnoverr partioujar and consists in part of ' DRY P0I, ISOCERIES, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES* ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE DRUGS, MEDICINES, And in short everythtng csnally kept in a flrst-class eountry store which will be sold at prices as LOT AS THE LOVEST Gall atif! examine Goods and learn price*. . . . J . W. CRI8TY , , Rtngwoo«l, Ill., March 12th, 1879. FURNITURE McHenry, Presents to the buying public a larger stock of all kinds of Furniture this Spring than ever before, which l am offering at greatly reduced prices. Now is the Time To Buy. We have taken great painam selecting our Undertaking Supplies. COINS, CASTE, AN} TRIISSIIDGS, Qt the latest «lesitrns. Everything new and elegant. Wo keep nothing but the best. Do not faii to call and see as when in want of any thing in our line. Notions! Notions!! We have a full line of Notions. Gall and •ee them. In Picture Frames and Wall Brackets we will not be under­ sold." JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, 111., March 15th, 1879. NEW SPRING GOODS LAUER K BECKEB, Emerson anfl Keystone Plantwra at greatly reduced prices at E. M. Oweu's. HE HE. --You can make-jucmcy by sel- linir our SterlingCheinirafWicks--Never P 1 nee Is trimming--No smoke or smell--10 I cents ea.-li, 3for 25 cents- hend stamp II forcatalogne of Wonderfal Inventions, staple and Kancy (iood*. Parsons, Poster & Co.,;i26ClarkSt.Chichgo. D1 THE WORLD'S BALM. |R. L. U. Weyburn's Alterative Svraw.-- A remedy used thirty-live year's in a private practice, and never flailing to radt- watly cure KHEUMATI8M. Dropsy, Erysrtjelaw, Scrofula, Secondary Syplii lis, Gravel, Bisbetes, and all diseases in which the i>lood is implicated, U now offered to the nublrc,. !'V ii'll r»'t".j5 DTng(r«tivan*! iwhoienaie only) by the W^yhurn Mediciae Co.r P. O. Box 888", R-wliester , S. Y . . P f f Of all kinds. Tumors, discliar- JT 1 s:e« of Blood or mncits, and all diseases of the Iti^tiim quicklv ami oerfec'tty cured by a simnV4i)d ^nothing remedy. For V Dli. J. FABEB & CO., 22 informatior. ;vd I, Ann St., N. Y „ ife', M • * t t w • X hi Hall's Store to the Front| 4:t T • , \ ; Unum ! Cash Wins, Credit a Failure We want your Cash trade, at the NUNDA, RICHMOND w§ * -v DUNDEE CASH STORES of * ?r-s.,'C^F/"HALL T- 'I ^eryttiirig as re|)reMnted or money refande^ j^n the tWiH-: of the most and bes% Goods tor the least money# ; j. Under any circumstances etiJTblcs these stores to name prices on all classes of merchandise. \\re will sell you srood merchandise cheapor than any store in the Northwest and the following incomplete Prw» List will couviuee merchant aell jms at llm following prices? «v' • ' ; 1 1 Good Prints Good l»rints.,Wi...;..<. • • • • • G o o d P r i n t s . . ; , . . : 1 ' . ^ . . . C o a t s ' C o t t o n . . ? . . . . . , Best Bleached Cotton....;i Best ITnbleached Cotton Good Unbleached Cotton. No. 1 Black Alpacca i . . . . ' I ' M c . ' . . . . . .. 05c. u........ t>\c ......... (8c. *»»-.. 09c, .......... 07c. ......... 0#c. •25c. No. l Colored Alpacca...... 12^c. No. 1 Taliie Linneni;..«..i......... 2flc. 'IS'". •*?* Black Cashmere.... Mens Hose Womenf* Hose.... 5c. Items, see them* Good Denims.. . . (Jood *Corsets ,t I.adies Ties A Bows.*.*..i . Mens Boots Mens Boots, Fine..i..s.:iv.l. Mens Boots, Fine ... WomensShoes, Warranted. SO, 65, 88c. ........ 08c. tWc. ...w l^c ........ 25c. .....ftto 25c. 1 75. ......... 2 50. ..S.10 to 2 8 00. "Womens shoes, Good Mens Pants. SS, TS, 1 Ksoys' Suits »t less than Cost of Cloth, MensSuUs No. 1 • Mens S u i ts Ko. 8... 3 Mens Suits .12jM-to'23 llats A Caiw ;..., 40e.,to ST Trunks ft valises, wav down, Teas, that ReiUthem all, 90,2$ Wand M. 71bs No. 1 CoflWJ. U.. --............ lllbs Uaisins ........... .......... I21bs Rice. vA... 17lbs Currants......... •201bs Peaches ................... 20 lib Bars Soap IHIhs Dricil Apples.. Stove Polish No. 1 Baking Powder..................... Crockery, .John Maddook 8b Son a. we will Sell Less than others can Iftiv. Large Stock of Y el low anrf Glass War# I Oft. II We want trade and are working for IT. Have Established th reputation in McHenry County, of a cheap seller and am going t|p Keep it. Cash does the business and the longtime C11 EDIT stonlk MUST ouit the CliY of POOR GOODS, for it won't WIN. J/ My Customers know better. Come and see me, visit one of tlj. Three Stores, and it will pay you. It will be money in your pock* et. Respectfully Yours, Chicago Office 122 Franklin St. '4 . c. F. HAUL ' 8toT«H at Richmond, Nunda and Dundee. COLBY BROTHERS, --DEALERS IN-- General Merchandise f RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. . xYo have one of the most complete stock of Goods ever brought to this market, consistitig in part ot t BOOTS NHOE8, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, WOCDEN AND WILLOW-WARE, Oroceries, etc?., ete#« We would ask an inspection of our WALL PAPER, trMcft is no* complete, elegant 4ud desirable. Patronage solicited and satisfkfr* tion guaranteed, COLBY BROS. S JON'T run 1DI Until you see aud examine my stock of Tools and get pricw, I have the best stock of 1 j Neair the Depot McHenry Illinois, Having just re<*.oive<l theirSprinv and Sum. mer Stork of Heady.Made Clothing, llats, Caps, and Gents Furnishing Goods, which they offer to the buying public at Prices to •ttif !Khe times. ; 4 Their Stock of Cloths 4 4 : Is the finest and largest ever bought to this town, and comprises all the latest Patters and styles to be found in the market, from which ,t0 n,alte " -INGLE GAM. MEKT OR A FULL SUIT and Guarantee Satisfaction. . *®"Call and examine our stock before pur- cttasing elsewhere. We will not be undersold LAUER & BECK •nry, 111., March 2Sth, 18^9. *<0^- In McHenry County, and will BIS UJVDEBSOLiO. I have all the leading1 Cultivators made, among them are tho Haines, Buckeye, Improved Invincible, Emerson. Ellwood, and Bertmnd & Sanies, all warranted in every respect and sold entirety on their merits. ; ; * < wFOE THE BEST-- JE^latform Spring" Wagon Made call and see the Cortland Improved Gear (two new styles) which has no superior, either in price or quality. The compaujr make a specialty of them and make no other, Also the boss Roftd Wagon, with ease and comfort, which I can warrant. I PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! For a fine Iron Pump I have the New Buckeye Force Pump, with double-acting Cylender which*- pumps with half the strength any other pump does and is both attractive and durable. Also got the Adams Kenosha Wood Pumps. All kinds "of Tubeing and fixture# always on hand. Agent tor all of Emerson, Talcott & Coll^e^ Goods, Rockford, III., formerly kept by O. Bishop, ofthi&$lace. Also only Agent for the Boss Improved Barrel Churn. Be sure and tall before going elsewhere as we know we can it to yoiir intercut to do so. Remember eyej-ything ji merit?. At the old ftand opposite the Mili. . ' , 133. M. OWEN, i vs;. . '>•" /

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