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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1879, p. 5

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w-- -.5 • ' t ' » •> •> ̂.* »~y *y' ; m - T < l -A* .. *.A .' ^ HftS !?-;<'*T*Sf»I f 4 1s ,4'̂ "•* • .-. WEDNESDAY. MAT 31st, 1879. Railroad Time Table. OOINU ROUTH. : • • Gteneva Lake Passenger <*,«,..*?:» A. *. 8«n«ra like Freight .'..,....1:15 p. M. GOING NORTH. " 3ooev» Lake Freight .......10:00 A. M. Ben OVA Lake Passenser ..7:02 p. x Republican Caucus. Vho Republican voters of the Town of McHenry, will meet in Town CAUCUS at the Council Rooin, in the village of McHenry. on Thursday, May 22d. 187®, at 4 o'clock p. *., for the purpose of choosing eleven delegates to represent Mid town in the county Convention, which is to be held at Woodstock on the 84th Inst, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. BY OKDER TOW^r COMMITTEE. HKMEMHKK ° the Caucus to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock P. M. Dit. A. E. BALDWIN, of Toulon, HI., IS visiting with his brother. Prof, Baldwin, in this village. ' j Call and make a selection out of six different kinds of Cultivators at E. M. Owen's. i THOSE wishing Screen Doors should read the notice of John 8. Blake, in An­ other column. Just received, at Mrs. E. Howe's ' tHe latest ami most fashionable styles of Summer Millinery. Also a full line of Fancy goods. , BY a notice elsewhere'It wfll be seen thera is to be a Social Party at Tid- marsh's Hall, Wauconda, ̂ n^Tuesday evening next. May 27th. 1 ^ Mrs. E. W. Howe has .fust W»eelvefl n full line of Millinery, and will dispose of it at the very lowest figures for Cash. . -- ' , THE Sandwich Free Pre** says its aim is to "make moiie}'.*1 There Is a counterfeiter in State's Prison at Jol- iet for having the same aim and prac­ ticing it too openly. HON. F. K. GKANOEK came home to atisnil tuv fuiici'ul of A. I>. Gilbert on Saturday last, and returned to the State Capitol on Monday. He in­ formed %8 that the Legislature would probably adjourn in about three yreeks* FR^T& SUN have sold their mar­ ket to a party from Chicago, who has already taken possession. By a notice elsewhere it will be seen that they have called on all those indebted to call and settle at once; TttK new Steamboat was lrtnuehed o|i Thursday la*t and was christened the "Mary Griswold." The machinery will be immediately put in and. it is expected she will be ready to run about the first of June. ^ IN another column can HE found A new advertisement for the well known Ag ricultural dealpr, E. M. Owen, which those contemplating purchasing Ma­ chinery will do well to read. He keeps none but first class Machinery and sells as low as any house in AlcHeury county. • " * "> •• ' 1 1 THE Chicago Club is expected to open their Club House for the season oil •r about the 26tli inst., and we under­ stand the Elgin Club will hold their Annual meeting at their Club House. Fox Lake, early in June. The number of pleasure seekers #t this Lake this season promises to be^iarger than ever before. - ' THE Fishing season has actual com­ menced, and the army of Fishermen is increasing every day, coming by wagon loads. The flies that denote the presence of Red M6rse, are more plenty than for many years, and if this is any sign this kind of fish will be plenty in a few days. The River is illu­ minated with torches for miles eyerjr night. « - , « •- THE lee Cream Parlor of MM. Wm. Dow is now in full blast, and those who wish can get Ice Cream every evenfug iu the week. Her rooms arc fitted up lu a neat and tasty manner and present an inviting appearaace.-- She also keeps Nuts, Confectionary, Fruit, Ac. When wishing to while away a half hour, and treat youself to a nice dish of loe Cream, do not faij to give her a call. * ; ^ r\ ' 1 • IJ*- • -l 1 ( ' • % ' J IN another columti can be found « new advertisement of Tiltou & Stoel-^ hammer. General Blacksmiths, who ar# located at Til ton's old statjd. and awl prepared to do all work in their line in the best of manner and at low prices.-- They make a specialty of Horse-Shoe­ ing, and give a few prices for the bene fit of the public. They are A No 1 workmen, and we trust will receive a liberal patronage. THE latest swiudleiit reported " I# one of our exchanges. A peddler went abont selling teu cent packages "war­ ranted sure death to potato bugs; no risk of poisoning animals as with Paris green.*1 The packages were not to be , opened until time to use them. One * victim, having turee opened one, and two square biovks of wood; on ontfjt'was written, "place the bug on tbH block feud preia firmly' with the otr THIS scot ion of the country is suf­ fering from a severe drought, and should it continue much longer the cropg must be a total failure. Not In thirty years has the oldest inhabitant known the Fox Ri ver to be so low as at the present time. The ground is baked so hard that farmers find it almost 'im- possible to work it sufficient to put in their corn, and many have given up, in disgust, thinking, that unless we get rain at onae the corn will grow as well in the granerv as in the ground. If there is any efficacy in prayer we wish ourcliristain friends would at least make an effort. We have done our best and still it is dry. , BR the Wattkegau papers we learn that a party of supposed drunken roughs visited Lake Mound Cemetery, North of that- city, on Friday night last, and proceeded to throw dowu and •break all of the prominent Monuments and grave stones In that beautiful resting place Of the dead, and it. is said that the destruction was most com­ plete* It is surmised who the parties are, and If they cOnld be caught we sincerely hope that judge lynch will do his duty, for man or boy that will commit so dastardly an act has no rights at the hands of the law only the right to be severely d#*lt witli , and that promptly. v ^ BURGLARS made our Depot a visit on Sunday night or Monday morning lalt and succeeded in getting money and other property to the ainouut of about f25. The money was in the ihape of old and rare coin, which had been col­ lected and was owned by Clyde Harri­ son, who is assistant Agfent since Buss' sickness. Besides these they got, be­ longing to Harrison, a Gold Pen aud Pencil, a Coat, and several other arti­ cles, valued in all at about $20. They also took about $5 worth of stamps, belonging to the Depot. They gained an entrance by prying open a window on the East side of the building.- No clue h«* asyet b«*a obtained' the thieves. OBBTUARV. DIED,--In this villnaje, on Thursday morning, May 15th, 1ST!), of Consumption, Arthur B. Gilbert. uge<l27 years. It is with feelings of the utmoet sad­ ness that we make the above announce­ ment. Arthur was a young man honored and respected by all who knew him. and although ids death Itad been for some time expected, that t fell destroyer Consumption having been gradually eating his life away, yet when the announcement was made it cast a feeling of sorrow overall, both old and young. His ftuieral was held on Saturday, and was conducted by the Masonic Fraternity, of which order he had but recently become a member, and Was largely attended by brethren from this and neighboring Lodges. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss, who together \vith his parents, have the sympathy of this en­ tire community. ., - A CAKIK . ^ ;• U!N0flrut)0, Jfcay 4)j^!879. * WewlsH to express our &eiiit felt WOODSTOCK. Eprroit PLAIN DEALER:--We cannot say with our county correspondent of last week, that we write at the "ear­ nest solicitation, &c.«" nor do we apol­ ogise by saying we are "oat of town during the week," #&c., <fcc.. but we write because we are that wa? inclined °'u" writings are ufound worthy" we shall have the pleasure of seeing them in this week's PLAINDKALER, otherwise they will ugo where the Woodbine twineth" and (he world will wag all tlie same. * - As we said last-week Court has been in sessFon. The case of Stewart, the cremation mugdergr' has been put over agaiif. Clduds are gathering. but Old Sol seeias to frighten I hem away, so that we poor mortals still cry for rain. Our Caucus elected delegates under instruction for Murphy. We under- stftik! Murphy has secured a sufficient ni|hiber of delegates to carry the coun­ ty. -Our caucus was a unit on all •rt^pons, but there was some load talk »Mr adjournment. We voted viva but there was opportunity given to vote by ballot if any so desired. It was not a little amusing to watch Judge Uurphy's elated spirits as he read the many despatches from the several Townships all of which seemed to convince«lhe Judge that so far as his own county was concerned he has nothing to fear. Judge Upton "presided at our May Term with h'.s 'usual dignity and suavity, and I think*hat public opin­ ion will warrant me in saying that the people almost en ma.s«e,will be greatly disappointed should they not have an opportunity of voting for hiui asone of the nominees of the Elgin conven­ tion. Frank Crosby and Ed Joslyn were in 'attendance at Court and we were greatly pleased to mark the change caused by the suspension of intemper­ ate drtuks. gratitude toward the kind frfands who have *o willingly aided u« in taking care of our sick oues, and the sym­ pathy and kindness which they extend­ ed toward us in nut- bereavemeut. ^ Yours Iteapuctfully I Mli. it ilks. WM. LUMLET. #W m ' " 1 * "-- 1 " ** • * " " * " * ' - 0 ' % - ; *WAUCONDAT UN-F There will be a Social Party at Tld- marsh's Hall. Wauconda. Tuesday even­ ing, May 27tb. Good Music an attend­ ance. Tickets SO oents. All are in­ vited. • AUCTION SAIiE.'^ • f -' '* The undersigned will offer at Pnmlc Sale,on the premises, on Friday, May 80th, 1870, at 1 o'clock p. M. the premises known as the Daniel Holcomb farm, containing 114 acres, situated in the town of Xuuda. TERMS OF S ALE.--One half cash. The balance a credit of one ye at* at six per cent on secured Notes. JOHN DOBAN, Administrator. Dated May lCtli, IS#. SETTLEM ENT NOTICE. Having sold out mv market in this village.<ind made arrangements to go to Chicago on Monday next, I would hereby give notice to all indebted to me to call and settle the same on or before, Saturday next, as I, must posi­ tively lefve on Monday. I also take this opportunity to thank my many customers for their patron age in the past, and hope to be«gain with them at some future day. t , , JO»KFHFK»*T. McHenry, 111. May SOtttt ls»«. * $10 Reward--stolen. From the stable of the undersigned, in the village of McHenry, on the night of May 19th. a light Bay Mare, heavy mane and tail, and small white mark on one hind foot. The above re­ ward will be paid for her return or in­ formation where she may be found, •"< >-< ' KICK SIMOK. «€flEEN DOORS. I am now prepared to m ake to order and will keep on hand a good supply of Screen Doors which I will sell at "the Lowest Living Priees. If in want of these articles give me a call. MqHenrr, May 20th, iCTpj. • ' HOUB«« TO Kent.. H . Two Houses to rent in West McHen­ ry. .Possession given immediately.-- Inquire at the Brick Mills. )»IL^ »iUnT A SONS. WOODSTOCK NO. i. 'EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--We could truthfully begin our letter this week by coinplaiuiug of the scarcity of news, want of time, &c., but we have learned that apK)logie8 are unpopular, and those who deal in tbfem soon become so, no matter how appropriate and truthful they are. Succors is acccptcd as ths test of merit, and failure of demerit, in aimost everything without regard to attendant circumstances, and we have no expectation of proving an exception to the^lmost universal rule. That the rule sometimes works injustice we know^ but we hope to bear our share of it without grumbling. The weather always supplies a topic for couversa tion in tiie frequent absense of some­ thing inore Interesting, bntwe are de­ bated from writing about it by tlx known fact thftt every bo<Iy Is well informed on that subject as we are, and we are told that it 1* as dry a sub­ ject afMclIenry asjit Is here. . We learn that <a very Interesting meeting of the Red Ribbon Club was held at-their, rotors fast Tuesday eve­ ning, and was .aildrpssed by our old fellow citisseu, and able lawyer Frank Crosby. The address is highly spoken of. He is a man of great ability and fine education, and we are pleased to learn that, he has got the mastery of the appetite for strong drink that came so near blighting a noble life, and has reformed. Mr. Crosby has many friends here, and the Hall was filled to hear him. Tiiat his reformation may prove permanent is the earnest wish of all. But how few camparatively of the victinos of the appetite for strong drink ever permanently reform. But it is our humble opinion that as a class they are more to befpitied than blamed Habits formed In youth are hard to master in latter years, and we verily believe ttyat many are born drunkards, inheriting or marked ^Wttb, a love for the taste of spiritous liquors. That many such will fall victims if placed in the way ot danger uo one c$n doubt, and we repeat that pity more than blame should be accorded them. Iij connection with this we notice with hearty approval the course taken by our new Mayor, Mr. John J. Murphy, He |ias notified every saloon keeper in the town that the state law forbiding |fce jal* or giving of; strong drink to minors, and men intoxicated, or in the habit of becoming*?, must be strictly .ctifttplicd with, upon pain of revelation otlWen^e. That is right, |i»li Mr. Murp'ay deserves the thanks of the en­ tire (jommunity of every ofass and kind When the laws we now have are thoroughly enforced we Bhall be able to ascertain whether more are needed, and the saloon men will be better ofi. and more secure in their business. At the January term or tircuit court five of the six then doing busing^ were indicted for violation of the law. They pleaded guilty, snd were each fined $20 and #8 cost, and allowed to continue in busiuess. If they are wise n#v tbey will avoid that danger. The strawberry and ice-cream festi­ val at the ]Vi. E. church Thursday even­ ing was well patronized, passed off very pleasantly, and resulted in a net profit bt'$15. We cannot say whether the money will be used to defray ordi­ nary church expenses, or for further otnameutation of an already line Edifice, or for the benefit ^f the unfor­ tunate who are unable t^ attend the services of the sanctuary. / That It wlll be judicously escpeudcd kio one aan doubt. We listened in that church last evening to one of the best sermons we have heard in many a day by Rev. R. S. Cantine., He is son-in-law toLean- der Church, an old resident of Wood­ stock. The caucus on Saturday was;* some­ what tame affair, from the fact^ that there was no contest.. dAfter the selec­ tion of dclegutes, they were instructed; without a dissenting voice, to support Murphy. Coon's name was not men­ tioned. The delag.ites were left free as to the other candidates. Several other towns were heard from that evening, and all had Instructed, for Murphy. These instructions represent the voice of a large majority of the people, as election day will prove. The financial failure of Mr. Jacob Eekert, mentioned in your paper of last week, lias called forth many expres­ sions of real sympathy from his numer­ ous friends. He has not failed full handed, but like the honest man that he is known to* be, gives all to pay his debts as far as possible, and to-day he is ntore respected in this community than many who are rolling in wealth, and looking with contempt on their more unfortunate fallows. The catas­ trophe was brought about or hastened by precipitate action on the part of a large business firm here, in taking ad­ vantage of the terms of a demand judgment note for a few hundred dol­ lars, and yet we are Informed that Mr. Eekert, sluce he has lived in Woodstock has traded with tharfirm over $8000 worth. Mr. Eekert has the sympa thy of all the best men of the community, and we have yet to hear the first word uttered against his honesty or man­ hood. When honest men are honored and trusted, and rascals.no matter how rich .consigned to the oblivion they de­ serve, our country Will be better off. During the past w our Catholic friends have been holding a seriet> of public meetings at St. Mary's Church. They have been largely attended, and leather Leyden has been assisted by the pastors of several other Catholic churches. He is a most energetio^ihd faithful pastor, and has already done much to build up the church under hla- care. -v Circuit Corn** convened Monday af­ ternoon. and adjourned Friday at noon The Grand Jury found nothing to; do and were discharged Tuesday morning The most important case tried was one from Kane County. It was a suit io recover damages as per agreement In a case Of bastardy. Coon A Smith for plaintiff, Barrv and Crosby for defend­ ant. The jury were out 24 hours, ami failed to agree, standing from the first eleven to one for plaintiff. The case of Stewart, Indicted for murder, was continued to the September term, when we are told a change of venue will be taken. Of all the cases on the docket two-thirds were continued on account of Mr. Joslyn's absence at Springfield, among them the cas» of Stewart, It may be right and just to delay the ad­ ministration of justlcf at tjbe expense of the public, ami to annoyance and cost of many, to suit the pleasure or pocket of one mati, but we cant see It, and It is becoming a matter of serious complaint with a large number. If this counter 1b«o helpless that it Is compelled to employ Mr. Joslyn to "run," it he ought in all reason to do so with some little regard to the interest of the *wardM thus placed in his care.-- A murder is committed nnder circum­ stances of peculiar atrocity, the accus­ ed is promptly indicted; his friends employ Mr. Joslyn to defend, knowing that he must be absent at the tlmf set for the trial; and thus the case Is pass­ ed along;the accused boarded at pub­ lic cost; the dead man can't plead his own case, and will soon be forgotten; and--will justice be cheated in the end? ,1a not the method somewhat original? 'Honored and trusted as Mr. Joslyn Is and lias been by the public we hesitate not to say that he otight to serve the public more and self less, and houestlv refuse to undertake busi­ ness that he knows must be hindered at some one's cost by his absence in an official capacity. ' . We see by the Speech of John C. Sherwin that the 4th District Is again represented in Congress. There Is a refreshing "ring" of old-time loyalty in it, and in point of ability It is an honor to him aud Ms district. We hope to find time soon to note some Improvements In and around bur city. The peat works just north of town will be visited and described as soon as possible, • - Richmond Department* The caucus last Saturday was the most largely attemted of nuy one held in Ricitmoud for mrnty years. For two or three weeks the Coon men have moved beaven and earth to seenre a delegation. The town was never be­ fore so thoroughly canyassed for a pri­ mary. If you can find a voter in the town who had not been approached be­ fore the caucus. I would like to look at him. Means to influence voters made use of by Mr. Coon's friends that can hardly be called fair or honorable, soeh as attempting to blacken Mr. Murphyfs private character by the circulation of infamous stories, so late in the canvas* as to give no opportunity for their refutation. The fact is they sould not find alhiW to pick with Mr* Murphy on the bench, and lor that reason were obliged to play the next card--person­ al abuse. Th§i friends of Mr. Murphy were not idl% In the preliminary can­ vass. The town was thoroughly and systematically worked from centre to circumference. The result of this hard work was showu in the large turnout at the caucus--unprecedented in our political history. The caucus organised withP. G. Wo- dell as moderator, and A. L. Brown, E. S. Johonnott and Jerry Robinson^clerks. T|HJ polls were opened at 2. p. and closed at 4. In the two hours no less than 228 votes were polled, of which £he Coon delegates received 99 votes and the Murphy delegates 129 votes.-- The following are the delegates elec­ ted; John McConnel, James Overton, W. L. Turner,G. S. Utter, E.M.Potter J. W. Haythorn, A. R. Alexander, Wm. Cooley, S. L. Hogle, Clark Teft. S. F. Bennett. G. W. Eldredge. The "Coons" were dumfonnded at the result for they bad firmly believed that they had a straight walk away. The resujt was at once telegraphed to Judge Murphy with the compliment* of the people of Kichtnoud. A most singular accident happened on Friday morning on the pla:te of Mr. Ingalls, a short distance North of Ring- wood. Mr. Ingalls had hitched up his team to go to Ringwood. when they started off "on their own hook," mak­ ing directly for the well, which .was covered with boards, and these giving way precipitated one of the horses In the well where he hung suspended by the harness to the wagon tongue anu the other horse. After fruitless efforts to extricate the poor brute, and the Other one being every moment In dau- gerof being drawn in, the harness was uut and down went a struggling mass of horse flesh to the bottom of the wel! a distance of forty &et; It took until afternoon to get it«it. The horse did not seem to be much injured by the fall itself, but died as soon as got to thef top, probably from the constric­ tion of the rope which was hitched around Its chest. The accident is cer­ tainly one of the most singular on n> cord. 1 " •' " On Friday, officers IVom Qeneva, Wisconsin, arrested a German, working for Joseph Elton, near Solon, on charge of stealing a suit of clothes and a sum of money from parties at Geneva, a few days ago. It seems that this young fellow had been about Geneva all last summer, in apparently desti­ tuted circumstances. Last fall he went away, uud reappeared three or four weeks ago with abundance of money, to account for the possession of which he said that a relative in Germany had died, leaving him ah ample fortune.-- When he again shook the dust of Gene­ va from iiis feet, the sult of clothes went with him to Supplement the aforesaid "ample fortune." It Is be­ lieved be spent the whiter ou a shelv­ ing! tour. : ' Cole Cooley A Co s. dam I* ^paired. It's going out did not stop operations in the Mill any time, thanks the maguificent steam engine with * •the mill is furnished. EXHIBITION OF FINE COLTS. Ou Saturday next, May 24th, there will be on exlrfbition at the stable of Al. Hankins, in this village, ten Colts under 13 months old,' all sired by the celebrated thorougbred horse "Amma- dus." Thesofcolts will be on exhibi­ tion that farmers and breeders may see what kind of stock he g ets, and we challenge any horse In the Northwest to show their equal; Farmers and breeders are invited to be present on Saturday aud see this flue display -of young horses. There will also be present one two year old Colt ownedby Thomas Pow­ ers, of the same breed, which is said to be one of the finest two year olds in this section. This cult has had no especial care, but is a hard one tp beat. Do not fail to see it. At, HAXKIHS. Remember E. M. Owen is not under­ sold on Farm Machinery. . Bo»iiieM Notices. UftWooiKTtjh ?vat®r* at IS. M, .For a na>bbf go to Lauer Beckers, u«;ir the Penot. Clothing Cttenper Lauer ABeeker's. than ever, The "Invinciblei" a at E. M. Owen's, The best Overrent for money, at Lanrer A Bevkei^i. New OdtlvsMf * < fit )•••#' r" Bmersou Good* at S. M. Owe*! *EW MILLINERY, Just received. At Mrs. 8. McHenry. Bertram! t E,M. Owen's. Sautes Cultivators Kldf Glove*. Extra jgooc? qriwllfy per jMfctr at Fitisiimnons & Igvatisoti's* A Frarr KeyKtnm at X, M, Owen's for 9W. Com Plantar ©OOI> FAMILY FLOUR. For*?.*# per $aekrat tl# Vox HI Valley MiMe, m s At 110 per Tow, for sale af ffte Fm|" River Valley Mills. R. Bistteft, § t#; WHRN in WomT??orfc cfo call at the City Bakety or Watai Cold Meals. They have oat' #f li#' ' neatest Restaurants fa t»wa# „ Fit^simmons & KVWWOB have WOK" ' meuced to sell gooils ss the profit' plan,Cash buyef»afefnii tlgate. . New Stock of Clothf. Clothing, «fce., for the Fall trade jw# : ; received at Lauer A Becker**, aear tW • ^ Depot. r; Have yon seen those all wool Henl* Suits, at ten dollars each? They are* , decided bargains, at Fitssimmoas M / Evanson's. I Geo. Eldredge Is building a wing on the south side of his residence, I don't see what George or his good wife need />f more rooin, but may be they do.-- The addition will make Mr. Eldredge's residence present the finest front la the village. • The few fields ot corn which were planted early enough to be out of the ground were injured by the late frosts. So say the iarmers about Richmond. TO FARMEKS AND IIOKS? " ;V BREEDERS. 1 hereby offer the following Prem­ iums for best Suckiug Colts, sfred by my Thoroughbred horse '**Ainmadus," coltsto be eUowu at my stable, in Mo- Henry, Sept. 1st, '880. Best Colt........j.....^#10 00 Second Best - C o l t i k w . . . . . . 7 0 0 TliU^d Beft Oolt...i..ii.|i1|,.... 6 00 , i • > . A i » HANKINS. ' iiJ00DBD STOCK FOR SALE. Several fine young Durham Bulls for Sale. Will be sold at reasonable prices if applied for soon* i ijomr • * ; - : •• - ' » • ' * ^ Buy no Boots or Shoes tlntl! you have examined the fine stock at Fitxslm- nions & Evansons. They will sell you a Shoe from 35 cents up. also a' line of Shop made Boots and Shoes to* Men aiul Boys wear. In Ladies wear they have the celebrated Beloit hand sewed Shoes, AvliiCh for durability c*m not be beaten, and as price* on all their goods have recently been reduced the Door as well us the rich can afiord to buy tliem. ed Summer Steveus A WloiSi T-adies and ^lispeetrrxHi Hats in great vajgj^y at Scluiorrs. Farmers, if in want of a Mower you buy till you see Jolin P. Manning*# f IU New front-cut Mower at E. M.'Owen's, . Warehouse. 4 FOR SALE. ' In this village a two house and two lots will be sold reaaoti* > mble. For further particulars inquired «f , Ifyon wanta good and stylish Suit, Fitzsiniuious ft Evanson will sell It Is you cheaper than any House Inth#/ tf County. They have lately addadh largely to this departmentaaidaatiM#' tliem on "small profit" basis. 'TAKE NOTICE. ' ni"-? I will sell Hay Racks for #8*of goo# J Z lumber, well made and Painted. ,,. : Grain or Wood will be taken in pay*) ' ment, or will sell on time with a®*? , proved Notes. " * ». A. Kiuia , *-l • NEWDBAIi, < Stevens Schnorr, SueaeMors to Bucklin & Stevers, near the lljttBt, will continue the business of tlteoi ~ upon a tfrictly Cash 5ails? makll prices upon that principle only. will keep a full stock of general Merchandise to which they invite tt» close Cash buying public to examfftaa. Young Man, dress well, and to do so go to Stevens & Schnoir and get you »• nobby suit of Clothes, Hats, Boots or Siioes, and fancy Neck Tie. The/ iiave them and at living prices. LOOM FOR SALS. . JF«ir sale a good Loom, with all tk» fixings for immediate use. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. Apply " 10 MRS. L. A-CjLAIMf Mefieaigr, AprU «s<i, mi ; ̂ -•>. 'FORSAOli1 '•'»**' ;il* I offer my property in the village McHenry for Sale. It is pleasantly lo-^"- cated,contains about 20 awes of iaiftcl ™ with two dwelling houses, and good barns and out houses. Will sell all tf* get her or In single acres or lots. J/ Or would trade the whole for a farm in this county or for Wwin land. Also, I hqifi % Bant* %w« Houses. For fOTJhfet* particulars Inquire of _ HTRntavsATxonik' MoHenry, II!., March 1S7B. DIED. JACOBS,-April 87th, 197% Ji youngest (laughter of Clan ud Mfc JaeoUa, agwt 3 years S moa«|a MWt »«ays Oalrn be thy real nr v^tle «ee, And areantless be th^ Sleep. ^ Ibpuga thau bast left oar tiwclHailwi For the we wilt net Weepw " ^ We would notcall the« back afaia * ^ • tl :^o this dim cloady sphere, ( % % wortit of care Of jrieifciid pal*' .,3: ;, % Twere sin to wish-tt#e-'li|ank /TT' v -V ,% So early tb«u away, |«t trust thou art immortal Vbere reigns eternal day. Horse RINGWOOD - * ILLINOIS ' i n ' WowW reaneetftillp IpiMNa '• an<t t!io pnWtf ab t«r than ever urepal liuv. . Hon Wo make a specialty m t! in«r bnt han<t turne f i?ho<n ^ali*e»r|jt>iY. I'iferferioff- bud f«et, promptly IIK P J Ctt'all kln<N on short n»Mia Wajron a ud r»rria£e rainti**. «ruive UHa r«« amt W.iiBr jpieese- ywa both In qnalily »n«t pme m Uiuev-^l. 1"^ < juril 8th» A. .. .lAj. *;

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