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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1879, p. 1

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M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1879. Published-Krery Wednesday by Editor and Publisher. Office in Old P. O. Block, rOROflTR BIVEBBIDK HOUSK.--« - •;g§ TKRM3 0» SUBSCRIPTION: "fmr, (in Advance,) ( w«t Paid within Three Months ...... «f>s«ript»on8 received for three ar six months the same proportion. . . . .200 BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M.D. a>HT8I*JIAN and Surgeon. : tpT over the Post Office, opposite "cHonry I over the Post ;tk Martins Store, up stairs McHenry 111 Ofllcc Pefify C. H. FEGERS, M. D. ^DHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Johnsbargh .•.jT tllsr--Office hoars 8 to 10 A. M. daily. MieHenry Ills.--Riverside House, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Office hours a.to.4 *r. M. E. A. BEERS M. D. and Surgeon. Office atresidence, ' tiro doors vest of Post Office, MeHenry O. J. HOWARD, M D. irrstcf AN and Surgeon. Office at the (tore of Howard A Son, MeHenry, III. 4 . " W. H. BUCK, M. D.. u OMEOPATHIC Phytician and Surgeon.-- Office East Side Public Square, Wood- ;ock, III. Office hours 11 to 12 A. M., and2 4 P.M. F.J. BARBIAN. IGAR Manufacturer, MeHenry " East corner ders solicited ublic Square. Shop North III. Or. RICHARD BISHOP, /" V A TTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. llA. MeHenry, 111. RICHARD COMPTON. UST1CE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of ebts. VotO, Lake County, III •• ?•? Hit* GEO. A. BUCKLIN, -- OTARY PUBLIC, 'Conveyancer arid In- surance Agent. Office at Bucklin & teven's Store, near the Depot, MeHenry, 111. •g| E. E. RICHARDS. I%TA«. » complete Abstract ot Titles to land iml in McHenrv County, Illinois. Office with bounty Clerk, Woodstock. 111. ROBT. WRIGHT. anufacturer of Custom Made Boot* airtl _ Shoe®. None but the best of material sed and all work warranted. Shop Northwest rner Public Square, MeHenry, III. E. M. OWEN. ENBRAL Dealer and Manufacturers .. Agent In Leading Farm Machinery, rices low and Terms favorable. McHKKttT. ! . > v ILLINOIS. N. S. COLBY. CHENEY, MeHenry Co., III. Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and pPoland China Swine. A choice lot of young ittuekstock for sale. Please ealland examine 5|beft»re buying elsewhere. , iyi GEO. SCHREINER. WM C A LOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, MeHenry I1L 1 4BV*f,i*str01ass Billiard and Pool Table*. p.. -v*. J. BONSLETT, ™|C! ALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite ; -O Owen's Mill, MeHenry, IlL FreshOysters Served up in any shape desired, or tor sale by jihe Can. aaroooD STABLING FOR HORSES..®* PETER LEICKEM. '13 *P AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of ,' ! all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best if' • v%JjooBsible manner, on short notice and at rea- S&l«on*ble rates.. Also Violins for Sale. Shop tflrst door North of Riverside Block, MeHenry #». ' ^WANTED engagement^ with a 1 jsiergyman having leisure,. or a Bible Ilesder, ho introduce in Mcllenry County, the CKLE- '^BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week's issue of this paper. Ad- Aress at once F. L. HOllTON ft CO., Publish­ ers and Bookbinders, 60 E. Market St.. Indian, apolis, Ind. TO SELL LIVELY In yo to the people, do you not? new low priced book, Such is that grand BUSINESS CARDS, CHAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drag Store. / • • ,-,v a H. TRUAX. • ' \ -/ CARPENTER and Builder, Nun da, III.-- Will put up buildings by the Jobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. E- V. ANDERSON. M. I). "OHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Gil JT bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House, Mcllenry, Illinois E. BENNETT, M. D^; ; ~~~~ SURGEON and Acsoucher. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Office and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, 111. ;r) DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Algonquin, III. All work war-ranted. Teeth extracted in a careful and skillful manner. DR. C. W. COX, DENTIST. Office Over Smith, Aldrlch A Bay thorn's Store. Richmond, lit; SIDNEY DISBROW, ' NOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer, den. III. JLl- DR. F. J. CROSS* DENTIST, Riverside Block, MeHenry Having opened an office in this villa _ am prepared to do all work in the line of my u Having opened an office in this 111. age, I ke manner. All work warranted. ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife wfll be at their residence \% miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days In each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 P. M. . REFERENCES:--John Doran,RichardBish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Hen. Gilbert, Horace Dweuy, B.F.Peck, Wm. llntson, Geo. Gilbert. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIO^E ER AND APPRAISER Algonquin, III. ! SALES of Stock, Farming Tools and of all kinds promptly attended to. specialty. Office address Algonquin 111. and Goods Farm, reasonable. Post W. H. SAN FORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Easi et<t« of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order ana a fit warranted- Give me a call. * W. H. SANPORD. WoodsUeklH.,Sept. *7th. 18TO. H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished Teaming of all kinds • treasonable rates, done on short notice. f Geo. E. Stewarts: Auctioneer. yp-'X Allen's Useful Companion, -AND- Artificer's Assistant̂ . "Valuable receipts by thousands for anything IO and everybody. The most universally useful l|| book ever published, saving money to all mm buyers. Outsells everything. Agents want- ed. Address „ . _ '£« 8CAMMELL ft CO., St Lotus K» 1)T r TT»0 Of all kinds. Tumors, dischar- I. l.t/riij ges of Blood or mucous, and all diseases of the Rectum quickly and perfectly eured by a simple and soothing remedy. For in for mat lot address DR. J. FABER & CO, 22 Ann St., N. Y. 1 1000 BOYS & GIRLS for the best Boy's and Girl's paper published Be wanted t actasagent t m blished In the West. Beautiful presents to'subscrilN ers and agents. Every boy and girl can earn ots of money canvassing during leisure . hours. Don't tail to send for it at once. To sw introduce it we will send to any address on fl irlal three months, for 10 Cents in cash or 4$ postage stamps. Sample of paper and r t l c u l a r s FREE- . A d d r e s s l-REE particulars FRJE-1 Honwhoid @em, CI eveland, O* - *1 A :---- ' ®1AA MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted l"lf County rights given gratis f»r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines "• ; ' needed in every family; reputation world- wide; established many years; made by a >C'-v celebrated physician; proofs of evidence *T, ^ given, Anin lustriotts, energetic person can - J", mike snugpertnanent income and very liberal terms by addressing: with reference, *81 Cbsstant Street, Philadelphia. Jig GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALYB Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION invented in the 17th centurv by Dr. William * Graee, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds that ha ill. ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by all who knew itlm as a public benefactor. . H ^.- PRICE 85CENTS A BOX. PIMPLES. ^ n". T will mall (Free) the receipt for a simple > •' J. TegetaWe Balm that will remove Tnn, " »>• Freckles, I'hnples and blotches, leaving the l'- J skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc- c.. tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald bead or smooth Imw. Address, < nclosingSet.stamp, Ben Yandelf ft Co.« to Ann St., New York, Richmond, III. HM Ail experience ot IB years, and Mill guarantee satisfaction in all cases, Where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from $6 to $10, according to amount of sale. All orders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt attention. " M. SNCELN. ~~ OU N- SM I TH! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of ;il! kipds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer 'in Guns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Me­ Henry, 111. REMOVAL. Scott & Gfcff --THE LEADING-- HATTERS! Have Removed from their old stand, cornei Fifth Avenue and Madison Street, to the elegant Doable Store, V * M135 ail 137 Mm St, West of Clark Street* ^ The Largest Stock of Spring Style Hats to choose from in the West. ^Prices. the Lowest. It will pay you to call and see them. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake Sts., & S.E. Cor. Halsted and ' Harrison $t«., CHICAUO. fcil, :S"v tv • lA AAA NAMES of residents wanted.-- IV.UUU For 25 Names and 25 cents we will send yon a fine silk handkerchief every thread silk regular price LOO. G. W. Foster A Co., 12ft 3lark street Chicago, I1L * ^,1 ' BIBLE THEOLOGY, COMPARED WITH THE PRZSSmr P&A.0- TICX OF PR0TE8TAHT CHTJRCHXt. Ht M. FOOTS, RICIIKOXD, IUU . ^VSLISJTJSD BY RBQUES^ To undertake to compare tlie Theol­ ogy of the bible with the church theol­ ogy we should find it a difficult task to come to a very definite conclusion what their theology really wight IK*.-- So we are only left to judge ol their dootVine and practice from olwervatiotn believing the time lias fully come when the chureh should in the spirit of truth examine fairly and earnestly without prejudice whether the theol­ ogy practiced by the churches at the present day are in harmony with the sacred word of God, Reform if need be, that their power and influence -might be concentrated against thecom- moii enemy of all righteousness. Hence we start out with tins sacied proposi­ tion, "let God be true if every man is proved a liar." Fully believing in the word of inspiration, the law give \ by God to Mose?, the truth of prophesy, And the doctrine taught by Christ and and his apostles, all of which is given and revealed to man for the safety, well being and salvation of the race.-- Then let us reason together with hon­ est hearts and purposes and concede to infinite truth. In the days of the apos- lleg, in diflerent localities, churches were organized. With this sacred in­ junction. forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is. They were calculated for the safety and protection of the saints or christians, and for the purpose of wor­ ship. They were founded by the apos­ tles, and approved of God, for the pro­ motion and influence' of the gospel.-- This gospel contained the vital princi- f»le of peace on earth, good will to man. n its articles, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, with this instruction from Christ, "Have peaqe one with another, guide your feet in the way of peace, follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord, for peace I le*ve with yon, my peace give 1 unto you." The apos­ tle says to be spiritual minded is life and peace, the fruits of the Spirit is love and peace. The apostle urges them as christians to be at peace among themselves, and to live peacefully v. Sih all men. For ye are come unto mount Zion. and unto*the city of the living.-- The heavenly Jerusalem, and unto an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the rst born, which are written In heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect. Is nonsuch a place worth struggling for? Paul visited and wrote many letters to the churches, urging them to be stead­ fast, umnoveable, alw*y& abounding in the work of the Lord. He to recommend or encourage popular work. Now what do we see in the practice or exhibitions of the churches at the pres­ ent day,(Which we will call theology) among the many established Denomi­ nations, lamentable and astonishing to behold? The selfishness, jealousy, strife, yea, and often enmity becoming visible almost on every hand among those professing to be of one family, who are strictly commanded to love one another as I have loved you. Dem­ onstrations are daily brought to view, some of which are that of feeling no particular interest only for my church or our church, as the word is most com­ monly used, probably very justly, for God is not in their church, neither does lie belong to it, and it m*y possi­ bly be that he does not belong to them Is is not true that the great struggle and strife is to build up our cburch even at the destruction of any or all others. Such strife seems to demon­ strate very plain and positively, that a spirit that is not of Christ, is the pre­ dominating principle of an unregener- ated heart. For where is the love and peace manifested, commanded by Je­ sus Christ,and taught by the apostles, a doctrine, the production of wlti?h is, "Peace 011 earth good will to men," a doctrine and religion that will sliine more and more unto the periect day. THE GOVERNMENT < OF CHURCHES. In the days of the apostles(They not being able to leave preaching for worldly matterf:)they recommended that wise men true and good, should be chosen to look after the interest of the church, and the members welfare. The apostles «old their possessions, goods, and parted them to all men as they had need, and all that bel ieved were together and had all things common, being of one mind continuing daily in the temple praising with one accord the Lord their God. But now the contrast seems widely difler. selfishness and sinister motives seems to be the ruling eflort. We want the best side for our church, we want it built beautiful, attractive, sub­ stantial and cheap. Preparatory steps are taken for its erection and comple­ tion. and now comes the trying time to test vital piety. It takes money and it must be raised to accomplish the ,object in view, a subscription is pre­ sented impartially to all, accompanied by the good old text, "the Lord loves a cheerful giver." They are solicited to subscribe according to their means (and sometimes a little more), Soon a contention is visible. Brother judging harshly the wealth or means of a broth­ er, and often being a little dishonest, (which sometimes may possibly be true we admit.) a contention becomes troublesome in the church, discard and hard feeling generally the result, one brother pretending to know more about a brothers business than he knows himself. But still the finances must be raised at all sacrifice, and some members like Job, in a few hours are poverty poor. The question now be comes a serious one. How shall the treasury be replenished? Different projects are set on foot, socials are or­ ganize d each member to pay ten cents concerts repeatedly held/ a" fee of ad mittance expressly for the benefit of the church, suppers are gotten up With a healthy fee to be paid for by the hun­ gry. The beautiful cakes left are put up at auction and sold to the highest bidder. (Instead of gathering the fragments In a basket)* morel way of gambling, still all this is claimed to be for the benefit of the chureli and to assist the Lord in sustaining his loved ones, and save the lehureh from bankruptcy, all honest and morally riirht because the t<arth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. Relig­ iously claimed to be justifiable because I t i$ gathering into the treasury of the Lord his own. Does the word of the Lord provide for such a scheme of reve­ nue? It seems to be a system that no provision is made for in the bible.-- Sometimes the old veteran christain, who has borne the chills of many a frosty winter, in struggling to maintain church government, and disiptine. who has borne the heat and burden of the day. who has stood and faced the jeers and sneers of the scoflers of christlani- ty, who has unwaveringly, ami with clivistian fortitude withstood the de­ privations of the frontier life for the sake of the Masters cause. In these days of progress and a little more style have to surrender to the young audi knowing ones, all the knowledge and experience they have acquired in a long life of church government and re­ ligious services, especially to allay and avoid trouble and unpleasant feelings, if not the abandoning of the church.-- Such a disposition seems not to beef the submissive Christ-like kind. The teach­ ing of the apostle Is. subiuiting your selves to another in the fear of God, Peter says: Likewise ye younger, submit yourself to the elder, yea. all of you besuhject one to another, and be clothed with humanity. Excellent ad- viee to practice. THE CHOICE OF CHURCHES. One Church only was organised by the apostle, that being founded upon Christ. He being the only foundation and rock, no other foundation could be laid in the wisdom of God for the christian church. But in the wisdom of finite man, there is my church and your church, and their church al­ most without number, adapted to the conscience, cNfcice and condition of my #ho may be desirous to connect them­ selves with a body of professed relig­ ious people, one heart and one mind now is dispensed with, and also the apostolic church. HIE QUALIFICATIONS OF THK PREACHER. Christ choso poor, illiterate fisher­ men, and said to them follow me and I will make you fishers of men. They Immediately left ail and went into the work, with qualifications from lstaels God, preaching the Gospel with zeal, energy, power and boldness, facing ail perils by land and water, until the truth of Chri8ts Kingdom and mission was joyfully, truthfully, and perma­ nently established. What a great change In this day of progress and wis­ dom. Poor mortal inau now must be the judge whether or no a man is called of God to preach his Gospel. As a gener­ al rule a man must be a graduate from college if he only went Into the t&nt and out of the back door. There is no use now to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints against the wisdom of this world with an illiterate fisherman. Indirectly assserting that Christ made a mistake In his choice un­ less he was able to qualify them for the Gospel work. That is just what christ did do and that is just the reason of their sublime sermons and great suc­ cess, Christ workiug with his chosen ones even unto the end. Could we not look for more success at this day of progression If Christ would be with the preachers now. Go and preach was the divine command to his apostles They obeyed Immediately, no time spent in college or ordinations of men. What now is the fate of him who feels and believes he Is called to the Gospel work before lie can be ordained, by men? A counsel must be called, an ex­ amination held, and if the counsel after due examination and deliberation think God has really called the brother to preach, and finding him sound in the faith of tiie church to which is grant­ ing and qualifying him for the sacred work, they will ordain him for the ministerial office, whether God has called him or not. Go and preach my Gospel was the di­ vine command. Mortality was not con­ sulted. We don't find that those that Christ sent out even asked how much could be raised for preaching.-- That now is about the first thing to be secured. Divine authority says the laborer is worthy of his hire, and Christ said to them he sent out, into whatsoever city ye enter and they re­ ceive you not go your ways out in the streets of the same and say, even the dust of your city which cleaveth on us we do shake ofi against you. Would it be strange if much dust was now being wiped off against a people refusing to receive a person in the Gospel work, preaching Christs love for man? Isa­ iah says the man of god Is anointed to preach good tidings. How many now are preaching good tidings of a loved, crusified Saviour? The apostles declared they preached not themselves but Christ Jesus the Lord. They also affirmed that they preached Christ Je­ sus and him crucified. Paul urged and exhorted them to keep in memory what he preached. Again he said.-- (asking some vital question) How shall they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent? The apostle said he was ordained a preacher, he declared he spoke the truth in Christ, and did not lie. Ques­ tion, Paul; who ordained you. the eter­ nal God or a counsel of men? Oh that the world might be blessed with more of heavens ordaining! Here perhaps, lies the main difficulty and the grand cause of the barreness of the efforts put forth in evangiiizing and moralizing the world, showing very conclusively that the ordinations, many of them were not of God, neither were they ever called to the Gospel work.-- (A regretted mistaken calling.) Laboring without any vital piety or Christian Influence, teaching more to please man and to become popular, than to please God. Laboring very plausible to establish a liberal plan of salvation in our church, I remember very distinctly of listening to a Minis­ ter that made certain games a part of his Gospel discourse, in which he made the efiort to smother ofi the sinful ef­ fects of oertaln games of amusements, Innocent games, harmless ones, as be­ ing all harmless, providing conscience did not forbid such as croquet, domi­ noes and dancing, claimed there was no real sin or harm in them, providing their conscience did not condemn, did not think he would indulge In them himself, but would not condemn it in others. This diflers from the teaching of the apostie. Paul says abstain from all apnea ranee of evil. There­ fore we will let the apostle and the Minister settle the question. 1 submit this question. Is such loose religious doctrine, calculated to convert man­ kind and bring them in a preparatory conditio:: to forsake all, father, mother wife and children, houses and lands for tlie Kingdom of Heaven? The Minis­ ter should not have forgotten that a little dance sost John the Baptist his head. Conscience then to be the rule and guide for indulgences is it? Are the young or old christ'inti*. competent to judge, and to be governed by con­ science alone? What a strength of latitude would be given to professors if this conscience principle was to gov­ ern the christian church. Conscience would smile in many hearts professing godliness to have the sscred place of worship converted Intoadaucing hall, for some believe they can worshipGod with the feet as well as with the heart. Probably just as acceptable with him. who saic) give me thine heart. Imag­ ine but for a moment. what a state of society ami pity this conscience relig­ ion would produce. The apostle ut- terred a sacred truth when he said, that they might all be damned who be­ lieved not In the truth, but had pleas­ ure In unrighteousness. Christ says my sheep hear my voice And I know them and thev follow me, Believest thou this? 'fhiuk you he is Indulging in values of 'amusement for pastime, or foolishly spending his time in the dancing hall. What say you professor? Do you think his conscience would per­ mit it? Let us hear what he said tohls mother when only twelve years of age. When his parents had missed hi in and searching for him found him in the temple among the doctors and learned men answering questions and asking many, his mother said to him. Why hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold thy father and 1 sought thee sorrowing And he said how is it that ye sought me,knowest ye not I must be about my fathers business? Peter declared that they had left all and followed him. Who trod the wiue pi-ess alone, and sll gumes and dancing If ever foolish enough to be engaged iu them. It seems that this conscience business is far from the Saviours and apostles teachings. Let cowardice, shame and confusion be stamped on the brow of every such Reverend who dare stand ui> before God and an intelligeut peo­ ple with the Bible shining iu all purity of light and truth, which declares em­ phatically that except a uiau forsake all and follow -Christ he cannot be . diclple. Plain declaratlou has Cits: ordained men and sent tlieta out to teach aud preach a doctrine so much unlike the one he sufiered on the cross to establish, a doctrine subverting the Holy Bible aud the truths U contains. Deluding the minds of the weak aud ignorant, it is not strange that they should be led to believe a false hope and a sandy foundation for a christian life aud work. No wonder that Christ often used the word hypocrite. THELABota AND WORKINGS OF OUUUCHKS. Efforts are usually made by many churches during t lie whiter season for revivals, ail well and proper, providing the spirit of Uod is tiie uioviug cause, Meetings are appointed, bard work U performed to awakeu the old, tired, and worn out, to arouse the sleepy and luke warm and managing to get the brother and sister iu hailing distance of each other, Some perhaps filled so much with & wicked ulsposlttou that for a long time have shunned and re­ fused to recognize each other or give them a christian greeting, usiug every effort to correct this evil and stimulate the professor to action, duty and relig­ ious services, which has been so long neglected that spiritual death is al­ most ready to seize upon the church visable, the light almost obscurud iu sinful darkness. Eflorts are made to persuade the wicked to forsake sin and the error of their ways. But says the non-professor /to forsake the error of my ways is all right, to adopt yours where is the improvement?-- Meetings are held as long as the pros- 1>ccts are flattering,some times longer, nit The end comes aud with it astrug- f;le. the quick eye of perception look-ng over the field, about the most in­ teresting work begins, that of gather­ ing the harvest sheaves (If any to gath­ er) earefully selecting the large, heavy fair and rich ones, to come to our church. There is nothing said about Gods church as a general thing. But our church, a very marked differences and attention being paid to the man or woman of wealth and influence. Those who will give character and especially the one thing needful, often meeting with with serious objections. The young convert being solicited to unite with our church promptly replies,I am not a Baptist. 1 don't believe in close communion, I really don't admire the M..E. Church or Congregational, don't think probation or sprinkling just right. Then at the other churches, there is Mrs. A. or Mrs. B. belonging there, I can't get along |with them very well, Then there is brother such-a-one, belonging to the other church shall not go where he is. Then at theflJnlve rea­ list or Catholic churches, my folks don't wish me to go there. Poor creature, no harbor for thy soul. Now if the ob­ ject was only to unite with the church of the living God In place of our church or your church, all this would be easily obviated, because no members are ever admitted but,such as are duly and tru­ ly prepared, worthy and well qualified. To the candidate it would be of but little consequence who the other mem i>ers were, inasmuch as God himself recognizes them as having on th«i gar­ ments dyed in blood. But says the so­ licitor, our church is very liberal, try it a short time and if you don't think best to uuite in full fellowship you need not. The other says, our church Is about right. « Httle more so think than any other*. We let the (Hem do about as they pleas* sniffs they are modest about it. Come and we will do yon good. And aitflktliei' Mtjrs our church is the only one founded truly and squarely on the Bible, all other* are simply side tracks of the nutta thoroughfare toglorv. Still not for­ getting the worth of the candidate fi­ nancially, in which light a bad rich man U more honored than a poor good man. Truly IK not this a complicated theology? fcvery perceivable religions ntea?is are used to proctire additions to our chttrch. Oh, tlie day of sifting will come! T«R INtrtJLOENCE OFCWWRCtl Msny there are who identifies tfteni- s«'Jve« with some church. This being 1 "ght and proper, a duty and an honor, providing the love of God is the prompting In flue uce of action. There is not a question or a doubt but that very many honest in purpose, feeling it a sacred duty to unite with some Christian Church from influences brought to bear upon them, those In­ fluences being entirely foreign from tlie influence of the Holy 8pirn in the heart. This being true there is no vital convcrtlon. being then only skele­ tons In the church. This is DM of the many hindrances to the growth and prosperity of the same. Bene* the expression so often used by noil pro­ fessors '-if such a one is a Cnrlfttlan, I don't wan't that kind of reltgeon.'* (Perhaps there would not be enough of It to save yon.) WI10 would know of their Christianity or piety only as their names are upon the ehurch record. Many there may be who tifclt# under tho influence of a selfish motive Soon the atmosphere Changes, trials, disappointments, persecution flood about them, (louds gather, storms and larkness hover over them, They be. gin to tremble feeling that they never knew what true conversion was. Doubts and fears take possession of the heart, soon they begin to' falter, sicken, droop faint and die. Tlwy are like the seed sown by the wayside, no depth of root. Hence the prayertmeet- ing is neglected. Boon most of tho duties connected with Christianity aud the church are dispensed w Ith. They become drones, yea worse than droitea, in the church, Seldom see them at the post of duty, a return to their former associates is the inevitable result. To tlie shooting match, the dancing party, the social and harmleM games of amusements, using as an argument^ my conscience now permits It, our minister and members ot the church tq wfelclt 1 belong sanction it, and I really enjoy It. and the church evidently Is forced to bury them to get them ont of sight us members of their chnrch. Henoe the religion of our Sacrificed Lord beeomee a secondary Interest &o all suoti If ever professed by them. Christ aaye fe^ * ,ii Where yourtreasure heart be also. Agala he says nolsll that saltb unto me Lord,' Lord afca!! enter Into the Kingdom of God. But they that do the will of my Father which Is In Heaven, Question, are the socials of folly, of evil amnaements, the card table, the d&uclug hall, the proper place to pay homage to the - will of the Lord? ProfeSsoxa quay do It, but will not the time come, wfiett:' the question may be asked. What are you here for, not having on the Wed­ ding garments? Depart. I never knew you. The Sacred word aaye; "Go not Into the way of evil upea, avoid them, pass not by them, tarn from them and pass away." la not this safe to do ? The Apostle aseerta that It is a fearful thlmr to fall h»to the hands of the living God. fisv many upou close exauiuatloa compar- lug their hope with the revealed wort cau truthfully affirm, that by regener­ ation spiritually 1 dou't think 1 evet was iu Ills bauds, (a very rational con­ clusion,) Christ says: "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.** Hence he says: "My son give me thine fcenrt, nothing short will answer, follow me.** Did Christ mean what lie sab*? Did he utter words without a meanlttg? Did he give his time to foollshnises and vain glory? I tell you nay. He posi­ tively declared, I must be about my Father's business. He failed not to Inspire the Apostles, to firmly teach the doctrine to shun all appearand Of evil. Therefore the Bible doctrine la positively agaiustsuch evil Indulgen­ ces. PRIDE OF THE CHURCH. Tills may be another evil whfeh to­ day is cursing the world, and destroy­ ing the Influence of. the Chrlstaln re­ ligion. We want a man in our church who lias some style, a man of fine edu­ cation aud talent, one that dresses well, and can till the desk wi th flae ap­ pearance, and, if he Is good looking we won't object, One that has a faculty to please aud eutertaln an audience. We have a good Chrlstaln man but he don't really suit. He Is not a graduate. He preaches too long or to shorr. Drawee rather poorly. Is not quite popular enough for the proeperity of our church. Such people would be very apt. if John the Baptint should come from the wilderness with his preaching ap­ parel on, think best to refuse him the house and desk, to preach repen­ tance and a Christ to come. With such pride and atate of feeling a change is perfected. The church is left with chills and,fever, and often with mill dew siults becomes dejeetecJ. The can­ dle stltik' being removed. Dies--with­ out hope of a resurrection. -T":; , [Concluded next twdij WfM "JtJW received this week at Mr*. 8. Searles, a large stock of Summer Mil­ linery. Every novelty of the season.-- Also a large stock of Cloaks, Dolmana, Circles and material and trimmings for making up in silk, diagonal and light cloth, end will sell cheap. Call and examine and get pi Ices before purchasing elsewhere. Cucumber Seeds, for the Pick Factory at Stevens & Schnorr^s Ladles regular uiude i»alhrlggftn Rsff ceuts, at FitMimiuons A SvaasnaV 7 - m

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