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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1879, p. 5

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f< < x?<-~ s>* * "" IJ;, 4 r','V< ' •./ */ * ** * . * > ~ w , ^ **" * -*- ^ (-/; /< * \"~ ^ V<*«y 4 ^ - N ->. S.^R /** ^ ^ v >* -• v \r ^sygp ( :/. - ,. *,•>-, - n .. »J If ? - * ,+- *« ••>*•••' »** '• *jt * «iti W;- wm WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th, 187$. Railroad Time Table. $. ^ OOlKO BOOTH. "-.jftmeva Uke Bfcstenger. 7:31 A. K. InrtH .........S:S4 A. V, flmm Laki rnl|kt .1:1# r. n. boat Xxpr&M #:» P. M. OOfWO VOKTH. M«M%bO»t |BxnrM« ....9:50 A.M. 3M«f! Itkke rrelitht ..10:02*. *. «MT»LAK« Express 5:49 A.*. «T> Ltk* Pauencflr 8-.6S p. K J® fiW pScHenry Lecture kociatioL Tbe next Lectarei of this AiMeti* 11 be delivered by 0. William Bailey, --AT THE- WIVERSALIST CHITBCH, --OK-- JNM 19th, 20th, 21st & 2 2d. 99 ; * ° 1 -- S U B J E C T : ; jf£ China and the Chinese, r f*'* Delivered In full Chinese Costume. . The two Lectures delivered by Mr, tlley, In this village in March last re highly received, and no one who has once heard him will fall to attend * the balance of his Lectures. iPersons holding Season Tickets wll i entitled to the first Lecture of this jwrte. , Remember the dates and Secure your tickets early.* SEE the new advertisement of E. M.j en, in another column. , «•;. :'!iv At Lauer ft Becker's, near the Depot,' • HShn be found a full stock of Dusters, at prices to suit the times. HON. GEO. GAGE and wife started for Osborn City, Kansas, on Friday last. They expect to be gone about fix weeks. MRS. BRYEE, wife of Henry lfryer, 'died on Thursday last, of Consumption She leaves a husband and several child- tfn to mourn her loss. ^ '*BEV. Peter Arvedson.wlll officiate in the Chapel of C. S, Dole, near the Ice . Bouses. Crystal Lake, on Sunday, June 9td. Swedish Services at 3:p.n. Png- llah Services at 7:30 P.M. /OK account of increasing business at f his home office, Dr. Fegers has been / obliged to discontinue his office at Mo* I Henry, and will hereafter be found at i hit office, in Jyhnsburgh, every day at V the Usual hours. C. V. SmiNS. of the firm of Stevens ft Schnorr, wishes us to inform our fenders tiiat he will be through the eSuntry the next few weeks, ready to tUy Wool and pay the highest market price therefor. See his notioe If au- •ther column. ^ /WE hereby tender thanks to Lewis / Waite, for a pail of the finest Straw- Vjterries we have seen this year. Mr. Waite has a large bed of this delicious faiit. which he informs us is yielding Immensely this season, and as to their fuality we can testify. P. K. GRANGER shipped from this r Station the first lot of Wool of the sea' ion, a few days since, (about 8,000 lbs,) jMid still has quite a lot on hand* He Is buying extensively this season and Will pay as high as any other buyer In the market. WE were shown tome of the finest Beef at the Market of R. A. Howard, on Friday last, that we have seen in a rag time. Howard always keeps his farket supplied with the best, and Spares no pains to please all who give him a sail. He will please accept our thanks for a splendid Steak. Ir any of our correspondents are Tpeglected or their letters cut short, fhey will bear with us. as our columns , are unusually crowded,., and a rush of Job work has put our work so far be­ hind that we have not been able to give our communications that personal attention that we desire* / THE Excursion advertised to take /place on Saturday last, for the benefit / Of the M. E. Parsonage, was upost- Iponed on account of the weather," Tain falling steadily nearlv all the forenoon. This Excursion will take place at some future time, a definite time for which hat nog been settled ^ JUST received this week at Mrs. 8. Searies, a large stock of Summer Mil- * llnery. Every novelty of the season.-- ." Also a large stock ol Cloaks, Dolmans, Circles and material and trimmings ior making up in silk, diagonal and . tight cloth, and will sell cheap. Call §nd examine and get pi Ices before purchasing elsewhere. TICKETS' have been issued for a | Gfand Party at the Riverside Honse, V la this village, on the evening of July ^Jylth. With the reputation that this HF Htase has for getting up pleasant par­ ties, this announcement is all that Is ^i§|«MeMary to ensure a good crowd on w that occasion. Mine host Wightman will do his beat, a» he always does, to Biike it pleasant for all who attend. If you have any Cash to boy Goods with call a( Fitzsimmont * Svanaoto'a. jMSk? ' . * ' WE are informed that the Johns- burgh Baftd have chartered the Steamer "Mary OrUwoUr for a Picnic Fxcur. sion to FoxLake. on Tuesdav next, the 34th. The Steamer will leave McHenry at 10 o'clock A. 11. sharp. A pleasant and enjoyable time is expected. A general invitation Is extended to all. Remember the day mid date, Tuesday next, June 24th. WE understand that a party are camped on the river below this village, and with nets are hauling out loads of fish dally. We believe there is a law against this, and we trust they may be made to feel the penalty of it. We learn that their names are known, and that proceedings will be commenced at an early day. They should be pros­ ecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As will be seen by the Time Table at the head of this page, there has been another change in the running of the trains on this road, and another new Express Train h$s been put on.-- Travelers should make a note of this, as a matter of a few minutes may make a good deal of difference if you are anxious to go somewhere and get to the Depot just after ine train has left. IK connection with the Wauoonda Celebration,on the Fourth,G. W.Pratt has made arrangements to give a series of Dances, both day and evening, in Maiman't Hall, in that village, where those who love to "trip the light fantastic" can do so after the best of music, and suit their own conveni­ ence as to time. Those who attend the celebration at that place should not fail to bear this in mind. R. BiSHOP, of the Fox River Valley ill, has just been puting tn a new Water Wheel, of an improved pattern and large sise. with which he assures us he can grind forty bushels per hour and also run his Corn Sheller. Mr. ishop, is constantly making newim- provements about his Mill, and leaves nothing undone that money or labor can do to keep up to the demand of the times. This new Wheel weighs three thousand two hundred pounds. WE would again remind all those who wish a good time of the Excur­ sion to the Lakes on Saturday next under the auspices of the McHenry County Teachers Association. The in­ vitation is general to all, and it Is hoped there may be a good turn out, which we confidently predict there will be should the weather prove favor­ able. The Steamer will leave McHenr ry promptly at ten o'clock, and will return in time for those liviug tn other parts of the county to get home early in the evening. This will a capital time for persons to get a good vlew 'of Fox Lake and its surroundings. Let everybody turn out. 0 , I . . T | , | * • WE would again remind our refers of the Lectures ou "China and Chinese,'n which cotniueuce at the Universalist Church, in this village, to morrow. (Thursday) evening. No one who heard Mr Bailey ou his former visit here, will, we think, miss to hear him this time, and those who did not^vill lose a rich treat if they do not secure a season ticket for the whole four Lectures. He draws full houses wherever he goes. The following notice of his late Lectures we clip frout the Marion. Iowa, Register: Seldom is a lecture in Marion greeted with an audience as large as thsit with which Compradore Geo. Wm. Bailey was complimented last Sunday even­ ing. The reputation that the lec­ turer made during iiis last visit was no doubt the cause of the assemblage of so many of our citizens. Long before the hour for the lecture to commence had arrived the church was literally Sacked. The parlors aid aisles were lied and about two hundred of our people were turned away, unable to find even standing room. Our Churches were represented by the different pas­ tors, who took part in the opening and closing exercises. The lecturer dwelt for a moment on the four great relig­ ions of China, and then pictured the temples, and the superstitious practices of the people. In such a way that one almost Imagined tkey were in heath­ endom. It would be useless, for us to attempt, to give an account of all he said, for he is very rapid talker and condenses. We gained a better knowl­ edge of China than we ever before possessed. To praise the lecture or the lecturer is needless. To those who have never h$ard him, we say. go, and you will not regret the time or money spent. To those who heard the lecture Sunday evening, advice is not necessary. Over seven hundred and fifty people were present and a iiaudsome sum was realized. "A '; ' -* f 4 T j x j WOOL! WOOL!! - , We want your Wool and will pay the highest market price for It. STEVENS &SCHJTOBB. Near the Depot, McHenry I1L Wauconda Ice Cream Parlor Ed. A. Golding would respectfully inform the public that he has opened an Ice Cream Parlor, where the best of Ice Cream will be served every day and evening by the dish or quantity.-- A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor is always cool and quiet, and I respectfully invite all who wish any thing in this line to call iU^:»wiUtry and please them. ED. A. uouuiro. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. ' Having sold out my harness shop, at Volo, I am making preparations to go toChicago, and would request those in­ debted to me, either by Note or Book Account, to make immediate settle­ ment. o - All acconnto will be left with David - ***"• - •IS# |v > FOX LAKE. EDXIOK PL AIKDK ADER :--The"Lakes" in full swing just now. Steamboats frequent, hoarders plenty, and flth ac­ commodating. MissGriswold, the new steamboat, is good looking, though con­ trary to the usual course of nature, her youthful knees are stiff and she refuses to move fast until she gets old enough. Under a full head of steam however there la no doubt that Mary's stern- wheel will mtlte things Jump ftt a lively pace. The Picnic announced tor the 21st, on behalf of the knights of the birch rod, excites a lively interest, and much enthusiasm prevails amongst our sin­ gle men in auticipation of this load of sweetness, and I might here suggest In confidence that an escort accompany that damsel freight, as the fate of the "Sabine women" somewhat awaits them if left unprotected, the more so that considerable single homes have to he replenished, and all the fish biting, so that none but the homeliest may sur­ vive the attack. The male teachers, however, need apprehend no unpleas­ antness. The little steamboat is popping up constantly at the most unexpected moments, and seems to monopolize all the trade whilst the limbs of the "Mary" are getting limber, hut this little firefly is soon expected to settle down mowing weeds on the lake shores Col. Lippincott's residence Is now wiggling betwixt a private residence, a hotel, a meeting house and a club house. Whether It will eventually drift into a church or a bathing estab­ lishment remains to be seen. The Sycamore aud Elgin Clubs have opened the season at their establish­ ments with a grand pow wow, In which fishing, sailing and stomachs played a conspicuous part. The Elgins carried the ribbon in a generous display of lager which they kept open to the world. The Sycamores too, had smiles to spare, but owing to the discy ele­ vation of their house, motives of pre­ caution make them adhere more rig­ idly to the red ribbon style. Accord­ ing to the by-laws of that society noth­ ing stronger than weak tea will be al­ lowed to be drank except on the beaoh until the bluff is graded. Mr. Barclay's new Yacht it quttA an addition to the sailing attraction* of the Lake. Have had no opportunities yet of sailing in her but judging from the way she has been disporting round should say she Is a success, and well adapted to the Elgin, which is emi­ nently an amphibious club, liviug al­ most entirely on the water. Will try and keep track of that pie* nlc on the 91st and see whether a few heads of tulips and posies can be pluck­ ed for seed or not. Much rains and ttorait Around these Lake3 at present. How It It in the more southern climate of McHenry. OCCASIONAL. * NIINDA- " f, ' PLAINOKALKR- ex­ treme follows another and there It too much rain hereabouts to suit the far> men at present, showlug the weakuess of human nature. One day lust week one of John Marshall's horses kicked him while passing it in the stable, fracturing one of the bones below the knee. Ira has bought one of Mr. Vise's lots, the one North of Stone's, and will com­ mence to build a house soon. Mrt. Churchill hat been quite sick for a week past. Her sister, from near Ringwood has been with her. J. A. Sheldon went to Ringwood on Monday last to build a Harness Shop for G. L. Hubbard, who formerly work­ ed here for Hurlburt. Hubbard Is a steady young man and we hope the Ringwood people will give him their support. Where was our night watch on laat Saturday night. Is the cry of a great many folks of our tbwn. We will say for him that he does not watch private houses around town, and on that night some party or parties gained an en­ trance into D. C. Maliory's residence and into the room of Daniel Ellsworth who is staying there, and was known to have quite a sum of money, but luckily had deposited It a few days before. The thieves took his pocket book with two dollars, knife and comb and happened not to see hit watch.-- And not satisfied with that went Into the pantry, took seveiral pies and cakes and other eatables and made well their escape without any oue knowing it until morning. There is no doubt in our mind but the parties live in our town and greet us with a good day at a friend would and we hope soon to see the gang broken up for four or five times a year such thiugs have happen­ ed and circumstances go to show it must be some one living in our midst. We would like to see them brought to justice and receive their just duet. John Riley's team ran away here one dav last week and he ran In front of them catching one by the bit and was thrown down and the team and wagon passed over him hurting one foot con­ siderably but no serious injuries. The strawberry festtval in Balh>u's Hall last Wednesday evening, gave the M. E. Society a clear gain of 913, a pleasant time and all went away satls- fied, Sam, Jafekton, of Missouri,and Her­ man Jackson of Oskosh. both tons of Wm. Jackson, are visiting their pa­ rents here. 3ijie children* entertainment at the mmm M. E. Church last Sunday evening wa* very fine and reflects much credit upon the one who got it up. Dr. Ballou's residence has been Im­ proved by the addition of outside blinds on the house and inside blinds on the bay window.-. I guess the Glass ball shootlsts of this place will have to come to the same conclusion that ths Base' Ball chaps did and throw up the sponge.-- There are two or three in the team that can't be iieat in ]tltis section, such Hod Burton and S. E. Gates, .but the balance can get from 4 to 10 out of 20, and such shooting will not win any laurels for Nunda, They snfiered their second defeat on Friday by the Wood­ stock team. G. H. Clayson i* once more drying clover blossoms. He ha* as many as 100 hands working sotne days. The dryer is ron day and night as he has a con­ tract for 75.000 pounds when dried. He pays 2 cents a pound when the parties furnish their own clover and 1} cents when he furnishes and draws It him­ self. «seasgi as .*:? . a'. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINI>EALKR:--At we are absent from town nearly all the week, we have r.ot the chnnoe to become so'thoroughly posted on matters de­ manding our attention as we should like, anji for waut of more accurate in­ formation we may sometimes unir.ten tionallv do injustice. When we do we hope to make it right"as soon as possi­ ble. We shall put forth our. best eflorts to be fair to all, and at the same time we shall write independent. Our remarks of last, week in refer­ ence to the course of our school board !n allowing Prof, Wilkie to be cm- ployed elsewhere attracted some atten- tention. and from more* recent infor­ mation it appears that five of the six members were decidedly in favor of retaining hint, and the complaint is made that the clerk of the board is wholly responsible .acting in the name of the board without the knowledge of the board. We learn that early in the seasou Prof, Wilkie informed the clerk that he had an offer of a school else­ where, aud was requested to answer immediately, that if our board wished to do so they could retain him, but that he was not to be considered an appli­ cant, and he requested an early answer. After a few days the clerk informed him that It was not their custom to hire for the coming year until after the close of school, &c. Prof. Wilkie regarded that as indicating that he was not wanted, and with manly inde­ pendence at once accepted the oiler made him at Austin. Mucli feeling ex­ ists on the subject, and the clerk Is the target for hot shot on all sides. Let the blamo rest where it belongs, hut the consequences are to be sinccrely regretted. Wo exchange a certainty for an uncertainty, and the successor of Prof. Wilkie will have enough to do to fill his place, and give satisfaction. Last Friday afternoon the school, or part of it, attracted a large aud inters ested audience to their hall to {listen to declamations, essays, &c, 4c. Gen­ eral report indicated that the occasion was one of decided interest, and that three members of the board were pres­ ent and made highly laudatory speech­ es. The exercises of the graduating cials will be Friday evening. June 20th, at the Presbyterian Church. We shall try to be present, and the occasion is looked forward to with much interest. Some time since we spoko o* the notice to saloon keepers to adhere strictly to the law, or quit. For awhile they apparently did. and but few were seen Intoxicated. But the evil seems again oti the iucrease, and well known topers are to be seeu on our streets al­ most daily staggering under the Influ­ ence of strong drink. Many of these are farmers living miles from town. That our worthy mayor, Mr. J. J. Mur­ phy, will do his best to make the saloon keepers as law abiding as other classes have to be, we have not the least doubt from our knowledge of his firmness aud decislou of character, and he can de­ pend on the cordial support of a largo majority ot all the people. When we see habitual drunkards stagger about tbe streets intoxicated, in evidence that law has been violated, we are re­ minded of the man who in a certain city, applied for aliceuse, and oil being asked if he could furnish satisfactory evidence of good moral character, re­ plied, that he never knew before that a man needed any moral character to sell whisky. Those Interested can make the application. If our State laws were strictly enforced but little com­ plaint would be made about the saloons, and if the keepers were all honest men it would not need much enforcemeut We are pleased to report that the Fourth will be duly celebrated in Woodstock. About 9300 have already been subscribed, and more will be raised. Our last effort in that line was -the centennial. We cannot yet give the programme. Many thanks to the editor of the PLAINDEALER for kindly favors while at McHenry last bafcuruay. • *--40,ur To sell for C&sh only. two trust ,to rich or poor, good or bad. We want your trade o% this basis and shall work for it by giving you goods at the lowest living cash prices. Try us but do not ask for credit. *tipraxt * scujfoitx. . ' "flrfrif Tfi "/m jL'nil ill! i.A. iii Richmond Department For Heaven's sake when will the Cfazette'g "Railsplittei" stop grinding oat. or rather bolting, that atrocious twaddle, "Around the Lakes." Give tit arett! ,, J. I. Case ft Co. can't 4o business very well without the help of Perry Skinkle. He soon startt on his travels for that great manufacturing firm.-- Weil, 95 a day and found, ain't bad to take. tivators at E. M. Owen's H Fltzsim Upon tome bad portions of road eatt of towu,*good work Is being done by the road masters, who are beginning to find out that nothing but sand and gravel will make prairie much fit to travel on, p, K, A lieu leads the good work, I understand that my brother and sister' teachers as well at mv&elf have received a cordial Invitation to join in next Saturday's teachers pic­ nic at Fox Lake, via McHenry and the Mary Grlswold." Prepare room for one at least. If the teachers of McHen ry County want a blow out, why, 1st era blow. Who's abetter right? Isn't the rain business getting it in a little too thickP Rain U a good thing in its proper place, but a second deluge is not wished for just yet, though it must be confessed the world Is wicked enough to deserved it. If it keeps on, mankind will begin to pray for a growth of feathers or a death penalty for stealing umbrellas, Mr. Cotting is kept so busy measuring the rainfall that he can't sleepo'nlghtt Dry up there, Old Prob! P. G. Skinkle is fitting op the lint story of his building for a dwelling and dressmaking rooms, to be occupied when fluished, by Mrs. Darling, whose dressmaking establishment Is at pres­ ent In Mrs. Giilespies building. At now being arranged there will be a pleasant front parlor, a work room alt. ing room, bedroom, buttery, closet, all convenient and of ample dimeti sious. The location will be a very convenient one for Mrt, Darling and her customers. The strawberrv festival at the Rloh mond House, Thursday evening, given for the purpose of raising money for the Congregational church, was fairly attended, and it voted by those pres­ ent to have been a pleasant affair. I for one, enjoyed myself first rate, but I can't help noticing that folks are not as ready to iuvest their shekels In such enterprises as they were when the world was more ignoraut and a church thought necessary to a man's sal vat iou. It would be laughable to have the M. E Church try to get up a festival or a do­ nation for their equine Gospel ex­ pounder, the Kev, S. H. Stlre! Go lu brother Downing or brother McConnel, and let's have some fun! Neigh! Homer Hastings, under direction of the Ctty Gran'dads, Is mending the streets these days, A large lot of sand and gravel have been dumped on the street between Alexander ft Hyde't corner and the bridge; but as the road was good enough before, I can't see for the life of me what Its being done for. Fortunately, our people are patient and long sufierlng, and though some unpatriotic cuss will occasionally swear about taxea and heap maledic­ tions upon each and every Individual head of the City Fatherly Cabbage Pile, he It at ouce frowned down and advised to go Into partnership with S, H. Last year over one hundred dol­ lars of the peoples money was utterly thrown away on a turnpike near the depot, where a team don't travel onc0 a month, to I am not turprised, or rath­ er shall not be, at any Brohingdag scheme6f our municipal Lilliputt. A few davs since Henry Marsh, Esq,, removed the bodies of oertain mem­ bers of his family from a private burn­ ing ground on the Noble Farm, to a pleasant lot in the Richmond Ceme­ tery. The bodies of those removed were, John Tebbits, who died two years ago; Rufus Tebbits,22 years; Henry Tebbits, S3 years; John Tebbits, 16 years; and W. L. Marsh, 10 years.-- It may be accounted remarkable that on opening the coffin of Rufus Tebbits his hair was found to have grown to his shoulders, beard reaching to his breast, and a heavy mustache, all of which were clipped very close when he was burled. W. L, Marsh was the In­ fant child of Henry and Sally Ant^ Marsh. On opening the little coffin, hit hair was also fbund to have grown to a wonderful length. The same phenom­ enon was not present with the other bodies. It not the last fact lingular, in the light of the first facts,or are the first unusual ? M. Selz & Co. ' They hive made all the jiate improvements that thp style de­ mand in their custom made fine Boots and Shoes We bave a complete line of their work, and at onlJ ^ no: P.t !" 4(1 FTSCBONMUR, 100,000 Pounds ol Wool,J Wanted. f I shall be in the market the present season, and will pay the Highest Mar­ ket Price for Wool, delivered to me at McHenry. C.B. Hctlwuy, M*jr tftb, MVN Calf Boots for $3.25, a$ Ut Evanson's. Pipes. <%ar Holders, fte* tbe hilt ttock in town, at Lauer A Becker"! Ladies Walking Shoes |p Tie aaft Buttons, tl per pair, it FltsalasmoM ft Evansdu's. For a nobby suit, go It LNW Beckers, near the Depot. Remember E. M. Owen la not und«P> •old on Farm Machinery. A first class Calf Boot «M0, at V1t9» •immons ft Evanson't, The new Corn Harrow. Call and ail it. Can't be beat. Sold on Its merits at E. M. Owen's. ? • ; Coffee. Eight poumls Good ̂ Coffee for c«ne dollar at Stevens & Schnorr's. Clothing cheaper Lauer ft Becker's. thane^f, The "Invincible" a How at E. M„ Owen's. Ladles Hosiery in great variety* cheap, at Fitasimmons ft Evanson*s. i 1 Shoes. Women's Lace Pebble Shof|ft for 75 cts. at Stevens & Schnon** Emerson and KeystonePlanters at greatly reduced priees at E. M.Owenfc Emerson Goods at E. M. Owen's Bert rand t Samet Cultivators ||! E. M. Owen's. S f t , 1 Farmers. If In want of a Mower don*t Sou buy till you see John P. Manni ew front-cut Mower at E. M. ~ Warehouse, Fine Cloths, for Summer Saltings, cheaper than any other house la the county, at Lauer ft Becker's, near the Depot. Straw Hatt and Summer Caps, In til ttyles' at Lauer ft Becker's. --J? A Bran New Keystone Corn Planttp at E. M. Owen's for #30. Call and make a selection ont of different kinds of Cultlvatots Mi S. Owen's. A large line of desirable Prints at 5 cents per yard at Stevens A Schnorr's. GOOD FAMILY FLOUR. For SI. 10 per Sack, at the Fox Valley Mills, , . S. BiMor, Don't you fail to see ths New Riding* Cultivator or Corn Harrow, the owning implement, at E. M. Owen's Warehouse Clothing. , / r A full line, and will sav* ytiH - raonev on every article at Steteat & Scfmorr'a. ^ A few more of the Celebjrafcsd Tsis--'w Carriages at E. M. Oweu't. ^ A fine lot of Jewelry, all kinds, | Gents Watch chains, Ac., at Laurer || Becker's. ,, ~Xl WHEN In Woodttock do aoljrfisil |rr •- call at the City Bakery for Warm eo . J Cold Meals*. They have one ueatett Restaurants in town. .T, the Do not buy shoddy Shoes and Boots, when you can buy a gent ine custom made article at a ̂ more at Stevens & So^ng??'*, v FOR SALE. In Hits village a two sto#)r #*e!Iiit§p house aud two lots will be sold reason* able. For further particulars Inqutr# ° V * ' - J- K"nro»*. i 5 '.-^Sugar. XI pounds Granulated su for $1,00 at Stevens & Schorrs TAKE NOTICE. I will sell Hay Racks forfB, of lumber, well made and Painted. Cas|_ Grain or Wood will be taken in pay* mcnt, or will sell on time with ap* proved Kotos. F. A. BS1AS1V/ ' Bee Hem We intend to make it for th|f interest of all those who are ijf favor of paying as they go tfr ' 1 US Sc-> M? • STBVKHS * actmroBB. H ' No»r the Dtpolt ; •' YH: UlLLINERT. ^ In addltibn to a full stock of Suafe; mer Millinery, Mrs. E. W. Howe hf| put in a flue assortment of Fancy Goods, such as Card board, Zephvrs, Embossed Pictures, ftc. Do not ffcilto call. r,- For the small sum of St eents jtm can buy a Ladles Sundown worth 4§|^ eentt. at Fltasiuimons ft Evanson't. ^ Ladies* • .. Do not fail to call on us fot that new silk Parasol. ; ^ STavEMt A sowKiaar' AI NOTICE^ ' I am prepared to do all kinds of * Dress Making, on short notice. Also cntting ami fitting and Shirt Making. All kinds of sewing done for children in the neatest and best of manner.-* Inquire for 4i^)Fah Hearn?. residents Northwest corner of Pnblte Square* McHenry, 111, SAKAR Hum ' "'"•aM . . #1 wow ft Evanson's. f Ctpcumlwr Seeds, for the Pickl* Factory at. $tggjP8 Ladies regular^aitsife Bal ;0£

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