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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1879, p. 1

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Published Every Wednesday by J. VAN SLYKE Editor And Publisher. Office In Old P. O. Block, --OFTOSITB RIVEB&IDE HOCSB.--" TfcRMS OP STJBSCUIPTIOK: Dne Tear, ciia. Advance,) .....ftfiO If not Paid within Threo Months ... .4 00 •aWarlptions received for three <»re;x months tn the same proportion. BUSINESS CAKD8. H. T. HHOWN. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry A Martins Store, up stairs McHenry 111. C. H. FKliEKS, M. I>. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Johnsburgh Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10 A. M. daily. JlleHenry Ilia.--Riverside House, Tuesdays, Thur>Mtays and Saturdays. Office hours 2 to^4 r. M. '?<<• ' B. A. BEElta M. D. OursiciAKand Surgeon. Otlloeatresidence, m two doors we UK O. J. tfOWAKD, M D. nd Surgeon, of Howard A Sou, McHenry, III. jpmrsjoiAN ami Surgeon. OUice at tae store W. II. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Pliyticlan and Surgeon.-- Office East Side Public Square, Wood- (took, III. Office hours U to 12 A. M., and 4 to 4 P.M. t\ J. BAUBIAN. CIGAR Manufacturor, McHonrv III. ders solicited. Shop North East c Public Square. Or. corner RICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW McHenry, 111. RICHARD COMPTON. "ffTSTlCE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- tl Will attend promptly to the oolLection of iebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. GEO. A. BUCKLIN NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In-suranee Agent. Office at Bucklin A Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, 111. >£. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract or Titles to land in McHenrv County, Illinois. Office with Sounty Clerk, Woodstock. III. ROBT. WRIGHT. ~ Manufacturer of Custom Made Bftots and Shoes. None but the best of material ased and all work warranted. ShopNorthwest sornor Public Square, McHenry, III. i.;. » K.M. OWEN. ; fe:7 - GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Ago lit in Leading Farm Machinery. Price® 1 of and Terms favorable. M c l I E X R Y . . . . . . I L L I N O I S * * N.S.COLBY. J & HfcHENRY, McHenry Co., 111. Breeder of K-, IH Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and " Poltnd China Swiue. A choice lot of, young J Munkiitock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO. SCHREINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry 111. 49"First-01ass Billiard and Pool Tables. J. HONS LETT, ' ' SALOON ami Restaurant. Nearly oppoeite Owen's Mill, McHenry, 111. FreshOysters lerved up in any shape desired, or for sale by the Can. SSTGOOD STABLING FOR HORSES..** I'ETKlt LEICKEM. REPAIttS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of ail kinds. Also Repairs Violins in tliebest possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ son Able rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop trst door North of Riverside Block, McHenry 111. TXT A \TT17 n To make a permanent W i\-lN J- Hil-J engagement with a clergyman having leisure, or a Bible Reader, to introduce in McHenrv County, the CELE- BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week's issue of this paper. Ad- Aress at onoe F. L. HORTON * CO., Publish- •rs and Bookbinders, 60 E. Market St.. Indian- apolis, Ind. TO SELL LIVELY " hard times you need something of Real \ aluc IA the people, do you not? Such is that grand new low priced book, Mm*'* Useful Companion. r ' --ANlJr-' ' .. _ f " Artificer's Assistant •finable receipts by thousands for anything •mil evervbodv. The most universally useful book ever published, saving money to all buyers. Outsells everything. Agents want- ed* ^^gcAMllILL QQ ( gt tonis Mo. •nrr TJ*C: Of all kinds. Tumors, dischar- 1 IJuJlilJ Scs of Blood or mucous, and all diseases of the Rectum quickly and perfectly cured by a simple and soothing remedy. For information: address DR. J. FABER & CO, It Ann St., X. Y. wanted t act as agent 1000 BOYS & GIRLS finir the best Boy's and Girl's paper published !B the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib­ es and agents. Every boy and girl can earn ots of money canvassing during leisure hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to any address on trial three months, for 10 Cents in cash or postage stamps. Sample of paper and Surtlculars F R E E - .Address L'D C C •mtehold Gem, Cleveland, O* • 11 tt $1AA MONTHLY MADE. Apents wanted J© LUV County rights given gratis f»r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidenee given. Anin Iustr^ous, energetic person can make snugperman&nt income and very liberal terns by addressing with reference, S8S Ohestnnc Street, Philadelphia. ' GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION MMgtfeited in the l?th centurv by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious soyos and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by *ki Who knew him as a public benefactor. PRICE 35 CENTS A BOX. •-'^75 PIMPLES. I"'"'"will mail (Fr$e) tlrts receipt for a" Vegetable Balm tHat will remove Simple Tan, Freckles, Phuples and l>lotrlirs, leaving the skin soft, clear and l»e«utiful: also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald heart or sn*x>th fnce. Address, nclofiing 3 ct. «tvn<», Bon^Vandelf 9t Co. 20 GHAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW md Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over stone's Drug Store. < . C. ,H. **M7AX. CARPENTER and Builder, Nnnda, III.-- Will put up build in gs by the Jobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. T~ E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHT8ICIAK and Surgeon. Office at Gil­bert's Drug Store, opposite ttie Parker House, McHenry, Illinois. E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Acsoucher. Diseases of Women a Specially. Office and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Algonquin, III. All work war. ranted. Teeth extracted hi * efrefnl and skillful manner. DR c w ̂ DENTIST. Office Over Smith, Aldrich it' Hay thorn's Store. Richmond. 111. SIDNEY DISBROW, J^OTAUY^PUBLICand Conveyancer. •1. DR. F. J. CROSS. u Having opened an office in this vfll 111. ;««. I T^ENTIST, Riverside Block, McHenry, lla(_ am prepared to do all work in the line of mf profession on short notice and in a workman, ike mariner. All work warranted. ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residenco IJf miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and" Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 0 A. M., to I P. M. REFERENCESJohn Doran, Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bon slot, James Sutton, John M. Sniith, F,K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Ben. Gilbert, Horace Dwclly, B.Fil'eck, Wm. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert. J. A. SHERWOOD JIlXJOTIOTV E LIR AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock. Farming Tools and Goods ofall kinds promptly attehded to. Farm sales a specialtv. Terms reasonable. Post Dfficeaddress Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of Q.H. Dickinson, East Side of Public Square, v WOODSTOCK, ILL. • good Stock of Fine Clotha for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order ana a lit warranted- Give me a call. • W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock 111.,Sept 27th, 1875. H >41 i H. K. WIGHTMAX, Proprietor, rig*, with or without driven First class drivers, furnished • treasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. --,----; i_ Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. h-A. -•••"•* v . . ; Richmond, III. ^ Has an experience of 15 years, guarantee satisfaction in all and will cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from $5 to (10, according to amount of sale. & All orders addressed to Richmond, 111-, will receive prompt attention. M. ENCELN- O U N - S M I T U ! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done In Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. . ^.Iso dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars,'Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post OlBce, Mc­ Henry, 111. REMOVAL Scott <fc Co., -THE L EADING-- HATTERS! Have Removed from their old stand, cornel Fifth Avenue and Madison Street, to the elegant Double Store, Km. 135 and 137 ladisoa St., West of Clark Street. The Largest Stock of Spring Style Hats to choose from in the West. fWPrices the Lowest. It will pay you to call and see them. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake Sts.. 4 J. E. Cor. Halsted Harrison Sis., CHICAGO. * 10,000 NAMES of residents wanted.-- For -2S Names anil 25 cents we will send'you a flue silk handkerchief every thread silk regular pricu l.oo. G. W. Foster A Co., 125 31ark street Chicago. 111. . Illinois' New Interest Law, The following are the principal points of the new law relating to the subject of loterest passed by the last Legislature, and familiarly known *8 the eight per cent.-law. The first three sections of the pld law are re-enacted without change. The fourth section k as follows: In a)i printed tsontracts it shall be lawful for the parties to stipulate or agree that eight per Cent, per annum, or any less sum of interest, shall be taken and paid upon every #100 of mon­ ey lo&nedor in manner due and owing from any person or corporation in this State, and after that rate for a greater or less sum, or for a longer or shorter time, except as herein provided. The change in this is by fnsertlug "eight" in lieu of -'ten" per cent, aud in addiug, as entirely new matter, all that part of (he section following the word "State." The occasion of this added portion is not easily discover­ able, and the question already been raised as to whether the concluding words.^except as herein provided," do n6t place such a limitation oh the pow­ er given by the section as to prevent written contracts, after maturity,bear- Ing a greater rate of Interest than six percent,, although they may specify eight. That is to say, may not these words refer back to the section of the act, and bring its first provlsion-which reads, "creditors shall be allowed to receive at the rate of six per cent, per annum for all moneys after they be­ come due on any bond, bill, note or in­ strument of writing"--to bear on tfiis section, and all such instruments after maturity, that are mude there* under. Section 5 is unchanged, and Section 6 is amended by adding thereto the fol­ lowing: And all contracts executed after this act shall take effect which shall provide for interest or compensation at a great er rate than herein specified, on ac­ count of uon-payment at. maturity, shall be deemed usurious, and only the principal sum due thereou shall be re­ coverable. The amendments strikes at the prac­ tice of taking interest of compensation by way of a penalty for non-payment pr, as commonly termed, liquidated .damages. , Sections 7,8, lO aud 11 of the present law are re-enacted unchanged, except in having the words "of has contracted stricken out of the proviso of section 8. This change, as well as a provision added to the repealing clause merely seeks to limit the force of the act to contracts hereafter made. Section id, 20, aud 21 of the act in repiird to judgments and decrees are amended tio as to reduce the rate of interest to be paid on the purchase money in redeeming property sold un­ der judgments and decrease to 8 per cent. A Business Opening for » Number mt Traveling Men in this State. The Ohio Scale Works of Cincinnati, offer an opportunity to a number of active enterprising men to engage in a pleasant occupation during the next year. They are now employing traveling men to introduce their goods to deal­ ers and appoint agents in all the prom­ inent cities and towns in the country. The goods lliis firm put upon the market are always new and desirable, and of such general use aud excellence as to at once command a ready sale; in fact, they might be said to sell them­ selves. The company will be libera- wUh good men, and want a number to work this State thoroughly,and estab­ lish local agents In every township. It aeems to us this is an opportunity sell dom oflered reliable men to secure a steady income in a very agreeable man­ ner. Among the specialities they have been devoting most of their attention to of late, is what is known as their Un- versal Family Scale. This is an article which in some sections of the country has already been extensively intro­ duced aud has proved to be one of the most readily selling articles ever put upon the market, as they are just what every housekeeper needs and will have after seeing them. We have no room to give an elabo­ rate description of this Universal Fam ily Scale. We can only say that it weighs accurately up to 12 pounds, is made entirely of brass, and in shape is a handsome base surmounted by a col­ umn upou which rests a small platform for placing the articles to be weighed. We presume there are several persons 4tmotjg our readers who would like to avail themselves of the Company's of­ fer. A line dropped to the Ohio Scale Works. Grand Hotel Building, Cincin­ nati , Ohio, will bring full Informa­ tion. Fine Cloths, for Summer Suitings, cheaper than any other house in the county, at Lauer & Becker's, near tbe Depot. m v..*' r> FitOM CALIFORNIA. limiK, June 16tlt, 1879. EDITOR L*LAINI>KALRRI--Should this be thought worthy of a place in yonr excellent paper just chuck it In for the benefit of my many friends In McUen- ry and Lake Couhties. I receive let­ ters quite often asking a thousand ques­ tions about the wonders of the "Golden State." I never was much of an artist with the pen, or much of anything tflse to that matter, so my description will be of the plain, unadorned stamp, sub­ ject to allowances, i < Kbdie is a mining oampofsome two years growth. Gold was discovered here as early as 1862, by a man by the nameofBodie. lie tried to pass the winter here alone but perished in the severe winter that followed, About this time the Indians were so trouble­ some that the country was abandoned until about six years ago. when pros­ pectors again turned their attention to the Golden treasure. About two years agoBodie numbered about thirty men, now she has a population of some 3,000. The chief speculation here is Mining Stocks, Which fluctuate as often as the capacity of the company Is able to pool them, as they do in merit. I have seen stocks rise from 30 cents to $15 in a week with out a spoonful of pay rock in the Mine, and then stocks rise on merit. For instance, the Bodle Mine which a year ago was worth no more than an Illinois well, but tile stocks that then went a begging fora buyer at forty cents, is now worth 048, and they have rock in the mine that a piece the size of your hand is worth 015 for the gold that is in it. The town of Bodie is situated In a canyon with an altitude of 6300 feet or a mile and three quarters. From the hill can be seen the wonderful Lake Mono, lying about 12 miles to the South, walled in on every side by a series of lofty peaks. The Lake covers an area of of 20 miles in length by 1q in width. It Is surrounded on the East and »outh by sand fields and upon these you can see where the water has washed. Some 600 feet above its pres­ ent level look I tig to the South across the Lake you see the shining sides of a dozen Volcanoes. Beyond may be traced the the snowy peaks of the mountains for a^distauce of 140 miles. then to the Bast you see the White Mountains, whose snowy peaks glisten lit the sun from one year to the next. Socially looking at this great coun-< tr3' there probably Is uo plaee in the States where so many different grades pass on the same level. Ajt a ball tnajr be seen the Gambler, the Banker, the Merch ant, the Prostitute and the Poles, the ladies of the doubtful name, who live the extremes of life as a fash­ ionable belle, but who is more dauger- ou3 than the other. One reason for this mixture is the sudden fluctuation of wealth. For example, you see a man with his pauts halt-soled with a flour sack; the next,he has struck it "rich," you see hint driving in a carriage, smok­ ing a Havana cigar a foot long. There Is a flip, a flap and a flop, and he is back again in his old pants, driving an Ox team. The worship of gold passes manv an unworthy into societies arms. Bodie may boast of all ifta Vices both ancient and modern, There is no difference here on the Sabbath, either In work or vice. The Faro Banks seem to do Just as well, the Theatre runs just the same, Sunday nights find its booths full of drunken and disorderly. Of one thing I would it were not my lot to see or describe.-- That is these Chinese Opium Hells.-- Visiting these dens by night one sees fellow be»ing8 in the lowest states of debauchery, the smokers sits ou greasy mats that have been iu constant use for months, used by every class of be- iugs from the fop to the poor forsaden visitor of sensual lust, who seeks the use of opium for a relief from fear and conscience and used ti 11 they can be used no more. Here may be seen the girl in her teens and boys without a show of beard on their faces. Such is a few of the outlines of sopie of the vices that th^tjoble creature oalled man will subjeHf this life too, , But I will close this letter. Hoping you may fiud it worthy of your notice T c I remain r. LOBDSLL, SoaHB, |f<M» County, 0*1. WST*{Where was this assault made upon yOu?" asked an attorney of a stupid witness, who was prosecuting a neighbor for assault and battery.-- "Iley?" asked the witness. "At what place was this assault made?" repeated the attorney. "Right here," replied the witness, laying a finger tenderly upon his injured eye. < " Revolution Is again active Iu Mexico, and two or three governors have aJready been killed. Important; to Pensioners,* | J ' , RrrHMOND, ILL., Juie ft, 1S79. lEwTofe PLAIN DEALER:--Will you please publish for the benefit of rlip« tured pensioners, the following, from official circular relative to issue of trusses to those so disabled. s. F. BKWNETT, ' t f ,•£ Examining Surgeon. O» THK INTERIOR ) ' til Pension offtok S "*7 Washington, D. O, Mamh *, 1879 S • In compliauceswith the aets of COII- gresw to provide for furnishing trusses to disabled soldiers, petty, officers,sea­ men and marines, approved May 28, TS72 and March 3d, 1870, respectively, Pension ..Examining Surgeons will ex­ amine such claimants under it as may present themselves to tliem, and in so doing comply with all the Instructions relating thereto, Issued by the Surgeon General U. S. A. , 4. A. BRNTLEZ, Commissioner Pensions. Under the provision of the act with regard to the issue of trusses, approved March 3d, 1879. and the above order of the Commissioner of Pensions, it is di­ rected: That every soldier of the Union arrtly, or petty officer, seaman, or marine in the naval service, who was ruptured while in the line of duty during the late war for the suppression of the rebellion, or who shall be so ruptured thereafter in any war. shall l>e entitled to receive a single or double truss of such style as may be designated by the Surgeon General of the United States Army as best suited for such disability; and whenever the said truss or trusses so furnished shall become useless from wear, destruction or loss, such soldier, petty officer; .sea­ man or marine shall be supplied with another truss on making application as provided for in Sec. 2 of the original act,of which this is an amendment: Provided, that such application shall not be made more than once iu two years, and six months. The application for such truss shall be made by the ruptured soldiers, petty officer, seaman or marine of the naval seivice to au examining surgeon for pensions, whose duty it shall be to examine such appli­ cant and for every person found to have a rupture or hernia shall prepare and forward to the Surgeon Genera!, through the Commissioner of Pensions an application for such truss, without charge to the applicant. Those applicants only are to be ex­ amined wlio are knowu or believed to be receiving a pension, either wholly or in part on account of hernia incurred during the late war or subsequent wars. The evidence that the truss pre­ viously furnished has become usele=s. must be such as is satisfactory to the examining surgeon whose certificate, upon this point will be required. The trusses will he sent from the Surgeon General's office to the examining sur­ geon for pensions, to be by him de­ livered and fitted to the applicaut, tak­ ing the necessaiy receipts therefor, iu duplicate aud forwarding the same to the issuing office. • * * » * * * * * * * * J. K. BARNES. Surgeon General of U.S. Army, War Department, Surgeon General's Office Washington, D. 'J, March 25 1875). SI DAIRY MAKKKTS. 7" . Sgw YORK, JuaeSOth, Jffl,' Receipts of butter for the week 44,000 packages; exports 17,000. The market Is about the same as on the preceediug week. First class grocers are gener­ ally retailing finest butter at I8@20c.-- We quote: Sour cream creamery but­ ter, 19c; sweet cream creamery butter, 15 15|c; private dairy butter selec­ tions, 15c: private dairy butter, in lots 13 @ 14c; private dairy, white, hay make, 5 @ 6c; imitation creamery but­ ter, as in quality, 10 @ 13c, CHEKSE,--Reqpipts for the week, 83,- 024 boxes exports, 72,627 boxes. Re­ ceipts are Increased, buyers very in­ different, and we uote a decline of ful ty lc* Per since our last. Our quo­ tations for skimmed cheese are only nominal. We quote; State factory, full cream, choice to fine, at 5} @ 6c; state factory, half skluiined| at 3 <9 4c; state factory, skimmed, 1 @ 2c- BOSTON, June SOth, 1879 There is a fair demand for butter^ but prices rule low and remain without improvement; the sales of creameries have been at 15 @ 17c; choice New York and Vermont dairies at 13 @ 15c; and poor to good at 9 @ 12c HR lb.-- Cheese is in fair demand at 6& @,7|e.; for choice, 5 @ 60. for fair to good, and 2 @ 4c, ip lb for common. Eggs have been in demand and1 'tales at t4c. per dozen. ' "77.^"! LITTLE FALLS Juno 30th, t879. 10,000 boxes of cheese ware offered to day and it was disposed of as follows: 2,989 boxes at 6c; 2,844 at 5$c; 322 at 5£ GO ut 5Jc; 3,524 com. Thirty tubs of butter Sttld&tlS @14c, ^ UTKJA. Jane SOth, I8W1 At Utica to-day the following were the transactions in cheese., 1,043 boxes at 5c; 710 at 5£c; 1,7743 at 5}c; 100 at 5,784 atf>|c; and 430 011 private terms. This makes an aggregate of 9,810 boxes Adding to it the 5,833 boxes consigned we have the total amount of trausac- -Sw'SF : ^ ffi^Geo, McClellan refuses to pardon ox-Senator Cornish, convicted Of con­ spiracy to defraud. c v* 4 • . sr-,„. A •" '7|%v%;' | tion* for the day 15,643 box|£' ' • M. Selz & They hive made all tne late ittjh'ovements that tlv* style de- maud iu their custom-made fine Boots and Shoes. We have a complete line of their work, and at reduced prices. Sold only by «»V«*8*3oh*OIR, WASHINGTON CORRKSFOX VKNCK. WAsniNOTOH, D. c. Jane Bd, 1879 turbulent a'nd disgraceful S«S&nes in the Senate Chamber will be remembered regretfully by their act- ore and the country for along time t© come, but something Is to be said'ln extenuation of them. Men do not lose their passions and prejudices by com­ ing to Congress, and the dose and se­ vere contest between the antagonistic parties, egged on by the partisan press has strung up the nerves of the politi­ cal leaders to an intensity almost Uii- bearable. Add to these facts the aggra­ vation of loug hours and night session* in the liot and stiffing Senate Chamber and you have enough to stir np the bile* lu the best natured mau. During all the bitter and earnest contests of this remarkable session, it has remained for the last week to develop bad blood, and the controversy between Senator Conklin and Lamar was almost unavoid able. Both are proud and rather im­ perious, and quick of temper. But the matter Will go no further, and all talk of a duel Is idle and sensational. Sen­ ator Lamar has gone home on business and Senator Conklin will not say a word about the affair at all. The general appropriation bill hat been signed by the President, and it therefore a law--all except the judicial part of it, which Is made a separate bill containing the U. S. Marshal and Supervisors clauses. The latter bill it to be vetoed, and then the question will arise for the democratic majority to decide what to do about it. Manjr, of them are for amounting at once, and forcing the President to cftMt another session. In this case only hours need intervene between the two-' sessions. These Democrats say thefL would then again pass this judicial blfl as before, and take a recess iusteadvf adjourning till October. If the Pr»*|> dent didn't sign the bill then the Court ^ would be suspended, and each side a9* ' cuse the other of responsibility 1 them# for. The Democrats assert that dnp» ' lug a recess the President cannot call i Congress together, and therefore the J contest could not be renewed until * October. Another class of Democrat^ of which Senator Bayard Ja chiefs assert that they will favor an appngt | priation bill without the election' clauses, But how are they going to | get at itP The appropriation bift 1 must come from the proper Committed • of the House and the Committee ljl against any compromise, and adhere tft the original policy, I am told, of re* fusing supplies for the electiou oftleerst, .71 Unless, therefore, there Isan open boll -7 in the Democratic party ranks,the > jority will control still, and refuse to submit to what, they term the Presi­ dent's die tat iou. The matter of establishing dislnfee* ting vessels for protection agalnt thf importation of yellow fever has ra» : oeived a temporary cheok by Secrtar|S7 |j Sherman's tendency to technical obi jections. The bill as first drawn atp thorlzed him to oontract with Job* Gamgee for the construction of th|t vessels under his process. Mr. Gain* gee's name was struck out, and ther§ was inserted a clause that the contract * should be made with whoever should ^ be recommended by the National7^7 Board of Health. The bill passed aK 7, most unanimously. That Board took : j the subject in hand, called in a Board H of Engineers, and went over it thoi> oughly. They recommended the pro- cess of Mr. Gamgee and that he be gir» 7: en the contract. Now *the Secretary ' claims that he must have the plans ojtc : Mr. Gamgee and advertise for bids fotj||. „ the contract. As Mr. Gamgee's proceJfi7 is a patent, or covered by several pat*7' ents of course lie cannot give them u|£ without consideration, and lis wid^ ' .) felt disappointment especially amori|| | Southern men. They assert that thtk Secretary Is in duty bonud by th<| > ; terms of the bill to make a Contract af: onoe with the man reoommeuded by the Board of Health, and that his per* sistent refusal will be a public calami­ ty. ^Congress is rapidly thinnieg out an<| it is difficult to get a quorum in el the .7^ House. Many members take little in# terest in tlie political contests, an<| would be heartily glad of a settlement! and a speedy winding up of the se»4 % slon^<;- . . M. 'I J - jtiuO&lk . KtuJL. te wrestling match between, Prof. Miller, of; Baltimore, and Col, J. H. McLaughlin, of Detroit, for th« championship of the world and *500 a, J side and the" money •'catch-as-* catch can,"*fcaine off" at Utioa, N. Y% Vr j Fridav night last. The firtt fall wan. ^ «vou by Miller after a severe atoagfki lu 1C minutes aud secontls. l*he or.d fall Was won by M©La*ighHn minutes. Tito third fall and was also won by McLaughlin, t minutes. Prof. Miller then U challenge to any man in the world Gneoo-Roman wrestling match throws without jacket# J|M" a aide, V > •. . . ?-v . .A1 *"• ' , - > "r 1 'A, % t,

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