iti£ir AND HOM% l jwi JtaWnfl*. I* you get your boots wet through, When you take them off and set them by the store to dry, fill them with oats or corn, or something of the kind, and ia the morning they will be found to have dried without shrinking or stiffen ing, which is always to unpleasant. .* A FABMEB in Illinois will not allow partridges to be killed on his place. He states that recent investigations made by him prove conclusively that they are the best protection the wheat crop oould have. In the craw of one he found over 100 bugs of the most des tructive kind to the wheat crop. His atop is excellent, while those of his neighbors have been rained by bugs. PMF. L. B. ARNOLD recently stated Hftat he had taken the milk of three patrons of a cheese factory, in October, who were feeding nothing but grass, and the milk of three others who fed nothing but corn sown broadcast. He took an equal quantity of the milk of each, and, curdling it with the same amount of rennet, at the same tempera ture, found, after drying the curd, that the milk of the corn-fed cows gave 6£ pei' centum in favor of corn fodder over t* . 0S- 4>-W KEEPING APPLES.--Use great care in picking them from the trees, and when transferring them from the basket to the barrel handle them like eggs. Get the best granulated sugar barrels to k^ep them in, and when the barrels are fall cover them with a thiek paper to keep them from the. air. Then with a barrel-header press the heads in, and keep them put of the celler as late^ as you can without having them freeze. Put them in the dryest part of the cel lar, and raise them from the ground three feet or more on skids, and no not open or disturb them until they are wanted for use. If exposed to the air by opening the barrels to pick them over, some of the apples will rot and others will wither.--Western Agricult urist. ImvE found the following vay to tighten wagon tires to be successful: * Apply leather rings between the shoulders on the outer ends of the 'spokes and the corresponding portions of the fellies, which may be done as follows : Procure a number of small 'pieces of leather, from an inoh and a half to two incheB in diameter; with a dharp knife and compass, or with a out ting punch, make round holes in the centers of these pieces, and make a straight cut from the hook to the outer edges of the pieces, so as to form open rings. The hole% must be made of a siz6 that will nicely fit the tenons on the outer ends of the spokes. Place a fulcrum on the top of a hub, on which lever, with its short end un der the felly, near a spoke; have an istant bear down on the other end iciently to raise the felly and expose e shoulder and tenon of the spoke; |open your leather and fit it nicely 11 torOund the tenon, holding it to its place while your assistant relaxes the lever and settles the felly firmly upon the lever by a blow or two upon the tire. Having repeated the process with «'sufficient number of spokes make the tire all right, trim off the projecting leather even with the surface of the •pokes, and your task will be done. If your pieces of leather should be spongy, hammer them down some be fore using." ' J - PHABOOAL AND LLME FOB POULTBY.-- These two articles play a very impor tant part in the management of fowls; whether bred in a fancier's yard or on a IB fjfrtrn. Charcoal should be liberally fed, |pr no one thing is more conducive to , Ikaalth than is this. It should be broken in small lumps and put where the fowls , can get at it, and they will eat it with t Jpteat relish. We have seen it fed to ipigs with the very best results, and those which were treated to it were never troubled with disease or sickness, while neighboring ones were. This helps to prove its value, not only for swine, but for fowls. Where the birds ate kept in confinement it is a very good I i plan to keep a ssuul trough in a sbd- t t, tared place, full of small bits of fresh charcoal, and the fowls will soon learn to help themselves. The value of lime in the form of whitewash is well known, fnd those who use it liberally are the ones to keep their flocks healthy and cleanly. To render the whitewash pore effective in' dislodging, driving •way or destroying lice and other para- aifcic nuisances, the addition of a little carbolic acid is invaluable, for scarcely anything else seems to be more distaste ful to the vermin. Air-slacke 1 lime Should be occasionally scattered over the floor of the chicken-house, to re move unpleasant and unhealthy odors, while a little of it should be scattered around the yards and runs, for material or egg-shells. Oyster-shell lime is the best for this purpose.--Poultry World. " me: Wit- • " mm* DmniMtle Economy. OMXUCT.--Three eggs beaten slightly together, two even teaspoonfuls of flour, two-thirds of a cup of milk, and a small $inch tiff salt. M To DRIVE AWAY. iHMecrrg.--Soatter > * * >' •- - '0* A »4-f<4 dry powdered borax for all kinds of in sects. I have proved this by years of experience. To PBEBEBV* FECIT.--Fruit may be preserved with honey by putting the fruit first in the can, then pour the honey over it, and seal air-tight. When the honey is poured from the fruit it will have the flavor and appearance of jelly, making a rich dessert. APPLE JFXLY.--To every pound of apples add a pint of water; boil till all the goodness is extracted; then to every pint of juice add one pound of sugar; boil till reduced to half; then add a packet of gelatine to each gallon, and the juice of four lemons. JELLY.--Two ounoes of isinglass or gelatine, two quarts of water, one pound and a half of sugar, whites of three eggs beaten to a foam. Stir them all to gether oold; stand an hour; then put the juice of three lemons and peel of one; lay in a short time. Boil fifteen minutes, and strain through a bag. THE CABE OF PLANTS.--Plants packed away in cellars that are quite dark, or nearly so, will require very little water; once 4 week will be sufficient, and be very careful to give but little. The gas found in the cellars of some houses will be found to injure these plants, and should be guarded against. Our ex perience with plants in a sleeping-room is such as to lead us to say that they will not be of the least discomfort, or in any way injure the person oocupying the room. To FBY EGO-PLANT.--Out the egg plant in thin slices, removing the purple rim; sprinkle salt between the slices and pile on a dish; put a weight on top (this is to extract the poisonous liquor from it); roll nice fresh butter crackers very fine, beat up an egg, take each slice of egg-plant, wipe quite dry, dip in the beaten egg, then in the pow dered cracker, and fry in hot butter for a good time, as it requires a great deal of cooking, •* SOUP.--Take *$>OUT lonkr FOTMDS of good lean meat, and boil in about four quarts of water; pare about six small onions, and the same quantity of cel ery, cut in pieces an inch long; one yel low turnip cut in small pieces, and the same quantity of potatoes; boil in a sep arate saucepan until half done, as that rids the vegetables of a part of the un pleasant smell; when the meat is tender remove it from the broth, and add the vegetables--not the water they were boiled i|i; then beat well one egg, and one table-spoonful of milk, thicken with prepared flour; drop in small quantities to soak; the soup is ready to be taken up, as it must not boil more than five minutes, or it will make it too thick; if the meat is allowed to remain in the soup after it is tender the soup will be full of fragments of it. The soup is ex cellent, and as good the next day. -- 1i.,i:£Z - rtuscKLxa. 0®'ymra| much iii- doors during the winter, and then suffer for it in a crop of freckles during the Bummer, especially those who are favored with a fair skin. The best course is to avoid the cause--to face the winter winds a little more free ly, and thus possess a skin healthy enough to prevent these deposits of coloring matter beneath it. Still, most young persons will sin and suffer, and then bo anxious to get rid of the penalty. There are many compli cated recipes for the removal of freckles; but the Boston Journal of Chemistry says that the old household prescription of sour milk, or buttermilk, may some times answer the purpose. The freckles yield to other applications, but for these, some of which are unsafe in unskilled hands, the family physician should be applied to. " Moth " somewhat resembles freckles, still it is dependent, not on an external cause, but an internal--the digestive system--and can be removed only by getting the latter into a vigorous condi tion. A quickening of the action of the skin may be an aid in the case, but the main thing is the removal of the internal cause L TMK riMMT BOtnrXTi - ^ Bonnets were first brought from Italy to England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The form was a compromise between the present round Italian peas ant hat and the French hood. The ma terials employed in constructing these ornaments were crimson satin, elabor ately embroidered, cloth of gold, and similar rich materials. The Leghorn hat, with perpendicular crown, and a wide brim standing out far around the face, was the first legitimate bonnet worn, and this appeared long after Eliz abeth's time. It was trimmed with arti ficial flowers and immense bows of rib bon. Our present neat and tasteful hcad-covering is but a modification of this huge affair. VARIOUS Italian cities have begun to erect monuments in honor of the late King Victor Emmanuel. The municipal authorities of Milan has voted the sum of 400,OOP francs for the monument th^re. * " , NEW YOBK claims to be the noisiest etty on the globe. ' tsyv £ r ;* .... .. w Jl MAPFY THOUGHTS. A »UB in the head is worth two in theheeL THE churoh, rightly ministered, is the vestibule to an immortal life. WE are not apt to fear for the fear-' less, when we are companions in danger. THXKB is no friend to man so true, so kind, so zeal, and so good as woman. WHEN the purse is empty and the kitchen cold, then is the voioe of flat tery no longer heard. THE great man is he who, in the crowd, keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. FEW attributes of character sire more charming than the faculty of gracefully acknowledging one's errors. IF you would be pungent, be brief; for it is with words, as with sunbeams, the more they are condensed the deep er they burn. BETTER a wrong will than a wavering; better a steadfast enemy than an uncer tain friend; better a false belief than no belief at alL A FRIEHD that makes the least noise is very often the most needful, for which reason all should prefer a prudent friend to a zealous one. MEN and women make sad mistakes about their own symptoms, taking their vague, uneasy longing sometimes for genius, sometimes for religion, and oftener still for a mighty love. IT is the great privilege of poverty to be happy unenvied, to be healthy without physics, secure without a guard, and to obtain from the bounty of nature what the great and wealthy are compelled to obtain by the help of the artist. WHEN nature would make anything specially rare and beautiful, she always makes it little; little pearls, little dia monds, little dews. Little fortunes bring the most content, and little hopes the least disappointment, and little songs are the dearest loved. T.i LOVB nr GKOMGIA. Th# following tender epistle was sent us by a friend in Winterville. The pa per was ornamented with three bleed ing hearts and a woman, done with a pen in a manner characteristic with the orthography: "Clark County george I will take th Pleyer of in foring yon a few Lines to let you knew that I am Well and hope ing that These few werds will find your The same my love to werds your is greter than I can ex spress if all the straw thats in th old feel wood turn to pends and all th lews thats on th trees wood turn to paper and all th water thats in th see wood turn to ink it could Not Bight th love down that I have in my hart for your the Hose is red vilets bin Shugar is seaweet and so are your if your love me like Hove your no knife Can Cat our love ing Mr I wood like to see your very much at this time. Tour are my dailie study and my mid night dream I will be down there the 2 sunday in Jane if Nuthing takes place. Your dear love Miss Em- mer line Pinson, my lov to your*"--- Oglethorpe Echo. A Partial Blockade Of the main avenue for escape of refuse from the human system is utterly subversive of ra§n- larity among tlie other organs. Let constipation become chronic, and, leaving out the imminent danger of inflammation of the bowels and their total obstruction occurring, jaondioe is almost certain to ensue, the liver is liable to become engorged, the blood and urine are poisoned by bile, which as so vitiates the juicea of the stom ach, and other unhappy cousequenoes follow. Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, a prime tonic al terative, prevents or remedies these results and their cause, as the case may require, and is also signally efficacious in overcoming flatuleuoe. heartburn, and variable as well m constipated action of the bowels. It renews nerve power, improves the appetite, stays the progress of early decay, relieves the infirmities of age, and is a pleasant appetizer. Starving to Death. Thousands of men and women are starving themselves to death. They dare not eat or drink this or that, fearing it will increase their Penh. Life depend* upon continuous self- denial. The only safe and reliable remedy for this terrible condition i* Allan's Anti-Fat It in wholly vegetable and p m'ectly harmless. Its use insures a reducuuu of from two to five pounds per week. Sold by druggists. BUFFALO, N. Y., June 13,1878. To the Proprietors ot thaw's uiti Fat: GENTLEMEN--Die following report is from the lady who used Allan's Anti-Fat: "It (the Auti Fa!) had the desired effect, reducing the fat from two to live pounds a week, until i bad lost twenty-five pounds. I hope never to re gain what I have lost " Yours rcsp'y. POWELL A PLIMPTON, Wholesale Diuggista TKBBRrBLT EXHAUSTIMO ABE THE NLOHT SWEATS which accompany consumption. But they, as well as the paroxysms of cougbit g, are invariably broken UM by DR. Was. HALL'S tiALr- SAM FOR THE LUNUS, which conquers the deadly malatfv, as well as bronchitis, pneu monia, pleurisy, asthma, diphtheria, and ail other affections of the throat, lungs and chest It saves thousands from untimely graves, and is in valuable in rescuing children from the croup, whooping cough and quinzy. It is sold by all Druggists. WE congratulate Mesam. Wheelock, Finlay & Co.. of New Orleans, La, upon their happy idea of giving to the public information of the contents of Dr. F. Wilhoft's Anti-Periodio or Fever and Ague Tonic, which of late has gained such well-deserved popularity among the peo ple. As far a« we know, this is the only pro prietary remedy for the cure of Chills and Fe- FOR Bronchial, Asthmatic, and Pulmonary Complaints, "lirown's Bronchial Trochts* manifest remarkable curative properties. 25 cents a bot. . Tan Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 21 Bast 15th 8tref t N. Y., sell Pianos at ftetocj Prima Write for a oatakgaa CREW Jaoksori*s Best Oweet Savy Tobaooa teassr °'. Hut Spring*, Ar- sassKsfi:BoT 877 taasrjggrgaas tss C|AA|f rDCri Vnrwry" ma^d . .jr P'WwBiwR i womsrK Address,with flUmo. lttHpltlMmtaAmT. Battle Craek^MicLu "gf C0B-UVER (III Youwc Miiiaagmy. ' .tftjgtgia: Baartaaarsg VBUNHGRS. qwadNtt Rww England F E 'snOLiC DISRASK8, KK&VOUS A. book (Ul«rtnited) wfaleh i»e«ssRfs,iissi%.^&s^u IU8lM*HllMliNe*BINET WVil8 •is.: A% PAMUL MS7: VWMA, MS; SAMTUOO, 187S; taut«nu,llMi PAKIS, MW:RAD GBAKDSWBDISB Oou> MKDAL, I87S. Only Amwrietli Organs er«7 award- M higtran boMnt at aajr uoh. Sold for oa«h or inttaU-•Mate.. luununD UATAUMUM and Gtrealan. with m?U)*ool pun. PraiamB by the ii frh. c« med Bold by ftri1 tafwiHoa rfi'lhut THE WEEKLY SDK. A large, eieht-page paiwr of MI broad ootamni wfit t» to any addtM* natll <liwuarjr lit, FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address TEUt 8TO, P. Y. Ottf. IK SIITI 11(11 te. Vbrst KitiUitM I Moat Raoeessflslt THEIR 1KSTEUMBHT8 hav* a stoate* vaiM In «U th* / LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLDt --*• ronc&r HI TOMB. O V E R 8 0 , 0 0 0 Ma4a a&d la sw. Hew Dtripi Bast work and lowest prleta. ar Send for a Cataloga*. vV . UTEB V) 0 VO Union Square»New York AJTD 154 State St, Chicago, III HAXVPACTI SILVER " WARE. MAHr FA€7TlT^pp» Matk tmr Mpee--, F*riLa, A«.i 1B47, Rogers Bros. A I. Thfiw! Good* hove taken the Certifteattm of Award •tfcrnwr earhibited, both iu tMi ON« the old Countries, And the Meriden Britannia Go. Jire the LARGEST and Best ff ^ Manufacturers in this : t t ? line in the World. .•>! yww Jtwrlfr fWr tfce«e Osslai-^lil' New York, yr Aid SicsKtes, ^ySETH THOMA^ FOE TOWEBS, OFFICE8, HOUSES, ^\snirs sc. M I >!•«>» »--a il«m fc--teKfca^agie aessrfclls. Ms OHAUL£NCE PCKD MILLS. Grind, three Hmwaa faat a* any other Btlla. Ahraj. mcew*f«L Over 600 Flnt Premtama and Medals Over IfcjMO tn OM. The* do not <&ag ot heat: (Hud* 00 iMtthel* per hour. All no- oeaaful Iron Feed MTU 1KFR1KGINO OUR PATKNTO. Beware. Bwnorn but the beat. Remember the Oomta w. Al«o,the tlera.Horee- tcMiila, ' have naataiBed 01 be»t Wind Mltls, „ , „ F^werWood 8awa.FanDtnc M ilia, and Pomp». aadruea CHALLENGE MlIXOO.~BataTlA.lU. KOr( L0.aF. j K.ofP. , L0.GT.I IL of SL JtoSp*SeM, BntMti, and all oilier Societies I | made to order bv IS- C. Mllfy «a O^umivs, I Okie, thmik fmt- Afote. I KiUtarjr ana. nnnenS Gooda, Banncrv ft Flags HUNT'S JbU£«Ja,DY. HIIXTS REM Kit Y cure* Dropu, Kidney. Bladder and Urt- •un Complaint*. Bright 'b Disease, Oiabetea and Grave!. It IT X 'IT'S RGMGltr cures Pain in the Side, Back or Loins, ami alt i)-s- eaae. of the Kidney*, miii Urinary Organ*. HUNT'A REME DY eaoouracea deep, otmtm an ispatitt, braoe* np tt)« uatem: and renewed hoalth i« toereauitof o*inB HI'STH BGMGUY, S«nd for pnmnhlnt to W M. E OLARKK. Providence, R. L r.m. •MuteML Beat hprebo»<ra. A. KewtanuFREK. ill a«w p.o.uoxaaas. sy "Wmmtu x:-*» ' * MONTH--AGENTS WAIITS*~-J« MFEF frma. Addne. TKPTtl IS MleHTTI 1 s# w «w» w w«k iJBKr $1060 --in Watt era uatw, f-- FTOPO^TENAL ISMIIWWJ W Ntoalt OfloialReporU(Ddcirenlfcntm Addbtei T. POTTER WIGHT 4 CO.. Inverted to WaH Bt, Bteefa makm S25mw*J5S5' Book MBS, A«~ B»XT.R fS,"lSSSSlW«3V. ; i aD8t»H.T $177 A>idree*R "p. 0.lVICKKR^,,T,?*" °u,fl*-Fr#*- OPIDH , Augusta, Maine. HABfT 8c SKIN DlMEASRST Thousands cured Price*. Dnnot fail to write. Dr.F.K. M«i-»h.()uiiHy,Mich Alisohitvlypuro: WARRANTKD t<> k«w»i> pickle, fur years. Thirty-one yta •"feTfT' PRUSSINCS _ CKI.KBRA.TKI> V I N E G A R . i* EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGKTABLK Paia Destroyer and Specific for Inflam mation and Hemorrhages. RHEUMATISM, NEURALtlA. No other preparation haa cured so many cases of tlieae diatreaaing oomplaintfi m the ixtract. Our Plaster in inval uable in these dtaeana, Lumbago, Pain in the Back or aide, ho. Pead's Entrset Ointstent (50 canto), for use when removal of clothing i« con venient. is a great help in relieving inflamma tory easee. HEMOiRHAGES. Bleeding from the Lunga, Stom ach, NOMO, or from any cauae, la .pcixlily oon- trolled and .topped. Our Nasal Syringes <35 cents) and lnHa<«rt (BO cente) are grrat aids in arreating internal bleeding. DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT. Use the Extract promptly. It Is a sors care. Delay is danger ous. CATARRH. The Extract la the only specific for this disease. Cold la Head, fee. Our "Catarrh Cure," specially prepare*! to meet nerious cases, con- Uiiix all tho nutritive qualitim of the Extract; our Nasal Syringe is invaluable for use in Ca tarrhal affections. Is simple and inexpensive. For old and obstinate cases, use our " Catarrh Cure." PILES-BUND, BLEEDING sr ITCHINQ. It is the greateat known remedy-rapidly curing when other medicines have failed. Pond's Extract Msdleated Paper, lor closet u«e, i» a preventive i against Cliaflug and Files. Our Ointment ia of great aenict whure the removal of clothing is inconvenient. 1 FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Ho physician need be called lo lor the majority of female diseases, if the Extract ?>« used. Full directions accompany: each bottle. PHYSICIANS of all Schools recommend and prescribe Pond's Extrsct. We have letters from hundreds who order it daily. In their practice for Swell- Ingt of all kind*. Quinsy, Swa Throat, Inflamed Tonsils, simple and chronic Diarriiei, Cstsrril Unuarwu medtoine, and haw to •««<•«••• w power to assimilate is folly met in WAVIEft BH t Omsns tlMbuiM*! )• wAaaAimus not tc lm«k Sown «w ttw> till". hira|l.n tMr Baawjw!»jr Mil aad Sfxtbi. and contains i „SM, M«WMl,IUa ,: For sale bjt ail leeAtn K mmltanta. W1BH1BIR08.. fit fcaaiway. N. T. ><"> boiM, Five tar raft ^ Jit Thla Olnlai-H»na« BriMMbiud liilk New I^aw. Thousands of Soldiers anfhehe enttUlJL Ptensioitft d»t« back to dUcharg* or dnih. Time UmitmLfr "-X Address, with stamp. efcoaeKR LEMON, P. O. Drawer 8SS. Wsrtlmrtwi. P. C. •:j By ww )U» Nmi rt«rr / "Rise and Pall of tlie Moustache.** •B* '*» MurHn«U>m Hatekmy* kum^risi. Samantha as a P. A. and P. I, flv J'hsinh A wift. \ j The three brlglitMt and M-sdUa| Mnki out. Agents, you can put Uioze books in ote--' -- . . ji»w.„ >.dd_r«aa for Acenpy, AM CO.. Hartford. Ct tOAN PU; rfor which it is a *p#itic), Chilblains, Frosted Fast SUn^ollssscts,aissauRoes,et«. Chspped Hsnds, Pscs, aud, indeed, all manner of Skin ' mm Diseases. FARMERS, Stock-Breeders and Livery Men should alwaya have it. Leading livery and streetcar stables in New York and elsewhere always use It. Sprains, Harrises and Ssddls ChslRfs, Cuts, Scratches, »wtlllnfs, SMIfnsas, BlS><l«|. etc., are all controlled bv it. 49*On account of the ex- penxf of the Extrac', its adapted for safe use in its delicate application to HUMAN AILMENTS, «e have pn*par«'D a preparation for VETKMNABY Miii'oiiKM only, which contains all the strength of tin.' Extract, for application to animals. In a Shearer form. Price, per gallon, VfiTEIUKABY SatiRACf. 12.80. CAUTION.--Pond's Extract is sold only in bottles, in«-lo»e<l in buff wrappers, with the words s' POND'S EXTlUCr" blown in the glass. It la never sold in bulk. No one can sell it except In our bottles, as above described. SVACIAL PREPARATIONS OF POKD'8 EXTRACT OOH- KUIKD WITH THE 1'UBEKT AND MOST DELICATS PEHPUHGM FOB LADIES' BOUDOIRS. POND'S EXTRACT 50c.. $1.1)0 and ftl.TB 7B Toilet Cream fl.00 Dentifrice 50 Lip Salve 35 Toilet Soap (3 cakes) 5(1 Ointment Thn nsly Oil Store made anth wba ganae in*ide the rea-froaH • * * " -- " - 1 -- A m i bieheet lor Safe Mnde ervoir, on the prinei|) . maktac it ahMMaceiT •po^JtpwMve. Awamea raa »t prenuam Medal at the rusfitpodHM, hi 1S3S, veeiets, or send for eatakftta andgtiaaJM, THE AD1ISI WESftAKE IFO. CO, StOTfrOam, too Uteiit.. CMCMT*. IRTI8T8' XGEWTWIWTEOTORRW p HISTORTofbiWOHUJ Hend for •ptefeneti pun ftiwlcuctmt leev liy. It »ell« Jf« .terlban anyethw NATIONAL PUBLISHING terms to. haak.' i CO. Chicago, tit Catarrh Curs Plaster " So Inhaler (Glass, 50c). 1.00 Na«al Syringe 95 ]Medicated Paper... 85 Any of these preparations will be sent, carriage free, at above prices, in lots of $5 woith, in receipt of money or P. O. order. 49" OUR NEW PAMPHLET, WITH HISTOBY or oua PBEPABATIONH. SENT FllEE ON APPLICATION TO POND'S EXTRACT CO. 18 Murray Streof, Now York. Sold by all firumritta. E X O D U S To the beM lands, i* tba JMat ailaut* with 3,000,000 ACR Eft In Vmmm RED ItlVCIt VALUY OPTMHC0KTM. On long time, low prteas and easy payaata VaavhlatwlthfaUinfamasftanmaliadfMak AM^ta D. A. MoKINLAY, LftfMieam'l vor, the cumpuaitiou of which is not keiita se- Por asie bv all Dniggista. "l W.1 -awt -%••• I I'l CHEW rWt" I' *3' •» -• The Cttlebratsd ' '* 'l'"ff-. " Matchless1* *. I 'm ;;1 Wood Tag Plug • & » •-*••***** TOBACCO. •""* YHK PIOVBEU TOBACCO COMPANT. • -s.. . Mew York. Boston aud CiiicsgD. «« " v .,, ' IT costs but one cent to send a postal card to the Mason and Hamlin Organ Go., Boston, N-JW York or Chicago, who will return, postage Eaid, their catalogue* and cirealara, with mooh iformatisn about organs No one should bay as organ without seeing thesa. STCY - S. ORGAN o\ tit .:. - , ^ 55 lit. -. •: to HE" ? • V r B E S T ! \ anuici: iRfilllEBORO.y QAPONTFIEP IsBisOM Isllsbls CssesslrilK Lys FOR FAMILY SOAP-MAKIKB. •ssssaasswiaffi" ; IT a FULL WKZ9MT AUD BTREN0TB. 11M market Iga, wkieh is h facwealled) Oonoeul with aaii aad mla,M4^ satw Koiatr, iw iw m SaponiheR MAD* bt ram Pwiijflyinlt Silt Mamiff An Open | ; ^ ^ W !!• fho fuel irwell understood that the MEXICAN MU8- W LINIMENT is by for ql best external known for man or beast. The reason why becomes an "opon .secret" when wo explain thai 44 Mustang" penetrates skin, flesh and muscle to the rery bone, removing all disease and soreness. No other lini ment does this, hence none other is so largely used «r does sueh worlds o FOB GI0IB8, CONVENTIONS IN» SRACOIRE SCHOOLS. BY li. O. EMBBSON. Id new book is neerhr throogii tha S'i >»•_*? s»wrtja«*«a. Aa e^wtiw« H/mnTnnee aad_Ai>theaas for Choirs.i i for Social and CBaas stewing, anda I Ire contents, t o*en). should This si aad wUl Glees . School price ($1.00, or mwt popular ot Ita attiaettva ooo tents, with 0 per doten), sho ah Mude Books. tiurcfi CURED FREE! slilble and tmexoeUed remedy tm rVHJUam Miekaeaa. i and " Of M# vaiaaUa f»estfsa sent w m ha THE TEMPLE. Hymn Tones and Antbem*. Prioe |lr doten AlWomtb MMOaOta»ies aesesye te, both UM iwottar »N<l Savred Mosfasr the best Contention snd ^hMr beoks. FATIIITIA '-mifis sll thi VLawM, The new and *ery Ca< is now „ „ ready,with i,all the Music snd libretto complete. Pkisaj Thai DIH1CI1DC Price reduced to 50 cents, rtnnrunc. elecant edition berwNrf«ne soM dollar. Complete Wwdt, l.ibn«tiu snd Music. AH fiaftha BftJl1! 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