- t'f i. to Liberty aittf M'HENRY ILLINOIS, r ' (Vers Win «• *ml it#f«w Shall Awe ••.•*»-• '•& CAY. FEBRUARY 1880. Published Kvery Wednesday by jpJT SLYKE 4 pr Publishers, "v, ^ ;»V • -- • •- • *\{ *M: I Oitlc© in Old P. O. Block, i --Orrd«t*B Rivksbide Rocit-».;. *1*' TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION: • ; '"^Wtf^VeiiT, fin Advance,) . If sot Paid within Three Months ......... 200 nbssrlplions received fovthree or six months the «ime proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. Uf. |>HY8tClAK and Surgeon. I over the Post Office, opposite A KarMns Store. up stairs McBenry ] OflTivd Perry 111. 0. H. F£G£RS, M. D. QIXTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Johnsburjr IT Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10 a. M. daily O. J. HOWARD, M D. Surgeon. Ofllci of Howard A Son, McHenry, III. |>HfSioiAM and Surgeon. Office at tne store E- V. AKDBRSOM. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Olttce Besloy's Drugstore, oppoaitetbe Pa)rk«r Botte, UiiHtiitrjr, Illinoif. at BUSINESS CARDS. JESSE A. BALiJWlX, TTORNEY ivt -Law end Solicitor In Chan cery. Will practice in State and In Fed. '=* » tal Courts. Office, 139 LaSalle St., Chicago & chas. h. dosxelly. ATTORNEY at LAW *nd Notary v Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office overfjtone'i Drag Store. e. H. TRU AX. ARPENTER and BnilrteT, Knnda, 111.-- Will put up buildings by theJobof day. and guarantee satisfaction. . E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of Women and all private diseases of bdth sexes a Specially. OflSctj and Restdetfea on Clay Street Woodstock. 111. C' SIDNKV DISBROW, I^J-OTARY^UBLICand Conveyancer. At Blivin8' Mills or Spring Grove Grist Mill. : V D1YHHT, Frtfrielir? Having recently purchased this Mill and frst>class order, 1 am now prepared Custom Grinding ' ,, Xpticfi and Wawant Satisf&cBso, *j? t *- " " " lii "WACHI! A« things go' JACOH BOSTSLK'tT. Qjfl'OON AND It EST AT)' RANT. Opposite O Bishop's Still, McHcnrv, IH. The choic est Wines, Liquors and Cigars io be found in the county. Fre»h Orstor«<ia their tmuon, served up in any shape desired or for Bale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR IIORSE% < 3 J--• -- J. CROSS, W. H. BUCK, M. D^ U- OMKOPATHIC Phyticlan and Surgeon.-- Oflice East Side Public Square, tock. III. V> < P- M. Wood OQlce hours 11 to 12 A. M., and 2 DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. TYBltTIST, Algonquin, III. All work war ty ranted. Teeth extracted is a uareful Had skillful manner. F. J. BARB1AN QIOAR Manufacture, JVIoHonr; ders s>licitoi. Public Square. Shop North r 111. Or- ast corner RICHARD BISHOP, , Attorney and counselqh ai law. MoHenry, 111. • ' ' » RICHAltD COMPT«N. JUSTICE of the Peace ami Couveyancer.-Wili attend promptly to the collucttonof labts. Voto, i,ak« County, 111. • "i i • i -- liti'n'iii -i 'P : mnni' E. K. RICHARDS. - f \ HAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land in McHenrV County, IlPnois. Oflice with bounty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoe*. None but the beat of material Cursor Public Square, McHenry And Sold as JLow as any other Mill iu the County, With an experience of many years In some of the best Mills in thfc country lam confident I can give satisfaction to all who may fiivor rae wfth their patronage. OTGive me a call. s TROS. DAYMENT. Bllrlns* Mills, Oct. 21st, 1879. DENTIST-*.. ; • ; ^ ; McHenry, 111. 'It; Pull Flutes ma^e of the best mat«rial •»* fully warranted, 98.00. Filling one-half usual rates. f Special attention piid to regelating bad shaped teeth. , - Teeth extracted ithout pain. *nd free of charge where jirtiilCJtti Tfrifii 8erted by him All Work fullv warranted. " 10 p N( , 111. 7' E. M. OWEN. GENERAL l)e»ler and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery. Prices low and Terms favorable. MCHKVRV, ILLINOIS. - N.S.COLBY. MoHBNRY, Mclleftry Co,, 111. Breeder of Suitniah Murine Sheep, Berkshire and t'ol.%n(l Cnina Swine. A choice lot of young lluek stock f >r*aU'. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO. SCIlltKINEK.. k , O &LOON and ite«t-»aiftnt. N^rly pppesiMt O the Parker-House, McHenry III. WFirst-Class Billiard and Pool TaDl^a,1 JOHN HENDKiOKS. BLIYIN'S SIILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will al«o iasura your life and property at rea#ouable ratM. Please give me a cal'. jiS ~ FETER LKICKBMv " REPAIRS Watche3, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in theuest possible manner, on short notice and at rca •onsble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop •rat door North of Riverside Block, McHenr> j IU. ' I L. HUBBARD, ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence IJtf tftlles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Ttfsdays, Thui-sdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treatirg -iil curable iliseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 a. M., to 1 c. M. RKKEKENCESJohn Doraa, Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, I.eonard Bonslet, James JVntton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, T?en. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Wm. Ilutson, Geo. Gilbert. J. A. SHERWOOD TIOMOipt ' AND AVPKAIEK, A Igonquin, 111. SALES of Stock, Fariuing Tools and Goods . of all tu,nd>i promptly Attended to. Farfa sale's a Hnecialtv. Terms reasonable. Post JSoeaddress Algoixmhi 111. J W, ORIAfOLBY GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Ringwood, III. RECOMMENDATION. Wackegas, Lake Co., Iix., June 1»7». Having anown J. W. Grimolby as a praetl- cal liorse shoer dnrini: the years ot 187ft, '76 and '77. we therefore take pleasure in recom mending him to the public as an extra work man on both Fast and Road Horses. J. W. SwANRttoupm, A L. W. AKNOIJ), i " WM. M. VAGku, A. Z. Bt.OI>CSKTT, c. W, ITrrOB, • -- • -V M. B.[PKTkit. ' J Repairing pronlpt- ly done and in a workmanlike manner^ Give me a call. ' J. W. ORIMOLBV. frmn pear to be a sorlj every man lias gives It, If not h at least the largi expects to pro? nals are now *0 tlie average eirh political aflairs, have time nor t\ cise such control o' that they will exw cjiucus.or eon There are a gre have no faith iii ft that In thi* IjiufJo where every citl every other, every own leader, ft ft 11 that there are tlw be led, \?ho <leenl to lead thentselvea tiuethat there are their own jttdginciii be led. I11 fact, the peopiS belong to soiTM^peause they themselvea,f>onie be time to cousider mi the butinm in whScli and some because thfejr deem others better informed than fiiey are. And here is where rtjk' talents of the leader come in ula* He has any amonnt of con(idetice^t|M<iranoe ^oitie people call it. He doft wot hesitate to plan, to suggest, to dlf*ct, to dictate. He has followers because fee is on hand to lead and because {Iter* tm» th«se who are willing to be led. |te orig Ulcs'* np- Almost •ft'd he attention if'Ui if he |ntilic jour-" Y read, thnt irly posted in It lie may not aation to exer ts fellow-men lf». will ̂ c'the . *.• j per^ns wiio hip. who think iblteau equality is the peer ,of ehoiiSd be hk stionably true o do not care fo wives qualified it is equally « who distrust are willing to t majority *of latter clap?-- confidenc in they haven't tors outside of iey are engaged - NKWHPAPKR. have rMently heard so many wtide and |>ecnliar ideas expressed by well-meaning people regarding the ob ject a publi*her lias in issuing a news- ,pa per, and the scourees from which he derives his remuneration, that we tlMtUc a little information on the sub ject m*y lie interesting and usefnl to some of our readers. It appears to be the general opinion mnongMibscribers to » weekly paper that the amount re ceived In subscriptions is ample repay ment for his trouble and money ex pended in its publication and that he w ho for some real or imaginary of- fen»o says "btoi) u»y paper.*' inflict# b heftvy and lasting pnuisluuent upon the publisher. It shonid be under stood. tl»«», that the cash expendit ures for one year upon a properly con ducted journal with 1.000 subscribers is from $1,500 to $2,008, while the publisher is fortunate if lie receives •800 subscriptions during the year, having to depend on job work an*l ad- vertising to make up the loss and keep him In Inead and but'er. We have been asked to insert a #5 advertisement •of *'farra for sale" gratis, because the advertiser was a sttbscriber. We once threatened a mart with a suit who owed u* for severnl years* subscript ion. When he came in to pa}* us he enM that the paper was of no use to hiin, but he just took it to help us along. We told hint it would no* t ike many hundred J>uch friends as he to ruin us. but if the rule worked both wr.ys, \ve wouldn't mind taking fifty cords of wood from him gratis, just 10 --VIA THE- CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERS RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road W. H. SAP!FORD, Merchant Tailo". In the store of C. H. Dickinson, JGast side of -Public Square, WOODS'JtlCK, ILL. A rood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al ways on hand. Suitsmade to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. Wyodstoek Til.,Sept. g7tfr. r. IT. SANFORP. 1*75. Ringwood, III, -DEALER IN-- LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS Also everything that Is kept and sold in a Harness Sty>p, I can and will sell Harness as cheap as any man in the County. All work warranted. Call and see me before purchasing. Repiriii to at all Times. j' REMOVAL. Scott & Go., --THE LEAPING- •» HATTERS! | ^ Have Removed from their old r\ 'Stand, oornei Fifth Avenue and |£" :'r< Madison Street, to the elegant f Double Store, . 135 ail 137 Hailisoi St., #West of Clark Street. The Largest Stock of Winter Style Hats to choose from in the West. iSfT'Prices the Lowest. It will pay you to call and see them. B R A N C H S T O R E S 8. E, Cor. Clark & Lake St*., & S. E. Cor. tyalsted and ^ - Harrison Sts.. - ^ ̂ • C H I C A G O , v • ~ 1 • ' ..i.II. !• iji i'- mp Of all kin is. Tumors, di^ehtA1 JuO gesof Bioo<( or mucous, and all Jiseases of the Ri.;ta>n quicklv and oerfectly ?.ufeii by a simple ami soothing rented v. Por nforraatioc. address DR. J. fAblR ft CO.. St Ann St., N. Y. vWt&Y ST^5ifs H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First clart rigs, with or without drivers, furnished tl reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. 1 "' " 1 * -- -H«i .!'•>(< M. ENCELN-, . . GtJ IX- 8M I Til! Scale Repairing, Orindingand Pol ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Gun ami Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop ind store near the Post Ofllc#i M«- Henryl 111. FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, Des Moines Salt Lak«, Sioux City, Sail Francisco Yankton, The Black Hills,w., Olnaha, Colorado, ,v Council Bluffs C alifornia Columbus, the Territories Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmond, III. Has an experienc^.ot lo years, and wll guarantee sati.sfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly Sd- vertised. or no charge will be made. Tcrins, from 15 to J10, according to amount • f sale. All orders addressed to Riehmond, III-, will receive prompt attention. ^"STHLY MADE. Agentswanted 5* IUU County rights given gratis f,.r the S;ilc of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in <*verv family; ropu'ation world wide ; established many years; made by a Relet;rated physician'/proofs of evidence given. Viiti <1 -ttrio n, energetic person can make <n iiT;)3r nan ant income and very liberal ytfrnii iy -v i Ires<ing with reference, 233 Chestnut street, *» 'iliadelphia. B-' W A YT 17 H T" make * Permanen Vv fV 1.1 I tld u engagement with a Slergvman havin? leisure, or a Bible Reader, to Introduce :n McHenry O >untv, the CELE. RRATBD SEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLYBIBLB. Por iessription, notice edi- ^•rial in last week's issue of this paper. Art. trossat once P. 1.. HOUTON & CO., Pnblish. ipi and Hookbiaders.80 B. Market St.,iBdiani. tpolls, Ind. 1 A Aflfl NAMRS of residents wanten.- Por 45**mesa»d ss cents we will sen t von tftne silk *»an Ikerchlefeverythread Ilk regular price I.M. (J. W. Foster ft C«i ti 3Krk 8treetChica8o.Ill Go to Mr«. S. Searles for the greatest. Bargains of the season In Cloaks and «* m JOTFtTT, Toimp ami Old GhteTt A NEW IN-VENTION jua patented lor theai, for Home use! Fret ami Scroll Sawing, Turning, florimr. 1 tillius,(iriii<litit?, Polishing, Screw CiiUiiut. l'rice f 5 to fM. Send 6 cents fur 1< 0 papes. 'EPHRA1M IiUOWN, Lowell, CAST FOR Ohicago New York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, M'onreal, f - Toronto, New England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East I SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, * Kew Orleans, St. Loris, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points South, --THE-- ; "North-Western," V Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering the trareling public Greater Facilities and More Advantnges than any rand in th« West. It |« the only line running ^ B l{ Pnllman Hotel and Sleepifig tars Beiwewn Chicago ami Council Bluffs, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars are ran on all night trains. This Itt the groat Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Parlor Cars run between Chicago and Milwaukee. First-Class Meals only AO cents at the Eat. ing Stations «n the North-Western. " Sure and ciote connections at Chicago with all Railroad?, and at all Junction Points with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket Agents can sell yon Through "Tickets and check your Baggage FRKK. by 'ihia Read. i For information, folders, maps, e'c.. not ob. tainable at Hnn»e Ticket Oflice, address any agent til the Company, or MABVIN HUOHITT W. H. ST! 9NETT, «j>eneniiSupi. Gen'l Passe:.ger Ageat JOS. WIEDEMANN Agent Franz Faik's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, Beer in i^arge ne^aiall Kegsior Bottles de livered at anv place In McHenry or Lake Counties cheaper than any other, quality oo#slilered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur. passed In the world. ' tJitACK'"* CKLKDRATED SALVE 18 A VgCETABlE PKEMRAIIOK tnrehted in tne itth centurv by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King Jaines army. Ttj^-onlgh its agency he cured thousands of tlu? nji»8t«erion6 soresanrt wounds that baffl ed the skillof the most eminent physicians »/ his day, and was resrarded l»jr tilIffbo w»e%v him as a public benefactor. Pill<IK USCKNTS A BOX. 1000 BOYS & SIRLS wanted t aetasagent for tlie best Boy's and fliri's puper published '.*« the iVest. Beautiful presents to subscrib- srs and agents. Every bov and girl can earn ots of money ennvassing dnrlng leisure hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To introduce it we will send to any address on irlal three months, for 10 Oenti in crf&h or postage stamps. Simple of paper! anrt particulars Addret f KrailnU Ge», Oter eland. My wagon wtti run regular, and ers supplied promptly. <^rders by mail promptly attended to. I JOS. WIEDEMANN. 4- * V • ' lieSRenry.iH.. Oct. 8tb, jaro, »- t i '--'---ii. ;'L - The McHenr^* Brewery, Gottleib Bciley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the oountry and warranted as represented.-- inated the political inRcliine. antR of] help liltn along. Every indlvKlttal and course, knows all Hb(^it Aiaadiine pt>l> I tics. He (orm« part^ of the conce rn. We don't say he to be cencured for what he is, for playing the role he does; he Is not half ntlmheli to blame as the men whom ho kettle tyid coMtrol^. His error. If error he consists in the fact that he tt£*l th^ influence fie wields for his own benefit, wlien he 8 tonlrl employ it in rtfd^f his fellow- men--so employ !t tbat thev will be •bio to lead th»'bi#»SVe^ ' 4 But men are selfish creatnreHiand the managers or the polltlclt nmchine are not much worse in that rcnpect than other people. Those who poeaess pow er are very likely to use it--carefully at flrgt--and then tlie^^l^ v6» .tike abuife it. It is only thai people ri«e npa ov THE A one-eyed mnn cdfNSTKlfCTIilG OHUNVKV ROADS. The'city of IVrn, ft* this State, has hit upon a very excellent and cheap plan of constructi-i^f roads into the Surrounding agricultural districts.-- From gravel trains, or convenient de posits of gravel,^he material is loaded upon grain wagons on their way home --a small suin being paid' for hauling --and when the load reaches the point whete road construction h being car ried on, the same Ik dumped by those Inchaigeof the construction, aided by the farmer himself. In this way the road is built at u very light expense and everybody benefited most materi ally. The movement in Peril was commenced some time ago, and one good roftd hat been completed through several townships, while another is un der way. The roads of the West are natnrally very bad throughout a great portion of the year. The soil, so peculiarly fitted for grain-raising, is particularly heavy and clogging to the wheels of vehicles In the raii.jr months. To traverse the country roads when in this condition amounts to nothing short of cruelty to the animals driven. The horse flesh annually used'up, from struggling in the mire of our Western roadways would construct miles of good through- fares, if cost were taken Into consider ation. *4 It is a happy fact thatft^vtr? little of the excellent gravel which abounds in the West goes far toward the im provement of our prairie roads when properly laid down. A lesson should be derived trorn the Peru system, aiid. the Highway Commissioners of the various.States, by freighting gravel to the nearest station,should •join with the farmers in bleesing with good roads the many regions of the great West now cursed with bad ones. Let miles on mile's of roadway be made in this may .--Chicago Journal. , . _ ^ Warning--One of our most intelli gent-Citizens came into our office last Week, and as he sat down asked: ?*l)o you believe In warnings danger "No'"* we replied, "we don't quite think so, but still are iu a little doubt. Why?" "Well.'* says he, D. K. Tlireshuiire was awaked by an ugly iiupreseioii -the other night, when rising and looking out of hi£ window he saw a snail stand ing at the open stable door'. The man evidently saw the light as the curtain raised and slipped around to the other side of the barn. Threshuiire dressed •himself and going to the stable, found one spau of his horses harnessed ready tolead out, with robes, whips, etc.. in the buggy." These were saved by ait,. impression of danger to a sleeping man. Now you wise ones tell us how tliis cAtae.Sandwich Argutt. The Fully Suspended or 4rgo»y Brace ca i be bought 1u (his town ouly at Lauer & Becker's. They are the qeEt thing out, ' i corporation should undhrstautS that the mau who undertakes the pnblicutiou of a newspaper cioei'so in the hope of making his living out of it. lie pays the price ot a farm for the plant, and itistO hhu wh.*t ,|he i'arin is to tlio farmer, it costs.fclpi mftre per inch foil management than a fttrm does per acr*4', and he Vrhoasks the publisher to givehhn a space of one inch'Tor a gratis pufl, write it up and publish it, might go Willi fke equal assurance and Justice to a farmer nud' *ay. "Give nje an acre of your farm for a year; plant It with something thnt will yield nte heavy profit, and I will come ,4^1 g Hi he I- the proceeds." ; / »IA!S KVK. :. Louie wrnr" a e. This is came into my offtce once to give me a thrashing about a little difference we had once in regard to the settlement of a small estate. I listened to him cool ly and deliberately. Then when I saw he was about to strike, ( pulled out my eye aud laid it o:: the table, as if It was a disposed ot motion. That mau went down stairs on the outside of the building. Still, he could have got away with me if he had persisted. I was out the other day for a wullc when a couple of ladies approached me, ask ing for alius. As if to cogitate upon the ailments of the world, I took out my knife and unconsciously picked at the glass optio this way, (illustrating). They left their baskets on the ground, and though I offered to put up for their oausc, nothing could head them off. But it iS'iu the street car that i have the inost fun. Taking my six o'elock car at the starting point, of"course 1 secure a seat. Very soon the seats arc crowd* ed with men, and ladies oome In. I shut my good eye, so, (Illustrating^ and level the dead eye on the man I want to have raised to make robin for the lady. Iu time it w||i bring a mau to his feet. There's something in the stare ot a dead eye that will make ^a man's blood like it was put on ice. I h»ve cleaned a whole car out fn this way, and had the thauks of the ladles voted. I never put up a cent iu church ou a collection. I set the eye on the deacou and he never shoves the box un der my nose. There is only oue time when it causes me annoyance, and that is when my boy loses the'taw* he shoots with, and hi* mother oomes to me and asks me to loan the boy my glass eye until nfter school. Give a boy a glass eye and he will never stop until lie drops it in a rat-hole," Considering liajHjis other eyo is good, his artifi cial optic is almpst »s valuable as a natural oue. i'erhaps it ought to bl spelt a wou-eyeil man iu this case. -^8 A day ty two since a quiet and dignified gentleman was walking through the street when he was start led by a woman who rushed up to him, all out of breath, and, seizing hint by the arm, gesticulated wildly and pant ed out: "Whistle! sir, whistle!" He finally found breath to tell her that he wasn't much of a'whistler, but if she would nouiiuat^the tune lie would do the best he 'could. Her eyes flashed, and she showed decided anger. With one arm stretched out toward a re treating street car. she shook him off and said something which sounded to him like: "Ooufouiul a fool that can't whistle for a horse oar to accommo date a lady." cloJiln vvi&v.# Mr. A*, JSfalger, Taylorville, |>a., writes: 31 y mother, an old lady of sixty years suflered for thirty years with Kheuma- t is in, to such an extent that she was at times entirely latue. We procured from Messrs. Ludwig Bros., Prufcgists in Scran ton, Pa„ a bottle of St. .Jacob's Oil. used it according to directions, and saw our crowned with per fect success. Mother was relieved, SJsCSTT .** V* Arff * u ^ ' •>« ^ -- % - ii; POI4TICAI, NOTKS. The supreme courts never did stih tbe Democrats and Greenhnckers. The poll tleal "Old Prob" announce? a small Washburue cloud rising; iu Ill inois. •.* •- Main has got through having h fresh Oov«rnor »t#ry faoralMg ^ breakfasi . ' If the nccOnntsi at hand are all true, not metely a single sheep but the whole 8heparii*s Fold ha« fallen Into i plt.--tN. T. Mail. ; Poor I.omtt,in Canada,- tt» ^jgirlng skating and to!>oggaii parties, aiid hiv> wife, who is at home with her mother, is willing tolet him slidf. The West Virginia delegates to Ms# Chicago Oun/ention will he divide.) between Shermfen, Blaine, and Wit^h- burne.--[Cincinnati Conuneretal. The more tbe Pennsylvania Renub- llcn us have a chance to express them selves, the more Blaine seems to boom, .'-^fXorrlstown Herald^Rep.) < The cause of free government ̂ #ery«- whei-e Is under lasting obligations t(» General Chain be rUn, who at the last stood alone between the treasonable conspi rators. and the! r success. He wn* the man upon whom all people turned their eyes, and he did not disappoiut the in.--[Boston Advertiser (Rep.) Blaine appears to be having a -boom*' throughout the counties of Pennsyl» vauia. He is capturing county after county and district after district, and this is not through the power of op galKation or'thci activity of ixiliticians. but by the spontaneous action of the Bfople.--Philadelphia Press (Be p.) Tiie simple announcement that the Tribune Almanac for 1880 Is now ready is the only hint which the American public requires in reference to this an- mini register. This is the only Almanac published in the United State-* that has a National reputation* Ti«e ^lect io principle lies at the base of a thoroughly digested Almanac. Tli« Tribune Almanac does not have ency clopaedia aims. It is a common sense manual of Aniericati politics intended fW actual use by a practical public. Tlie third term spectre does not e% cite auy special dread tn this country at least not among Republicans The cry against a "third term," comes principally from Democrats who rea- llxe that Grant would be not only a strong candidate, but his election cer tain. The Republican party unlitto its pri iu4|»«i.ot>po»«ut,bas pl*u*yv«favaiU »}> " ' " " "" ! tewi" tts prominent lenders. If there has been any. donbt of «ho> cess It has been dispelled by the at tempted steal in Maine. A large ma* jorlty of the people of the United States prefer law and order, to anarchy and confusion, and will so exprecs themselves at tlie next general elec» tion.if we read the signs of the times correctly. There may have been time when Grant's name would have been essential to certain success, but that time has passed and W* <Ei> not anticipate his nomination. week. receiver* of butter •late held re^||f»j|b«>p|4lte market are now more Incll mines • tl afli'ef ed and Inwsi on that tern of s! is at,' Western the weatherit i Quo t.-»i ions: SI choice dairies i tubs good to Wel/»h tubs, ctiol tubs, good to p? styles, poor to choice to tbse 36#:i7c; creamiary to prime 32@85c? creamery, fall,' ftis good|B«8U. Cniiwi|fc--•Receipts for the 'fc.? 958 bbltes. exports for the boxes. The market liaa very strong ami a Unvtkmr iiltaiii at, 'T about |tf.;has-be«a gwiaXl H>#ili m • -J still upward inther tl^; Sales ara pMt)| to mm* dinar ahd lower continue In beat de-1 mand. ^ , ': if ' B O S T O H M A R K l t T . . * - r , % IteTTEIt, CBKKS8, AM«> KO«S.--TIM ft are @2#c; flne lots of fall dairy straight and rtiotce New VertMon^ made at jNNBSld; I ntl8@S2c;^Ji;' VTM quiet and ladle packed 16(^24i5 ^ lb as to quallcy, been in lair demand aiM-# quote at 13|(«14c for for fa|r t« good ati COIUIUOU. rental quote afc Tof _ for Kortbarn, aM l?#i«0 W e s t e i u . • * - " ! ' < - - 4 t N» irtwoge in pork to tfUSletoar and e Lard 8 liamsSto !)Jc. tm y«i AM nt,D LhtrKtt, Written by the brightest aeetesla* tioal light of Ills day In IMS. There has lately been found among soine old papers in tlie library of the Massa chusetts Historical Society.the follow- suggestive letter: Skptembkr 1681. 7b ye aged <m4 belawd John IRocriru**. There be now at sea a sltippe(for our friend Esias Hoidcraft of London did advise me by the last pscket that It would sail some time in August) called jre Welcome, R. Green whs. Master, which has aboard a hundred or more of ye heretics and innltgmints called Quakers with W, Penu, who is ye scainp at the head of them. Ye Gen eral Court has accordingly given secret orders to Master Malaclii Hnxeit.-- Welcome as near ya coast of Codd as maybe, and make captives of ye said Penu and his ungodly crew, to that ye Lord may be glorified and not mocked on yc soil of this new country with ye heathen worshipps Of these people. Much spoil can be made by selling je whole lot to Barbadoes, where slaves fetch good prices iu rumme and sugar; and ye shall not only do ye Lord good service by puiiishing ye wicked, but shall make gayne for his ministers and people. Yours iu the bowels of Christ, Cottost Mathku. Sniirlng said John, who had (*•« kept f In the house for disobedietM*. f* "Humph! Oughk M iMtvo ttMi tfeMvr biggest show you «m j and camels, and bo--miwfct--»»"iwjL; ' . and everj thin*. If I circus I'd nut away.** ^ "Who want* to go to terotfiMbaf" yelled John. **I had » cirvtts iH'k «)• ? self. Tied the milk iTitidmrta the $ cat's tail, and the cat &»w«* i the flower pots, aud Milpiitli0iii|ptc||. - j . er and broke a palte of glass. 6et away wid your old cirouse* < been to mm'u /r four hundred, :u>* didn't havowant ftiu; an' didn't get licked u the boy who had been to felt as If lie'd got hold of tlta oil bottle by mistake.--Oil [y • « The Opinion ot A. T. Stewart It was once asked of A. T. Stewart by a very old merchant, to explain the fact that, being very widely known and very long established, what need had he of newspaper advertising. A. T. Stewart considered the question for a few moments and: observed: "Com petitors are springing up i:i every part of New York, and apparently dolug a prosperous business. Now If my facil ities were universally recognised or acknowledged, as you say, intelligent buyers would always give me the t first preference. To procure the first pref erence from discriminating purchasers is the sole motive of all my newspaper advertising. I want to make It known to every one that I can sell something forcents when other merchants are asking 10 cents for the same tiling. Wheu 1 can make this element Iu my i business universally recognised bv tlw [ public, I will then discontinue news paper advertising." it was ieported in Chicago. s 11th that all the grain otevajM** lit Urn* city w ere filled to their ntmost capacity and that many railroads worn i^fMhtgf to receive further conslgwpMnt*. T|i» reason for this state of i||||p|p was ...at tributed to the fact grain syudleate represeatotl by Jaimm R. Keen ha^ forced prices tip so high in that city that grain could be ship|H»d either to m* Liverpool without loss, was a radical improvement ia,|jw, fur- eign market, or until price* SalAlraX.t dropped twenty cents per bushal, tltastw was little hop* of auy markert iwpruvs. meut in the western mitpntfaMi Itt many sections t lie faruian WQta --wlila to dispose of their grain «f the inability of shippers to torage. ' . rod for the fool%s haok1* waa by the wise inspire^ writer said to bs the Attest vorreottyo and retvihMlro means of treatment. KentMky la noted, at least tit many of its rfwtrlrta%. for IndividualtmnsgressioMattd i of violence, and it is no wonder it should resort to Solomon'a saggy-, tion as to the methods of psai«liiM>«| and reform, IJuder this idea, sad tw view of tbe increase of the tower bouse of tha KaittiMgJf eral Assembly this week para reviving the Whipping Post same bill passed til* . Assembly, but was-tWtaalMrJ ate by the casting vok*^| Umlerwood. It iaquit»J tliii vearv ho«fe$«r, another Stalfi|«|i ware in iufitftk«ii oacut for a i 1 rule are rieU na ktiew nothing e name was Mary, and iK .Ud not Uaaboot siiMMlatHi# vab HerattlW t eluding even her