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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1880, p. 4

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WUDXSSDAY, FEB. Iltft, Im. J. VAN SLYttE, Bdit«r. *J»t?»K gMICT Tlte Fnaionlsts not satisfied wif*' Hie fl»« Brpttliftcxifs way of doing it "sml- Idled lll!»dk«f®#«w after their own f»s!i- i!»h and wore thrown fur the tbir<L tlm«. An tl4 Mtk «)tn the Sup­ reme Court deciding every question agekwt them and hi faror of the 1e- *»««y of the Republican organisation, whereupon the FiiMonlst legislature «Mt through the fan*e of amounting, until ""dog days"' when they can as«i»- We on the shady side of some fence and deliberate upon their folly and wicked- mmIK Undisturbed, A number of those who were legally elected, hare Jftitwd the Republican legislature, while 5with, the bogus Gorernor, and the balance of the State Fusion officers have g»ue home.s*d<ier if uot wiser men. Vtnelon seems to have sunk Into ob­ scurity and i« said to be shunned by re- *l»ectaV!e society. Perhaps tlte most guRty of the Maine criwjilrators la Sbect riikbury, who evidently hat! talc»n a contract to turn over the eleet- amU votes of JlaiM to Tllden nrf re­ form. Although tlte fraud Ins railed of" lis ultimate object. It has served to show the American people to what dire ex­ tremities the leaders of • popular minority will resort to srenre the power an honest expression of. the will of£he people will not give them. It is by no meaiw certain that the Ignomlnoiis failure in Maine will de­ ter t lie in from another attempt, should tlie chances of success aeem more favorable, but knowing the disposi. tion of the enemy, every precaution will doubtless be taken to guard against a repetition of the fraud in any of Its multitudinous formfr. not, like nl.t i f tn itls the, ims^ the -- "WftltKAL DANORI ASTO MTT. We are told that if the people exer- eise a particular choice In tlie fire, lair election of a President, there will be danger to our institutions. ].f there are any dangers connected with tlie Presidential election, it is well to con­ sider them. To nndeistand them Is to gcuuNt ag*in«t them. There is one real danger--a danger indicated by tlie long eletoral contro­ versy of 1877, by the ugly temper of :th« extra session, by the lawless and revolutionary usurpation in Maine* |as4% tlie growing spirit of the Dem- ijftomttc'tnansg?rs; a unnger that the rightfts!?v chosen President, i! he be a Republican, will be counted out, unless lie has an electoral majority so large as to cowe such an attempt or is a man of such character aud standing that the conspirators would not dare try it against hi in. This is not , like .*« imaginary ©er». danjjer which to-day mem Bepabllc. The danger carries a high public dntjr. It la the duty on the part'of the ReptiMicans to seek as a candidate that eminent, respected, trusted citizen who can secure tlie most votes and who, when elccted. will be most sure to Inspire a wholesome fear of any at­ tempt to defeat the will of the people If that man Is clearly risible, he Is tlie man to nominate. ••"The uneasy feeling that prevails In European political circles is Indica­ ted by the cable dispatches, which give the official figures, showing that the German army, an increase of which is asked by the government, now numbers a total of 418,886 men. This force ready at all times to take the field, is practically declared to be insufficient and it is not without significance at this juncture that the increased levy proposed is destined to re-enforce the garrisons in Alsace-Lorraine. The ad­ ditional field artillery and heavy on1, nance, which are included in the gov­ ernment programme are also Intended lor A Is aoe-Lorraine. . | 'fARMKKg, UWK OUT. TIwt® 1ias been so much talk about .lie forthcoming census that the Mis­ souri Republican warns tlie people >gainst pretended officials who will no loubt attempt to perpetrate fraud nder tlie cui*e of gathering statistics or the census. The game has already «en begun iu some States. A good ">okiug person, armed with blanks and apers that give him an air of official ;*pectability, drives up to a farmer's Ytue and asks him for information jout his crop)!'of grain, potatoes, and her farm produce, the number of res he has In cultivation, the number head of cattle he owns, and other cts connected with hie vocation, all which is carefully noted on his auks. Then' the farmer is requested sigu his nan.e at the bottom of a . ink space on the paper to verify the "ormation--aud here la where the ek comes in. The farmer may un- i pectingly append his signature itliout asking questions; If so he Is * rapped, for the pretended official, ding him good day, takes his de- , ture, goes off and write* over tlie ^ature a promissory note for tlOO. JjVor $300, an! sells it to the near- Ibank or note-buyer, and the farmer |ws nothing of the fraud until the j Ull# *«<! be is notified by tlie (•cent holder to coi*« forward and As we have taken frequent oc- Is to warn farmers and others, •t be too wary of strangers ono pretence and another > al#n tlieir names to papers. ~ |«it of ten there is ^ fraud The census law does not re- ~>t© • tNR PAMIXK » tRKLAStft. For tIkj sccond time within tlte memory of many wen in active life, the inhabitants of the United States are called upon to contribute for the relief of three who dwell In the rich •elds of tlte Emerald Isle. Undsr these circumstances it is uot arrange that our people begin to inquire what nre the caittvs, and whose is tlte re- sponsibUity. for the frequent Wctw rence of these famines. Tlie statements which reach its *re of a vague uncertain character, and tell us that short crops and tlie uier- cihifis extortious of landlords have combined to reduce to emptiness, not only the supply «f food at home, but the .means for procuring it from abroad. Combine with these state­ ments the fact that a distress which has already called forth large contri­ butions from all part* of America seems to elicit no eloitllar response from the citizens of England, the capacity and extortion of wiiose citi­ zens is asserted as one of the prime causes of the suffering, and we have abundant reason for investigation in­ to the causes of the famine. Only a small portion of the cltlsens of Ireland are engaged in manufac­ tures. Irish linen has gained repu­ tation which in not bounded by na­ tional oreOntlnenta! limits. The linen factories is some portions of Ireland are comparatively extensive, but in tlie aggregate, ss compared with the whole people, only a small number are engaged in these manu­ factures. The great body of the Irish people are tenants at will, and are lo­ cated ou small parcels of land, from which, by an economy such as Atneii- cans and Irishmen of American birth can with difficulty couipreheud, they obtain a scanty substance. We Americans know not king of the pitiable condition of a peasantary sub­ ject to the grinding exactions of laud- lords such as afflict and despoil Ire­ land. From time Imtnenioral It has been customary to flx the rents a little larger than the tenants could pay, and the prime good quality of a landlord consisted in allowing his teu- ants* rents to accumulate and lap over from year to year. The sinalhtess of tlie parcel of ground from which a man was supposed to support his family rendered it necessary that they should submit almost entirely on vegetables, of which potatoes were the main re­ liance. A failure of the potato crop caused the famine of 1847, and a par­ tial failure last season has caused* similar, though less extensive, famine The abject poverty which is. tlie out­ come of oppression continued from generation to generation, the terrors of blighted crops, consuming rent*, aud lack of the most simple comforts of life, would deprive almost any peo­ ple of courage and hope. Add to these things the fact that their suffering at­ tracts little or no sympathv from their oppieasors, mh! does notsoem at all wonderful that the Irish people, even iu America, are elifotic com plainer* at e n f 4 ; " X M , •" m ~ T! I raska and is making It home with her Father far the present. Mr. Geo. Beshel lias just retumed I mm quite an extended tour through Illinois, Iowa Nebntska. Mr. Reed Burrett starts for Leadr'U t this week. A good many here have caught the fever engendered by Mr. Ned ll.icrs letters home. Ned isevi- dently well, happy and iu love with his situation aad surroundings. Judging from tlie crowd at the Valentine counter in the Drag 8ton> our post in ^ter will have his hands lull shortly. Handle the tender thing* with the loving care they deserve, Johnny. The girli, god bless'em, are going to exercise their little prerogative ami a Leap year Party is 'underline J for Friday Eve. the IStli. Supper at GoldingV, Music by Tidmarsh'a Band A royal good time by all hands atft) not a cent's expense for the proud male gender. What fun Eht am awl .'n tjwwt :&>• Money Made y$ -BT (Seta, Jm A, su . RilT«rv<M, Mtn.eat iMtraanU, clcs, etc,, etc., «it JliMMta. :1; I SAY JU* *OUR COUCH IN THE: HOW? " I#-' *fc-Why, by getting i>H. ? ^ --r ts. J "4 bottle of-- .ough | Mixture It is the*be8t OoutVcnmpouni ever intmlnool in America. It Is componn«te«l with Pare Herbs. It luis n« Morplrine to psraliae the heart, "offn the brain aud take amy the " Tit one bo.tle and you wilt aever be with. u r.y;- "ITntil -hmv- lst.il880, Iteoglh, no Chloroform to take away the acneea "at it in your home afterwards. If it is not exactly as we represent it, your ° funded. It will cure » cough of twenty years standing. re In order tn run stock low l>pforo roy annnal inventory. laoaey will be ph-. • • t>.; W" Prioe 50 Cents. ̂ . 'vs 'Ai;- ! AND DON'T FORGET TQ ASK FOfU- Dr. N@wtb.'s Caiarrb. Remedy. It ttIII rive immediate relief and a permanent enro to one «aCering from ttils .dr«a<tful ultsease. Price® eents a bottle. r Will DSecoiint Full lO Per Gent 1 ,r', ' • ' A3K rOR IT! A3K rOB WHAT? ASK FOR TBI » ... * CURE FOR BACK-ACHH ' ' ^- ^ Jeweler, Woodstock^ 'Hfkll *»: Rraahinirof riNK WATCHBS, AJfD J1SW- GI.Kv a *|>«ciali(y. If rou have aar Dirri' CUI.T JOBS that others tell you cannot tw repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and be will repair them, Engraving neatly done. All Goods sold engraved Free «ti charge, llemember the nai»ey SM* jv: fife W. BLOSSOM ^ i fVooditook, m UWt WAUCOMDA E»rron Plaindealkr:--That Gun ning Expedition was seemingly too much for your correspondent, but Wan- con da is too good a news mart and the Puindkaleb has too many friends^Jn this section to permit tlie weeks to go by wttlioht mention of the former in the columns of the latter, so while onr friend Is re-loadiug his gun let >». take a look at things hereabouts. Everybody is congratulating him­ self and herself on the revolution in school matters. The new, teachers had a hercuTan task before the in when the}' came here "Jfnd we judge by the way they took hold of things that they fully realized tlie fact. Be that as It may we now have a school fully up to standard in every department. A new and interesting featflre lately added is a class iu debating, which is creating a lively time among the pupils. There is much sickness aud the Doc­ tors are kept much to busy for eomfort. The prevailing trouble seems to be influenaa. with an occasional "addition to the population.*' Theuetiial Collector of taxes is around among us at the rate of about Ave in a hill, all over at once aud every­ where In spots. No man in tlie county can take in the currency for taxes in a better natnred fashion than can ^Xyle.*' A number of our leading men hare given free expression to their indigna­ tion over an article which lately ap­ peared in the Waukegan Ocueite and which reflected too pointedly, perhaps, on our Hotel and those who patronize it. We can name a number of promin­ ent citizens who frequently visit the Pratt House who could not properly be designated as "a gang*1 Ah, well, these fellows who will Insist on airing thein* selves in the papers (like ourselves) will get into hot water occasionally.-- We should go slow and sure. The cheese and butter association held their annual election on Saturday last. W e are unable to get a good re­ port of the proceeding or results but learn that Mr. W. II, Seymour was liosen Treasurer and Salesman, and Mr. Bob't Johnson as Secretary. Ti,e fac­ tory has not secured iu Ice at this writing. Saturday P. M. The snow was cleared from a good sized area and water poured over its surface. If the " weather don't rain" tliey may, by these meaus, succeed yet in getting in a fair crop and also win the cigars. , Among matters for Personal men­ tion occur the ideas: That Boss Bur- ton, and Mr. Owen (of the Glynch Farm) are both happy papas--Prof. C. B. Lambert and family left us oil 1st lust, for Davis Junction, III., where tlie Prof, takes charge of a model fac­ tory. They leave many warm friends in Waueonda. Mr. Nelson Blathc-r- wiok returned to Chicago ou same say, come again Dr. C. J«v nail s CbhIi .1 At IBFuada, FOR SALE Having more bosinem thin I can give my personal attention to, I dwsire *» Mil my •ttuchranil Fixtures at N muU. Not withstand- lug the advance In alt kimU of Harnhanrtitj, wilt iKMbt nn the mont favorable art on Ion* time if denirei!. Parties ejtnatidreM me at Dundee. O. F, HALL. Among American Women. $1 per bottle. The above remedies are for Sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Or by Dr. Newth at his office and salesroom, 115 S. Halstea St., Chicago. 'v * rtOANDEE- BACK STRAP >©e y immw . MainStreet and Ptibli c Sqiiarf. it 4 >4 ^ *i ^ Great improvement over Common Arctics. Easier to Buckle; exclude wot end „«now more perfectlv; neater in appearance; better fittinir: extra heavy tole, giving double service. Try a pair and you will never wtar any other. Sold by . - FITZSIMMONS& EVANSON, McHenry. date. We all Bandy, of Ohio, spent several days of hist week with relatives here. < • « Mrs. Uorton liafi returned from ST$b-" E. Late of Waaeonda, would Inform his friends and tiie public genorally in Lake C iuaty, th it he has nu*v ouenei a shop ia VOLO. whore Horse* Shoeing, Carriage .... ' -A*°- • • • Wagon Repairing, - WftI be done I'roinptiy and on short notice. Having had cnpaideraiile experience in this line I wilt guarantee to shoe an interfering horse so as to prevent it or no charge will be made. KKAPER UKPAIRIXO A SPECIALTY"^' Please give mo a oall. £. Mf EI.LS- ' Veto, I1L, Fein, Mth, ISM. GILT EDCED BUTTER There is always an antire demand for Itnt- tei thatiaupto the uilt lO lfje i standarl in finality and In color. Much butter that is otherwise good, sells at a reddctlon of from 3 to 10 cents per pound, Itccauso it has poor color. This is* itest remedied by the use of B. 8- White & Go's. The Royal St. John Machine tafees the lead. See it aud you will buy no other. War ranted for three years. Below you will find the names of a tew to whom 1 have sold this machine: dates, R. <J. Srhryver, It. Forrest, Mrs. Qnigley, M- D. Kel ley, .1, /inunar. Mi italbert. » Mr>, San font, tlr. Cook, Miss KrinVa, Lnilil Austin, K. «i. Diirfer, J. C. <iiir..r.f, Kdna l>iirk»e, J>r. Waieott, Mr. IIuKhea, W L . Iturtor, Mm.O' llriea, H. Taylor, Rtv. OaKey, N. Helm, K. Abbott, ft. Omstead. K. Church, Mr«. Itaker, J. iialese. K. Pa.t<e, Kev Kt-^ers, Mr. KniWah, tieo. Kry, R, Green. O. Watson, IS liurbmk. Dell Sherman. K. A. Park, K. Giass, ; t. W. I). Austin., H. C. JelfersoK' Kd Stevens, J.Shank, ¥. Slater, . (?. Smi;l», 1>. w, Itoblnson, J. McM/lnns, i«]., II. Kelly, J. Mullen, K. Straton, J. II. Parish, K. I». Prink, J, J. Murphy. D. Whiting, C. O. Parsons, M. SchaflT, Itodie Green, Geo. Stickney, A. lilitkslee, M. Ilalaran, J. Seaulan, G. Giltaon, C. Willson, II. stone, I>. Quintan. Geo. Olark, M. EnkertV W. Keed, M. Sherman, Jeweler, Wood- stock, Agent for McHenry county Iitablished Over a Qiarter ff a Ceitm. F. Natural !htler< Colof! It jytres a bright yellow color; exactly. llXe the Jersey butter. It is perfectly harm­ less and nerer gives a. 44lil reddish color or Imparts any taste or Sinoll. It is made in a strictly 8cienttfle maimer, l>v a skillful chemist, and can always be. relied on. Far­ mers should not run the risk of spoiling their butter by using the Inferior eclor» made by annatto, for this is both ehea(iest and be*t.*i- U was awarded the Diploma of Highest Merit At the International Dairy Fair in Nov York, by the Committee of Judges. Manufactured by R. S. White ft Co. Fort Atkinson,-; Wis. it'or Sale by George W. Beslev, McHenrr, III., and T. D. Ford, Wilmot, Win. Is1 CELEBRATED Q Ol li. 2 Oil any advertised price lists of Leather o* Hubber € oods. R«»tfetifr ber buy and sell more Boots and Shoes than all other dealers i« Woodstock, and because iu buying and selling for ash exclusively *ai we can make you lower prices at , ir ^ W. H. OWICHTt, ̂ ONE PRICE ONLY AND READY FOR BVSIKESf „ WE THREE ABE ONE -DON'T YOU FORGET IT. ^For the Fall and Winter business cf 1879 and *80 we are hat is, the Richmond, Nuuda and Dundee Cash Stores of C. M *- -1 That Hall. We want your trade, come and see us and we will get it, fof our prices ta*e every time, for they are Cash prices and the monet taken buys again. It is the" old story of the "nimble sixpence!: against the "slow shilling." We sell Dry Goods,. Clothing, Bootf' and Shoes, Huts aud Caj-s, Groceries, Jewelry, Crockery and Glass! ware cheaper than any store'in the Northwest. Que price on ly«u4 that always the lowest. Balow id a sample of the way we do itt ' 1 Good Prints Beat. , sjk>o\ TtitMd..... Beet Cotton bleached.... Goad Cotton, unbleaelied. No I Black Alans No I Colored Ala, .,r No 1 Table Lineti.. . , S cent Items, Lot!. , '•> 10 cent Items, Lola • ^ Iteent Items lota tiM • 05K ........ 9 lo7 tttii:?'*.-*. -*e tee 8to 12, 36 rent items lota Good Dcniins Good Cotton Flanntfl ... Good Corsets Ladies Wrappers 1 Mend Shirts Mens Drawers Ladies Furs, All Prices „ Rnflalo Robes to beat them alt , Vrmiks an<t Valises way dawn > £ Black Cashmeres... No I Shoes me • •••••• ̂ *0 • a« < Mo 40<- £ .... 6{L W 1.00 No 1 Boots Ill Best Kip, warranted til i H«*t. rrjKneh Kip, French km shoes warranted .too to u Eabbcr Boota and iMmmm elutysr than th cheapest Mens j^uits... lei Mens Kxtra &«uto«.2 Mens Suits, fine.... if.4n Boys Suits * LTA to a.Cf Youths Suits 9.00 te 7<9lf Prices M less on Clothlak gnaranteed. Mens Pants ..00, Tland L% Overcoats ot all sizes «n4 kindi, augars, add freight only. No 1 Baking' Pore Spices only. - •-? r- • Stove Polish. Dried Fruits cheap. SO Bars of Soap, No 1 Fine Cut... M Cigars. . . k STOMACH ^ 8lTTEBS I)o you feel tnat any one of your organs-- your stomach, liver, bowels or nervous syS. tem, falters in its work? It so, repair the damage with the most powerful, yet harm- leas, of invijforants. Iteinember that debility Is tlie "Beginning of the End"--that the elf. max of all weakness is a universal paralysis of tiie system, apd that such paralysis is the Immolate precursor of Death; For sale by all Druggist# and Jtttadi gen. erally. s*r o|T3 §2,1 O.Q-. fga S p w ? 5.50® | w# a..®?- £. O o rnQ » & 3 /?&->- This Fall and Winter I propose to increas& my trade,-and to thn end shall make prices that customers will see are lower than oth*r are making. Buying so many goods we getbpccial bargains and w divide. Now don't buy any goods until you see. It won't cost eeut. It you get what you don't want take it back and the money i refunded. . We will give you square dealing aud "don't yon forge it." Stock always full. C. F. Hall gives the buying his persona attention and bargains can a I way b be Baa tor money. Come and se us. Be»p#ctftilly To Chicago Office 222 Franklin St. \ • C. P. HA Stores at Bicliixiond Kandu and Dundee. ®':i . -AND DEfL^'IN- Rsady-Hade Clothing. Cloths, o*«*lma» and Worsteds to satl by the yarn. The latiest styles of Goods on hand at all times. My stock of RKA.DT.lf ADE CLOTHING is Bow complete and I Will not be Undersold. Store in Old McHenry, tosar the Bridge. , :1 j "t ' i A New Compound, Scientifically prepared Af BalsamTolo. Cry 8- talised Bock candy, Old Bye Whisky and other Tonics. The formula is known to on* best physicians, is highly commended l>» them, and the analysis ofone of our promt, nent chemists, Prof. G. A. Mariner, of Cliicii. go. is on the label of every bottle. It is a Well known fact to the medical profession that TOUT, BOOK and BVE will afford the greatest relief for Coughs, Colds, lntluuiixa, Bron- hitis, Sore Throat. Weak Lungs, also Consumption, In the incipient and advance# stages of that disease. It is use<tas a Beverage and for an Appe­ tizer, making a deitsrhtfu' Ionic for family nse. Try it, you will find it pleasant to tako, of great service,. If weak or debilitated, as it glf «:s strength, tone and activity to the whole 2()inun iyain^ •9-i'ut up in Quart size Bottles for Family use. Sotd l»v Drucgi«ts and Dealer* every­ where. LAWRENCE A Sole Agents for the United States and Oauauas.-- Also Importers of Fine Wines, LIqttorS and Cigars, 111 Madison St., Chicago, toadies Veata 35 cent* «!6h at riu- i|niinoi« & Evitiison rs so IV *'7 sy* TM,' w £* ASKfET Ifl AfflTtiS. The umlerfsfsjnflfl fg prepared tft fur­ nish Willow Baakcta of his own make, of all kind*. Flue Basket* a specialty. Market, Clothes, and all other Baskets made to order. Will also repair all kinds of light work. Give me a call.-- • First House South of tlie flaremont House, on the McHenry and Richmond road. ivS K? Fitzsimmons 6c Evanson, Are ttfytf? ̂ "Winter Goods of every possible de­ scription at reduced prices in order to close out. Wei also have for sale 60 dozen enuine Imported [Eid loves at 66 and 96 dents er pair, better value than loves sold for $1 and $1.60 elsewhere. Highest mar­ ket price paid for farmers produce. ; We will save money for theOash fyuyers "" solicit a trial. Ift. ifli, if i '.K: .'4-'"^^ - „ ,'i 1 f HI, January Gth^100^'^ ^ ISfV'APil 1880 'mn •; 'w f t

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