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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1880, p. 5

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,, „ sm iwriA" :M.f j -t - • , r>^; pa^wsfiTwsw^^ » „ 7ft* "* -f<^« • ."»l4>» *" « • . * - -i i ^.\ -a j.j»w ^ f^r.: ^;^L- j;^:;..^ ;;: %r r'&si.^' /* « •# • */' >i EWTESDAY, FEB. Uth, 1880. fev is«.b»«.*5J25ff"™:. •«»>»*» l,tk« Freight. ,. oonro eotcru.* I«Mn UltrmiMi,.... V»«r* Uk« PMMMTOR 7:98 A. u. 1:18 r. *. A. N. S:« r. II pr&soxic. * OMR. A.. 11-Repiht Mteond and fourth rSCAKLBS, H. P. Ilnir Ootnv. Swwurr. KoHawlC (MM, Wo W A. F. and A. M. Rinltr OesManaleatlone the Saturday on or tofoft the faU ef the am and every Ivn •Hki tkemltir. SMITH SIAUKI, w. sr. McHearj Lec*ire Aisscmtion. The Fifth Lecture of the Course, be- Aire the McHenry Lecture Association will be given by WILL CARLETON, -AT TBE- UNI VERBALIST CHURCH, Friday Eve,, Fek 13, 1880. SUBJECT--* The Qo&m Sbrse." Mr. Carleton'e success M I teetunr and platform Orator ti no ten remark­ able than hit fime aa author and poet. He occupies a field by himself, and aa he steps upon the Platform, Author, Lecturer and Header stands before you. Do not fail to hear him. WILL CAKLKTOH at the Universalis Church, on Friday evening. Call and see the flue stock of Milli­ nery and Fancy Goods, at Mrs. Howe's. Go to Mrs. Nichols* for Millinery and, Dress Making. Do not fall to call and examine the Glilord Bed Spring. Decidedly the beat and Cheapest tiling of ttie kind in the market. Shop in Howe's Block. Go to Mrs. S. Searles and sef Iter Stylish Hate. Has the largest stock in the county to select from. Mourning a speciality, work done on short notice We would call the attention of our readers to the new advertisegpfrat of E. Wells, Blacksmith, Yolo, ft be found In another column. 0 ^ 4 t SKR the advertisement of the St. .fohn dewing Machine, M. Sherman, Woodstock, Agent, It eanbe foijnd In auotlier column. IN another column can be found a notice to Teachers and Directors, by A. W. Young, County Superintendent of Schools. It should be read by every Teacher and Director in the county. Paor. SCOTT organised a Class in Vocal Mnslc M^ie Unlversstliit Church, on Monday evcnlngl About twenty- five were present and the prospect 1* that lie will hove a Urge class. , • " •**--- = «-r • ^MRMBKB the Lecture by Will Carlo ton, the popular Author and. Huiporist, at the Unive realist Church, oij' Fi Ida? evening of this Week. Nd /lie should tail to hear him. 1« W, BLOSSOM, Jewelei, Woodstock' lias a new -advertisement this week' which our readers will do well to read. We shall speak more at length of him next week. - " Wm would again remind our *aiie«s of the Lecture of Will Carleton.be fore the McHenry Ajeeeiation, on Fri- dajr evening of this week, the 13UU.-- He la Justly popular as a Lecturer wherever he has been, and his (object. "The Golden Horse," has received high econul ins from both the public and tlie Pres«. ja mn exchange we fad the following notice ot this not! popular Lecturer:' The well-known ballads of Will Carleton, recited by tlie author at the Opera House 3a»i evening, lu the Li­ brary course, isis warmly received by the audleuce, and the whole entertain­ ment WJUS s, snece**. Most of these homely ballads of farm life are famil­ iar to our reader*, and the manner in which ihey went straight to tlie hearts of the audience last evening, anil the fame they have won for their author is a satisfactory proof that they con­ tain thoughts anil experiences which find a congenial response and sympa­ thy iu every human heart. Pathos, rough but genuine, humor, sparkling all the orlghter because of its unpolished surroundings, ant! good, hard common sense, are mingled in happy propor­ tions in all Mr. Carleton'* productions. Tickets26 cents. Children IK cents Tickets for saie at the Poet Office Mid at the stores. DR. NEWTH, of Chicago passed through here on Tuesday, making a regular trip among his customers.. The Doctors Medicines are£fnst gaining la popularity where used. II. E. WIOHTMAN, of the. Riverside House, has decided, not to have a Washington's Birthday Party for the 80th, as he iiiteuded, on account of so uiany parties in this section of late. OHBofour country correspondents asks: "Is it grand or petit larcency when one of your contemporaries ropj t wo-t birds of our correspondence with­ out creditr* We'll let the thief bring In the verdict. THE following is the programme for the regular meeting of the McHenry Bed Riohon Club, to be Jteld in the Universalist Church on Wednesday evening of this week i Soug, Misses Mabel Scotl and Eloise Walte. Select Reading, Miss Mollle Searles. Reading, Mr. E, W. Wheeler. Voluntary Address. • ^ Recitation, Miss Ida Van Slyk^* :« - Select Reading. Miss Eloise Willie, Quartette. Misses Owen and Clifton, Messrs. Baldwin and Clifton. The regular meetiug was appointed tor Thursday night, but owing to a mistake in the announcement, and to accommodate the Singing School, It was changed to Wednesday. Here­ after It will be held on Thursday nights, as per adjournment, unless otherwise announced. THR Second Party »f the "Ivy Social Club*1 was held at'Grand Hall on Fri­ day evening of last week, and, like the first, was a very pleasant and en- Joyabla affair. The officers of tills Club spare no pains to make it pleas­ ant for all, and with the best of musle tio one cau fail to have a pleasant time who attends one of these Club Parties, The next Party bjr this Club will be' held on Friday evening of next week. Feb.20th, at which time the Germania Baud will be present with Ave pieces of music, which we gurantee will fur. iiish as good musicas can be found in the Northwest. Remember the date, Feb. 20th, ami if you ever danee be sure to be on hand. «?-Col. "Bob.** lngersoll has been interviewed in Chicago on the Presi­ dential quest ton* and gives It as his opinion that the contest in the Repnbli- can National Convention to bo held lu Chicago next June, will be between Blaine. andSherman. As between these two lie said, "I believe Blaine would ruu better than any other man he is the only man we can with UJf certaiuty feel that we can elect.** QCITK a number commcuced harvest­ ing Ice on Monday, but at the time of writing, Tuesday afternoon, the pros­ pect Is that it will not long continue, as the weather has changed and It is now warm and Spring like. It le the general opinion that lee will be * scarce article the coming season. ON Monday evening last a Party was 'lield at the Riverside House, as a fare­ well to J. Fitzsiramoas, who starlet} for Kansas ot^Tuesday morning. The notice was short but nevertheless About twenty-five couples were in at­ tendance, and It proved one of the pleasantest gatherings of tba season.-- Many we« out who we have not seen to parties}tor years, who seemed to en* joy themselves as of yore. . C. F. HALL, of the Dundee, Nonda end Richmond Cash Stores, having more business than he c»m give his per­ gonal attention to. oilers his goods and business at Ntmda for Sale. He baa a large and well selected stock, and a jegula'r cash trade second to none in the county. This is a splendid oppor„ (unity for a person who wishes to get into trade. Read his adveitisement In another column. TH« team attaehed to the River, •lie Buss became frightened by the pitching of an Ice train at the Depot '<& Saturday night last, aad started out on their own Itook, running through Smith A Snydei^s Lumber Yard, and up the back street sonthof tlie Depot colliding with a tree, badly,wrecking the new Buss, damaging it to the amount of 480 or 171. It was a bad accident for Wightman, but ho im­ mediately sent it to Genoa, where it was made, for repairs, and It will be oat iu a day or two as good m new» S MCTICF. ^ AN ADJOURNED MEETING FUtow CitizenM:--Because you was not present at the meeting to take into consideration the enlargement of the Melienry Cemetery It was adjourned to Feb. 17th, at half past 7 o'clock at tlie Univerealist Church. S. BISHOP, Prcaideat. Wi G. MATKS, Secretary. -Tj --; ' . ... ' . • **.;p . Prof. It. D. Scott [if] Would inform the citizens of ||c- Henry and vicinity that he will be lo­ cated in this village for the next six mouths, and is pn*pared to take a lim­ ited number of scholars in wn.m sie. Terms reasonable. i BOB INGERSOLL**5 s compls at O. W. His Lectures com form for sale late In pamphlet Owen's. FOu SALE, 4000 pair of the famous Belsit Shoes in French and Auiericau Kid, Goat Coif Ac., Iu Side Lace, Front Lace and Button, at popular prices. It wilt pay to look theui over. Every pair warranted. Fitz«iinmotis & Evausou. WAVERLY NOVELS, Complete iu thirteen volumes, for sale by O. W, Owen, If your Watch, Clock or Jewelry is out of repair, call on Bobt, Murfltt, Niinda. He will repair them in shape, on short notice aud in a workmaulike manner. THE FAVORING KEY WEST. The Smokers' delight. Another very ioe Vickie Cigar. Manufactured by Frank Barbiau, McHenry. When in want of work in my line* give me a call and 1 will try aud please Robt. Murfltt, Jeweler. Nunds, ni. Axes Warranted, at 1. If. Mead's neW Hard ware Store, near the Depot, McHenry* NUN OA Eiyrro* PLAINDEALEH .--The Pre­ siding Elder. Martin, preached in the M. E. Church last Friday night ft* per appointment. Also on Suuday even­ ing to a crowded hoi*se. The pulpit was tiled in the .morning by Iter. Mr. Adron, of McHenry. The missionary work in Japan was explained and illus­ trated by crayon design* by Rev. Mr. Bacon, after Sunday school. Elder Collins is expected to preach to the Disciples Church next Sunday. The Mcllenry County Teachers' Association met here last Saturday. There was present about twenty teach­ ers. besides many more who are inter­ ested in such matters. The mode of britiglng out tlie different subjects as reported iu tlie last Programme, proved very Interesting. The old constitu­ tion having been revised, was accepted and the Secretary ordered to have 300 oopics printed for the benefit of the members. Do not forget to attend the Concert to be given by the R. D. Scott Family, for if you do, you can never forgive yourself. They are acknowledged as the best Tronpe traveling, and are per­ sonally known by a majority of us. Come aud hear them next Friday night, February 13th, in the Dtoclples Church. You may think It absurd, but it. Is the truth, nevertheless, that McHenry has a man of mature years and still cafi not tell corn from other grains. diss. McDonald has been suffering for a number of days past with Rheu­ matism in one of his feet, being hard­ ly able to get around by spells, while his father has had another severe at­ tack of throat difficulty, but la now better again. The measles have raged to sueh an extent that the s:Htools have been re­ duced below one-half the average at­ tendance. ' Thos. StClalr has returned from Mississippi, where he has been for a few years back. He says the Demo* crats can deny all they please, but it is a fact that the shnt-gu:i rules tlie bal­ lot box, and unless t.lie negroes vote the Democratic ticket they are iu dan­ ger of their lives. Cnl. Palmer has moved his building formerly the old Saloon, to his farm. The Union Literary Society draws* immense crowds and no wonder, for they have each time avery interesting Programme, Their.next meeting will be at Crystal Lake on February 17th. "i?eaoA)ed, That Invention has done more to civilise man than teacklngs," will be the question for debate. Dan llcClue announces himself ready to skct iu the capacity of Auctioneer, and all those who have anything iu that iiue will do well to see him before en­ gaging* Dan is second to no Oi.e in this section, knowing well the value of property and having a gift of sensible speech which pleases all and gains the attention of the crowd. Good quali­ ties for an auctioneer. Mrs. WHiey, living some three miles iiorth of here While attempting "to go to visit one of Iter neighbors on foot, and wli'le on the railroad bridge lead­ ing over the wagon road, beoaine dig. «y and .fell, receiving severe internal injuries. Dr. Ballou is attending. Aunt Mary Robinson suffers terribly from 'nervousness aud In connection with her age and geueral health, is not improving very fast. She is undt-r the skillful care of Dr. Bailou who is doing ail that cau be doNf, aud hope to have her well again as soon as nature will penult. tJ!" 'Vi, DISSOLUTION, f 1 The Co-Partuership heretofore ex istlng under the firm uatne of Warner & Hamilton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said firm, eitli er by Note or book account, are re­ quested to call and settle the same without delsy,asour books most be closet} up st once. The business of the lite firm will be carried on by W. T. Hamilton, who will be glad to see all his old custom­ ers, audsuch ne w ones as may see lit to call. D- B. WABKBB, w. T. HAKILTOK, IIL, Jan. tut, KB*), EDITOR RWIXMTA >-W« spoke tart week of the death of Master George Mattiletd. Thursday tut * brother and slster also pa^ed away. It U *upp"*e4 Wltft Diphtheria. Ttiere is but one left, a daughter uearly grown, but an invalid. The mother is a widow, and she to Is Very sick. It seems that more than a fair share of this life have fallen to the lot of Mrs. Mansfield. Her linsbaud died about ten years since, and since that time fonr out of five of her childreu have followed their father to the grave. All that remains of the once happy family are down sick. Tlie sympathy of the cutire community is taking practical shape in the form of substantial aid.-- We cannot hear of any other cases of Diphtheria In or u*ar town. The wife of Win. Still, Jr., about two miles east of town, died the past week of consumption. They had been married four years. One child is lett to moorn the toss of a kind mother. This week Stewart, tlie murderer, goes to Belvidero for trial. Let us hope justice will ttotngnin be defeated bv delay. Not long since Ralph Bust, otto mile southwest of town, received his pe». sion at $4 i>er mouth, the arrears amounting to $804. We mIso lenrti that Win. E. Smitht formerly of Wood­ stock, Adjutant of the 144th 111. Infan­ try. has lately received arrears of pen­ sion to the tune of over ff30d. Wednesday Win. H. Dwight. of Boot and Shoe fame, started to visit his mother aud family living in, or near. Cincinnati. He will probably return about the last of this week. The meeting to organize a military company was well attended. Speeches were made by Mayor Murphy. N. Donnelly and Capt. Nlsh. Over thirty names were enrolled, and many more since. We'd like to see a well drilled body of soldiers again, just to bring to mind old times, if uothing more. We have always thought that Ma­ rengo was a quite, moral ami religious town, but if the two correspondents it who occupy so much space in last week's Democrat are to lie, relied It must be a rather hard place. are not quite sure whether the lett explain the morals of tlie town or of the correspondents. Some writers like to ileal in one thing, and Somo another. "A man is known toy the company lie keep*," and nometimea it correspond­ ent's letters betray tlie kind of com­ pany he keeps. Real character is apt to make Itself known, often when sup­ posed to be entirely conoe.iled. We ofl.tr no advice for three reasons: first, because we have no ability iu that di­ rection; second, because it has not lieen asked; niul third, b.ecai}.s$jv$ fear It would be labor wa LATKtt. TO FSCMUOL TPACUKKS AM> IHUKCTOIB. Many teachers and, rchool directors nndsra wrong Impression of the law and the decisions of the courts in ac­ cordance therewith, are now making contracts for the teaching of next sum- mer's term of sciiooi. * It has been customary, heretofore, for direct ors, previous to the aiiuuiil election of directors In the succeeding April, to make contracts with teacher* to teach a term of school to commence after that time, and iu the absenee of any express provi«ion of the statute and any decision of the Supreme Court to the contrary, such contracts have been regarded as legal. The Supreme Court, howavcr, by a recent decision, has placed the matter beroiul controversy, Aud clearly defined the law governing contracts between, teachers and ilirt'otors, and (ias decided by au Untiuiiiious opinion, that any con­ tract, made by a board of school direct­ ors, previous to the annual election of directors, with a teacher, to teach a term of scltgg| to commeuoe alter that time. Is a nullity. The following is Richmond Department. COKTRIBUTED BT S. F. UKXXFCTT. 6oo»| Chi i tiing More. ». P. BCHMSTT is hereby aut>i<>me(L twufct subscription* Sad order* for u.t vurti»Unr thl M Wort H»r ike PlAtKut AI.KM. iw#ir» •waey therefor ami reeeiyt »<>r th«> « - AH offer* left with huu will receive prompt | attention.--JMHsr. • Everybody and evervhn>|^*s, neigh­ bor is now nursing n eold. The |Hiblic school has sgdtjii opened in District Xo. 1. ens Notlcis. cheap at Xa>ee «# by L. TAXES' TAXES! Tlie undersigned. Collector of tho town of McHenry, will commence the collection of Taxes on Mondiy, Jan. 12. and can be found at the following places ready to receive Taxes: 1 Mondays,--At tlie store* of Chis. Kuhnert, In Johnsburgh, %v We dnesdavs,--At the store of J. W Cristj'. In Rfngwood. Frlda5's,--At the PLAINDEALBR Of­ fice. In the village of McHenry. Saturdays,--At the store of Stevons & S'-linorr, near the Depot, McHenry. The balance of the week at my res* JOHM JusTKif. Collector. & ' Wisix, Bra ifor4 Oo^ Pa. Messrs. HonOA* 4 ALLW. W John St., New York City. DKAB SIRS.--I find the **Coustitution WatW" an excellent remedy for the diseases for which It is recommended. 1 have used considerable of it in my practice with entire success, I have on baud a case of enlarged prostate gland, with irritability of tlie neck of the bladder which 1 cannot relieve with any thing so well as Constitution Water. You will please send ine one half dozen bottles by express. C. O. D., as soon as possible, as the druggists at Towanda have none at present. 1 aspect you to make the usual discount which you make to druggists and physicians. Direct to OJJVER D. STYLES, m. P. Ask your druggist for it, v" 'if I m-i- assortment The finest - •*:* H '-it CALL at Besiey'a Drag exaiuino the splendid of Eastern Trolling flooks. artiele of the kind ever hrooght to this town, ¥£ ' <• THE GOOD The best Nlckle Manufactured by McHenry, TASTE. In town. Barbian, Cigar Frank DISSOLUTION. - ^Hie Co»Partneiisiilp lierefcHPwO ex. luting under the name of Piatt & Ford is cliis day dissolved, Tlie business will be continued by H. II.Ford at the old stand. All persons knowing them- ielvj« indebted to Piatt & Ford are requested to call and settle immedia­ tely by cash or note aud save cost. All accounts are in the hands of G«*o. Piatt. GEORGE D. PIATT. * HAKHISON H. ROU^ Crystal Lake, F«H <'TH, ISSA POULTRY WANTED. Cash and the Highest Market Price paid for all kinds of Poultry »t my Poultry House, near the Depot, McHenry, Bring along your Poultry, 0. T.EMHHMIK MCHKVKT, Jan. S7th. 18S01 DOH*T buy your Cloaks until you have looked at Mrs. 8, Searles* large stocks* Cau show the nicest cloaks for the least money ever sold iu MeJJenry,-- Come anp see' for yourself. CAU. at jtfrs, E. W. Howe's for fancy good*. ,a.v-.:T IK After closing our letter we learned that a telegram arrived Sunday morn­ ing announcing tlie death^ Jkmon-«f Miss Julia G., daughter of Mavofc..I. J,. Murphy. Miss Mnrpliy was one of the graduates *f our labile School Wt, year. After completing tlie plnescrlb- ed course here»he went to Boston to complete her musical education. She wastakeu with Typhoid Fever, from wfdeh she partially re<N>vercd, when a relapse carried her off. We CAII give more particulars next week. Tlie un­ expected death of one so young, just ut the threshold or life, full of the bright­ est hopes and prospects, will make a deep impression In this community.-- Universal sympathy will How out to­ ward the bereaved parents aud friends, tuid lo i| ,^desire to add our, buyable •bare..- 'i&> TTARREVILUE. EDITOR PLAIN DEALKB:--From ll^J i the ex- they again we lift the fien of coiumuiiica tion. Why can't Barreville liave an hlbitionf We have the material A dance was reported up at John Gracys last Thursday eve, quite a mini ber of our young meu went but when they got there they had forgotten tho girls. Try again boys. It Is reported that the Meetings ON tho Prairie are to be. changed to tlie School House in our b(irg. Welcome. Our elieese faotory U in full blast this winter. About 3000 poiijtds is re ceived dally. For N<|veni(fer paid Paid #1 iW per ewt. A number of our young menftxpect to enter the lee harvest If the Starrest continues. We understand Horase Burt On. from over the creek, has loft bag and bag­ gage, havtug nothing left of a farm of 750 acres. Our town now rejoices over * mar­ riage, Mr.'"Will** Wingate and Miss Llll Colby were spliced last Wedue#' day. Our congratulations ••Will.** Emiua Shales is taking subscriptions for a "Family** paper, with which she gives ouly six chroiuos aud it cbcap at that. She thluks that new married man ought to have tho paper for the pictures. Our debators put Mr, Mott In the elialr last Friday eve and then went to work ou the question Resolved. That intemperance has caused more misery than war. After exhausting their men­ tal abilitys, the Judges thought (hat the affirmative was the stronger. VOLO. EDITOO PLAIN DEALER:---We cannot find much in the shape ofIH»W* to write about this week, bpt will give you what little there is. Mr. Fairweather is quite sick at this writing, hut wa hope to see him around sgstn soon, Mr. Daleell, who died last week leaves a wife ardseven children to mourn his lose. Miss Chattie Husen has gone <^i a visit to Elgin, ' Mr, Porter, who has been prospect­ ing in the West, has, we learn bought a farm iu Kansas, where he wlU move with his family early in the Spring. from the opinion of the court '"Plaintift In error claims to have been employed by two school director** on tlie 10th day of December, 1875, to teach a district school f«r the term of nine months, cwmnenciug on the 3rd day of April, 1874; that he was ready, and o ftp red to teach the school but was pre rented front so doing by the school directors. • * • It doo9 not appear from the abstract thaj the plautm lu error proved or ottered to prove, that, when the coutract was made, or when the school was to have commenced, he had H certificate of qualifications, as a teacher, obtained uuder the provi«ions of the Statute. *** Unless, therefore, at the time the alleged contract was made, he had such a certificate--one under which he could fully perforin Ids part of the contract--that is, one en­ titling him to teach during tlie entire term, tlie contract would be a nullity.* Waiving tliia objection, we are of opinion the court property excluded he evidence offered of the written contract, because school directors have no power to make coutracts for the employment of teachers for terms to commence beyond the expiration of the curreut school year.** The opinion here quotes parts of the school law, relating to the powers of school directors, and then proceeds as follows: "It is here seen, power is given alone with teference to tlie curreut year.-- The schools to lie provided, the teach­ ers empioicd, the taxes levied, ctc. aire as clearly as language can express the Idea, for tlie current year. No other power, contemplating the making of contracts for the employment of teach­ ers for future year*, can be found, and the rule is familiar, that the powers of school directors are limited to those expressly granted, or sueh as result by nccsfary implication from those grant- ext. : ' V: • If tlie contract here slight to be e * forced were to necessarily lie because the board of di rectors are unlimited iu respect to con­ tracting for fut ure servioes of teachers. If they may contract for services to be eominenced four months In advance, and after the board, as organiyed, has ceased to exist, whv may they not do so indeflnatelyf If they are not, in this respect, limited by the current school year, where is thermit? • * There is, doubtless, no objfction to contracts for the teaching of terms for a reasonable time beyond the curreut school year, when such contracts are entered into In good faith, and not for the purpose, merely, of forcing upon the district an unsatisfactory teacher or defeating the will of the voters at the annual election. But we think the •pirit aud Intont of the law are clearly repugnant to tlie Idesi that one board of directors may, by contracts wholly to be carried ont in future, divest fu­ ture boards of directors of the power to select the teacher they eliall desire, for^the terms to continence after their organization.'* (Stevenson vs. School Directors 87 111.) By this decision it will be seen that teachers and directors must wait until the next annual election of directors in April, and the organization of the new board, belore making coutracts for the teaching of a term of school to coin* me nee after that time, aud that a tetuslr er at the time of makiug a contract to teach, must have a certificate gtfod for the whole term for which lie has con- ted to teach--that Is one that does not expire of its own limitation at any timo during the term which his con­ tract covers, otherwise their coutracts will be null aud void. Teachers aud directors by making their contracts In accordance with the above decision, Hill prevent mmdt trouble and litigation. Teachers will, thus ay^ld the danger of losing their wages for servicos rendered, and direc­ tors will escape personal liability for any loss to their districts, resulting from paying wages to teachers under Illegal contracts. And now the ice train* make Jerry bob around lively. A baby girl at Dick OwrtouV makes everyone of tlie household smiling aud happy. She is named Rut It, after the aunt who lately died. . H. Chevlllon has put In another bar­ ber's chair and an cxtrA h-ind priidde* over the same. The tdusorlal busine** must be increasing. Eilwln Wright, teachur In the Key­ stone District, has been ill during the past week with Erysipelas. We h«ttr that one of his advanced pupils carries on the school during Mr. WriglitV en- forced abscence from the post. ; , James Colby and family. S. P. Bur­ rows and family, and E . Perkins and family are off for the far We?t tld* week. May the best of I nek nttend them in ttansite and at their new homes. . • ...--i - f Li* Mead W a|«u I* Pmt Buntlett, neiuri!>*• D**p«>t, Jiilinir), " - "" " " *- i 'J Cull 4H<1 see the spiciwlid stork Wini f r Clwlbinf *t % Latter A •mil, Skbissnd, will **U j« warrant H e F. %V,M< a W agonv ye*t<*» C-^ - tirwii.i. rAT 'V-,$y r To try a good overcoat. We heve |l large asM»rt«icnt. PtSKX A Masiis. | The best Threshing Knuckle* at. E,^ M. OwenV. - •_ , The M»l|i«W bulky MHr at E. H| Owen's. • • ^ Pipes. Cignr Holders, stock HI towu. at Laner A Bsde V ; IT WILL Yon to buy a Buflftl* A Martin, PAX .. \ mute ot Perry C. G. Cot ting, one of our old phweers and first settlers lu Rlchinoiid..is ifiilte ill at this writing, having IMXMI at­ tacked by Inflamation Of the I.iuige, ami acute Rheumatism fottow+ng, or rather, accompanying it. Our thanks are tendered Orange Williams, Druggist, Jaiiesvllh'. Wis., for package of Reed <1 Carurlek'n fle- gant preparations of Maltlue and Malto-Yerblne. Mr. William* u well known to thonsamls as the pniprietor aud manufacturer of IIal«**s t'ough Cordial, a really valuable preparation for lung troubles. In Wagons or Ituggies we 4ett |ietitiou eith«'r iu material swo. \ , iiiatKiip, «»r pricu. t . W. Mead,Bi«»»- yioiiil, Tlie Fnrst 4 liradiey StiHty Pkwr K. Jl. UvvaiV. anck",from D1.U0 ranted, IV t O. W, Owen's. TO KENIV Suttahlc for a family, Kor <Sriher pari iculars inquire uf Juhn B, Blafce,p| at the Fnrnilure Store. Btiukeve ITefeo Ow«nV. Pomps. For a nobby suit, go to l.g«rr #| Bct&ers. near the Depot, All the •rrt^l^T plows nt- E. M. Owen's. . The J. I. Case Sutlerflow Owt'u's. Tin* Gmud iK-umr Sulky PtoV at E.l M.Owen's. • I Autograph Albums, Irom upw arils, at O. W. Owt'iiV. cental All persons wishing instruction in In- Instrumental music should n*iii»»iuber Miss Jennie Gillespie. Miss Gillespie, ha-> now a large number of pupils uiidi Laiier & Meeker's, A fine line or Gents Furnishing Good* «t Latter 6 Meckel's new tksl^ ' •' p Th« finest stock ol Kail and Winter V <'lotIts iu il.u (.'ouiiiy at iiarr Becker, near the l>e|iut '.'-J Clothing che t|M»r tlatu ev®% ft Is winning laurels as a competent, thorough and successful teacher. J*he has time to attend to a very few more pupils mid those wishing Mil' sorviocs should apply soon. -- It is said that the arrangements made by the Washington Ice Co.. to cut ice lu the Richmond mill pond liave fallen througlu The reason jjlv- cn U that so many trains are employ­ ed in transporting lee from Geneva Lake to Chicago, that the railroad company cannot give the track heie long enough to load a iialnotcars. A* a goodly number of hands hereabout* were expectlug employment lu li-c cutllug*.the failure to gathof the htur. vest will %• a disappointment. • „ The dog poisoner is abroad aud owii- lield %'Jid, i« wont#} ers be 11 e r care tor thel r caning A mini mean enough to maIlcioui>ly |MII- SOII a valuable dog. Is mean enotigti ' to commit any crime iu the calendar; and What crimes he does uot commit are not for want of disposition, but «JMII of brute eouragc or opportunity; To |H)!*OII a mau*8 dog is only a short step below polsonlug his child. Many a dog, destroyed by poison, has mope <>»' a soul to save than the man who admin­ istered tlie fatal dose. . T«*n 13 light Windows, yliss txlO. all * ^ .perfect, for sale eheap by O. W. Owen. IS IT WILL PAY TnfSisi«lsrqimlily as well as |«rtee when you buy a limit. Enquire for "HftHlcisiin'it ClilcAgo Boor.nl Perry 4b Martin's. 4t. i IT PAYS To lepep tlie f« of dry and warm. A good Rubber Boot Wiild-I It. So will a wnttu liMil boot We have (In bes» _ PKHRT A MARTIS, BOB SLEIG IIS A X l> CI'TTW, At F. W. M«»ad's, Richmond. a|| Warranted. Call aud see them,, A fine lot nf Jewelry, aft klinls. ^ OM«. w.ict, Olratu.. «*_ ,t n.vk,(.. - _ A full »f6ck of Vttwator Extras luf - j NU*IH«I», tihsit^rd g Ui/y, Tbretiwra E. M. Owen (V.- OFL Ift ilrn. S. ft'iMPi" ftit llw fm Itarjr iins i»f tlie wasnn lu (,'luib l[uts triiiMued and uiitrlwmed. Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Leggltt, familiarly called Grand- uia Leggitt, were held at the M. K. Church on Sunday, the Rev. Duuglasn preaching tlie* funeral serntou. i|er death occurred ou the preceding Fri­ day, after a long illness. Mrs. Leggltt was a lady, noted for her -quiet, kind ways, and many other excellencies ol cliuracter which made her circle of friends a large one. She died at tin* ripe age of seventy-four, without an 'enemy on ear'li that we are aware of.-- Iler last hours were soothed and in a do aud as pleasant as possilde by the k'nd attentions of Mrs. Gillespie, her daughter, nt whose house her HI- liess and death occurred. TO 0HOE BUYEKS^ Having the exclusive sale for tWs tow> of the well knowu and celebrated Beloit Shoes, every pair of whh*h js warranted, we would say too all inter­ ested iu the purchase ol' Shoes that we have placed in stock a full line of tlnw goods in Ladies mid Mioses flue GUMt and Kid side laced and button. AIMI Ladies.Freuch Kid iu »ide lace aud button. These Shoes are perfect lil­ ting and for style aud durability are unsurpassed. Call and look at tlieiu whether you want to buy or not. MiLHY BH0S. ' The Pnllv Suspender nr Arjpwy Hrint1 en i lie bought iu this town only at Laoer A Seeker**. fl»ey «m the qest thlug out. If you waist Rubber 0oo«|s nf any kind. >i good grain leather KlporWnnt lined Root. < 'lothiug. Ifndrrwenr, call at Fliz.-iiuuious Evanssm, srkm you will fintl plenty sf them aft bed rovk prices. THE FAVORITE KEY WRSf, Tlie Smokers' d>dight. Aimtlier niy fine Niekle t'igar. MannfantweNl hf Frank Barbian. Mellenry, Low I'rKw aud good ---t*f MurAtt, Jeweler. Xunda, IQ, -J* poi» M. in the village of Riiinwood.e Vlmiee, Barn, and seven acres of Land, fcnftwit as the Lester place. On the place la plenty of Fruit, consisting of Apples^ Pears. Cherries, Ac. Good Well n| Water, The house has eight room*. aud is in g<M»d repair. Will sell fur cash or oil time if desired. F#» further particular* inquire «r vuut UM ftlXUWOCIU, x«v. ttth. Mis* ^.,KIRR8!IT. iferi'lebrateo Kortl PKffl^a|4l Gallery, the ouly Gallery In tlie vtllag* r of Mellenry. A firft-idaM PtNHtes^iiHi given nt onee, E. M. OWKX. LENT IS HERE. A, W. VOVNO. »f isHrnts. Old Hettlers' Orgoaizatiou, IIIHtfALSliTilia, Notice is hereby given that the An­ nual Meeting of the Old Settlers* Or­ ganisation Of Luke and McHenry Couu ties, for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction ol geueral business, will be held at the Riverside House,in McIIeiirv.ouTliurs- ihns. February 28th, 1880, at 1 o'uiock t*. M. Ail Old Settlers, and others in-i teregted iu tlie organisation are ear? liestiy requested to be present. r J. H. JOIIXBOS, Preajrteatr A VAIt S«,rKB, Secretary. seen rt ij,' ..1 - -im VAI^ESTINES! Some very nice ones nt O.W.Owen's, afcipif; TRUNKS! TRUNKS! For Sale Cheap. By John B. Blake. And B.tiilbert near the Depot, Is ou haud with a full line Lent Goods, »wh as Codfish. Mackerel, Imported Hol­ land Herring, Trout 4c , to which Im pal}s the attention of the buy leg public, The.e goods arc nil frc»h. having just been received at my Store, aud will be sold at prices as low as the ioweat. quality of Goods con­ sidered. Give uie a call. B. GILBERT, lfstlenrr. Feb. UHb. m Waticonda Oyster Booms. I would respectfully inform the rlt- igens of Wauconda and surrounding eountry that I am now pre.pared to furnish them with Fresh Qyeters of the best Brands, by tlie Cau or Dish, »t all hours of the day or evening, My Iter fresliineut Parlors are cosily fitted well warmed ami lighted, and no pain* will be spared to please jt|| who cajl. I also make » specialty of «U kinds of Call Goods, and keep a fine Hue or Coefeetionery, Give me a IMU* *. 4. ooLofgn» THE GOOD TASTE, The best Nlckle Digsr, In town. Manufaotured by V iaul(. Burbiau, McHenry. We have marked down eerudn lines of shoes at and below Cost in order to Close out. Shoe buyers should invi»u gate. Fitssiuunons<& Evausou. H-.,. sJtjay.ACsrf-A#. ̂ , . *.43S3if locatlw.. Apply mm 8ALERATII9 WhhAielbe flnaMure S«lwaia< «MT llxb itthstaw* IW Strtjr White eeier. WhU\ r v* e»l»- Wil'li CU'f •» liUf AIPIIAM--I WtU nee SluU r*« iac 8«u u IM AL S4t rutaatMee \iowtmt

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