TO MISS LO-'I-^TIN ON IDES HAS- , ,, .- ST LUCIUS C. Vtlt. '• ^ '* ^ Dear cMM--sweet girl--no! womattnowf &s Mi. M A poivi and eryatal stream. , ' BM#n| »id f». fnna «Utk« fleam --x» Ot tolMI Mil laUntiW we oaloh 'ttA&4HFI»efbediaileaAd««K>dy t ' A» OB It iawa cawing saline*, rM x̂̂ smL̂ i Ait tladtyword* tadl^t w.l s. : And taadernesand > trout the Ibk Ua-si Quite dr.f ed lato woman"* spht res; Have fkwat a into another* iia-.- HUDSIKM JOT--ah! heaven, HL» wile! Oh, may yonr blue orhs ever ecsn The pr. sent manhood of the n»aiu-- ; Hit trafh vo»ebe t for AM. through all Ufa-- The highest honor *tvep a wife. Pray let Jrw aareet Upa «rr apeak Kind *©rda, inr Jo*er"» heart to reich; Tbe-t, as the warm ana melts the snow. All rancor from yonr souls will go: And, nark me,mirk no, nevsvnln Uaasked to give the psrtintr 11«. Oh may your heart, 'BHtb boeom white How tttrillln* with a ftew delight. Deeply imbaed with wladom tt' til file Ufa Uod elv.a to thaa. <1^ < Pray teach jroar lair hands eVr to do • What aa a alia la mtet for \ o a: with tender touch amooth from hla bro# , < Tfce cares of him who love* you now-- • Ybttr ao.t caress will feed the a iae. %'<•£* •• .•• Jlay bar dishonor from his uim^. *?„ " ^ When have your t et forever irodt *&%&'• The wifehood's path marked out by ,'•• Tinxv.igii virtue. troth in 1 t-~r* i m rut IffjaS. A heaven on earth yon will not miaa. Tiien <ieep ft chamber in tig heart,. Your frie ia anil bard will set spa " here, icinglitis with hia aoofT' The »e-nory of an Ileal twain! KALAMAZOO, Mich. kfi HI LISA'S RIVAL. > "Then you will not help liar ?" said eqfffrey Brandon. ; Hilda De Vere curled her beautiful lip scornfully. Here was a royal type of beauty, and it was no wonder man loved her so madly. Geoffrey Brandon eyed her narrowly, and there crept over his handsome face a look of admiration, which the crirl was not slow to perceive, and the disdainful oiurve of her perfect lip rounded into a sunny smite, as she saia: "But why should We quarrel about her, Cousin Geoffrey? Suffering or not, she is as haughty in her low posi tion as she was when she was the mis- tre;s,<rf half a million, and I do not care to encounter her insolent pride again, even at your special request, my friend. No doubt some of her many admirers will assist her, so why should I trouble myself?" "Yea; was it not dreadful! After1 that, of course, X would have scorned hia help, as I told him, on your behalf. But, fortunately, I knew of this Mrs. Hareonr.-, who wants a governess at onee, to go abroad with hi*, so I went to her without dday, reoottxmendeil yon as you deserved, satisfied all her "5 eoxioN sants. < And Who Ftret Said Them. r Many of our common payings, so trite and pithy, are used without the least idea from whose month or mm. ttoqr fit* originated. Probably the ^ t works of Shakapeare furnish us wtth scruples, and you are to go to her this ! of thcw hnlbr maxima than any very evening, and the day after to-mor- : ™ ^ 18 row you will sail for Italy." J ^ fr* Setters, Mrke a virtue The lovely, flower-like face, drooping I neeeasity, Bcrew your oourage to beneath her words, as from a cruel fee sticking j>laea ^ (not point), l-hgy iOUBa* as from a ife blow, stirred no throb of pity in Hilda's ' 4 ^ fake heart, though her voice assumed a more tender tone m slie oontiAued: " So you must cheer up, dear, and look life bravely in the faoe again Once away from this horrid its thousand cruel tongues, you will for get yonr trouble, and, with your beauty and pride, you will win 'Hie heart of some rich foreigner or other. Good- by." And the traitress stooped and kissed her. Christine took the situation offered her, and entered on her duties with an aching heart, at the very hour when Geoffrey, his breast burning with ten der love, was hastening toward her humble home, determined to put his fate to the test, and ask her to be hie wife. Urgent business had taken him from town immediately after hie interview with Hilda, and she had time to mature her plan, and to see it accomplished, bo- fore his return. His surprise and chagrin may be im agined when he found her gone, and all his inquiries could elicit no information about her. At last, in despair, he resorted to Hilda. 4 - " Do you know what has become of Miss Verne?" She arched her brows. "How should I, not having yonr in terest in her welfare? Should I repeat what rumor sa\ s, I should almost fear you would slay me," and she shrugged her graceful sboulders provokingly. J*Tell me what you have heard, said sternly, with compressed lips. "Only that she and Signor Haccioi, her old music master, who was always such an ardent admirer of hers, in spite of pretty little Mistress Kuccini and the three babies, disappeared from the city on the same day, and some gentle he Hilda De Vere loved the noble man \ man» is nameless, saw two persons, before her with all the power she pos sessed of loving anything beyond her self; and, had she known how her List cruel words struck to his heart, she would have left them unuttered. SJie ..saw she vhad made » mistake when he said, coldly: "As you choose. I came to you with Tber story of distress, for I thought you had a tender heart, and I felt I had some claims on my cousin's generosity when I was pleading the cause of so old and tried a friend of hers as Christine Verne. I see my error, and will not detain you longer." He bowed, and was about to with draw, but Hilda, with a mighty effort, curbed her rising anger, and, hastening after him, laid one exquisite hand on his arm, aud said, pleadingly, with lovely eyes misty with tears: " You are angry with me, Geoffrey. What will become of me without your love and sympathy?' Such a perfect picture as she made, with her blue velvet dress sweeping around her graceful form, and her beautiful face, like a grieved child's, raised to his. - She knew her power, and was not sur prised at the softening expression in his "eyes, as he answered: " 1 am more grieved than angry, Hilda. JTou loved Christine Verne once, and were untiring in your offers of friend ship when she had but slight need of them. Now, when she is in poverty and disgrace, through no fault of her own, and you have in your power to aid her, you refuse. "Why will you not give her this position of governess for your little sisters, when you know how noble *«nd worthy she is? Cousin Hilda, re consider your decision, and for my sake givch^rthe aidonetrue woman has the right t* expect from another." His lumkome. jsyes wore a look of earnest pMiii&g, which Hilda would have found it hard io mist^ hau her sympathy been asked for any othdr per son than Christine Verne. Bitk, as it was, a hard, determined look settled over her face, obliterating all its lines of soft beauty, as she listened to the thrill of tenderness ill his voice. She had humbled herself to him, and this was the result--to hear him plead, with all the eloquence he possessed, the cause of the one woman she hated, the one rival she feared, and in "whose downfall she triumphed. "If jou force the truth from me, Geoffrey, here it is! I believe Chris tine Verne Id as vile as her miserable uncle, whose name is now the talk of the town. I would no more have her in my ho»ise than I would the veriest vagabond in the street. If her story so moves yon with compassion," and her red lip curled into a sneering smile,, "why not go and offer#her the consolation of yonr looe, and the shciifr of yonr home? No doubt the would gladly accept both, as she has so long bee a trying her arts to win you!" "May God forgive you, Hilda, for your cruel, unjust words! Would that I were ^worthy of her love, or had a ^iope that she would listen to me. I would go to her this hour, and ask her! --t%be my wife! Your heartless words against her have opened my eyes, and now I know she is the only woman I have ever loved. Good-by! * And Hilda knew, as she heard him going dovn the steps, that her princely cousin was lost to her forever. She clenched her dainty hands, and muttered, wrathfully: "But he shall never many her! I •jyill take care that she does not cross his path again." , An hour later, when Ohristine Verne, in her humble abode, with her pure, proud face wearing a look of pitiful an guish, heard Hilda's soft, sympathetic voice breathing in her ear a plan of es- beariug a striking resemblance to the runaways, walking, arm-in-arm, in a most confidential manner, in Brighton, yesterday morning." "A foul, base slander! Who was the man who dared say this thing? He shall retract his false words, or die!" Hilda laughed musically. "I said he was nameless. As I hive told you all I know on the subject, sup pose we select a more pleasant theme of conversation. Did you have a pleasant trip to Manchester? And all of Geoffrey's inquiries could elicit ho further information about the woman he loved. At last he fell into a settled gloom, and went abroad to seek relief in change and travel. And Miss Verne, the governess, after the first strangeness of her position wore off, took up the burden of life again with a brave spirit. Her little charges soon learned to love her, and, being a true woman, her loving heart went out to them in deep tenderness, and she daily thanked Hilda De Vere's kindness in obtaining for her the posi tion she occupied. But there was one drop of wormwood which time seemed powerless to soften. That Geoffrey Brandon, the man to whom she had given her heart in those dear old days--whose look, tone and manner had so often told her she was beloved of him-- should have turned against her in her sore distress and trouble, should even have doubted her honesty, was a blow hard to bear. Doubtless, ere this, dear Hilda was his wife, and even the pain of his cruel treachery grew less sharp as the months rolled away in beautiful Italy, and she was permitted to bask in the glory of that wonderful land. Until, one day, in apiottire gallery in Rome, she met him face to faoe. She tried to escape him, but his eager gaze had fastened upon her love ly features in a very rapture of delight ed surprise, and, unmindful of the two children by her side, he caught her hands and asked, in that thrilling tone she *o well remembered: "Miss Verne I Christine 1 How hap py I am to find yon! Where have you hidden yourself all these weary months?" He would have drawn her arm through his, but she drew berself i haughtily away, and answered, icily: I * Thank you, Mr. Brandon. I have purposely kept my residence a mys- I tery from one whose doubts of my in- i tegrity convinced me that he oould have no possible interest in my welfare. Good-by 1" She turned away, but he caught her hand. " Christine, what does this mean? Do you not know that Hove yon better than life? Did you not read the truth in the old swees time, when nothing but the fear of my own unworthiness kept the avowal from my lips? Dear- <st, dearest, do not turn away! Mine, at least has been th 3 one loyal heart. Surely such love as mine deserves a better response than scorn!" And, in spito of the two curious children, and the stray visitors that flitted through the gailery, the truth came out at last, and Geoffrey learned the pertidy of Hilda De Vere's heart, and Geoffrey Brandon blessed the mis take that gave him his brido at last. Hilda never met her beautiful rival again, for she married a tick old banker, and went to Bristol to live, be fore Christine crossed the channel once more as the honored wife of the man they both loved. laagh that win," "This is the short long of it," "Comparisons axe odi "A* merry as the day is long," "A Daniel come to judgment," "Frailty, thy $ame is woman," and a host of others. Prom the same tre cull, "Make assur ance doubly sure,"* "Christmas comes but once a year,". "Countjtheir chicken ere they are hatched," and "Jbook be fore yon leap." Washington Irving gives ns "The almighty dollar," Thomas Morton queried long ago " What wfil Mrs. Grundy say?" while Goldsmith an swers "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs." Charles C. Pinokney gives "Millions for defense, but not 1 cent for tribute." "First in war, first in peace, and first iu the hearts of his fel low-citizens " (not countrymen), ap peared in the resolutions presented to the House of Representatives in De cember, 1790, prepared by Gen. Henry Lee. Thomas Yasser, a writer of the six teenth century, gives us "It's an ill- will tarns no good," "Beiter late than never," "Look ere thou loap,"' and "The stone that is rolling can gather no mocs " * All cry snd no wool" is found in But ler's "Hudibras." Dryden says: " None but the brave deserve the fair," "Men are but chil dren < f a larger growth," and "Through thick and thin.1' "No pent-up Utica contracts our pewer," declared J onathan Be well. " When Greeks join Greeks then comes tho tug of .war," Nathaniel Lef 1692. " Of two evils I have chosen the least," and " The end must justify the means," are from Matthew Pry or. We are indebted to Colley Cibber for tho agreeable intelligence that " Riohard is himself again." Johnson tells us in "A good hater of Mackintosh,"in 1791, the phrase often attributed to" John Ran dolph: " Wise and masterly inactivity." " Variety's the very spice of life," and " Not much the worseof wear"--Cowper. " Men proposes, but God disposes"-- Thomas a Kempis. Christopher Marlow gave forth the in vitation so often repeated by his broth ers in a less public way: " Love me lit tle, love me long," Edward Coke was of the opinion that " A man's house is his castle," To Milton we owe " The paradise of fools," "A wilderness cf sweets," and "Moping melancholy and moonstruck madness." Edward Young tells ns " Death loves a shining mark," " A fool at 40 is a fool indee i," but, alas for Lis knowledge of humau nature when he tells us " Man wants but little, nor that little long." From Bacon comes " Knowledge is power," and Thomas Southerne reminds us that "Pity's akin to love." Dean Swift thought that " Bread is the staff of life/5 CJampbe 1 found that " Com ing events cast their shadows before," and " 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view." "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," is from Keats. Franklin said, " God helps them who help them- fcelvef," and Lawivnoe Sterne comforts us with the thought, " God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." Even some of the H slang" phrases of the day have a legitimate origin. " Pot ting your foot in it" is certainly not a very elegant mode of expression, but, according to the Asiatic Researches, it is quite a hue p tint of law; when the title to land is disputed in Hindoostan, two holes are dug in the ground and used to incase a limb of each lawyer (?), and the one who tired first lost his cli ent's case. Fancy, if you can, some of our famous " limbs of the law" plead ing in such a manner! It is generally the client who " puts his foot in it." When things are in disorder they are often said to be turned topsy-turvy; this expression is derived from the way in which turf used for fuel is placed to dry, the turf being turned downward; and the expression then means top-side turf-way. Plutarch, in his life of Argesilens, King of Sparta, gives us the origin o! a quaint ana familiar expression. On a certain occasion an Ambassador fzoxa Epirus, on a diplomatic mission, was shown Uy the King over his capi tal. The Ambassador knew of the mcn- aicli's fame--knew that though only nominally King of Sparta, he was ytt ruler of Greece--and he had looked %o see massive walls rearing aloft their em battled towers for the defense of the town; but he found nothing of the kind. He marveled much at this, and spoke of it to the King. "Sire, ' he sai<i, "I have visited most of the principal towns, and I find no walls reared (or defense. How is this?" "Indeed, Sir Ambassador," replied Argesileus, "thou oanst not have looked carefully. Come with me to-morrow morning, snd I will show yon the walls of Sparta." Accordingly on the following morn ing the King led his guest out upon the plains wherB his army was dra vn up in full battle array, and, pointing proudly to the serried host, he said: "There, thou beholde«t the walls of Sparta--10,000 men, and every man a brick!' get oat trial, in taftt 1 No data is j "The Hand at w. at a first I of an hour, j _ totWfallowing case:! was put by Sir William Windsor, to! Relative Yalae of Varieu* Foods. Wonderful Calcslatisg Boy. Bidder was 10 years old he an swered in two minutes the following question: What is the interebt of for 4 444 days ait 4| per cent, per ftnnum? The answer is £2,434 16s 5±d. A few months later, when he was not It years old, he was flpfeed, how long m. . „ . ... , v would a cistern 1 mile cube be filling l JSjJr?. Uhlt comPUed ftom if receiving from a river 120 gallons per 1 a thG W0P°Y without intermission ? In two • ?D„al ^tiea,_D« ^ ̂ <1"*- minutes lie gave the correct answer, cape from her wretchedness and pities of nearly all feeding substance. | w Shears f»daw ISdS U. her IaST*?2L^.,LkSS»3aJ!! sweet voice "How good you are, Hilda I How could I ever have doubted "your love and sympathy? How did you manage to get this position for me, dear?" And Hilda answered with apparent hesitation, her soft cheek crimsoned with loyal indignation: •/ "After hearing your sad story I first went to Cousin Geoffrey for counsel; for, yon know," with another still lovlier blush, "we are engaged, and I thought perhaps he could find some position for yon without delay, he has so many in- ftfantial friends. But, do you know. Manuriml Food*. Tnrnlpa..... Carrof a...... Potatoes ,rt. St! aw Brewe W grains,.... Miilet Hay Matt... Buckwl ctt Rve ...II Wheat ..IS Barley U Oat« I diaacom; a* minntea, A year later he divided eor rectly, m less thati a minute, 468.502,- attiueper , 413,668 by 8,076. This has been tried M MmmrM. tan, with pen and paper, and, after getting -4 o!w I ®B. incorrect result in one and a quarter r 1•*$ minute«f the mathematician went il lis *to»ngh the sum again, with correct re- is ^ salt (61,629,838 and 5,875 over), in • about the same time <1.3.1 4.t« J 1 3 3 65 8 8 » i Items... I Pes a. Malt dcat JtS .SB the teacher was dangerously flifc I 5 7 17 IS IS 76 50 76 CO « 87 67 51 6? 4A ft) fiO 57 &6 fir: At 12 ye&rs of sge ho answered, in less than a-minnte, the question, If a distance of 9$ inches is patsed over in 1 second of tine, how 6 70 fi.07 7t ft " ' 15.13 H 5 eo many inches will be passed over in 865 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 55 seconds? Much more surprising, however, was his success, when 13 years old, in solv- Bidder. and answered in one ndnute: Light travab from the sun to the earth ia 8 ufefcnfeM, #nd,the sun be ing 98,00)^000 of mllti off (of course this is qnita wrong, bin sixty years ago it sear enough to the accepted value), ifli^ht wooldtalMO years and 4 months, traveling at the aamerate, from the nearest fixed star, ho* far is that star from the earth, raakpning 365 days and 6 hoots to each year, and % days to each month?" The correct answer was question, On one occasion, we learn, the proposer of a question was not satisfledwithBidder's answer. The boy said the anpwer was correct, and requested the proposer to work his sum over again. During the operation Bidder said he felt certain he was right, for he had Wbfked the ques tion in another way, and before the pro poser found that he was wrong and Bid der right the boy told the company that he had calculated the question by a third ALL SO RTS. quickly (riven to this pleasing i vis., 40,633,740,000,000 miles. THK ex-Khedive has tried in vain to get a Neapolitan bank to advance $140,- 000 on some jewel®. AT New Orleans cakes of ioe are frozen around the il^h. and in this con dition they are forwarded to all sections of the country. < A NEGRO girl who had her limbs . finished in a railroad accident has re-! they thould c lear the streets of these Hie Raftfrism ef Old Dublin* | Tradition tells how Fighting Fits- j ger. Id, »n (x-]uisite and duelist of- the hut nsilMry, dealt with the ' bucks," a plagae then infesting the s'reets of Dub lin, snd, indeed, the streets cf every town in Ireland. These "bucks" were half-bred young fellows of some means and high animal spirits, whose sole oc cupation consisted ia making town life intolerable to quiet people. Parliament more tlian oaee compelled I© frame penal enactments with the view of re straining their peculiar ruffianism: but, as there was no properly-constituted po lice to enforce them, these statutes were of small effect. Among the tricks of the Dublin back was this: One of them would take his stand in the middle of a crossing on a dirty day, and, drawing his sword, thrust everybody who wanted to pass into the mud. It was a common thing to see half a dozen or more of these un pleasant sentries lining a leading thor oughfare all ready to afford each other support. Nor were they content with merely obstructing the passage. They knocked off hats, ripped up garments and pricked the limbs of the wearers with the points of th^ir weapons, and broke ribald jests on them the while-- t > tiie vast amusement of the ragamuf fins who used to collect in the vicinity. It any one turned on one of those bul- he) the rest would rush up and form a circle round him; then, seising him by thp collar and the arms, they would prick him about the legs until tfcevco - »ilercd him punished sufficiently." Fitzgerald proposed to some of his brother exquisites and fire-eaters that in hi* of a (Mnaaart aath»« a •aiMi*a aoarat* In Innaal Cnreii. praatle*. having had India inMaaary tfca > wawdyter UwipMJjud " ~ IllUhiia. Catarrh. la Oenun, PVvneh or JCoffUafa, with ft »B5eSLraT/rV" to all wno Mn R thi* racim, \ fall Sluattu-- for •iMramiii wttti 8JIEKAR. !«• NATORTSttllE... iffiGtm covered $25,000 damages against the Georgia Ct ntraL Miss HARRIET HOSMBK is still re solved t© discover perpetual motion, and has taken workshops near West minster to putsue her efforts. W. H. VANDERRTILT, of New York, has donated $25,000 to the University of pests. It was just the sort of proposal to suit such daring spirits, and an asso ciation was immediately formed to carry it out. Like their leader, they were consummate swordsmen, and dandies of the first water--the dandy being in all essentials the antipodes of the back--a distinction which people who write about X I The association set to work most heartily, and in this way: Whenever a fine afte to n followed a showery morning they would sally forth in knots of lour or five, eaah being followed by a lusty valet carrying an oak sapling. On reaching the haunts of the backs the serva ts kept the rabblo off while the exquisi es did the woik the haduL- dertaken. For a couple of mouths few days passed without three or four affrays between tho bucks and dandies, in which the former invariably came off second best. Ere long the mainstay of the bucks, the mob, turned agMnst tht m too. This meant that defeat was sme to be followed by hooting and pelting wrtb mud and stones. Then the pleas ant psstime of Hocking the thorough fares in broad daylight was abandoned. --Com hiU. Virginia for the erection of an observa-1 f0tgj£ are vei7 aPt to tory at that institution. ONLY five of the nineteen Presidents of the United States have hatt middle names--the younger Adams, Harrison, Polk, Grant, and Hayes. THE Connecticut Bar Association proposes to inquire into the advisability of changing the S State constitution in regard to Irial by jury. ALTHOUGH glycerine was discovered dertaken by Scheele in 1779, it is only within the last few years that it has been manu factured commercially. THE interchangeable family ulster supplies a want long felt. In the pos session of a young married couple it can be worn by either party. EVERYBODY who ascends Banker H:ll monument counts the steps--295. The ascensions average fifty per day, and yielded $2,880 in fees during the past year. DR. CROSBY'S Society for Preventing Crime in Kew York city has a bill pie- pared t•-> introduce into the Legislature cutting dow-i the number of liquor sa loons from 10,000 to 2.030 Two MILES of railroad have been bnilt on the ice, crossing the St. Lawrence river at Montreal. The ties and string ers are laid flat, and then water is pumped between them to freeze, thus making a solid bed. IN 1777 Congress voted a monument to Gen. Herkimer, the Revolutionary hero. The other day Congress did the same thing over again. ~ WB now pre dict a repetition of the compliment in the year--say, the year 1999. TWIN brothers at Evergreen, Ala., were not only alike in looks, but so equal in strength that a wrestling match was arranged as a test. This did not settle the matter, however, for one was thrown on his head and killed at the beginning of the contest. MAGGIE MITCHELL, in writing to the Peoria (III.) Transcript, says: "I see by your paper and others iu Peoria, that my age is being discussed quite freely. 1 am in no way ashamed of my age--it is 44 years. I was born in New York city, Sept. 10,1836, and . t irted in my professional career in the old Park Theater, in that city, in the 'winter of 1850." THE editor of PecVx Sun, at Milwau kee. finds fault with those dealers wl o ke p cheap eggs on hand until they become old back numbers, and is glad to learn that a Chica go man, who has frequently been deceived into accept ing eggs that were tired out, has filed a caveat for a "Patent Automatic Stem- Winding, Base-Burning, Non-Explos ive, Lock-Stitch Egg Detective." A 6TOBY is told of a Boston clergy man who was waited upon by a young couple and asked what his fee would be to marry them. He answered that it would be $5, and thereupon the couple were united. Tke groom handed him a $50-bill and received 145 in change. A few days after it was found that the bill was a counterfeit, it is new suspected that both the parties to the contract were men. * v LEO XIII. has pnt an end to UNl sto ries that have so widely circulated in tK &KUT BUW> ies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. rrs MKDtCIXAL PROPERTIES ABE Alterative* Tonic, Solvent and Dluret^cT\ to nuu'.e exclusively fro* the Jnteei at Tffity sic ecteil barks. r<x.ts aa I hert*. and «O strongly OM- ccr.trate i that it will i fie tually eradicate from the system every Uint of Scrotal*, Mcrofalona IIum«r, Tumors, Center, Cancerotaa Hani an-, Eiya atpelna, ltlteum, Sypfcilltle Dbtam, f Mil her, »Vliiturii at tile ttaaueh, and til tUf.rviF.'e arts1 from impure Wood. lolatkNi| Inflammatory anl Chronic Bh«Bautli«, -Tenrilxta, t» «• an] spinal Complalati,can lw«fTc ttullj- cnrcl Girou-h the Wood. For f!cer« nn.i Ernpttva Dl«**8ea of the fcklu, l'uatulea, Ftmptea, Bt«*chea, ilalla, Trlitr.Scalrtlisad anl Ehwwarae.Vnntiiii Ira* never failed to tUe- t a pirriftnwit core. For Point In Bsefe, Kidney C«m- plaliite, ffirepty, Fentala Wrnkatu, Lea* < a. i tire i. nrislrt;; ftom Internal nlferatkxi, csd utcr:n? iiis.'!Ki en ! flaaerai Drbtlily, Vramm *oU iltfc»i'y «pon the caws of these It in- tin 1 siren, t.ioiis the whole systein, acts ttpots tba tivc OIT.ITIS, allayg Inflammation, cures ulceration and rcfinjites the Kor Cntarrh. Dyapepafa, Oikltul C«B- (iveneas. Palpitation of the Heart, 1V«mI- ache, Pila, NerraaaoNa, and (leaeial I'rattrMlsa or the Neivona Syatewss, aa RMXtidne lnw ever given suoli jx-rrect sitisfaaion m tttt \ TCCTIM It purifies the blood, cteaatea all of tha orgnr.S, NI l poaac sses a controlling power over the nervosa syjftoni. Tl»e remarks We enres cflfccted by Vacttls* tin luccd many plijs!>l;ins and apotlircailcg whom ira ktiow, to prx-i rlbc and use it in their own families. In fact. > £CKTISE is the I est remedy yet discovered tor the a hove diseasp*, anl a the only reliable SMSD Pl'ltlFlEHyd placed before the public. Tt fris In") Is Seld by ell DraftisUu s Si Cts. Beet in tha are on swr* pac aad St. Itoaia. : ' ' ' ' Qi&adMedal ttlPbiadelp*lA week tajoorown %own. AddmtH.HAXXBTT*COatPtellai»dtM«a GUNS?iVi^o^33i.,SS^.?r $777 972^S!&.%iS.,%r^«&£K Un UrimKn nr 1" I'or IB ct». we will send a receipt tatl- HU U UlllDuUL! I '»« how to catch mi without hook or ; I line. Thousand* at a time mas be ~ ------^ I caaght. WAID 4 Co, Angwte^Na. Pistes as Wedding. Present*. Scene in New York. A gentlemin enters a gunsmith's shop and aiks to see a pistol. •Here is a pretty family one." „ "A family one! How is that?** ' "Certainly. It has six chambers, yon see. Two the balls ara for yonr wife, two for the des'royer of your do mestic happiness and two for yourself. It is the latest style, sir, and alftlie rage. I bave sold hundreds of them fox^wed* ding presents."--Paris Figaro. BeaatlflerSe T,i>diea, yon aannol »ahe--Mr-skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers of the world, while in poor healths and nothing will give yom such good health,, strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters.--Telegraph. Kidney Complaiats of all descriptions are relieved at once and speedily cured by Kidney-Wort. It seems intended by nature for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic powers are ©specially directed to the re moval of this class of diseases.--Press. A Warranted Robber Boot, It* "Gsadee" Rubber Co., of New Havea, Ot, b making a new robber boot, which ia just what out-door men have long been looking for, viz, one that Is warranted. These boota are oailed the "95" Per Cent. Sterling Robber Boot Shay warrant them three mouths, sod if your l>oot crooks or gives way In that time, you oaa •©cure & new pair free of charge, provided the boots have bad Mr oaage. That there may be no question about the three month®, when yon bay the "£5" Boats, the store keeper punches the date In the top of the leg, ia spaces provided for that purpose, and the warrant begias from that date snd cannot be diaputsd. These "95" Per Cent Boots are as pore ss can be made, snd will, k&t six moaths, hard wear. The exposed portions are doubled, sad the soles are half an inch thiok, of solid rubber, sod will oatwear three pairs of any other robber boots. Illustrated catalogues with full particulars are supplied by the "Gsn- dee* company on application, or the hoots can be seen in most stores. V YOUNG MENisrvarKurl ® mnnth KTOIJ graduate >uaT*»taed a pairing aitaa- laa R. Valentine, llaaacar, Jaaaavilla, Wia. VIRGINIA FARMS. &ow U the time to BOY. MAM OF Richmond^*. PIIN08 m 0R6IN8. 1 IOKR ! Waters. Jr., Union 8t .(Bos 99), Brooklyn,M.Y. Asrent* wanM. Orchestral Chtaaa Orjrnn^. Superior workmanship, low prices. Addi • Thia wocderful dans thioEghout cavei»d for r tints. HklL klaitu, Ar. la oat up in 1ft snd Obtain it from your draggM, and to i nythiog you have et«r wed. ' aite Ml SMQOM WfSflLSiK. M oast brtSs lac boZmd&M rdnuM.aadrMwUlSMlttaasafii' MM EUERYWHOtC KNBWW AND I" III IMP- PENSIONS! SewUtr. TbouaandsotSoMlaia sa<MstaMMlt. Pensions date book to discharge erSentb. ftaaMdialS Address, with stamp, 'r'i.; • enoBSB m mxmam* l P. O. Drawer 885. MONEY UM Dw eaqi SOmt last rem IS\ ef SS'sialft TOFNO MAH OR 0L1>, If ?was* a tesanaas Mmaih, i*«-wUakvrSi a W«e*y gfewU af keir ea fcald heads, st la ilililm, strssftkn end «--iyareN the Mr say «W% 4w't ts 4wa*ef*< kel ea< eel) UX wHi N ths •MM Hpsaish Oisasiiry kss mw JH fc^e_M5*rbB.„eOHSAL«^ v* Amp jaeMrotewlfc •TniiVS $6 to $20!^'«SS>."5r«SK5fil'K WEDDING STATrOHERY , Putin eonte«platlng mwrtata, and aesutnc aoma-Uiing eery neat and Uaty In the war of Wedding Note Paper ana Envelopes, should aak tfaa publisher of this paper to show ideas NEWSPAPER UNK An Artist sbout i Portrait I which any peieon, to paint or crayon _ k'Rsons (or am If I risctKia, can tseass root Photoe.iarfx : (lit mtue u uwmmmmKj). foe SSMI0. Osif Otte pse* -son instructed in eaeti town, in order to M tcat peoa»- roceesa, not onqr in gh seeing tha method, aad onntrol patronage. Tha laalinethia was be i. ainii, but I prefer to give it in jpeHno, aa a will i innKr* better portrait# for andev. my own supervision. and finish one or nm n<i *fy°°A<iBreas Prof. M. H. IkO] School of Art, ISM PnMa Atawa. FOR FAMILY SUP-MIRM. «**• tr is fitwmtmst Am anaueera. • • : af aask goods. ON 30 DAYS* TRIAL. We will senl our Eleetro-VoKjtic Belta and other Kleetrio Applianoee upon trial for 80 d<ys to those ifflicted with A«»OIM DrbHity and dUca**t Q/- a war* WH«I xttfur*. Also of the Liver, Kidneys, ITIlseiasMMa Paralysis, Ac. sure eure auaraittfd or ne Ms. Address TaStele Belt Msratalt, Wirt 16.S5 ^?.*5 » S18.5U tell yon, it was so hor-! -E J Id- Geoffrey actually declared that he loabted your honesty !* _ Poor Ohristine drooped her proud i steed of a bent pin at Danvers, 111, and ' vk 934^87. It is thought thaTnot head with a gasp, as of pein^r* <"i"asfr' * *'--v --•---- ing the qn^tion. What is the cube root of 897,339,273 974.005U53? He obtained A 8CHOOLBOT nsed an open knife it- j the answer in two and one-half minutes, »> • f • onearithmetieian reference to the Pope's imprisonment in the Vatican. He has been re[iestediy seen driving in the garb of a simple priest through the subcibs of Kjme, j and even through the "Corso." Not j only has he not been molested in any j way, but he has been the recipient of unmistakable marks of respect from ail the persons who hare happened to rec ognize him. THK question is frequently asked, "Why are ministers' sons so much worse than the sons of other men?" Beoause, perhaps, being aware that j uJara address as al theif papas sre deterred by their call-1 ~~~ ing from becaoiing acquaint'd with the t m .ny forms of naughtiness extant, they J wish to give tho reverend gentlemen j the best second-hand experience that! it is in their power to bestow. If that j is hot the right answer our second guess is, because they < r j not. THE Statistics Bureau at Rome es timate? the population of the Eternal City at the close of the pa&t j ear at 296,232. Ihe number of deaths in 1879 averaged 24.7 per 1,000, which goes far to st>6w that the climate is not so unhealthy as is generally claimed. At j Naples the average number of deaths ' in the same year was 26 per 1,000; at Trieste, 36; at Paris, 24 9; at Brussels, 33; London, 27; and Bnda Pesth, 32. B^OBE committing suicide in Chi cago, John George Koenig bequeathed bis body, which was about all he owned, as follows: " I request to have my body handed to the Chicago Medical College dissecting-room; but, should they re fuse to take it, then please offer it to some other college. A few months ago when I spoke to a student of the C. M. C. asking him what kind of a subject I would make for t he thought I *ae too fat." A NUMBER of Irishmen hold oom\ mauds in the armies both of Chili and Peiu. Tee chief officer of the Peruvian artillery is a Col. O'florgan, and, according to the ga ;ette of Lima, theie are five Majors, thirteen Captains, and over two ie >re of offio r< of inferior grade, either Irish by birth »;r descent, fight ing iu tLe army of Chili, while the lmh element in the victorious forces of the hostile republic is even grealf^ AGENTS WAHTED feAttJL complete and authentic history of the gnat toaarw OEfiNT BUND 8 WORLD. It describes lU.yal Palaces, Rare Cnrioetties, Wealth and Wonders of the Indira, China, Japan, da A aslliloo people want ie. This is the best chaaaa at yoar life to make money. Beware of "catchpenny" Imltattnaa, Band for circulars end extra terms to Agents. Addreaa NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.,Chioago. 11L BAT* Moirnr. Aim BUT nor Pennagrhr paujiaujnuA. The Koran. A cariosity to every on*, anl I !> »lI j»tt»«tent« sf lllntory or Kcl ululated fi {» Mil etmtentM af Hlal«s*y or ^IcHflTiis '| Tilt KORAN OF MOH AMMKD;trantlatadfrnmthe Ara> ks !'y ^""nwly published at a new, baautifll t.|e, neat, cioui-boand edition; nitoa, SS a«d « cents for postagw. Uatahiaae of many standard wotka, remarkably low in prioe. with extra t-u rns to e>u5>s, free. Bay where yt u saw tUbi advertisement. AMEBICAN BOOK KXCUANOB, Tribune BuildinK, N. Y. «O,00O Soldi! The Best FieIC VOR § ^ EMIGRANTS. AN IMMEN8K ABBA OF KA1LROAJI' AND GOVERNMENT JUtNDS. OP fiRBit* rBKTlilTV, WITHIN KA8Y UUCB M> * PEKAIANENT MARKET, AT SXTBIBI* • LY LOW PRICES, Ws wmw affwtd far aala la EAHTERN 0BBUON aid EASTRM WASHINGTON TBBSIT«kRT. These ln»da £ara> pnrt af tke great G BELT ef the racific t>nyc, and are i aa averase dlatance ef NO ts »W f'roai Portland, where at< a roai Portland, where Mtamnips aM %:-ri GEN. GRANT A CHEAT SUCCESS! L I F E A N D TRAVELS of By Hon. J.T.HeadlTr. History of his I*ifoacd Tear Araaml tl The only book by a great author. A million piophwiai thla book and no other. Oar r.gonts iira swaeplng the th«r have' orth ' GRAIN AT PORTLAND COM5UMW Mi PRICE EQVAL TO THAT OBTAINED Bt CHICAGO. .The Northern Facile 1 and Navicaliaa mliea ef rallwa Rail* _ inar AOO mliea. of rallwar. umverataar tHa- realaa |a all ilreetfoaa. The aettler le lias R. R. aad O] aa Co. are aew L traTeralag Wanted. _ ̂ '-tzM i Sherman A Co., Marshall, Mich , want an agent in this county at oiice, at a salary of $ld) per mon:h and expenses paid. Far fall partio- va FOB one cent purehaae a posts! card aad sand your addreaa to Dr. Ban ford, 102 Broadway, New Yoik, and receive pamplilt ts by retnrn mail, from which you can leant whether your liver ia out of order, anJ, IS1 oat of order or io aay way diseased, what is the beet Uiiugmth* World to take for it sayaa Boston phyaidan, "haa blood purifier. Hearing of "YSGETIHS,' no equal a? a blood purifier.' Hearing of its many wonderful cures, after all other reme dies had failed, 1 visited the laboratory and convinced myself of its genuine merit It is prepared from burke, roots' and herbs, each of manner as to produce as- wbich ie Lighly effective, and they are com pounded in aucn a tooiahing reaulta1 WHEN you go to Chicago, atop at ihe TBEMOWT HOUSE, which ia one of the neatest and most comfort* ble hotels in the ciiy Joan A RICE, the well-known landlord, with aa able oor pa of gentlemanly clerks, will attend to your wishes in a manner that will make jou feel perfeetijr at home, and j&u will be auijirisea at the reasonableness of the bill when you settle UJK. Try tha Tremont. COBBECT your habits of erooked walking by ustag Lyon'e Patent JMaUic Heel Ktiffewm. THEffAf HCAiTNROUQN THC TIHtt Perfectly,all Ordiaac^Oonvenation, Lecttuea, Con certs, etc., by New CTawiMf* to meWerveaof Hearing ifv means of a recent wtateftil aclentlflc invention --tltt Dentaphone. Par remarkable jmUlc tests oa tbe Ueaf, also on the Deaf and Dumb, see tbe A'eto iork HeraUt, Sept. 28; UteMe lrortGMil(*liiA»- !. Nov. S), etc. Every deaf person aboald aend rasa Illustrated descriptive ̂ gainphlei ta |ha IGENT8 W**T£0.eS;'SV» Hffwnrc of Intltnfors. ntmeopy ouradv.iaeMsrte sell their catchpenny books For prwif of superiority, and extra tonus, address Hubbard Bco'., Chieaso,uL SAY: emstla* susd cheap iraasnortatt --i the. CSMMbta rivi lacreaoe la the vala tt'r e& are epea ta pare! Ma river, aad -a of these chase aad jasHa, id rra» HATTY HtCAN RFATTYE1AMS UNM SHOW aa AfUAfil YI£U> aT 40 BOHHKL8 OB WH*AT PER AtSA Na Fallara of Creps mr^Mwa. CLIMATE MILD AND HEALTH*. _ _ a Mop*. a»rt CsMsn Tss«ss KceJa,» grt'j 3 tneeswells, waleet f>w.*int'4S yean, atjeiabeekSa® >xw St imok, St'Sa <O0S£S. B^ftNe ROUBITYBPFINRPTOWRLT««BIIK. 8LFII*TRALVA*EIR»PS#^I'SVAL W^ESA Adirt«S U-IMIKI. P. BFIATTY, DasKsftsa, How 4tntf, ; For pamphlet and ( country. Us pa. descriptive sB?^ . ... .. resaarcea. elhante, rente «m •/ travel, rates aad fall lanrasatlea. addreaa f * R T.AJINVATT, ",/i Gea'l Battera pmm'r Agmmtt SftS Kraadwav. New Ya*kCMX)ferl?« 1 V DR. MARGHiSl'S UTERINE CATHOLICON will ^poaWre^oara Female Wealmsss, ntoh as VUHnc **rU^ tl,e _ ttoa, So." An olil^a^f'relUblo remedy. 8enct pmtal terns, Leooorrbaia. Chronio Inflammation or Uteras, Incidantai Hemorrhaee ot I and Irrecnlar Meannus- . of tbe Ut line, Falnfnl, mum. Ac. An Ow .1IU ii , . eara for a pamphlet, with traaUneat, ewss and eertiS* eatea from physicians and patient*, to HOWAUTH a BALLA RD, Utica, M. Y. Sold by aU Dra«iats-SlJO per buttle. . ,*V_ CARLBTOK'S HOUSEHOLD *W. ENCYCLOPEDIA. The most valuable ghigle Book ever printed. A trensnry of knowledge. There has never before been published In one volume «o much useful information on every subject. R'Siitiiuiiy illustrated, price #2^0. A WHOLC LIBRARY IN OXK VoLlTHK. ^iold on'y by gutscription. The TO ABEHTS -.easiest l o.ik to §el! ever known. I U NwbN I O (Tenae, eU-., uddress G. W. CARLETON « CO, Pubh.hcrs, N. Y.City. EAR DISEASES Ur. C. E. SHOKMAKM (the weii-known Aaml Samoa >f Keadina, Pa.) gives all hie time to the treatment of Deafneca and l>is**aaee of the Bar at his oSa. His sas sesa has given him a national iepntattoo, aapatlilly (tannine Ksr iiid Catarrh. Call or scad far bk lltUa sook on tno Ear, its Diseases asd Utir Treatmani-- flree to sail. Hia lar*e bo<>k AMLMgM). ntea « Address Sr. c. a. jmoEgi Wt Kg, armi Bas»aaa, Msadaa Pa. would ip.vr^^ Ok 8̂«Slr