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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1880, p. 4

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-;v- v • V* " - % • * • J-rf •M. m yt >: r " 1 A r \ \ ktL^ * • ' .-1^ .... V*-.. M m an pfe WEDNESDAY, MAT *, 18». I. VAN 8LYKE. Editor. TBK STATK TICKKT. v^flw following la the tickrt nomln- Afrf>4 at Springfield last week for State Officer*: For Gi»wnor^--Shelby M. CnUum. of ftfciigainou County. Fw Lieutenant Governor--John M. ,JJ*n»i I ton. of McLean county. For Secretary of State--Hon. Henry ]l. Dement, of Lee county. F«r State Auditor--Charles B. Swl- Ifllrt, of Kankakee. For State Treasurer--Edward Rnta, «f Cook eonnty. For Atfern^r General--Hon. James Jf<*Orfn*y, ©f'Wayne county. ^ This Is a strong ticket, and should, w wo believe It will, poll every Re- poblicaa vote in the State. The names thereon are men all well and favorably known throughout the State, most of whom have heretofore occupied posi­ tions of honor and trust. The Inter-Ocean, in speskin* 'of tlie picket says: "The candidates on the lie publican State ticket are well dis­ tributed as to locality, representative H to party spirit and sentiment, and ^exceptionable as to character and re­ putation. There are on the ticket Ave •K-8oldi«rs, excellent material for- a tawipmign in which the Republicans In the national struggle are to be led by General ̂ Grant. Two of these ex- •oldiers are representative IGtrman -Republicans, as well as stalwarts, and their nomination was at once a re­ cognition of the claims of two very Important elements contributing to party strength." & With snch a ticket Illinois will be ':'fnre to swing Into line with one of hor d fashioned Republican majorities. THR STATR COSVKHTIOS. The State Convention which wag >ld la Springfield last week proved be one of the most exciting ones ver held in the State, and resulted in Ijelectiug forty-two delegates who #«re Instructed to veto as a unit. In |he National Convention, for Gen. IT 8. Grant, as candidate for President of the United States. General Grant being a citizen of Illinois and a can­ didate, to hare done otherwise wonld have been a disgrace to the State. nomination at Chicago next week iiow seems to be a foregone conclusion, flut whether he is nominated or not, 4ll good Republicans should stand by tfhe action of that Convention. After 4he Convention all personal preference Should be thrown aside, and principles net men. 6heuld be the motto. And we believe it will be. With this feei­ ng in the bosom of every Republican, hen November comes around they will roll up snch a majority for the I *?pnblican nominee as will put out of I . the question all 7x8 Commissions. | * «ov. CCMJOM. ro-domination of Hon. Shelby .3f. Cullom for Governor, at the State r ^ Convention on Friday last was bnt a Just recognition of ait able and efficient ^Executive. It has been truly said "he $tand® to-day at the head of the ticket p • ^jTortified by a reputation as an efficient / ^. '{public officer, which not even demo­ crats have attempted to anyO," and |^%|J>e almost unanlmom vote by which ....J^e was nominated shows with what re­ gard he is held by the people. He "Will be ejected by an overwhelming majority. fiflTEditors are seldom heard dis­ cussing the propriety of taking Sum­ mer vacations and leaving their con­ gregations. Editors most preach every day. Editors must stay and "stick it •ut." Editors can't move their studios to tlie mountains or breezy seaside. Editors must get their inspiration at the eld desk the year round. News­ papers never close their pulpits. Wouldn't It be ridiculous to propose vacating a newspaper pulpit for two or three months during tlie warm season, and sending the staff to Europe or Long Branch to cure their bronchi­ tis? Newspaper men are like cooks. They must broil at the fnrnaoe the year round. And with all this, the . poor devils are expected to please §| every body. WSTSome one remarked of the Coun­ ty Convention last Saturday, that it was a three-men Convention. It didn't |rise to that dignity. It was a one man Convention--a man about the .Jcaliber of J. M. Southworth.--Marengo * ^Republican. ' And of mighty small caliber too. f?;; ,'aCheek not brains is his stock in trade. 'The "Chicago Jockey and Trot­ ting Club.*' of which J. H. Haverly Is general manager, has issued its Sum­ mer programme. It announces races for June 19th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, and 26th; June 30th, July 1st, 2<i, 3d, land 5th. The valng of the premiums for these days is over 935,000. A spec­ ial induc«meitt is made for the 5th of July, wnen besides races for 9300 and •400, there will be the "citizens and merchants purse" of 92,500. In making these announcements to the public, the club says: The grouuds. club house, grand and select stands, tiacki,«t;ibliiig, and all other appointments of the "Chicago yJoekey and Trotting Club," are un­ surpassed by any In Amerie;i, and the gmanagers will spare no pains to make * the coming meeting the most meinor- able In the annalfi of the turf. The advantages of Chicago as a summer re­ port are well known, while its facilities 1 as a railroad center arifeupenor to any city of th«s West, and wflli the great attractions offered at these meetings the managers of tlie .Jockey Ciub feel juktitled in predicting Bueh an attend­ ance from all portions ut the country a* shall platw Chicago in the frout rank as a racing community. Dfubtlesg further Mid complete In- fern*»t|Mcan be had %y addressing, N. R|®EkSetw- tary, or ft, L. Hall, guperi^|Bntt Chicago. The Congressional duestion Among Our Exchanges* An Elgin correspondent of the fSbii- cago Inter ( cean says that S. S. Mann of that city, who does business In Chicago. Is growing In favor as a can­ didate for Congress, and that he is particularly in favor with the dairy­ men- In fact it seems from the com­ munication that Mr. Mann it placing his dependence on the butter interests for a nomination, and all because he is In favor of a law restricting the sale of oleomargerine! This la too thin, ft is entirely too thin. In tlio first place, Chicago has already three mem­ bers in Congress, and is not entitled to have the franchises of the Fourth Dis­ trict transferred to It through one of its Water Street commission mer­ chants. In the next place, by acquain­ tance and experience Mr. Slierwin Is eminently better fitted than is Mr. Mann to procure legislation for the dairymen, and Is quite as much in sympathy with iliem. Oleomargerine Isn't strong enough yet to carry Mr. Mann into Congress; nor are the farm­ ers so simple as to bite at tlie greasy bait which the Elgin correspondent puts op his hook. Mr. Jjfann is good at business, may be very acute at putting in political work, but he doesn't belong in Congress one minute--nor will all the butter In this Fourth District, grease the way to slide him In. Instead of all this silly talk about "popular enthusiasm," "oleomargerine '•steady, persistent work," etc., why don't the men pushing Mr. Mann's can­ didacy give their true reason, which is only this: "We cannot manage Mr. Shcrwin in our own personal interests." --Aurora Beacon. The people of Winnebago Connty, and particularly the manufacturers of Roskford, are much pleased with the efficiency manifested by Mr. Slierwin in obtaining the appropriation for the benefit of the water power of Rock River. They seem to think it a piece of practical work which will outweigh many of those speeches which Mr. Sherwin's enemies blame him for not delivering. Anent this action the Rockferd Newt says: At onr late County Convention, it was held that the delegates should be Instructed for Cullom because he hon­ ored our county with a visit during the fair last fall. Mr,Sherwin, at the request of our large manufacturers, prominent business men and mechanics R?ked and received from the govern­ ment the above appropriation, which, if riglitiy expended, will prove a ben­ efit to Reckford and Winnebago coun­ ty as long as tlie city stands and the river runs. He has been an honor to the "old Fourth District,'1 has been an incessant, worker for the constituency he represents. Business men, mechan­ ics, and all our citizens should consult the good, not only of our county, but of the entire district bv insisting upon bis return to the next Congress. [From the Malta Mail. It is said that there has been a com­ bination formed by uniting Winneba­ go, Boone and McHenry Counties for the purposes of defeating John C. Sherwin for Congress, and putting S. S. Mann, of Elgin, in his place. That card will fall to connect, as that com­ bination is too large by at least one county. McHenry is always found dealing on the square, and takes no great amount of stock ia any sf the manipulating schemes of Steve. Hurlburt. Kane and DeKalb counties will have something to say before that contract is consummated. Would it not look better if Mr. Mann had a little trading stock to commence with? We always supposed that it was necessary for a candidate for any office to have the support ot his own county, before he could enter successfully In any of these political deals. It l» rather nec­ essary to have something to deliver before a trade of this kind can be made. Kane and DeKalb couutics will glye their vote to return the Hort. John C. Sherwin--and don't yon forget it. "F. O. W.." the Aurora correspond­ ent of the Reehelle hegister, is a very emphatic advocate of the re-clection of John C. Sherwin to Congress. In bis last letter he pays his compliments to one of Mr.Sherwins most prominent opponents as follows: Hon. J. H. Mayborne, of Geneva, seems to be using his best endeavors to defeat Hon John C. Sherwin for Congrt-se, for reasons of r. personal na­ ture. and bv so doing is making many enemies. How futile his efforts are will be shown when the nominating convention is held. Mr. Mayborne is a candidate for re-election to the Senate, but his continued hostility to the In teiestn of Elgin and Aurora, together with liis tight against Mr. Slierwin. will bury him out of sight. Mr. Sher­ win is strorger in Kane County to-day than he ever was, ami his nomination is a dead certainty, so far as Kane can have a voice iu the matter. Congressman Sherwin seems to be the favorite as a candidate for Con­ gress in this District. Numerous ex­ changes have already declared them­ selves in favor of his return. His rec­ ord has been such as to defy rebuke, and It Is Only simple justice to hU ability and integrity that he be re­ turned.-- Bockford News. Having dtetdeil to elose out my business, I will offer to the buying public, commencing June 1st, 1330, mv entire stock of Goods, con­ sisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceriee Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, fto. AT COST FOR CASH. procoaa, Recent My stock is one of the most com pie to to be nind ia Lake County, was bought with es- yov inl reference to the wants of the people ot this village and surrounding country, and is fresh and seasonable. We are bound to close onr business and Settle up our books in the shortest timo pos- sible, and persons looking for bargains cannot fail to And them by calling at our store. Our stock comprises everything usually kept in a General Store, and we know we can please you in price if you wish lo buy. uall and examine our stock and learn prices before purchasing. J.R.WELLS, Wauconda, III. Wanconda, May 15th, 19Mk tured we desenbed the pi was eome years ago. Iceceat in- iriea make it necessary to say aome- ng more about it. Prepared beef B |®t, the membranes, etc., » cfcirnecK to give it the flavor Of butter. lias fmt the mechanical totture of or chemical composition of, and is in respect, bnttgr. So far as it is sold bvtfer it JWBjiserable fraud. TUb kers <-laim that ifc is as good as any ivnd much better than a large a-tj of the butter sold. That is a point U which we h^ye nothing to do. It is w«wl in the product of the Executors Notice. ESTATE of Elizabeth Besser, deceaf>od.-- ' The undersigned having been appoint­ ed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Besser, deceased, late of the Connty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be- fore the County Court of McHenry County, at tho Court House, in Woodstock, at the June term, on the third Mondav in Juno next at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and request­ ed to attend for the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persohs indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. Dated this 2flth day of April A. D., 1880. L<EONAIU> HONSLETT, Executor. JNO A. REIOHELT,- General Salesman. 5 Reichelt ' ' f t ' KICHARD WALSH, Traveling Salesman, - VT. F.QuanftCo. ' ^ ^anagfin DIXOX, W. C CURTIS, g Partner. Salesman, formerly Curtis &G* J. A. KECKSISEK, M. KELTER Eeckeisea & Kelter, Oenerai Merchants, --DEALERS IN-- / Flour, Grain, Port, Lari/Haffls, Green and Dried Frnitg.|Butter<CEggs, Foul try. Hides, Pelts, etc. 170 South Water Street, CHICAGO, REFERENCE--Ja s. M. Ad sit, Banker. Advances made on Consignments. FOR SALE -IN-- Ringwood, A Hare Chance for a Business Man. My health having become im­ paired to that extent that I am unable to attend to my business, I have decided to dispose of my property in Ringwood, consisting of my store, 40 by 50 feet, one half of which is two stories high, upper story finished off conveni­ ent for a small family, the lower story being designed expressly for a stock of General Merchan­ dise, such as is usually kept in a Country Store, witlj Office and Post Office in center of jjone end. Also the Btilldin? known as the Merchant Store, and one Lot. Also my Dwelling House and Barn and 8V acres of'very choice land, on which there is an abundance of Fruit, such as Apples, Pears, Cherries and Grapes. All of the above property is situated within live minutes walk of the Ringwood Station, on the Fox River Branch of the C. & N. W. II.It., in one of the pleasantest country towns in Illinois. No better opportunity can be found in Illinois for any business man who would be satisfied to do a business of 912,000 to $15,000 a year, as the people are all white people, ne/iriy sll farmers of the thrifty class, able and willing to buy what they need and pay tor it, and no other Store nearer than four miles distant; thus affording a Rood business man, who is willing to deal fairly, an exccllentopportuni- ty. I will offer any party who may wish to pur. chaie any of the above property snch in- ducements as no real business man, who might wish to engage in the Mercantile business, would decline ao avail himself of, as I me"»n what I say when I say I am deter, mined to dispose of the above property either with or withont my stock of Goods, at the earliest opportunity, and at such prices as will sell them. In the mean time will make such prices on our present Stock of Goods as will be an inducement to those who may need anything in my line. J. W. CRISTY. From the Sturgls. Michigan. Weekly: Mr. John Brast. living in Sherman Township, informed lis that his feet had been so terribly frost-bitten that he cftuld hardly stand the pains caused thereby. He happened to think of St. Jacobs Oil--which he always keeps handy--rubbed his feet twice with the remedy, and the pain disappeared en­ tirely. He not only values St. Jacobs Oil as an unexcelled remedy for a great many painful diseases, t«' whki. mankind is subject, but lie also asseri that It Is really invaluable far the many diseases horses and stock are subject to, and which so otten play havoc with the prospects of tlM farmer and stock-raiser. New Boot & ShoeShop, GEO. E. BROWN, Having opened a Shop over Bishop's Ware house, McHenry, is now prepared to manu­ facture to order Boots and Shoes, Either coarse or fine, on Bhort notice and guarantee satisfaction. Having had an expe­ rience of many years in the busine«s I am confident I can please all who may see lit to give me a call. Charges Reasonable. •yitEPAIRING Promptly attended to.-- Give me a call. GttO. £. BROWN. McHenry, May 4th, 1880, per the and You are paying-15 to 25 cent for your credit. Pay cash; trade at a cash store, make this saving. STEVENS ft 4CHNORR. Straw Goods by the Ton to Suit and At all ulaasea from lQc up, at Fitz- siutinous & Evauaoa, BOTTOM Vineed. McHenry P BICES. Jan. 7th IBM Administrator's Sale. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a decretal order of the Probate Court of McHenry county, duly entered the 19th day of Aprils A, D. 13*0, I. 'the under­ signed, administratrix of the estate of An­ drew Wells, deceased, shall offer lor sale at public, vendue, to the best bidder, at theofflce of F. K. Granger, in the village of McHenry, county of McHenry, State of Illinois, at the hour of 2 o'c lock, r. M., on tlie 25<(i day of May, A. D. 1880, the following described real estate, to-wit: The East half {H) of the South.west quarter (K) of the North-east quarter (X). of section six (6), township forty-four (44), range nine (9); containing 20 acres, more or less. Said land to be sold subject to a right of dower for cash. ftUTH A. THU«LWELL. Administrate Dated this 21st day ot April, A. D. 1880. THE McHENRY B A K E R Y , ; --AND- RESTAURANT. « R0BT. PATTERSON, JProp. Having opened a Bakery and Restaurant in the Village pf McHenry, the subscribe r would Inform the public that he is now pre. pared to furnish them with Fresh Bread, Cakes* Pies, Ac Of the best quality and at the lowest rates,-- We al so keep a line stock of Confetionery^ Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Ac., to which we invite the attention of the public. SS»*nakery in Howo's Block, opposite the McHenry House. 4SFIOK CREAM alwavs on hand. • RORT. PATTERSON. McHenry, May 19th, 1830. Hurrah For H. Maiman --NEW STOriC OF-- O Z i O T H X X T G The largest erer brought to this part of the country. C3000 worth just receivedof the latest styles and most elegant patterns, now able to suit in prices, quality and lam fit.-- Also Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods and lMce Goods, the most fashionable suitings ever brought to this section and the prices lower than the lowest. Coats, Pants, Vests or entire suits on short notice and on the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Fits guaranteed and all work, war­ ranted. Mrs. H. RFaiman, Has just received a large stock of Ladies FsliionaMe Millinery Must Prevail It is a solid fact, notwithstand­ ing the exultant feelings of our (wordy) competitors over our great loss by fire, thatwe have sold more Buggiesand Machinery since we burned out than they can sell the entire year. This is owing to our old motto of Qttfek Srifii & Small Profits And onr disposition to undersell or burst. Alsd to the apprecia­ tion by the manufacturers of our trade, they are unanimously sell­ ing us goods from 10 to 20 per cent less on acconnt of our loss, and we are giving out customers the benefit of it. ^ nliolesale dealers in Flour, Fruits and Produce of all kinds. 138 South Water Street̂ CHICAGO. References By Permission: Preston, Kerni ft Co,, Bankers, Chicago. Selz, Schwab & Co., Boot and Shoe Blanufte. tueers, Chicago. W. J. Quan & Co., Wholesale Grocer, Chicago Meyer, Strauss & Goodman. Wholesale Cloth. ers, Chicago. MoCann, Fitch A Converse, Wholesale Paper, Chicago. Woodstock References: W.JO, Dtrlg&t, Jj^rts and shoes. Thos, Whitson A Son, jjardware Dealers STENCILS TAGS, SKNT ON APPLICATION. CONSIGNMENTS AND ' T>Jr PONDENCE SOLICITED. Goods ami Novelties, latesc Styles at price; Hats trimmed in the within the reach of all. JOH t. UKE Has the Finest Stock of FDUMTMB IhA Of all Kinds, to be found in the county, which he is selling at S^Call and be <*on JOHX B. BLAKjp % . SEWING MACHINES of all kinds, in which our specialities are Eldredge, Domes­ tic, Sew Home. American and Singer. Sew­ ing Machiue Attachments and Needles of all kinds. Will sell as low as any establishment in the county. Call and examine our stock and learn prices. H.IMAIMAN, Proprietor. Wauconda, III. New Headquarters, LAUER & BECKER, Near the Depot McHenry - GOODS TO SUIT • - - - Illinois, AND PRICES EVERYBODY. Having moved our store to the Lansing BHck. directly opposite onr old Htand, our ar­ rangements for the Spring and Summer cain- paign are fully comple­ ted. Our plans to serve our customers conveni­ ently, and our Stock of ioods. In quality, quan. •ity, variety and Jcheap. ness, surpass anything over before shown in Mcllenry. Our btock Sf SpriiE Suitings. Summer Comprises the latest styles, and we are pre­ pared to make single garments or full suits on short notice and guaran-. tee satisfaction. FURNISHING We alsoj have line of full GOODS Collars, Cuffs. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. in which we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. SEi'it' in want of anything in our line do not fail to give us a call and we will try to please you both m and price. t^rit will pay anyone to visit the ruins, ace our relics and large new stock. T.J. DACY- Woodstock, April 13th, '80. Pox River Valley Mill. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - - - - llinols. FlUS HI CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING i Done nromptly, and satisfaction guarantee Having just put in a new Feed Stone, capab f grinding sixty bushels of Feed per hour, m prepared to do your grinding on short ao ice. serThe Highest MarJtet.Pricepaid Milling Wheat. R. BI8HOP McHenry 111.,Dec. 11th, 1878. JOS. WIEDEMANN Agent Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, till. Beer in l.argo or Small Regs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali- ty considered. This Beer has a world wide repntation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur­ passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, 111.'May 5th, 1880. LAUER A BECKER A »ery tine assortment of Cottage Colors, at Besley'a Drng 8tore, '"©prjjfef; »!te ilw«Mier Hotiw. a ^ SURE CURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron< eliitis, Asthma, Consumption, Am* AU ISisetMes of THBOAT Bttd LimM Pat up in Quart-Sixa Bottles for Family Um Betontiflonllr prepared of Baluun Tola. GrpUlltwi Book Candy, Ola Rye, and other teles. The Formal* Is knowit to our best phystetM/ li highly commended bf them, and the •tislnia of oar srioet prominent ehemi. Prof. G. A, MARINER, in Chicago, la on the label of every bottle. It U well known to the medleal profeuton that TOLU ROOK and RYE will afford tho craatMt relief for Coughs, Colds, Inftuonza, Bronohitis. Born Throat, Weak Lung*, also CuiiaurapUoQ, is the in- •Intent and advanced stages. Used as a BEVERAGE and APPKTiZKK, It makM* delightful tonic for family nsa la pleasant to take; U weak or debilitated. It gives tone, activity and strength to the whole homati frame, _ iOiri BE 0ECEIVED John W. Bnnn A Co., Wholesale Groeera. n „ Springfield, UL H. E, Hunt, Bitnker and Merchant,DandM Illinois. Jaeot> Mueller A Co., Louisville, Ky. Geo. W. IMvir.on 4 Co., New Orleans. La. Sherman A Knox, Wholesale Fancy GTOCMA4.' ' Chicago. AN UNUSUALLY Large and Attractive STOCK OF GOODS, --IN ALL DEPARTMENTS.-- mm "We can sell you goods from 15 to 25 per cent cheaper than a credit house We respectfully solicit your patronage, and guar­ antee perfect satisfaction in every transaction you have with us. . * STEVENS & SCftNORR. T* Farmers Attention! We are Not closin close bargains oil all out, but are better prepared than ever to gi> inds of Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of ill the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reaper^ and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap­ ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled Tiger Rake, Hollings- worth Rakes and several others. PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the Celebrated BUCKEYE FORCJS UMPS always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood nmp. We keep an assortment of Wagons and Bng^ies ot all ki"ds, Howe's Planters, and in fact everything that a tarmer wants. If in want of any thin can suit. At the Also ting Old in our line do not fail to call as I Stand, Opposite the Mill. know E. M. OWE]>&SOI\, CAUTION who try to palm off a: (C A en wl Ing a bj iiiipritioiptod deal-> palm off upon roa Rook and Rye in of our TOLU ROCK AND RYE. whioh to I only raedloated artiele made. th» gennlne hav-I a GOVERNMENT STAMP on eeeh bottle. LAWKE9iC£ <fe MARTIN, I»rw»rt»«r% 111 Madlwa Street, CMm» ) ' Alk yoar OrwitM for It! ' Aak yonr Oreeer fbr It! ' i*-* jreur Wine Merchant fop It t ' eaudr«n, a«k ynr Manna for i«! ' eiocGM a REDUCED PRIC Tw enty-ilve cents will now buy a fifty cent bottle of Plso's Cuie for Con- sumption. Thus the heat COUUH med­ icine U the CU £AV ^^jttvery • --Vt • where. Lace Curtains. 17 et8„ per yard at Fitseimmous a Evsuson's. • slit-:: POULTRY WANTED. Cash and the Highest Market Price Iiairi for all kinds ot Poultry at my >oultry House, near the Depot, McHeury. Bring aloug your Poultry, MCHENRY, Jan. 97th, lasoi C. T.ELDBXDOI ml?0 Of all kintle, Tnmors, diaehat J* 'C K08 of Blood or tnnrnn*, and all diseases ot tho Hoc turn quick! v and iterfectl)* cured by a simple and soothing remedy. Fo* format!nr. a,1.ire« DJl. J.FAB£R & CO. » AasAk, K.Y.

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