WEDNESDAY, JUNK 9, 1880. &r. VAN SLYKE. BUitor. The National Convention. LONG AND EXCITING SESSION. (toad Heats up to the 30th WZ Ballot, WHEN" A "DARK HORSE" STEPS IN AND WINS THE RACE. Gen. James A. Garfield, Of Ohio, for President. Gwnal C. A. Arthur, Of New York, Vice President. The Republican National Conven tion which met in Chicago on Wednes day last. June 2d, proved one ©f the most hotly contested Conventions ?ver held by the Republican party. While there were six candidates for President 1>ronght befor® the Conven tion, the contest was really between the friends of Gen. Grant and Jattyes 6, Blaine, and while there were many things done by the friends of the lat ter that fair minded men cannot but look upon es questionable under the circuiwtanees. the contest is over, and we certainly have no disposition to stir up or keep before the public the misdeeds anyone may have committed during the excitement of so warm a contest. While our first choice was and always has been General Urant, we cheerfully submit to the result, and think perhaps it was all for the best, all things considered. The nominee. Gen. James A. Gar field, is no untried man. During and since the War he has* proved himself *tannch, able, and reliable, and we predict in him will be found a stand ard bearer worthy of the great Repub lican party, and one that will command every Republican vote. In his place in the National Legislature, he has always been an acknowledged leader on the Repnblican side, and when he ha* spoken there was no uncertain sound. With him at the head of the ticket the party are sure of a grand and ,, gloiious victory in Xouember, The nominee for Vice President, G«n. Arthur, of New Yock. i8 a tried and true man. and one whose name will add strength to the ticket in that ; State. We shall, next week, speak more at length in relation to both candidates. V* , J9"The following are the principal i points of flie Platform adopted by the Republican National Convention: "It rehearses great benefits of Republican & rule to the country; has restored solid- Ity to tlie national fiuances, lifted the j. credit of the country; lias insured the ^ prosperity ot the future. It advocates §5j popular education; adherence to the | constitution; prohibition of the use * ef the public funds for sectarian 3chools; favors protection of American labor, commerce and industries; denounces rolygamy; renews obligation of coun try to Union soldiers; opposes Chinese immigration, and suggests Congres sional modification of existing trea ties to remedy the evil; commends Havee' administration, arraigns the Democratic party, and holds it to be the duty of Republicans to harmonize the whole country." WAUCONDA Editor Plaindealsr:--The great outside world is "all broken up*' over "dark horses" and the possible outcome of the convention at Chicago. In Wait- conda, however, the people are alto gether too full of home ••dolne* to waste any energy on speculations re- <p!<!!ttg the nominee at CUi, We are to have an Old Settlers Re- XJnion here on the 15th inst., and Inter est in the affair which has been warm for some weeks is now sissing hot.-- Enthusiastic meetings are of frequent occurrence, generous twenty and ten dollar donations are ordinary occur rences and among our many enterpris ing citizens there has sprung up an ap parent desire with each, to outdo his neighbor in contributing in some way to the perfect success of the meeting. The committees were selected with rare good judgment, and they all have their work well mapped out and under way. The committee on speakers have received favorable replies from Hon &. B. Washburne, Hon. John Went- tvorth. Judge Upton. Judge Blodgett, Hon. Ed. Joslyn, Hon. E. M. and several others just now more than usually prominent, and for all that can now "be known these gentlemen will be present. Arrangements have been made for several thousand comfortable sittings in the beautiful grove selected for the meeting, Our Brass Band which, as before stated in these col umns, is in better playing trim than ever before have secured the services of several good players from outside and will be on hand with the best they have got in the way of music. The Steam Barge will be in running order, making hourly trips around the Lake. The committees have arranged for one of the Marshals to be at each of the roads leading into town. Each Mar shal will be furnished with a tally sheet and will credit on same to the town fiom which it came, each team that passes him. The town sending the largest delegation gets the flag as usual. It is urgently requested that the committees in the various towns communicate at once with Justus Bangs. Esq.. President, noting the time they will probably arrive here and over what road, so that so far as practicable they may be met by a re ception committee' a*nl a Band of music and escorted t« the grounds. Mr. John Pratt has been appointed Street Commissioner and we shall ex pect to see a change in the appearance of things soon. The sidewalks are be ing fixed up in tine shape, grade raised, or rather, evened in some places. We must all hope that the rumor to the effect that some of our citizens pro pose to resist this effort to do away with stair climbing on the street, is untrue. We do not want to think there is a man in our midst so entirely selfish, so devoid of public spiriteduess as to oppose an Idea so-plainly for the good of the public. A farce, cast to the full strength of a small company, was performed here last Tuesday. It was in two acts, end was, or might have been, entitled, "A Matter in Arbitration.1' The scenery w*squite ordinary, but the make-ups were all good. For irregularities this proceeding undoubtedly "takes the cake." To hold anybody to the deci sion would be a good deal like trying to hold a brown mnle with a piece of No. 40 spool cotton. Several lost (?) cows are reported and there is a prospect of a little fun ahead. Regarding this will "see you again." to ̂ Wauconda? If so, 8top amomeat at the Wauconda Drug b tore and Book Haunt and look through the stock. Real glad to have you.-- You will be glad you did. Qoiag to Wash your Buggy? See our Sponges. Coin' a Fishin'? We show a fine line of Hooks and Lines. Want to tell you now! We don't enter into competition with dealers in adulterated or "cheap" goods in the Drug line. Quality the best our money can buy.-- Prices right every time. That's square business,,and that's us. FOR SALE Bavin* decided to close out ta^ will offer to the buying pubUc, comrtionclng June 1st, 1880, my entire stock of Gooaa, con sisting in pitrtol Dry G oods, C roceries Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Ac. AT COST FOR CASH. My stock is one of the most complete to be found in Lake County, was bought with es pecial reference to tlio wants of the people ot this village and .surrounding country, and is fresh and reasonable. We are bound to- close our business and settle up our books in the shortest time pos sible, And persons looking lor bargains cannot fail to and them bv calling at our store. Our stock comprises everything usually kept in a General Store, and w'e know tfe can please you in price if you wish to buy. I'all and examine our stock and learn prices before purchasing. _ , J. R. WELLS, Wauconda, III* -V i. "V 7 ' m FIRE H; 1 ?£•* iAf". , - jarwo A.BKioHS^ i :; *ICHAW> ^ «. T^OC--'5 / -wia OTTBTO, : "4 general Salesman, ̂ , Traveling Salesmafi^ ManagiugPiu-tner. Sale sin an, _ .Sele, Schwab A. Co. W. -F. Quan & Co f- Formarljr Curtis A 09 Reicbplii' "Walstt & Dixon, >u, -IN-- A Rare Chance for Business Man. My health having become im paired to that extent that I am unable to attend to my business, I have decided to dispose of my property in Ringwood, consisting of my store, 40 by 50 feet, one half of which is two stories high, upper story finished off conveni ent for a small family, the lower story being designed expressly for a stock of General Merchan dise, such as is usually kept in a Country Store, with Office and Post Office in .jpenter of one end. Also the Building known as the Merchant Store, and one T,ot. Also my Dwelling House and Barn and acres of very choice land, on which there is an abundance of fruit, such as Apples, Pears, Cherries and Grapes. All of the above property is situated within live minutes walk of the Kinftwood Station, on the Kox River Branch of the 0. & X. W. U.R., in one of the .pleasantest country towns,, in Illinois. No better opportunity can be found in Illinois for any business man who would be satislled to do a business of $12,000 to 51"),000 a year, as the people are all white people, ne.nriy "11 farmers of the thrifty class, aide and willing to buy what thoy need and pay tor it, ami no otlier'store nearer than four miles distant, thus affording a srood business man, who- U willing to deal fairly, an excellent opportuni ty. , I will offer any party wkg may wish to pnr- cha tc any of the ab'Sve^fifuperty such in ducements as no real business* man, who might wish to engage in the Mercantile business, would decline ao avail himself of, as I mean what I say when I say I am deter- mined to dispose of the above property f e i t h c r wijd^or withont niv stock of Goods, at the earliest opportunity, and at such prices as will sell them. In the mean time will make such prices on our present Stock of Goods as will be an inducouieut to tbotto who roiiy need anything in my1 line. 'The Chicago Exposition build ing,in which tlie National Convention was held the present week, is the lar gest public hall ever constructed in America. It comfortable seated 12,000 pe«ple. The parqnette accommodated 2,500, which was occupied by delegates and alternates. The grand stand for officers, speakers and distinguished guests had room for 500. The amphi theatre seats which surround tiie par quet te on ail sides, are arranged to seat 8.000 visitor*, and are all provided with comfortable backs. The press stand has accommodations for 80 reporters.-- More than 600,000feet of lumber was used in the construction of this room for the convenience of the convention, aud employment was given to 150 men f»r five weeks in preparing it. J. W. CRISTY. Coming! Look For It. I pledge my professionalreputation and my personal word, that niv show for the season of 18.^0 contains more novelties, is more ex tensive, expensive, beautiful, and in every way the grandest and Iwst public entertain ment I ever presented to the public. P. T. BARNUJf. OWN AND ONLY Greatest Sliow ON EARTH, v", - s , Vy>y»..p.; !iiiRAOE MARmIRA 'England is gradually coming to the pofnt which America readied at a bound a oeiitury ago. Religious liber ty is a part of our constitution, and England is every year becoming more reasonable and more tolerant toward the dissenting sects. La6t Thursday in the House of Lords the Burials Bill was read for the first time. This per mits the interment of dissenters in churchyards and cemeteries without tli.e Church of England service, and. whether we view it from the stand point of Episcopalians or other Chris tian bodies, it is a step in the right direction. a i 9t2T l'he Steamer, Golden Rule, one of the finest ship*, of the Keokuk North ern Packet Line, was destroyed by fire in the Mississippi River, thirty miles north of Alton, last week. Tliere were ••vertwo hundred passenger* on board --but four lives were lost. The steamer wa« run to land i^y t»ie pilot and the pip- sengers escape J to land in their night- clothes. There were a lot of cuttle *and hogs on l»oard which perished in the flames. The ftrcoriginated in a lot of liay stored-aft, and it is supposed that someone smoking a pipe was the e»u«e of the fire. We are closing out a large line of hand nude Plow Shoes at #1.00 per bi'EVKKS & Sen NO KB. WILL EXHIBIT AT Woodstock. FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, AKTKRXOON AND EVENING, Under 250,000 Metres of Patent French Water Proof Canvas. Hundreds of new fea tures added to the principal attractions of former seasons. Among the most notable inay be named fciZAZEL" The late sensation of London, faris, and New York, in her lerrilic aerial dive or Eagle swoop, creating a furore at every perform, ance. The audience is he'd spell bound as she leaps into space headforemost from the highest point ot the l'avilion, plunging through the air nearlv one hundred h:et, which is only equaled b'v the startling Coup De Cannon, in which she is shot from the mouth of a monstrous Cannon and projected over sixty feet. Madame Dockriil, In her remarkable bareback act on Four and Six Horses. A G&0TJP OF NATIVE ZULUS in their na tional songs, danecsand festivities. MADAME NELSON, La Charmeuse dee Colombes, with her Hock of Educated Doves. A YOKE OF T&AINED OXEN, in an en. tirely odd »t>d novel performance. The Fire Horse "Salamander," in his re markable act, surrounded by a blaze of Fire, works. A Vast Menagerie of the rarest Wild Ani mals. Birds and Iteptiioe, including the. lar gest Hippopotamus in America, living Gu-aifc tlie lincsc den of llung-tl Tigers ever seen, 4tc Doors open at land P. M. Perform- once at i and 8 P. M., thus givinor Hti hour and a hall to view the Menagerie and Museum beiore the evening performance begins. AdinisBionJfW cents. Children under nine lull' price. Itubei vud Seaiu id c«ats extr.». IS A THOROUGH REMEDY In every case of Malarial Fever or Fever and Agii«, while for disorders of the Stomach Torpidity of the Liver, Indigestion and die- turbances of the animal forces, which debili tate, it has no equivalent, and can have 110 substitute. It should not be confounited with triturated compounds of cheap spirits and essential oils, often sold under the name of Hitters. FOR SALE KY Druggists, Grocers and Wine Merchants eveiy where. Has the Finest Stock' of Of all Kinds, to be found in the county, which he is selling at BOTTOM FRIGES. Vinccd. • ^MxHenry, Jan'. 7th 4WC:*ll an I be con IJOHVii. VLAKE Wauc.onda, May 15th, 1880. Executor's Notice T?STATK of Anton llniun deceased. The VJ undersigned having been appointed Ex ecutor of the last ' V i 11 and Testament of Anton Hraun, deceased, late of the County of Me Henry utid . st.-'l.e of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Mcllenrv County, at tho Court House, in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the third Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are untitled and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons indebted to said Edtate "are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of May A. D., 1880. Simon Wkixoakt, Executor. -•AND-- THE McHENRY B A K E R Y , --AND-- RESTAURANT. R0BT. PATTERSON, [Prop. Having opened a T?akery and Restaurant in the Village of Mi'Henry, the subscriber would inform the public, that ha is now pre pared to furnish them with Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c Of the best quality and at the lowest rates.-- We al so keep a line stock of Conietioneryy Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, &c,., to \Vhich we invite the attention of the public. 'HfTJakerv in Howe's Block, opposite the Mcllenrv Ifouse. «S-ICH C it ISAM alwavson hand. ROBT. PATTERSON. McTIenry, May l!)th, Jfwn, Must Prevail It is a solid fact, notwithstand ing the exultant feelings of our (wordy) competitors over our great loss by fire, thatwe have sold more Bug giesand Machinery since we burned out than they can sell the entire year. This is owing to our old motto of Quick Sales & Small Profits And our disposition to undersell or burst. Also to the apprecia tion by the manufacturers of our trade, they are unanimously sell ing us goods from 10 to 20 per cent less on acconnt of our loss, d we are giving our customers the benefit ol it. COMMISSION MINTS, . - • • Aad W JOleuleldealers ill Flour, Fruits and Produce of all kinds. 138| South Water Street, .• CHICACO. References By Permission: Preaton, Keaa £ Qo„ Bankers, Chicago. Selz, Schwab & Co., Boot and Shoe Manufac- tueers, Chicago. W. J. Quan & Co., Wholesale Grocer, Chicago Meyer, Strauss & Goodman. Wholesale Cloth- ers, Chicago. McOann, Fitch & Converse, Wholesale Papery ^Chicago. Woodstock liefereiioes: W. H, Dwight, Boots and Shoes. Hurrah For H.» Maiman --NEW STOCK OF-- r sixra The, largest ever brought to this wart of the couufry, worth just receivou of the latent styles liiyl most elegant patterns. -I am now able to suit In prices, quality and lit.-- Also ^ ' Boots & Shoos, Hats & Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods and lMce Goods, the most fashionable suitings ever brought to this section and the prices lower than the lowest. Coats, Pants, Vests or entire suits on short, notice and on the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Kits guaranteed and all work war ranted. lyirs. H. IVPaiman, lias just leceived a largo stock of Ladies FsIionaWe Millinery Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in thi latesc styles at prices within the reach of all. SEWING MACHINES of all kinds, in which our specialities are Eldredge, Domes tic, New Home, American aud singer dew ing Machine Attachments and Needles of all kinds. Will sell a* low as any establishment in tile county. Call and examine our stock and learn prices. H. CAIMAN, Proprietor. Wauconda, III. New Headquarters, LAUE3, & BECKER, Near the Depot McHeriry Illinois, GOODS AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Having moved onr store to the Lansing ltl'»ck> directly opposite our old sianri, onr nr- vnngemeiits for the spring and Summer cam paiguare fully comple ted. Our plan's to serve our cii'lcniers conveni- '•n: 1 y, and our Stock ol • nods, in quality, <imi 11- i iy , variety and choap- t ie.-s, surpast anylhing over before shown in y "Henry. Our fetocls it Sprico; & Summer Suitings.. Comprises the latest styles, and Ave are pre. parol to make single garments or full suits 011 short notice and guaran tee satisfaction. We alsoj have a full line of FURNISHING GOODS Collars, Cuffs. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. in which wc will not bo undersold, quality of Knott* considered. Air 1 f in want of anything in onr line do not fail to give us a call aud we will iry to|please you both 111 quality and price. ^ LAUER A BECKER- . f^WIt will pay anyone to visit the ruins, see our relics and large new stock. T. J. DACY. Woodstock, April 13th, '80. Pox River Valley Mill. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - - - - llinoig CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRIINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guarantee Having just put in a new Feed Stone, capab 1' grinding sixty bushels of Feed per hour, m prepared to do your grinding on short nc ice. «Fl"The Highest MarketiPrire paid Milling Wheal. R. BISHOP McIIenry 111,.Dec. 11th, 1878. John XV Bunn A Co., Wholesale Groeeri. Springtleld, 111. H. E, Hunt, Hanker and Merchant,Dundee Illinois. Jacob Mueller & Co., Louisville, Kv. Geo. w. l^avir.on A Co., New Orleans. La. Sherman A Knox, Wholesale Fancy Grocers. Chicago. ,, ~$hos, Whitson A Son, Hardware Dcilan JOS. WIEDEMANN Agent Franz Faik's MILWAUKEE LAGER BIER, McHenry, III. T?eor in Large or Sinftll Kegs or'Rottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. This Peer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur passed in the world. Orders by mail promptlyjattended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McIIenry, 111.'May 5th, 1880. SURE CURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Asthma, Consumption, Aid All lllwuei of XII It OAT aud LL'.XGI, Put tip In Quart-Size Bottlei for Family Use. 8«ientiflcnl1y prepared of Balsam Tola, Ciyitnlllfed fiook Candy, Old Kyo, and other tonics. The Formula is known to our liest physicians, is highly commanded b» them, and the analysts of our most prominent shemiht. Prof. G A. MAKlNKIi, In Chicago, is on tha label of ovory bottle. It i1* wt-11 known U> tho medical profession that TOIjU KOCK and RYK will afford the greatest relief for Coughs, Colds, lnfluenz.a. Bronchitis, Bore 'J'hroat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in the in cipient and advanced st.igos. Usod as a BKVKKAGK and makesa deliichtful t >nic for family use. Is pleasant, to take; if weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to tho wholo human frame. (i 1 A ITrn riivr dontbedeceivedv V.yiV v J J. by nnprincipled deal- % crn who try to palm o!T npun you Rock and Rye in > place of our TOl.U ROCK AND RYK. which is I tho only m»di< 'a tnd «r f io l« mado. ( h e genuine hav- B ing a (:()KH.NiMr.JV'l' STAMP on each bottle.^ LAWKK\'<'E; ,V MA KTI.V, Proprietor*, 111 Madison Street, Cbtcaca. 'Ask your Drngri[l«t for Itl 'Ask your (irocrr for It! ' A»k your Wine Merchant ftr Itl ' (.'hllili'ttii, aik .viiiii* Mumma for Itl Hold l»y 1>ItVtiti• NTS, OKOCRU • S£ UlfUlUA^TS everywhere. STENCILS AND TAGS, SENT ON APPLICATION. CONSIGNMENTS AND CORREa. PONDENCE SOLICITED. AT OUR STORfe You will find all depart ments full. The latest Ngvelties. The lowest ices. STEVENS & SCHNORR. liMf Farmers Attention! We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to gU e close bargains on all kinds ot Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of all the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reapers and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled liger Rake, Hollings- worth Rakes and several others. PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the Celebrated BUCKEYE FORCJi PUMPS always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood Pnmp. We keep an assortment of Wagons and Bugg ea ol all ki1 ds. Also awe's Planters, and in fact everything that a farmer wants* How If in want of anything in our line do not fail to call as I know can suit. At the Old "Stand, Opposite the Mill.' E. 31. OWE1N Ac HO IX. REDUCED PRICE. T« cuty.llve cents will now buy a fifty cent bottle of Fiso's (,'me tor Con- amnpt iou. Tlm» tliu best COUGH iiu;it- U-ine i» me CIIKAPLM'. Sold every- w licit;. Lace <Juitains 17 ets., per yard at Fitzsimuious it Kvanfeon'e. .POULTRY WANTED. Cash am) the Highest Market Price paid for all kinds of ^Poultry at jny Poultry liuiise, near tlie Depot, McIIenry. Bring along your Poultry, G. T,EU>bkdge. McHkkbv, Jan. 87th, 1S80. l)Tf T*C Ofallkinrts, Tumors, dischat 1 iAjfilC ges of Blood or mucous, and all tiM^usu.* of the Keotuin quickly and perfectly cured by ;t »ini|>lo and soothh?jr remedy. Kor foriuuiioi: uddiCMb PH. J.l'AIJKlt AjJCO. 29 Ann St. , N. Y.