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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1880, p. 1

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erary f khiedep. Published Every Wednesday by . "V.A.IV SLYKE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. **ljfice in Old P. O. Block, -^0rFO8ITK|ttIVEH8IDE HQrSK.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION f ne Tear, (In Advance,) $1 80 ' Hot Paid within Three Months 2 00 ibserSptions ree«.dvedfor;threeor sixjmonth fhe tame proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H.T.BUOWS.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SUltUKOK." Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry & Martin's ore np H viri, McHenry, 111. C. H. FEGER9, M. D- iHTSIOlAN 4ND SUKUEON, Johnsburg Ills.--OrtU'.e hours 8 to 10 A, M, O. J. HOWARD, M I>. I>HYSTCIAX AND SURGEON. Office at mr residence, opposite M. E. ̂ Church, McHenry. 111. E- V. ANDERSON, M. I>. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Offlce at Beslev'e Dm? Store, opposite Parker Sonae, itcHehry, Illinois. W. H. BUCK, M. D.> ONEOPATtt 10 physio-Ian and Surgeon- Office eatt sede Public Square, Wood. Jtock, III. 0<Hce;hours 11 to 12 A. M., and to* P.M. PRATT HOUSE, f A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac-«eommodations. aueonda, 111. Good Barn in connection F.J. BARBIAN. CIGAR Mann fact uror Mr,Henry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, North East Cor­ ner Public Square. RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of ftebts. Volo, Lake County, III. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a wmplete Abstractor Titles to land in M Honrv County, IlHnoia. Office with / 3onnty ( lerk, Woodstock. III. ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and 8hons -None but the best of matoral •aed and all work warranted. Shop North­ west corner Public Squnre, McHenry 111, E. M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent In Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. Mcllenry NsS.OOI.ll Y. CHENRY, Mcllenry Co., III. Breeder of _ Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and land China Swino. A choice lot of young .ck stock for sale. Please call and examine fore buying elsewhere. f t li ,* GEO. SOIIIIEINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearlv opposite 5 the Parker tlouse, Mcflenrv, III. <®*First cla"s» Billiard aud Pool Tables. JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap a* the cheapest. Will also insure vonr life and property at reasonable rates. "Please giveinea cal'." ~ PETER LEICKEM. REP AIRS Watchc3, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in thebost possible manner, on short notice and at rea- (onible rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop Irst dooi* North of Riverside Block, Mcllenry til. G. L. HUBBARD, r, Ringwood, Hi, --DEALER IN -- LIGHT ANDIHEAVY HARNESS Also everything that is kept and sold in a Harness Shop. I can and will sell Harness as cheap aR any man in the C!ounty. All work warranted. Call and see me before purchasing. Bejairtat done at all Times. Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest" Kos. 135 awl 13?, ffiaclison St., NEAR CLARK ST. nave a larger stoek and greater variety of styles for you to clioose from, than can be found in any other establishment in Chicago or the West. It will pay you to call and see them. Prioea the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts. & S. E. Cor. Haisted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO, M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The best Tonic in the worljl. Put^uplin Pint and Quart Bottles. F. P. BROWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce and Residence over O. W. Owen's Store, Mc­ llenry, III JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed. eral Courts. Offlce, 3d Floor, New Custom House, Chicago. CHAS. II. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug Store. C. H. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Builder, Nunda, 111.-- Will put up buildings by theJobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of Women and all private diseases.of both seses a Specially, office and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, III. N SIDNEY DISBROW, OTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den, 111. A1 JACOB BONSLETT. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. Opposite Bishop's Mill, McHenrv, III. The choic­ est Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found In the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. F. J. CROSS, SE1TIST, McHonry, III. Full Plates made of -the best material Wd fully warranted, S8.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pall"l>and free of charge where Artiilcial Teofchafe in­ serted hv him. v. All Work fully warranted. v. Pure Nitrous Oxide Cas always on and for the p unless e.< traction of teeth. PORTRAIT PAINTER. OIL PORTRAITS Taken from life or photographs. Correct and finished likenesses warranted. Prices moderate. McHenry, 111. J, A. SHERWOOD AUCTION K ER AND APPRAISER, A Igonquin, III. SALES of stock, Fanning Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post }fficeadaross Algonquin 111. W. H. 8ANFORD, Merchant. rl iiilor. ; (in the store of C. II. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. W. II.SANFORD. Woodstock III.,Sept. 27th, 1S75. 3SrVj& H. E . W i l i i l T M A N , P r o p r i e t o r . F i r s t class r igs*, withor without drivers , furnished at reasonable rates . Teaming of al l kinds i lone on short notice. M. EMCELN- O- U TV - SM I TH! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table jvork ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Gun and Kishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin .Strings, Ac. Shop tad store near the Post Offico, Mc­ Henry, III. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmond, III. Has an experience of IS years, and wil guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to ray care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from *5 to #10, according to amount ^AlVorders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt attention. &1AA MONTHLY MADE. Agentswanted ©IUU ('onnlv rights given gratis f«r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in e very family; reputation world­ wide ; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Anin tustrious, energetic person can make <nu g permanent income and very liberal erma by addressing with reference, 233 t hestnu't Street, I'liliadelph ia. F. MARCUS, Patentee. Household Gem.Cleveland, O- GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE ISA VEOKTABLE PREPARATION invented in the i7th centnrv by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King James* army. Through its agency he cured thousands*of the most soriouft Jim! wounds that nafll- ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, anil was regarded by all Who knew him as a p'iblic benefactor. PRICK 45CENTS A BOX. *00 OBOY S& GIRLS >r the best it i v's and Girl's paper published n the vvett. Benitiful presents to subscrib- srs and agents. Every boy and irirl f an £arn ots of money canvassing during leisure hours. D»n't fail to send foT it" at once. To introduce it we will send to any address on irial three months, for 10 Cents in cash or ostace stamp*. simple of paper and particulars^ FREE- ^ .Vd duress |* R £ £ i. A-JKBCKEISB ̂ Eeckeisen & Kelter, • Gen#rai Commission' Merchants, --DEALERS IN-r Ftenr, Grain, Pork, Lart, Hams, Green and flried Frnits. Butter, Eggs, Poull try. Hides, Pelts, etc. 170 South Water Street, CHICAGO, REFERENCE--Jaa. M. Adsit, Banker. Advances made bn Consignments. CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road WEST FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, Marshall town, Leadville, Des Moines 8alt Lake, Sioux City, San Francisco Yankton, The Black Hills, Omaha, Colorado, «** Council Blufl's California Columbus, the Territories EAST FOR Ohicago New York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Monreal, Toronto, Now England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points East! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, New Orleans, St. Loris, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points South, --THE-- "North-Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering the traveling public Greater Kacilitiesand More Advantages than any road in the West. It is the on ly l i no running Pullman Hotel ni Sleeps Cars, Between Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars are run on all night trains. This is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Par or Cars run between Chicago and Milwaukee. First-Class Meals only so cents at the Eat ing Stations on the Jiorth-Westorn. Sure and clone connections at Chicago with all Hallroadti, and at all Junction Points with all roads that cross its laities. All Ticket Asrents can sell you Through Tickets nnd check your Baggage KltEE by this Road. Kor information, folders, mnps, etc.. not ob­ tainable at llome Ticket Oflice, address any airerti of the Company, or MABVIN HUGHITT W. H. STIWHETT, GeneralSupt. Gen'l Pusseiigei Agen The Singer Ahead- The following is a list of pur­ chasers of the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine within the past eighteen months: Mrs Paris "Mrs W.-ilknp Mrs Tolei It 7? StevensonJ 0"i"'an C H Tryon , .1 s Kelley Miss Frame Miss Wandrak 1) /,igler EGriswold F K Granger Mrs.Torrance Cliet Stevens Mrs tJochy Mrs A B Coon Rev P.urch Mrs Huffman Mrs ValaistincH (iillis Mrs McDonald M Sullivan Ellen HurlbutE McKinney J Keepseli J Mcquillan C A (Jraves Mrs Morse 11 Connors Mrs M Vyce John Ileiden R Church, J Mellor J Groskinst-y GBrjant' Mrs Robinson Mrs Harniond Mrs II Brown I> W Boutell 11 M Proutv K I) Thom.«s It F Gibbs I L Hibtmrd Ed mClair Olive Stevens Mrs Wabhburn J M:\nslleld Minnie Page II Freeman Jennie Booth R Thompson O Ingersoll Mrs Barnes W A Skinner 3 Hnratage C lloAchild Frank Colburn Mrs IlouderselS Reading E B.-^mith Geo Farrorv W seaton H F Jones G Blnkeslee Miss Furney Mrs A L Warner II Mayer Maggie Sides Geo Bryant I, Peterson H S«'iineiiler Jacob Guth Jas Bayard W H Sanford A K Bunker G W C<mn R Harrison Peter Fry Geo McCowb Sarah Ward Alice Carr T H Wiggins Rev Realty G Barrows Mrs N Martin Jos Levoy J. Van Slyke Naney Hill JOS. WISRBMAMM* Ascent Franz Falk'l •avm new •S# * Beer In Large or ways on hand chea ty considered. 'This lteer has a w goodjudges acknno pitssed in the world Orders by mail pi JOS. > EM AN If. i'-V McHcnfy. III. Bay flhpWBs dc reputation', and t cABnot n sar. egs or ttles al- a any other. attendee to. -DEAL Nunda, -«• Illinois, K 9 Agricultural Machinery, Of All Acrent for the towns «f Algnn««to, H«>4« and McHenry for the celebrated _ , McCorniick Deadlines, All kinds of maehinerjMoid as cheap Many other dealer la the Ootijfppr. Give me a ealL Nnnda, June Iftth, Mk THE PNKY B A K I R Y , RESTAgHANT. ROBT. PATTEBSON, Prop. Having opened a Rake« »nd Restaurant in the Village of McHenfy. the intMrrlbw would Inform the public uwt ha is now pro- lutred to furnish them with Fresh Bread, Cakes? Pies, Ac Of the licst quality and At the lowoat rates. We also keep a line stocK%f Coiifectloiierĵ Fancy (irocerics, Canned Goods, Ae_, to which we inviteithe attentionjofnhe public. WBakery in llowe'a Block, otpunsite the McHenry House. f 4St~ICR CKEAM almtfon hand. Rom PATTEBSOH. McHenry, May 19th, lSpl ROBT. MUK/JTT, NUNDA, ILLINOIS. FinelWatch Repair­ ing a Specialty. All Work Warranted. locks und Watches of the best make as low as the lowest. Money Made EASY! -BY PURCHASING-- Clods, Jewelry, Spec\a-Silverware, Musical"Instruments, •• le«, e terete., ot Monroe Lake Pat Connorty Win Stewart Alice Dates P Fosdick L Lock wood Ira Sloeum Miss Ileaton A Bonner OJoslyn Libbie Duffy 8 C Wernham Jos St John MrsKiwIejr Mrs Briggs Mrs C Allen E & s PaddockC G Perkins Etta Beers A M Genett J, Thompson K ltennison Mrs Harris N Donnelly 11 Hartlett L Anderson Sarah Shank A Davidson T tioodse II Win Sperry t L Hutchinson Geo Manning Marv Bacon Sarah Hmales J. A.'Cirr Henry Simpson Dwiglit Judd E M Thompson •y MrsK Burton|Wm Huffman Nellie Hall E FELT. General Manager for the Singer Manufact­ uring Co. for McHenry.County. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to HOUSE FOR SALE. The spleiKlid new reside nee 4n this village, known as the Hintou Wheeler place, is oflered for sale. The house ife one of the best built in the village, is almost new, has a good barn and out houses, and is very desirable located.-- Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire ;it this ollice. Jeweler, W oodsto/ekj III. Repairing of FINE WATCHES EI.RY a speciality. Ifyonhaveany DIFFI­ CULT JOBS that others tell you cannot be repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and he will repair them, Engraving neatly done. All Goods sold engraved Free of charge. Renieniber.the name, E w. BLOSSOM, Woodstock* fetalsM Over a Qiarter oi a Century. FOR THE 1'KOPLE TO DEO'IOK It is possible that those Democratic editors wfeo are so industriously throw­ ing mud at Genteral Garfield, intimat­ ing that he was a "salnry grabber," that he was concerned in Oakes Ames* Credit Mobilier transactions, and that there was something wrong iu his tak­ ing a fee from DeGolyer, believe lie 16 a rotten and a bad man: but we take the liberty of assuring them that the Republicans do not attach the slightest importance to their statements, for they know them to be utterly uiilound- ded. Gen. Garfleld is one of the most un­ selfish men in Congress. All who kno'v him bear witness to his integrity. He is one of the purest men in public life. Those who have been associated with him in the House of Representatives Republicans and Democrats, speak of him in the highest terms. We don't suppose he is a man who never made a mistake, but he has made as few errors as any man who lias been before the public as long as he lias and occupied as conspicuous a position. The Republicans have faith In Gon. Garfield. The)' believe he Is entirely trustworthy. So believing they will try to elect him. There is not the slightest break in the Republican lines. They will vote for him to a man. He will also liave the support of the great body of independent voters, of men who very well understand that the bus- ness of the country is again getting in good shape, and that nothing is to be gained, while much may be lost, by a change in the general policy of the Government. The discreditable assaults which the Democratic press are making on Gen. Garfield's good name are not only doing him no injury, but«quite likelr are helping him. Every fair minded man knows that he docs not deserve the abuse that his unscrupulous adversaries are heaping on him, and will work all the harder to secure his election. It is not unlikely a good many things might be said to the prejudice of Gen. Hancock. It is sufficient for us to state that he is without experience as n civilian, aiu< is the candidate of the democratic party--the same party that gave "aid and comfort" to the Confed­ erate States when they sought to break up the Union, and which declared the war "a failure" in its national plat- wats on its last legs. The Republicans, by tho help of those few Democrats who* lored their country better than their party, put down the rebellion, and since then have been laboring to pay the public debt, buiid up the nation's credit and restore the public prosperity. They have done a splendid work and In spite of the efforts of the Democracy. And the country is to-day in a state of prosper­ ity because it has been well governed. Is it best under tlu?se circumstances to make a change anfTput the national interests into the untried ha mis of men who have steadily resisted every step toward the existing condition of afl'iirs? This is the question for the people to decide. MAYES -AXDiDBALER|IX-- Heady-Made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimere and Worsteds to sell by the vard. The latest stvles of (ioods on hand atail times. My stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is" now complete and I Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, near the Bridge. F. C. MAYES. MeiJeorf, 111.. Nov. 12th, W». WHT NOT HAVE A FARM Kits' IlINfl? Since the present campaign opened we have witnessed a.great deal of vir­ tuous indignation against the machine in politics. We have been told that a few men had made slaves of all the rest of voting America, and ttat it was not a question of whom we were to vote for, hut simply one as to whose collar we wore. There is something of sense and something of nonsense in all this kind of talk. The machine, as it is called, is just as necessary in politics as a machine is necessary in any depart­ ment of life; politics will not run themselves, and certainly men who scarcely take enough interest in pol­ itics to vote, never even attending a primary,are not the men to attempt to run a campaign. If we have nothing better, we need our Camerons, and Lo- gans,jmd Conklings, and Tlhlens. We have no desire to banish the ma­ chine; we simply wish to substitute a machine composed of. the people for that now composed of those whe have no sympathy with the people. We want Republican farmers and Dem­ ocratic farmers and Greenback farmers to go to the primaries of their respect­ ive parties and control them--to place men^in nomination who are in sympa­ thy with the people; and while we might have a personal partisan prefer­ ence, we can say this with the most complete'conrtdence; If such men were selected by all parties, whichever party triumphed, the country would be all right, for the producers would receive justice. But it is idle for farmers to attempt to control a primary without^machine- ry. If every farmer straggles to the place of election, without any sort of eflort to secure a unanimity of action on the part of farmers, lie might as well stay at home. He must first get tne machine to running, and he can do that by simply getting together the farmers of his own pait}*. and develop­ ing a programme of action; settling upon the support of one man. and then supporting him. It will be a machine, however, that wiil be ruuning the busi­ ness, but it will be a better machine than that which now runs it -- Western liural. FOX LAKE. EDITOR PLAIKDEALER:--Yonr corres­ pondent has been waiting in vain for another pen to wag. Things are some­ what dull on the lakes.just now. partly attributable to the high water which Interferes with ^ood fishing, and part­ ly to the want of a substantial and defln* Ite programme of amusement to hold the crowd. As a fishing and hunting re­ sort. we ali know this place to be un­ excelled in this portion of the States, but as the great majority of visitors take but a transient interest in these things, we ought to have nothing less than a Kaye's Park at Col. Lippiucott's also on Cedar Bluffs, as well as a si in itar institution on some*, point of Pis- taqua Lake, with a handsome pleasure steam boat, devoted exclusively to the transportation of pleasure seekers from one point to another, where matchless grounds, inviting flower beds, and all the accessories that con­ tribute so much to make a location at­ tractive, will hold out their charms to the weekly and monthly guest, as well as a momentary thrill of pleasure to the throng of excursionists who are ever ready to patronize places of inter­ est. The old adage which tells us that money coins money, that success breeds success, also teaches us that the crowd follows the crowd. The erowd is the living and best advertisement a place can have, and their testimony for good or for bad either makes or unmakes a place. If they testify to a glorious time, good treatment, reasonable fare, and delightful recreation, the chances are that their numbers will soon In­ crease a hundred fold. If, on the other hand, the verdict is that the place is Intrinsically pretty enough but rather dead and stupid, then the chances are that the grand crowd wil! give It a wide berth. In these days of travel nnd luxurious resorts nothing short of first class institutions and improve­ ments can expect to attract nnd hold publio favor. Any one acquainted witli these lakes will leadily admit hat they possess the material for suc- cesssful development. The angler who objects to development, and finds pla­ ces most complete when In a state of nature, may think this a paradise as it is. but as his visits are few and far be­ tween, our hotels must depend on some­ thing more than the angler pure and simple. But what have we got to in­ terest the boy, girl, man, woman or •chttd whose wakeful moments are not to be devoted exclusively to watohing tiie bob-tloat on the water from break­ fast to supper, oh from Monday morn­ ing to Saturday night. These classes ot people are literally dumped on our shores, which, however are not barren shores, for they afford them grub, first, last, and all the time. This tlie alpha and omega, or sura total of their en. joyments at present, whose monotony i« only relieved by the chirrup of the grasshopper by day and the voice of the cricket by night? Of course we are sometimes much flattered by the encouraging remarks of seme of our casual visitors, iu reference to the ex­ treme, not to say Intense peacefulnoss of the place, where they think they could wear an old dress, watch sunsets nud feel dreamily happy, unmolested by vulgar gaze. A pretty lake is un­ doubtedly something of a recommend, but beyond seating our visitors on the bank to gaze at the sky between meals, much more remains to be done. Col. J.lppincott has commenced the work in this direction, and the question of interest now is, where will Ite finish? Mr. Small's residence has been fur­ ther enlarged, and now presents quite imposing appearance. A dozen from the fire drinker to the dainty pdp ates of the boulevard, and with a dis­ criminating eye he deals out qnantitjT or quality its the case may be. Wltett a high critic presents himself befoVBc Joe with or without a ping hat ami lavender handkerchief and asks for b(fc . best he gets quality in a crystal glesv But when a plain appetite drops la with a furnace concealed under his v«*t and asks for the same in a breath that blisters the counter and sends the fltaa hopping wingless to the floor, and astgt for a tumbler like a glass crock to drinlt it in. then Joe has got to use hip tnagie : wand, cries Presto! here i? is, and tlwt man gets quantity. Mr. Wiedemann does an extensive wholesale trade In bo*li keg" arid bottled beer, wines i» various grades from port to angelica^ and spirits of all brands up to the hesit imported cognac. All this in conned- tion with a complete hostelry for tlMt benefit of traveling sportsmen, conr tributes to make a thriving establish!* ment, whose landlord's genial temper, alone entitles lilu to favor, and th# success he so weil deserves. The hunting season will soon be us, our agents are already canvassing for custom in the far north to indue* flights this way on the duck's journey southward. A Chromo of South Water Street presented to old drake mallard* is the premium offered, brit chromo* of Nippersink Polnt;are not Iu favor an4 rather s?em to induce panic. T. coLoitEit Jinrricac. The Little Rock, Arkausas, Xjkuett* says; \ "Several days ago a whlt\ man was arraigned before a eolored\lustlce| down the country, on charges of killing a man and stealing a mule." Waal," said the Ju8tice,"de'fact* l| disease shall be weighed wld careful ness, an' if I hangs jcr, 'taiut uo fault- ob mine.** "Judge, you liave no jurisdiction, only to examine me." "Dttt sorter work 'longs ter de raig* ular Justice, but yer see I'se been pn| on as a special. A special hex de righl ter make a mouf at tiie S'preme Cuurl ef he chuses ter." Do the best for AMI that jro« eu, Jud^e." "Dat's what I'se gwlne ter do. !'»• got two kind* ob law in dis eoort, do Arkansaw an' de Texas law. 1 gincit- ally gins a man de right to choose for hisself. Now, what does yer waut, de Texas or de Arkansaw T* '*1 believe I'll take the u Waal, den, I *11 dismiss yer C§r In* de mule--*• * "Thank you. Judge.* "And hang yer fur klllln' de "I believe. Judge, that I'll take tho Texas.** * "Waal, don. I'll dismiss yer for kill- In* de man--" "You have a good heart. Judgt." "An' hang yer fur steal in* de thrift. I'll jis take de 'cas I on heah ter remark dat de only difference 'tween de (wo laws is de way yer state de casoi^ more of such establishments would help considerably to keep onr visitors awake. Mr. WilHy's residence Is now def­ initely settled into a club house, and already counts about fifty members, al 4>f Chicago. These gentlemen seem highly pleased with the house and si i" uatiou and under the management of Mrs. Preston, a lady of considerale ho­ tel experience, this resort cannot fail to become an enjoyable one to its pro prietors. Mrs. Sims continues to preside at tho Chicago House, and seems to hold the presidency for life. The cry of third term does not affect her prospects, and with her little cookery book, beats Hancock and Garfield every time. The Sycamore people have poured in an inoessant stream at their club house this season. The hot weather on the Sycamore Plains no doubt makes this mountain lodge necessary to their well being. Timber line is just about right. The Steamboat continues to make regular trips, and if the travel is not quite as brisk as it might be just now. it is-not the fault of Captain Hill, our highly esteemed mariner, who never spares efforts to give his passengers satisfaction,or In transacting any bus­ iness committed to his charge. Mr. Hill has now been running two years, and he is now considered as one of the Lakeside family. The houses ot Messrs. Colby Bros, and Perry A Martin main­ ly supply the Lake with groceries, but it is left to Joe Wledeman to wash all thiR down with his choice ales and liquors. Joe's establishment is the "Chapin A Gore," of this section. Ills business is large and his alee never stale. Only the initiated know the mysteries of his cellar. He has mate- i ilul to please all shaUes ^ THK BUSlNKhS OUTLOOK. The New York Bulletin's semi­ annual record of business concludes thus: Upon the whole, the half-year's business has been very satisfactory and remunerative to manufactures and mer­ chants alike. Profits were undoubt­ edly large in the year, and later on com paratively tew losses were sustained on merchandise by distributors and still fewer by bad debts. It is probable however that more than an average buisness will be accomplished in the early mouths and that trade will be of a more healthy, conservative and tm- speculative character than was wit sessed during the early part cs the year. Prices are likely to rule low­ er than In the spring and this wiiistiu ulate consumption. Stocks in first hands are not unwieldy, though abun»; dautly large for'probable requirements and jobbers(whiIe perhaps carrying more than their usual supplies of eer» tain fabric*.)are not, as a tute over- stocked. There K therefore, every reason to expect that the coming An- tuinn trade will be a prosperous one. |^It is not strange that 12,000 den­ tists find employment in the United States. Dr. J. N. Farrar, of New York, states in an article published In As Denial Laboratory that not less than half a ton of pure gold, costing about #600,000, Is annually packed away In the mouths ol Americans jand, in addition to this, there Is probably four times aa much cheaper material, iuich as silver, piatina, etc., used in filling cavities in teeth. He makes the curious and is» teresting estimate that only 360 yean would be required to bury tho amount of gold cuiu now In circulation In tho country (fl50,000.000) in the straw*/, yards. The magnitude of AafeertcMkt deutal operations Is shown tfy Hp statement that about 3,000.000 artittoli| or porcelain teeth, mouuted on fartn^ kiuds of plates, are made ovory y«*J Dr. Farrar supplements with the important .Hatemontk iOh* on statistics compiled with pateftaklftv labor, that out of an average of olgbf people of all classes, outy one oan t> found with perfect dental ovgaM, T> other seventy-nine require a doftttsl care. •M - Autograph Albums, from ftv« upwards, at O. W. Owen's. Low Prices and good wotk. MurlHt,.I».'Wck>t% N intds. 111.

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