ei?y WEDNESDAY »FPT. 8, 1880. VAN 8LYKK. Editor M OUVt CANDIDATES. Republican District Convention Tlie Republican voters, of McHenry and ]<ike Counties, comprising the 8th Senatorial .District, are requested to send delegates to the Republican Senatorial and Representa tive District Convention to be held in the Village of McHenry, on Thursday, September 16th, at 1 o'clock p. M., to place in nomination one candidate for the State Senate and two ' for the House. McHenry Comity will be en titled to twenty-two (22) delegates, and Lake County seventeen (17), J. Y. COR Y JOHN EARNS, ( i K . 1 5 l N K K .il, J , W . CIM» » TV, I R A R . . C I R T I S S . THK COUNT* T1CKKT. The Republican party In tliis county Is now ready for the conflict, having put In nomination a complete ticket, with the exception of the legislative, the Convention for which will be hehl on Thursday of nest week. The Coun ty Convention on Wednesday last nom inated for candidates gentlemen who are, In every particular, worthy ot the votes and confidcncc of the people. They are presented as men without •pot or blesnish upon their reputation as citizens. Our candidates are true and tried Republicans, and therefore will command the uul e<l support of the party at th« bullot box iif November. The re-nominal ion of EMERY E. RICHARDS f'ireuit Clerk, by acclamation, was but a just recognition of a faithful and efficient officer. His private and official life have been above reproach and his education and busi ness training eminently qualify him for the responsible duties of the office, lie is always found at his post and we venture to say that no man who has ever held this office, since the organi sation of the count}', has given 6uch universal satisfaction as E. E. Richards, and we predict there will be as little opposition to his election as there was to his re-noiuination. MAC CHURCH for two terms previous to this has filled the office of Sheriff of this county, and his election the com ing November is beyond all doubt. In the discharge of his duties when he held the office before, he treated every wan with kindness and respect, and never has he oppressed any man unnec essarily in performing many of the dis agreeable functions of his office. Mac Church made an honest Sheriff, and the people of the county will set the •tamp of approval on his past services bf electing him by an overwhelming majority. BON. IRA. R. CCRTISS, the candidate for States' Attorney, was also re-uomi- aated, by acclamation, which of itself Is a sufficient guarantee of his popalar- ity, and a high compliment to his effi ciency, to be again selected for this im portant office. Mr. Curtiss will receive the solid vote of the Republican party In the county. DR. W. W. COOK was the unanimous choice forJCoroner. As there is more bonor than profit in this office, Dr. Cook win not get rich on the emoluments. However he is a worthy man and will receive the hearty endorsement of his partjrat the ballot box. KOIIHIOB or the OM 05th ItegtaoaL EDITOR PI.AINDEALER.--The old 95th Regiment, HI. Volunteer Infantry, held their Fifteenth Annual Reunion at Harvard, .Saturday September 4th. A goodly number of the "old Vet- erans" assembled around those old tattered and war worn colors they were wont to follow at times when courage and reckless darinjg character ized almost "every campaign and battle they were engaged In. The sound of the fife and drum seemed to send a thrill of Patriotism through our great ly diminished number, and had the "Long Roll" been sounded such "Rally ing around the Flag" by the old War scared Veterans would have seldom been seen Head Quarters were estab lished at the \Valker House and why Butt Walker was not made Quarter Master General, Commissary General and Generallissimo long long ago is what we (the boys) would like to know. Rations were issued until all were satisfied, an event that "Boz says" should be placed on record. Immediately after dinner a business meeting of the Association was called in one of the Parlors of the Walker House, the records examined, reports made and received, the old officers of th eassoclation re-electfed fora"Third Term" and the selection of place for next meeting left 111 hands of commit tee, , "The fall in call" wa» now sounded and the boys "Fell into Line" as of yore with Capt. Wm. II, Stewart in command, and marched to tire grove where preparations were nicely made for speaking. Capt. A. E. Bourne of Woodstock delivered an address re plete with the Patriotic sentiment of the'"Boys" and citizens assembled. After which Hon. M. L. Joslyn made a few remarks followed by Mr. Marshall "One of the Boys," all of which was well received. A brief Biographical sketch of Col. L, S. Church was read by the secretary, a feature and purpose of the association that should receive a proper recognition by the Press of our county. The 1 iving: are here and can speak for themselves, but the "Noble Dead" should speak upon our records. We again fell In and marched back to the Walker House, when a general Re-Uue was the order of the day. The best of feeling prevailed among the Boys, and their social uatures were re. vived, their memories refreshed, and old stories again rehearsed. As the sun sank in the west one after another fell out for his camp, feeling well pleased with this day's enjoyment. These Reunions among the old soldiers should be encouraged by one and all and our citizens aid them by their counsel and countenance. B. The Inter-State Exposition oi Chicago. The Eighth Annual Exhibition of this Institution in announced to commence September 8th, and close October 23d, 1880. FUR CONGRKSS. Notwithstanding the opposition by political tricksters, both open and se cret, the Hon. John C. Sherwin was re nominated for Congress from this, the Fourth, District, at the Convention which was held at Elgin on Thursday last. While the outward opposition to Mr. Sherwin has been very weak, the machine politicians have secretly left no stone unturned to prevent his re. nomination, and that they have sig nally failed in their dark designs, we consider a glorious victory for the people as against these scheincrs. Wo venture the assertion that no man who ever represented the Fourth Congressional District, made a better record the flrst term, than has the Hon. John <J. Sherwin. His garments are entirely free from the least taint of the ring, and he is in every respect a man of the people, and by them will be re-elected by uu old-fashioned ma jority in November. The people of the Northwest are fully acquainted with the general character and purpose of this impor tant organization, and it can hardly be necessary to assure our readers that annua! exhibitions present to them the only Opportunity, from year to year, of keeping abreast of the world in the progress of industry and art. The simple truth is that the half mill ion people who regularly attend the Exposition, expect to find there what ever there is new up to dape, and the inventors and manufacturers who have produced anything new and important expect to show it then and there to tiie people. For the present year we are assured that returning prosperity to the coun try has brought forth its fruits in this as in everything else. The pressure for space has been for beyond the ca pacity of the" mammoth structure in which the exhibition is to be held, and the quality of the display in all the departments will be very choice. '1 he management has expended about fifty thousand dollars during the past year in the beautifying and im provement of the building, and has spared neither labor nor expense in "preparing for the public a brilliant, at tractive and instructive display. Alj railways give their lowest excursion rates to visitors. .. ... 1 ^ 1, & CD'S •' -fi+i N e w G r e a t G o l d e n M e n a g e r i e , AND FROST 'S ROMAN CIRCUS. Consolidated for 1230, will exhibit at Monday THE GREAT VAN AMBURG Nil OW A MORAL AND Imposing Pageant! For nearly three-ouarters of a century The Leading Show. On this continent. Collosal specimens of Anima ted Nature. Twice as large as ever before and larger than any show in t he world. These Wonders of Crealion Are the Most Rare & Remarkable To be found in captivity. Manager for 35 consecutive years, MR. HYATT FROST. Sixtieth consecutive year of the Greatest Show on Earth. A World of Show oil Wheels Requiring the employment of 350 Men and Horses. Five times larger than ever be fore. A myriad of H are and Strange Living Wonders. * "-a 8 of the WORLD'S CHAMPION WOi\DEli3. I«iving ITojadescript, the QxsXy one' ever Seen JLlive. "The Behemoth of Holy "Writ" A Zoological Specimen, the first and only one ever exhibited in a menagerie on thi continent. A GRAND V1ZIEK AMONG ANIMALS- Here also may be seen the mos rare and interesting animals in tin* world. Interesting to students of natural history,- Specially commended and visited by the cler&y, heads of educational insti tutions and miiliions of the first people of the land Abnormal In Magnitude. Every 3*ear adds new "and startling features to Van Amburgh & Co's grand establishment. Its pre-eminence un disputed . and its advent hailed with enthusiastic demonstrations and ex uberant gladness. M i 11 ioiis have been delighted. Its success Is unpataljed in the history of shows. And its reputa tion nnsuliied. its show possessions are literally enormous. •9"Between the excessive Demo cratic majority in Alabama and the Ill-timed speech of Wade Hampton, the Detnocracv is quite sorely troubled just now. Both were cases of over- doing. The Alabamians _ wished to •how their allies at the North that the South was sure, or as the ancient, if got venerable Robt. Toombs put it, •*11 you hear any man say that Han- •^pock cannot carry all of the South, you nay put him down as a d d fool." Of course he can carry it. And that is not all. either. A6 the same indiscreet old man says: You may depend upon it 6ir, that ••Yank" or no "Yank," if elected, the old boys of tiie South will see that Hancock will do the fair thing by them. Or in other words, he will run the machine to suit them, or they will run the thing to suit themselves. They are not to be played with any longer. The Alabama election returns show precisely that spirit. The counters-.! ti of that Jjyjate have "run tiie tilling to Suit themselves." Wauconda! PINE~ TAR BY TIIE BARREL. BY THE HUNDRED LBS. Fine Cut Tobaeeo 45 CENTS PER POUND. This is a special bargain in Tobacco. S p e c t a c l e s FOR ALL EYES. We adjust Spectacles on scientific principles and GUARANTEE a fit. . School Books, Slates, etc. All school necessaries. HARRISON'S PERFECT INK. Flows treely, will not corrode the pen; is not injured by freeze in^; dees not mould or thicken; is a PERt E T school and family ink. To be had in any quantity desired at the Wauconda Drug Store and Book liaunt. F. B. HARRISON. A LIVING LION LOOSE ON THE STREETS- Hundreds of Living WILD BEASTS, BIRDS AND REPTILES, THE LAKHEST E L K P I I A T N T INT CAPTIVITY. NINE FEET HIGH And weighing pounds This Mammoth Menagerie and Cara van contains magnificent representa tive specimens of tiie Animal King dom. DOUBLE COMPANY OF STAR PERFORMERS In no other circus on this continent «ian be seen such daring achievements' on horseback: dashing and reckless flights in upper air, as are giveu In this great show. - V! ~ti>~ ^ ft -Jr<ks T. ) UX.'i'A V ; Fresh, Sparkling, Original) Coi ceived and perfected for this great establishment. Super Emmet In Station Deserved]}* so from every depart ment and achievement. Unequalod In Christendom. Press and public unite in proclaim ing it a decided accession to the amuse ment world. A perfect and complete establishment; inviting comparison and challenging competition. It is renowned in the Old and New World! Having had an exissence for nearly three-quarters of a century, and trav eled the world over, wherever civiliza tion extends, culling from each nation so visited some memento in the shape ot remarkable performer or utiimal, enabling VAN AMBDRGH & CO. To present to their patrons an Equestrian Banquet. Composed of artistic dainties, the very choicest in the land; also a grand feast of Zoological Eccentricities, very many of which are now for the first time ex hibited in a menagerie. Natures Marvels .Conireialefl. And vast numbers in this stupendous exhibition, forming a practical cata logue alike interesting, amusing and inftructlng. The Aeronautic Oscilla- qions awaken in the spectator an un usual degree of interest. The wonder ful Gyrations and Evolutions exciting a thrilling interest allording infinite amusement to old a:ul young. The Premier Show of the Age It contains the grandest corps of special artists ever assembled. tfnhkJb mmm mmm to Mill k Co's Mister SMw 30 Male and Female Artists. 11 Equestrians, 15 male Ri ders, 30 Acrobats, 3 Great Clowns, 140 Horses, 20 Musi cians, under 3 seperate Tents. M HMfl A V Jfc"C Jb£,2E3« 0 0 LLLULLLALY'XSCS DATE, The Only -•0!ir«c * Official Life of J GEN. OA. Col. Russell H. Conwell, Author of lAfe of &'A Hayet, Life of B. Thylor WITH AN INTHODUCTIOK BT Mark Hopkins, D. D.. L. L. D. Ez-Pretldent of William* College.' Thia book is elegantly illustrated; Two 2f « „V?te Portraits; nearly 100 pages; price it- ""•".work comprises the biopraphr. Subuc services, ami private papers of Gen. arflebl, with his letter of acceptance. Re publican platform, statistical facts and flir- urcs for every Republican voter, and presents a complete and thorough digest of the reasons wny the Republican partv should still be «wL8 •£ ^ l th ~.e government of this prosper- oiis Nation. The author has gathered his /hi?!1 s ,York riKbt from headquar. the General 8 °wn home, relatives and X' , aniit has had free access to all the matcnal necessary to produce the only auth- entic ,tnd official lite of Gen. Garlield. in£ also con'ain a sketch of the t"en- Chester A. Arthur. , The introduction is written by that venera. L L I) 810 8choll lt. Mark Hopkins, D. D. bo^i^Lr this the bost campai«n Outfits are Now Ready for Agents. AGENTS WANTED (h s„e.n' , l f°«: f l1'1 particular"* and be convinced inat this is the most sale bio! book in the mar. Jw « .V t(? sa.ve ti" le> 8en'l $1 lor agent's out- nt of the book, and state /our choice of terri- tory. Address J FAIRBANKS i CO. Chicago, 111 Hurrah For H. Maiman --NEW STOCK OF-- C L O T The largest ever; brought to this $part of the country. $3000 worth just received of the latest styles ami most elegant patterns. Iara now able to suit in prices, quality and lit.-- Also Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps* Gents Furnishing Goods and Pic'e Goods, the most fashionable suitings ever brought to this section and the prices lower than the lowevt. Coats, Pants, Vests or entire suits on short notice and on the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Fits guaranteed and all work war- ran ted. Mrs. H. IVTaiman, lias just received a large stock of Ladies Fashionable Millinery Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in th< latcsc styles at prices within thereach of all. WW4.8M SEWING MACHINES of all kinds, in which our specialities are Eldredge, I)o me si tic, New Home, American and Singer Sew ing Macbinc Attachments and Needles of »W kinds. Will sell as low as any establishment in the county. ' Call and examine our stock and learn prices. H. MAIMAN, Proprietor. Wauconda, III. New Headquarters, LAUER & BECKER, Near the Depot M c H e n r y - - - - - I l l i n o i s * GOODS AND PRICES TO SUIT EVEKYBODY. Having moved onr store to the I.nnsing Tll'>c.fc, directlv opposite our old siaml, our ar- rangeineiits for the Spring and Summer cam- paign are fully comple ted. Our plans to 'serve our custcmers conveni ently, and our Stock of Good*, in i]ii.'iHty, quan tity, variety and cheap ness, surpast anything over before shown in McHenry. Our btock sf Sprim & Snrnmer Suitings. Comprises the latest styles, and we are pre pared to make sin glo garments or full suits on short notice and guaran tee satisfaction. f We alsoj have a full yine of FURNISHING GOODS Collars, Cuffs. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &.c. in which we will not be undersold, quality of-goods considered. #»"lf in want of anything in our line do not fail to give us a call and we will try to;please you both in quality and price. LAUER & BECKER. Thousands § Farmers, ABE BEADINO, AND Hundreds of Stockmen ME ENDORSING, la the Strongest Terms m m AS THE com carefal-edlted SestLinStoskFapsr pablkhcd EVER FRESH, Interesting, SOLID. AND NEAT aemi- Weekly and Weekly Livo Stcck Xukot 8ipor|0 '//Its p*i?cs are filled with mattflf '/ relating t* livestock and kind rid '/ interests, prepared with tbe utmoat rare, and fVitott aticaUy armoirad* •verj' l»rnnrh of the live-stork bull* rrn»ivcr> attention, Including tie, HORSR*, SWINE, Shkbp. Poultbt® 1-. T^e UV!;!y i« printed on tinted M* per on latye, plain'tvpe, and shows Id every il. tail tlie cjvir? nnd skill of those thoroughly b'quaintfd with their work. SEVn FOR S.4 MPLE OOPIE3. "/Subscription. $9.00 per Yoaiv STOCK YARD^> CHICAGO, ILL. Send 20 o.,u* jor one munth's trial qf the WeelO^