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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1880, p. 2

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vfm PlaiwtTealct I. VAN SLYKE, Editor an* PwMfrtwr. T ILLINOIS. charges in the limerick oases arc not fair ho shall be murdered An explosion iif the P«nyfOW colliery, in Wales, shook the ground for mik» mwuid. Over eighty nnturu perisbod. jjVtnr inon vero rescued, but thirty-fonr corpses were dineovered • by au exploring party. Ihe Governor of Al­ bania in taking steps'to disarm the people, and has compelled certain leaders to pledge otiodi- euce to Uie Sultan. CONCESSIONAL SUMMARY. The second session of the Forty-sixth Con- wseuibled at the Capitol In Washington on Monday, Dec. & The Senate was called to Hin­ der at high . noon, and prayer waa of­ fered by Chaplain BuUock. Jamea L. Push, of Alabama, and Joseph E. Brown, of Cfcorxia, were swoni in as Senators, aud the creden­ tials of Senator Edmunds, of Vermont (ro-e!ected as hi* own meivfsor), wore read. A committee w»* appointed to notily the Pre.-ident that the Seuate was ready for buoinem. After a brief recess the Senate reassembled, the mestwge was read, und an adjournment voted. The House was called to order l>v Speaker Randall at precisely 12 m. The roll-call showed 2M memliern pixNiit The customary committee to notify the l're.-.ident that the Mouse WM ready for business was appointed, after which there w ifi a call of the States tor biils and resolutions. Mr. Cox, of New York, ottered a fttcHENRY, I f E t t t t » E W S R E V I E W . THE EAST. THB wholesale Coffee house of B. G. Arnold & Co., Now York, has made an assign­ ment. after aspiring to control the trade the %orld, the list -ilities being about $1,000,000. SEVEN persons WORE killed and five •erionslv injured at Wendell, Mass., by the ex­ plosion of the toiler of a portable saw-mill. A FIBE in a manufacturing block nt Springfield, Mass.. in which the chief engineer «ttd several firemen were injured, did damage %o the amount of §125,000. A THIRD member of the coffee syndi­ cate has reached financial breakers. Bowie, Dash <t Co., a New York importing house, with liabilities of 81.4i>0.000. has suspended pav- *ent. b it no assi-nnunt will be made. ...lhe sntiiracitocoal pnHln; «*rS have agreed to shut down three (toys in each week during the re­ mainder of the winter. THE WI&NW A 8CRKET ear on Archer avenue,'Ghi-1 mind, and is highly detrimental to American com , . 0 nieroe. Pending action on the latter resolution, the C&go, while crossing the Michigan Southern | pre(.itlcnt-g ,llessa«e was received and read. railroad track, was run into by a switch engine. | ^ Senate, on the 7th inst, Mr. McDon- JSight pontons on the car were injured, two of , ^ Introduced a bill to authorise local taxation of lliwni seriously.... .Two stores in Cteirfral block, j notegi ^ Mr. Ingalte a resolution calling tacv deafen & SS^WyCand^Colliis Broth- \ npon the President for information in regard to th* leather gooJs, *35.C«00. j bwatened lnvwion of Indian Territory Mr. ' Jones, of Louisiana, preaented the credsntialg of the Hon. Thomas C. Manning, the new contestant for Senator Kellogg'a aeat, and they were read and filed. • In the House, Mr. Belford offered a resolution ask­ ing the Secretary of the Interior to (state the author­ ity for imprisoning at Fort Leavenworth Sub-Chief i Doaglas. of the Ute tribe, charjred with complicity in I the murder of Indian Assent Meeker. The Senate I resolution relative tocounticc the electoral voios was called up by Mr. Bicknell. After prolonged debate, the Speaker decide 1 it a matter of privilege. The pWvious question waa then called, and the Repub­ lican members refused to vote, m>ou which Mr. METEOROLOGY* •:V ! Vtttwre «r W«*th«r [Atlantic Monthly.1 4 In no other part of her wide realm has Science done so little for the good of inau or her own fame as in the department of meteorology. In the solid earth lier^ro- phecios have long had a high value, in the far-off heavens her empire is afiirmed, but in the unstable air between these two well-possessed provinces there is a re­ gion that is not .vet subjugated. Around the liorder of the domain of meteorology some gains to the cause of law and order have indeed been made; we control the lightning, we are able to track a clearly defined storm for days on its path, und can help the sailor to knowledge that of­ ten enables him to escape its clutches when it assails him on the deep sea; biit as for foretelling the weather in any impossible that Shakspeare should not proper sense, we have not yet attained to iiave needed them more than once, often it. Is it attainable? Can we hope to beautiful and poetical that one . compass the condition of our days so wonders they could fail to be his favo- j rites iifriun and ntrain. " Thev remind ! " My dear sir," burst forth the wearied listener, "if you would only invent a short method of boring individuals you would, indeed, confer a lasting benefit upon the race." I Only Once. Of the 15,000 words itt Shakspeare, about 5,000 of them appear only once ; of words beginning with a, 364 appear only once ; and with m, 810. Among those beginning with m that occui but once are, "magical, mirthful, mirth- moving, moss-grown, moonbeams, mat­ in, mural, magnificence, meander, mas­ ter-piece, marrowless, martyred, melli­ fluous." Some, like "mechanics, mis­ sion, maxim, magnify, malcontent, marsh, munim, maritime, metropolis, medal, "metaphysics, mother wit," and a score of others, are so familiar it seems ALL SORTS. Tfm " caterpillar " fringe Is the latest thing in dress trimming. • THB newest color is a soft silver-green, and is called " moonbeam." BLACK kid gloves are in favor for even­ ing wear as well as for day use. , RICHABD GBANT WHITE is large and strong, with mutton-chop wliiskers and long, brownish hair, parted in the middle. MB. A.W. CAMPBELL, the editor of the Wheeling Intetligmcer, and the Chair­ man of the West Virginia delegation to the Chicago Convention, is the nephew of that Alexander Campbell who was the founder of the "Campbellite" or "Dis­ ciples" church, to which Gen. Garfield belongs. MBS. SCOTT SrorJbNS says she was told by the Princess Louise that the Princ­ ess of Wales is so even tempered that trouble flies from her. She is to be son of a nor'wester shook the briny crystals from his salty beard, and said he always told Neal Dow tliat he couldn't enforce his Absurdly impracticable lavs against the liquor traffic. Secure a Home. Home is the great power that rules the civilized man; and one of the most for­ tunate things in our condition as a free, self-governed people is the prominence given to the beautiful sentiment of home. The same circumstances that lav such emphasis on the possession of lilierty, exalt the charms of home, aud stimulate men to seek its calm aud elevating pleas­ ures. More than this they can place I home within his reach. A country like ours encourages the domestic affection • | i that we may sow, reap, travel, feast or make war in weather of our own choice? resolution calling upon the President to cou.muni- | 'r}jjs Jg Rft<»r all perhaps the most 111- ntrd^fO!"^^ j teresting of the question that the future AI *. - frti* protection ^ oalled) dot's ! FU must, ui)ui.riUlQ6. « l>llv called) historv of science must determine. « liut trade which governs c?, hanges by supply and de- ^ ^ hopeful tlmt w0 are but at TWOTHOUSAND Oklahoma colonists, en­ camped at Arkansas City, Kan., formulated an •ddress to President Hayes, announcing their intention to settle upon the ceded lands of In­ dian Territory, and demanding that Gen. Pope to fort idden to interfere Jwith their plans. •Capt. Payne and several of the oolonists -crossed the line on the night of the 8th inst. THB Theater Comique, in St. Louis, fm been destroyed by fire. Loss, #35,000.... Two men were killed and several others injured liy the premature explosion of a blast in the Fonuau shaft at Virginia City, Nev Mrs. Otas^nta, a German womsn of Marquette, Oreenloke conntv, Wis., killed her babe by cut­ ting iti throat She then cut her own throat. It is thought she was insane. A great breeze wax created in San Francisco by the n futw 1 of the commander of tlie Mexican jninboat Di Bii'cnitj to ol«ey a writ of habeas corpus and produce a felon in his charge. 1 li«* court rnnt thf Sheriff and posse to the vessel with warrants for the arrest .of the ongwal W5uieu va>llh cnipinal nn«l the commander, but tneiMexican gtitntioual amendment fflvinj? Congress authority to officer refused to submit* SOOD afterward,, j ruiee for opening the >x>tcs of tbe Electoral Co!- the beginning of the work of weather forecasting. _ - I There have been two distinct soicntinc efforts at weather foretelling, as distin­ guished from the current survival of the modes of thought of ancient ag&s that are introduced iu our ordinary weather pro­ phecies; that undertaken by Admiral Fitzroy, iu England, and that begun in this country by the United States Signal Corps, under the control of the late Gen­ eral Myer. Both of these have made their basis of the simple principle that weather always has a history; that it means conditions that pass from one re­ gion to another by certain laws of move­ ment and at a certain rate. This general fact was lontr ago recognized by moteor- Blcknell withdrew Ids demand for the previous qu-- ^ bl/it ̂ not ,mtil the telegrap^ rites again and again. " They remind nie," says the essayist, "of the exquisite crystal l>ovvl from which I saw a Jewess and her bridegroom, drink in Prague, and which was then dashed in pieces on the floor of the synagogue, or of the Cliigi porcelain painted by Raphael, which, as soon as it had been once re­ moved from the Farnesina tabl£, ^as thrown into the Tiber." His explafaa- tioa is that Shakspeare's forte lay in characterisation, and that endlessly di­ versified. But when he sketched each several character it seems that he was never content till he had either found or fabricated the aptest words possible for representing its form and pressure most true to life; No two charactars being ^ identical in any particular more than i two faces are, no two descriptions, as weary limbs, and the tranquil enjoyments ' of the fireside are open to all who desire to experience them. The influence of , this fact is beyond calculation; it is the congratulated on the possession ot this main secret of our prosperity; it lias done for here industry is sure of its rewards: toil can easily find a place to rest its j him to return to the room on important Two Eccentrle Men. > As » Griswold street lawyer had jtusfc finished tacking up a sign of "Shut thip f door " where he thought it would do thlfr most good an oldish man, having a souiv ish expression on his face," came up­ stairs. The instant he saw the sign he- said: " All bosh, sir--all bosh. I never pay any attention to such signs." "But other people do," replied the- lawyer. " Let 'em do so then. I am just eccen­ tric enough to leave your door open when. I go out." And so he did. He walked once or- twice around the room, made a few in­ quiries, and left the door wide open, a» he walked out. When he had reached- the street a boy overtook him and asked i Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill in the Senate on | Wednesday, the 8th inst., providing for the issue of j $10,0(10,000 of fractional currency of the denomina- j tion of 10, 35, and 50 cents. Mr. Teller preaented a j biD to provide certain regulations concern- | ing the manner of conducting elections for | Representatives in Congress, and to punish j violations thereof. A bill for the erco- ] tion of a pub'ic buiiding at Quincjr, 111., wan pre- j seuted by Mr. Davis. .Jdr. Morgan presented a cou- bowever, the prisoner waB surrendered at the . city prison by the Mexican Consul. { COIJOKKD emigrants from North Caro- i lina, who have settled in Indiana, held a con- j vention at Greencastlc and adopted an address j urging that one-half the negroes of the Sonth ( emigrate to Northern farms The jury in | itn- esse of Dr. EtrH. of Chicago, charged with { the murder of Etta Ciiri, by abortion, reached a verdict of guilty, and fixed the punishment at j five years in the jxjuiteutiary. j THE SOUTH* leges, having them counted by the two housiw, and declaring the re~u:t of the election. Mr. II iiidolph gavo notice of a substitute for the bill for the re.icf ot Fits John Porter, authorizing his reinstate­ ment in the army at a rank no higher than Co'onel, without pay for the perio 1 since Ilia dismissal. A bill for the sale of the Fort l.arned military reserva­ tion was passed. Mr. Paddock introduced a bi 1 for a State Government for Dakota. Iu the House. Mr. McCook, of New York, introduced a joint rc*nu». >n to place r. S. Grant on the retired list of the ariuy, with the rank and pay of Geueral. 'l he day wris mainly devoted to deb.-.te on the Bicknell reso.utiou Concerning the counting of the e.ectoral vote. Mr. Robeson offered a substitute providing that the t<vo houses, in joint session, the Vice President presid- ... _ , , . . ing, ascertain and declare the result of Presidential Tfflt road agents have been at work in j ejections. Iu the Senate, on the 9th inst., very little business was transacted, and that body adjourned to Monday. The civil-service portion of the Presi­ dent's Message was referred to a special committee with instructions to report at an early day. On mo­ tion of Mr. Paddock, the bill providing for the sale of the remainder of the the confederated Otoe and reservation of TVs as again, their latest job consisting in stop- j ^np a stage near Brownwood, relieving the pas- ; stagers of their cash and plundering the mails, i THB three negroes--one woman and i two men--who murdered Mrs. Kennedy in Clar- | «ndo:i county, S. C., were captured and hung i «m the nearest tree to the place of the murder { that would hold them. j NEAB Hnntsville, Ala*, a party of j Deputy Marshals and a deputy revenue collector | came upon four illicit distillers for whom they 1 bad warrants. Depnty Marshal John B. Hardie j was killed bv Jefferson Culbreath, a moon- j tdiiiKT. and Depntv Collector Horace T. Bone : . . . , . , „ ,, j .j ;. .i / ; i , i t t ti i fort floaiions and fur torped es. Mr. K'i' ey was wounded in the side. A force for thecapt- ! intro<lllce<l a bin repealing the Lx on bank chocks, are of the mnrdeivr was unmediate.y organ- j (ni'tn n m^Ulies, bank capital and depjuits. Mr. ized. Commistdoaer Ilaum orders the seizure ! Aldrich. of Iiiinois, introduced a bill aincuding the enabled knowledge to outstrip the storms that it WRS possible to make any use of it i in foretelling the weather. By the ad- j mirable labors of the United Signal Ser- j vice this method of annoucingtlie weather • that is journeying toward any locality : has lx?en brought to a high point of per- : fee tion, but it has not to any extent helped us to foretell the creation of weather. When a weather area forms in the far West, it is now traced as clearly ; as the path of au army, until it passes : aWAV. Sometimes the state of the bar- ometefc will tell something about storms that have not yet gathered themselves for their eastward march, but beyond this there have as yet l>een no means of ' zmc' foreseeing. The weather bureau is of no more use than a grouud-hog, or a goose- lw>ue for telling us whether our coming spring or summer is to l>e warm or cold, rainy or dry. Is this the end of our ad­ vance? Can we hope to do more thau take the storms we iind afloat, nud tra^e them on their courses; or can we hope to look behind them to the conditions of their origin so clearly that we can foretell their time and place of working? drawn bj>jw genius, could repeat many of the self-same characteristic words. Each of his vocables thus became like those of the 7,000 constituents of a loco­ motive, which tits the one place it was ordained^f? fill, but everywhere else is out of place, and even dislocated. On every average page of Shakspeare you are greeted and gladdened by at least five words that you never saw before in his writings, and that you never will see again, spe%king once and then for­ ever holding their peace-- each not only rare, but a nonesuch--five gems just shown, then snatched away. Each page is thus studded with five stars, each as unique as century-flower, and, like the night-blooming cereus, " the per­ fume and suppliance of a minute." The mind of Shabspearo was bodied forth as Montezuma was costumes, however gorgeous, were never twice the same.--IJppincott'n Maya- That Missouri tribes of Indians in Nebraska ai d an»a», anl f >r othar purpose*, w>< p awed. Mr. Pendleton • itroduced a joiut resolution to ob­ tain the privilege of opening a highway through Ur:tiHu Colun.bia ti Sitka and Fort WrangelL, A's-ka. In the H mse, th« Fortification Ap­ propriation bill was reported and recm- initted. It appropriates $100,000 for fort floaiions and foO.OOt) for torpedoes. of every illicit distilkry in the district and the am* of erery moonshiner. 6ENERAL. ArmcES from Chihuahua, Mexico, bring appalling particulars of the devilment done by the escaped and desperate remnqpit of Victoria'* bend in the neighborhood of tl»4* town- In that section from twenty to thirty "inen.^vom- n and children are known to have Let 11 murdered and u.utiiated in the most hor­ rible manner. A det ichm nt of ten returning with Gen. Terrassas, after the abandonment of Victoria's cauip, were attacked l»v about thirty Indians a few ditys ago. Only Terassas and one mart escaped. ' DKIJEGATK CAJTNOK, of Utah, has been Interviewed in regard to the President's broad- aide. He si.id the Mormons had faith ia the Lord. He declared that the Message p'±r- i veited pluin facts in the declaration that zeal- j OUH efforts trnd been m*de by the United States , authorities to enforce the law against polv- ' gamy. He claimed for Mormon juries the j c r e d i t o f s e v e r a l c u n v x t i o n s f o r p o l y - j gamy, but averted that the :uormons ; would not abandon plural marriges |, Fecr-tary Thompson has definitely accepted i the Chairmanship of tlie American committee | of the 1 a;iau-.a C.iu .1 Company. Ti»e Hti'.scrip- tiotw to the enti rprise in the different cotui- j tries are more thim double the amount required. ' WASHMeTOR. OSN. WIUIIAM B. HAZEN has been ^ appointed Chief Hignal Oflioer of the army, i This promotion advances Gen. McCook to the Colonelcy of the Bixth infantry. Gen. Ord j having been r» tired, Gen. Au^er will take the I Department of Texas. It is reported that Gen. \ O. O. Howard will take command of the Mili- : tary Academy and Gun. Bchuheld be sent to Cahfoim.'. j CAPT. HOWGATB has resigned his posi- i tion in the army, presumably because he was I disappointed in not being made Chief of the ! Mgnal Service. POMT1CAL. | NICHOIIAS FOHD, Republican-Green-' fcadier, received the certifleate of election aa a member of Congress from the Ninth district of Missouri. The vote, as canvds^ed by the Secre­ tary of State, shows 21,770 for Ford and 21,768 for Craig, Democrat, giving the former a ma­ jority of 2 votes. THE Irving Hall and Republican coal­ ition in the New York Board of Aldermen have defeated John Kelly and the Tammany faction. Allen Oamp!>ell was confirmed as Colliptroller, to succeed Kelly. law in relation to the tax on pavings liani:1, Mr. McLane then led off in debate on the e',ect >ral-vote resolution, on which the re.u of tho day was spent. The Senate was not in session on Friday, i Dec. 10. In the House of Repiesentative-, Mr. Hub- j bell reported the Pension Appropriation b;ll. It pro­ vides $iS,0!'4),(>00 to pay army pjnsiouer^Sl. WVOO for tbf pajr ot umry pAtstobor*, ; AiOjO'.O for «xaniin- ing Surgeons, and $25,000 for salaries, etc. Mr. 8heile.v reported a bill for Hues of msil uteAiers Mexican and Central a'..d South American portn. The Si>ealrer presented a coiiirrini.icati'-ii t rom M. Gaui- betts, President of the m h Chamber of D> put;er, in re ation to the ext'i&uve of documents. The H cuae refuved to eon irler the cuici on the elector.il \ ote. A Maniac's Horrible Crime. A blood-curdling tragedy was enacted a few days ago at Chester, 111. A young farmer named Louis Tockstein, living near that town, who had grown crazy from relig.ous excitement, was adjudged insane and ordered to tho asylum at Jacksonville. He was in charge of a couple of guards in a hotel ia Chester. The m-uiiao asked 0119 of them for water to wjsh with. It was got for htm, and as the guard handed the pan to him he dashed the contents of it in his t'uee and then jumped out of a window. The other gu»id caught him by the overcoat as he jiimptd, but TwBateiu got <>ut of the garment aud ran down the rood. He ran a quarter of a mile be­ fore he came to a farm house, occupied by Thomas Ryan, au oM man ot I5S, daughter, a Mrs. fc>mith, la-ycrfr^ntr gi' i, j dftu^i>ter of Mtirphv, and his gratidr-un, a I-.irlo i boy. Bvfore entering the house, Tuck^teiu hud I secured posHensiori of au ax. H.: told those in | the house to knoel apd prepare to die. All : olieyed liiin liut the little boy, who ran out and alarmed those f>ersons living'in the adjacent I neighborhood. He said he would give them hut lifteen minutes to Hve, but be tore that time was up he had brained and hilled Ryan, his widowed Hare Never Been Heard From. The following European steamers have ! never been hoard of after leaving port j The President, which sailed from this j port on March 11, 1841, had among her passengers Tyrone Power, the famous ^ Irish comedian, and a son of the Duke j of Richmond! The Great Britain was j lost in a storm on the coast of Ireland; j left Sept. 22, 1846. The City of Glaa- ' gow was never heard of after leaving | Glasgow in the Bering of 1854; 480 lives | wen; lost. The Payitir-, was never heard from after Jan. 23, 1856, when she left j .Liverpool; 200 lives lost. Tho Tempest I was never heard from after she left New ! York on Feb. 26, 1857. The Connauglit burned off the coast of Massachusetts Oct. 7, 1860. - The United Kingdom left New York April 17, 1869; was never | heard from , aighty lives lost. The City ; of Boston h^t New York Jan. 25, 1870, and wifti^iWver afterward heard from ; admirable trait, as, if all reports be true, I the Prince gives her plenty of opportu­ nity to test her equanimity. A MAN in a prayer meeting at Great Springs, Ga., declared that he was ready to die, and awaited the summons with impatience. He had barely uttered the sentiment when a bullet crashed through the window and grassed his ear. A neighbor, whom he had sued for debt, had taken liim at his word. He hastily hid himself under a bench. LORD BE ACONSFIELD'H new novel, "En- dymion," is little else than a self-made portrait of its author. It is purely a po­ litical novel, and will be read with more than ordinary interest. Cobden is called Job Thoruberry; Palmeraton, Lord Rokehampton, and Louis Napoleon, Piince Floreston. It is full of flashy writing and satirical squibs. A MOVEMENT is on foot in India to abolish the Zenana system and to induce the Hindoos t<f bring out their wives and sisters into society in the European fashion. The movement is oppowed by the native papers, oddly enough, on'the ground that the Hindoo young gentle­ men are not as yet moral enough to be allowed to associate with unmarried Hindoo ladies. A FASHIONABIJE Galveston young man has acquired considerable fame as a mu­ sical bore on the violin. One night at a social gathering ho announced that he was g©iug to send for a violin and draw a few of Beethoven's immortal sympho­ nies out of it by the tail, as it were. To was DCHiiea lortti j hi amazement all the gentlemen present apparalled, whose , vohmteered go for %he fiddle, ahd up ' to date none of them have got back with j it. For dispersing a crowd no imple- j ment of war has yet been invented to i rival the fiddle. j THE Grand Duke Constantine, of Rus- i sia, is said to be a very agreeable man in j society, having pleasant words and, cora- j pliments for all sorts of persons ; but iu ' private he is curt in speech, and uses ; words not found even in fche Apocrypha, i He was married young to the handsom­ est Princess in "Germany, but thev are only on "terms of respectful tender­ ness," as Toodies was with his wife, lie traveling abroad by himself and she by herself. In his private affairs he is orderly, thrifty, and makes good invest­ ments. RALPH WALDO EMEBSON (says the Springfield Republican) continues in the same measure of health that has been his of late years ; goes,, down from Concord to Boston for a day now and then, and takes his long country walks in all sorts of weather, as he always has; the knower of nature and of what ! awaits, not departing, as one unawares, more to expand the territory, develop the rescources and enrich the wealth of our nation than anything else. Not only njay the humblest citizen se­ cure his own home, if he has the ordin­ ary tact aud enterprise, but he may ere- j ate a home that will satisfy his highest ambition; it may become an abode of; comfort or perchance' one of luxury! where even literature, taste, art and ele- gance may minister to his finer tastes, and cheer the hours of his fireside. j Political economy does not compute j the productive power of this sentiment ] iu its statistical tables, and yet all its | skill and science cannot accomplish for j government, what the single impulse is . doing in tho annals of everyday life, j Every home contributes its proportion ; to the general wealth of the land; it lias : the germ of the factory, the store, the • exchange; it originates the laws of trade, j commerce and multiplies its simple ideas j find7urthek"]Bmit.atio^ physical,"in- business. Ho climbed up stairs, and thfl- lawyer asked him: " Did you leave your gold-headed cane- liere?" " No, sir--li(ere it is," replied the caller, as he held it Up. "Ah! so it is. I was jnst eccentric qpough to think that this stove-poker was your gold-lieaded cane. All right--no harm done--good by!" When the stranger went down stairs- lie left the prints of his heels on every step. --Detroit Free Press. Caring Sick Headache. A. Vermont correspondent writes that, after suffering from sick headache for' twenty years, with frequent attacks ai diphtheria, quinsy and erysipelas, she has discovered the cause of all her troub­ les. Eight months' abstinence from meat has cured her of dyspepsia and all the ailments she has suffered from, aud her- health is better than it has been for many years. On a diet of vegetables aud cer­ eals with fish and eggs occasionally, she- is well and strong. Happy are they who- into the myriad shapes -of this busy world. Thus the facility with which a j home may be obtained is one of the most | favorable circumstances in our condition. | ! If the sentiment of home, as a sentiment [ I of the heart, is tho main spring of our I ! industry and enterprise, it is equally the1 fellectual aud spiritual, and do not ruin health aud happiness in a vain endeavor* to digest something beyond their pow­ ers. Good Advice. - . - . Daniel Webster A'as once an ontside< strong power of the country; it binds us • passenger on a stage-coach during a. to our institutions; it establishes a part-1 proioi,ged shower. A dandified fellow liership between every man who lias a1 wj10 Baf; next to him kept bemoaning the- home, or hopes to have one, and the; t}ult }Ais brand new lavender panta- government. It teaches him to be a ioolls would be ruined hy the wet, un­ friend to law and authority. It is tlie Webster, tired out with listening, sanctity of home feeling that imparts grunted: force to every operation. Patriotism* "Then why the devil don't you keep- would be a feeble passion; wealth would; them dry? lose much of its value as a means of pro- i. «< jin moting stability, and brotherhood would! vanish as a sickly dream but for its vital j presence. : The lowliest cottage that stands in the: liidden valley contains an unrecognized J Complimentary Mention. Btatemanship that is irkinghogj Acoup£ of Galvestonians, who have- union wi ia y < P just returned from a hunting excursion, the birthright of librety Its humble Jtell Wint mtle iuciJeift of But how can I ?" queried the dandy. " Take them off and sit on them." Our orator made the remainder of hie- journey in peace. ^ toil, its home-love, its morning aud even­ ing prayers are steadily and surely cre­ ating a moral granduer that is far might­ ier than physical defenses, and far more assimulative than political doctrines. Home is intensified into an urgent want, pleasant little incident of the trip-, near Richmond. They went up to the house of a fanner to get some milk, and. experienced considerable difficulty in getting fhe gate open. One of the party said to the sturdy old granger: We had a good deal of trouble get-It is indispensible to genuine! ti the ateop(,n." nf nnwo nun limit Alfl,n ns n inn.ll 1 ^ , . . . "Yea, responded, the granger, drily, "I fixed it up to keep the hogs out" --Gulveston News. about H fuuntlAed _186Sjmt,' wrec The Hibernia I bu* ^ish coast Nov. 29, om. The Caroli- d on the Irish coast Nov. 29, 18G8, and fifty lives lost. The Is- lnaliii left New York Sept. 29, 1873, and is yet unheard of. The St George was destroyed by fire at sea Dec. 24,1852.-- New York Dispatch. e oncnrteiit nnolutiou L UI' n'; 1,aa oral lied and Ml leu Kvan, l\n v. K; owed i liriifl t'i Monday. f daughter, and the little girl. Then he cut olf : tho little :;irl'a head, and, taking it up by tho An Unfortnnate Mistake. Baron A. was traveling with a friend through the south of Frauce and into Italy. He was the posessor of a brand- new and splendid chronometer, of which he was very proud. A constant source of complaint on the journey was tlyit uc watch-j:oekets were atfixed to foreign beds, and that the chronometer, placed under tLe pillow at night, slipped, alter the custom of chronometers from that position, and on doing so incurred risk of breaktlge. At length, at a small hotel Lugano, at which a night's rest was to be taken, the Baron found, to his delight, the pocket the absence of which had marred the pleasure of his journey. So i w;us leaning against the bar a numb-, r of long In ir, he ran with it down tlie road lo lhe ne.(ircHt hoiuie, which happened to be that of a Dr. Gordon. He found a servant there, aud i ordered her to kneel down and Kay her prayer*, \ telling her that her time had couio to die. j She screamed, and Dr. Gordon and a hired man i who happened to he near, hearing her eries, ran into the house, and. after a struggle, over- I guwered the HIIUHHC and tied him with rt»|>cs. I ut a f»/w we< kH ago Toekritein was a Catholic, I but for Home reason or other ho left that tiiiih, j joining a l'rotestmit church, nnd heeon;i:i^ an j enthiiHtufct on n lig oa, talking and thinking about it until it set him crazy. loin Ochiltree and Jem Mace. I It was souie seven or eight years "go, • just after the Coburu-Mnce fiasco, aud ! the latter was still in the city. AK ho i VOBEISIT work of dispersing Irish Land- l^ague meetings by troops of dragoons was the eyes, inaugurated the other dav at Brook orougli, County Fermanagh. The B,WW people who as- aembltd were driven from the meeting bv the soldier*, and three who resisted were arreted. WHHJC the Crown prosecutor was leav­ ing the eoart-room in Limerick, Ireland, he w as asoaulted by a street mob because he defended atnnii to whom the Land League is op;x>sed, but he nwn'ged to ihc .pe with slight personal i"jury. Mtilliollimij, a buil J *ho attempted i to i xc- nte a docree agaiimt a non-rent-puyer in County Tinptsrs rv, was attv<k«d by a in«n minod Gr.iliHui, who shot hiui dead alter a few I words of i.rgnnunit. Grnham made his e cape. i At Mie Oint.g'1 ABKiz.m a faim r wan Hentenne<l to tlurly ytfarj jHiital ^ rviUido for tirint' at bin landlord... .Four Roci. lmtw have U*-n jailed ut ! Daroiwta t on ch.'.r^c; of l.iy.li treaiion, aud KIX I |M>nions tre in prison at I'fcrzht-ioi for circulat- 1 lug n voJutionury i nblication^. THE Bank of Eng'tmd has advanced its rate of discount from %% to 3 par cant. This waa in const qnenoo of th-; continued draiu up­ on Its specie reserve for (diipment to tho United St >to*. It indiCHtt-s that liieHo cannot Le ei- pected'o ' ontniHe nailitcrniple i Ov*:r 40,- 60© *diar*;s ot De Leiweps' Panama can.il ^tock Imvv bo« u (•otV'.ht in Spain stliMaily. The iSpaa- k r Is th iik tne <MIISLW.il heii'-fit the 8pu.;,ihh Weet Indi. s The l'» iush Aduiiralty has abol •••pi '1 IU the uaVj. BAKOX FITZOKRALI>, one of the Jus­ tice* ot the Irikh Court of Evcbeqner, is the latest renpMit of threatening loiters. They •aawej tlie cheering information that if his overjoyed was he tjiat there was sftme talk of arranging the next day's journey with a view to returning to sleep once more at au inu so far iu advance of its rivals in its attention to the comfort of guests. In the morjiing, however, the baron came down with a rueful visage and showed the chronometer now silent and ruined. W hat had been taken for a watch-pocket at the head of the bod was a small vessel full of holy water. In that the watch had slept all night without experiencing the benefit which a more responsible being might have received from such an immersion. Light. It is the health, not the eyesight, which parents with studious children should ever protect, though they should be most merciless in insisting on a suf­ ficiency of light, and light which actu­ ally reaches the object of attention. You may sit in a room full of light, but have all the while only twilight,' or even a deep shadow falling on the work in hand. Light, full light, but light with­ out glare, is the grand preservative of gentlemen and Tom Ochiltree were dis­ cussing politics and prize lights in an­ other p-irt of the room. Mace's wonder­ ful c.xpertness in the use. of his hands came up, und some onn offered to bet a basket of champagne that no man, un­ less a professional, could get in a blow on Mace's face. Ochiltree took the 1 >et, and walked deliberately over to Mace and slapped his jaws. The astonished prize tighter looked at Tom for a moment and then lit out from the shoulder. A mass of red hair, a corpulent body, legs and boots all mingled in indescribable confusion, flew through the door and rolled out over the brick banquette into the street. While sympathetic bell boys and laughing friends were straightening Tom out and parching his fragments to- Franklin's Maxims. Plow deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell und keep. \ Pride is as loud as want, and a great j deal more saucy. | Bilks and satins, scarlets and velvets, i put out the kitchen fire. ! Diligence is the mother of good luck. J Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined | with poverty, and supped with infamy. Extravagance and improvidence end ; at the prison door. j It is easier to build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel. If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some. What maintains one \ice would briug up two children. He that goes a-borrowing returns sor­ rowing. Bather go to bed supperless than rise in debt. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two different thiugs. Creditors have bettor memories than debtors. Tlie rolling stone gathers no moss. If you would have your business done, go ; if not, send. It is foolish to lay out money in tlie< purchase of repentance. Star by Btar Ula world resigning. I, JUDGE MONTGOMEBX. BPAIB, who waa ' a member of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, re- j sifles in Washington, where lie is held in high personal respect. His habits I are of the simplest character, liis man- i ner very kindly and winning. He is tall I and thin, and has a fine head. His fam- i j ily consists of his wife, a daughter of i Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire, and four children--three sons and an un- ! married daughter. The eldest son, | Woodbury, is a lawyer, aud a favorite in society. The younger sons are law stu- i dents. Judge Blair has no brother liv- i ing, and but one sister, the wife of Ad- I miral Lee. needs its supporting strength, andstimu- , I lated both by his nature and eircum-: stances to seek a home as the the true j compliment of himself, he will find it the, best earthly instrument of Providence', to call out his energies, train his virtues, j secure his happiness and prolong his ex- J istence. : Any man who has a heart can have a • home. The rewards of industry are suf- j ficiently ample to enable him to support! a family. Whatever position is attaina-! ble by toil and wealth is open to his am- j bition. There is an abundance around j him out of which te can .carve ike goodly; futures of home. The most ma^iiitieient; residence in the city is an advertisement: of what his enterprise may accomplish, and the eloquent lessons of their archi- i tecture tell him what his own unaided; hands may rear. Everything around i him teaches that he front ranks of society and enjoy the cordial recognition of his fellowman. A 'Wedding Present. It was the day of the signing of the marriage contract. A friend of the fam­ ily says to the father of the young lady. " I have a surprise for your daugh­ ter." " You are very kind." "I shall pnt a bottle of oil of vitro! among the wedding presents." " Horrors!" "The husband will understand---and he will never dare deceive her." There is social dignity for his more noble than blood, more than caste, and industry aud economy, intelligence and virtue can secure its honors and privileges.---I)( borah. What It Means. Felicia's pretty cousin wants to know what it means when a man tells her that he regards lace and ribbons, andahun- may ^ reach the j <jre<j other things in which she takes t^n innocent pleasure, as useless frippery. It means, young lady, that he will have s family j tjie sftme opinion after marriage, and if yon valuable are yOU -will leave it to some othei woman to hear him say " No" when asked to open his pocket-book for the "useless" things. Too Much Enterprise. An eagle, flying down from his eyrie on a lofty rock, seized a lamb aud car­ ried him aloft iu his talons. A jackdaw, witnessing the capture of the lamb, was stirred with envy, and said to himself : getlier, some of the gentlemen explained j " Why, that looks to be as easy as start- to Mace the circumstances of tho bet. | ing a big newspaper," and he deter* " Oh ! it was that way, was it ? It I'd ; mined to emulate the strength and iligot Pal's Speech. Pat--"Ocli, Bridget, did ye niver hear nv my great spaclie afore the Hi­ bernian Society?" Bridget--"No, Pat, how should I? for sure I was not on the ground." Pat--"Well. Bridget, ye see I was called upon by the Hibernian So­ ciety for a spache; and, be jabbers, I rose with the enthusiastic cheers of thou­ sands, with me heart- overflowing with I twent'v feet de">i> gratitude, and me eyes filled with tears, wide/ The HVWlt and divil a word old I spake. ,li«,neter. Wl.oi. A Kon ol' Malta. "Are you a Son of Temperance?" asked a man, jocularly, of a man hold­ ing on to a lamp-post. " Not much," responded the inebri­ ate, who smelt strong of malt liquors, "not mush shon ot' tompereiish (hie), but if you'll shot 'em up I'll--I'll prove to yer I am a slion of malt," eh ! Schinellofnie- hie--S^hmellofmebreff." --(Jalveaton New*. , Didn't >Y< ar Kuhbers. Charley *was saying that lite didn't wear rubbers, l>e< ause they drew his t« et so. "Very thoughtful in you, Char­ ley," said Bill ; " it. would be rather overworking the rubbers to oblige then) to draw tlicin feet." known it I wouldn't 'ave cared," said he, " an' I'm bloody glad now I didn't 'it ! 'im 'arder." j Tom thought it was a quite sufficiently ; " 'ard 'it." If tho blow had struck him i anywhere else but on the cheek it would have killed him.-- Wanhintjton Capital. How They ffuild Sewers in Paris. "I watched them building sewers, near the Seine, in Paris," said a Chicago cap­ italist to a local reporter. "It was splen- ! did work. But let me toll you it costs I nn.nev. The sewer I saw constructed I cost S-jQ per lineal foot." | "What was the process ?" In the first, place, the trench was and eight or ten feet rs are made live feet in diameter. When the trench is dtig tiny put iu a wooden pattern--something like if you were to go to work and start with a butighole and build a barrel around it. Around this wooden pattern they pack stones and fill iu with e.-inout. Nothing more. Anvlnidy can do this. Tln v em­ ploy the commonest kind of uiiHlciiled lal)or. The stone that is used in its. If a kind of cement, and when packed with cement it makes a solid r>>ek foundation. When completed the wooden pattern is taken out, and what is left is a live-foot hole through a solid rock, that will out­ last time itKeli." of the eagle. He flew around with great whirr of his wings, and finally settled upon a large ram, with tlie in­ tention of carrying him off, anyhow; but, his claws Weeoming entangled in the fleece, he was not able to release himself, although he fluttered with his wings us much as he could. The shep­ herd, seeing what had happened, ran up aud caught him, and, clipping his wings, took him home for the children to plav with. On their asking, "Father, what kind of a bird is this?" he re­ plied, " To my certain luiowl dge he is a daw; but he will have it tlmt lie is au eagle." This fable tenches a great many I things,#aixl, among others, that starting : a big newspaper is an undertaking that I should be seriously considered in a*l- j vance.--(lalvfulon Ncm. ^ French Way of Washing Clothes. ! A system of washing clothes in j vogue in some French towns is worthy j of special mention. Its economy is so j event as to greatly reduce the cost. I This is the process : Two pounds of j soap is reduced with a little water to j pulp, which having been slightly j warmed is cooled iu ten gallons of water, to which is added one spoonful of I turpentine oil and two spoonfuls of am- ! monia; then the mixture is agitated. I The water is kept at a temperature j which can be borne by the liaud. In j this solution the white clothes are put in and left there for two hours before | washing them witli soap, taking care in the meantime to cover the tub. The solution may IKS warmed again and used once more, but it will be necessary to add a half spoonful of turpentine and another spoonful of ammonia. Once washed with soap the clothes are put in hot water, and the blue is applied. This process, it is obvious, saves much time, much labor and fuel, while it gives to the clothes a whiteness mncli superior to that obtained by any other process and the destructive use of the waslilMjard is not necessary to clean the clothes from the impurities which they contain. PROP. HITXLEY, in writing upon water, a subject of which but comparatively little is known, says that "water may be pure as can be as regards chemical analysis, and yet, as regards the human Inxly, be as deadly as prussie acid; and on "the other hand may be chemically gross and yet do no harm to any one." Organic matter, such as lias been shown to exist larg«^ iu river water, may therefore uot only be harmless but Heroic Treatment. A Galveston man went to a doctor and A Caution About Shot in (iaine. The London Lancct publishes the fol­ lowing•: This being the season when ; laiued thllt he suffered from loss of game killed by shot, and probably con- nml drowsiness. The doctor taming the pellets, is eaten, it may be I i T ^ toll nul ,,^1. worth while to caution those who con sume the flesh of birds with avidity j that the proportion of instances in which | shot is found is probably small in com- j parison with the number of cases in | which the pellets are unwittingly swid- j lowed. It is a matter of speculation i j how much mischief a shot may do, when i it is passed into the intestines, but the i | fact that anomalous diseases have been ' set up by the presence of very small J bodies which have been entangled in the ] folds of the mucous membiane renders i it desirable to put the public on their ; guard. Occasionally the most disastrous i results have followed such small causes. | We have in recollection the case of a j physician who died alter prolonged and j unexplained sufferings from the impac­ tion of a very small nail which had found its way into a pudding, and was | inadvertently swallowed. A little care j will avoid this contingency ; but, re- | membering the bird had been shot, some j pains ought certainly to be taken to j avoid swallowing the missile. j You should walk two hours every d:iy." "Two wjiole hours! When, then, am I to find time to eat and sleep ?" A CURIOUS phenomenon was noted during the Arctic researches of the rev­ enue cutter Corwiu. In Kotzebue sound, under the Arctic circle, a very extraordinary ice formation was visited. It is apparently an immense iecl>erg, capped with earth and grass. The re­ mains--almost the entire skeleton--of a mammoth dug from it have been saved as a curiosity for the Smithsonian In­ stitute. ___ THE MARKETS. .17 00 . 4 10 12 . 3 40 . 1 1« 67 41 . 1 03 .13 75 (iood morning, Mr. A few months ago, says Dr. Wood, walking along Fifteenth street, I came up behind a friend and said : " Good morning." No answer. "Good morn­ ing, sir," a little louder. "Oh, excuse me ; I didn't hear you the first time." " How then did you know I had si»oken twice ?" The obvious explanation would be that he really heard him the first time and did not notice tho doctor was addivss- NEW YORK. HKEVES Hoo* COTTON FIJH.II--Superfine WIIKAT--No. 2 Spring ^ OONN-- Ungraded A OATH--Mixed Weetera> HYK--We-tern POKK--Mesa LAIUI CHICAGO. BKKVES--(Thoioe Graded St-.-era. 8 10 2 35 4 25 3 50 5 75 5 UO 1 05 88 40 3-2 87 1 DO 33 25 12 00 @112 00 <3 4 90 <3 12* O 4 00 @ 1 23 <3 60 <3 44 (A 1 04 («M5 00 Hooa... i'uouit- Cown anfrtli'ilera Medium to Fair. -Fancy White Winter Ex Gov til to Choice Spring Ex.. WHEAT'--No. 2 Spring No. 3 Spring ConN--No. 2. OAT*--No. 2 Hvt--No. 2. DAIU.KY--So. 2 liei rKR--Clioico Creamery KOOH--Fresh I'OIIK--Moan. LAUD » («. e 10 to 3 90 @ 4 75 @ 4 96 (a) 6 25 (4 5 50 910* « 90 (3 41 (4 33 (4 88 @ 1 02 @ 35 <3 37 (£13 50 therefore uot only l>e narmless out j jjjg j the louder aud distiucter tone positively beneficial, and save something ! itseif informed the listener that he was A Short Method. " I only w:\nt to show you one thing more, Professor. I have invent « short method of byring mountains which I think will prove very valuable." j A CTTKTOUS mode of conducting contra­ band trade has just been put in practice in Switzerland. The proprietor of a i watch manufactory at Lugano has a : largo and well trained stock of carrier ' pigeons which keep journeying continu­ ally to Italy and back again. Each pigeon, on its flight to the south, bears a small watch attached to its feet. The owner thus hopes to import «laily fifty watehes into Italy without running any danger ;of paying any dutv. Acting upon this information the Custom-Houso anti orities ut New York have instructed all officers of steamships to refuse pas­ sengers the liberty of taking pigeons on board. But "stool pigeons are not easily discovered. on a man's l>oard. Chemists who have been presenting a startling array of fig­ ures showing the large amount of organic substauce in the water, should now analyze the solid matter and ascertain tho relative quantity of nutriment there is. It may bo that the river is one vast storehouse of groceries and provisions. Deer's Calves. ' Deer begiu to breed at the end of three years ; aud the female, as a rule, has one calf only at a time, although doublets have been seen occasionally. Many of the c ilvi s die a natural d« ath or are killed by enemies ; but, as a rule, the mothers are extremely careful, und protect their young ones with vigor and determination. At the age of <» or 7 months a young deer is pretty well able to look after itself ; it is while they are from a day to i weeks old that danger chiefly threatens from the vermin which aire always prowling' among the heather in search of prey.--M. Janice Gazette. spoken to for the second time. The i ! doctor explains it more elaborately as j | follows : ! I On my first speaking the impulse of I | the voice had fallen upon his ear and j ! stalled a nerve-wave which had strug- | gled up as far as the lower apparatus at | the base of the brain, and, passyig . through this, had probably even reached j the higher nerve-centers in the surface ] of the cerubrum, near to which con- J scio.isness resides, but not of sviftjeient force to arouse consciousness.--..Lippin- | cott's Magazine. j WE lodged one night at an Illinois ' farm house. Next morning we inquired of the landlady how much she charged, j "Youug man," she said, " how is it with ! you ? Have you found the Lord ? How , does your soul prosper ?" We replied as ; well as our feelings would allow us under j the circumstances, that our soul was j pretty well, only we had suffered rather I severely during the night frpm bed tor- j "Seventy-fivo cents," said MILWAUKEE. WHKAT--No. L 1 06 No. 2 1 03 COHN--No 2. 40 OATS--No. 2 32 KVK--NO. 1.... 84 IFAIU.kY--No. 2. 79 ST. LOUIS. Wit F.AT--No. 2 lied. 1 03 CDKN--Mixed 8* OATS--No. 2 RVK I'UUK--Mens. LAUD W'HKAT I.V>BX OATS itvt lJ.>u K--Mess LAUD T.. 42 33 87 13 00 « 1 09 <S 1 04 @ 41 @ 33 <£ 85 (A 80 ® 1 04 «* 43 ** <£ 88 (a 13 25 CINCINNATI. toise. "Seventy-fivo cents," said the New liars. j lady, "but remember you must flee from When they told tho Secretory of the the wrath to come." The trouble wasn't Xavy that four new bars had been dis- j fleas, but we jpfled all the same.~^ATew covered off the Maine coast, the tarry old ' York Commercial Advertiser. TOLEDO. WHEAT--No. 1 White 1 05 No. 2 Red ; 1 04 Cons--No. 2 42 OATS--No. 2 33 DETHOIT. FLOUK--Choice 5 25 WHKAT--No. 1 Wkite 1 04 COIIN--No. 1 4'J OATS--Mixed 38 BAUI.KY (per cental) 1 35 Pons--Mom 13 GO INDIAN APOLI8. WHEAT-^NO. 2Rea. ................ l"0l CORN 41 OAT* 33 POUK--Clear 15 75 EAST LIBEKTY, PA. CATTLE--Bent 4 60 Fair........ 4 00 Common . 3 50 HOOH 8 60 f l M K B r . . . . « . . » « 3 . 1 04 @ 1 06 46 <4 48 . 37 (<* 38 98 <a *99 .13 50 («18 75 • 8* @ 1 06 <S 1 06 0 43 (£ 34 « « 75 (4 1 05 ® 50 « 37 @ 1 60 @14 25 a i w @ 42 9 as <316 00 « 4 7» <§ 4 25 4 00 9 5 05 <**«•

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