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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1881, p. 1

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„ ?'<• " 'l, " **«.<» **• ,* . # ;. • i- «v:%1' *• • " - A , , mszz >W-*',«i|,S N.-ytr^. ! , fisBga VOL. 6. ir J|̂ [enry plaiiiedw, ?,<? PublUhH Every Wednesday by • jr. V-AJV. «I^YKJEl BOITQR AND PUBLISHES. . Olfice In Old P. O. Block, ^ . .»• : , : . -O'WSIt I ftl VBRStDK ttOCS*.-- t *# , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION »ne Tear, rln Advance,) ...'..fl *n If tjot Pai l within Threo Month* ........2 00 Inscriptions -•^.•-ivjdfor threeoir aix month the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. C. S. GREEK. -irBTKRINABT SURGEON, V Illinois. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. D. OHT^IOIAN AND <U|«OKOV. Oflce over I the Post O'Hee, op-> ulte t'err Btnrc nn St tir<, Perry & Martin's McHenry, 111. * O. H. FEGRRS, Ml D. - rwr*lOi VX \NO VT 11-5 y*. Jehnsbnrg Ills.--OtBee hours 8 to 10 \. w. a .r. HOW VT>, M n. «>MYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mr residence, opposite M. McHenry. HI. Ofll!R At. B. Chnrch, •?- V. ANDERSON. M. PHTSIdl.lN and burgeon. Office Beslev's Dr.v Store, Opposite Parker House, McHehry, Illinois. at PRATT HOUSE. TA. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac. Goo l Barn in connection f#neomi», III. F.J. BARBIAN. CIG\R Manufacturer MnHenrf, HI. <!e*s solicited. Shop, North East aer Public Square. Or- Cor- BIOT1ARD COMPT TTX^TIGE of tha Pev-oan I Conveyancer.-- II Will ittsa I prmntlv to the collection of llbtl. Vols, Lake County, 111. B. B. RICHARDS. HASfc '.omiilote Abstractor Title# tft land in M ll«nrv Gauntv, tll'nois. Olllce with Vonnty ( lerk, Woodstock, 111. 'i,- RORT. WRlGflT, Manufacturer of Custom Ma-re Boots and Sho<M v > <« I...t tha hsst -of x*.ten! B80'I and .ill work warranted. Shop North* west corn rPnblin ijiurj, \lcTenry III. B.M.OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers A«cent In l.cadlnc; Kann Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. McHenry N. S. OOLBr. lfCFIGSllT, Mcilenry C>., ill. B, eeder of yXM. Spanish Meriiu she sp, Iterki nire and fnhtt'l Cliim' Ti i«. \ cU lice lot t young Buck stock for sila. Please call and examine buying eUowhore. GEO, SOIlttfilNER. • ALOON an I RasMurnnt. Nearly opposite > the i 'arker lIou*e, Mo Henry, 111 SS^lTirst class Milliard and Pool Table#. W ifjaa.? I> to s«ll an i repair any kind • Mtchi'ie us wh<s^;» is the chesipe JOHN HKNDKIOKS. ind of n SewinK !:tpest. Will also insure ymr lifi* mid property at reasonable rats*. Ple.tse ^ive»ie a c.il*." I'lirwil LKIOICEM. REPAIRS Wntchea,Clocks and Jewelry of ill kinds. AUo iltsptilr^ v'iolin» in the best >ossibie uiinner, «n ah-jrt notice and at rea- rates. \lao Violins tor Sale. Shop irst door .Vorth of Riverside Block, McHenr) J. A. SHER WOOD |jUC ASU Al'^HAISEK, Algonquin, ill. SALES of Stock, farming Tuols and Goods of all kin.ls s>i-»uii>tly <Hteu.led to L kales a specialty. Ter.us reasonable ' 3IBce ad (ress Algonquin III. Farm Post ff. H. SANrORD, 'ei*olia.nt Tiiilor. [n the store of C. H. Dickinson, Enst fide of iblio^quare, WOODSTOCK, ILL. . good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ly* on hand. Suits made to order and a lit Irraated- Give me a call. W. H.SANfrORD. fo^dstock III.,Sept. 47th, ii75. ipott & Co., [atters to the Great Nortfiwest." 135 anil 1371 Maiisoi St., [EAR CLARK ST. IHrxer stock and greater variety of y > t t > choose fro-n, than can be ar.v other e«t.il>H4hmcnt in Chicago »st. It will nav via ti»call and see •rice 3 the lowest in the land forJlgood IRANCH STORES Cor. Clak & Lake sts E. Cor. Halsted and Harrisbn 8t8„ ciiickuo. JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan­cery. Will prutioein State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. Mew Custom House, Chicago. CHA3. II. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office ovur Stone'* l>ea* S*«re.' / . c. tf. TBUAX. \ ,, CARPENTER and Builder, NiinSa, Til.-- Will put up buildings by theJolior day. and guarantee satisfaction. JOSEFH N. FUEUND. Bonslett'8 Mill. Mc- Hcnrv. til. The c nines'; Wines, Liomrs and "^iirarsto be fonnrl iii '.he county, rresh Ovsters in their c^snn iprred n»» in any shape desired or for sale bv the On. GOOD AT YRLING FOR HORSES. J . .. "" kWMm v t , rflii 1 Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Ixifri No Favors Win -JS and no Faar Shall Awe.*' M'HENRY. ILIJNOIS, WE'JXESDAY, JANUARY5. 13SI. Richmond SALOON AND RESTAURANT O'd stand, opposite Baboo's Village Property For Sale. For sale, in this village, the following pro­ perty. six acres of land, more or less, on the town plot, in the villasre, of MeTlenry. I* lnely located and will be soM cboap, AIPO one House and T.ot. Is In a pleasant locnlitv, has a good Well anl |Ciskci H, Barn, aud other conveniences. Also one Block containing two Stores, and a fine lot adjoining. For further particulars Inquire at this of Aea.„ SIDNEY DISBROW, TARY PUBLICfan.1 Conveyancer.' den. 111. A) Mchenry bakery, --AND-- RHSTAUHANT. PPOS1TE f' OPPOSITE the Bridge, Wann meals ai ill McHenry, III.-- hours. Farmers Lunch served on short notice. Orster* by the Can or Dish. PATTEftSON. V^YSTASH. E. WTGRTMAN, Proprietor. First c!a«s rigs, with or without drivers, uunlshed at rcasonnb'e rates. Teaming of all kii'ds dene on 6lior( notice. T. J. CLIFTON Practical Horse»Shoer. THE INTER 0CEA1FCR 1881 Dally. Semi - Weekly, and Weekly. In printing ffea prospectus of Tlie Inter Ocean for : 1 lie year 1881, it i« ecarvely uei-pss^rf to remtiu!. the peo- pli* of the Nor(hwest that the paper h:is l»een from tlie ilate of its establisih- ment. pre-eminent a* an exponent of stalwart Re|Miblfeintsm, and In a«l- Titncc of all others In promulgating that system of pirttHcal ethli'R wliieh tins as lln foundation the idea of huninuity hi pfrfifles. it Is not th« advorate ot foSdJ^eoneei^ed theories bot the chaui|>1orP»|f Ideas ;wann with ling antl Mecdintf It is rend and --AND GENERAL- McHenry, III. Full Plates nuide of the best material and fully warranted, $8.00. fiiiinx ona-haiT u^ual rates.. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain . and free of charge where Artiiicial 1'ueth are in­ serted bv liiin. All Work fully warranted. ,, Pure Nitrous Oxide Oas always on and f »r 'X tractiou oftigth, M. ENQELN- GU N- I T H! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Ka/.or^ and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kind* done Steel or Bra«s.-- \yorkwa>rra»t„ Also dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Table and P Fishini Mtteriai, Pipes. Cigars, Tobacco Violin Strings, Ac. shop in i store near the Post office, Mc. Henry,111. Cutlery,Gnu m l Shop Opposite the Parker House, tillnoiH. McHenriSr1- •*, Haring an expe­ rience of manv v < ar« in ihis lnssi- •:«'ss I flatter my fit' that in the nte of Horse-Shoe ift I ran please all vhomjiy givo me t<al!. I respect- iuily ask all who- ha v« lame horses or horses with bad feet, no matter what the cause, to rive m cull, and I am confident I can help then not entirely cure them. REPAIRING- Ironing and all -kinds .of General Black, smithing doiie£promptly and iu a workman­ like manner. My stotto will be Prices Low and work d»ne promptly and in good shape. Give me a Call. T- J. CLIFTON. Mc Henry, Nov.22d, 18«0. • Fa*#" HIRAM WIER, Boot aad Sltss Maker, Wauconda, III, Iwwl i inform the public that I am now prewired to nrike B-mts ind ««hoes to order, of the best material, warrant a lit, and at LOWER PRICES then any other shop In the count}'. Call and Wan«jonda, Nov. 5Wth, lftSo, ba Convince!*. H. WIER, Harpsr'3 Mapsliu. Illustrated. the subject ••Studying from the educational jioint of A R O U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by . MARCUS -DEALER IN­ URE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI5ARS. # WAOdftock, IH. The b3«t Tonic in the worlil.. .PutTup^in fiat and Quart Bottles. ••bjectirely and view--seeking to provide th:it which, taken altosrl»th«»r, will be of the most service to the larsrcsf ntimlier --I li>nicr»7'> ooni'lii ' le I that, if I could.have but ono work tor n public lilinry, I would se'ect:« complete «et of If irp'ts ' Monthly."-- CHARI .KS FHAN^IS AI>AM<». Jn. Its contents are contril>u.ied by the most eminent authov ami artists of Euro(»e and America, while the lonsr experience of Its pu blishers has msde them thmnirhlv conver­ sant with the desires of the public, .which they will spare no effort to gratify. Harper's Periodicals. HARPER'S MAG A Z I V E , One Year $4 0T HARPER'S WEEKI.Y,One Year 4 00 •HARPER"* 1JAZAK, One Year 4 00 The Til EE above publications, One Year 10 <0 Anv TWOalwtve na neil. One Year 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year 1 50 Post aye free U, all sub*orih>m'» in the United Slate* and Canada, The volumes of the Mrtgitine begins with the Numbers for June nnd December of each vear. When no time is specifled.it will, be understood that the subscriber wishes to be­ gin with the current Number. A Complete Set of IlAltl 'KK'S MAGAZINK, comprising til Volitmos, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight by expense of .purchaser, on receipt of per volume.-- Sintfle volume*, by mail, pu*l p<iul, :1.0ft. Cloth cases, for binding, .IS cents, by mail.postpaid. Remittances should be made by Po^t-OHlce Or leror Drats to avoid chance of loss. Xfiw*pa}>ers are not to copy thU 'utini1ifm*nl Without the express order of HARI'KB A LLKOS. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. C. Henry Nunda, iliinoSs ,V • • •-kW^ # --DEALER IN-- J%ri£«iHurallMaclilhery, to say that The lliever deserted the ss on whieli It be- riglits of the citi- S»e interests of th« itllviitjf to know U party has eome rely on this sral- [thar in tlitis IIIOV- |y le:i let s have ae- |e jiosition of The tears ago.-was eor- » Liter Ocean, the [fhniihatjk indorse* piif the most efleet- M>e value of its in- ity ot its leader- Ms leadership was nor tlie hold The truest Rcptiblk'atiiP JoruSbiy illustrated it Presidential the campaign tlie j«yd enterprise of Ire leeogniced as tletenniiiing the a* the leading «f the Northwest Ipute. "eis.lt Is only nec- Tlie Inter Ocean position by cou­ th t forward course many friends feven where, ami La reputation for f^and journalistic fparty poliey es- >lieving that the SIIMI tlie Wei­ ll be bsst conserv- the tuuda- 'pttblieauistll. »i*e«ent Attitude Amerk'Hii fn- tii|M»r labor and tlie #oild, and ttglit on any jpiutig on Of All Kinds. I Agent for the towns of Algonquin, Hun<1a and McHonry for the celebrated Macormick Maebinee« AH kinds of machinery sold as c.he&p »a finr other dealer in the County. Give mc a catl^ Nunda, June 15th, 1880, C HENRY. A. WEMDZLL, CAEPENTS5 MS JU McHenry, III. Will take eontraet* f«»r pultiiig up Buildiiig# aud jfuarantee mv work will eoiupare with any man in the State. I can and will do work from 15 to 'iv, per cent cheaper than other carpenters, us I have two of my boys who work with •ne. which makes it possible for me to do so. All Jobs iu the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me a call. A. WENDELL. McHenry. Dee. 29th. 1880. Admiristrator's Nolice. TESTATE of Thomas Diedrick deceased.-- ' Vj The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Thomas Diedrick, late of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear betore tlie County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House, in Wood .stock, at the January Term on the third Monday in January next, at wh'.eh time all persons having c'aims against said Estate, are notified and requested to at- tend for the purpose of having 'tie same ad­ justed. Al I persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate paymeut to the undersigned. Dated this :t0th dav of November A, D. 1830 JURY DiRimiCK, Administratrix. Administrator's Notice. f*-; INSTATE ot Michael Sutton, deceased. The j undersigned bavin* been appointed ad- ministiatoi of the Estate of Michael Sutton, late of the County of Mcilenry and State of Illinois, deco-nii t, hereto - gives notice that he will appear before t«e I'-ounty Court «f McHenry Coiinlv, at the Court". House, in Woodgtock. at tlie February Term, on the third Monday in February next, at which |l:re all persons having claims against said fCstate, are not ilieu and reonested to attend, for I he pur|M>se of bavins tne same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are A quested to make immediate payment to {the undersigned. A. D.. 1880. Dated aothjday of December, louvpowrp^ */l mlii Intra I nr. 1 i. * M - W * *" • W *T • M - CLOTHING GENTLEN1EN You are invited to call at Maiman's AT; WALCOIS DA, and be fitted for cold weather. I have the largest FALL and WINTER stock ever shown in iv aucoada. O VERLOA TS. 82.63 O VEIU'OA TS, 93.75 O VERCOA TS. 84.75 OVE/ COA TS. 97.00 OVERCOATS. Al ALL PJtlCES Ready-made*Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- Forany thing made to order, whether a single garment or a full suit. Maiman's Is the place to buy. Also a full Hne of GENTS' FURNISlflNO GOOD*. Hats and Caps, Ac, Ladies Cloaks, both Ready-made and Made to order. Having pnrchated a Full Stock|of Millinery Goods invites the ladies of Wauconda and vi­ cinity to call and see her stock of MILLINERY. Hats and Bonnets trimmed in the latest stvles and at reasonable prices. MISS GlEsELER is ready to sec, ladies who desire ^icr serv'ces as Dress Maker. The best of work guaranteed, Room with Sirs. Haiman, the blood of st' humanity. As know of all men;; It 1« not uceo*i Inter Ocean I platform or pnue gnu the figlit for ten or Its work I people, but It Is that tlie Jtepultl tlually to stand wart plat ft.rut, ing IOI WHMI I HIP knowledge thil| Inter (/ccan. tak rect, Tiiis i«, r heartiest ami tiiont of its p Ive testimony flue nee; nnd tilt ship. [ I'liff-hiflueneii wver more npf Inter Ocean luMt i was never Hi than durlnj vauipaigti, i earnestness. It the paper ev«| important lael result, and it! Republican jc was llxed beyi In view of tli^H eet-sary to say II will maintain tinuinff in tli«. y| that has made among RepiiM| that has givrt iwnrugeoite fait it ni nud enter} It will Insll aeutially stall interests of fare of all etas ed by » close atli meu'.al princii " It will IIIHIUI iu favor of diistry a<uiii8t^ concentrate'! i will he forem<] tie Tj»« iMlUiie qiH I if v. 1!{ fwltv, ii '%%tnw+, SiAl^WfII spec! aU attention to <iep,tr;uieul« ltat« lug H'lsrs'.iwioliiiiittesfiitii*, *TI»e <'utiostty "Woman*^ Kiiigdom" and "Varm nmi Ho•«»<," have ' froffii better with each succeeding | ^ear «t*d the conscientious efloi t that give thetn tbeir popukirUv Wilt be Ue vol ed to their improvement. The Veterinary department. In charge of a practical veterinary sur­ geon. will be inud»' of special value to horsemen and stock growers. In the department of fiction the best serials have been secured, and these will appear iu connection with short sketches and stories. The market reports, taking In finan­ cial and commercial new*, aud dis­ cussion of trade topic#, will be made full aud reliable, giving Kpecial atten­ tion to matters in which merchants, stock growers and farmere of the Northwest have a direct Interest. The Weekly jnter Ocean will give the lie ws of each week complete, pre­ senting important matters in detail, unci condensing minor news In such a way as not to obscure or weaken any statement of fact. The weekly will be in short more comprehen*i ve iu char­ acter and scope tliaa any other polit­ ical or general newspaper Iu tiie country. In addition to all other department* mentioned iu connection witli the weekly, the semi-weekly will continue its educational department under its present aide editor. Believing that the Inter Ocean con­ tributed not a little to Kcpublican success iu the last campaign, tlie pro­ prietors have no hesitation in asking the stalwarts of the country to aid them iu widening and extending its Held of Influence. The wholesome- ness and effectiveness of the influence of such a paper have beet; demonstrat­ ed beyond dispute. Republican* In­ terested iu maintaining the integrity atu] ettprilde corps of tlie party are interested in increasing tlie circu­ lation of those papers that contribute most to the desired etuis. Among all such papers the Inter Ocean stands tirst. There io no variation in the prices of the various fiditions. The Inter Ocean Is the cheapest paper--consider­ ing the amount of reading matter furnished and its high character as a journal--published in tlie country. • Dailv inter Ocean, one /ear, postage psid (10.00 Semi-Weekly Infer Occan, one year, postage pa id... I...., 2.50 Weekly Inter Ocean, one year, postage paid.. 1.15 Sample copies sent free on applica­ tion. Address, THE INTER OCEAN, CHICAGO. 8UNDUY HL'WHL?G5. The American r Affricu'turitd^ which for Ave and tweu;y years lias made a special feature of exposing various swindling schemes, opens tts new vol­ ume more vi^orouslyjthnu ever In this line. It gives a list of over '200 names and flrins to whom tlie Post Office De­ partment uow refuses to deliver regis­ tered letters, or pay money orders.-- F rom other parts of Its chape r on "Sun­ dry Hum bugs," we select the follow* Ing; , MONING ONE'S NAME.-- A yonng man traded a poor for a good hone, giving his note of §90, payable by agreement, six months after date, without Interest When called upon for payment lie claimed that it was iW»t due by any means, and a careful examination showed that It read "payable six months after death." In this case the father prevailed upon tlie young man to pay the note, on the ground that "lie (the son) \va« In a fair way to have p»enty of other -ncconnts to settle about the time the note, as written, would be dne.,i This Is an Illustration of how easy It In so entirely to change the purport of a written agreement so as notjto be noticed by the casual ob« server. In this first number of the vol­ ume, we wish to Impress our former advice upon every reader, especially farmers, namely, not to sign any pnf»er for a stranger. Millions of dollars have been filched from fatmers who have though tles<ly, or carelessfy, or Ig­ norant ly signed their names. Be­ guiled by the promises of large profits, they have undertaken to act as "agents" for this, that, or the cither Invention, or a lot of Implements, new patents, spring mattresses.etc., etc., with the guarantee that all not sold would be ta&eu back. They give notes for tlie paymeut wl^lt the verbal (or may be separate written) agreement that the note will not be collectable If the arti­ cles are not sold. But the seller soon disposes of the food note at a bank or elsewhere aud disappears. His guar­ antee amounts to nothing,, he is*out of reach, and the Inuocnt buyer of the note collects It. Very often the victim signs what he supposes Is an order for the articles with his address for hav. ing tliem correctly forwarded. lint tire swindler has adroitly «?«•? his signature | to it v«ry different d^yumsnt. The OUR WASHINGTON COKtlKSP<»Xt)KKT. w ASHiKOfo!*, D. C i Dec. »th, 139H. Steps should be taken MS once to have Vernier sent as a Grand Sachem to fcetown in Labrador. He is entirely too frigoriflc to suit tills locality- and has made * wretched fist at weather making ever since lie undertook the job. We have not had the full ineas- stre of eleven fee? of Fnow as £he prog­ nosticate!. but tlie storm has set the oldest Inhabitants to com pari ng^hotes. Only one storm of equal severity has been experienced here In* very many years. Street cars and pedestralns made poor headway until tlie army of 8l»oevlers had made an assault on the snow blockade. Sleighing in Washing­ ton is such a novelty that it calls hi to requisition at fabulous, prices every­ thing on runners, whether orthodox or heterodox. Pennsylvania Avenue, Is the favorite course for sleighing parties and here cau be seen all styles and variety of turnouts, from the antiquated pnng that Adam (trove when a boy to the cutest little cutter of modem 6ty)e. The horses embrace every kind and elass of pedigree noble or ignoble. The drivers and those participating In the rare sport are mixed in character.black and white, grave and gay, rtcli and poor, The afternoon was given up to pleasure and long after the great gray curtain of laden cloudtt had disappeared and the stars shone out merry voices, tinkling bells aud creaking runners gliding ovef Jilie crisp cold snow rang out on the night air. Vennor missed it by several feet but the lovers of winter sportf at the Capital will score nnothet* for thoweather prophet of Canada. ; The action of the joint committee in selecting Judiciary Square as the spot MII which to erect a new building for the Congressional Library will be approved by Congress, and an appro priation will be made to commence the work at once. This square con­ tains 19$ acres and was deeded In the last century to the Government '.f«r public buildings or other purposes."-- Plans of the building to cover three acres are now being made, and the structure when completed will lie the fluent fmWio.Mbraef-iii^he worfi|r:^' Ores* ^atteni iuu is being paid by Congress to-the Improvement «f the , A WONDEURM, CLOCK. Mr, Wlix Meier, of Detroit, after nearly ten years of has produced a clock, vl4b^ cepting that of Stntsliurgi lt wonderful clock In the Wofldt It 18 feet high, 8 feet wide, antf Wei 4,000 pounds* TI»« fmm«*»o^k."-ft black walnut aud eie, W ashington sit* beneath t dome With a colored servant oh eit' side guarding the doors. On the f< corners of the face of cfoclt figures, ( inidamatic of the # stages of liftman life; two.are^ fg#WHft'd one holding an infant, tb« otner with i a child J the other a man of midttla *gc, while the fourth iia figure of an • old gray bearded imM. All of them* figures have bells, ea«h with a tone fa keeping with the* ago represented. The infant strikes It® sweet toinrd | bell at the tfrst quarter hour; the larger ^ bell of the youth rings out at the «n4 of tiie half hour, followed by tlie* Strong resonant tone of tlie hell of middle age at the third quarter, ami thehqnr closing with the mournful bell of the aged man. Death, repre^t,^ sented by a carved skeleton Just ahov|i|% the clock face then strikes the ho«r|; at the same time a carved ciipi| poptf out on either side, with wings, "to iu- dlcate that time dies. This in fol­ lowed by sweet music, tvhen Washing* ton, rising from his chair, presents tha- Declaration of Independence, and st door on the right Is opened by a ser­ vant, and each of the ex-Presidents, donned In tlie custom of his time, (IQ*- cluding President Hayes) tiles be for# the "Father of his Country.** facet him and raise their hands walk across the ^ if platforrti and pass out of sight, at A §1 door which Is afterward closed by th«. seeonj servau:. *VRemington take%,^?|||| his seat and all is quiet again save tha - heavy ticking of the wooderfttl time* keeper. Though such a clock showg| 1 u great deal of ingenuity, It is of littia practical value.--American Agrieuititr* ut /or Jan. 1. ,/ W. •J inxitilio • it every <Iay > 4' ^ 19"Betting men of California are puzzled nnd excited. An enormous amount of money was risked on the result of the Presidential election iu that State, it is said that over $100,- OUO of stakes was olaoad on deposit in the Bank of CaliforiiiwF The point on which the wagers were made was whether Gartield or Hancock would jarry the rotate. Now all the Demo­ cratic electors except one were elected, the exception being Judge Terry, whose name was extensively scratched, because he had long ago killed Brod- erlck. Consequently Garfield got one vote iu tlie California Electoral College aud the rest were cast for Hancock. The question Is whether Hancock has carried the State iu the sense meant by the terms of the bet­ ting. Several lawsuits hivej been be­ gun. nud probably tlw hots wili*aU be declaredi ajl, *J|/- 'r" % finly safety is tu •s•'•} not oven'mald, strmijfifi; F.OTTK.RIES STII.L FLOURtiH,-»Olte would suppose that the Lottery aud the Gift Concert bnsltie^i, With their exclusion from tlie mails by laws of ( 'ongress, nnd ihe sale of tickets wade illegal in all but tew v of tlw dtate«, might lie suppressed. Yet papers that regard themselves as respectable, ad­ vertise them conspicuously, and the .occasional spurts of the police upon tlie lottery dealers in New York aud other cities have Jittle other efleet than to advertise them gratuitously.-- There isau abundance of Ivw for their suppression, but laws do not execute themselves. A letter from a friend in Peunsj'lvania, who sends a lottery ad­ vertisement, in which tickets are ad­ vertised from'a place not far from onr office, suggests that "there is nothing to prevent the arrest and punlslimeut of the persons." Oh yes. there is much Arrests have h&n made without num­ ber, the parties give bail, and that is tlie last of it; In a few days they may be found carrying on the business at tiie old place. There are two visible facts in the case: tlie lottery managers have Immense sums of money invested In the business; snd the cases luyer come to trial. "COUNTT HISTORIES.** Some publishers in the Interior o( New York are complained of. To help the project of getting up sundry "Histories of Counties," the post­ masters and leading clergymen are asked to give their endorsement to the enterprise. Tlicso liberal-minded gentlemen wishing to encourage what seeins to be a useful work,give it their endorsement. In due time, each finds % volume o*f the History at his house, with a bill asking liitn £o pay fl'i. Up­ on a refusal to p:ty. each is shown that he had signed a regular subscription contract, when he gave the book" the weight of ills uanie. Then follow threatf, and the worst of it, they appear to have succeeded in extorting tiie money In most cases. Some of the counties must have rich histories to make a book fid of them worth #12.-- These publishers appear to be "making history" quite rapidly, in more senses than one. Tlie case lias more than a local interest, inasmuch as other coun­ ties are to be done historically, and probably their leading citUeus (louo for--pecuniarily. name heretofore negfected reservations and G. W. BESLEY Has just received an Optiuieter, for testing the eyes, and can now fit you with a pair of spectacles aud guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full line of Spectacles, all kinds, to which ha in­ vites tiio attention of tiie public. Hall, of the Dundee and Richmond Stores, buys and sells for cash Only, consequently can oiler you induce men ts iu a!i kinds uf goods, i|e<td his price list. A' ..*r. . ..n- - v . . ; . , ; Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Ntittd** for ilUuery »uc\ Drew Making .;v;; all of which belong •to theIfjft*! oovert»ff by* ow the ra loJjCt-bree to two. being"- more s^ulf reserved from, residences or public building's in any other city of this country, if not in the W£rl<1- '*^8K' ^ * The universal yankeo studying causes and efleets and Inquisi­ tive ones ate asking where the money is to come from to toot the bills in the Da Lesseps canal scheme. Subscrip­ tions draw five per cent from the start. Ex-secretary Thompson is to have nsalary of $25,000 per year as President of thn American branch. -- Lesseps must have four times as much. Boards of directors in home nud foreign countries are to be paid good salaries for doing the blowing for the concern. Tiie canal is not expected* to be finished in six years, perhaps not In sixty. Where does the money come from to pay such an Income on the shares? But theu.Col, Sellers explains It all by saying "Thero's millions in it." The talk over the elcctral count in the House has settled a fact that the oountry will approve, that is that the vote will be counted whether the Democratic House participates or not, and General Garfield will be declared elected, and the people' will see that he is inaugurated with such imposing ceremonies as have never before been witnessed iu this or any other coun­ try. This last expiring kick of the dying Democracy will be as harmless and impotent us was Bartiuin's mules in Indiana. BOW TO TREAT FKOST BITM If any pare Of t!i« body gets froiaa. thn very worst thing to do Is to heat dire.Hlj fire, not, the whiter onr li froze His feef/ ,u Iii iii But luy bands cold. | was alarmed*! iiis teet in tlie snow «onhl not bear litem OfttjiiliP TFN^g- ;'h»lf• lie would ; them out. and then tac pain was all^ gone, and when I had wiped them dry and rubbed them a little, he was en­ tirely comfortable, put on liisstockingst and slioes, and went to play. He never, afterwards had any trouble with hia feet on account of this freezing. His sister got Iter feet extremely cold, and.' put them at once to -the fire. Her case at first was not so had as bar;' brother's but tlie result was amoh worse. Herjt'eet were very tender all winter and she suffered fyom chilblains* Her toes had a swollen purple look* and she had to take a larger tiso af shoes. A marked advance. In very many respects, is seen iu the opening num­ ber of the 40th volume of that most popular and useful Journal, the Amer­ ican Agriculturist. Besides ift-w large type,easy to read, its careful pages are full of the useful, practical, relia­ ble information, upon iu-door and out­ door work ueeded by every family in city, village, and country. This single number contains over 100 original en' graviegs and sketches of labor-saving labor-helping devices, etc. Among tlie conteuts are:Valuable Suggestions of and for tiie Seasons; Starting an Orch­ ard with little Money; Apples for Stock, by Timothy Bunker, Esq.} the New Cusco Corn; Striking Illustrations of Plant Ropts by Prof. Atwater; Horse-clothing) A Fine Country House costing91,600, with plans details of materials, cost, etc.; American Pon|es. Illustrated) Noteworthy newf Ameri­ can Pea; Hoine Building; Buck-board Wagon ; a score or more of useful de­ vices with illustrations: Kxt»o*nres of Humbugs, with over 800 names given; llaiy Household Hints and Sagge&tioua Ivy grown iu-dnors for ornameut? Sim­ ple Br^a<|.inaking Blu-hine; Illustra* tlons for tiie Young. eic-,etc. Though expensively prepared, the circulation is so large, that the paper Is supplied' at $1.50 a vear. 14 cts. a number.-- Orange jfwdd Publishers, jjaw Y oik. The carrying of letters **4 distribution of news and lni&tft£«nM% to the people pays a large tax. States- •• men watch very carefully PostofHce Department of t(k% .^fartt- ment pays. Just why the PoStBiastar Goneral should bfe frantic If his de­ partment is not hauling In Its mil­ lions. white the Secretaries of tha Army and Navv and every other de­ partment cooly receive their millions. Is more than we are«abie to sc«. Tha Jbtor Ocean paid last year upon iu circulation wh Sell passed thiowgh tha malls 914,175.84. This does not lachu; a any but |>ostage to regular suhaitHbers. Wlien.to this is added the stamps used la the offloe, it sums up over tNOH during the year. This year ex­ ceed that amount. The ffi* law­ makers have made a very hiiNlMKo«at® law for publishers. Congress carefully enacts laws hy whieh the saaiia gtwuk under tli« weight of worthle-- mmt never read publio tloct i'ree--and yet taxes every as it leaves the office of publication.-- In other worda. Congress legtslata* against intelligence, aud sending fi-ee through lis m^|Kt ture which no pnbHsher would print without a large how not one man in a thousand «ve* The printing and binding and mailing cost» money aud the people p%j It.--» S There is right here aa iiu»«e»^ j ^ portuuity to re form.-- inter* Oeean, / THE sweeping tide of prosperity la shown by the immense Increase of business in the Patent fWaoe„ General Land Otfloe, Peitsi on Ofivsj and other Departments of tha Gnvernineat,-- ? Patent cases. Pension claims Coutaat- • ed Land entries, or other bitslttMt* j placed In the haiMls of Preahery A , Green, Attorneys, 5» 7th st.. Washing- 4 , ton, D, O, will hava lnvmedia»e at ten- *' ion. Eut'lose stamp for UfonMtios, ' " Dress Ooods in all stylos, cheap, oft C. P. Hail's Richmond a»d tH»u«l«« Stores. |JS k irt. ^34: ; , 5

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