WEDNESDAY .TAX. 5. T881. Railroad Time Table. ^ aim# lonrt. lenevatalce Pa*sen*er--..........7:«« A. M genera Lake Freight .... .1:16 p. M noino ions, ' freaft^a T,*Ve Freight 10:01 k. denora Lake Patsenvcr ..........«:53 p.i McHiary Lectart Cram f- REV. W. 8. BALCH, > r Of Elgin, will openthe Mel^u-y LectureGoiirse •ttheA \ * " tt I 'j liM II I ' unlvw*a!l8t uiufcn, Tv*»$Jay |».i l Ithj ' ~ ' 4 SUBJECT: " - WMTlvel •; f TIHI Tickets for the Court# of the J Ave or six lectures will he 91. Single! tickets 25 ess. Children 10 cts. each| •(Imissiflii. . Ouit "Soldiers Department" frill be commenced again next week. POLITICS are so one-sided In Ver mont that the people have to flglit about church matters to have arty fun. OYSTKRS by the eau or quart, cheap *s the cheapest, at the Mcllenry Bak ery. . N. A, Ai.Ftif«. a former resident of this place, blft now of Rochester, N. Y., Is visiting among frl ruth* here, WR have just read a handkerchief flirtation code, and advise all men de- siring to avoid breach of promise suits wipe their mouths with their coat tails. Wt£ learn that a young man whollve-> West of this village had a long red lialr takeii from behind Ills ear on New Year's day. At last accounts he was lug as well as could be expected. : OK account of the Quarterly Meet* which will be held at Rlngwood. -there will be no services in the M. E. Church on Sunday next, and con- seqiieutly no Sabbath School. SER the new advertisement, of P. A. iplebard, Contractor and builder, In Inauothercolumn. Mr. ITebard Is an old resident here and his work in this vil lage and surrounding country will; apeak for Itself. A'Califomla Trout, weighing about (t wo pound?, was caught In the river [last week. Two years ago *25.000 of these fish were put in the river by the Fish Com miss loner. They^were then about an inch in length. This is the [first that. ha« been known to have been taught, and proves that they have Town rapidly. THE Contractors finished their work on the new Bridge to-day, Wednesday, and nothing now remains to be done but the grading at the ends, twhlch we presume vlll be immediately attended to by the Commissioners. Travel has not been interrupted a single day sine® the bridge was commenced," a solid bridge of ice covering the river during the entire time." F WK would call attention to Prospect us of the Chicago Inter Ocean* to be To«nd on the first page of this paper.-- Sit is the best paper In the Northwest, as the lender of the etal wafts* deserves well at the hands of all Re publicans. Jlead 'he Prospectus. EX-SHEUIFP E, E. Thomas and wife who resided in this town for severtl years In an early day, spent New Year's with Mr;and Mrs. E. M. Owen Mr; Thomas is engaged in the Q. M. Department at Headquarters Depart ment Pluittc, Ft. Omaha, Neb., where tiis son, Capt. Earl D. Thomas, of the Regular Army, Is Quartermaster. NIKK thousand letters were dropped fnto the post offices of the country without being addressed, last year, I and the people wonder why their let- ^ ters "don't get there." Just call at the PLAINDKALEH office and have your card printed on'lhe corner, and then. If iris-sent or not directed, they will be immediately returned to you. VICK'S FLORIL GUIDE for 1881 Is an elegant book of 120 pages, containing one colored plate, a full page portrait of the author and six hundred illustra tions, iftterpersed with the usual di rections and information of a Seeds man's catalogue. We consider It de cidedly superlorto any of its prede cessors which we have seen. ¥ • • • • fe.>f Ox Monday evening, about 8 o'clock, a man named Jeremiah llaythorn, brother of Isaiah Haylhorn, the man who was recently killed at Genoa Junction, was picked up in a stairway on Main street, by officer Richards, in * drunken and half frozen condition.-- He was taken cafe of till morning . wh?n he proceeded to Elkhorn. When found he was entirely unconscious, and liad It uot been for timely aid tin- donhtly would have perished.--Geneva Z-ake Newt. WE would again call the attention of our readers, and mote especially ^ the farmers, to the "Western Farmers Al manac" for 1881. Besides being a handsomely gotten up Almanac It son- tain* hints on every subject in which the farmer and stock breeder Is inter ested. and the valuablo Information contained within Ps cover will every farmer ten times Its price every year. It Is published by John P. Mor ton A Co., Louisville. Ky„ and Is for sale at this Office for the low price of ten cents. Call and get a copy at once before they are all gone. Air exchange has the following: "There was a man in our town, and he was wondrous wise; whenever he had •roods to sell, he straight did advert! • id when he found his goods were •e. with all lits might and main, he "ed In another lot and advertised / HI." We have some just such bnsi- i ess inen--a»id ladies, too--In Mc llenry; and we have those also, whose names are seldom, if ever, seen in print, and their places of business pre sent a striking eowtrast with those who make a free use of printer's Ink. We took s6nie pains to visit our business i places the pa*t we«»k, and onr patrons, without an exception, attribute their uuprecedent<»dh* large Holiday trade rously advertising. ISAAC HARSH, who livea near Ring- ood. had the misfortune to be kicked n the face by his young stallion on Friday last, and injured ifeverely. and although no bones were broken, It is a miracle that he wa« Hot killed. Dr. II. T. Brown was called who dressed the wound and at the time of writing he is doing as well as .*>uld be expec ted. hk New Year's Party at the iffVer- [side House was attended by one hun dred and eighty-seven couples, and all report a tlp-top time. Forso -large a crowd we never Saw a more quiet and orderly one. All seemed bent on hav ing a good time, and we fudge they succeeded. Mine host Wlghtman left 'nothing undone to make It pleasant for all. and thfe large crowd dispersed 'iu the morning well pleased. ADVERTISED letters remaining at Post Office Mallenry. Jan. 1st, 1880:-- Miss Lizzie McOrattle.~Mr.Wm. Right. Miss Alice M.Jacobs. Mrs. Mary White Mr. Patrick Bearry. W. G, Duncene, Peter Adams. Mr. John A. Smith, J. II. Burger. Mr. David Eli at, Frank flow- den. Postal Car is, Mr. Willie Tiler, H, V. Shepird, Edwin F. Smith, Rol- IIn M. Taylor. JAMKS B. PBRHT, P. M. THE first 'Lecture of the Mcllenry ,ecture Association will be delivered t the Universalist Church on Tuesday Inext, Jan. 11th. by Rev. W. S, Balch. of Elgin, Mr. Balch is so well and favor ably known In this section that It needs only the announcement that he will Lecture to draw a full house. Ills Subject. "Ruined Cities which I have visited." is an interesting one. and can not, fail to please. Remember the day and date, Tuesday evening next, Jan. 11th. Miss HATTIR -»TOCKK«, grand-daugh ter of Samuel Stocker, of Mcllenry was married in Chicago on Tuesday to Mr. Nicholas Galles. of New Mexico, and immediately started for that far oft region. Miss Stocker Jhas been a resi dent of this village for the past year and has won many warm friends who will wish her much joy and a pleasant future, Mr. Ga'les is largely engaged in the mining and mercantile business ill New Mexico. Is a young man of prepossessing appearance, alid during his stay here of two or three weeks, made many warm friends. That the young couple may "live long artl pros per" Is the heartfelt wish of, yours truly. JOHN* GIPFOUI>,'W|IO went from this village to Colorado in May lasr, re turned on Friday on a visit to his fam ily. He is located at Central City, Colorado, where he is engaged in min ing, and, he informs us. with good suc cess. He has a lead which he is con fident will prove valuable when de veloped. He gave us several very tine specimens of gold quartz that he says will yield from th«*ee to six hun dred dollars to the ton.and he showed us one piece that would yield thirteen hundred dollars to tin; ton. Mr. Gifto-d thinks he has struck a good tiling, and his friends in this section certain))' wish him success In the fullest sense of the word. He will return to Colo rado early in the spring. ON Friday morning last an atmos pheric phenomenon was visible, the like of which one may uot perhaps see again iu a life time. Four parahelia (sun dogs) were conspicuous, two of them were exceedingly brilliant, and at the same time, high up toward the zenith was a brilliant bow with its convex side toward the sun. displaying with vivid distinctness all the spectral tints of the brightest rainbow* The "oldest inhabitant" never had seen the like before, and many \y«.te the the ories advanced as to what it signified, some arguing that it foretold colder weather, others warmer, and a few that it was a beginning of Mother Shipton's prophesy that In eighteen hundred and eighty-nne The world to an end wilt su/ely come. We acknowledge that we don't know anything about it, only that the nlr was fjill of falling fro«t which through the bright sun, caused tlie beautiful sight seen. "Only this and nothing more." LOOK out for a good time at the Old folks dance iu Maimaus Hall, iu Wau- conda, on Thursday evening Jan. 13th. Every one is cordial!}' invited to at tend. Br ORUER OOMMITTKE. Money to Loan. In sums of from one Hundred to one Thousand, on good security. Inquire at this office. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! „ A large invoice cf cloaks, bought at a big bargain. Don't buy before call ing on u«. STEVENSA SCHNORR. POULTRY! POULTRY! I am row prepared to pay the High est Market Price for all kinds of Poul try. delivered at my Poultry House, in McHeury. Bring along your Poul try and get your cash. C. T. F.UJRBDOB. • fc ' CHEAPiiSt Cloaks in town for the money at Mrs,„H- H.Nichols, DKATH OF SIRS J. R. WKI.M. EDITOR,; PI.AISDEALER:--In looking over the .contents of the PLAIX&EALKR and seeing no notice of the sad event whieh changed Wauoonda an<l its sur roundings from the height of enjoy ment to that of deep gloo n or. Christ mas day, we thought to uoMr f»u sending a few particulars. Mrs. J. R. Wells, a lady universally loved and esteemed, passed In the short period of eight hours, from health and actiye life into the cold embrace of death. Mrs. Wells, at her death, was fifty-two years, seven montha and twenty-six davs old. Sho had been a citizen of Illinois rising forty-three .years, and a resident of Wancoiula twenty-eight. She leaves to mourn her great loss a deeply bereaved con sort, four children, an aged and infirm mother, a brother, two sisters and a large circle of relatives and friends. But we do not mourn as those who have no h>pe. Deceased had been an actlvelnember of the Baptist connec tion, for thirty-five years or n»Are: O. how she will be missed In the prayer circle, and in all the.gatherings of the church. How vacant and cheerless will be that ouee happy home for her dear hereavei f#winy. Her smiles, kind words and loving deeds will not be there. Wancoidawill miss her, es pecially the poor and needy, the sick and afflicted. Sadly will they mourn the loss of her heart aud hand of Char ity. Mrs. Wells was uncommonly active through Christmas week, but more es- j pecially on Friday. She overworked j her physical And mental powers in se lecting and preparing presents to be placed on the tree at the Baptist Chapel, and for the entertainment of a family gatheiiug on the following day. Site had selected, marked and sent up one i?:stalment of gifts. Sub sequently she got together another basket.sent them to the church, pro posing to jjo and mark them In tin- evening. At the proper ciiue she dressed and seated herself by Che stove saying to her escort. "Go up and attend to those unmarked presents, I do uot feel able to go." She then removed her bonnet aud other apparel, care fully puttiug them in their proper places, returned to the sitting room, threw herself on the lounge, and said, "You can go for the doctor as soon as you desire." She next gave orders lliat.a fire be kindled iu the parlor for her daughter and babe, and that sup per he prepared for her son, who was momentarily expected from Chicago, aud then said, "I am going." There were two |hysicians iu utteudauce. who pronounced her case that of a|M>- plexy. COM. NUNQA. EDITOR PLAINI>KAI,ER:--We aro pleased to notice that Mr. Finch has so t»r recovered from his recent sick ness that he U again able to be on our streets. MUs Nellie Hill,of Crystal Lake, is visiting friends at Euglewood, Ills,, during: tlie Holidays. Rather hard oil that young music teacher to iet a. young blood come up from Elgin and beat him eut of his sweetheart on Christmas day, but we did not uoticu the young blood New Years. Ouess be gave the dame a breeze. Quite a number of our yonng folks attended the party at the Riverside New Years eve, mid all report a 'splen did time. M r. O. A. Arzbaclier and Miss' Sarah Horn were quietly married on Friday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, by tlie Rev. J. II. Bacon. Only a few invitations were Issued to friends and relatives. The. happy couple took the 10:46 p. M. train, on tlteir wedding trip to Winona. Mr. Mark A. Foote. formerly day operator at this place aud Miss Katie StClair were joined iu lite holy bonds of matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents, on Vew Years day, by Che Rev. J, II. Bacon. The happy couple took.the 4 :30 P. M. tr:^:i for Chi- cago, thence to Wenneika, 111., where a cozy little cottage awaits them, and a few friends, formerly of this place, to greet tliein. We were somewhat startled on | Wednesday morning of last week, to j see about 150 men get off the 11:30 A.M. train with mysterious looking bundles |n their arms, which proved to he fighting cocks, hound for Marlow A Fitch's Hall, at Crystal Lake, to de cide the game bird question, generally held at that place. The sports en joyed afewhctirs1 sport in fighting the birds, when suddenly, SherilT Church aud a posse of about forty men drop* ped into the hall with warrants to arrest the sports, but were sadly di*» appointed to find nothing but the birils. Thus it seems the sport* got wind of their cunning trick and left tho hall until they saw the departure of the Sherifl ana his posse on the 10:46 p. «, train. Then they went back to the hall and enjoyed the rest of the night' in fighting the cocks aud Lettirtg large amounts of money on theui. The whole gang left the hall about four o'clock the following morning, aud took the 5:13 train home for Chicago, but did not carry as many birds back as they did in coming. They all had smiles on their faces to think how they played the Sheriff and his posse for suckcrs. UCOMOA "CHIP*.* Iir 6KT ROCKRT. i,V . EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:-- Weather moderate, holidays passuiL ami "every thing peaceful and quiet on the Poto mac." Your correspondent has been s© verjr busy the last two weeks he Ital been uuahle to send in any "chips," Mr. Walker. Attorrtey at Law, In Chicago, spent New Years day in Wan- couda. He registered at the Pratt Hoime. • Mr. n. D. Wells/wtoo has been • Book keeper for the Ann of Giles Bros. Chi cago, lias returned home and will lie hereafter found carrying on the busi ness in his father's store. He #ls a young mHil tlf sterling virtues aud his return is'%is1«!Omed by all. The week of prayer will bo observed iii Wancouda by meet lues held alter nately at the Baptist and M. E. Churches, commencing at the Baptist Monday evening. Elder Green preacheW a very,' able New Year's sermon iiit the Baptist Church Sabbath morning. It i* to be regretted that so tew of the people of onr vlHape were pre serf. This. If any time. Is th«**ea«on to abamlon had-hab- Its and commence life on a higher, grander and nobler scale, ^ Mr«. Dr. Butterfield, Jaughfer of J. R. Wells, has been overseeing the household of her father since the dv-ath of mother and'wlfe. The Christmas Tree exercises here were a grand afialr aud were apprecia ted bv all persons capable of apprecia ting rich, ripe literary productions and cute speeches from juvenile speakers. A leap venr party was gotten qp by tlie belles of Wancouda at the pleasant lirtme of Vcilder Slocum, about three miles west, of Wauconda, New Year's night. It was a lovely evening and the girls managed the whole affair to perfection, playing the part of "fel lows'" in every particular. Conveyan ces were procured by them, oysters and numerous other essentials for an elegant, supper were provided, their compHiiv engaged aud called for and* escorted to the party, entertained while there, and after a very enjoyable evening spent In a social way, escorted them home. The happy oompauy coin- prised the following: Miss Buck j and Mr. Werden; Miss Jeuks and1 Mr Bangs; Miss T.ola Bangs and Mr. j Duers; Miss Nellie Bangs an I Mr. Burr | M^ss Coggiu and Mr. K. Cook; Miss M cl.eau and Mr. J. Golden; Miss Smith and Mr. Itiley; Miss Tldinarsh and Mr. Jeuks; MissOakes and Mr. Griswolil; MUs J. Barker an<! Mr. Murphy. The home of Mr. aud Mrs. slocum Is the "boss" place to go when you want to have a good time. The supper Was most excellent and all enjoyed the eve ning hugely. Space forbids detail*. The Donation Supper given hero in the in:erest of Rev. W. T. Green. Pas tor of the Baptist Church, Was In every respect a grand success. Net proceeds were about #90. , ^ ^ V > Ttie lecture delivered 1>ere on the occasion of the cloeliiy exercises of tin* High School, by Prof. C, S, Cutting, of Chicago, was able, earnest and eloquent Hi« subject w«s "Our Schools." nud was treated of in such a^ plain, practical manner as to matte It higTiiy Interest- lug to all. lf Miss Nellie Coggin. who has been paving a protracted visit tee relatives aud frieixls in Nebraska, returned iiome la.«t week. She was gladly wel» coined by the good people of Wauemi- da. "» , J. tt..Wells, rumor has It.'li sailing goods .-it bottom prices. 'He has an unuMiiilly large aud varied stock and is puttiug his prices astonishingly low.-- (Jail and see. The people of Wauoonda and vicini ty were sorrow-stricken Christmas morning on tlie receipt of the news of the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. J. R. Wells, of this place, Sho was tiikeu suddenly with Apoplexy about 0 o'clock in the evening, and though every effort was made for her relief,she died at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. She was greatly beloved by all ami all. consequently, deeply mourned her losjR Richmond Department. QoifTttrmrrBD nr s. K. BEVN'RTT. --S-4. Ill S. V. hnrebv anthortue*! toriHire '•t'ncrhftion* and <ir>t«r* for a'lvortls'nff wl •f«h Wurk for the Pr,usi>, receive money tlu-ref >r and rc<-eij»t for tho miiip.-- All »r tsr* loft with hiui will receive profit ittention.--Editor. . ;Sp VhS#. Eddie Rennet*, of Ru«h College, Chi cago, spent Christinas at home, Ws aekno.vledge th« receipt from John C Sherwln M«C~of timely public documents. Burdette Hastings has bought tlie property hitherto known as the "Shel don Place" atid taken possession. A seri»s of evening meetings are hft* ing held at the Baptist Church this week. After the Holiday vacation, our public school opened again on Monday with the usual attendance. We have a good corps of teachers ami tlie school is prospering. Peter Birch left the store of C. F. HallJA Co. In Richmond with the In tention of.removing to Texas. Mrr .Birch has won many friends while here, who will regret tyj have hint leave town. ^ , v During the cold snap we met several men on the road, whose noses had suc cumbed to the cold and were as- white AS a snowball. The owners of the nos es did not seem to be aware of their condition, but they found ont as#0011 as they got to a Move? C. R. Abbott met with siich encourag ing success In his initial silverware trade that he has concluded to keep the stock full and attractive at all sea son?, and he invites all desiring such goods to examine his stock and pri ces before purchasing anywhere else. The New Years party of the R. S. C. at Havthorn's Hall was not as large as some preceding ones have been, but everybody had a^good time all the same. The parties at the great halls In Mcllenry and elsewhere probably drew somewhat on the regular ranks. Another "surprise party" came off at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Cutting on 0110 of those frigid nights last week. .Notwithstanding the fact that the Inclement weather forced many to stay at home, a goodly and happy company assembled, and a most enjoyable tiuW was the result* The Holidays being over we again *bsw ASD cokrkct ifroros1 teroii't ^reaaocAW* rtja* rtMj Chicago (St 17 ortb-wsstern Is bv all odd* t!«e b«at ro.i-1 for you to lale when fruvfcTmsr in" either direr lion betweea Cfaicap anfl all tlie PriocipaJ Points in tie Vest Nortk & Mffit Carefully examine this Mai*. The principal Cities of the Weft anil Xorthweat are Sta*** : on tins ro.i'l. It* through tmin* make cloau connection* with tlte trsfn& oi all ratfroa< i lid junction punt*, ' O Xteaun-- kenTv>x -mr** ValU ^iraiaera Ordwav oou M M TAXKTCX bioux C« Cretyto- 'y 7 mm west: CHICAGOJ&O^QRTT3^WS^TERN_RAILWAY k!LZ THE CHICAGO 4k NORTH* Over all of its pvinci|>!il linos, runs en<-:i tvny I Trains. It is tiio only l'ohd west ofCiiirajro*th&t.j PI LLMAN HOT 101 It fa the only ro.-xl hat runs Pullman SlecpiniH naarly 3,CCO MIIeS Of Road- In for.11 - th« Council Bluff*, Denver * California Line. Sioux City, Nor Xchrteka & Yankton Lii>e. Northern Illinois, Free port A Dubuque Line. Tickets over this roail are sold by all'Onui>on He member to ask for Tickets yia'tiiis rad, ibe | MARVIN HU9HITT, Gcu'l Manager, Chicago n nvnori Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic refctofei tlie appetite* We have the Boss Glove Depot. KIT/.SIMMON!** EVAN.SON. The "Stalltie Sulky PIo^ fi^^I wen's. " ' \* I;,. Ow The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow it R. Bl. Owen's. When in want of work In my line, srlvo mt a call and I will try aud please Robt. MurHtt, Jeweler. Nutida, 111. Dress Goods Sts'llsh durable and cheap just received, we invite Inspec tion, Fitzsiiiiiuous A Evanson. Dou't buy your Hats or Bonnets un settle down to the more solid business 1 til you have seen and priced goods at TO MK. AM) MKH. K. W. HOWK, IN MEMORY or CLYDIB. Put mv Clyrt»e'« cradle away Tlie craille where, but yeatcrilay I.o, my prccious darling lay. His head ofcurly (^>ldon hair Clustering around a forehead Csir, Nightly left its imyress there. And there* his omiwy, dimpled tytnris, Waved to ine, the sweet commands, That only a mother understands. And rogy feet, whose untried powers W;ik?d to life by moms bright hours, ltestcd there as rest the flower*. Now the snnMtine pilds the room Rtesses leaf.and bird and bloom, Jlut, alas, falls on his tomb. Not nncared for, or unknown, l.ieg my Cly<lie. there alone, Guarded but by rugged stone. l.ove, that circles all. Is round. Baby's small grief shadowed mound And lore makes it hallowed ground. And when children pass that way I.ailen'/vtih the flowers of May Itid tlieni crown his grave, and say, Little feet that never trod Grasses mead or daisied sod Found the pith that leads toOod, Photographs and Ferrotypes la every stvle and design at Miller's Photo _ Studio, at the following rates for the! next 30days only : Card photos, per do*. 93,00. Card photos, per half dor. $1.25. Cabinet1 photos, per doz.W.RO. t4 Cabinet photos, per halfdoz. 8iW. Panel photos. j»er doz.#5.09. Penel photos, per tntlt do*. $3.00. Mlnette photos. |>er dtHs. .75. Views 8x10 $l..r»0 for Negative and tl .OUoach tor du plicates. Call aud examihe the Sarah Bern hardt plioUts the latest and most unique phofbgraphic productiqn ot tho day. Consuuiption Cured. An old physician, retired from active practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula for a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of tjousiiiiiptioH, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections. al*o a positive and radical cure for general debility aud all cw»r- vous couiphiints. after having thor ough!)' te.«ted its wouderlul curative powers in thousand» of canes feels it his duty to make it known to hissitfler- tug follows. Tlie recipe will be sent free of charge to all who desire it. with full directions for preparing itipl successfully using. Address, with stHiup, naming this paper. Dit. M. E. CASS, 12&? Washington Street, HiMdoii, Mass. •• of life again. We know not of a household In Richmond not made hap py in some wav. It Is hoped that the kindly to'iwta'of affections exchanged between friend* mav help"to draw the bonds of love still closer and shed a sweet Influence in every home during all the toll aful car* and sorrow that the year 1881 may bring. When "C. D. H." revamps a poem and pofelfeh*«-U •» his or her swu, he or s!ie should he careful not to select oomething so well known as "The Evening Be|ls.M We remember hear ing the old song sung wlien|a little boy and quote from au l uperfect memory tlie l*t ami 3d stanzts. Tho«n evening lK'l l<! Thonoeyenlng bells I How niatiy a tale theirmrtsin tells Of jrwitli and home and imtire clime. Where I last heard their soothing cnfMet - *-- » • • • • » • • • • And so 'twill be when I nmgone Those tuneful chimes will still ring on An l other hards shall walk these dcils And sing your praise, sweet evening bells. Seventeen hundred turkeys Is some thing of a covey, one would say, bat that Is the number G. W. Eldredge ex pects to drive to Richmond from a point this side of Geneva, some day this week, and probably before this paper reaches Its readers. We under stand that these fowls tvere bought as far north as Klkhorn, Spring Prairie, Springfield and other distant points in Wisconsin. The business in this line that Eldredge is doing is really Im mense. Tons aud tous are shipped from day to day to eastern markets.-- The fact that sellers will come twenty and thirty miles to sell their poultry here shows that till* market must be the best iu a very large rsdius. On New Years evening Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mead \Vere made the recipients of a pleasant surprise at the hands of their many friends. The occaslou was lite anniversary or their Crystal wed- dinjf. The house was well filled with happy surprise*, and tlie gitt tliey bore to Mr. and Mrs. Mead was Mn ele gant set of China. The evening flew 011 silvery wings amid mutual enter- changes of good wishes, and the com pany at length departed, happy in having done honor to a respected fain. Uy--aud they left a not less happy and grateful household behind them.-- We have since heard many regrets that the notice was not more extended, as many not at tiii* party would have been had they known. The late election In Richmond Lodee of Masens resulted In the elec tion of J. R. Hyde, of tlie flrm of Alex ander A Hyde to the post of, master.-- We congratulate "Jo" on this token of coufhlenee at the hands *of|his masonic brethren. J. V. Aldiich was elected Senior Warden; C. Green. Junior War den ; Geo. MoConnel, Treasurer; C. G, Cot ting. Secretary; G. P, Wodell. Tyler J. West aud S, F. Bennett. Stewards. The lodge moves at once into the beautiful hall over J. V. Ald- rich's store. Messers Hyde and Aid- rich visited Chicago last week aud purchased lor the new quarters a flue carpet, and furniture complete. When all Is put it) order, we shall have one of the prettiest and most tasty lodge rooms in the country. New l'rints. latest vpatterns, at prices from Ave cents a yard nud up ward:), at Colby Bra*., Riverside Block Mrs. S, Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Qood in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevc Owen's,, All the Owen's. Force Pumps, at B, Hi first-class Plows at E.: V. A flue line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer A Becker's neat the Depot. flood.C^Bnft yub!a* large variety and prices extremely low at FlTZSIMUOXS A KYANSON'S. The finest line of Sliver and Plated Ware to Ira found iu the county, at O. W. Owen's. I make a specialty of Repairing flue W itches, stud warrant all my work, Robt. Murtitt. Nuuda. „ ANOTKBR ne*v lot of MlUlilery Goods just received at IffB. If. |J, "If , ~X New style Bracelets at O MRS. E. W. IIOWK IS offering Induce ments to purchasers of Millinery. Clonks, Ac. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. "I I til lial !>rj ynj Tt 11 an Ins It I wll ye ke< reel Cotton Flennels bleached. and un- l>leacked. Muslins cheap this week at FrrzsmuoNs t KVANSOX'S. TUB "New Process" Flotir. mantifac turetl by Hanly & t>ons, Mcllenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever used your Grocer tor it. ^^ . FOR SAI.K, ; :H-' 40 Acres of land in Section f fenced. Al»° 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn thereon, with thifner and water in abundauco, in ^c- tion "ii. Also 111 y homestead "on tlie Crystal Lake and Nuuda road. Good new hoy*eJbarn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKV. Just received all the latest Styles aud shades of wiuter Milllni-ry, Mas. K. W , HOWIE. m Farmers having Butter and sell will Hud a good market at Firz- S1MMONS A EVANSON'S If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. IIaU*s Richmond and Dundee Stores. MK8, GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address, WAUCONDA, - - * ILLINOIS '.r ' • 1 would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Lake and Meilenry Counties that I am now prepared to do all kiuds ot Hair Work on short notice and in tin- l»est of manner, 1 use none but natural Hair, and gurantee all work as represented, J That my prices are ItfW I will leave all to Judge for themselves by the fol low ing: WILL MAKE SWITCHKF Where you furnish the Hair, $1.00. Where you furnish 1 root it. 01.50. Putts, (you to furnish Hair 10 eta each Waves on Hair Lace, 81,00 an inch. Waves on Vegetable Laue, 75 eeuts an inch. Sw i tches from $2.00 to $3.00, accord ing to size.and quality. Ladies wishing nuytldng In this line should not fail to give me a call, as 1 am satisfied | can suit you both in quality and price. MRS. GEO, McCOLLUX. -IX «'.L«I ; ! FVWCSIMMONS A KVANSON hare se- ctned a number of Cases Bovs and Mem* Boots at extremely low prices in heavy aijd light Kip. whit li will be Sold with our usual small luarg'ttl ^d- ded. Cash tells •r-i Fitzsinimous drives in Boys and They also have a lot #2.50 wot lb *400. Prices rednuod on Stiawl* ani 01 «aks FIT*SIJ»MONS & EVANSON. ; . Ladies of Mdle.iry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs, SrSearles, Am now offering f;reater bargains than ever. All work n repairing done on short notice. • - . mssws W) IUiislr«fte4. Tiiis periodical, by it* aide awl disc u?.-iont of the n iicstioii* of the well :is l»v it* illustrations--wl|»a pared bv the best avti>-ts-hi*« alwajc* «K|»a mo'»t powevlul »nd l>ooe«cMi) upon the p»il»1ic mind. The weight of its inftnence wiitalw*. found on tho side of ta«yrallt]r and relineoient. n.™.SK«lSl,.?!?**•. ItAKl'KK's AtJA/iVK. CMa-Tear HAUI'Klt^ U VZAK. One Year v. . The TilUKK pul>lieatin«»«aey<N|r 1 Anv TWO iitsive valued, CH>8 Year HAUt'EU's X U V S M 1'fcori Eou* yaar. postage Free to all suhaerikvra the ted or The Vohuno* of the Weakly hetfe W)t|t tilt first Ntuu^t r tor Jamtury u(. «a«k " - V When no time is mentioned, it wlltl» aaMSfrjss stfxMt that the snl»-»«-,ii»n w^ wiih titi* uatttber nest, after tl# af ,1. • -Sg oilier. stock of Dry Qoodstcjptiilng. Ac uever Has larger than u<*w,aud as 1 am bound to >e|l tlieia, look out for bed rock prices. Call either tlie Rich- mo«id or Dundee store and be convinc ed; ' .i Weekly by Mail, receipf ot »L VMC UeinittatKc* *bo«M be made bjr P«»l " '• svnfl llttKU^i M !>ey Order qr Praft, t? I«*s. i\V««pa|w# mr ml i*» c ha lire J th** Three Ferroty pes lor 00 ets |) i 1 *•** °, a<* 11 < *W* * 8aoT«| Si • ' il.... > * - •h