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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1881, p. 2

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|gf|lftug fpaintUalct I. VAMtLYKE, CM*r an* Pnhlishtr. MoHENHY, I - ILLINOI& 1EEILY I EDS REyiEH. tHE KMT. i RAROKNT, a well-known journalist I Mthor, BAN just died in BOH ton The if freight traffic between Sew York and fUkMpbu averages 8,000 tons each way. A company will noon be organized in the former eity to construct two steel steamers, and di­ vert tra«iness from the railroads. The trips arc to be made in fifteen hours.... "fliere were 3,044 failures in New York city ; the year 1880, the aggregate liabilities beiiw jfl%S91t5H*2 and the a*Ket« $8,146,391. White tbe groHh Inutilities exceed those of the acting year by 42,900,000. in round num- , the nuinl *t of failures in 25 per cent, lees, in the i-mallest since the panic of 1873. HKBMASI W. GBDICKK, of Newark, . J., has been sentenced to the penitentiary r ten yearn for criminal malpractice as a pbv- _Jtaa .. .Mrs. Theresa lleimanschneider, when •arraigned in a New Jersey court, pleaded guilty to the charge of marrying twelve men within V* UlMiuiif, I" v*» w ^ cix years, only one of whom is dead Bernard ] Oaffney and" John McDonald, miners, were ! ne killed instantly by tin- fail of top ooal intbeir lint (dumber at Caxboadale, Pa. NEW' YOBK has IUKI another fire horror. Atonement house in which eight families lived «M§ht ftre at midnight under the stairway, wbieii formed the only menus of ingress or sgiess. In a moment the whole flimsy structure was in flames, and there was no chance for the (tightened inmates to escape save by jump­ ing from the windows. Ten women and ettudren wore burned to death. Three chil­ dren were saved by their brother, a boy of suited • higM* esteemed young lady, Miss Hey- ser. Her brother, who happened to be pres­ ent, instantly killed Starr. Under the statute law of Texas Heyaer is justifiable for pro- l tec ting his sister -- James A. Curtis, a prominent cattli.-man of Northern Texas, was shot and killed in a saloon at Cambridge by Van Bice, who had formerly worked for Curtis, and had been discharged. Rice also received three shots from Curtis before he died, nnd, as he (Rice) was having the wounds dressed at a doctor's office, some unknown per­ son, presumed to be a friend of Curtis, fired a shot through the window, striking Bice in the breast, inlhcling a mortal wound. . WASHINGTON* THB Superintendent of Census makes the following approximate statement of the population of Htates and Territories. It is be­ lieved to be very near the official figures, Alabama l,282,S«Mi*soari 3,160,091 Aiaska [Montana. yu,)A7 Arizona .-. 40,441 Nebraska 4S2,4:f2 Arknneaa. 803,0041 Nevada, <2,'2<>o California. 864,68<ijNew Hampnhtre 847,7H4 Colorado. 1*4,619 New Jersey 1,130,&t2 Coimix-tlcut,... 822,68:1'New Mexico llK,43ti Dakota. 134,!M)2|Ncw York 5,(184,173 iH'laware. 146,654J North Carolina. 1,400,000 D. of Colombia. 177,638jOliio 8,197,7i)4 Florida 966,5fi)*>!Oreg0B 174,767 Georgia 1,538,9^8!Pennsylvania... 4.28'J,7t>« Idaho .. 32,611|Rhode Ialand... 27(>,52« IIHnoia...... ... 3,078,G36jSont)i Carolina., 9S)6,<06 Indiana.. I,978,8W|Tenne«H)p 1,(t4'i,4«*i Iowa 1,624,463jTfxas •>. .... 1,597,SCO Kansas.... 9f*5,335irtah 14S,i)07 Kentucky.....4t 1,64.S,5C!) Vermont 833,'iH! 'Virginia 1,512,203 Washington.... 75,120 West Virginia.. 618,1^3 Wisconsin 1,31K,386 WyomiBg 20,788 1,64S,SSS1 940,268 648,945 Maryland 933,139' Ma^sfufanBetts.. 1,783,036 Michigan 1,634,0:>6 Minnesota 780,807 Mississippi 1,1*1,Total ....60,182,559 THE receipts from customs for De­ cember will amount to nearly £13,(K)0,000, and from internal revenue nearly $12,000,000.... Fifty-nine national banks, with an aggregate capita] of 47,274,170, were organized during the year just cloned. Eleven banks, with an aggregate capital of £1.048,0(10, went out of business, and three banxs, with a capi­ tal of £700,000, went into bankruptcy... ""• V' i ot « 700,000, went into oaoicrnp tt, who threw them from a third-story win- Xhe President having nominated Capt. Kich- ww to their mother, who stood m tiie yard arxj l Law, of Indiana, to l>e a Commodore in below and caught them as they fell. The tbe navy, to take his original position on the boy then jumped and was similarly caught, , ij^ thiitv-four Captains affected therebv have One old woman, 80 years of age, jumped ~--. - :.i •- .i. »---i /-> from a second-story wirdow with her two Sandchildren in her arms. Her leg wa« broken ttie tall, but the children escaped uninjured. A yoraig m«ui gained access to the roof from an adjoining building, and broke in the scuttle. A tittle girl who was carrying a b&bv reached her > up to him, and he seized it, but the burned 'i parted from the bone, and she slid from sent a memorial to the Nam! Committees in Congress, protesting against such restora­ tions over the heads of pincers iu faithful and continuous service. Following is a statement of the United States currency outstanding at the beginuing of the new ve«r: O'.d demand notes $ " 60,745 Legal-tender notes, all issues. 346,681.016 corner of the United Htates. It «M exception­ ally severe in the Southern Htates. The kansas river was frozen over soiid from Fort Smith to it# junction with the Mississippi, something unprecedented* At Petersburg, Va., the thermometer registered 16 degree* below zero, the lowest ever recorded. In Virginia, cattle and game perished by the hun­ dred, and detr came from their r, treats to the v ry doors of the farmers in search of food. At Washington city it was 10 degrees below, and there was great suffering in consequence of the intense cold. In New Hampshire and Vermont the thiimemeter ranged from 25 to 30, and at Antrim, in Maine, the mercury fell to 33 below. Throughout New York the temperature varied from 15 and 18 below in the river valleys to 25 to 30 helew in the elevated region. Quail and other wild game in the valley of the Ohio have been killed in large Numbers by the Arctic weather.... Among the tires of the week we note the burn­ ing of the rtuford Plow Factory, at Rook Island, III., involving a loss of 4*160,000 to $200,000 ; the summer residence of James It, Keene, al Newport, B. 1., loss estimated at £100,i>00 ; four stores on Magazine street, New Orleans, entailing a loss of $300,000 ; the Mari­ on House, a bank nnd several stores in Jack­ son, Mich., loss §80,000; and two hotels at Atlantic City, N. J., loss 540,000 ; the First Methodist Church at Canton, Ohio, valued at $45,000; the office of the Co.>wos newspaper and an opera house at St. Charles, Mo., cruis­ ing a loss of 930,000 ; a Cue hotel at North Adams, Mass.; an opera house at Kingston, N. V., and the tine museum in Central l ark, New York. ABOCT 6,000 miles railway were constructed in the United States during the COJFDRELSRIONAL SUMMARY. \ good blower average $125 pur month, a | cutter $110, iui(l a gatherer 875. The ©i« th»*ea«mmb)ing4 of Oongieaa afttr the i work in all doiie l»y the piece, and both holiday mum, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, the vies [cutter and gatherer are dependent on Pivrtciout submitted to the Senate a letter from ! the blower for the amount of work which Qoa. (iarAckl docUnhiK the Senatoralilp from Ohio. do. Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill to provide for the sale of a l'0ttawat"iDia refervatiou in Knnna», and Mr. Whyto s Joint resolution for Uio purchase of the •wonl <jf Oeorgo Waehiudtim from the heirs of Oeor^re Lewis. Mr. Butler offered a resoluticn caliinu ou 8o*;retary Schurz for sorh iiiformation BH may lie in hiw j>o»«e«Klon witli regard to the lnvesti- gati<« of the alleged CCIIFUR fiuuda in South Caro­ lina. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Kernan in- trodue«-d a hill which pruvides tliut tho Kecre- tai7 of tho TroaMiry nhall hereafter caum to o.tined only such an ' amount at silver dollar* t>s he may find neeoaoary to meet the dim and for them. The bill for I lie reliof of Ben IloUiday was token np, but the Senate adjourned without uetion thereon. In the House Mr. SprinRcr introduced u bill for a new apportioument and for minority representation. Fernando Wood being ill, the Fnudlng bill went over, and the House went into committee of the whole on the army appropriation, whieli wax panned. Mr. Warner, of Ohio, assailed the President for the retirement of Gen. Ord. Mr. Rea- Run explained the features of his substitute for the Inter-State Commerce bill. The President nomi­ nated Madison M. Hurley Postmaxter at New Albany, Iud., and Frank W. Palmer at Chicago. • Mr. Eaton reported the Diplomatic Appro* OUR POPULATION •••M laiere«tln« StaiUtici t ths Kvm Censn*. [From the Chicago Tribune,] Tfce total population (exclusive of in^hnf and the inhabitants of Alaska) ia 60,152,550. The United States is thus shown to be the aeo- ond most numerous nation in the civilized world. Not counting the negroes, who are to number 6,000,000 souls, the population of this country considerably exceed* of the German empire. Russia only remains in the lead with 05,000,000 inhabitants iu tbe empire j proper. But these returns are half gnesa- | worn, and might be largely riimin.ah«/j ' or )T>< teased by an official count It is safe to | say that, unless the growth of the country ia ; checked by some unforeseen cause, too popula- ! tion of the United Htates in ten years wili equal | or exoeed that at present accorded to Kussia. no mo* faintiu' dan you is at do present moment. He war a makin' his pint by workin' on de Bympathy of de crowd, an' he made it, too. Oh, I tell you, de ole in arse was as slick as de very debbil. Ki, yi," chuckled old Eli, "you orter seed de trick he played on dem lawyer folks o::ct. Dar was a man stole a hog, an' he cum to marse an' tole him he wanted him ter defend him in de courts. De old marse, you see, he goes to work an' makes de man kill de hog an' cut'm squur in two. Den lie takes one pirt hisself, gives de udder to de thief, pn' when trial comes along, marse he gits up an' tells de law'er folks dat de prison­ er didn't get mo' of dat hog dan he did liisself. He tole de traf, too, an' de thief lie got off on marse's say so without de least bit of suspicion." CITT POPULATIONS. 4 Table Showing the A timber of Inhabit- ants in 168 of (Mr Citin*. The following is a list of 168 cities of the The percentage of growth is far higher iothe i States, with their population in 1880, priaUon bill to tbe"Senate on the morning of Thur,- 1 iu the \*tt&l»j»dd8trial, social j Spared with ten years before t , and political power the United States is tdmost I ' 188a day, Jan. ft. The Army Appropriation was read . iudnitely su^rior to Russia. Indeed, the Amep-day, Jan. ft. The Army Appropriation was read twice and referred, Mr. Vest introduced a bill to anthorire the construction of a bridge across the Missouri at Howell's Ferry, Mo. A prolonged do- bate took place ou the claim of Ben Holliday. The Senate, in executive ECFBion, took up Gen. Ouff 'i " ,u azecutive TEFBION, TOOK up lien, WON s past year. The total mileage now exoeeds | nomination as Secretary of the Naw, and imme- 92,500, or more than anv four nations of Eu- | £ without the UMiil reference to K»n«. In 1870. 4.721 miles of new nod were ^ »!? commute^ of ths rope. In 1870, 4,721 miles of hew nod were built, and this has only been exceeded thn e times within the past teu years. The following table shows the number of miles operated and the annual increase of mileage during the de­ cade ending with 1879: Mil** in operation «V,H51 .70.278 72,383 74.09fi . 70,808 79,089 .«,«* .. .fMi,^7 Annual inerea*t. #,070 7,378 S,S7H 4,107 2,905 1,712 2,712 %'m 2,«87 4,7-21 mna pmcu nv/iu n«- WMC, auu rur BUU uviiu i^a.-wiKitr iinvw, m IMUUH. his grasp back into the flames. The soeae was i One-year notes of '68 aBOalhnir bevond description. i Two-year notes of (53 appalling beyond description. A BROOKLYN burglar, after robbing a lady of her wedding gifts, reached the roof of aaanoocapied house adjoining, and fell through »skylight to the parlor floor, where he was Two-year i_ - Two-year coupon not?* of "63.. Corupouud-intrrent note* Fractional currency, all issues. 28, M0 241,210 18,523,4C>8 Total ,.v. S3C2,5S8,424 FOI^LOWINCH IS TH£ regular monthly W ««v ^saiv* KW4, * VJMA/ ft IZIQ OR USO--IrKiilM I1JUUU4; fonikd in a dvme coudition The re&idetio* of * * > A Klihu SperrV. in New Haven, was robbed of T'^uc-debt statement issued on the 1st mst.: Four and one-half per cents. Four ner cents. XUhn Sperry, in New Ha von, was robbed of , 946,000 in bonds. Harland, a nephew of the i 8'1 per cent bonda.. loser, ha« been held in $20,000 to answer The brewery of T. L. Ober and Brothers, iu , r rmr TOr AJloghen> <"ity, Ta., has been destryed by lire, i oertitfiartes*.'.*.! causiufr u loss of €45,000 Tho Plienix Phar- Navy pension fund auceutic&l Works. New York, have been burned. Tbe loss was about §40,00a Total crtn bonds • _ ' , _ j Matured debt. $ GoVKRSOH-EIiECT PoBTER, of IndianSu Legal tenders and Hiss Stone were married at the residenekg^^^^fe of Walter S. Qornea, in New York, by Rtv. | lesr amouut es- Mm 8. Freeman, oi Lockport. The son and i de" daughter of the groom were present The i ^ Hodge Ojiera House and the Gargling Oil . cates Works, at Lockport, N*. Y., have been burned. TheJIoss was alxnt $150,000. The United ales Electric Lighting Company >s making nngements to furnish lights to New <xt business houses and residences. • A B011.EI1 in a rolling-mill at Allen- u uwtmiry own. Pa., exploded, killing one man, fatally Decn^diSri(? December!!!! wounding Ave, and injuring live others. The j Dt^'re4F*' si.Hic^..Jut,e ^ 1880 damage is $20,000. The boiler was cut in j Itaives, each of which was thrown 200 feet I Four men were fatally injured by au explosion of varnish in.a New York breweiy. THK county poor-house, near Dovw, l K. H., caught tire about daylight on the morn- j lag of the 7th mst, and wits'totally consumed, j There were 169 paupers in the build­ ing, thirteen of whom were suffocated or roasted alive. Those who escaped were «Mhod and sheltered by families residing in the vicinity. The building was an im- briek structure, and the pecun- there 11,484,393 S4T>,741,761 7,006,000 7,147,SM •2,211,010 202,av?,s»0 4tv.),(;r>i,050 250,00(1,1too 738,4211,400 927,4110 14,000,000 $1^72,265,400 Totai wttbout interest. 418,135,301 Total debt Total interest Cash in treasury.. Debt less%!a«h in treasury... U099,885,096 Of I'mt. 1870. ...... 1.171 187*. 1873 . 1874 . 1875 187ft. 1877. 1878. 1879. GOT. WALLACE draws a startling pict­ ure of the audacity of robbers and murderers in New Mexico, and declares . that if Congress will amend the Posse Comitatus law he can wH.vi« | make life and property safe. He anticipates an 4ft,ou5 ' immense influx of immigrants on the advent of 12,550 | spring, and will plead with the Territorial committees of both houses of Congriss for liberty to use tri cf c. TUB bark Haf J Y Home, of Haletsport, N. 8. struok Trinity ledge, twelve miles from Yarmouth, N. H., and capsized. Tbe Captain's wife, daughter, and one man perished. A PBKPABATOBY expedition, composed of engineers and skilled mechanics, has left Havre for Panama, to begin work on the De Lesneps canal What is expected to bceome the principal oil district on the Ameii.-au conti­ nent is being developed at Oape Breton, N. 8. DANIEL F. SULLIVAN and Patrick Hayes were hanged in Moyamensing prison, Philadelphia, on Thursday, Jan. 6. Frank Lammoris and Margaret Meriboffer wero exe­ cuted at Newark, N. J., for the murder of the woman's iiusbaud. Arthur Murphy was hanged at Pendleton, Ore., for the murder of F.'D. French. •" foroed the MTT loss was &70,000, on • ,*<roi etiune tiie stop)ja^f-gr \ that «itj for several weeks. Damage to the ex- , ^ •" tent of #60,000 has already taken place, and j «?£-• •£•* ttse water supply of the city is cutoff. Two ' y" js v> boiltrs exploded simultautwunly in tiie Jialback ' $ f|,,. mnelting-works on the Passaic river, near New- 1 N. J., the largest establishment of the . s Hand in the United Htates. Three men were 7 frightfully mangled and two fatally injured. iTHE WEST. Ettwn CAMPBELL'S popular play, S % » -T>» Galley Slave," is the bill at Haverly's f Chicago house the present week, with a very , „ t. '•£* ^ °**^ embracing a number of old Western ! Uni'jn army 'imm > jaweiteB and some new names. Next to "My | and for the Current liabilities-- Intercut due and unpaid. I>el>t cm which interest has ceased Interest thereon. Gold and silver certificates i United States notes held for redemption | of certificates of deposit ! Cash balance available Jan. 1, 1881. I Total $ I Available assert*-- ! Osah ia treasury % f Bonds issued to Pacific railway compan­ ies, interest payable in lawful money, ' principal outstanding. $ Interest accrued and not yet peid IntnrM^i.iniil.Uj United StatM. - --^^vavia-eaminga,....... Blanco ol irnwest pajd by ttoe United _ _ _ t A MOB o f 3 0 0 p e r s o n s 22-'iys'rS ' w' on ^oor8 Kut «e Ei >s, .in the Argentine Republic, and dut to pieces four slaves charged with murder Capt. James B. E;ids has re­ turned to New Oilcans in a Me\i-;aii war steamer. He has bejn given the right to build a sLio rtilway across the Isthmus of Teh nan te­ pee, with 1 000,000 acres of land eu the Pacific tide, ten years being allowed to comj lete the work. FORKION* NEGOTIATIONS between the Chinese Ambassador and the Russiati Government have been concluded. It is stated that China is rt aJy to open the empire to the commerce of Russia.. The Porto has rosolve'l to mans 100.000 troops on the Greek frohtitr. and oo> canl rate for­ ces at other points A severe batilo has been i fought bv the Russians and Turcomans, the I tine, and •r.:.^.1...;- •;••• »r™----Htesr% .91,899,181,735 S,69it,430 43,090,559 3,208,833 11,481, aMi,88J 52,341,010 7,005,000 118,503,615 333,209,730 233,299,739 64,823^13 1,938,705 47^861 655,198 aa^ai* MB. BBNTLBY, Commissioner of the Pensions Bureau, appeals for some improve­ ment m tho manner of taking testimony upon claims, of which there were 282,000 p^ndintr oni June 30. The first payments in ca^es which vill probably bo allowo i will aggregate, he thinks, $200,000,000 to *230,000.000 Presi­ dent Hayes has appointed Nathan Golf, Jr., of West Virginia, 8e«!retary of the Navy. He was a Biujadi -r General in the at the close of the war iSLTTlZ^S ̂ mthar than any two of his plays. The »- --- : a ,a:: eUort 9"t<*aoiMX8 during the week will be for tbe if ••"'Ct of the Sixth Illinois Infantry. ToLHiuo reports wheat receipts for the . r |,'^5 Tewof one 25,000,000 bushels, the comple- fj "•o* three new railroads, and an increase of - t • *J^oartl1 iu the trade of the whol< sale mer- /(/ " A strange fatality occurred at Addi- , v won, Mieh.f New lear 8 nig&t. A lady uamed ^ II**. Caiilleid fell wbilo dancing witfc Ler has- "i ' V r84*? h(* hand was slightly lacerated bv " 1 , tn-i boot hoeL Inflammation set in, tetanus followed, and in twelve hours she died The t, r,i report of the Chicago postoffioe shows $?•>:.% JJjf the receipts for tho past year were $1,346,- ' " 896, and the exposes K30o,207, leavinif a sur­ plus of §1,040,0*8. * \$Y Vi- TBB Illinois Board of Agriculture has resolution requesting the General &s»etnbiy to pass laws to put an end to the manufacture of tallow and grease into com­ pounds which are sold for bntter... A pnssen- fw iTtiiQ oa the 8t Paul and Omaha r.ti!road •srock a party of laborers who were cleannt' away tbe snow in a cut near Middle creek. Six were killed and a seventh badly iajured production of precious metals* in the region of the Missouri river during the pa, t voir „„ #40,005,304 silver, $6,- 788,890 lead, aud ••jfeM,000 copper.. Bowrimn A&eyer, liquor merchants, of Ht. Louis, liave • \T - , n»oe «» assignment to their creditors. Their Vfr , luWUtiea are *130,OUO. J- Bosom the beginning of the season, ; 4,878,000 hogs have been packed at Western 4 V.V/i, points. It is estimated that the inmber will be " '"0: iacKsaaedto 7,000,000 before the 1st or March. - « " * Otto Drcssel, a German lawver of Coi»|Mhus, Ohio, shot himself dead at his* office, v?:} -- ^ *• Armour, a member of the famous y ; packing firm of Cuicago, is dead. Mfi& JBUOWN, of Indianapolis, has I again been ooavi ted of the murder of her hus- , Und, hot the jury sentenced her to imprison- 'or George B. Carpent< r, the well- known lecture manager of Chicago, is dead Mrs. Davis and her daughter were bnrued to death at Coalvale, Kan. Miss Davis' dress ,fir? ,tvo?t 8U 4°P«n fire-Place, and her .*• 'mother lost her life iu trying to save her. THS Presidents of neveral norrow- .gaugerailroads in the West and Southwest are 5? moving for a consolidation of their interests w*h UieintenUou of making a ooutinuous W ; •"• «•*» to the Rio Grande. THE SOUTH* RKV. JOHN WEST err, who was ap- t\ t- IWiatwi b-v^ Houston (Tex.) Conference as ) ..iJapust missionary, to Mexico, was murdered % 1. JM,rr'tjl3Muutilated bv twenty Indians, near \b 4 • M1",twBjr' Mexico Henry Washingion a A -B tossa youth of 18, was hanged at Jackson, vC- . 'o1* nwrder. He eonfesssed his ctnlt . aad was repentant. b ' . • - - .- • • -nu ruuri Will bf: made thi-i session to get the Mormon bill which denies the right of suffrage to persons who practice polygamy, reported to the House but it will be lett for the next Con-re.-s to pass upon it The House Postal Committee hss under consideration u bill to redncj the rate of postage on second-class matter to 2 cents a ptooa. PO!.VTlCAt» THE Qarfield-Morey Chinese letter comes to tho light once more in the confession, on the part of the paper that published it to the world, that it is a forgery. The ed- ltcirs of Truth have addressed a letter to Gen. Garfield, in winch they sav: •« After a searching investigation, in which we have spared neither time, energy, nor «xpeuK« we have traced the Morey leiter to iu oricin' and ascertained that it is a forgery. Tliis ac­ knowledgment is due from the journal in which that letter first appeared. It is made volunta­ rily, and as an act of simple justice ; for. while we believed, as we did until a few weeks past that you were the author of that letter, no Lribe amid tempt nor threat intimidate us into mak­ ing a contrary statement But, having ascer­ tained onr error now, it is a gratification to us te give the same prominence to this acknowl­ edgment that we gave to the forged letter itself, and thereby make all th* amends in our power for the wrong of wliich Truth was the uncon­ scious instrument." SECRKTABY EYABTS 13 reported to have said that Henator Blaine will be Secretary of State in Gen. Garfield's Cabinet Tbe other members, according to the same authoritv, are* .Secretary of the Treasurv, James F. Wilson of Iowa; Secretary of the Interior, D. O. Mills of California; Secretary of War. Henator Don Cameron; Secretary of tho Naw, a Southern Republican; Atton»ey General, a New York Kepubhcan; Postmaster General, an Indiana Repubh .-an. THK Republican members of the Cali­ fornia Legislature held a caucus, on the 5th hist., and selected Gen. John F. Miller for the United States Senatorship, Newton Booth re­ ceiving live votes In organizing the Penn­ sylvania Senate, E. B. Coxe, Democrat, from ijiuzerne county, confessed his inability to take the iron-clad oath, as he had used mouev in Jectinnp, his election.' THE lower house of the Tennensee Legislature ha* chosen Mrs. Mollie Grizzard Engrossing erk. She is a relative of Davy Crockett, and her husband was a Unionist who i, • the KW»mP,j and was killm bv Union w iT- ,or au f1st'aPin« Confederate"... .Tho week surreptitiously sent to Ireland from Bir mingham, and that withia tluee weeks 6,000 Enfield ntles have also been forwarded.. South African advices indicate that the Boers , maintain the advantage thev have gained President Board, of the Orange Free State, SHVH he IS unable to prevent the Dutch colonists joining the Transvaal insurrectionists, and he may soon be compelled to resign. The London Time# says that before Februa­ ry the Biitisn force at the Cape will exceed the ruimber of the Boers Tbe anti-Jewish agitation in Germany appears to be gaining stren-tb, and hard blows are tak­ ing the place of hard words. On New Year's day the students in Berlin amused themselves by assaulting Jews in the streets and smashtu" the windows of coffee-houses frequented by them. The report of a promised deaionstra- tiou in the Lnitod Htat**8 to prot«iHt apaiiirit thin peiveculiou has caused some indignation. Ger­ many does not wish any foreign powvr to med­ dle with her nffairs. THK Greek Premier has informed the foreign Ministers at Athens that his Govern­ ment would oling to the decisions of the Berlin The pressure for v ar is intense, and 32.000 reserves will noon be called out The Emperor of Germany has received «i rejsirt of the outrages committed by the anti- Jewi-h agitators ou N.;w Year's eve, and hi s ex- prested1 «. desire tui.t strin^eut measmes be adopt<-d to Invent then- rei>etition.. Dr. Schhemann hi« presented to the Emperor o Curmany, to be placed iu the imiHOtim in 1Mluij bis c^lWtion of Trojan antiquities, hevcu hundred and tifty tlionsajid nea^anlH are starving in the Russian province of Sara- ton, and mor« than 1.000,000 arc in want in Samraia... .Good feeling ha* bet a restored letween Egvpt and Abv£ wholo tin the Jfmirliiig hiil, Mr. Kelloy iuslgtcd upon tea«porary loaiu ratlier than an extension of the landed rtebt. Mr CtiUtunden favored the re­ peal of all taies on the r»[>itiil or ilepo itw of iNinks. Mr. Weaver nrced the application of the stiver hoard to the exUngiiiffrnieut of bonds. Mr. Ohilteuden axpre»seU ths belief that uii.i' tt the l)ai)k« were rulicvml (t tix this .V|jer-eeut. Doml scheme would fail. Mr. Phillipx gave notlee of a eul)htitut« to isnue S-per-i-ent. treasury notes, ra» deemablc after xsnxt year, in regular series. On the opening of the Senate on Friday, Jan 7, the Vice President submitted a request from tbe Hecretary of War that the itaui for recruiting in the Army Appropriation bill lw lncreawd to $97,030. Mr. •Tonss prestmted a memorial from W. J. Moore, of New Orleans, • stating that William Pitt Kellogg secured his »out by bribery, aud asking to t>e allowed to testify that he was him­ self brll>e<1. Mr. BurnsUle Introduced a bill to authorize tho retirement < f Brevet Maj. Oen. Wil­ liam A. Averill, with the rank aud pay of Brigadier General. The Consular appropriation, calling for #l,l'.'!,4a.'i, W«H tuken up, ami pro onged debate oc- curreit on the item of $1,!MX) for rout of prisous for Ameiicaa oonvicts iu Ctiino, whicli tina ly got through. The sum of f4,oou wu* appropr:ute<l for a C'instil (letieral at Hiichare»t, and the bill pa-wed. Mr. Ferry introduced n bill providing tor the'estub- liKhnient of seven additional life-Kaving stations on Lak^H Superior and Miclrgun, and twenty-eight ad­ ditional stations on thu Atlantic coast. The Senate adjourned to Monday. In the House, Mr. Hpringer offered a resolution railing m the Secre­ tary of State for the l ul>si mformatiou iu regard to the Halifax award. Mr. Newberry charged that fraudulent testimony hail l>etn manufactured by Rritisli agents and accepted by the o mimiwt-iou, a'jd the party 1n power in England wou d willingly re­ open the fjueftiou. A bill wah paased for th * relief of Winnebago Indisn* in WisconBin. BL00D¥ TRAUEUf. Tiie little town of Otis, not far from Michigan City, Ind., was the scene of a horrible tragedy on the last night of the old year. A wealthy German family, James Augustine, wife, two grown sons, and some younger children, lived upon their farm, two mi!es froyi Otis, a nephew, Henry Augustine, making his hone with them when in the neighbor­ hood. On the day in question Heurv returned to the farm from a visit to Chicago. Stipper was prepared for him and oaten. Afterward, Henry produced a bottle of whisky, which, having a bitter tuste, was uot druuk. Candy given the cbildrou wa* also bitter, and was rejected. At bed-time Henry went to bed up stairs with James Agns- tine, Jr. After going to bed Henry told James that he would have to got up in tho night, and be need not be dis­ turbed by him. About 11 o'clock Mr. Augustine awoke and saw Henry standing at the foot of his bed, pointing a revolver at him, Mr. Augus­ tine drew the clothes around him andmo\<d around in tho Ited to avoid beiug shot. Henry at diice fired at him, and then at Mrs. Augus­ tine, and their Jumped out of tho room and J "'liter him. Mrs. Animation has _ _ «v hiaiTur ™T7nrim^riT1fl.ngTrKtmc came down stairs, asking what was the in the meantime, had the hall and into ican rt public has no serious rivalry to fear from any, quarter. England is her only equal in linancial resources aud Germany in lighting force ; and the situation of the country is such that she can have no apprehension of interfer­ ence with her domestic affairs by any power or combination of powers. The following tobies show the distribution of population by Bivtious, and the relative increase in each division of the country in the last ten years. The States formerly known ae tho Mid­ dle States and Ne * England are bunched to­ gether. They make a group of nine Eastern States. It will be observed that the rato of growth in Vermont--one-half of 1 per cent.-- has been the lowest of any State in the Union, and that of Maine the third lowest, Nevada coming between. The table of Eastern and Middle States is as follows : Slates. Maine N.Hamps'ire Vermont Maesacliu'ts. Rhode iB.'nd ('onnectieut. New Vork New Jersey. Pennsylvaia Total Pop. 187a 626,915 318,300 330,551 1,457,851 '217,::53 6:, 7,454 4,3S7,4U4 9(16,096 3,522,050 fop. 1880. 648,945 947,784 <132,'281 l,7b8,0Bfi 276,4'iR 622,083 5,083,173 1,130,81)21 4,282,738 J2.3')3,584j 14,508,115 Iwream. 22,030 2U.484 1,735 825,735 59, P5 85,221); 6<i:,,70!' S24,790 760,688 2,204,.r)81 Per C*nt ax 0 37 16 16 25 MX 18 Ohio and all tho States and Territories west to the Kooky mountains aud north of Masou and Dixon's hne are included in tho second group. The rate of growth in the Statoj and most of the Territoi ic-s west of the Mississippi has been very rapid. The other commuuitios in what was formerly known as the Northwest have had a slower, but still healthy, growth. Montana shows a positive loss of population, as does also Arizona, which is included with the Pacific States. The soil of these Terri­ tories is for the most part worthless, and their mines have not fultilicd the promises that have been made for them. The group of thirteen Northern and Western States and Territories is as follows: fefatex (nitI Jfer. fttorie*. Ohio. Michigau Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Minnesota..... Towa Nebraska ...... Minttouri Kannu* Cil.rado Dakota Vlontana. Wyoming Tot*' fbji.1870. 2,665,260 1,187,234 1.680,637 '2,530,891 1,064.935 446,056 1,104,320 12»,32v 1,721,295 373,29! 47,164 40,051 39 89"' ll,.Mf 13,140.02. /'op.1880. fnereaan.lCeiit. 3,197,794 532.534 1,634,096 446,862 88^ t,978,85H -•98 ,'2'-'l 3,078,630 538,745 21 1,315,386 250,401 780,807 1,6.-4,46H 430.14 452.432 323,1 Hi'>42 2,16>),0yi 447,711(1 26 V95,3.W 6'22,4M<l| 166 191.64!) 147,4Sf>|.U2<i 134.002 1M.W1 [234 39,167 4,474,rD;7 7.615,494 'Dearaue. Missouri is put with the South, though geo­ graphically she belongs with the North. Her social and industrial development has been the same as tliat of the other ex-slave States, a;»d for that reason she is' biassed with them. Tho Territory of New Mexico, being the only dis­ tinctly Southern Territory, is put in the same group. The table embraces sixteen States and one Territory: ho si down matter. Henry, stepped into „„„ u«u auu into the kitchen, behind the door, and when Chris­ tian came through the hall, near tho bedroom door, Henry bred at him, killing him instantly. James Augustine just then oame into the room, calliug for his Cousin Henrv. His lather tckl him not to let him in, as he had murdered them, and would kill him if he got in. James then went to the kitchen door and hold it to keen Heury from coming in. A noise which James thought came from tho dead brother caused him to turri toward Christian. As he turned the assassin rushed into the ro;>ni and tired at James, making a slight wound across the back. fie then returned into tho kitchen, aud bv the light of the stove reloaded the revolver, aud returned to the door, which he found fastened, and asked to come m, that he was then all nglit and wonted tocomcuian l help him ; that he had been crazy. Jautes told him to hand in hisravolver *nl he would let him in, which dld- handing him the butt, which B ln kw pocket, opened tho door and fofnd « "ir-V'iHean:uCd hl* pockets, and thei-e found a broken butcher- kuife. The other point of the blade was afterward found at the fool of tiie bed. James, in his excitement, put amlr^li V- ?' toUill8 Llra to stay there, and called to his sister to bring him tiie lan- sh,i d)d witliout ligiiting, and while dLhfnrM^^f t<J,llght U lUliry D,ade « dash for the kiUshen door and made his eacai*, without hat or boots. State* aitdTer- ritorjf. Pop 1870 Pup. 1880. m a-,! 1,512,203 618,103 1,4410,00(1 995,7(16 1,538,93H 2t>6,566 1,648,59!) 1,542,463 1,262, <44 l,i31,89H 940,26a 8C2,5i^ 1,5i)7,609 118,43(1 Virginia.^ 1,225,163 West Vlrgiuia 442,014 N. (Carolina. 1,071,301 S. Carolina 705,606 Geoi-gia 1,184,109 Florida, 188,248 Kcnt:icky.. 1,321,011 Tennessee.. 1,25*,5*20 Alabama 996,092 MiHsi»xi|ipl.,, 827,922 Louisiana.. 726,915 Arkansas 484,471 'I exa 818.81.9 New Mexico 111,303 Total. 12,268,443 16,457,515 Incrnwf. 176.17P 3'28.(ay 290,100 054,874 78,318 327,588 '2HJJ,;>43| 265,352 303.U7I 213,34s, :«l«,t»y 778,610 7,127 4,189,072 Per Cent 40 s* 80 24,v; 22 V 26 36« 29 65* 90 6 34 Thei Statos and Torntoriea west of the Kockv Mountains, seven in number, are classed to­ gether . M a t e * a i u i , Ttrrit'»i#L Pop. 1870.\Pop. 1880. 582,031 101,883 68,711, 37,43'I '20,5s:ii V9,5811 41,7101 864,686 174,767 62,285 75,12(1 .12,611 143,907 40,441 <>*1,0311 1 393,797 451,1 Increase. Perr Cent 282,655 72.H84 3,554 :r?,68s 12,028 44,326 *1,26!) 48 ̂ '!* 58 *3 451, HflC 48 TRADE AND COMMERCE. Oalifornia... Oregon Nevada Wanhington. Idaho Utah ;... Arizona TotaK... •Decrease. The L>istri.,t of Columbia does not belong to any section. It has a large tloatiug population, which is composed partly of Government ofS* cials. It is accordingly put by itself, and ap- liearsjn the summary which is appended : OBOWP. Pop. 1S70.|7V^. 1889. . „ fa _ ^ _ ; net- Mo«t of tho Mississippi delegation favor VJOMJMBIA (O. C.) dispatoh says that1 P1111- Senator Lamar says he would rather whfe » steam launch belonging to a revenue "e® S<*ust<,r R",«« •" meuded* to take measures to give a larger portion of the Irish people a permanent proprietary interest in the soil, and to establishment of Ireland, found- v^wugiwiiuiiii oon"er i *> * -- principles,,.,, their candidate for Senator for the lont- term arj*>11 a!l,J Ws I'arliam. utary collo.gues have and Senator Bald.vin for the short term... ! |nadt! a burlesque of the wtate trials at Dublin, rrank W. Palmer has been reappointed I'os't- I .v absenting tliems< lveg. Not even an audi- matter at Chicaga | en<'«? gathers to bear th » testimonv. Bea -ons- «? rr"*« i r K-"'.™1a Unioe, of a place in th*' next Cabi- | Gladntoae Government how nnnottlod ev- v»"*vl4 pb 11J1U AU < stma, and the highways have been reopened.... lien. Mortones, one of t'le abiest fifticeis in the civd wi.rs of Snaii). h.ts closed his career. Bar. n Simon Von Opijenheim, of the London 1?' r."jK,t,rm of °Pl»e»heiui .t Sons, is dead.... l»r. Fre<lerick J. Jobson, the eminent Methodist divine of Loudon isdeud. Is an encounter between tho police and a .mob near CHareinorris, Ireland, four per­ sons were fatally bayoneted, and several others injured At the Oma^h assizes, a farmer named Graham was sentenced to penal s«rvi- tude for life tor shooting a bailiff near Cookn- to»n on the 18th of D.x.-niber. The officers of the I raW branch of tin- Lund League were ar- lested and taken to jail, bail I* ing refused. The crowd threatened the police who were e-scort- mg them through tho streets, but the militaiv with tixed bavonets, wetit to their assistance. ... .Usmpu. tiie J Venclj conspirator, wan fol­ lowed to his grave by a procession of 30,000 Paiisians. Ilochefort attended the funei-aL ana LOUIH Michel was one of the nrincirial speskers....TlH! German police have discov­ ered a new secret organiz tion of Sjcialistt ex­ tending over thw- whole empire. The British Parliament convened on the 6th of January, and the address of tho M. : • 7 " w «^tivu,uw. Queen wa< read. On the Irish question the the v^f^so- speech alludes to the U norism i^vadin-. and I a«»'ost 41,110,468,250 lant yeat' i^wnt's of assorts that the lusulhciency of ordinarv inmers ! w^«t. 19,909.202 bushal* forov a requost for a tect lift! ond property The Chicago Tribune publishes a fnll report of the trade of Chicago for the year ltWO. The j totals are as follows : Produce trade, $312,- 000,000; wholesale, t301,500,000 , manufactures. •285,000,0()0-- total, #961,500,000; being a gain of 17 per ccnt. over 1879, During the vear 5 7(io(WH°n^7,050,191 hops root,eived, of win -h 5, <00,00) were ulled in the city: 1.382 897 head of cattle were received, 'the value of the live stock received k«ng $139,900,000, In manufactures the tiir- follow«r w,UttPnlu with those of 1879M No. of workmen 188^. ^ Cap t^enuTT^i ' ?5'0,JW'0(X' » 39,000.'000 uip.ial enj|>l( jed 78,00(1,000 86 000 000 "r'e °L 248,000,000 283'o«o'ooo Stat lfi Drri (.Co,').JV;ew'* punts the iollowing statisucs of Lhe trad" of that city for 1880 • Ii,iisinoss of Denver for the year, £52 300 000 • ; . 1' * 0» nianutactures, $5,783.(100 • I'AIT"'^•^OOJWO ; an increase' over 1879 of ML V ' , death-»<« of the cltv during temperature. 4'V" l'WX Mwu" temperature, 4i" the warmest dav OR 0ulde8t» 13 During the >ear there were 169 clear days, 173 rainfall1 «»M *nd 44 oIot^y; total erai-« Ti.^ l }f *H' below the av- 2 ;, t,'b bulllou shipped from Colorado U' T >oai' amounted to 62^,500,000. s^itistlcs of the commerce of K» r K..stern Northwestern., .southern. I'aeiflc.... District... 12,303,5H4| 14,508,115 13,140,9^7 17,615,494 12.268,44*1 941.9.1V 131,70t 16,457,515 1,893,797 177,638 Alaska Indian Ter.... Albany, N. Y...... *llentown. Pa A'.toona, Pa. Allegheny, Pa Atlanta, Oa............... Att'olmrough, Mass .... Athene, Oliio Austia, Texas Auburn, N. V. Aurora, 111 Ua tiniore, Md Hav Citv, Mich..., Ueljevlile, 111..., IiiiiKhamtoD, V. Y Kioouiington, 111,......... B let'.m, MasH Brooklyn, N. IT.,.....'.. . Brockton, Mass...... Buffalo, N. Y Bur lngton, Iowa. Cambridge, Mass......... (linden, N. J Cedar liapid-, Iowa Char'eMt m, 8. C Uhenter, Pa, riiioopee, Mass...... ..... Chicago, 111 Uhillieothe, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Chattanooga, tenn Cleveland, Ohio Colioes. N. Y Columbus, Oa. Coliiuibus, Ohio Cone, ird, N. H. Council Bluffs, Iowa Dili as, Texas I>anbnry, Ot Dayton, Ohio, Daveni«>rt, Iowa......1... L)es Moines, Iowa......... Ponvur. Cjl Oevioit, Mich Dover, N. II Dubuque, Iowa I Kant Saginaw. Mich ] Kris, Pa., J Klgin, 111 IvizaOelh, N. J. Kln.ira, N. Y Fond du Lac, Wis. Fall It iver, Matsa Fort Wayne, Ind. llaioslmrt;, 111 Grand ltuiiids, Mich Galveston, Texa* Hamilton, Ohio Harrithurg, Pa. Hartford, Ct Houston, Texas tmliauapo!i», (nd Jacknon, Mich. •faclotonviie, 111, Jersey City, N. J K^laiiiax io, Mich. Ka:ifOM Cit}', Mo Ke .kuk, Iowa Kingston, N. Y. Kncxvillc, Tenn La Crosse, Wis............ Lawrence, Mm L-Jiicaater, Pa 1. it«je;te, Ind Litt.c llock. Ark Lincoln, Nub. Lo^unsport, Ind Louisville, Ky L.iwell, Ma.4» LDH Angeleo, Cal Lyii'.i, Muss Lyi.chburg, Va. Muili»oii, Wis Manclieater, N. H Maiden, Mass. Macon, Oa Maryborough, Masa....... MeiDphif, Tenn MeriOen, Conn Milwaukee, Wis Minneapolis, Minn Mobile, Ala Muekeijon, Midi NiudivMe, Tenn Nashuo, N. H • Niwn:>erg,fr.-*x.. ,T New Albany, Ind. New Haven, Oi uu. Nt-w (Jrlt ann, IJ». ,. New York, N. Y.... Norwaik, Conn. Nonistown, Pa New Castle. Va New Brunswick, S. Oakiaud, Oal Omaha, Neb Oswejjo, N. Y OsdeuBoutg, N. Y Oslikouli, Wis Piittrsou, N. J «... I'antuokel, R. 1........... Peona, 111 Phi lade'phla, PM Pittsburgh, Pa PoiNville, Pa Portland, Me Iduglikeeptue, N. i' Pro'.-idence, B. I Quinoy, Mass Qu ncv. 111 ltucine, Wis Rending, Pa Ilicli t o.j<1, Va If'wk Ixlniid, 111. Itockforii, 1 1. . Hoc1 estoi, N. t Home, N. Y.. It inland, Vt Sau Jose, Oal i^acra'nento, 0«1 Sau Frtmoij-c-i, Oil [ Sin Anti iilr, T,.x Haii'iui-kv. O.iio .] Ssginaw O.tv, Mich..A.. •^alt Lal-e, t/tah Savannah, Oa Scran ton, P» South i»« n»l,ririj<l.=? Stauifanl, udnn "... Sprljlfjtlel.l, ill Soruigtieid, tildo Si>rln^tleld,Mas8 St, Louis, Mo... HI. Paul. Minn... 76,216 18,162 19,987 78,472 45,00(1 11,105 16,100 11,000 80,929 1-2.007 339,000 20,650 ^tfJllO 17,280 863.565 554,465 .13,598 149,500 18,975 51.693 41,71* 10,176 49.037 15.038 11,827 603,053 v 10,972 255,801 13,580 159,404 20,122 10,132 51,337 19,841 18~,509 33,466 11,810 38,000 21,885 22,606 35,71i/ 119,700 17,699 22,27tf 19,065 27,222 10,040 28,241 20,578 13,504 47,883 26,048 11,451 32,037 22,350 12,300 30,412 42,024 16.694 75,031 15^00 11,(109 lu5,0» 12,078 56,946 12,176 18,376 13,928 16,054 89,400 25,846 14,791 15,000 12,771 11,172 126.566 61,200 11,060 38.387 16,900 10,427 32,473 12,904 12.695 10,141 33,200 18,108 13J,000 48,323 85,037 U^OU 43,877 13,453 THE TEACHER'S LOT. £ A tWIsrllw mt m*- lifslrtw mm* Tnt>ni*tUM *r Teacher--"And the Lord said unt<t Moaee--Maggia Ford,, prat down tha| •late!" Delightful taAl torsar tbe tendnr tkoagkt, To Usaeh the young Ite how to shoot --Thvmton't " Spring." ^ To sentence a man of true genius tdt the drudgery oI a school is to put a races horse in a mill.--Colton. S??«h.t1®r untaught the dunes is stUI the satae; *et suit the wretched master bean the blame. --Drydm. . The Rchool master is apt to be a favorf^| ite with the female part of creation, es»V pecially in the rural districts.--Irving. * Uneasy lie the hMda of all who rule; . ^ u*ort * his Whcae kingdom ia a school. --O. W. Holme*. I can easier teach twenty what were- good to be done than be one of the twenty- to follow my own teaching.-- S/ieck*- pedre. Came the; Preceptor, gw.'ng Idly round, Mow at the clouds aud now at the gram SIMfc An i all absorbed in reveries profound Of fair Almira ia ths upper diss. "htrngfelltne. Worried and tormented into monoton­ ous feebleness, the best part of lite ground oat of him in a mill of boys.-- Dickens. She dwells by gnat Keahawa'ssids, in valleys green and cool, And all her hope and all her.prMo Are in her village school. -- Zongfe'lote. 11A student oonvince you that you are , wrong and he is right, acknowledge it. A4M0 : cheerfully, and--ling him. --Emeruon. 250*i>36 306,099 8,007 117,714 14,930 99,631 i 187a. 69,423 13,883 10,CU> 53,1W 21,1*78 6,769 10,006 4,428 17,'2°25 11,162 3(7,304 18,690 8,146 The twig is so easily bended, 1 I lave IKIIIHII;'! th< rtde aud the rod; 1 hare taught Hum the goodliest of knowledge They hare taught me ihe goodnem of God. --Charles Vickinton. 1 vexed with a child when instructing 1 it;» write with your left hand. Be- 48^965 ! member a child is all left hand.--J. F. "i48? • Boyat. To rear, to teach, Becoming as 1* meet and fit, A link among the diiys to knit • The gent rations each with each. --Tennytou. What comfort some pedagogues might derive from tiie thought that wise pupils can learn as much from a fool as from a. pliilospher.-- Yeddrr. Instructors should not only be skillful in those sciences which they teach, but have skill in the method of teaching anil patience in the practice.--Dr. Watt*. And when the world shall lint your nasMB With gracious lives aud manners tine. The teacher "hall aisert her claims. And proudly whisper, " These were mine!" ---Whtttuir. - The eminences of their scholars com- 1 mend the memories oi schoolmasters to 26,766 i posterity, who otherwise, in obscurity, Jl'li8 : kad Wen altogether forgotten. -- T/ioma* I1!® ! 13,818 1 11,081 I 33,105 ! 87,081 9,382 | 48,274 | 11,447 j 9,203 82,^46 ! 11,750 j 32,260 ' 12,766 . 2>,474 ! 8,682 I 11,012 | 28,921 I 30,233 ! 19,506 j 12,3811 : 2,0.5 : 100,000 ! 40,928 < 5,728 | , -- 28,283 1 half, seeing in the gentleman's face that 6,826 ! -- i. _i 9,607 298,907 8,920 216,289 6,193 •2,820 12,357 7,4/1 91,274 12,241 10,020 4,50J 8,754 90,473 30,u78 12,035 4,759 79,577 9,294 18,434 11.350 19,646 7,OOU 20,830 Pretty were the sight If our old halls t-jtild change their sex, and flaunt With prudes for pr x-tors, dowagers for deans. And aweet girl-giaduatcs in their gulden hair. --Tfennyam. Enny* man who has kept a skool fo* ten years ou^ht to be made a Major Gan- eral, and have a peushua for the rost ot his nateral days, and a boss and wagon to do his going around in. --Jo#fi Bit- ling*. O'er wayward childhood wouldst thou hold Arm rule. And sun thee in the light of happy faces; Love, Hope, and Patience-- tuese must bo thy craces, And iu thine own heart let thorn first keep school. -- Coleridge. One-half of the children cried in cho­ rus, " Yes, sir!" Upon which the othei 38,786,51)5 50,152,559 11,366,024 ISM 7l»,6M<' ^ 68,377 38,i>2.y>i)8 It will bo seen that Alaska arid the Imlian Territory are not included in the statement for 1880. There were iu 1870 about 300,000 In­ dians sustaining tribal relations. None of these are included in tho count for purposes ofirepresentation. When tho Indians aud the inhabitants of Alaska are added, it is probable that the total population will be found to ex­ oeed 60,500,000. The following table shows the relative growth of population in each group from 1860 to 1870. ana froin 1870 to 18801 Prr cent. Per emt increase. incream. • I860--1870. 1870--1880. 1« 18 *4 84 10 84 « «• » Eastern group Northwestern group. .. . . Southern group Pacific group ' District of Columbia .' „ General average.. ,v. 2234 &X Thtat) has bwsn a cousiderablo addition, not only to tiie aggregate population, but to the rate of growth, though the lower average in HU .loneiili, Mo St. Au'rfiiHtine, Fla Sjraciiwe, N. Y Stockton, Cjl [ Terrt. Haute, Ind Toledo, idiio Trenton, N. j Troy, N Y utici, N. y Vicksburi;, Miss Waltliam, Mass. Waahin^toii. D. C. Wheeling, W. Va Weymouth, Maas. Watertown, N. V Woousochet, H. I Wati'rbury, Ct Wllkesbarre, Px WlmlnRton, Del Wilmington, N. C. Winona, Blinn Worcester, Mass Woburn, Man* Yonkers, H, Y 17,500 6.L000 .. 215,129 .. 1,206,577 14,000 13,200 10,292 17,311 :i5,00D 30.(4)5 20,732 16,277 15,758 58,000 1'.)..' 90 31,708 847,558 12!,9T7 13,240 :i:\r65 >0,203 104,500 10,571 '-7,42s 1<>,043 4H,'230 6'2, 500 11,614 13,1)88 89,4 f l'i,045 1U,223 1U.(':k> 2:«,06)i 20,594 k5,000 10.430 11,(H)0 :*),767 ' 45,756 13,4.>2 11,3:# 19,683 20,000 33.139 aoo.uis 41,619 35 ,<m 20,;i,50 E'J.'JIO 10,066 26,516 5:H,t«5 30,500 56,;>94 38,923 11,660 11,800 160,000 31,600 10,560 10,615 16,000 22,000 23,*4<) 43,000 ~ 17,605 10,187 58,2j3 10,782 18,92t yes was wrong, crietl out in chorus,. "No, sir!" as the custom is in these ex­ aminations. --Dickens. And while a paltry stipend earning. He sows the^i-lcbey. seeds of learning; No JiirrMaa: his toil he. ulle, His iuiDd lies fallow all the while --Robvt JUoytf Still to be pinioned down to teach The Syntax and th* Parts •>( Speech, , Or deal out uutbori l»y retail, « kike penny |>:it» oi' Oxforl ule} 105,059 I Oc^iia,» irksome uiore l£m \ ™a«. tuning at &.%Srisb "oar 80,840 j -Robert ' *2^92 j Fodte and Jemmy Wright. lojli i . Passing one day near the now demol- 7.5B9 j ished King's Bench prison, Foote ob- losoo ' 8^rvod a 8rnuJ1 l,arbei-,8 shop, the broken lelosi ! windows of which were mended with pa- 20,910 i per bearing the legend, "Shave for a 10,176 12,643 I •*8,579 : J 2,000 ! 22 N59 : «74,flM i ^',(^6 ; l'-M84 I ;>1,413 ! '•W.080 • «8(JM4 i ",4:^ : 21,052 I !\«8l) I 33,93!) | "i.oas ",89.) ! 11,049 i i «.IK)0 6,000 ",089 ' "',28J 16 1«,478 1'-,.V)ri lj 00(1 10,0i»4 12,,K*i 2M« ;tr>,o7'j ! 7,196 i 9,721 I 17,304 1 12,652 • 26,7'tt I 310,861 1 2ii,0Sfl | 17,-SCj 11,751 I 43,051 10,lKSI 16,103 21,584 32,874 46.465 28,8.)4 12,443 >>,005 100,1911 19,280 9,010 9,:t)6 11,527 10,826 17,264 30.841 13,416 7,200 40,105 8,560 17,269 penny." Over tiie door wei-e the linea: " Here lives Jemuiy Wright, Shares as well as inr man in Euglaftd Almost--uot quite.1' ' And thinking to obtain some fun from the author of these inscriptions, whom lie justly concluded to be an odd fellow, he pulled off his hat, and thrusting his head through a paper pane, called out "Is Jemmy Wright at home?" The bar­ ber immediately thrust his head through another pane and replied, "No sir, he lias just pepped out." Foote laughed, heartily, and gave the man a guinea. A fashionable young man thinks he is great as an elocutionist His strong card is reading the ghost scene in Sliaks- peare. After hearing him recite, an el­ derly gentleman was asked what he thought of liim. " Well," said the old gentleman " I think he ought to have given up the ghost long ago.* Homf. fellow has figured out that Van- derbilt s income would allow him to visit. 1 8,009 cireusses, eat 20,001) pints of pea­ nuts, and drink o,000 glasses of lemon­ ade every day in the year. THE MARKETS. ilhcicncy of ordinary power* 19,909.202 bushel*, a^ui^t ^ <a3«2 additional authority to pro- rectipts of era, 22,228,1S7.Ttaiust l i t uir^' '>'• ^e I^ords arc re.i>,„- ^ 5,377,078, against If"" ry^ kfid bS iH'ftHiirou tn mt i> „ I I lev tt R/1/1 x <.f.. V u"u m- •mtler atoiwntd near Bcuufoi-t was proceeding m PortJKoyaJ, sbn picked np a flatboat adrirt • •a f" The crew consisted of eight - > wUu were d<*a and sheathed in the ice gV m** eovered tiMir vessel. They had been S: .-^nnking tomly the evening before, and it -v. :-.»H M»W»w»d that, while under the iniltienoe of * tfe«y fell rnto asleep and drnted oat Isire in Texas ; At a dancing party at a private house in Callahan county, Mr. , #Unr«aa4o his appearance intoxicated auo'la- a - - -- " u u w i i t u i e r see Senator Bruee 111 the Cabinet than any white ItepubJican in MiBsissippi. IN California, G<iu. John F. Miller has been chosen to succeed Newton Booth in tae United Btttes Benate; in Maine, Eugene Hale will sncceed Senator Hamlin ; in Nevada James G- Fair will step into Senator Sharon's •a • ; and in MI souri, Bocator Coclr* 1 will be nis own racctesor. CEKEBjII. THIS reeent phenomenal cold wave crythiug in Kuropo, and also Ireland Over 100 rifles were stolen from ou armory iti the vicinity ot Londou. Dublin gun>hopn Ktill do an immense business The EngiiMh steamer Harrekla collided with the Hpani«h t-teamer Leon, twelve mill « Jrom Cape lloea. Both vtv-' sels sunk, aud forty-five or the crews and pas­ sengers are iih*wiiik. .. .The Northern Pacific railroad bondH isHued iu London were coving four times. Tbe amount of tbe issue was $10 - 000,00a ' Three ol the five Irish Land Oom- mi<.ooners recommend to tho British Govern- ment the adoption of fair rent, free sales and seems to have penetrated to every nooband ' DoudL^ut™* K*VftUa«l| and lhe O'Connor ley, 8,095,500. n-aiiwt 2,514,285; t<*al rt^ceinU nr, v.™!"' aKal"bl Jfe,001,398 for the previous year. Iteceijits of cattle, 424,720 *70,654; hogs, 1,839,684, against 205,909, againHt 182,648. m Btatistica of inannfactiuers of Des Moines, Iowa, for the year hhow « total product valued at 680; a wholesale and' jobbing of §10.746,952 i retail trade, 46,976 445 - gram and produce, #2,665,11)0; coal, §1,055,- 2.' ,Xl p lckll,K> 45(1,000. Ktatietics justify the claim of Peoria that the busuu ss of that city has quadrupled withiu the KTn/ J?™ -T®"8' aggregate being nearly &40<L. 000000 agaitiKt i99,000,0(10 in 1877. Don't JSpell it Out* Elizabeth Cadv Stanton is trving to persuade her friends to write their own fuil names, as if the public carnl for .any­ thing but some distinguishing initial. •---o" m I As remarks the Boston Traiwrint "it partly to the ™tnd'tottodSjcuSJ not:.im.l,rovf » Piece of biul p^try enumeration in the Southern States. The lat- ^ave signed Mary Ann James Pat­ ter cause also gives the South a better showing ters»n Perkins, nor dt>es anv one care to "J£® comparative exhibit than that section I be reminded that Mrs. Charles Smith's oth" maiden name was Polly Hnow, by her writing Polly Snow Smith, whenever she ..$7 75 .. (V 00 .. 13 .. 3 2» .. 1 14 .. 53 *•1 -- -- I -- t u a u U U U UAder otnir ctrcumuunoeft wou d hav®. The Thief llivldeM the Pork. Courier-Journal, The Louisville courier-Journal, in Kivmg some reminisoences of au old blind negro man in that city, makes him relate tie following of one of his former mos- rs : I' He war a swakin' man, though." eoatuiued Eli, as his enUiusiasm began to carry him away. <• He war de most l»est speak inest man in the whole o iuntry. I rememlier when dev \nar a ir.yin of dat man Payette Sheltiy for a I kilhn of Marm> Honne, at Lexingt( n. WnPIl it. .-t/tniii £ -.1 » 1 ® NEW YORK. BEKVKS Hoos COTTON. | J ) FLOUB--Superfine WHEAT-- NO. 2Spring. OOIIN-- Ungraded. OATK-- Mixed Western.. Poaa-- ilew Laud " • Bekyjcs--Choice Graded Stoei. k CoWM*nd Heifers " o tj. Medium to Fnir, j Hoos, • a» Fu>uB-^j wwWwttiter ki:::: * ?! ^ 8Prt»KKx.. S 00 . #7 85 36 . 80 87 . 1 11 30 29 12 75 (311 75 (^ ft 40 <9 3 75 (3) 1 18 @1 M (£ 44 .12 76 (gillf 00 9 <& 1»^ Wheat- has an opportunity.1 The Council Bluffs jVom parrii publishuB »» 1 it n. »eV tlle l'Usln« ws improvement and growth I 1 ^ time for the old marse to kLî L01!.3"or J880' sbowii)(4 u,at over A Boy's lleflnltioii. " What is heU?" asked a Lutheran Sunday-school teacher of a boy in class, last Sabbath. "A shirt with a butfcm off, ma am," replied the boy. •' Ex- j^ain yourself ; what do you mean, sir ?" demanded the meek-spirited, but sur­ prised teacher. ' Well, I heard my pa say to my ma, the other morning, when he put on a shirt with the back button off, • Well, this is hell.' That's all I •No. a Spring... JlaJ gprtug Cobn--No. 2... Oat»-- No. Ktk-NO.J,,.,'"' BARLEY--No. 2.!."!"*." MuTTKH--choioo Creuner; l^oo»--Fresh.. POKK--Mitia. Lard i»o,2 S Const--No 2..... ^ as Oat's--Not 2 * S Bv*-- No. 1 S BABIJV--Na i M ST. liicia " Whkat--Not 2 Bed. 1 m Cohs--Mixed " « Oath--Not 2. 2, B*r ; » POUK " Liii) 80 w aNOTNiATl."" Wheat Cork Oats Bye Pobk--Mess.. 1 08 41 Solent!"^U°t0buiMln«• °r GlasM Illowiny. Olass blowir g ia a trade that it take* a long time to learn. Usually a man worl s as lo ig as t^n years l>efore he Itecomes thoroughly nnd re'iably nkilled. It i^ also laborious, bat it pays very well. A <7 He got to tulkin' about the scriptur' and de women folks dey began to cry. Dtm ,v« a see de old marse was a mukin' hw pint, an _ bimliy when de proper time came he jeRt let loose all bolts an* fell b usk like he was a faintin'. I see de old marse, dough; his ere* was a bhnkin' like a toad s 111 a t! m ice - .torm, an' he waa a chucklin' in his sleeve. He wara't Try to i'lease. " What ia the secret of the aueeess of Miss ?"--one of the belles in Wash­ ington--we asked of a friend. "She iloes not appear remarkably intellectual, aud she is not very beautiful." "No," 3aid the pertou addressed, "but she tries to please people." And this waa the secret of her beine loved. B <at i or 49 .... » f 38 .... 86 (A 97 ....18 76 ^13 no 8l . 1 01 1 09 30 84 4 M 1 01 48 ® 1 Of <$ 1 N « *0 a 9 2\ <$ i mi Wheat--Not 1 White. No. 2 Bed... Cobw--Not 2 Oatb-- No. a .7.7.7." FLOPR--Choice. WHEAT--Na 1 Whits J OATS--Mixed. vsr t< BARLKV (per oentai) 38 (J S7 Fohx-Mms 1 50 @151) C»b»i ""• 1 00 Oath M i'oiui-Mei.. Catti,k--Heat "f A?" " Fair. '. 25 Ho®.... ^«"'7;:7.".;7.::::. * £ SHEEF 7tf * 00 @13 J 1 01 sn - s*- @13 (§ « » (•» 5 2 J (a, 4 411 («l 14 '« (A 3 50

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