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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1881, p. 8

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fM1! * *P '*fl^ ** h? f̂2 ̂;W ^ v ,r ' I ^ *' '•v *?r •% 4 ,1* ! /.. %«*• KD00ATHWAL OQLVMT. OOMWCNCD B* S. D. BAU>WUr. Board o* *U«c*t!o«j~U* black- board, * ' i Owing to tlti'etortn Ut« attendance at lb« TMDIEW' M«etln| VM small on Saturday. Froctedings next week. With oar next school report we shall report the nam be rand bftniea «l our viilton, y m hi i i i>ii . General exercise* tn the higher de­ partment oi our school next Friday. Patrons and friends are cordially iu- vited to be present. partial exchange of readers has bean ordered Tor this district. The ••Model" Is to give place to Appleton's* Pupil* who are sopplied with book? Mil do not wish to change, can nse their old books the remainder of tlie school year. The Educational Weetrfy published It Chicago hap lately changed hands. Mr.Fred Waggoner assuming the con­ trol. Judging by the last number the paper will he better than ever. Every teacher should take it. Parent?, as a general Iking* #» not •nfficiently realise the Importance of regularity of attendance at school. For the moat trivial reason, or no rea­ son at all, they allow their children to retmin oat of school a half a day, a day, OP a irewfc, as the caw may be, and then wonder why they do not get afowr faster; or why they dtsffkc to go to j school. If yon wfsft to have your cfiil-1 dren Interested In school an J make rapid progress in thefrstadlea, see to It that they are punctual and regnTar In attendance, and properly' supplied with books, Sickness should be the only excuse for non-attendance. Mr, Gardner, In his paper on Gram- anar. qnoted the following from Kicb- ard Grant White: "The rerb needs not, and generally does not, agree with ita tominstlfe case lit nmnber and person. Pronouns do not agree with their antecedent fionna in person, num­ ber and gender. Active verbs do not govern the odjectlvo case, or any other. Prepoditlons do not govern the objective case, or any other. One •erb does not govern another In the Infinitive mood.** Without stopping to consider the trhtb or falsity of the •boor propoaftfMiet Sr. & eonclmtert asfoftows; Inqr.k h nonsense to talk about one word governing another Let me ask you to thoughtfully con­ sider the following questions: Do the properties of person, number, gender, ease, really belong to nouns In the "English language as!'we have been taught ? Do pronouns really take the place of nouns, as we have been taught, or do they take their own place ? Do adjectives really belong to nouns or pronouns? Do adverbs modify verbst Do verbs agree with thtlr nominatives In number and person? "Hoping, friends, that you will take •beae things fmo consideration, and, by the wisdom of "jrour arguments, lead me out ftorri - this grammatical* Wildeiness, I await your replies." *We should aim in our school! to teach that klnf of knowledge which will awaken the mind to such kinds of activity as are necessary to Its growth, and to teach In such a manner as will enable the mind to thorougly master what is taught. * • * The number of branches nowltangftt may sot be too many, but the amount of facts attempt­ ed to be taught under each branch is too large. The quantity of arithme­ tic. geography, grammar, ete., shonld be|le88."--&c. jyickenwn, of Mom. ' g VMHlerMlt'e MMUDfa. " tome one, has made a vfry curious Calculation of what Mr. Vamlerbilt could do with his raoiiey. Win. 11. Vanderbiirs Income from hie invest- nenta In $51,000,000 four per cent. Government bonds, ts represented at •8.000 dally, which Is 8208.25 per hour, 91.37 per minute, or over five cents per second. Assuming that he is paid by Che second, he cannot possibly spend his money, as he could not select, his purchases and lay down the pieces fast enough. Be could not throw It away; to pick up, cast, recover, pick up and cast again, would take him two seo- . ends, and if he worked all through the twenty-four hours without rest, he oould only dispose of one-half bis in­ come. By living economically, saving op for four years, he could, placing his five cent pieces side by side, he could only dispose of one-half his income. By Mvlng economically saving up for four years he could, placing his five-cent pieces side by side, make a nickle belt s Mound the earth,or by converting his savings tnto one-cent piece* and mount- -log them In a pile h» would. In twenty years erect a road to the moon and bave 9600 to invest when hegot there. Should his amusement Uk» a-charlto- , Me twist, he could out of four year's Veceipts donate to every mar., woman and child in the United States 20 cents 4* and have money leftover. Other vast possibilities occur to the glowing fanoy «f the calculator/ In one day he conld go to 8,000 difierent circuses, eat 10,000 pints of peanuts, drink 5,000 glasses of * lemonade, and have mftney left to' get I |l( boot? blacked. He can aflord to v bave 600,000 shirts washed in one day. , and on the day of his death bis income ; t will buy ten first-class fuoerftU.--/lAaea »- {N. F.) Jovmml. Of the Presidents of the Uulted * #tates, eight--Washington, Jackson. 'Van Buren. Harrison, Taylor. Fillmore, Uaooln, and Jolsnaop--never received a college education. Grant was educa* ted at West Point. The rest of the % Presidents have been college grad- ' Hates. The 'two Adamses graduated at Harvard, Jefierson, Monroe, and fe, Tyler at William and Mary. Madison iv,"" at Princeton. Polk at the University of Worth Carolina. Pierce at Bowdoln. !-• ftuohanan at IHokaon. Hayes a|. JUs* yon, and Gar! id •* William*. --FOR THE PEOPLE-- i Every Day, AT T3 W & Comfort for S mall C. F, HALL vl ' % V*' f #» to**-*** • --OF TH&~ > cf> With a better and lar<rer stock of Genoral Merchandise than ever before. We work lor and get only the Cfysh trade of thia section. We sell at one price. We mark goods to sell them. We can't quote prices on all c'asses of Merchandise, but we say this, that our prices on everything will be found LOYVEli than any store in Northern Illinois. Come and see, and if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will nil orders set: t by mail from this Price List and guar­ antee satisfaction,, Send to either Store. Hook the Price List over. Remember the goods are the best, and eCe if your credit merchant is doingM well for you. tint it out and talk it over. t- * ' ins Public. 111. Wauconda. Will sell you better Goods atlower prices than any other house in the county. Our line oi D R Y G 0 O D a Dress Goods, Hosiery, A. B. EANLT & BIETOBS or «QP» : ^McHCNBV o m a •-$ Best,Prints . to 6Vc Cotton, (ilc'rt ftnrt nnhl'd yd witte Qotton, blcirheil, beet .10c. Cotton. nn bloaohert Cotton Klannols 8,#, 10«n<l lie 40 inch all wool Caahmero .. 50<- Ctishmeros. 85, 7S. '*>. "5 to $1.15 Flannels U X , IS, 25 to 4Sc Dress <;oo<l«,, 8,9, 10, 11 to 20c Alapaces : 12.Hr. T«l>ie Uncti ts and 30r, I.ii<li"8 an«1 Gents Underwear 30, 40, fiOr Bovs Orerroats, from 14 to W f2.rt-2 So'vs Overcoats, from 'B lb 19 W,<JC ovs Suite, from 7 to 10 #2.75 Bovs Suits, from 0 to 13 W.00 Mens Suits • ... lo Mens Overcoats |3to®19 Onn save you money every tine fjoots, tl.75 to Rhot-b vomans. ...-tl to f-.'.75 Miblier Gootla, cheaper than afcy one. Trunks and Valises cheap Spices cheaper than ever. On Notions we tell on Tvery small profits Cash does it Will sive vou money on big bills." Come ton 10 1bs (tiiisins... ...,...ai.0i- 10 lbs A Guitar #10 10 fl>s Granulated Snjcar #1.0 U lbs C Sugar •l.'H) 50c Te i 44c host Tea, alt kinds #<•«• Ven«t Cakes, all kinds 6<- T. and J. Tobacco 3Cc 14 lbs Rice #1.00 It lbs 1'iunes #1.00 7 bars Son p Hftc 5 bars best Soap 25c. silver Gloss Starch 8e nobbits >aleriUti» 8c No 1 linking Powder 20c Pt^.-.t Nine^ar. Cider and White Wine 18c Choice Syrup 40, 50 and #0c 5c. oiron 5 gallon lots No 1 Plug Tobacno 90r No 1 Vine Cut Tobacco Towels, Table Linens, by the yard, and Pattern Napkins, articles too numerous to mention. Our line of BOOTS & SHOES, and other Were never better as we have jusst received a new assortment; It is ot' no use to attempt to tell you all. We coulil not tell you even one- tenth part of it. The only way tor you to be convinced that what we say is true is for you to come and see ior yourself. That certainly fair. is In Groceries, - We never had a larger stock, and we will not be undersold, quali­ ty of Goods considered. Give us a call when in want of anything in our line. ROBT. HARRISON. Waucond\i, 111., Nov. 24th, 1880. IIow can we do it? We buy for cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per cent (merely a commission) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers in Chicago constantly on tho look out for Bargains and we get them It won't cost.you anything to )ook into the matter, and we say it will save you money. Come and see us and we will do you good. C.JF. HALL Chicago Office, 122 Fran Klin St. tsice HILLS, NEAR THE DEPOT. McHenry, - Illinois ANOTHER ADDITION. FASHIONABLE M MODS A* Low as any other House in the county. Dwaealic Cottah "Ooods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi- tfnt.^AU© Plaid Dress Goods, Fast C!cilored Calicos, Alpcas, Cain, Shawls. &c>, - Offered at the Beet Bargains tn four counties. G. W. BESLEY, , Dmiiist 9ii Apothecary. McHenry, 111. --DEALKR IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. I have added to mv already Large Stock, a Fine Line oi TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. HOLIDAY GOODS, &c. To which he invites the attention of the buying public. ALSO A PULL ASSORTMENT or Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, READY-MAOE CLOTHING, Groceries, Acc. Of the beat quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. Give us a call and inspect Goods and learn Prices. PERRY & MARTIN. McHanry. Sept. 20th, 1880. P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established la Chicago gvor 25 Yeats, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. The Bauer Cabinet Grands, The newest »n<l "most Perfect Production in the arf of Piano Making. Hy the intrtxltic. tion of ;in improved Violin-Shnpert !-toun<lin£ Hoard the volume of tune is greatly increased, and left entirely free from Metallic Qualities Promenent Artists Pronounce it a Mavel of Pef ection. MEP9H8. JU1IUS BAUER A GO., Ohio.aKo.Hl: ti P'NTI.KMlis: The I'auer Piano whrr.H I mirchased of yon. I am happy to say, i* growing in f,»vor every day. The more I use il tljo bjttor I like it. I have had, |«lmos from many jel. 'brnted far tor ic", i ni liavr found none to equal yours in power and purity of tone, e'a-iicilv of l< uch, a durability. I am «l:id that my iirst opir.ion which prompted me in KXiJUA^JGINO mv KNAItii for the BAITKR has proved a lasting vne. Vours respectfully, JOHN UEBLIKU, Pit*sbuv?h, Pa., Nor. 28,|W79. Factory, 120, 127,129 E 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos wiil be found at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER CO. 182-184 WABASH AY. between Monroe and Adams St. CHICAGO The pnhlic are respectfully in- formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand a large stock of the very Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, &c. We have nnusual facilities for- manufacturing and are well pre pared to do Mm Wort With all possible dispatcfi, and we are confident that no Mill in the Northwest can surpass us,"4 either in the promptness of work done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY. |sir* MERC HANTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as out different Brands of Flour arc second to none in the maiket Thanking the public for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same ^ A. H. HANLY & SONS McHeury, 111, Aug 10,1880 Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCalt. C. W. BESLEY. McHenry, III., Nov. 10th, 1880. JOHN8BURCH Marble HENRY MILLER, -DKtUB IK-- Ameriean aid Foreip MarWe .Monuments. Headstones, ETC.* ETC.. mo. * • American & Scotch Granite. Constanty on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Henry, 111. hhinknrgk, Ang. Mtb.fW?? Mc TAKE NOTICE. ALT* ye that lire in want, of Tui»« In any form, from one bnshel to 500; if yon want a Tubmmie to a bnnir-hole, brmcr it along. I will nlno take t>uil<ling* to huilci and furnish, or otherwise just as we san agree, fcliop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ lle*. F. A. HEBARD. MoHENRY, ILL New HardwarelStore. I. N. MEAD! NEAR THE DEPOT, --DEALER IN-- . -- J STOVES, 111. Cipur lid M Ira Win, Tal>le and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Shears, Horse Jtnspa, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, and t iles of every description. Also everything thatis generally kept in a Hard ware Store. Being a Practical Workman, 1 shall spare no pains In trying to give satis­ faction to all wbo favor me with their patron age. All kinds of Jobbing JACOB STORY, McHKNRY, IHiT-4. DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass, GRANITE -l&CK AND TINWARE. 1. STCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALEKSIX-- la my ltne will receive prompt attention. Please give me a call before pnrchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in my line McHenry, Oct. 19th. MTV. I. N. MEAD* General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY. ILL. \Ve have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brought to thi? market, consisting in part ot Dry Goods, tlotbii, Hats, BOOTS AND SHOES, I Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Woodsn and Willoware, V Grooeries Etc., Hto. "We have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat­ isfied that we can suit them both in quality and price. Has just put in his Store a Largre StocK than ever, and is selling »t the very Lowest Prices possible. HAVE GIVEN PRICES BELOW. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. Breakfast Tables, all walnut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from $3.50 and upwards. Common Bed­ steads, $2.75, $3.00 French black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchen Chairs, $3. Cane Seat Chairs^ $5 uj) to $14, Bureaus $9 and upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaids. Lounges, Brussels Carpet, $8. Mattresses, all sizes. $2.75. Bu­ reau, with 14x24 Glass, $15, Looking Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc. I also keep on hand a fine as­ sortment of COFFINS AND CASKETS. JT^grHearse furnished at rea- souab.e rates. JOHN B. BLAKE McHcnry, August 23,1880. Established Oyer a Quarter il a F. G. MAYES, --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, Casslmere and Worsteds tn sell: bj the v«rd, The lHtest stvlcs of (ioo<l8 on liaml ?,.lUlnV.n.,p.-; • 5,v 8,0<*fe of RKADY-MADI CLOTlllXi is now complete and 1 undersold McHenry, nem •m* Wil not be Store in Old the Bridge. Xctyenry, III., J M *•

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