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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1881, p. 4

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^ f T >»;* • * 4^ & * , . * khMmffk & u« ill 11; jWWili'iM 'iimfrni'-mr-T1 ' tf •A&tofftfm *3 THE INTER OCEAN FOR 1381 Dally, fn presenting tha prospectus ftf Tlie filter Ocean for the year 1$8I, It Is MCRAND WK^JTESDAY .TAN &. VAN f4LYKB, fe TI» McHenry Bridge Tl»« hired scribbler of the Wood- Moek Dfwnocrat- lit tempts to male* a point against the Stipervlaor of tlie tftwn of McHenrv, hr charging that ?!»*• failure of the Boanl of Supervisors the appropriation was from the wt that Supervisor Cristy had not j)one his duty in Hie matter. The '^pfrtnttcraC* remark® in relation there- contains so many lies and 10 little sense that it is hardly worth liwtlcfnsr, hut ve cannot refrain from •Rowing op a few of their incoiislsteti- 1(lw«'Uml falsehoods. ^ In oii« article the Dt&MXmt aays; Ot> list Kridar, the matter came he. '•rrtre theOoniity* Bosnl, at its special meeting, *MH th" rpfmci to assist in paving ft»r such hridro, solely on the cronnd that M»* nfcoesss.rv prelimiriarv steps had not been, br the anthorities of said town. '.ti'iNw If this wh« a fact-, why did not the Democrat publish the proceedings of the Board, which they had ample vCfme to do after the meeting was held Ifetore their paper waft published? ftfniply liecanse they knew the official proceedings of the Board would gWe •the lie to rljeir assertion. Tlie truth not *hat they wanted to tell. It Ifti a! commodity in which as journalists itfiey do not deal. The proceedings of the Board can be found in full on the Tftret page of this paper, and here is. what, they did say on that subject: " We also cximine l (he town record*, In Ifferenpp to the petition tor,and the holding a special town meeting for the purpose of *i(i»rrowin^ money to build said bridge and Ifftin>1 them all regular and correct. With these facts before the public, fMit one conclusion can be arrived at 111 relation to this writer in the Demo- that he is either a knave or a fool.and that both appellations would apply to him in a certain sense one can hardly doubt when he reads the follow- I**: There Is a law of the statute under which M»e county is required to contribute one-half tfceexpenfe of *nch bridge* and the town the wther half; prneided ahciy.i, the tovn shall take certain tleti* arid do certain thing*. In this case all these preliminary steps were left in the hands of Mr, Cristv. to attend to. Which it seems he has entirely failed to do. ;It will he news to the citizens of Mc- 3#enry to learn that Mr. Cristy is Road 'Commissioner. The facts are Mr. ^riarty had noChlug whatever to do tl»e preliminary steps towards jSnilding the bridge, as it was solely ' the duty of tke Road Commissioners, jjjtepsrs Adams. We1#h astd CovUl, and have tlie endorsement of the £onrd of Supervisors tliat they done flirty legally and right in every But-the Democrat writer flgajred inotliing for faeM, and no one %*no knows him is art aN astonished at 'Ills failse *nfl*nisliel««6 statements. ' ^ HisTemarhfs hi relation to our elec- Ion last Spring are so lew and sneak­ ing tlmt we do not care even to com- ^nei»t :t)pon tiieia. Wiere are men who #FeiUd ili«grnce a States Prison, and of -•MM* elare, "twin appearance, is the Writer of the Demncrat. And the peo­ ple ef the town of McHenry a*k not •tils advice ercounsel in their mat- •|jer8, either public or private. JuSL «------------» e.!8*ln «penking ot the McHenry. ateriflgeQuestion the Marengo liepubli- • f'*<M» says: r The s**Hr>n of • the Board was adverse to f iring Hit-' $<,000 which it was proposed to itdl« ©n the County, thus learintr the mat. r mhere it should stand--for the town of cUeury to par. 'ry Before you get ofl your horse, broth­ er Babcock, you lial better read the Statute fn relation to this bridge iitiestioii, and then bear in mind that |he town of McHenry proposes to have j§erjust andjegal rights in this matter, "•that same old Coon*' to tlie contrary notwithstanding. Here is tho law on the subject: §70. f County Aid to Build Bridge.] When ««h»ll be necessary to build, construct or Jtepnlr anj' bridge or road in any town, which •would be an unreasonable burden to tlie 1|ame, the cost of wbiclt will be more than Jan be raised in one year by ordinary road ' laxes in such town, the Cotnmixsionori of llighwaro, shall present a petition to the Couuty Hourd of the county in which such Jlown Is eit iated. praying for an aiipropria. < (ion from the county Ireasurv toaiilinthe kuilding, cou^triu ting and repairing of such Jtridjre or road, and such Conntv Board shall #» hen one-half the necessarv funds hare been 1 #r°vi'led for by the town authorities appro­ priate the other h-ilf: Provided. That all nn. .. vxpended surplus of any appropriation that fnay be grant«d under the provisions of this fertiun shall be paid back into the county OARPIKM) H*8 S»«K QUAINT IDEAS. *'1 sometimes think of myself,'" con­ tinued General Garfleld, "As a man going to prison. Yon have heard the advice given to a man who ha* been convicted of a crime, to go to priaon and bear manfully the punishment for hla offense, to obey all the rules of the prison, and when his term expiree to oome back home and'live it down.' 1 am going to see If I can obey all tiro t'nles of the Presidency, and then come back home and "live it down." Speaking particularly of the te­ nacity and pertinacity of offlce-seekers and of the pain which some tiff them have already begun to Inflict upon him* Gen.Garfield remarked: *It may ap­ pear very foolish to be greatly annoy­ ed by what seem to be little things, or by the dogged pertinacity of those one term small people, but it cannot be helped sometimes. Some of my re­ cent experiences lu this regard remind me of the story of the ichneilmon and the crocodile on the bank of the Nile. The keen, cunning, cruel creature call­ ed the iclineunioii. Watches until it sees the crocodile fast asleep with his mouth open. It then rushes quickly down his throat, and with sharp teeth and claws lays hold of the very vitals of tlie great crocodile, which, wi th all his strength is utterly powerless to iocsen the hold of his relentless little toruienter. Ho rolls and writhes in hisstron>; agony and desperation, and at last dies. Imagine a crocodile with a hundred or a thousand ichneumon* down Ills throat, and you have a pic­ ture'of tlie torture that may be inflic­ ted upon a sensitive, sympathetic ua- scarcely necessary to remind the peo­ ple of the Northwest that the papor has been from the date of its establish­ ment, pre-eminent as an exponent of stalwart Republicanism, and in ad­ vance of all others iti promulgating that system of political ethics which has as Its foundation the idea of humanity in politics. It is not the advocate of coldly conceived theories, but the champion of ideas warm with the blood of struggling and bleeding humanity. As such it Is read nml know of all men. It is not necces8ary to say tliac The Inter Ocean has never deserted tlie platform or principles on which it b»«- gan the fight for tlie rights of tlie citi­ zen or Its work in tin* interests of the people, but It is gratifying to know that tlie Kepublic.iu party has come tinallv to stand squarely &n this stal­ wart platform, and that in fhus mov­ ing forward the party leaders have ac­ knowledge that the position of The later Ocean, taken-years ago. was cor­ rect, Tills l«, to The Inter Ocean,* the heartiest and (host emphatic iudorse- niont of its policy and the most effect­ ive testimony as to tlie value of its in- Itnence, and tlio quality ot its leader­ ship. The influence of this leadership was never more apparent, nor tlie hold I'lie Inter Ocean has on earnest Republicans was never more torciblv illustrated than during the last 'Presidential campaign. Through the campaign the earnestness, loyalty, and enterprise of the paper everywhere recognized as important factors iu determining tlie result, and its status as the leading Republican journal of the Northwest was lixed beyond dispute. In view of these facts, it Is only nec tnre by the hcrde of offlce-seekers i cessary to say that The Inter Ocean ill maintain this position by coi|-which attack a new President, or any oilier man wno has patronage to be­ stow at the Incoming of a new Admin­ istration." A President labors under a disadvan- age that the crocodile does not**'added General Garfield. The InchneHmons that assail him do not wait until he is asleep, nor do they hunt singly--they come at all times and seasons, and in squads or regiments at a time."--Cor­ respondence of Tribune. tinning in tlie straightforward conrnf that lias made it so many frieii<fc among Republicans everywhere, and that has given it a reputation for courageous fairness and journalistic zeal and enterprise. It will insis^ou a {party policy es­ sentially stalwart, believing that the interests of ail sections and the wel- |rcaaurr. •©^Congressman Slierwin is looking •harpiy to the interests of his constiu- ents--and to the commercial standing of the dairy interests of the Pox River Valley. On Monday last he introduced into the house of Representatives a Mil to regulate the export ofo oleomar­ garine. It provides for the appoint­ ment by the Secretary of the Treasury of an Inspector of dairy products for the port of Near York, and such other ports as he may deem necessary, to se- enre the exportation of oleomargarine and dairy products properlv marked By this means he hopes to protect American dairy men in foreign mar­ kets. and have American products gieen to the foreign trade for just what they «re. fn tjhe home marke t, we imagine, protection of dairymen Must be secured by State Legislation. Mr, Hherwli) has heretofore been very •uecessful In semiring the passage of WUs in whieb*h£ and th« Four*h Dis­ trict I)*?* been interested, and we < think he will equally suceessfulln this matter, which so largely interest* the butter «n4 eheese gxportlog portion of, bis loostititeius, ju.U indirectly «»«ry person living In the dairf belt. Aurora Reason. 19^ ̂ Philadelphia inan has per feet* •4 ail Invention whereby sour kraut can 11* boiled in the feouse without aur ef tU*> Inmates smelling it. The in­ vention «<Mt*1sts of^ small liver like M«fLlu»lwrg«r ebeete worn under the uosfe, '--J J Hall.oftiu? Dundee and Richmond Stores, buys and seiis for cash only. XORTHKKN ILLINOIS WOOL GKOWMt*. We find the following report of the Annual Meeting of the Northern Illi­ nois Fine Wool Growers Association, is .the Elgin Z-eader of Wednesday. Tlie annual meeting of Ihe Northern Ills. Fine Wool Sheep Shearing Asso­ ciation was held at the Warerly House to-day. Their meeting was a quiet one. hard­ ly anyone outside of the hotel know­ ing that such a convention was iu pro­ gress. Some of tlie heaviest sheep raisers in the state were in attendance Among thein were: R. Lawnon and Isaac Hatch, Ringwood: L. H. (Smith, Cary Station; A. S. and Geo E. Peck. Geneva; N,S. Colby, McHenry; J. C, George. Harvard; Dairi Kelley. and C. B. Kelley. Wheaton;©. W. Hunt, Greenwood; Fred Collieon. Richmond; Tlios. McD Richards. Woodstock; J. Manning, and W. C. Vandercocki "Cher, ry Valley; and C. A, Sears, /Garden Prairie. The first business of the meeting after deing called to order was the of officers for the ensuing year. Geo. Peck, of Geneva, was elected presi­ dent. Geo. Hunt, Greenwood, vice- president; and W. C. Vandercock. Cherry Valley, secretary and treasurer. The report of tne retiring treasurer which was read showed a balance of 97.80 in tlie treasury. \ When the miscellaneous business was taken up. it was decided that the mem­ bers of the association each consider himself a committee to attend the Wisconsin Wool Growers Convention to be held at Whitewater, January 18 and 19. After soine little discussion in the matter, Woodstock was choseu is the place wherein to hold the annual Sheep Shearing festival next April, ami Tlios. McD Richards was appoint­ ed a committee of one to make ail the necessary arrangements for ground*, com in it tees, etc. He was instructed to procure from tlie Wisconsin Association three men to act as judges at the shear­ ing contest in Woodstock in April. At his suggestion, Metsrs. Paul Kelley, G. Hunt,and Geo. Peck, were appointed to act in return as a committee for the Wisconsin Association, provided they desired them. A committee consisting of Thomas McD Richards, G. W. Hunt and W. C* Vandercock was appointed to get up petition to send to the Hon. Johu C, Sherwiu and the senators from this state asking thein to use all honorable means to sustain the tariff on wool, believing it necessary to prosperity of the Industry in this state. All of the gentlemen in attendance, were men ot means and intelligence, and they take a pride iu their business, believing it to be, as it is, one of tlie importeut Industries of the country. l,t AX K&QIAXRS HALL, :t ••••" • ' Wauconda, Friday M? Jaa. 21st, 1881. Music,--Tidmarsh*8 Quadrille Band. Floor Maitagor-- Geo. Haiily TICKETS, (including* Sup­ per,) Those desiring Costumes can procure the same by calling on E. A. Golding, any time /before the Pavty. Extra Costunies will be on hand for those who desire on the evening- of the Party. A ffood time is anticipated.«*- Everybody is invited. By Order Wanconda Boys. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I --OK -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT-- Close of Business Dec. 31 '80 r r fare of all elapses will be b^st conserv­ ed by a close adherence to the funda­ mental principles of Republicanism. It will maintain its present attitude in favor of protecting American in­ dustry against the pauper labor and concentrated capital of tlie world, and will be foremost in tlie tight on any new questions that may be sprung on the Republican party. The Int"/r Ocean will discuss all public questions fairly and fearlessly ; it will i;ive the news accurately and fully, suppleiuentings'it with intelli­ gent and fair minded comment;it w«II maintain its high standard in State, Washington and foreign correspon­ dence, and will continue to devote special attention to departments hav­ ing reference to home affairs. "The Curiosity Shop." "Woman's Kingdom" and "Farm and Honae," have grown better with each succecding year and the conscientious effort that gave '.hem their popularity will be de­ voted to their improvement. Tlie Veterinary department, iji charge of a practical veterinary sir geou, will be made of special value horsemen and stock growers. In the department of llction tli4 best serials have been secured, and thess will appear iu connection with short sketches and stories. The market reports, taking in finan­ cial and commercial news, and dis- cussion of trade topics, will be made full am) reliable, giving «pecial atten­ tion to matters in which mercnauts, stock-growers and farmers of the Northwe«t have a direct interest. Tlie Weekly inter Ocean will give the news of each week complete, pre­ senting important matters in detaih and condensing minor news iu such a way as not to obscure or weaken any statement of fact. Tlie weekly will be iu short more comprehensive in char­ acter and scope than any other polit­ ical or general newspaper Iu tlie country. lu addition to all other departments mentioned In connection with tlie weekly, the semi-weekly will continue Its educational department under its present able editor. Believing that the later Ocean con­ tributed not a little to Republican success iu the last campaign, the pro­ prietors have no hesitation iu asking the stalwarts of the country to aid them iu widening and extending its Held of influence. Tlie wholesome* ness and effectiveness of the influence of such a paper have beer, demonstrat­ ed beyond dispute. Republicans in­ terested in maintaining tlie integrity and enpritde corps of the party are interested in increasing the circu­ lation of those papers tiiat contribute most to the desired ends. Among all such papers the later Ocean stand* first. There is no variation in tlie prices of tlie various editions. The inter Ocean is tlie cheapest paper--consider­ ing the amount of'reading matter furnished and its high character as a journal--published In the country, ^Dail pa RKSOITRCKS Loans and discounts #144,937 4d Overdrafts S,50ft65 (J. s. Ilonds to a«eure circulation... 6U.000 no U. 3. Uouds on hand 1750 00 l»ne froin apjirovec reserve agents. 33,065 77 Dae from otliur National Bi'iiks 6, 539 47 Ke;il estate, furniture and lixtures, 4.200 W Current expenses and luxes paid... 564 I'rem in ins-pa id 26 00 Checks and other ca«n item a 6#8 93 Hills of other banks 6,473 0C Krc'l paper cur. nickels St pennies.. » 60 Specie T 19.R52 »j0 Legal tender notes 4,000 00 Redemption fund With U.S. Treas. nrer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,960 00 Due from U. 3. Treasurer other than 5 per cent redemption fund 800 00 Total 9277,356 79 LIABILITIES. Capital -stoek paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund 31,425 25 Undivided prollts 2.A33 43 National bank notes outstanding:... 45,000 00 individual deposits BUbjcct to check 117,306 8*i Demand certificates of deposit 1,131 35 Is more than ever fully pre­ pared to move on the works of the enemy who are con­ tinually charging the good le of McHenry county fearful high prices for their Boots and Shoes and Rubbers. He keeps in stock the celebrated Selz Boots and Shoes and will sample them both as to quality and price with any dealer in the Korthwest. He buys and sells more Boots and Shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock and is the only exclusive Cash house of the kind in McHenry county. Call and see him. Corner Main St. and Public Square Woodstock, 111. Total .. STATE OP ILLINOIS, 1277,350 79 SS McHenry County, I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the above named B;ink, do solemnly swear that tbe above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. John J. Hukpht. Cashier. 3nbscril>ed and sworn to before me this 8th day* of Jan., WS1. , C. II. Dowitki.lt, Notary PobHe. Correct--Attest: Freeman Whitimo, W. H. stkwaiit K. A, Mubphv. Directors. Money to loan on real estate* for long tiniffe at lortr interest. JOHJT .1. MURI'HY. $500 REWARD! Over a Million ot _ Prof, Guilmette FRENCH ly Inter Ocean, one year, postage »ld $10.00 Serai-Weekly Inter Occan, one Tear, postage paid I Weekly Inter Ocean, ons year, postage paid 2.50 Sample copies sent free lion. on 1.15 ftpplica- Atfdress, THE INTEROCEAW, Giucaoo. donseaoeiitly can offer von iu<Ju&eiuents InUU price U*t. |&"Here (h what Yennor lias to say about January weatlier: "I anticipate that New Years callers will have heavy sleighing this year front Montreal t.o Washington, D. C„ and that a eotd snap during the first quarter of this month will preservs it for that period. I expect blockades of suow in tlie United States about the 7tli and 8lli of January, and rainy days dtiriug tlie nouth will be exceedingly few. The second quarter will open with heavy snow falls and terminate In a cold snap. The middle of the month will firing snow falls which will terminate «0 milder weather toward tlie end of the third quarter. This thaw will be iiit«iriipt«<l by a brief cold spell, and will«*teud from about the eighteenth of tlie mouth co the middle ef Febru­ ary, The record of this month will show H wilt Wye been a severe one. and tlie general eonditlon of the weather will proUaMy remind us ol soin« of w11*41 are cid'ed *«sal old fash­ ioned winters.'" It |« our opinion that Vftmmr don't fcfi £jte ekangeji once in a hundred times but it is cold enough to suit anyone. By IJ alvergal Aeeord Ayer's cathartic pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are tti*» product of long, laborious and successful chemical Investigation, and tlifir extensive use by phv*icians iu tlieir practice, and by all civilised na­ tions, proves them *he best and most Auoces«fiil purgative rill that medical sideuce can devise. Being purely veg­ etable no lianu can arise from tlieir use. In intrinsic value and curative powers, no other pills c»u be compared witli them, and every person knowing their virtues will employ litem when ne»ded. Tliey keep tlie system iu per­ fect order anil maintain iu health)' ac­ tion the whole machinery of life.* Mild searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to tlie needs of the digestive apparatus, darnngenients of which they prevent and uuve, if timely takeu. They are the best and sate.-t physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but eflectuaf cathartic is required. For sale by all dealers. FtTZStMMONS Jk Etahson have se­ cured a number of Oases Boys and Mens Hoots at extremely low prices luheavy and light Kip. which will be sold with our usual small margin td- ded. Cash tells Have already been fcolit 111 this rou 11 try and in France; every­ one rf whW'li has given per fed satisfaction And has per­ formed en res every time whe used according to directions. We now nav to the afflicted and doubting onea ltmt we will pay theubove reward for single ease of LAME BACH. That the Pad fail* enre, This Great ltuniedv will I'O^IVIV 1£I>Y and I'KltMAN ENTlA' core l.umbnpro, Lame Back, Sciatica, «iravol, Ptai.eie*, l»ro|wv, Bright'* Irtaeaae of the Kidneys, liicortiuence uiid lictuutioii ot t in Urina, Intl i n ttio 1 of the Kidneys, Catarrh of t ie Bladder, High Colored Urine, I'nin in the Itack, »ide or l.oins, Ncrvoux WcHkncHf, and in fuel all dit>ordur* oi the Bladder "and Urinary Organ* whether con­ tracted bv private disease* or otherwise. I..VI)IKS, if yon are «uttering from Female Weaknesses, Lenrorrliasa, or imy disease of tlie Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. You Can Be Cured! Without swnltowiug nauseous mcdicines, by sunfily wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S- Freneh Kidney Pad, WHICH ( I'll hs iJY A1;m»U I'TIoS." Ask vim r drugicist lor i'Ki )K. Hl'l-MtT- t'K'rt t'UKNCIl KIDNKY l'AD, and take no other. If he liaa not K<>t it. semi fii.OOaud you wi.l receive the t'-ul bv return mail." TK*TIMONIAI,s KIIOM TIIK l'KOPLE. JUtKrK BUCHANAN, Lawyer. Toledo, O. nays: '•One of Prof. Gultmette's French Kidney Pads cured me of Lumbago iu three week's time. My ca«o had been given up by the best Doctors as .ncurable. During all this time 1 suifered untoM agon> and paid out large sums of money. UKOltUK V KIT Kit, J. P., Toledo, O-, 8i»y« •'I ait tiered for three years with Sciatica and Kidney Dise:i>e, and often had to go about 011 crtitchet), 1 was entirely and per maneutly c.ired after wearing f-rof. Gnil inetteS rreecli Kidnov Pad .four weeks." •SQU1UK S. C. suofT. Svlviinia, O. writes "1 have been a gresi •uliever for 15 year with Briglit'a L)i«eai>e of the Kidneys. For weeks lit 11 lime was (indole to gel out of bed took birrelMof medicine, but they gavo.me no temporary relief. I wore two of Profc Uiiilmeuc't) Kidney l'uds six weeks, and now I am entirely cured." Wits. itKLLKN JKltoMK, Toledo, O., sayn '"For years 1 have been conilneu a great part bf the time to 111 v bed, with Lucorrhtea ahil female weakness*. I wore one of Uuil invite's Kidney Pads aitd was cured in one month.', H. B. (;itEEN, w holesalo Grocer, Findlay O., writes: "I suiTcrod 23 years with lame back and In thres weeks was pcrmanmtiy cureil by wearing one of Prof. Uuiimette's Kidney Pads," B. F. KEE4LIVG, M. D. Druggist, Logan# nort, Ind., when sanding in an order ror Kidney Pads, writes: "I wore one of the ilr-tt ones we had and I received more beneilt 1 roin it-than anything I ever used. In fact the 1'iids gave better general satisfiiction than auy Kidney remedy we over sold." K.VY « SIIOBM VKEK, Druggists, Hanni­ bal, Mo. ',Wti are working up a lively trade In your Pads, and aru hearing ot good results front tbeui every day." Come, Come, T O Fitzaimmons & Ifcansoa, At Tbe Wist End of HcHeoty, For a good, well made Overcoat For a nobby and well made suit of Clothes For genuine hnnd-niade Boots and Shoes. For Hats and Cups 111 latest styles. For the most complete assortment of No tions, For ••ever} day" Dry Goods For Gloves and Mittens, For the best and purest Teas, Sugars, Coffes and Spices, To nell your good.Butter and Fresh Eggs < kmie .we say to make money on small or large deals. Come and convince yourselves that we ine<m businc&s. Over 500 Overcoats yet unsold that must be elosed out. Come and sec. Don't Read This, Unless --AND DEALEK IN-- CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILL. Hardware, Hardware, Hardware, For the million, down at bnt Ten per cent Above Cost. I I am determined to adhere to the motto of ••QMiek^afes ilnrt small Profits" In ray bust, ness, and hence make the startling announce­ ment of "ONLY TE.N PER CENT ABOVE COST." HOLIDAY GOODS, \ Also kept at my store, when in town. Don't fait to call in F. R. WELLS. Wauconda. III. For Strength, Flavor Purity --TIIE-- Rich. You Want to get BLOSSOM, Woodstock Jeweler, Silver and plated ware in endless variety, at O. W. Owen's. Prl«»»s reilitise'l on Slnwl* an4 Cloaks Fitssixmons So Evansok. Invest your money 4' Evanson's--now. at Fitzeimmons Prof. Gailmebto's French Liver Pad. Will po*itively cure fever and Ague, Dumb Agu« Ague Cake, ftiltous Fever, Jsnndicc, Dysnepaln, u:id all diseases of thu Liver, Stoin"m-;ii and HUkhI. Price tl.W l>y mail, send for I'rof. uuiimellu's Trcaiueou the Kldntys and Livej, free hy mail. Address FKENOU PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For Sale by Colby Brothers, McHenry, III. Th.0 Always Awake, Never Asleep. Ts receiving New Goods every day until his store is literally- packed with tine Watches and Jewelry .^Clocks, Silverware, Cutlery Fancy Ciocds, &c., Ac. at Prices That Defy Competition- Rethember it ii for yotir interest to gro miles to trade with him It will pay you. South Side Public Square, sign t>f the Big '/Vafcch. A. Has sot its Epal ii America 11 i« .«ol<l in Pound and Half.Pound Psr.k- agesONLV-NKVKR IN BULK. See that the sen Is are unlivoken and l>ear the signa­ ture of O. JEVNE. FOB SALE BY Fitzsfmmons & Evaneon SOLE AGENTS FOR MOHENRV, ILL. FALL AND WIHTEB C A M F A 1 G OPENED. LAUE& & BECKER, iXear tlie Depot M c H e n r y - - - - - l l J I n o i s , Mare just filled their store with a full stock of the latest styles and pat­ terns of CLOTHS, -FOR- fall & Wtatev Suitings. Which they are prepar­ ed to make to order on short notice, and war* rant satisfaction. We also liavea full line of FURNISHING GOODS Collars, Cuffs. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. In which we will not be undersold, qoallty of goods considered. In the ll«t line we have the GsrfleJd an«f Hiinrock, the latest and nobbiest style ont. When in want of a single garment or a full suit do not fail to give us a culL LAUER Mr.Hcury, Oct. 5th, 1380. A BECKER TrtADE" M AStMllTi -- -- ^BILT EDGE\: REMEDY iver or Kwd 18 A THOROUGH In every «n«c of® Malarial Ke< .. and Afiiin, wliile for disorders of the Stomal Tovpl dit\ of the I.iver, Indigestion '»nd dlfc turbances of the unlmnl forces, wlncii del 1 i late, itlms no equivalent, and can have uo siitistitu te. It Alxrnld not lie confounded with triturated ronii>oiinds of cheap sytri|e and c^^ential oils, otten sold undei^tne bsM of Ititters. for <?ai e nr Drng(lstsr Grocers .ind Vint Merc ha* • \or> nll.Mg

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